Topical Collection on Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy

ISSN: 1943-4588 (Print) 1943-4596 (Online)

In this topical collection (64 articles)

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  1. Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy (A Kong, Section Editor)

    Axillary Primary and Breast Cancer Management

    Nicole Christian, Gretchen Ahrendt Pages 42-48
  2. Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy (DM Euhus, Section Editor)

    Ablative Treatment of Breast Cancer; Are We There Yet?

    David R Brenin Pages 43-50
  3. Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy (KK Hunt, Section Editor)

    Surgical Management of Hereditary Breast Cancer

    Magdalena Plasilova, Anees B. Chagpar Pages 43-47
  4. Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy (DM Euhus, Section Editor)

    Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction

    Deepa Bhat, Halley Darrach, Justin M. Sacks Pages 48-54
  5. Local-Regional Evaluation and Therapy (A Kong, Section Editor)

    Advances in Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy

    Michael Siedow, Valerie Grignol Pages 49-55
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