Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) have drawn attention of semiconductor academic researchers and industry for their loftier performance in subthreshold region. TFET devices operate based on band-to-band tunneling principle, which significantly improves the switching of On and Off states at lower voltages. Compared with the metal oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFETs), TFETs has low subthreshold swing (i.e., below 60 mV/dec), high IOn/IOff ratio, low Off-state current, low leakage power consumption, and better immunity of short-channel effects [1–3]. The On-current performance of the TFET device is low due to small tunneling efficiency of electrons in larger band gap than the conventional MOSFET devices [4]. Thus, to improve On-current performance many device models are proposed and analytically explored. Based on source, depletion charge and mobile charges are analyzed for the device double-gate TFET (DG-TFET) [5, 6]. Gate engineering with materials having different work function contributed significant control over short-channel effects, some studies dealt with dual material and triple material [7–10] in recent years.

Gate-all-around nanowire TFETs lead to steeper subthreshold slope due to high-level control of gate as field lines get originated from the drain that can’t penetrate into the channel, and get terminated at the gate [11, 12]. Nanowire TFETs with efficient gate along with channel engineering of different work function materials are proposed to improve the On-current performance; steep subthreshold slope, reduced DIBL, and threshold voltage roll-off [13–15]. Hetero-junction TFETs lead to increased On-drain current performance due to shorter tunneling width at source-to-channel junction [16]. The electrostatic parameters such as channel potential, electric field, drain current using band-to-band tunneling generation rate, and shortest channel length, transconductance, and threshold voltage of SiO2|high-k stacked DG-TFET by considering the depletion regions. High-k is stacked over SiO2 assumed as the dielectric to avoid the lattice mismatching between silicon and high-k dielectric below the gate electrode [17].

Furthermore, it has been analyzed that IOn current performance can be improved using the nanowire device. Hence, in this view, the proposed device TM GAA-HJTFET has been modeled by using three different materials gate engineering as different regions along with depletion regions. This paper captures the salient features such as surface potential derived from Poisson’s equation using parabolic approximation method, electric field, drain current using Kane’s Model, transconductance, and threshold voltage.


Figure 1 represents the three dimensional structural view of Triple Material GAA-HJTFET (TMGAA-HJTFET).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

3D structure of triple-material GAA-HJTFET and schematic cross-sectional view of triple-material GAA-HJTFET.

Source length of 20 nm and material used is germanium with a doping concentration of N1 = 1 × 1020 cm–3, channel length is 50 nm with a doping concentration of N2 = 1 × 1016 cm–3, drain length is 20 nm and material used is silicon with doping concentration of N3 = 5 × 1018 cm–3, which is assumed in this model. In the cross-sectional schematic view of the TMGAA-HJTFET device, regions are considered for depletion regions and the three materials used for gate which are represented as R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 with respective lengths of L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5.


For analytical modeling, the cross-sectional schematic view of TMGAA-HJTFET is considered due to its potential distribution in r-direction which is same as the DG-TFET shown in Fig. 1. z and r quantities are considered along the channel length; other parameters include oxide thickness (tox). Silicon thickness (2tSi), work functions of three materials (ϕm1, ϕm2, ϕm3). ψ0, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, ψ4, and ψ5 are the junction potentials are z = 0, z1 = L1, z2 = L1 + L2, z3 = L1 + L2 + L3, z4 = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4, and z5 = L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + L5.

3.1 Analytical Modeling of Surface Potential

The surface potential distribution function along the channel regions Ri is considered as ψi(r, z), where i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The two-dimensional (2D) Poisson’s equation for the gate-all-around is given as

$$\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial }{{\partial r}}\left( {r\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial r}}} \right) + \frac{{{{\partial }^{2}}{{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial {{z}^{2}}}} \\ \, = - \frac{{qNi}}{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}}},\quad i = 1,2,3,4,5. \\ \end{gathered} $$

The doping concentrations of source (NSrc = 1 × 1020 cm–3), channel (NCh = 1 × 1016 cm–3), and drain (N2 = 5 × 1018 cm–3) are assumed, respectively, to improve the IOn/IOff current ratio. q is the electron charge and εSi is the silicon permittivity. 2D potential distribution ψi(r, z) in region Ri can be approximated using parabolic approximation method given as

$$\begin{gathered} {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z) = {{a}_{{0i}}}(z) + {{a}_{{1i}}}(z)r + {{a}_{{2i}}}(z){{r}^{2}}, \\ {\text{where}}\quad i = 1,2,3,4,5. \\ \end{gathered} $$

a0i(z), a1i(z) and a3i(z) are arbitrary functions of z, defined by the boundary conditions [18]:

$$1.\,\,{{\psi }_{i}}(r,z){{{\text{|}}}_{{r = R}}} = {{\psi }_{s}}(z),$$
$$2.\,\,{{\left. {\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial r}}} \right|}_{{r = 0}}} = 0,$$
$$3.\,\,{{\left. {\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial r}}} \right|}_{{r = R}}} = \frac{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}R}}\left[ {\frac{{{{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{s}}(z)}}{{\ln \left( {1 + \frac{{{{t}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{R}} \right)}}} \right],$$

where ψG = VGS – ϕm + χ + Eg/2 and i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for five different regions, gate work function ϕm1 = 4.05 eV (Zr), ϕm2 = 4.2 eV (Al), and ϕm3 = 4.6 eV (Cu), electron affinities χ of 4.0 eV (Ge) and 1.12 eV (Si), energy band gaps Eg are 0.67 eV (Ge) and 1.12 eV (Si), VGS is the gate-to-source voltage, tox is the oxide thickness, tSi is the silicon thickness (R = tSi), and εox is the silicon dioxide permittivity.

Using Eq. (3) to solve Eq. (5), we obtain

$${{a}_{{0i}}} = {{\psi }_{s}}(z) - \frac{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{{2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}}}\left[ {\frac{{{{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{s}}(z)}}{{\ln \left( {1 + \frac{{{{t}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{R}} \right)}}} \right],$$
$${{a}_{{1i}}} = 0,$$
$${{a}_{{2i}}} = \frac{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{{2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}{{R}^{2}}}}\left[ {\frac{{{{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{s}}(z)}}{{\ln \left( {1 + \frac{{{{t}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}}{R}} \right)}}} \right].$$

The channel potential ψi(r, z) and surface potential ψs,i(z) are related as ψs,i(z) = ψitSi/2, z).

From Eqs. (6)–(8), we can deduce that

$${{\psi }_{i}}(r,z) = {{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z) + \left( {\frac{{{{r}^{2}}}}{{{{\lambda }^{2}}{{R}^{2}}}} - \frac{1}{{{{\lambda }^{2}}}}} \right)({{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z)),$$
$${{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z) = {{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z) + \left( {\frac{{t_{{{\text{Si}}}}^{2}}}{{4{{\lambda }^{2}}{{R}^{2}}}} - \frac{1}{{{{\lambda }^{2}}}}} \right)({{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z)),$$

where ψ0i(z) = ψi(0, z), i.e., when radius r = 0.

At r = 0, 2D Poisson’s equation (1) is written as

$$\frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial }{{\partial r}}{{\left. {\left( {r\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial r}}} \right)} \right|}_{{r = 0}}} + {{\left. {\frac{{{{\partial }^{2}}{{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial {{z}^{2}}}}} \right|}_{{r = 0}}} = - {{\left. {\frac{{qNi}}{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}}}} \right|}_{{r = 0}}}.$$

Substituting Eq. (2) in Eq. (11), differential equation is gained in terms of center potential as

$$\frac{{{{\partial }^{2}}{{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z)}}{{{{\partial }^{2}}z}} - \eta _{i}^{2}{{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z) = - \eta _{i}^{2}{{P}_{i}},$$


$${{P}_{i}} = \frac{{qNi}}{{\eta _{i}^{2}{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}}} + {{\psi }_{G}},$$

and \(\eta _{i}^{2} = \frac{4}{{{{\lambda }^{2}}{{R}^{2}}}}\).

The general solution of Eq. (12) is

$$\begin{gathered} {{\psi }_{{0i}}}(z) = {{A}_{i}}\exp ({{\eta }_{i}}(z - {{z}_{{i - 1}}})) \\ \, + {{B}_{i}}\exp ( - {{\eta }_{i}}(z - {{z}_{{i - 1}}})) + {{P}_{i}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$


$$\begin{gathered} {{A}_{i}} = \frac{1}{{2\sinh {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}}}[{{\psi }_{{i - 1}}}(z)\exp ( - {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}) - {{\psi }_{i}}(z) \\ \, - {{P}_{i}}(\exp ( - {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}) + 1)], \\ \end{gathered} $$
$$\begin{gathered} {{B}_{i}} = \frac{1}{{2\sinh {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}}}[{{\psi }_{{i - 1}}}(z)\exp ({{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}) - {{\psi }_{i}}(z) \\ \, - {{P}_{i}}(\exp ({{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}) + 1)], \\ \end{gathered} $$

Li = zizi – 1 is the length of region Ri (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and i = ψs,i(zi) is surface potential at z = zi as shown in Fig. 1. By applying the boundary conditions, the surface potential across the regions is obtained [18]

$${{\psi }_{0}} = {{\psi }_{1}}(r,0) = {{V}_{{{\text{bis}}}}},$$
$${{\psi }_{5}} = {{\psi }_{5}}(r,{{L}_{1}} + {{L}_{2}} + {{L}_{3}} + {{L}_{4}} + {{L}_{5}}) = {{V}_{{{\text{bis}}}}} + {{V}_{{{\text{DS}}}}},$$


$${{V}_{{{\text{bis}}}}} = - \frac{1}{q}[({{\chi }_{1}} - {{\chi }_{2}}) + 0.5({{E}_{{g1}}} - {{E}_{{g2}}}) + q{{V}_{T}}\ln ({{N}_{1}}{\text{/}}{{n}_{i}})]$$

is built-in potential.

ψ0, ψ1, ψ2, ψ3, and ψ4 are intermediate surface potentials obtained by using continuity of lateral electric field property such as [18]

$${{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z){{{\text{|}}}_{{z = {{z}_{i}}}}} = {{\psi }_{{s,i + 1}}}(z){{{\text{|}}}_{{z = {{z}_{i}}}}},$$
$${{\left. {\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z)}}{{\partial z}}} \right|}_{{z = {{z}_{i}}}}} = {{\left. {\frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{{s,i + 1}}}(z)}}{{\partial z}}} \right|}_{{z = {{z}_{i}}}}}.$$

Using Eqs. (18) and (19) in (10) along with (13)–(15), we obtain the intermediate potentials

$$\begin{gathered} {{\psi }_{i}} = \frac{1}{{{{y}_{i}}}}\left[ {\frac{{(x - 1)}}{{\sinh \eta iLi}}\{ {{\eta }_{i}}{{\psi }_{{i - 1}}}} \right. \\ \left. {_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\, + {{\eta }_{i}}{{P}_{i}}(1 + \cosh {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}) - {{P}_{{i + 2}}}\sinh {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}\} + x{{\psi }_{G}}} \right], \\ \end{gathered} $$


$$x = \left( {\frac{{t_{{{\text{Si}}}}^{2}}}{{4{{\lambda }^{2}}{{R}^{2}}}} - \frac{1}{{{{\lambda }^{2}}}}} \right),$$
$${{y}_{i}} = \left\lfloor {1 - {{\eta }_{i}}(x - 1)\coth {{\eta }_{i}}{{L}_{i}}} \right\rfloor ,\quad i = 1,2,3,4.$$

3.2 Modeling of Electric Field

The vertical and lateral electric field Eri(r, z) and Ezi(r, z) are obtained by differentiation of potential Eqs. (2) and (13)

$${{E}_{{ri}}}(r,z) = 2r{{a}_{{2i}}}(z),$$
$$\begin{gathered} {{E}_{{zi}}}(r,z) = - \frac{{\partial {{\psi }_{i}}(r,z)}}{{\partial z}} = {{\eta }_{i}}[ - {{A}_{i}}\exp ({{\eta }_{i}}(z - {{z}_{{i - 1}}})) \\ \, + {{B}_{i}}\exp ( - {{\eta }_{i}}(z - {{z}_{{i - 1}}})]. \\ \end{gathered} $$

3.3 Lengths of Depletion Regions

The lengths of regions R1 and R5 denoted as L1 and L5 can be calculated by Er = 0 at r = r0 and r = r2 before deriving potentials ψ2 and ψ3. Due to the complexity of the calculations, simple approximation can be done separately by considering source–channel and drain–channel regions shown below using [18] and [20]

$${{L}_{1}} = \sqrt {2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}({{P}_{2}} - {{\psi }_{0}}){\text{/}}(q{{N}_{1}})} ,$$
$${{L}_{5}} = \sqrt {2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}({{\psi }_{5}} - {{P}_{2}}){\text{/}}(q{{N}_{3}})} .$$

Since P2 is dependent on VGS, L1 and L5 values are smaller than the DG-TFET and also dependent on VGS.

3.4 Modeling of Drain Current

In forward bias condition, the drain current equation can be obtained by Kane’s equation

$${{I}_{D}} = q\int\limits_{{\text{volume}}} {{{A}_{{{\text{Kane}}}}}{{E}_{Z}}(r,z)E_{{{\text{avg}}}}^{{\alpha - 1}} \cdot \exp \left( { - \frac{{{{B}_{{{\text{Kane}}}}}}}{{{{E}_{{{\text{avg}}}}}}}} \right)dV.} $$

In reverse bias condition, the drain current can be stated as the addition of drift and diffusion current for all the regions [21–23]

$${{I}_{{{\text{Drift}},i}}} = W{{\mu }_{i}}(z){{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z)\frac{{d{{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z)}}{{dz}},$$
$${{I}_{{{\text{Diff}}i}}} = W{{\mu }_{i}}(z){{V}_{T}}\frac{{d{{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z)}}{{dz}},$$

where VT, W, QIi(z), and μi(z) are thermal voltage, width of the channel, inversion layer charge carriers, and carrier mobility, respectively, for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, given by [21–23].

$${{\mu }_{i}}(z) = \frac{{{{\mu }_{0}}}}{{\sqrt {\left[ {1 + {{{\left( {\frac{{{{E}_{j}}(z)}}{{{{E}_{c}}}}} \right)}}^{2}}} \right]} }},$$
$${{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z) = 2({{Q}_{{{\text{Si}}}}}(z) - {{Q}_{{{\text{D}}i}}}),$$
$${{E}_{j}}(z) = \frac{{{{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}({{\psi }_{D}} - {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z))}}{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}}},$$
$${{E}_{c}} = 6.01 \times {{10}^{2}}{{T}^{{3/2}}},$$
$${{Q}_{{si}}}(z) = {{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}({{\psi }_{G}} - {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z)),$$
$${{Q}_{{Di}}} = {{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}({{\phi }_{{\text{F}}}} - {{V}_{{{\text{Th}}}}} - {{V}_{{{\text{fbi}}}}}),$$

where Ec, μ0, Ej(z), Qsi(z), and QDi represents critical electric field, low carrier mobility, electric field, surface charge, and depletion layer charge, respectively. Substituting Eqs. (32) and (33) in Eq. (29), the inversion charge is obtained as

$${{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z) = 2{{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}\left\lfloor {{{V}_{{GS}}} - {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z) - {{\phi }_{{\text{F}}}} + {{V}_{{{\text{Th}}}}}} \right\rfloor .$$

Integrating Eq. (26) on both sides and substituting Eqs. (30) and (34) obtains

$$\begin{gathered} \int\limits_{L_{{i - 1}}^{*}}^{L_{i}^{*}} {{{I}_{{{\text{Drift}}}}}dz} = \int\limits_{{{\psi }_{{s,i - 1}}}}^{{{\psi }_{{s,i}}}} {W{{\mu }_{0}}} \\ \times \;\left[ {\frac{{2{{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}({{V}_{{GS}}} - {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z) - {{\phi }_{{\text{F}}}} + {{V}_{{{\text{Th}}}}})}}{{\sqrt {\left[ {1 + \left( {\frac{{{{E}_{i}}(z)}}{{{{E}_{c}}}}} \right)} \right]} }}} \right]d{{\psi }_{{s,i}}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$


$${{\psi }_{{s,i - 1}}}(z) = {{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z){{{\text{|}}}_{{Z = L_{{i - 1}}^{*}}}},\quad {\text{where}}\quad i = 1,2,3,4,5,6,$$
$$\begin{gathered} L_{0}^{*} = 0,\quad L_{1}^{*} = {{L}_{1}},\quad L_{2}^{*} = {{L}_{1}} + {{L}_{2}},\quad \\ L_{3}^{*} = {{L}_{1}} + {{L}_{2}} + {{L}_{3}},\quad L_{4}^{*} = {{L}_{1}} + {{L}_{2}} + {{L}_{3}} + {{L}_{4}}, \\ {\text{and}}\quad L_{5}^{*} = {{L}_{1}} + {{L}_{2}} + {{L}_{3}} + {{L}_{4}} + {{L}_{5}}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

From Eq. (35), we obtain

$$\begin{gathered} {{I}_{{{\text{Drift}}i}}} = - \frac{{{{X}_{4}}}}{{{{L}_{i}} - {{L}_{{i - 1}}}}}\left[ {({{X}_{3}} - {{X}_{1}}){{{\ln }}_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} \right. \\ \times \;\left\{ {\frac{{\sqrt {X_{2}^{2} + {{{({{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z) - {{X}_{3}})}}^{2}}} + ({{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z) - {{X}_{3}})}}{{\sqrt {X_{2}^{2} + {{{({{\psi }_{{s,i - 1}}}(z) - {{X}_{3}})}}^{2}}} + ({{\psi }_{{s,i - 1}}}(z) - {{X}_{3}})}}} \right\} \\ \left. {_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{_{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\, + \{ \sqrt {X_{2}^{2}\, + \,{{{({{\psi }_{{s,i}}}(z)\, - \,{{X}_{3}})}}^{2}}} \, - \,\sqrt {X_{2}^{2} + {{{({{\psi }_{{s,i - 1}}}(z) - {{X}_{3}})}}^{2}}} \} } \right], \\ \end{gathered} $$


$${{X}_{1}} = {{V}_{{GS}}} + {{V}_{{{\text{Th}}}}} - {{\phi }_{{\text{F}}}},$$
$${{X}_{2}} = \frac{{{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}} \cdot {{E}_{c}}}}{{{{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}}},$$
$${{X}_{3}} = {{V}_{{{\text{fbi}}}}} - {{V}_{{GS}}},$$
$${{X}_{4}} = 2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}}{{\mu }_{0}}W{{E}_{c}}.$$

Now, integrating Eq. (27) on both sides

$$\int\limits_{L_{{i - 1}}^{*}}^{L_{i}^{*}} {{{I}_{{{\text{Drift}}i}}}dz} = \int\limits_{{{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i - 1}}}}^{{{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}} {\left[ {\frac{{W{{\mu }_{0}}{{V}_{T}}}}{{\sqrt {\left[ {1 + \left( {\frac{{{{E}_{i}}(z)}}{{{{E}_{c}}}}} \right)} \right]} }}d{{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}} \right]} ,$$


$${{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i - 1}}} = {{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z){{{\text{|}}}_{{z = L_{{i - 1}}^{*}}}},\quad {\text{where}}\quad i = 1,2,3,4,5,6,$$
$$\begin{gathered} {{I}_{{{\text{Drift}}i}}} = - \frac{{{{X}_{7}}}}{{{{L}_{i}} - {{L}_{{i - 1}}}}} \\ \times \;\left[ {\ln \left\{ {\frac{{\sqrt {X_{6}^{2} + {{{({{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z) - {{X}_{5}})}}^{2}}} + ({{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i}}}(z) - {{X}_{5}})}}{{\sqrt {X_{6}^{2} + {{{({{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i - 1}}}(z) - {{X}_{5}})}}^{2}}} + ({{Q}_{{{\text{I}}i - 1}}}(z) - {{X}_{5}})}}} \right\}} \right], \\ \end{gathered} $$


$${{X}_{5}} = 2{{C}_{{{\text{ox}}}}}[{{\phi }_{{\text{F}}}} + {{V}_{{{\text{Th}}}}} - {{V}_{{{\text{fbi}}}}}],$$
$${{X}_{6}} = 2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}} \cdot {{E}_{c}},$$
$${{X}_{7}} = 2{{\varepsilon }_{{{\text{Si}}}}} \cdot {{E}_{c}}W{{V}_{T}} \cdot {{\mu }_{0}}.$$

The drain to source current can be written as [21]

$${{I}_{{DS}}} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^5 {[{{I}_{{{\text{Drift}}i}}} + {{I}_{{{\text{Diff}}i}}}]} .$$


The results for the proposed model of surface potential, electric field, drain current, transconductance, and threshold voltage are validated by using the TCAD SILVACO tool. The procedure followed to obtain the results for the device simulation is (1) Defining mMesh points with spacing, (2) Defining regions, (3) Defining physics models, (4) Defining method of solution (Newton), (5) Defining bias voltages (gate and drain voltages), 6) Extracting and plotting the data. The following models are used in defining physics models: BOLTZMANN, FERMI, BGN, CONMOB, CVT, SRH, CONSRH, IMPACT SELB, BBT.STD, KANE, and BBT.KL.

Figure 2 shows the surface potential distribution along the channel comparision plot, the surface potential of TM GAA-HJTFET is high compared to the SM GAA-HJTFET, we observe that the tunneling width across the source–channel junction is less for TM GAA-HJTFET.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Comparision of surface potential distribution ψs,i along the lateral length of the channel (z) for TM GAA-HJTFET with SM GAA-HJTFET at VDS = 1 V.

Thus, the surface potential gets increased due to increase in the tunneling rate of electrons at source–channel junction.

Figure 3 represents the surface potential distribution along the channel for different gate biases at VDS = 1 V.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Surface potential distribution ψs,i along the lateral length of the channel (z) for different VGS = 0, 0.5, and 1 V at VDS = 1 V.

It is observed that when gate bias is applied, surface potential from the source increases linearly and becomes steeper with increase in biasing due to decrease in the tunneling width of the source channel junction. Linear increase at the source channel junction improves the electric field and band-to-band tunneling generation rate.

Figure 4 depicts the surface potential variation along the channel for drain control regime at VGS = 1 V, it is studied that increase in drain to source voltage increased the potential at drain channel junction, there by increasing the electric field and band to band tunneling generation rate at drain channel junction.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Surface potential distribution along the channel for different VDS = 0.2, 0.6, and 1 V at VGS = 1 V.

Figure 5 shows the comparison plot of lateral and vertical electric field of the proposed model with SM GAA-TFET, it is observed that the electric field profile of the proposed model device is high at the source channel junction due to the increase in tunneling rate of electrons from valence band to conduction band.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Electric field profile comparision plot of TM GAA-HJTFET and SM GAA-HJTFET.

I(V) characteristic of the proposed model is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Comparision of the drain current ID vs. VGS of TMGAA-HJTFET and SMGAA-HJTFET.

It is studied that the Off current IOff is low due to the barrier created by the forbidden gap that prevents the tunneling of electrons at Off state. On-state current is high due to enhanced electrostatic control of cylindrical gate which reduces the short channel effects and subthreshold swing.


A two-dimensional analytical model of TMGAA-HJTFET is modeled for different parameters such as surface potential, electric field, drain current, transconductance, and threshold voltage by derivative method by considering five depletion regions. The surface potential is modeled using parabolic approximation method for five regions. The electric field components are used to calculate drift and diffusion current. It is observed that the IOn/IOff ratio is improved high compared with SMGAA-HJTFET. The proposed model of TMGAA-HJTFET predicts the device electrostatic characteristics on different parameters to gain intuition on device physics. Results obtained are found to be in good agreement with TCAD ATLAS-based simulation results of the proposed device.