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Special Issue: Selected and Expanded Papers from the 2015 International Conference (ITSC 2015)

Participating journal: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
Special Issue published in January 2016, Vol. 25, No. 1-2 of Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Participating journal

"Manufacturing and Icephobic Performance Evaluation of Cold-Sprayed Adhesive Perfluoroalkoxy Alkane Coatings” has been chosen as the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology's 2023 Best...


  • Armelle Vardelle

    University of Limoges, France
  • Kantesh Balani

    Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
  • Giovanni Bolelli

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Yuk-Chiu Lau

    GE Power and Water (retired), USA
  • André McDonald

    University of Alberta, Canada
  • Filofteia-Laura Toma

    Fraunhofer Institute—IWS, Germany
  • Erja Turunen

    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
  • Christian Widener

    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA


Showing 1-40 of 40 articles
  1. Editorial

    News 23 December 2015 Pages: 1 - 2
