Topical Collection on Stomach and Duodenum

ISSN: 1522-8037 (Print) 1534-312X (Online)

In this topical collection (29 articles)

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  1. Stomach and Duodenum (J Pisegna and J Benhammou, Section Editors)

    Treatment of NASH with Gastric Bypass

    Pichamol Jirapinyo, Christopher C. Thompson Article:49
  2. Stomach and Duodenum (Joseph Pisegna and Jihane Benhammou, Section Editors)

    Current Perspectives in Atrophic Gastritis

    Edith Lahner, Laura Conti, Bruno Annibale Article:38
  3. Stomach and Duodenum (J Pisegna and J Benhammou Section Editors)

    Gastric Bypass and Influence on Improvement of NAFLD

    Vamsi Alli, Ann M. Rogers Article:25
  4. Stomach and Duodenum (J Pisegna and J Benhammou, Section Editors)

    Endoscopic Therapies for Gastroparesis

    Andrew Su, Jeffrey L. Conklin, Alireza Sedarat Article:25
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