Special Issue on Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and its Applications

ISSN: 0941-0643 (Print) 1433-3058 (Online)

In this topical collection (15 articles)

  1. Special issue on Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and its Applications

    Fine-tuned support vector regression model for stock predictions

    Ranjan Kumar Dash, Tu N. Nguyen, Korhan Cengiz Pages 23295-23309
  2. Special issue on Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and its Applications

    A deep learning framework for realistic robot motion generation

    Ran Dong, Qiong Chang, Soichiro Ikuno Pages 23343-23356
  3. Special issue on Human-in-the-loop Machine Learning and its Applications

    Towards human distance estimation using a thermal sensor array

    Abdallah Naser, Ahmad Lotfi, Joni Zhong Pages 23357-23367