Topical Collection on Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer

ISSN: 1556-3790 (Print) 1556-3804 (Online)

In this topical collection (23 articles)

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  1. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Quality of Life After Radiotherapy for Rectal and Anal Cancer

    Shane S. Neibart, Sharon L. Manne, Salma K. Jabbour Pages 1-10
  2. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Non-operative Management (NOM) of Rectal Cancer: Literature Review and Translation of Evidence into Practice

    Christopher J. Anker, Dmitriy Akselrod, Steven Ades Pages 23-41
  3. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (PP Lee and AC Raldow, Section Editors)

    The Evolving Landscape of Neoadjuvant Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

    Stephanie M. Yoon, Percy Lee, Ann Raldow Pages 39-48
  4. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (PP Lee and AC Raldow, Section Editors)

    Toxicity Management in the Era of Changing Treatment Paradigms for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

    Anjalika R. Kumar, Nina N. Sanford Pages 55-59
  5. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Role of MR-guided Radiotherapy (MRgRT) in Colorectal Cancer

    Ritchell van Dams, Ann C. Raldow, Percy Lee Pages 69-76
  6. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Recent Advances in Functional MRI to Predict Treatment Response for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

    Yu Gao, Jonathan Pham, Stephanie Yoon, Minsong Cao Pages 77-87
  7. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Current Trends in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Where We Are and How We Got Here

    Rebecca M. Shulman, Joshua E. Meyer Pages 88-102
  8. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    The Role of Ablative Radiotherapy to Liver Oligometastases from Colorectal Cancer

    Eric Ku, John Yeakel, Meng Gan, Faisal Ahmed Pages 103-112
  9. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Functional Imaging Predictors of Response to Chemoradiation

    Elaine Luterstein, Ann Raldow, Yingli Yang, Percy Lee Pages 106-114
  10. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Non-surgical “Watch and Wait” Approach to Rectal Cancer

    Zahra Ghiassi-Nejad, Karyn Goodman Pages 118-124
  11. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (P Lee and A Raldow, Section Editors)

    Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer: Current Status and Future Directions

    Jay C. Shiao, Kareem Riadh Fakhoury, Jeffrey Olsen Pages 125-134
  12. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (PP Lee and AC Raldow, Section Editors)

    Local Therapy Options for Recurrent Rectal and Anal Cancer: Current Strategies and New Directions

    Edward Christopher Dee, Christine E. Eyler Pages 157-169
  13. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Pelvic Reirradiation for the Treatment of Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer

    Randa Tao, Shane Lloyd, Lindsay Burt Pages 175-182
  14. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Total Neoadjuvant Therapy (TNT) in Rectal Cancer

    Sarah J. Stephens, Christopher G. Willett Pages 199-206
  15. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    What Is the Future of Circulating Tumor Cells in Colorectal Cancer?

    Yun Deng, Hui Zhang, Zhen Zhang Pages 207-216
  16. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Radiation Therapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases

    Yushen Qian, Kiran A. Kumar, Sara A. Dudley Pages 240-249
  17. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Radiotherapy for the Primary Tumor in Patients with Metastatic Rectal Cancer

    Milly Buwenge, Lucia Giaccherini, Alessandra Guido Pages 250-256
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