Sol-Gel Research in Japan

ISSN: 0928-0707 (Print) 1573-4846 (Online)

In this topical collection (32 articles)

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  1. Invited Paper: Fundamentals of sol-gel and hybrid materials processing

    Alcohol-induced deboronation of organoborosilicate thin films

    Arisa Fukatsu, Ayana Karim, Kenji Okada Pages 485-489
  2. Invited Paper: Industrial and technological applications of sol-gel and hybrid materials

    New technology and application development of alkoxide-derived high purity alumina

    Shunsuke Sakamoto, Shota Sakaki Pages 519-525
  3. Invited Paper: Nano-structured materials (particles, fibers, colloids, composites, etc.)

    Bottom-up synthesis of ruthenate nanosheets by aqueous solution process

    Takayuki Ban, Kazuki Inukai, Taiki Hattori Pages 536-547
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