1 Introduction

There are two sorts of doxastic states that have received considerable attention from epistemologists. The first sort of doxastic state is belief. Belief is an all or nothing affair: For every proposition, φ, one either believes it or one does not. If one does not believe φ, one may either disbelieve φ (which is equivalent to believing not φ) or remain uncommitted (neither believing nor disbelieving). A second sort of doxastic state is degree of belief. The latter sort of state reflects the fact that beliefs may be held with varied degrees of conviction. Degrees of belief also correspond to personal (or subjective) probabilities, which are of considerable importance to decision theory. In order to cement the link between degree of belief and rational action, it is typically assumed that rational degrees of belief satisfy the axioms of probability.

The two sorts of doxastic state give rise to two distinct aggregation problems. The first is the problem of aggregating beliefs: Given a group of agents, the problem is to pool individual beliefs regarding a domain of propositions, in order to form a collective belief set.Footnote 1 The second problem concerns the aggregation of degrees of belief: Given a group of agents, the problem is to pool their individual degrees of belief regarding a domain of propositions, in order to form collective degrees of belief.Footnote 2 The determination of what principles are appropriate in forming a collective doxastic state may vary by context, and depend on the relative importance of respecting procedural concerns (e.g., for the ‘fairness’ with which individual doxastic states have a bearing on the collective) versus veritistic concerns (e.g., for the tendency of the aggregation procedure to yield an accurate collective doxastic state). As a rough guide to forming intuitions about the relative importance of procedural and veritistic concerns, I will proceed upon the assumption that collective doxastic states will serve the purpose of guiding collective decision making (cf. Wagner 2010, p. 336).

Regardless of the importance one attaches to procedural and veritistic concerns, it is clear that both sorts of aggregation (i.e., of beliefs and of degrees of belief) have their place. In some cases, our goal is to form collective beliefs, on the basis of individual beliefs. Jury trials provide one sort of example. In more interesting cases, the members of a group need to aggregate their individual beliefs regarding a range of interrelated propositions. Such cases arise when a committee is charged with issuing yes/no verdicts regarding each element of a collection of related propositions. One example would be of a hiring committee that is charged with evaluating which qualifications a candidate meets (Pigozzi 2015). It is easy to imagine cases where it would be desirable for the members of a group to aggregate their degrees of belief. In fact, since degrees of belief are more fine-grained than beliefs (seeming to encode more information about an agent’s doxastic state), it might appear that it would always be preferable to aggregate degrees of belief, rather than beliefs. Nevertheless, it is clear that there are many circumstances where we want to form collective judgments, but we only have access to the beliefs of the members of a group, and not to their degrees of belief. In such cases, we will have to settle for aggregating beliefs.Footnote 3

In addition to the problem of aggregating belief sets, and the problem of aggregating degrees of belief, there is the further problem of simultaneously aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief: Given a group of agents, the problem is to pool the individual belief sets in order to form a collective belief set, while at the same time pooling the individual degrees of belief in order to form collective degrees of belief.Footnote 4Assuming we accede to some prior constraints on the manner in which rational beliefs and rational degrees of belief are related, the ‘joint problem’ of aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief is more than the sum of the two component problems. Assume, for example, that we endorse the rather modest constraint that it is only rational for an agent (or a collective) to believe a proposition, if the agent’s (or the collective’s) degree of belief for the proposition is greater than 0.5. If rational degree of belief constrains rational belief in this way, and we require that our aggregation procedures respect this constraint, then care must be taken in deciding how we aggregate beliefs and degrees of belief. If care is not taken, the result of aggregation may fail to satisfy the constraint.

One might dismiss the joint problem of aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief, appealing to the claim that degrees of belief are more fine-grained than beliefs. In particular, one might maintain that it is possible to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for rational belief specified wholly in terms of rational degree of belief. If belief were ‘reducible’ to degree of belief in the preceding sense, then one could dispense with (coarse-grained) belief, in favor of (fine-grained) degree of belief, in all cases where one had access to all of the facts about a relevant agent’s (or a relevant collective’s) degrees of belief. The suggestion is that, in the face of the joint problem of aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief, it would be sufficient to concern oneself with aggregating the relevant degrees of belief.

There are, of course, arguments against the claim that belief is reducible to degree of belief. One line of argument maintains that belief is sensitive to pragmatic and/or contextual considerations to which degree of belief is insensitive (Fantl and McGrath 2002; Hawthorne 2004; Weatherson 2005; Ganson 2008; Hawthorne 2009; Buchak 2014; Leitgeb 2014; Staffel 2016; Thorn 2017). Regardless of whether rational belief is reducible to rational degree of belief, it would be of value to know how to aggregate beliefs in a way that respects the relationship between rational belief and rational degree of belief. The value of such knowledge is analogous to the value of knowing the laws of chemistry even if those laws are reducible to the laws of fundamental physics. For example, knowledge of the laws of chemistry would be needed (up and above the laws of physics) in reasoning about a system for which we possess an adequate chemical description, but not a description in the language of fundamental physics. By analogy, knowledge of the appropriate principles of belief aggregation would be needed (up and above the appropriate principles for aggregating degrees of belief) in reasoning about the collective beliefs of a group, in cases where we do not have access to the degrees of belief of the members of the group.

The present article investigates the joint problem of aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief. My starting assumptions will consist of a number of rationality constraints on the inputs and outputs to the joint aggregation process. To begin with, I assume (1) that the belief sets that are the inputs and outputs to the aggregation process are consistent and closed under deductive consequences. I also assume (2) that the degrees of belief that are the inputs and outputs to the aggregation process satisfy the axioms of probability. Finally, I assume (3) that the inputs and outputs to the aggregation process satisfy a ‘context dependent’ version of the Lockean Thesis (Foley 1993, 2009; Leitgeb 2013, 2014):

The Lockean Thesis

For each individual/collective, there is some r (0.5 < r < 1) such that for the individual/collective, and each proposition, φ, it is rational for the individual/collective to believe φ if and only if the individual’s/collective’s rational degree of belief for φ is at least r.

The preceding version of the Lockean Thesis differs importantly from the ‘context independent’ version of the thesis, which requires some particular bound r that applies to every individual/collective. Indeed, as illustrated by the Lottery Paradox, the context independent version of the Lockean Thesis leads to inconsistency when combined with the claim that rational belief sets are consistent and closed under deductive consequences, and the claim that rational degrees of belief satisfy the axioms of probability (Kyburg 1961, p. 197). A key innovation of Leitgeb (2013, 2014) was to show how to consistently maintain the (context dependent) Lockean Thesis, while at the same time holding that rational belief sets are consistent and closed under deductive consequences, and that rational degrees of belief satisfy the axioms of probability.

The goal of the present article is to press forward with the insights of Leitgeb, and evaluate whether (1), (2), and (3) are compatible with reasonable constraints on the aggregation of beliefs and degrees of belief. The article will proceed as follows. Section 2 presents a formal framework for representing the aggregation of belief sets. Along with presenting a formal framework, I present three principles that any satisfactory belief aggregation procedure should satisfy. Section 3 parallels Sect. 2, and presents a framework for aggregating degrees of belief, along with three principles that any satisfactory procedure for aggregating degrees of belief should satisfy. In Sect. 4, it is shown that the core principles proposed in Sects. 2 and 3 are compatible with assumptions (1), (2), and (3). Further possibilities and impossibilities are also described. Section 5 summarizes the principal results of the paper.

Before proceeding, I should mention that several previous articles have observed various formal similarities between the problem of relating beliefs to degrees of belief and the problem of aggregating beliefs (Levi 2004; Douven and Romeijn 2007; Chandler 2013; Briggs et al. 2014; Cariani 2016; Dietrich and List 2018). Some papers have imported insights concerning the former problem in order to illuminate the latter problem (e.g., Douven and Romeijn 2007), while others have imported insights concerning the latter problem in order to illuminate the former problem (e.g., Dietrich and List 2018). Of particular interest, the paper of Dietrich and List (2018) introduced a means of ‘translating’ the problem of relating beliefs to degrees of belief into the problem of aggregating beliefs, which enables them to derive impossibility results for the former problem from impossibility results for the latter problem.

While the work presented here is obviously constrained by the impossibility results of Dietrich and List, those results will not feature explicitly in the discussion that follows. Indeed, given the three rationality assumptions that form the basis of my approach ((1), (2), and (3)), my options are very constrained regarding the relationship between rational belief and rational degree of belief, forcing me to reject a principle that Dietrich and List call “Propositionwise Independence”, which states that whether one believes a proposition should only depend upon one’s degree of belief in that proposition and not on one’s degree of belief in other propositions (Dietrich and List 2018, p. 228). In fact, a result of Leitgeb’s (2014), which is described in Sect. 4 (below), implies that the acceptance of (1), (2), and (3) comes at the cost of a strong form of context sensitivity for belief, such that whether it is rational for one to believe a proposition depends, not just upon one’s degree of belief in that proposition, but upon one’s degrees of belief in other propositions and upon the very possibilities that are individuated by one’s degree of belief function. As acknowledged by Leitgeb, the preceding form of context sensitivity is a significant cost (cf. Thorn 2017; Schurz 2017). In the present article, I assume that we have accepted this cost, and investigate what further costs (if any) are incurred as a result of accepting (1), (2), and (3).

2 Belief aggregation

I here consider the belief sets of agents whose belief contents are the elements of an algebra of propositions. Where W is the set of possible worlds, consider the algebra of propositions generated by a partition Π of W: Π = {w1, …, wk}. The finiteness of Π is taken as a simplifying assumption, with all results of the paper generalizing to the case where Π is infinite, except where noted. Any proposition, φ, expressible within Π, is identified with a subset S of Π, namely: φ = ∪S. Since our concern is exclusively with agents whose beliefs sets are closed under deductive consequences, the belief set of an agent may be identified with the strongest proposition believed by the agent. Formally, I characterize the belief set of an agent i using a k-tuple of 0 s and 1 s, namely:  bi = 〈ni1,…,nik〉. Within such tuples, 0 s are associated with propositions in Π that are disbelieved, and 1 s are associated with propositions in Π that are not disbelieved. Since the value “1” signifies non-disbelief, \( n_{ij} \) = 1 does not imply that agent i believes wj. Rather the strongest proposition believed by agent i is defined as φbi = ∪{wj: \( n_{ij} \) = 1}. This definition makes intuitive sense, for the following reasons: Whenever nij = 0, wj is disbelieved by i, and its compliment, ¬wj, is believed by i. Further, since the intersection of all ¬wj such that nij = 0 is the strongest proposition believed by i, the compliment of the union of all wj such that nij = 0 is the strongest proposition believed by i, and the latter set is the union of all wj such that nij = 1.

In addition to being a tuple, bi will serve as a belief function, defined as follows: bi(φ) = 1 (agent i believes φ), if φbi ⊆ φ; and bi(φ) = 0, otherwise. Note that if bi(φ) = 0, then the agent i either disbelieves or suspends judgment regarding φ (with bi(φ) = bic) = 0 implying suspension of judgment). Given the preceding, the belief set corresponding to a belief function bi is simply {φ: bi(φ) = 1}. Notice that belief sets, so defined, are closed under deductive consequences, relative to the algebra generated by Π. Next, notice that the belief set of an individual i is consistent if and only if \( {\hbox{b}}_{i} =\langle n_{i1} , \ldots ,n_{ik} \rangle\) contains at least one “1”. For simplicity’s sake, I assume that our concern is only with consistent belief sets, thereby requiring that each tuple \( n_{i1} , \ldots ,n_{ik} \) contains at least one “1”.

The problem with which we are faced is that of aggregating an ordered set, B, of n belief functions: B = 〈b1, …, bn〉 (where each bi is defined over a k-sized partition of W). For the purpose of regimenting belief aggregation, it is convenient to regard the input to the aggregation process as an n by k matrix:

$$ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {n_{11} } & \cdots & {n_{1k} } \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ {n_{n1} } & \cdots & {n_{nk} } \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

Notice that the rows of the matrix are the elements of B (representing the belief sets of the individual agents), while the columns correspond to the elements of Π (the cells of the partition of W). The output of the aggregation process is the k-tuple bB = 〈 n1,…,nk〉, which represents the strongest proposition believed by the collective. This (strongest believed) proposition is defined as φB = ∪{wj: nj = 1}. As with individuals, the fact that the collective believes a proposition φ is expressed as follows: bB(φ) = 1, if φB ⊆ φ; and bB(φ) = 0, otherwise. So, in addition to being a k-tuple, bB is a belief function. The belief set of the collective is {φ : bB(φ) = 1} (which is closed under deductive consequences). I also assume that bB = \( \langle n_{1} , \ldots ,n_{k} \rangle\) corresponds to a consistent belief set, and thus contains at least one “1”. In effect, the rational requirements of consistency and deductive closure are built into the present framework.

I assume that belief aggregation is determined by a function Fbel (i.e., Fbel(B) = bB = \( \langle n_{1} , \ldots ,n_{k} \rangle \)), and espouse three highly plausible principles regarding Fbel. To begin with, I assume that the domain of Fbel is unrestricted:

Universality (U b ):

All ordered sets of belief functions, B, are in the domain of Fbel.Footnote 5

Next I assume that the order of the elements of B makes no difference to the output of Fbel:

Anonymity (A b ):

For all B and g: if g: {1, …, n} → {1, …, n} is a permutation, and B′ = 〈bg(1), …, bg(n)〉, then bB′ = bB.

Similarly, I assume that the order of the elements of Π makes no difference to the output of Fbel:

Neutrality (N b ):

For all B and f: if f : {1, …, k} → {1, …, k} is a permutation, B′ = 〈b′1, …, b′n〉, and for all i: b′i = 〈\( n_{if\left( 1 \right)} \), …, \( n_{if\left( k \right)} \)〉, then bB′ = 〈\( n_{f\left( 1 \right)} \), …, \( n_{f\left( k \right)} \)〉.

As an illustration of how Nb places constraints on Fbel, consider the following ordered set of belief functions:

In this case, Nb implies \( n_{1} \) = \( n_{3} \) (i.e., the collective attitude regarding w1 and w3 is identical). Indeed, where B′ is specified by f(1) = 3, f(2) = 2, and f(3) = 1, we have B′ = B, and thus bB′ = 〈\( n_{3} \), \( n_{2} \), \( n_{1} \)〉 (given Nb), which implies that \( n_{1} \) = \( n_{3} \).

As an illustration of how Nb functions in conjunction with Ab, consider the following ordered set of belief functions:

In this case, the conjunction of Ab and Nb imply \( n_{1} \) = \( n_{3} \) (assuming Ub). To see why, consider the following ordered set of belief functions:

Since B′ results from switching the first and third rows of B, Ab tells us that Fbel(B′) = Fbel(B) = 〈\( n_{1} \), \( n_{2} , n_{3} \)〉. Further, where B′′ is specified by f(1) = 3, f(2) = 2, and f(3) = 1, relative to B′, we have B′′ = B, and thus bB′′ = 〈\( n_{3} \), \( n_{2} \), \( n_{1} \)〉 (given Nb), which implies that \( n_{1} \) = \( n_{3} \). By similar reasoning, it follows that \( n_{1} \) = \( n_{2} \), and so by the consistency requirement on bB, we have bB = 〈1, 1, 1〉.

Taken in conjunction, Ub, Ab, and Nb imply the negation of a condition that Douven and Romeijn (2007) call “Non-Unanimity at Disparity” (cf. Douven and Williamson 2006). Within the framework of this article, a ‘disparate’ set of belief functions, B, is one where |B| = |Π| (where |B| is the number of belief functions in B, and |Π| is the number of propositions in Π), and each element of B is a tuple \( n_{i1} , \ldots ,n_{ik} \) that contains exactly one 0, and none of the tuples are identical. Non-Unanimity at Disparity demands that there be at least one disparate set of belief functions, B, and some proposition, φ, such that (i) bB(φ) = 1, and (ii) there is some bi ∈ B, such that bi(φ) = 0. Douven and Romeijn assert that any aggregation procedure that does not satisfy Non-Unanimity at Disparity is “awkward”. Contrary to Douven and Romeijn, it is plausible to think (given the apparent plausibility of Ub, Ab, and Nb) that there is a class of possible sets of belief sets (i.e., disparate ones) where the individual belief sets pull in opposite directions with perfect symmetry, with the result that there is no non-arbitrary way of forming a collective belief set that includes any contingent claim.

It may now be observed that Nb is similar to a principle that was proposed by List and Pettit (2002), namely:

Systematicity (S):

There is a function, h, such that for all B and φ: bB(φ) = h(b1(φ),…, bn(φ)).Footnote 6

Notice that S is stronger than Nb, that is:

Fact 1.

S implies Nb, but Nb does not imply S.Footnote 7

List and Pettit show that S conflicts with the conjunction of Ub and Ab, if one requires completeness among the outputs of aggregation, that is, if one requires that for all φ and B: bB(φ) = 1 or bBc) = 1. Completeness entails that all aggregate belief sets contain an element of the partition, Π, over which the aggregate belief set is defined. Given Ub, completeness applies in cases where Π is the finest partition of the space of possible worlds that our conceptual resources will admit, and demands collective belief in exactly one element of such ultra-fine partitions (irrespective of the beliefs of the individuals whose belief sets are the inputs to the aggregation process). Completeness is, thus, an extremely strong requirement, and it is apparent that correct norms of belief formation demand its rejection. I adhere to those demands and reject completeness. Since I do not require completeness, I could consistently accept S, along with the other principles that I favor. Nevertheless, there are further reasons for denying that S is a plausible constraint on belief aggregation. In particular, S in the presence of Ub and Ab implies a highly ‘incredulous’ belief aggregation function, as expressed by the following fact:

Fact 2.

If Ub, Ab, and S, then for all B, φ: bB(φ) = 1 if and only if for all bi in B: bi(φ) = 1.Footnote 8

Assuming Ub, Ab, and S, Fact 2 tells us that a collective will only believe a proposition if every member of the collective believes that proposition. Fact 2 shows that S induces a highly incredulous belief aggregation function (in the presence of Ub and Ab), and I believe that this counts as a decisive reason for rejecting S. Nevertheless, in what follows, I will remain neutral on the question of whether Fbel should satisfy S or merely Nb. As we shall see, it is possible to leave one’s options open in this respect, since the possibility results that are presented in Sect. 4 allow one to uphold S, if one desires. In fact, the possibility results presented in Sect. 4 show that the Lockean Thesis is compatible with an extremely broad range of belief aggregation functions, in the presence of reasonable constraints on degree of belief aggregation.

3 Degree of belief aggregation

Once again, where W is the set of possible worlds, I consider the algebra of propositions generated by a partition Π = {w1, …, wk} of W. As above, propositions are identified with subsets of Π, according to the condition: φ = ∪S, where S ⊆ Π. Formally, I identify the degree of belief function, pi, of an agent i as a k-tuple of real numbers: \( r_{i1} , \ldots ,r_{ik} \). I require that any such pi be a probability function on Π, that is: \( r_{ij} \) ∈ [0, 1] (for all i and j) and ∑j \( r_{ij} \) = 1 (for all i). More generally, i’s degrees of belief are specified by the schema: pi(φ) = ∑j \( r_{ij} \), for j ∈ {j : wj ⊆ φ}.

Similar to belief aggregation, the problem with which we are faced is that of aggregating an ordered set of n probability functions P = 〈p1, …, pn〉 (where each pi is defined over a k-sized partition of W). The input to the aggregation process may be represented by an n by k matrix (where the rows of the matrix are the elements of P, and the columns correspond to the elements of Π):

$$ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {r_{11} } & \cdots & {r_{1k} } \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ {r_{n1} } & \cdots & {r_{nk} } \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

The output of the aggregation process is then a k-tuple pP = 〈\( r_{1} , \ldots ,r_{k} \)〉. As with individual degrees of belief, it is assumed that pP is a probability function, that is: \( r_{j} \) ∈ [0, 1] (for all j), and ∑j \( r_{j} \) = 1. Similarly, pP(φ) = ∑j \( r_{j} \), for j ∈ {j : wj ⊆ φ}.

As usual, it is assumed that probability function aggregation is determined by a function Fprob (i.e., Fprob(P) = pP = 〈\( r_{1} , \ldots ,r_{k} \)〉). I also endorse three standard principles regarding Fprob, which parallel the ones that I proposed for Fbel:

Universality (U p ):

All ordered sets of probability functions, P, are in the domain of Fprob.Footnote 9

Anonymity (A p ):

For all P and g: if g: {1, …, n} → {1, …, n} is a permutation, and P′ = 〈pg(1), …, pg(n)〉, then pP′ = pP.

Neutrality (N p ):

For all P and f: if f: {1, …, k} → {1, …, k} is a permutation, P′ = 〈p′1, …, p′n〉, and for all i: p′i = 〈\( r_{if\left( 1 \right)} \), …, \( r_{if\left( k \right)} \)〉, then pP′ = 〈\( r_{f\left( 1 \right)} \), …, \( r_{f\left( k \right)} \)〉.

A principle stronger than Np was introduced by Lehrer and Wagner (1981, 1983), and is similar to List and Pettit’s S:

Irrelevance of Alternatives (IA):

There is a function, h, such that for all P, wi: pP(wi) = h(p1(wi),…, pn(wi)).

Although similar to S, IA does not lead to incredulity in the manner of S – recall Fact 2. Nevertheless, the problems that arise for S provide a reason for treating IA with caution. IA is also extremely restrictive, as illustrated by its interaction with the following highly plausible principleFootnote 10:

Zero Unanimity (Z p ):

For all P: if for all pi in P: \( r_{ij} \) = 0, then \( r_{j} \) = 0.

Taken together, IA and Z are equivalent to linear weighting, in cases where |Π| > 2 (Lehrer and Wagner 1983):

Linear Weighting (LW):

There is a set of constants 〈c1,…, cn〉, such that (i) for all i: ci ≥ 0, (ii) c1 +… + cn = 1, and (iii) for all P and j: pP(wj) = p1(wj)·c1 +… + pn(wj)·cn.

While LW appears to be reasonable, we will see below that the principle is incompatible with some plausible means of adhering to the Lockean Thesis. Assuming non-dictatorial weights (i.e., for all i: ci ≠ 1), LW is also known to be incompatible with other widely endorsed principles, including:

Independence Preservation (IP):

For all P, φ, ψ: if for all pi in P: pi(φ∩ψ) = pi(φ)pi(ψ), then pP(φ∩ψ) = pP(φ)pP(ψ).Footnote 11

Commutativity with Learning (CL):

For all P, φ, ψ: if for all pi in P: pi(φ) > 0, then pP(ψ|φ) = pP′(ψ), where P′ = 〈p1(ψ|φ), …, pn(ψ|φ)〉.Footnote 12

Some have cited the incompatibility of LW and IP as grounds for rejecting LW (e.g., Laddaga 1977), and it is clear that there are some cases where we should require independence preservation, contrary to the prescriptions of LW (such as in the case described by Elkin and Wheeler 2018). Nevertheless, it is plausible to deny that IP holds generally, since the principle is implausible in the case where the probability functions to be aggregated mirror frequencies for disjoint and equinumerous samples (a case where LW is plausible). IP is also known to be highly restrictive, excluding many plausible aggregation functions (Genest and Wagner 1987).

CL tells us that we should reach the same collective degrees of belief, regardless of whether we (i) aggregate individual degrees of belief to form collective degrees of belief, and then update the collective degrees of belief by conditionalization upon given information φ, or (ii) update individual degrees of belief by conditionalization upon φ, and then aggregate individual degrees of belief to form collective degrees of belief. CL is an attractive principle, since it prohibits certain order effects that could make an aggregation process subject to manipulation according to when information is disclosed.Footnote 13 While the principle is attractive, it is also highly restrictive, as observed by Genest (1984b), with further impossibility results concerning CL introduced by Russell, Hawthorne, and Buchak (2015). Because CL is so restrictive, the principle should probably be regarded as negotiable—nice to have but not a deal breaker if we have to give it up. Thus, we are left with several principles, including CL, IP, and LW, that are of interest, but should probably not be regarded as obligatory, due to their restrictiveness. Given the plausibility of Z, IA also seems overly restrictive, and should also be regarded as negotiable.

4 Belief and degree of belief aggregation together

I now consider some possibilities for the coordinated aggregation of beliefs and degrees of belief. My basic assumption is that rational beliefs and rational degrees of belief are related to each other according to the Lockean Thesis.Footnote 14 In particular, I assume a context dependent version of the Lockean Thesis that says that for every individual/collective there is a bound r such that for each proposition, φ, it is rational for the individual/collective to believe φ if and only if the individual’s/collective’s rational degree of belief in φ is at least r. As shown by Leitgeb (2014), the satisfaction of the Lockean Thesis is closely related to the notion of p-stability:


A proposition φ is p-stable with respect to a probability function, p, if and only if for all S: if φ∩S ≠ ∅ and p(S) > 0, then p(φ|S) > 0.5.

Leitgeb (2014) has shown that if we embrace (1) consistency and deductive closure for belief sets, (2) probabilistic coherence for degrees of belief, and (3) the Lockean Thesis, then the strongest proposition believed by any given agent must be p-stable, where p is the degree of belief function for the respective agent. Furthermore, an agent will satisfy the Lockean Thesis with the bound r if and only if the strongest proposition, φ, believed by the agent is p-stable with probability at least r, and all other propositions that are p-stable are deductive consequences of φ, or have probability less than r. Given the preceding fact, I adopt the following criterion for the aptness of a belief function, b, for a probability function, p, relative to a bound r:


〈b, p〉 is Lockean at r if and only if (i) p(φb) ≥ r, (ii) φb is p-stable, and (iii) for all ψ: if ψ is p-stable, then φb ⊆ ψ or P(ψ) < r.

The goal of the present article is to canvass the possibility of instituting constraints on belief and degree of belief aggregation that are compatible with the Lockean Thesis. To simplify matters, I will limit my interest to pairs of aggregation functions that ensure the preservation of the satisfaction of the Lockean Thesis, under selected ‘appropriate conditions’, in the following sense: If the Lockean Thesis is satisfied by (the doxastic state of) each member of a group, and other appropriate conditions obtain, then the Lockean Thesis is satisfied by (the doxastic state of) the collective. A straightforward principle of the preceding sort omits any demand that appropriate conditions obtain, and simply demands that if the Lockean Thesis is satisfied by each member of a group, then the Lockean Thesis is satisfied by the collective. In other words:

Strict Preservation of the Locke an Thesis (SL)

For all B and P: if for all i: there exists an r: 〈bi, piis Lockean at r, then there exists an r: 〈bB, pPis Lockean at r.

Notice that the antecedent of SL is very ‘flexible’ concerning which belief sets are compatible with which degrees of belief. Consider, for example, p = 〈0.993, 0.004, 0.002, 0.001〉, along with b1 = 〈1, 0, 0, 0〉, b2 = 〈1, 1, 0, 0〉, b3 = 〈1, 1, 1, 0〉, and b4 = 〈1, 1, 1, 1〉. Notice that 〈b1, p〉 is Lockean at r = 0.993, 〈b2, p〉 is Lockean at r = 0.997, 〈b3, p〉 is Lockean at r = 0.999, and 〈b4, p〉 is Lockean at r = 1. The flexibility of the relation between belief and degree of belief tolerated by SL allows agents with identical degrees of belief to adopt different beliefs and thereby exert differential impact on the beliefs of the collective. This is a good reason to canvas alternatives to SL. The flexibility of SL also yields the demand for a very incredulous belief set aggregation function, typically demanding that the collective suspend judgment regarding all contingent propositions.

An attractive alternative to SL is motivated by the idea that for every context, there is a single Lockean threshold, r, that applies to all individuals in that context. For any such context, it is plausible to demand that if each individual in the group satisfies the Lockean Thesis with the appropriate threshold r, then the collective should also satisfy the Lockean Thesis with the threshold r. We may express the present requirement more precisely, as a collection of aggregation principles for respective values of r:

Preservation of the Lockean Thesis at Level r (L r )

For all B and P: if for all i: 〈bi, pi〉 is Lockean at r, then 〈bB, pP〉 is Lockean at r.

While the preceding constraints are appealing, they are incompatible with reasonable aggregation functions for belief and degree of belief, as illustrated by the following impossibility result:

Theorem 1

For all r: if 0.5 < r < 1, then {Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, Ap, Np, Lr} is inconsistent.

Theorem 1 shows that it would be too much to demand the satisfaction of instances of Lr. As an alternative, I will consider another principle that places different demands on when and how a collective should satisfy the Lockean Thesis. As a preliminary, I adopt a particular reductive thesis concerning the relationship between belief and degree of belief. According to this reductive thesis, an agent, i, counts as believing a proposition, φ, just in case φ is a logical consequence of the strongest proposition, φbi, that is pi-stable, where pi is i’s degree of belief function. Any agent who conforms to the present reductive thesis is credulous in the sense that she believes as many propositions as she can, while still adhering to the Lockean Thesis. The present conception of belief, which is endorsed by Arló-Costa and Pedersen (2012, p. 302), and entertained by Leitgeb (2013, pp. 1369–1370), is very attractive, assuming one wants to maintain the Lockean Thesis along with a reductive account of belief to degree of belief (cf. Cariani 2016, p. 402). This reductive thesis also provides us with the opportunity of combining the Lockean Thesis with reasonable principles of belief and degree of belief aggregation. In order to apply the reductive thesis, I introduce the following definition, which applies to a pair consisting of a belief function and a degree of belief function:


〈b, p〉 is credulous Lockean (abbreviated CL(b, p)) if and only if (1) φb is p-stable, and (2) for all S: if S is a subset of Π and ∪S is p-stable, then φb ⊆ ∪S.

Since there is a strongest p-stable proposition for each probability function p (Leitgeb 2014), it follows that for every p there is a unique belief function, b, such that 〈b, p〉 is credulous Lockean. Regarding the joint aggregation of beliefs and degrees of belief, I now propose the following principle:

Preservation of Lockean Credulity (PLC):

For all B, P: if for all i: CL(bi, pi), then CL(bB, pP).

It is demonstrable that PLC is consistent with the core principles of belief and degree of belief aggregation that were introduced in Sects. 2 and 3:

Theorem 2

{Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, Ap, Np, PLC} is consistent.

Theorem 2 follows directly from the following (far more general) result:

Theorem 3

For all F: if {F = Fbel, Ub, Ab, Nb} is consistent, then {F = Fbel, Up, Ap, Np, PLC} is consistent.Footnote 15

In considering Theorem 3, note that a statement of the form “F = Fbel” expresses that the particular function F is the ‘correct’ belief aggregation function Fbel. So Theorem 3 tells us that the conjunction Up, Ap, Np, and PLC is compatible with any choice of belief aggregation function, so long as that function satisfies Ub, Ab, and Nb. In other words, Theorem 3 shows that our options are completely open regarding what further constraints we may adopt regarding Fbel, given our commitment to the conjunction Up, Ap, Np, and PLC. On the other hand, our options are far more constrained when it comes to Fprob. For example, PLC (in conjunction with other reasonable principles) is incompatible with linear weighting, LW, and Irrelevance of Alternatives, IA:

Theorem 4

{Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, LW, PLC} is inconsistent.


{Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, IA, Zp, PLC} is inconsistent.Footnote 16

The failure of PLC to cohere with IA and LW is inconvenient, but tolerable to the degree that IA and LW are dubitable.Footnote 17 Despite the failure of PLC to cohere with IA and LW, it is demonstrable that PLC does cohere with other, less dubitable, principles. In fact, if we wish to maintain the claim that PLC is compatible with reasonable aggregation functions, it is essential to go beyond Theorem 3, since the ‘substantive’ principles cited by Theorem 3, namely, Ab, Nb, Ap, and Np, only require that acceptable aggregation functions be indifferent to the way that individuals and the elements of Π are ordered. Reasonable aggregation functions would also incorporate requirements to the effect that the ‘direction’ of the attitudes of the individuals in a collective exert the right sort of impact on the attitudes of the collective. The following four principles encapsulate some important ‘directionality’ requirements:

Unanimity (UN b ):

For all B, j: if for all i: \( n_{ij} \) = 0, then \( n_{j} \) = 0, and if for all i: \( n_{ij} \) = 1, then \( n_{j} \) = 1.

Weak Dominance (WD b ):

For all B, j, k: if for all i: \( n_{ij} \) ≥ \( n_{ik} \), then \( n_{j} \) ≥ \( n_{k} \).

Unanimity (UN p ):

For all P, j: if for all i: \( r_{ij} \) = 0, then \( r_{j} \) = 0, and if for all i: \( r_{ij} \) = 1, then \( r_{j} \) = 1.Footnote 18

Weak Dominance (WD p ):

For all P, j, k: if for all i: \( r_{ij} \) ≥ \( r_{ik} \), then \( r_{j} \) ≥ \( r_{k} \).

The compatibility of PLC with the preceding principles is encapsulated by the following theorems:

Theorem 5

For all F: if {F = Fbel, Ub, Ab, Nb, UNb} is consistent, then {F = Fbel, Up, Ap, Np, UNp, PLC} is consistent.

Theorem 6

For all F: if {F = Fbel, Ub, Ab, Nb, WDb} is consistent, then {F = Fbel, Up, Ap, Np, WDp, PLC} is consistent.

Theorem 7

For all F: if {F = Fbel, Ub, Ab, Nb, UNb, WDb} is consistent, then {F = Fbel, Up, Ap, Np, UNp, WDp, PLC} is consistent.Footnote 19

Although Theorems 57 are reassuring, it is demonstrable that both Independence Preservation (IP) and Commutativity with Learning (CL) are inconsistent with PLC, in the presence of other reasonable principles, as expressed by the following theorems (where Zb consists of the first conjunct of UNb):

Theorem 8

{Ub, Ab, Nb, Zb, Up, PLC, CL} is inconsistent.

Theorem 9

{Ub, Ab, Nb, Zb, Up, Ap, Np, PLC, IP} is inconsistent.

If one doubts that Zb is plausible, then one might dismiss the preceding theorems. Note, however, that maintaining either {Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, PLC, CL} or {Ub, Ab, Nb, Up, Ap, Np, PLC, IP} (whose consistency is easily demonstrableFootnote 20) will require frequent violations of Zb. Accepting such violations of Zb, in the presence of Ab and Nb, will lead to a very incredulous belief set aggregation function (i.e., a belief set aggregation function that typically demands that the collective suspend judgment regarding all contingent propositions).

5 Conclusion

The present paper began by introducing the ‘joint problem’ of aggregating beliefs and degrees of belief. The joint problem is significant, because it is a potential source of constraints upon both belief aggregation and degree of belief aggregation. Indeed, if rational degree of belief and rational belief are subject to mutual constraints, then care must be taken in how we aggregate beliefs and degrees of belief, lest the result of joint aggregation be collective beliefs and degrees of belief that fail to satisfy the constraints.

In exploring the joint problem, the main goal of the paper was to investigate whether the Lockean Thesis is compatible with reasonable belief and degree of belief aggregation functions. While the Lockean Thesis is dubitable (see, e.g., Buchak 2014), it is typically regarded as highly attractive, because, among other reasons, it forbids cases where the rational degree of belief in one proposition, φ, is greater than the rational degree of belief in another proposition, ψ, and yet it is rational to believe ψ and it is not rational to believe φ. As shown by Leitgeb (2014), the Lockean Thesis is also very demanding: Assuming (1) consistency and deductive closure for belief sets, and (2) probabilistic coherence for degrees of belief, the Thesis implies that the determination of whether it is rational for an agent (or a collective) to believe a respective proposition is dependent, not just upon the agent’s degree of belief in the proposition, but also upon the agent’s degrees of belief in other propositions and upon the very possibilities that are individuated by the agent’s degree of belief function. Given the demandingness of the Lockean Thesis, it would have been reasonable to expect the Thesis to place significant constraints upon belief aggregation and/or degree of belief aggregation. The results of the preceding section bear out this expectation.

In evaluating the tenability of the Lockean Thesis in the context of the joint problem, I considered three ‘preservationist’ principles concerning when and how acceptable aggregation functions should yield collective beliefs and degrees of belief that satisfy the Lockean Thesis. Two of the principles proved to be unsatisfactory. One principle, SL, is unappealing, because it permits individuals within a group to have different beliefs, while having identical degree of belief functions. A second principle, Lr (for any setting of r in (0.5, 1)), is just too demanding, as it would require that we abandon at least one non-negotiable aggregation principle (as illustrated by Theorem 1). In the end, my investigation focused on a principle called Preservation of Lockean Credulity (PLC), though it is possible that I have overlooked other principles that warrant exploration.

As encapsulated by PLC, Theorem 7 shows that the Lockean Thesis is compatible with an ensemble of principles that may plausibly be regarded as specifying the non-negotiable core of belief and degree of belief aggregation, namely: universality of inputs (Ub and Up), anonymity (Ab and Ap), neutrality (Nb and Np), unanimity (UNb and UNp), and weak dominance (WDb and WDp). Theorem 7 also shows that our options are very open regarding the sort of belief aggregation function we may adopt, assuming a commitment to PLC. On the other hand, PLC closes off some other significant principles concerning degree of belief aggregation: Theorem 4 and its corollary show that Irrelevance of Alternatives (IA) and Linear Weighting (LW) are problematic, while Theorems 8 and 9 show that Independence Preservation (IP) and Commutativity with Learning (CL) are problematic. The impossibility results presented in Sect. 4 (i.e., Theorems 4, 8, and 9) bear out the claim that acceptance of the Lockean Thesis would place significant constraints on what degree of belief aggregation function one may adopt. On the other hand, the possibility results presented in Sect. 4 (i.e., Theorems 3, 5, 6, and 7) show that the cost of accepting the Lockean Thesis might well be tolerable.