Topical Collection on Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Trials and Their Interpretations

ISSN: 1523-3804 (Print) 1534-6242 (Online)

In this topical collection (44 articles)

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  1. Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Trials and Their Interpretations (L. Roever, Section Editor)

    Anatomical References to Evaluate Thoracic Aorta Calcium by Computed Tomography

    Jesiana Ferreira Pedrosa, Sandhi Maria Barreto Article:51
  2. Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Trials and Their Interpretations (L. Roever, Section Editor)

    Effects of Radiotherapy in Coronary Artery Disease

    Rose Mary Ferreira Lisboa da Silva Article:50
  3. Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Trials and Their Interpretations (L. Roever, Section Editor)

    Optimal Antithrombotic Therapy for Patients with STEMI Undergoing PCI at High Risk of Bleeding

    Yan Tu, Lu Hu, Chanjuan Yang, Arash Nemat, Gaopeng Xian Article:22
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