Topical Collection on Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer

ISSN: 1556-3790 (Print) 1556-3804 (Online)

In this topical collection (23 articles)

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  1. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Biomarkers that Predict Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

    Philmo Oh, Kevin L. Du Pages 276-283
  2. Radiation Therapy and Radiation Therapy Innovations in Colorectal Cancer (JY Wo, Section Editor)

    Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced or Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer

    Michael G. Haddock, Christopher L. Hallemeier Pages 402-409
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