Topical Collection on Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development

ISSN: 2198-6428 (Online)

In this topical collection (16 articles)

  1. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido and A van Wijnen, Section Editors)

    Cell Mechanosensitivity Is Enabled by the LINC Nuclear Complex

    Gunes Uzer, Clinton T. Rubin, Janet Rubin Pages 36-47
  2. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido and A van Wijnen, Section Editors)

    Paracrine Signaling by Extracellular Vesicles via Osteoblasts

    Jess Morhayim, Resti Rudjito, Johannes P. van Leeuwen Pages 48-55
  3. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido and A van Wijnen, Section Editors)

    PTH Signaling and Epigenetic Control of Bone Remodeling

    Florante Ricarte, Teruyo Nakatani, Nicola Partridge Pages 56-61
  4. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido and A van Wijnen, Section Editors)

    Systemic Control of Bone Homeostasis by FGF23 Signaling

    Erica L. Clinkenbeard, Kenneth E. White Pages 62-71
  5. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido, Section Editor)

    Sclerostin and Adipose Tissue

    Keertik Fulzele, Paola Divieti Pajevic Pages 71-78
  6. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido, Section Editor)

    Connecting Bone and Fat: the Potential Role for Sclerostin

    Heather Fairfield, Clifford J. Rosen Pages 114-121
  7. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido, Section Editor)

    New PTH Signals Mediating Bone Anabolism

    Hadla Hariri, Martin Pellicelli, René St-Arnaud Pages 133-141
  8. Molecular Biology of Skeletal Development (T Bellido and A van Wijnen, Section Editors)

    Osteocytes and Skeletal Pathophysiology

    Jesus Delgado-Calle, Teresita Bellido Pages 157-167