Topical Collection on Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior

ISSN: 2198-7866 (Online)

In this topical collection (18 articles)

  1. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior (M Kohandel, Section Editor)

    Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Differentiation and Dedifferentiation

    Alexandra Jilkine Pages 66-72
  2. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behaviour (M Kohandel and M Przedborski, Section Editors)

    Cancer Stem Cell Division: Mathematical Models and Insights

    Ellen R. Swanson, Samantha L. Elliott, Elizabeth A. Zollinger Pages 204-211
  3. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior (M Kohandel, Section Editor)

    Mathematical Modeling of Normal and Cancer Stem Cells

    Lora D. Weiss, Natalia L. Komarova Pages 232-239
  4. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior (M Kohandel, Section Editor)

    Cancer Stem Cells, the Tipping Point: Minority Rules?

    Farinaz Forouzannia, Sivabal Sivaloganathan Pages 240-247
  5. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior (M Kohandel, Section Editor)

    Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Stem Cells

    Hanna L. Sladitschek, Pierre A. Neveu Pages 248-252
  6. Mathematical Models of Stem Cell Behavior (M Kohandel, Section Editor)

    Stem Cell Evolutionary Dynamics of Differentiation and Plasticity

    Kamran Kaveh Pages 366-372