1 Introduction

CMOS technology based on today’s traditional transistors follows Moore’s law. This law was introduced by Gordon Moore in 1965 and predicts that the number of transistors placed inside a chip will double every 2 years. Therefore, minimizing transistor dimensions is needed to design high-speed, high-density, and power-down circuits [1]. Today, many integrated circuits have been made on a scale of 0.23–0.33 microns, but when the size of the device reaches 0.5 microns or less, physical limitations such as power dissipation and problems with lithography and design complexity arise [2]. Thus, doubling the number of transistors in a microprocessor every 2 years and doubling the clock speed every 3 years will not be possible. As a result, to improve the performance of arithmetic units, there is a need for other technologies [3,4,5].

As successor to CMOS, researchers have proposed a method in which computations are performed by quantum dots. This technology was first introduced in 1994 and was called quantum-dot cellular automata. In QCA, unlike today’s computers that transmit information through electrical current from one point to another, the transmission of polarization status causes data transfer. In this technology, binary values are created by different specific electron arrangements at the quantum dots in a cell. Quantum cells are in the form of a square, and quantum dots are located in the corners of the square. Each cell has two extra electrons that are arranged diagonally by electrical repulsion. How polarization of quantum cells represents zero and one binary. The cell is polarized by enabling the Columbic interaction with neighboring cells [6]. In this way, it does not establish any electrical current between cells. Therefore, this technology has very low power dissipation [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14].

The main contribution of this study is to present a new structure for single-bit full adder based on two-input XOR gate without cross-wiring.

2 Background

Quantum-dot cellular automata is a new technology suitable for nanoscale structures [10, 15,16,17]. The basic element of QCA is a square quantum cell. Four quantum dots are located in the corner of a cell, and two electrons are located inside them [18]. Figure 1a shows the structure of a quantum cell and two stable arrangements of electrons encoded to logic “0” and logic “1.”

One of the primary structures in QCA is three-input majority gate. QCA three-input majority gate performs the majority function of the three inputs A, B, and C as AB + AC + BC. Figure 1b shows the structure of this gate. Also the two-input OR and AND gates are constructed by fixing one of the majority gate inputs to the polarizations “+ 1” and “− 1,” respectively. The inverter gate with two different configurations of the QCA cells is shown in Fig. 1c.

Fig. 1
figure 1

QCA basic structures. a QCA cell. b Three-input majority gate. c Inverter gate

3 Clock Operation

The clocking scheme in the QCA consists of four phases. In the first phase or Switch phase, cell is in non-polarity state and the potential barrier among quantum dots is down. During this phase, the barrier goes up and the cell begins to polarize according to its own input. In the second phase or the Hold phase, the barrier is kept high. In the third phase or Release phase, the barrier is lowered and the cells will be allowed to go into internal polarity state. Finally, during the fourth phase which is called Relax phase, the potential barrier is kept low and cell remains in non-polarity state [19,20,21]. Four phases clock scheme is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

QCA clocking scheme

4 Related works

One of the most basic components in the design of the arithmetic unit is a full adder. The following two equations are mostly considered in the design of a single-bit full adder.

$$\begin{aligned} {Sum}= & {} A\oplus B\oplus C_\mathrm{in} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} C_\mathrm{out}= & {} AB+C_\mathrm{in} (\hbox {A}\oplus B) \end{aligned}$$

Output Sum is the binary summation of three inputs A, B and \(C_\mathrm{in}\). The inputs A and B are the new two binary inputs. \(C_\mathrm{in}\) is the carry out of the least significant binary bits. \(C_\mathrm{out}\) represents the generated carry from the sum of the three binary inputs A, B and \(C_\mathrm{in}\). Table 1 shows the truth table of a single-bit full adder.

Table 1 Truth table for a single-bit full adder
Fig. 3
figure 3

Full adder structures. a Presented in [22]. b Presented in [23]

In recent years, research on the design of nanoscale full adder is significantly increased especially in the QCA [22,23,24,25,26]. In [22], a single-bit adder is presented using two majority gates. The QCA design of this structure is shown in Fig. 3a. This structure uses a five-input majority gate to produce SUM signal. In [23], a design of single-bit full adder by using three majority and two inverter gates is introduced. Figure 3b shows the QCA layout of this structure. As shown in Fig. 3, both of these structures use cross-wiring and are therefore not robust. In [27], the structure of presented full adder consists of two main components, the three-input majority gate and the three-input XOR gate. In this structure, the conventional wire crossing method is employed to transmit two input values independently. In the next section, we propose a new structure for the single-bit full adder based on the two-input XOR gate without cross-wiring.

5 Proposed Structure

This section explains the proposed structure of the single-bit full adder. For this purpose, we first introduce the structure of two-input XOR extracted from the design [27] and then describe the design of the single-bit full adder using QCA cells.

The output of the two-input XOR gate is obtained by

$$\begin{aligned} A\oplus B=\bar{A} B+A\bar{B} \end{aligned}$$

where A and B are the two binary inputs. Table 2 shows the truth table for this gate. As can be seen from Table 2, the output of “1” is when the inputs are not equal.

Table 2 Truth table for two-input XOR gate
Fig. 4
figure 4

Structure of two-input XOR gate extracted from design [27]. a Schematic. b QCA layout

Fig. 5
figure 5

Structure of proposed single-bit full adder. a Schematic. b QCA layout

We use a structure for the two-input XOR gate in QCA that is extracted from design [27] as Fig. 4. This structure has 10 cells. Two cells with labels A and B are input cells, and one of them is the output cell. One of the cells has fixed polarization of “− 1.00,” and the remaining cells are the device cells. This structure is designed in a single layer and its latency is two clock zones.

We consider the following equation for the carry out of the full adder to implement the proposed structure.

$$\begin{aligned} C_\mathrm{out} =A(A\odot B)+C_\mathrm{in} (A\oplus B) \end{aligned}$$

This equation seems more complicated than the original equation, but its implementation in QCA is simple and requires no cross-wiring. This would reduce the size of the proposed structure.

The schematic and QCA implementation of proposed full adder structure are illustrated in Fig. 5a, b, respectively. This design is composed of two two-input XOR gates, two AND gates, one OR gate and one inverter gate. As shown in Fig. 5b, proposed design is implemented in a single layer. It uses only 90-degree cells and does not use the coplanar cross-wiring.

6 Simulation results and comparison

The structures of the two-input XOR gate and single-bit full adder have been simulated with QCADesigner tool 2.0.3 [28]. Simulation parameters are initialized as shown in Table 3. GaAs-based cells are considered [29].

The simulation results of the two-input XOR gate and full adder are illustrated in Fig. 6a, b, respectively. The results confirm that the proposed structures work properly and exactly like the truth tables.

Table 3 Simulation parameters
Fig. 6
figure 6

Simulation results of the structures. a Two-input XOR gate. b Full adder

We compared the proposed full adder structure with the previous two works presented in [22, 23]. Implementation results are given in Table 4. The table contains the number of cells, occupied area, latency and cross-wiring. Implementation results indicate that our design is better than previous designs in all of the parameters. Our design achieved 56 and 31% improvement in cell count compared to the structures presented in [22, 23], respectively. Also, proposed structure achieved 67 and 30% improvement in occupied area compared to the structures presented in [22, 23], respectively. In addition, number of clock zones has reduced by 20% compared to the structure presented in [22]. Our design does not use cross-wiring.

We use QCAPro tool [30] to evaluate power consumption of QCA circuits. This tool is used to calculate the leakage and switching energy dissipation. Analysis results of energy dissipation of full adders in three different tunneling energy levels (0.5 \(E_{k}\), 1 \(E_{k}\) and 1.5 \(E_{k})\) are shown in Table 5. It is obvious that our design has achieved 60 and 37% reduction in total power dissipation compared to the structures presented in [22, 23], respectively. The power dissipation map of our structure with 0.5 \(E_{k}\) is shown in Fig. 7. In this map, the darker cells consume more energy.

Table 4 Implementation results of the single-layer full adders
Table 5 Analysis of energy consumption of the full adders
Fig. 7
figure 7

Power dissipation map for the proposed full adder with 0.5 \(E_{k}\)

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced a structure for two-input XOR gate to design a single-bit full adder in QCA. This structure is extracted from the previous design of three-input XOR gate. The structure of this gate can be constructed with only 10 QCA cells. By utilizing this gate, we designed a novel full adder structure. This structure is designed in a single layer without cross-wiring. QCADesigner is used to simulate these structures. Simulation results confirmed the operations of proposed structures. The comparison demonstrated that the proposed structure is better than previous designs. We used QCAPro to evaluate power consumption of QCA structures.