1 Introduction

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) development traces back to the early 1970s when NASA started developing airborne imaging spectrometers to study the Earth's surface. The first commercial HSI systems became available in the early 1990s, and the technology has since become more affordable and accessible. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) captures the electromagnetic spectrum in detail, providing information on the physical and chemical properties of objects. It's non-invasive and useful in agriculture, mineralogy, and environmental monitoring. HSI's spectral signature identification helps understand underlying phenomena. The data collected by HSI can be used to identify and distinguish between different materials, detect changes in the environment, monitor the health of crops, and much more. It measures the reflected light from an object or scene and is also known as imaging spectroscopy [1]. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an advanced technology capable of extracting valuable information from images. HSI sensors capture a large number of spectral bands, allowing for a much more detailed analysis compared to traditional RGB imaging. This means that HSI sensors can provide a greater level of detail in the scene being analyzed. This nuanced analysis offers a more comprehensive understanding of the image, allowing for better-informed decision-making [2].

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) is the most trending approach, primarily used for analyzing the earth using Remote Sensing (RS). Remote sensing gathers data on objects without physical contact, using technology to measure properties like temperature and radiation. It's valuable in fields like environmental monitoring, geology, and urban planning. It allows the collection of spectral, geographical, and temporal data about physical objects, regions, or areas under inquiry; it has many applications in several aspects of earth science, like agriculture, geology, and environmental monitoring [3]. RGB images, consisting of three dimensions representing color information, were commonly used before hyperspectral imaging (HSI). However, HSI captures spectral information across a range of electromagnetic wavelengths, providing a more detailed spectral profile of the object being imaged. HSI images are captured using multiple narrow spectral bands, which are then combined to create a three-dimensional data cube that contains information on the spectral profile of each pixel. HSI imaging is a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from remote sensing to medical imaging. These color values combine RGB intensities displayed on a color plane. After RGB images, Multispectral Images (MSI) came into the world, they captured more spectral bands than RGB images. Multispectral sensors usually capture illumination energy contemplated from the objects over the earth's surface. It typically has 3 to 10 different spectral bands. Examples of bands in these sensors include visible green, red, blue, invisible infrared, etc. [4]. Figure 1 represents the RGB Image and Hyperspectral images.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a RGB Images, b Hyperspectral Images [5]

Remote sensing data for hyperspectral imaging will be collected using platforms such as aircraft satellites, balloons, rockets, space shuttles, etc.… Spaceborne and airborne sensors are most used for capturing hyperspectral images. In spaceborne images, the sensors will capture the images from the space station. Airborne images will be captured through aircraft [6]. The Airborne sensors are an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI), Hyperspectral Digital Image Collection Experiment (HYDIC), Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (DAIS), Push-Broom Hyperspectral Imager (PHI), HyMap, Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX), Modular Airborne IMAGING Spectrometer (MAIS), and UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) [7]. The spaceborne sensors are MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer), HYSI(INDIA), MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer), Hyperion, Hyperspectral Imager, NEMO (Naval Earth Map Observer), and OrbiView-4 [8]. Details about sensors are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Explanation of hyperspectral sensors

The data collected from the airborne and spaceborne sensors will be reflected in spectral bands, and those spectral bands will form a hyperspectral data cube. Hyperspectral sensors will capture images and process an image towards an exceedingly massive number of wavelengths. HSI has become an effective method to observe the earth, which can contribute to the total spectral specifications of an object in supplement to restricted bands ranging from 0.4 µm to 10 µm. It does not quickly provide the target's position information [9]. Every hyperspectral image has its own spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution. The Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) is a measure of the spatial resolution of an image, which determines the ability to differentiate between adjacent objects with high accuracy. GSD is the smallest detectable object size in ground-based hyperspectral imaging, typically ranging from 1 to 10 m [10]. Spectral resolution refers to an image's capacity to differentiate between various wavelengths of light, measured in nanometres (nm). Hyperspectral images are a type of remote sensing imagery that contains a vast amount of detailed spectral information. With their ability to capture hundreds or thousands of narrow and contiguous spectral bands, they provide an in-depth understanding of the target object's surface characteristics, chemical composition, and physical properties. This enables the identification of a vast array of materials and features that would be impossible to detect with conventional RGB imaging [11]. Temporal resolution refers to the frequency at which images are captured, measured in seconds, minutes, or hours. Based on the intended application, hyperspectral images can be acquired with various temporal resolutions. For example, hyperspectral images of crops may be captured every few days to monitor crop health and development. On the other hand, hyperspectral images of urban areas may be captured less frequently, such as once a month or once a year [12]. Figure 2 portrays the electromagnetic radiation that is either reflected or emitted by the surface of the Earth.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The source of remote sensing image capturing is taken by [15]

In hyperspectral imaging, a band refers to a collection of wavelengths that are detected by the hyperspectral sensor. Unlike traditional RGB imaging, hyperspectral sensors can capture hundreds or even thousands of bands, providing a highly detailed and nuanced scene analysis [13]. A hyperspectral image consists of several bands, each containing information about a specific range of wavelengths. For instance, one band may capture information about the red wavelength range, while another may capture information about the green wavelength range. For example, Visible bands are sensitive to the colors that we see with our eyes. Near-infrared (NIR) bands are sensitive to the amount of reflected sunlight, ranging from 400–700 nm (nm). Shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands are sensitive to the water content of materials, ranging from 700–1300 nm. Midwave infrared (MWIR) bands are sensitive to the temperature of materials, ranging from 1300–2500 nm. Longwave infrared (LWIR) bands are sensitive to the heat emitted by objects, ranging from 2500–5000 nm. By analyzing the information obtained through hyperspectral imaging, researchers can gain insights into the composition, properties, and conditions of materials in the scene [14].

Hyperspectral imaging creates spectral bands by dividing the light from the scene into its constituent wavelengths. This can be accomplished using prisms, which refract light based on wavelength, or diffraction gratings, which diffract light based on wavelength. Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonators are microcavities that capture and circulate light multiple times. The resonant wavelength of a WGM resonator depends on its size and shape, which can be used to create a filter that permits only light of a specific wavelength to pass through. Once the light is dispersed into its wavelengths, a detector array captures it. The detector array consists of numerous individual detectors, each sensitive to a different wavelength of light. The detector array records the light's intensity at each wavelength, creating a hyperspectral image cube [26]. The representation of spectral bands are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The representation of spectral bands [27]

A hyperspectral data cube is a 3D dataset that captures the spectral reflectance of every pixel in a scene. It is created by a hyperspectral sensor, which captures scene images at numerous wavelengths. Hyperspectral sensors can be mounted on aircraft, satellites, or even handheld devices. Using a prism or diffraction grating, light is divided into wavelengths. Each sensor element then detects a different wavelength of light. After capturing multiple images of a scene, the process of stacking these images together creates a 3D data cube. Every pixel in this cube holds a unique representation of a moment captured in time. The x and y dimensions hold the spatial coordinates, while the z dimension encapsulates the essence of the captured light wavelength. In other words, the cube provides a comprehensive view of the scene in three dimensions, combining both spatial and spectral information. The hyperspectral datacube is shown in Fig. 4. Hyperspectral data cubes are large and intricate datasets that provide abundant information about the scene. The data gathered can be employed to accurately detect and visually represent diverse substances such as minerals, plant life, and bodies of water. Moreover, hyperspectral data cubes are employed to keep track of environmental changes like deforestation and pollution [28]. The following are the steps involved in creating a hyperspectral data cube:

  • Step 1: Collect images of the scene at numerous wavelengths using a hyperspectral sensor.

  • Step 2: Calibrate the images to eliminate any sensor noise or artifacts.

  • Step 3: Geo-reference the images to associate them with a known coordinate system.

  • Step 4: Stack the images together to create a 3D data cube.

  • Step 5: Process the data cube to remove atmospheric effects and enhance the signal-to-noise ratio.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Hyperspectral data cube [29]

In the field of hyperspectral imaging, a spectral signature represents a definitive and unmistakable pattern of light that an object or material emits or reflects at varying wavelengths. It works like a fingerprint, enabling materials to be identified and classified in hyperspectral images. Hyperspectral sensors excel in capturing hundreds of spectral bands, enabling a highly detailed and nuanced analysis compared to traditional RGB imaging. By scrutinizing the spectral signatures of various pixels in a hyperspectral image, scientists can gain insight into the materials present in the scene, including their composition, structure, and temperature. Several factors influence spectral signatures, including the material's composition, structure, surface texture, and illumination conditions. For instance, different vegetation types have distinct spectral signatures due to their varying pigments and leaf structures. Similarly, minerals of different types exhibit different spectral signatures owing to their disparate chemical compositions [30] (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Spectral signatures of soil, vegetation, and water [30]

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) technology is an advanced imaging technique that comprises hundreds of spectral bands, which can be confidently utilized across various fields. These fields include environmental monitoring, military surveillance, urban planning, precision agriculture, seed viability studies, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, oil and gas, medical diagnosis, thin films, and forensic science [31]. Detailed information about each application will be explained in section 3 We can use hyperspectral images for classification and prediction. In classification, we can classify the land cover and so on. In the medical field, we can classify various types of tumors, blood cells, etc. By using prediction methods, we can predict deforestation, etc. The characteristics of RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral imaging are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Characteristics of RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral imaging

Hyperspectral imaging is a highly advanced technology that uses a range of wavelengths of light to capture detailed information about the composition of a land surface. It can identify and classify various types of vegetation, soil, water bodies, and man-made structures with great accuracy. This makes it a valuable tool for analyzing and monitoring land use and land cover changes over time, which can aid in making informed decisions related to environmental management and resource planning. It captures detailed images by using various light wavelengths and allows for informed decision-making in various applications like urban planning, crop monitoring, and natural resource management. Hyperspectral imaging offers detailed information on the spectral signatures of diverse materials, which can be effectively leveraged to develop machine learning algorithms for the accurate classification of various land cover types. Within hyperspectral imaging, there exist several methods for LULC classification. One of the most frequently used techniques is the utilization of a spectral library, which represents a database containing the spectral signatures of diverse materials. To classify pixels into different land cover types, a plethora of machine learning and deep learning algorithms are employed. These algorithms compare the spectral signatures of the pixels with those present in the spectral library [32]. Another standard method is using machine learning algorithms trained using labeled training data. Labeled training data is a set of pixels manually classified into different land cover types. Once the LULC classification model is trained, it can classify the pixels in new hyperspectral images. The LULC classification map generated as a result can be effectively employed to identify and map different types of land cover present within the scene. LULC classification in hyperspectral imaging is an advancing field with new applications being constantly discovered. It has several applications in today's world, such as identifying areas of fields that are stressed or diseased, tracking the spread of invasive algae blooms in lakes and rivers, mapping urban areas, identifying areas for development, and mapping forests, wetlands, and other natural resources [33].

The significance of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) is it is a valuable tool for extracting useful information from images. However, HSI has several challenges that need to be addressed, it produces a large amount of data, making it challenging to store, process, and analyze them. The spectral signatures of materials can vary depending on factors like illumination, atmospheric conditions, and surface roughness. This can make it difficult to identify and classify materials in HSI images accurately. Labeled data is crucial for training machine learning models to identify and classify materials in HSI images. Unfortunately, acquiring labeled HSI data can be difficult and expensive. Many of the algorithms used to process and analyze HSI images are computationally intensive. This makes it challenging to use HSI in real-time applications [34].

In recent years, numerous review articles have been published regarding the classification of Hyperspectral Images. Articles such as, [35] present a comprehensive and confident analysis of machine-dependent technologies and deep learning methods that are most effective in hyperspectral image classification. A thorough review of the literature provides valuable insights and conclusions that are essential for researchers to understand the intricate relationship between machine learning and hyperspectral imaging. The authors in [36], explore the potential of combining hyperspectral imaging with deep learning to solve tasks across various application fields while highlighting potentialities and critical issues related to the development trends. In [3], this review offers a comprehensive and confident analysis of deep learning techniques used for hyperspectral image classification. It provides an in-depth evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the most widely used classifiers and presents reliable quantitative results for easy comparison. As a result, this review presents a definitive understanding of deep learning techniques for hyperspectral image classification. And also, the authors in [37], the article delves into the application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the classification of Hyperspectral Images (HSIs). A comprehensive analysis is conducted, comparing the efficacy of four distinct CNN models in capturing both spectral and spatial features, as well as their combination. Furthermore, the article provides insightful recommendations for future enhancements that could elevate the performance of these models. After conducting our research, we have found that numerous review articles exist regarding the classification of Hyperspectral Images (HSI) in a broad sense. Regrettably, none of these articles have delved into a comprehensive analysis of the complete HSI processing workflow. This workflow encompasses Hyperspectral Image acquisition, Hyperspectral data cube generation, Pre-processing, Feature Extraction, Band Selection, Classification, Prediction, benchmark datasets, and quality metrics. We aim to address this gap in research by providing a single, detailed article covering all aspects of the HSI processing workflow. Here, we are giving the complete details about the various sensors used for hyperspectral image acquisition, the methods involved in the pre-processing of the acquired hyperspectral image, feature extraction methods, band selection methods, classification methods, prediction methods, various benchmark datasets with their complete details, and quality metrics are elaborated. By reading our review paper, researchers can understand all the steps involved from image acquisition to prediction with quality metrics.

1.1 Inclusion criteria for paper selection

The process of reviewing studies involves selecting and pre-processing literature that meets the defined selection criteria. This initial step is crucial in ensuring that the review is based on relevant and appropriate studies. To ensure the best possible outcome, a thorough and methodical approach was employed, involving a series of steps to carefully evaluate and determine the suitability of the literature at hand.

  • Step 1: To begin our research, we conducted a thorough search of various digital portals, including ACM, IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley, to identify the most appropriate journals and conferences for our study. We examined numerous studies published in different journals and conference proceedings to ensure we met our selection criteria. We searched for studies in several prominent journals such as IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Remote Sensing Letters, Remote Sensing, Sensors, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, arXiv preprint arXiv, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Communications & Signal Processing, Ieee Access, among others. Our thorough search ensured we had access to a broad range of relevant studies and publications for our research.

  • Step 2: To carry out a comprehensive review of hyperspectral imaging, we conducted a thorough search for relevant studies spanning from 2001 to February 2023. We utilized a range of keywords including hyperspectral imaging, remote sensing, hyperspectral image classification, hyperspectral image prediction, hyperspectral imaging applications, hyperspectral image land use and cover classification, as well as hyperspectral image feature extraction and band selection. We then examined the abstracts of the identified papers to extract concise and relevant clusters while disregarding any irrelevant studies.

  • Step 3: During this step, we assessed a group of studies that were chosen in the previous step. We conducted a thorough analysis of the studies and used clustering analysis to narrow down the selection. After examining the introduction and conclusion of the studies that were selected in the previous step, we decided which ones to include in this review. Finally, we excluded any studies that did not meet our criteria.

1.2 Exclusion criteria for paper elimination

Conducting a systematic literature review is a crucial step in gaining a thorough understanding of the current trends, challenges, and future research areas in a particular field. In our review of hyperspectral imaging, we established specific criteria to ensure that only primary research papers that met our standards were included. We categorized the papers based on their datasets, years of publication, application areas, deep learning techniques, and features used. Our search for relevant studies was comprehensive, and we looked through various journals and conference proceedings from digital portals like ACM, IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, and others. We excluded studies that were not written in English, did not have the domain in their title, or did not meet our specific criteria. Our primary focus was to identify how hyperspectral imaging techniques are being utilized in different domains. Our comprehensive analysis of the available literature on hyperspectral imaging has yielded insightful findings regarding the current state of research and the trajectory it is taking.

Our review article's contribution is providing a fundamental understanding of hyperspectral imaging for researchers. This paper thoroughly discusses the specific approaches employed at each level, from the image capture stage to the accuracy validation step of the hyperspectral image classification process. The essential structure and potential framework for hyperspectral image classification are explained briefly. In addition, the paper sheds light on some notable challenges and promising directions for the field. It underscores the need for developing sophisticated techniques capable of addressing the high complexity and dimensionality of hyperspectral data, while also highlighting the importance of creating robust methods that can effectively handle noise and other artifacts present in hyperspectral images.

This review paper is structured in a manner that allows for clear and concise presentation of information. The organization of the paper will be explained in the following sections, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the content to be covered: Section 2 gives the related work from existing hyperspectral image classification and prediction models. Section 3 elaborates on the various applications of hyperspectral imaging. In Section 4, we explain the different pre-processing techniques that are utilized for satellite and medical images. Section 5 elaborates on the feature extraction algorithms. Section 6 expands the feature or band selection methods. Section 7 illustrates hyperspectral image classification approaches. Section 8 demonstrates hyperspectral image prediction techniques. Section 9 picturizes the benchmark databases used. Section 10 qualifies the metrics used for calculating the classification accuracy. Section 11 gives the open issues and challenges. Section 12 discusses the hyperspectral image classification existing methods and their performance. Section 13 concludes the article.

2 Related works

This section reviews existing Hyperspectral Image Classification (HSIC) and Prediction papers. We have divided the literature into the following: classification and prediction; in classification again, we divided Traditional Machine Learning and Neural Networks; in Traditional Machine Learning, we divided into supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised classification methods. In neural networks, we again divided into Traditional Neural Networks and Deep Learning. And then into a Convolutional neural network. Table 3 provides a comprehensive summary of various supervised classification techniques that have been used for Hyperspectral image classification, Table 4 provides a literature review of existing methods based on unsupervised classification techniques for Hyperspectral image classification, Table 5 offers a comprehensive literature review of semi-supervised classification techniques. Additionally, Table 6 provides a thorough examination of attention-based classification techniques for the same. Moving forward, Table 7 delves into methods based on CNN classification techniques, while Table 8 presents a literature review of prediction techniques for Hyperspectral image classification.

Table 3 Literature review of existing methods based on supervised classification techniques for Hyperspectral image classification
Table 4 Literature survey of existing methods based on unsupervised classification techniques for hyperspectral image classification
Table 5 Existing methods based on hyperspectral image classification using semi-supervised classification algorithms were reviewed
Table 6 Existing methods based on hyperspectral image classification using attention-based classification models were given
Table 7 Existing methods based on hyperspectral image classification using CNN-based classification models were given
Table 8 Existing methods based on hyperspectral image Prediction

In [38], the article provides a detailed overview of the current pansharpening techniques used in the fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images. It examines the various categories of pansharpening techniques and offers an evaluation of the advantages and limitations of existing methods. A highly effective technique for merging high spatial resolution images with low-resolution images, using a state-of-the-art Fuzzy and Gyrator Transform (GT) based image fusion method is proposed in [39]. It uses a Genetic Algorithm to tune the required fuzzification parameters and maximizes the overall entropy. Quantitative analysis shows that the proposed method has better structural detail, spatial resolution, and spectral information. A model for restoring visibility in hazy remote sensing images is proposed, which is constantly being improved and developed [40]. The proposed image restoration model is built on a fusion-based transmission map, a hybrid constraint-based variational model, and a dynamic differential evolution to optimize the control parameters. Through rigorous testing on 50 synthetic benchmarks and 50 real-life remote sensing images, the model has demonstrated superior performance when compared to other existing restoration models.

A robust and efficient classification methodology that seamlessly integrates Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is presented in [41]. This cutting-edge approach ensures superior accuracy and reliability in classification tasks. It is tested on three publicly available hyperspectral datasets and achieves satisfactory accuracy. The classification of hyperspectral images is often hindered by a lack of labeled data. To address this challenge, researchers have recently introduced a deep hybrid multi-graph neural network (DHMG) in [42], This novel approach employs two distinct graph filters, a dense network, and a GraphSAGE-based network to refine the graph features. Extensive experimentation has demonstrated that the DHMG model outperforms current state-of-the-art models. The proposed method leverages the wavelet transform to extract both spatial and spectral information, resulting in an effective solution for hyperspectral image classification. The extracted information is then fused and used to classify the images via a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier [43]. Experiments show that this method is effective compared to conventional approaches. In [44], the authors present an innovative hybrid classifier for hyperspectral images that employs the Bat Algorithm (BA) to optimize the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. The resulting BAT-CNN classifier is tested on three different hyperspectral datasets and has demonstrated superior accuracy compared to the standalone CNN classifier. This new approach shows great promise in advancing the classification of hyperspectral images and has the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of remote sensing applications.

In [45], authors proposed CM-CNN, a new 3D convolutional neural network, for hyperspectral image classification. CM-CNN achieved a stable Kappa coefficient, confusion matrix accuracy above 95%, and almost no obvious classification errors. A two-stage learning algorithm for the classification of hyperspectral images was proposed in [46]. The algorithm optimizes classification results through Kernel Singular Value Decomposition-Multiple Kernel learning and Conditional Random Field. The authors in [47], proposed a novel hyperspectral image classification algorithm and introduced a hyperspectral sky imaging dataset. The dataset is augmented using multiple clustering, leading to higher pixel classification accuracy. Gradient boosting methods outperformed benchmark algorithms. A complementary Integrated Transformer Network (CITNet) for the classification of hyperspectral images in [48]. After conducting experiments with CITNet, it was found that the utilization of Conv3D and Conv2D to extract shallow semantic information, along with the implementation of a channel Gaussian modulation attention module to enhance secondary features, led to improved classification performance. The present study introduces a novel algorithm, namely Class Information-based Principal Component Analysis (CI-PCA), that aims to enhance hyperspectral image classification [49]. To create a CI-PCA image, we need to choose particular pixels or regions for training purposes for each defined class. Afterward, we compute the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for each class's training data individually. Finally, we merge the PCA results of each class to form the ultimate CI-PCA image. The efficacy of this method has been proven with the utilization of two genuine hyperspectral datasets. In [50], a novel approach to vegetation classification has been introduced, called DCKELM-SPATIAL. This technique utilizes a deep composite kernel extreme learning machine that leverages spatial feature extraction, employing the Gabor filter and super-pixel density peak clustering method to generate a fresh set of spatial composite kernels. Empirical findings have demonstrated that this strategy surpasses numerous traditional and sophisticated methods in terms of classification precision.

The authors in [51], To address the common concerns of overfitting and excessive parameters in deep learning models for hyperspectral image classification, a team of researchers has proposed the Hybrid Fully Connected Tensorized Compression Network (HybridFCTCN). This innovative network has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art classification performance with a minimal number of parameters. An advanced K-means hyperspectral classification algorithm that confidently portrays the significance of bands through variance coefficients and integrates inter-class information to achieve optimal clustering at a global level is proposed in [52]. A spectral-spatial classification method for homogeneous regions in hyperspectral images, based on locality-constrained joint-sparse and weighted low-rank, to enhance classification accuracy [53]. Other classification methods are outperformed by this one in terms of accuracy. In [54], through the application of self-supervised masked image reconstruction, the researchers have successfully improved transformer models for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. Their insightful findings indicate that modifying the architecture of the vision transformer can yield significant enhancements in the accuracy of land cover classification tasks. It is noteworthy that the transformer model surpasses randomly initialized transformers and 3D convolutional neural networks by an impressive 7–8%, even when only a mere 0.1–10% of the training labels are accessible.

Hyperspectral image classification has proven to be an invaluable tool in categorizing land use and cover, contributing greatly to the fields of land management, urban planning, and environmental studies. The literature has discovered that machine learning and deep learning approaches such as SVM, CNN, RF, SOM, KNN, SAM, LSTM, and Attention models are the most effective methods for carrying out this classification process. These methods have been found to have the highest accuracy, consistency, and robustness. They can handle complex data sets and distinguish between different spectral signatures of land cover types. Figure 6 shows the taxonomy of hyperspectral image classification and Fig. 7 shows the existing models comparison for hyperspectral image classification.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The taxonomy of hyperspectral image classification

Fig. 7
figure 7

Existing model comparison for hyperspectral image classification

3 Applications of hyperspectral imaging

According to [131], Hyperspectral imaging technology is utilized in various applications to solve real-world problems. Hyperspectral imaging is a remote sensing technique that captures data across numerous narrow, contiguous wavelength bands. Thanks to its high spectral resolution, researchers can identify and classify objects with exceptional precision. This technology has a wide range of applications, including:

  1. 1.

    Agriculture: HSI classification finds application in various agricultural areas such as crop mapping, pest and disease detection, stress detection, and yield estimation. Crop mapping using HSI helps to create accurate maps of different crop types like corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. This information can be utilized to manage crops more effectively and increase yields. HSI can detect and identify pests and diseases in crops, which helps farmers take early measures to control them before they cause significant damage. HSI can also help to detect stressed crops, for instance, crops facing drought, nutrient deficiencies, or salinity. This knowledge can assist farmers in identifying and addressing issues before they lead to reduced yields. Finally, HSI can estimate crop yields, which can be used to plan for harvest and market crops more effectively [1].

  2. 2.

    Seed viability study: Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a valuable tool to study seed variety in several ways. One potential benefit of utilizing spectral signatures is the ability to identify different seed varieties accurately. This can aid in ensuring seed quality and selecting the most suitable seed variety for planting purposes. Another one is, that HSI can be used to assess the quality of seeds by analyzing their spectral signatures. This enables the identification of damaged, diseased, or immature seeds. Lastly, HSI can predict seed germination by analyzing their spectral signatures, which is helpful for crop yield optimization and planning planting [132]. As HSI sensors are becoming increasingly affordable and portable, they are expected to be used in more innovative and exciting ways. HSI is a powerful tool for studying seed variety and can potentially revolutionize the farming industry [133] (Fig. 8). For Example, the Corn seed monitoring using hyperspectral Imaging is shown in Fig. 8 (a) Original Image, Fig. 8 (b) Partial least squares discriminant analysis, Fig. 8 (c) Binary Image.

  3. 3.

    Biotechnology: HSI is a versatile technology employed in several ways in the biotechnology field. Some key areas where HSI is being utilized are drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and monitoring. HSI can be used to diagnose and monitor various diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. It can also identify tumors and track their growth over time. [135].

  4. 4.

    Eye Care: Eye care is an emerging field that utilizes hyperspectral imaging technology to improve eye disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment. According to [136], doctors can accurately identify and classify objects due to their high spectral resolution. Early detection of subtle changes in the eye is crucial to prevent vision loss caused by conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.HSI is used to track the progression of eye diseases over time, enabling doctors to adjust treatment plans and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. It can also guide surgeons during ophthalmic procedures, such as cataract surgery and retinal detachment repair, which can improve the accuracy and safety of surgery. Figure 9 shows the Fundus examination of both eyes and it was documented with ultrawide field imaging, color fundus photography, and fundus autofluorescence imaging using hyperspectral imaging.

  5. 5.

    Food Processing: Hyperspectral imaging technology is used for food processing to enhance food processing operations' safety, quality, and efficiency. According to [137], Hyperspectral imaging can detect foreign objects, such as metal, plastic, and glass, in food products, improving food safety and preventing consumers from getting sick. It can assess the quality of food products by measuring factors such as ripeness, freshness, nutritional content, and chemical composition. This information can improve the quality of food products, reduce waste, and ensure food safety. Also, Hyperspectral imaging can sort and grade food products based on their quality and other characteristics, improving the efficiency of food processing and ensuring that consumers receive high-quality products (Fig. 10).

  6. 6.

    Environmental Monitoring: Using hyperspectral imaging, using hyperspectral imaging technology to monitor the environment for changes or disturbances. According to [138], Hyperspectral imaging can be used to monitor various environmental factors such as air and water quality, land cover, vegetation and soil health, geological hazards, natural disasters, and climate change.

  7. 7.

    Forensic Science: In [139], Forensic science using hyperspectral imaging involves using hyperspectral imaging technology to collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other forensic settings. To detect the bloodstains, even in low-light conditions or on dark fabrics. HSI can enhance the visibility of fingerprints, even on complex surfaces like metal or plastic. It can also detect gunshot residue and other evidence related to firearms. Hyperspectral imaging can detect and identify drugs and explosives, even in trace amounts. To analyze fibers from clothing or other materials, which can help to link suspects to crime scenes. HSI can detect documents, such as handwriting and ink analysis, to provide substantial evidence in forgery or fraud cases [140] (Fig. 11).

  8. 8.

    Thin Films: Thin films in hyperspectral imaging refer to thin layers of materials that possess unique optical properties that can be used to manipulate light in various ways, such as reflecting, transmitting, or absorbing light at specific wavelengths [142]. HSI is used to create filters that can be used to select or block specific wavelengths of light. This can be useful for applications such as hyperspectral microscopy, where it is crucial to image specific chemical species or structures. Thin films can coat optical components, such as lenses and mirrors, to enhance performance. For instance, anti-reflective coatings can be used to minimize glare and improve image quality. Also, thin films can be used to create sensors that can detect and measure specific wavelengths of light. This can be useful for environmental monitoring and food safety inspection [143].

  9. 9.

    Oil and Gases: Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) effectively detects, identifies, and quantifies oil and gas in various environments. HSI can directly detect oil and gas by identifying their unique spectral signatures. For example, oil and gas have characteristic absorption bands in the infrared region of the spectrum. HSI can indirectly detect oil and gas by identifying features associated with oil and gas deposits. HSI works by analyzing reflected light from the surface of the earth at many different wavelengths, creating a detailed spectral signature that can help to identify subtle changes in vegetation, surface temperature, and other environmental factors that may be indicative of the presence of oil and gas deposits. HSI can also be used in various oil and gas exploration and production applications such as mapping oil spills, monitoring pipeline leaks, and identifying potential drilling locations [144].

  10. 10.

    Cancer Diagnosis: Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) detects, identifies, and characterizes cancer cells and tissues. HSI can detect and identify cancer cells and tissues in various ways, to detect cancer cells and tissues by identifying their unique spectral signatures. For instance, cancer cells often have different absorption and scattering properties than normal cells. HSI can indirectly detect cancer cells and tissues by identifying features that are associated with cancer. For example, HSI can be used to identify changes in blood flow, tissue oxygenation, and other cellular and physiological processes that can be indicative of cancer. HSI has various applications in cancer diagnosis, such as identifying cancerous tissue margins during surgery, monitoring tumor progression and treatment response, and identifying biomarkers for early cancer detection [145]. Hyperspectral imaging for medical applications are represented in (Fig. 12).

  11. 11.

    Animal Detection: Apart from the applications discussed above, animal detection applications are also most attractive, which use various input modalities, namely RGB image [145, 147], thermal image [148], unmanned aerial images [149], unmanned ground images [150, 151], and hyperspectral images. Hyperspectral imaging uses are increasing daily, not only in animal detection and classification but also for animal food quality, remote animal health monitoring, and animal disease detection etc., HSI is also used in the poultry form sector.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Corn seed monitoring using hyperspectral Imaging (a) Original Image, b Partial least squares discriminant analysis, c Binary Image [134]

Fig. 9
figure 9

Fundus examination of both eyes, documented with ultrawide field imaging, color fundus photography, and fundus autofluorescence imaging [136]

Fig. 10
figure 10

Sliced Braeburn apple detection [137]

Fig. 11
figure 11

Representation of ATM explosion and its spectral signatures [141]

Fig. 12
figure 12

Hyperspectral imaging in medical applications [146]

4 Pre-processing

Hyperspectral image pre-processing is a crucial step in any hyperspectral imaging workflow, as it prepares the images for further analysis and enhances the accuracy and reliability of the results. Hyperspectral imaging also requires pre-processing, which includes removing noise, correcting atmospheric effects, and reducing data dimensionality. In hyperspectral image pre-processing, we have separate techniques for medical and satellite images. Fig. 13 details the pre-processing techniques involved in hyperspectral imaging.

  1. 1.

    Pre-processing Techniques for Hyperspectral Satellite Images: Hyperspectral satellite image pre-processing, Atmospheric Correction (AC), Radiometric Correction (RC), Geometric Correction (GC), and Dimensionality Reduction (DR) are used.

    1. a.

      Atmospheric Correction (AC): Atmospheric correction is a crucial process that eliminates the atmospheric effects on the spectral signatures of materials in an image. Atmospheric gases and particles can distort spectral signatures in images through light absorption and scattering. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of remote sensing data, it is crucial to understand atmospheric conditions and apply appropriate correction techniques. Accurate identification and classification of materials in the image is essential for hyperspectral imaging, and atmospheric correction ensures that researchers can achieve this without any hindrance [152]. In hyperspectral imaging, several techniques can be used for atmospheric correction. One commonly used method is the Radiative Transfer Model (RTM). An RTM is a computer model replicating the light path through the atmosphere. The model estimates the amount of light absorbed and scattered by the atmosphere, allowing researchers to eliminate these effects from the image. Another method used for atmospheric correction in hyperspectral imaging is to use a reference spectrum. A reference spectrum is a spectral signature of a known material, such as a white reference panel. Researchers compare the spectral signature of a pixel in the image to the reference spectrum to estimate the amount of light absorbed and scattered by the atmosphere and remove these effects from the image [153].

      Atmospheric Correction (AC) is used for quantitatively estimating the water surface reflectance. Also, it can be utilized to determine the absorptions of the numerous water constituents concluded by an inversion algorithm. The AC's aerosol types are enlarged from 12 to 80 [5]. The wavelengths used for the AC are when the water leaving radiance is expected to be zero. It has remained the designated near-infrared meant at comparatively clear waters, and the shortwave infrared designed for exceedingly turbid and SWIR bands is not available. AC is a vast source of error correction in hyperspectral remote sensing, with the external assets even lower than perfect circumstances [154]. Also, Fig 14 displays the improved repossessions with contiguousness correction shown in red, the improved repossessions starved of adjacency correction in orange, and the standard retrievals in blue. The light grey spectra represent the flying levels.

      Fig. 13
      figure 13

      Pre-processing techniques

      Fig. 14
      figure 14

      Results of Atmospheric correction [154]

    2. b.

      Radiometric Correction (GC): Radiometric correction, a crucial step in hyperspectral imaging, transforms Raw Digital Numbers (DNs) of image pixels into physical units, such as radiance or reflectance, inspiring a deeper understanding of the imaging process. The RDNs of the image pixels are influenced by several factors, including the sensor gain and offset, the solar irradiance, and the atmospheric conditions [155]. Radiometric correction in hyperspectral imaging can be done through various methods. One widely used method is to employ a calibration equation. This equation establishes a relationship between the RDN values of the pixels in an image and the radiance or reflectance of the materials in the image. A reference panel with a known radiance or reflectance is typically used to derive the calibration equation [156]. It has been observed that SAR data calibration is an effective method of obtaining essential radar backscatter information for RC. To resolve the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the radar backscatter image, the superiority of any radiometric terrain correction is massively dependent [157]. Also, Fig. 15 (a) shows the original image, and (b) gives the radiometrically corrected image of the AHI (Airborne Hyperspectral Imager) made in China. It is a non-combatant remote sensor; this will focus more on the quantifiable reclamation of surface geophysical constraints. The AHI sensor has a spectral range of 400 to 1000 nm.

      Fig. 15
      figure 15

      a Original image, b Corrected image of radiometric correction [157]

    3. c.

      Geometric Correction (GC): Geometric correction is a process used in hyperspectral imaging to rectify geometric distortions in the image. These distortions may arise due to various factors, such as the sensor platform, the Earth's curvature and rotation, and atmospheric refraction. Hyperspectral imaging relies on geometric correction to ensure the hyperspectral image aligns accurately with other geospatial data, such as satellite imagery and maps [158]. It decreases the terrain displacement and helps advance the image's positional accuracy. It is a technique to correct an image's errors and increase quality [159]. Also, Fig. 16. Represents the difference between before and after geometric correction.

      Fig. 16
      figure 16

      Geometric correction (a) Before and (b) After geometric corrections [159]

    4. d.

      Dimensionality Reduction (DR): While hyperspectral imaging requires a careful balance between spectral band reduction and the retention of crucial information, dimensionality reduction techniques can be utilized to achieve this objective effectively. Hyperspectral images often contain hundreds or thousands of spectral bands, making them computationally challenging to analyze [160]. Therefore, dimensionality reduction is essential to simplify the data and facilitate efficient analysis. In dimensionality reduction, we have the following methods: IPCA, ICA, and t-SNE etc., Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a powerful statistical technique that efficiently segregates data into its independent components—signals that are impervious to further simplification. ICA is commonly utilized in hyperspectral imaging to extract essential features hidden within the data [161]. Incremental Principal Component Analysis (IPCA) is a technique for reducing the dimensionality of a dataset. The technique allows for the updating of principal components as new data is added. This is different from traditional batch Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which calculates all principal components of a dataset together. IPCA is useful when dealing with large datasets that cannot be processed simultaneously. It enables the calculation of principal components using smaller subsets of data, thereby reducing memory requirements and computational complexity [162]. t-SNE (t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding) is another dimensionality reduction technique commonly used for data visualization. Visualizing high-dimensional datasets can be a complex task. Fortunately, there is a technique that can simplify this process. t-SNE is a valuable tool that reduces high-dimensional datasets into a low-dimensional space, such as a 2D or 3D space, making it easier to visualize. By mapping similar data points in high-dimensional space to nearby points in low-dimensional space, while mapping dissimilar data points to distant points, t-SNE allows for a more efficient and effective visualization process. In other words, t-SNE allows for the visualization of complex data by projecting it onto a simpler, more understandable space. This technique is useful for identifying clusters or patterns in complex datasets, such as those found in hyperspectral imaging [163].

  2. 2.

    Pre-processing techniques for medical images: After collecting the raw medical image data, pre-processing techniques will be used. The pre-processing techniques for medical images are normalization, noise and band reduction, calibration, and spectral correction.

    1. a.

      Image Calibration (IC): Dark and white reference images are obtained when the images are captured in the operation theatre. White references are acquired when the camera light is on. And the dark references are acquired by possession of the shutter of the camera. The calibrated image is denoted as \({I}_{C}\),

      $${I}_{C}=100 \times \frac{RI-DR}{WR-DR}$$

      The raw input image, referred to as RI, is accompanied by two reference images - the white reference image, denoted as WR, and the dark reference image, represented by DR [164].

    2. b.

      Noise and Band Reduction: As soon as the image is calibrated, the band reduction is carried out to eliminate the extremely noisy bands that are useless owing to the sensor's poor performance. It will remove the bands from lower to higher bands [165].

    3. c.

      Spectral Correction: Spectral correction is used to correct the spectral noise from the image. A spectral-corrected picture has been produced using a correction matrix to multiply the signal.

      $${I}_{SC}={I}_{C}\times SCM$$

      Here, \({I}_{C}\) is calibrated hyperspectral cube’s single band. The correction matrix is denoted by SCM, where an individual band is a group of virtual band spectral correction constants [166].

    4. d.

      Data Normalization: It reduces the brightness levels caused by the light illumination. Normalization coefficients remain the spectral signatures' RMS value (Root Mean Square).

      $$c \left[i,j\right]= \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{k=1}^{B}({I}_{C}[i,j,k]{)}^{2}}{B}}$$
      $${I}_{Norm }\left[i,j,k\right]= \frac{{I}_{SC}[i,j,k]}{C[i,j]}$$

      Here, \({I}_{SC}\) is denoted as the spectral corrected cube with the dimensions R \(\times C\times B\) (Rows \(\times Columns\times Bands\)) [166].

5 Feature extraction

Extracting features is the method of recognizing and isolating significant features from data. Features are data bits that can be utilized to portray or differentiate between various information focuses. Feature extraction is crucial in many machine learning assignments, such as classification, regression, and clustering. Hyperspectral imaging employs feature extraction to extract features from the spectral signatures of pixels in an image. These features can then be utilized to recognize and classify materials in the image or identify environmental changes [167]. In the context of machine learning, the Hughes phenomenon refers to a situation where classification accuracy is severely reduced due to the high-dimensional properties of a few training samples. This phenomenon is a well-recognized challenge in the field of artificial intelligence and can cause significant problems in certain applications. Therefore, researchers and practitioners need to be aware of this issue and take appropriate measures to mitigate its impact.

Additionally, processing high-dimensional data eventually uses up computing resources and takes up space in data storage, according to the "curse of dimensionality" hypothesis [168]. Classifying hyperspectral images using Feature Extraction (FE) is challenging because of spectral unmixing, characterized by high intra-class inconsistency and inter-class resemblance. Nevertheless, Feature Extraction can help overcome these issues. Feature extraction methods categorized into three types are supervised FE method, unsupervised FE method, and semi-supervised FE method. These are used to extract the hyperspectral images' features [169]. Figure 17. represents the feature extraction methods.

  1. 1.

    Unsupervised Feature Extraction: these are used to extract the features from data without using labeled data. This is different from supervised feature extraction, which requires labeled data to extract features pertinent to a particular task. Unsupervised feature extraction is frequently used in hyperspectral imaging since it can be challenging or impractical to acquire labeled data for all the materials present in a hyperspectral image. Unsupervised feature extraction can extract features representing different materials in the image, even if the materials are unknown [168]. There are two primary types of unsupervised feature extraction techniques: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). PCA determines the most significant variations in the data and projects the data in these directions. In contrast, ICA dissects the data into independent components that are as statistically independent as possible [170]. In the world of machine learning, three crucial techniques stand out: t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), Autoencoder, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). t-SNE allows for high-dimensional data to be condensed into a low-dimensional space while still maintaining the data's similar structure. Autoencoder is a specific type of neural network architecture that teaches itself to reconstruct input data from a lower-dimensional representation. Finally, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are complex neural networks that comprise a generator, which creates new data similar to the training data, and a discriminator, which distinguishes between real and generated data [171].

  2. 2.

    Supervised Feature Extraction: The process of supervised feature extraction involves identifying pertinent features from labeled data. By training a machine learning model on this labeled data, it can then recognize those same features in unlabeled data. This technique is frequently utilized in various areas such as object recognition, image classification, and natural language processing [172]. There are several feature extraction techniques available, including Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). LDA is a powerful method that enables us to identify linear combinations of features that maximize the separation between different classes. Similarly, CCA is an effective technique that allows us to determine linear combinations of features that exhibit a high correlation between two sets of data [173]. Kernel PCA, Autoencoder, and Deep Boltzmann Machines are three techniques that can aid in the analysis of data. Kernel PCA is an extension of PCA that uses a kernel function to map input data into a higher-dimensional space, thus making it easier to distinguish between different types of data. In contrast, Autoencoder is a neural network architecture that learns to reconstruct input data from a lower-dimensional representation. Finally, Deep Boltzmann Machines are deep neural networks capable of learning intricate, layered representations of input data. These techniques have considerable potential for application in business and academic settings, providing a means to analyze complex data structures [174].

    1. a.

      Nonparametric Weighted Feature Extraction (NWFE): The NWFE method confidently employs weights to calculate weighted means for each sample. It also defines new nonparametric scatter matrices to generate more than L-1 features with utmost precision and accuracy. To define the nonparametric between-class scatter matrix for L classes, NWFE employs the following formula.

      $${S}_{b}^{NW}=\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{L}{P}_{i}\sum\nolimits_{\begin{array}{c}j=1\\ j\ne 1\end{array}}^{L}\sum\nolimits_{l=1}^{{N}_{i}}\frac{{\lambda }_{i}^{\left(i,j\right)}}{{n}_{i}}.{({x}_{l}^{\left(i\right)}-{M}_{j}\left({x}_{l}^{\left(i\right)}\right))({x}_{l}^{\left(i\right)}-{M}_{j}\left({x}_{l}^{\left(i\right)}\right))}^{T}$$

      Here, the \({l}^{th}\) sample from class I is indicated by \({x}_{l}^{\left(i\right)}\), the training sample size of class i is indicated by \({N}_{i}\) and the prior probability of class i is indicated by \({P}_{i}\) [175].

    2. b.

      Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA): According to [176], the traditional LDA transforms original data into a discriminative subspace by minimizing intra-class scatter and maximizing inter-class scatter simultaneously through Fisher's ratio as a generalized Rayleigh quotient. Given a pairwise set is defined as \(\{\left({x}_{1},{y}_{1}\right),\left({x}_{2},{y}_{2}\right),\dots \dots ..,({x}_{m},{y}_{m})\}\). The objective function for estimating the linear projection matrix P in multi-class LDA is given by:


      Here, The variance or dispersion of data points between classes and within classes is defined by the \({S}_{b}\) and \({S}_{w}\) terms "between-class scatter matrix" and "within-class scatter matrix," respectively. By inserting the Lagrange multiplier λ, the optimization problem in Eq. (6) can be equivalently changed to one of the \({S}_{b}P={\lambda S}_{w}P\), with the constraint of \({P}^{T}{S}_{w}P=I\). To solve the simplified optimization problem, one can use a technique called generalized eigenvalue decomposition (GED). The original Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is highly susceptible to statistical degradation due to the complexity of high-dimensional noise caused by environmental and instrumental factors, as well as the limited availability of labeled samples. This issue is particularly severe when working with small-scale samples. The singularity of the two-scatter metrics \({S}_{b}\) and \({S}_{w}\), which is prone to overfitting, is the main cause of degradation. The regularized LDA was presented with an extra l2-norm constraint on \({S}_{w}\), parameterized by γ, to improve generality and stability the below equation is useful

      $${S}_{w}^{reg}={S}_{w}+\gamma I$$

      By replacing \({S}_{w}\) in Eq. (7) with the regularized \({S}_{w}^{reg}\), the solution can still be found using the GED solver in the regularized LDA.

  3. 3.

    Local Binary Patterns (LBP): According to [177], LBP, or Local Binary Patterns, is a powerful image analysis technique that measures image texture. It works by examining the surrounding area of each central pixel. To begin, LBP compares the intensity of the central pixel to the intensity of its neighboring pixels. If the central pixel's intensity is greater, it is assigned a value of 1; otherwise, it is assigned a value of 0. This generates a binary code that effectively summarizes the gray-level structure of the image. The LBP method picks particular nearby \(\{{t}_{i}{\}}_{i=0}^{p-1}\) and central pixel \({t}_{c}\), after taking into account a small circular neighborhood, denoted as P. The given equation computes the LBP

    $${LBP}_{{P,R(t}_{c}) }=\sum\nolimits_{i=0}^{P-1}s({t}_{i}-{t}_{c}){2}^{i}$$
    $$s\left(x\right)={\{}_{0, x\le 0}^{1, x\ge 0}$$

    In this case, P, R stands for the number of sample points and circle radius based on a neighbor set of central pixels \({t}_{c}\), that is circularly symmetric. In case \(x\ge 0\) and 0 otherwise, the neighboring pixels \({\{{t}_{c}\}}_{i=0}^{P-1}\), and \(s(x)\).

  4. 4.

    Semi-supervised feature extraction: A widely adopted approach in data feature extraction is the use of both labeled and unlabeled data, commonly referred to as semi-supervised feature extraction. This approach differs from supervised feature extraction which solely relies on labeled data and unsupervised feature extraction which only uses unlabeled data. By leveraging a small set of labeled data along with a vast amount of unlabeled data, semi-supervised feature extraction can significantly boost the accuracy and efficiency of feature extraction, resulting in highly reliable and efficient outcomes [178]. Semi-supervised feature extraction is beneficial when labeled data is scarce or costly. This is often the case in hyperspectral imaging, where hyperspectral images can be large and complex, and labeling all the pixels in the image can be challenging and expensive. There are several noteworthy semi-supervised feature extraction methods, including Linear Local Tangent Space Alignment (LLTSA), Monogenic Binary Coding (MBC), Locality Preserving Projection (LPP), and Maximum Margin Projection (MMP) [179].

Fig. 17
figure 17

Feature extraction techniques

6 Feature (Band) selection

In the field of hyperspectral imagery, the selection of a suitable subset of bands for a specific purpose, such as classification, regression, or detection, is a critical task. These images often contain numerous bands, some of which may be redundant or noisy, making it imperative to carefully choose the appropriate bands to achieve accurate results [180]. The band selection process is a powerful tool that unlocks the potential of hyperspectral images, improving accuracy and efficiency in machine learning while reducing data dimensionality. According to [181], this article examines six main categories of current hyperspectral band selection methods: ranking-based, searching-based, clustering-based, sparsity-based, embedding-learning-based, and hybrid-scheme-based. Figure 18 represents the existing band selection techniques.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Band selection techniques

  1. 1.

    Clustering-Based Methods: Using a clustering-based method, the bands are confidently grouped into clusters, and the most representative bands from each cluster are selected to form the final subset. To accomplish this, the algorithm utilizes the highly reliable hierarchical clustering technique based on Ward's linkage. This groundbreaking paper serves as the first on HSI band clustering. To enhance cluster analysis, it is crucial to minimize the disparities within clusters while amplifying the disparities between them. To accomplish this, one can utilize information measures such as MI or Kullback-Leibler divergence to detect and eliminate repetitive bands. This process facilitates the precise identification of representative bands. Numerous other clustering-based band selection algorithms have been suggested in the literature, providing a range of options for improving the accuracy of the analysis. Except for Band Clustering [182], fuzzy clustering [183], and automatic band selection algorithms [184], most clustering methods derive from k-means, Affinity Propagation (AP), and graph clustering. These methods will be discussed in the following sections.

    1. a.

      K-means-based clustering methods: According to [185], K-means is a popular and highly effective clustering technique. It partitions data into separate clusters based on similarity. Its simplicity, speed, and versatility have made it a preferred choice in data science, particularly for handling large datasets. It starts with a set of randomly chosen clusters, and then iteratively optimizes an objective function that measures the distance to a set of potential centers until the optimal cluster centers are identified. In particular, it seeks to minimize the objective function by dividing N bands into m clusters C, where C = {c1,c2,…, cm} and cj = (j1,j2,…,jn) with 1 ≤ j1 < j2 < … < jn ≤ N.

      $${argmin}_{C}\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{m}\sum\nolimits_{{b}_{i}\in {c}_{j}}D({b}_{i},{\mu }_{j})$$

      The cluster center of \({C}_{j}\) in the k-means algorithm is denoted by \({\mu }_{j}\), and the similarity metric D(•,•) computes the distance between a band and the cluster center to which it belongs.

    2. b.

      Affinity Propagation-based clustering methods: The exemplar-based AP clustering algorithm confidently overcomes the sensitivity of the k-means clustering algorithm to initial conditions and successfully identifies representative bands [186]. The AP algorithm expertly maximizes a function by taking into account both inter-band similarity and intra-band discriminative capability, which ultimately results in a flawless exemplar e.

      $$H\left(e;\Theta \right)=exp\left(\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N}s\left(i, {e}_{i}\right)+\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N}log{f}_{k}\left(e\right)\right)$$

      A similarity matrix \(s\left(i, {e}_{i}\right)\), containing the eligibility of each band \({e}_{i}\) to serve as the exemplar for the \({i}^{th}\), bands are involved in Eq. (10). A coherence constraint, represented by the second term, \(\sum_{i=1}^{N}log{f}_{i}\left(e\right)\), indicates that a band must be its exemplar if it is selected as an exemplar by other bands.

    3. c.

      Graph-based clustering methods: According to [187], band selection can be formulated as a graph problem in graph theory. Within the HSI bands graph, each band is represented as a node. The edges linking these nodes denote the level of similarity between them. Utilizing a clustering technique, an affinity matrix A is created from this band similarity data. This matrix enables the graph to be clustered into subgraphs and subsequently identify the most representative bands. Band affinities are represented by the affinity matrix A, where σ is a scaling factor and each affinity between pairs of bands is calculated as \({a}_{i,j}={\text{exp}}(-{f}_{i}-{f}_{i}/2{\sigma }^{2})\). Graph-based clustering techniques, such as spectral clustering, are commonly used for clustering on the stacking eigenvectors of the affinity matrix Γ, which are defined as follows:

      $$L={\Lambda }^{-1/2}\Gamma {\Lambda }^{-1/2}$$

      The affinity matrix's stacking eigenvectors are utilized for clustering in spectral clustering. The diagonal matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Lambda }\), which is calculated by summing over the rows of A, and the normalized graph Laplacian L are used to normalize the affinity matrix.

  2. 2.

    Embedding learning-based methods: These methods optimize application models such as classification, target detection, and spectral unmixing by combining them with band selection.

    1. a.

      Classifier learning-based methods: The SVM classifier is an established and widely used method for hyperspectral image analysis due to its low sensitivity to imbalanced training samples. The RFE-SVM model, which stands for Recursive-Feature Elimination Support Vector Machine, is a highly effective approach for selecting hyperspectral bands and improving overall performance [188]. Weight values are obtained during the SVM classifier's training phase and are used as ranking criteria to remove unnecessary bands and improve the classifier. Recursive feature elimination, or RFE, aims to reduce generalization error by eliminating features that increase the margin. The predictive ability assessment, \({s}^{REF}\) is computed as follows and is inversely proportional to the margin:

      $${s}^{REF}=\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{D}\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{D}{\alpha }_{i}{\alpha }_{j}{\gamma }_{i}{\gamma }_{j}\Phi ({x}_{i}, {x}_{j})$$

      Here, the \({i}^{th}\) training samples and class labels are denoted by \({x}_{i}\) and \({x}_{i}\in \{-\mathrm{1,1}\}\) respectively. The kernel function used in SVM is \(\Phi \left({x}_{i}, {x}_{j}\right)\).

    2. b.

      Other learning-based methods: It is worth considering the possibility of integrating band selection models into learning models to improve target detection and endmember extraction. In reference [189], to promote sparsity, a band sparsity term was incorporated into the objective function. This was accomplished through the incorporation of a sparsity-promoting prior, which was integrated into the iterative-constrained endmember algorithm. By introducing this term, it was possible to expand the sparsity-promoting capabilities of the algorithm, thereby improving its overall performance. This approach is particularly effective in a variety of applications, including signal processing, image analysis, and machine learning. As such, it represents a powerful tool for researchers and practitioners alike who are working to develop more effective and efficient algorithms for solving complex problems.

      $$J=\eta \frac{{RSS}_{B}}{N}+{\beta SSD}_{B}+SPT+BST$$

      Here, \({RSS}_{B}\) is the residual sum of squares based on the convex geometry model, \({SSD}_{B}\) is the term that describes the sum of squared distances, SPT represents the band sparsity-promoting term, while BST accounts for the weighted sum of band weights. The regularization parameters, \(\eta ,\) and \(\beta\), balance \({RSS}_{B}\) and \({SSD}_{B}\) in the objective function.

  3. 3.

    Ranking-based methods: Ranking-based methods are utilized to prioritize spectral bands based on a predefined criterion. These methods aim to determine the significance of each spectral band and select the top-ranked bands in a sorted sequence. By doing so, these methods provide a systematic approach to identifying the spectral bands that are most important for a given application. These methods can be divided into two types: unsupervised and supervised, based on whether labeled training samples are used.

    1. A.

      Unsupervised: Unsupervised ranking-based band selection is a method to select bands from hyperspectral images without labeled data. It contrasts supervised band selection methods that require labeled data to train a machine learning model to select the most informative bands [190]. Unsupervised criteria consider the information, dissimilarity, or correlation of bands. Metrics such as variance, first spectral derivative, spectral ratio, contrast measurement, signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), third-order statistics (skewness), fourth-order statistics (kurtosis), kth order statistics, negentropy, entropy, and information divergence, are often employed to prioritize bands [191].

      1. a.

        High-information criteria: Specifically labeled bands must have a considerable information volume. Dissimilar classical information metrics, including information divergence and entropy, are utilized for grading to choose the bands [192]. The band-decorrelation approach confidently utilizes Kull-back-Leibler (KL) divergence to effectively remove any unnecessary or significant bands. The lower priority band is eliminated if the two bands' divergence value exceeds the threshold. In the future, mutual information remains to measure band dissimilarity. The covariance-based technique arranged all spectral bands via a matching filter and an adaptive coherence estimator to lessen their impact on target detection [193].

        • Information Entropy (IE): Shannon entropy is a precise and widely accepted measure of the information content of a discrete random variable B, accurately defined by information theory. It is calculated based on the probability distribution p(b) of the variable, making it an essential tool to evaluate the amount of information conveyed by the variable.

          $$H\left(B\right)=-\sum\nolimits_{b\in B}p(b)logp(b)$$

          Subject to

          $$\sum\nolimits_{b\in B}p\left(b\right)=1$$
          $$p\left(b\right)=\frac{h(b)}{M\times N}$$

          where B is a band, h(b) is its gray-level histogram, and M x N is the total number of pixels in B.

        • First Spectral Derivative (FSD): It regulates the bandwidth variable as a function of supplementary data

          $${D}_{1}= \frac{\partial I(x,\lambda )}{\partial \lambda }$$
        • Second Spectral Derivative: In hyperspectral images, SSD is used to explore the bandwidth variable as a purpose of additional data

          $${D}_{2}=\frac{{\partial }^{2}I(x,\lambda )}{\partial {\lambda }^{2}}$$
      2. b.

        Low-Correlation Criteria: If the specifically labeled bands consume lower mutual correlations, the aim is to reduce the selected bands' correlation; therefore, band selection is combined into an objective identification framework. Band representation is considered the required target signature; the remaining bands are unknown signature vectors. The CBS (Constrained Band Selection) approach uses Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) to restrain a band depiction during the Band Correlation (BC) reduction [194].

      3. c.

        Large-Dissimilarity Criteria: It is anticipated that the selected bands are different. A ranking-based example component analysis approach is suggested to quickly locate cluster centers across all bands [200]. To use this approach, it is not necessary to parameterize a probability density function. Rather, it is simply desirable to quantify the distances among all corresponding bands.

    2. B.

      Supervised ranking-based methods: In the field of hyperspectral imaging (HSI), two methods that are commonly used to prioritize bands are supervised and unsupervised ranking-based methods. However, supervised methods are distinct from unsupervised ranking-based methods in that they rely on prior knowledge of HSI data to construct a band-prioritization criterion that can closely correlate with specific applications such as classification and spectral unmixing. This correlation is achieved through the use of labeled training data to train a model that can then be used to predict the importance of each band for a given task. By contrast, unsupervised ranking-based methods do not require labeled training data and instead use statistical methods to identify bands that are most relevant to a given task. While both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, the use of supervised methods can lead to more accurate and reliable results in certain applications. Supervised ranking-based approaches are separated into two types: spectral unmixing and classification criteria. Spectral unmixing-aimed-criteria: For spectral unmixing, it is employed. Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP), which depends on linear mixture models, is used for subspace projection to minimize subconscious noise and undesired signatures [191]. Classification-aimed criteria: Choosing the bands are used to assure optimum classification performance. An MMCA method (Minimum Misclassification Canonical Analysis) is designed to order bands through classification. Misclassification bands' error rate can be reduced by addressing the eigenvalue problem, and for this purpose, MMCA is used [195].

  4. 4.

    Searching-based methods: By converting band selection into an optimization problem through searching-based methods, we can confidently determine the best bands for creating an optimal solution based on a given criterion function. Two crucial issues arise in searching-based methods: 1) the criterion function and 2) the searching strategy. The criterion function can be similarity-based measurements such as Euclidean Distance (ED), Bhattacharyya distance, Jeffries–Matusita (JM) distance [196], Spectral Angle Mapping (SAM) [197], structural similarity index measurement [198], or information-based measurements such as Spectral Information Divergence (SID), transformed divergence, MI [199], and spatial entropy-based MI [200]. The search strategy determines the best way to find an optimal or suboptimal solution. Based on the adopted searching strategy, searching-based methods can be grouped into three categories: incremental searching, updated searching, and eliminating searching.

    1. A.

      Incremental searching: To avoid the computationally prohibitive task of exhaustively testing all band combinations, incremental searching-based methods sequentially add new bands that optimize the criterion into current band subsets until a desired number of bands is selected. The Sequential Forwarding Selection (SFS) strategy is often implemented. These methods can be unsupervised or supervised, depending on whether labeled training samples are needed during the search process [201].

      1. a.

        Unsupervised searching: There are unsupervised searching-based methods that can iteratively add informative bands to enhance the accuracy of HSI data without requiring any prior knowledge. In [202], A new algorithm has been proposed to identify bands that exhibit significant skewness or kurtosis values. The algorithm is designed to detect these features with higher sensitivity and accuracy than existing methods. The proposed approach employs advanced statistical techniques to capture the complex distributions of data more effectively. In [203], To achieve acceptable performance in target detection and classification, we utilized Linear Prediction (LP) and OSP together to confidently assess the similarity between single and multiple bands. In [204], the utilization of spectral rhythm was found to be effective in enhancing the intermediary representation of Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) data. Through iterative selection based on bipartite graph matching, the algorithm was able to identify the most informative and dissimilar bands. Additionally, the algorithm utilized convex set geometry to search for new vertices iteratively that maximize the largest simplex in the pixel space. As a result, the selected bands corresponding to these vertices had low correlations with each other. Overall, this approach has shown promising results in improving the representation of HSI data [205].

      2. b.

        Supervised searching: Incorporating prior knowledge of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) data is a key strategy for improving class separability. Incremental searching-based methods represent a promising approach for achieving this objective. By leveraging prior knowledge, these methods can steadily refine the separability of classes over time. As such, they offer a powerful tool for enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of HSI analysis in a variety of business and academic settings. In [206], the Band Add-On (BAO) algorithm was expertly developed and presented as a powerful tool. It utilizes the exact decomposition of SAM, enabling it to iteratively select the most effective bands. To optimize performance, it is necessary to increase the angular separation of two spectra in a spectral library. To effectively distinguish between two types of spectra, the BAO method was augmented with two band selection techniques: the average distance and Minimum Distance Methods (MDMs). By meticulously selecting the appropriate bands, the angular separation between the two categories was significantly enhanced, resulting in improved accuracy. Similarly, in [207], the Minimum Estimation Abundance Covariance (MEAC) MEAC algorithm incrementally selects dissimilar spectral bands to preserve classification information by minimizing the trace of the abundance covariance matrix using class spectral signatures


        In the above equation, \({{{M}}}^{{{s}}}\) represents the selected band subset and the matrix St contains the spectral signatures of the classes in the selected band subset. Through the utilization of efficient SFS searching, the nonlinear parsimonious feature selection algorithm has been able to effectively and iteratively maximize the classification rate estimate from the Gaussian mixture model classifier in carefully selected spectral bands.

    2. B.

      Updated searching-based methods: The latest searching-based methods confidently optimize the predefined evaluation criterion by iteratively replacing elements of the current band subset with new ones as required during the searching procedure. Aside from simple searching strategies such as the sequential forward-floating search [208], the branch-and-bound search [209], the steep ascent search, and the constrained search [210], evolutionary algorithms have been adopted for band searching, such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [208], Adaptive Simulated Annealing [211], Genetic Algorithms (GAs) [212], Firefly Algorithms (FAs) [213], Differential Evolutionary Algorithms [214], and Ant Colony Optimization [215]. Similar to incremental searching-based methods, similarity or information measurements can be used as an objective function.

      1. a.

        Classifier Independent Methods: The latest searching-based approaches incorporate an objective function that evaluates class separability based on specific metrics while disregarding any classification accuracy from a true-classifier standpoint. In [216], The Clonal-Selection Feature-Selection algorithm can meticulously select a subset of bands that optimizes the averaged JM distance among various classes. This algorithm employs a rigorous approach to ensure that the selected subset is a true representation of the entire dataset. By selecting the optimal subset, the algorithm facilitates the identification of the most significant and relevant features, thus enhancing the accuracy of the classification process.

      2. b.

        Classification-dependent methods: Through extensive evaluation, the authors in [217] determined that utilizing the accuracy of a genuine classifier in certain updated searching-based techniques can lead to a highly effective objective function. Our findings indicate that nature-inspired algorithms such as Gravitational Search, Harmony Search, PSO, FA, and Bat algorithms are the most optimal choices for selecting bands that maximize the accuracy of the Optimum Path Forest classifier.

    3. C.

      Eliminating searching-based methods: The "eliminating search-based" approach to select the best bands for a task. This method starts with all the bands and removes the unnecessary ones until we reach the desired number of selected bands. Sequential Backward Selection (SBS) is a common way to do this [218].

  5. 5.

    Sparsity-based methods: According to the sparsity theory, each band can be accurately and efficiently represented through sparse usage of nonzero coefficients associated with atoms in a suitable basis or dictionary. Sparsity-based band selection methods use sparse representation or regression to reveal specific underlying structures within HSI data. To find representative bands, an optimization problem with sparsity constraints is solved [219]. Also, the current sparsity-constrained methods are categorized into Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (SNMF)-based, sparse representation-based, and sparse regression-based approaches.

    1. A.

      Sparse nonnegative matrix factorization-based methods: According to [220], Spectral Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) breaks down a data matrix in hyperspectral imaging into a set of bases and encodings. The basis matrix in SNMF is non-negative, while the coefficient matrix is negative and sparse. The non-negative constraint in both matrices is responsible for the parts-based feature of SNMF. This is because only additive combinations are allowed. SNMF was initially designed to solve the HSI band selection problem, which involves selecting representative bands by clustering the sparse coefficients. The technique aims to factorize the HSI band matrix B into two unknown matrices: the dictionary matrix \(W\in {R}^{D\times r}\) and the sparse coefficient matrix \(H\in {R}^{r\times N}\). This is achieved by optimizing the objective function, we will get the below equation;


      Subject to \(W,H\ge 0,\) and \({||{h}_{i}||}_{0}\) < < r, \(1\le i\le N\)

      To achieve a desired low-rank r, the subscript r in \({f}_{r}\) is used. Each column of H contains a cluster or subspace of each band it belongs to, with the most significant entry in each column representing it. The constraint \({||{h}_{i}||}_{0}\) means that each column vector \({h}_{i}\) is sparse, and the number of nonzero entries is significantly smaller than the dimensionality r. Unfortunately, the ED distance measurement in Eq. (19) inaccurately represents the error between X and its approximation H, as the Gaussian distribution assumption behind the ED measurement contradicts the nature of HSI data.

    2. B.

      Sparse representation-based methods: Sparse representation-based methods employ either manual definition or learning of a dictionary in advance to select informative bands based on sparse coefficients. In these methods, the dictionary is a set of basis functions that represent the input signal. By selecting a sparse representation of the signal, that is, a representation that uses only a small number of basis functions, the method can identify the most informative bands in the signal. An algorithm was proposed for selecting bands from hyperspectral images, which is based on sparse representation. In this algorithm, the hyperspectral image bands were sparsely represented using a dictionary learned by K-SVD. The algorithm then ranked the bands based on their sparse coefficients, using majority voting. Finally, the bands with high occurrences in the histograms of sparse coefficients were selected [221].

    3. C.

      Sparse regression-based methods: According to [222], Sparse regression-based methods can be used to solve the band selection problem. To do this, the problem is transformed into a sparse linear regression problem, which uses training samples and their class labels. The sparse coefficients obtained from the best solution are then used to select the bands that provide better class separability. To ensure sparsity, a constraint is imposed on the linear regression between the training samples and their class labels. The Least Shrinkage And Selection Operator (LASSO) is used to obtain the solution.

      $${argmin}_{{W}_{C}}|\left|{y}_{c}-{B}^{T}{W}_{C}\right|{|}_{F}^{2}+\lambda {||{W}_{c}||}_{1}$$

      The given equation consists of class labels, where 1 indicates belonging to the specific class, and 0 denotes the opposite. The parameter \({\varvec{\lambda}}\) controls the \({L}_{1}\) penalty term's contribution. The bands were chosen based on the ranking of their coefficients for all classes. A combined framework for band selection was developed by coupling the LASSO model and a new separability measure that employs the Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion.

  6. 6.

    Hybrid scheme-based methods: Hybrid schemes are a powerful tool in identifying the most appropriate bands, allowing for versatility and efficiency. These methods often combine clustering and ranking schemes to create hybrid algorithms. In a study referenced as [223], the Spectral Separability Index (SSI) algorithm integrates clustering, ranking, and searching schemes to select the most optimal band combination for classification. First, the original bands are grouped into clusters based on their spectral Correlation Coefficients (CCs). Then, a representative band from each cluster is chosen by ranking the entropy of the bands in the same cluster. Finally, the best band combination is selected by maximizing the SSI separability.

7 Hyperspectral image classification

The process of hyperspectral image classification is a highly accurate and effective method. It involves assigning pixels in an image to specific classes based on their spectral signatures. Hyperspectral images contain a wealth of information about object reflectance, with hundreds or even thousands of narrow, contiguous wavelength bands. This enables us to perform a range of applications, including precise mineral mapping, vegetation analysis, and urban land-use mapping [224]. The primary objective of hyperspectral image classification is to accurately identify and categorize different objects within an image based on their spectral properties. This is accomplished by extracting features from the spectral signatures of the pixels, which are then utilized to train a machine learning model. With the help of this model, we can confidently classify the pixels, ensuring accurate object identification and classification. The objects present in the image can be anything from soil, vegetation, water, buildings, or any other type of object that possesses a unique spectral signature [225]. We have divided the classification techniques into traditional machine learning neural networks in hyperspectral image classification. In traditional machine learning, we have divided into supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised classification techniques. Coming to the neural network classification model, we have subdivided it into traditional neural networks and deep learning (Fig 19).

Fig. 19
figure 19

Hyperspectral Image Classification

7.1 Traditional machine learning

7.1.1 Supervised machine learning

According to [116], Supervised machine learning classification is an algorithmic paradigm that facilitates the categorization of data into distinct groups. This is achieved by training the algorithm on a labeled dataset, where each data point is assigned a known label. The algorithm then identifies patterns in the data associated with each label, which can subsequently be utilized to classify new data points that have not been previously encountered. Standard supervised learning algorithms include Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Decision Trees, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Nearest Neighbours. These algorithms are widely employed in business and academic settings, owing to their efficacy in predicting and classifying outcomes.

  1. A.

    Support Vector Machines (SVM): SVMs are widely recognized as powerful machine learning algorithms utilized in various applications such as classification and regression analysis. SVMs derive their strength from the concept of decision planes, which effectively determine the boundaries between objects with different class memberships. The SVM algorithm is a robust and reliable tool that efficiently categorizes data into distinct training and testing sets. It skillfully identifies the hyperplane that optimizes the distinction between classes, with minimal room for error. SVMs have demonstrated their efficacy across a range of applications, from image and text classification to bioinformatics, and have a well-established record of success. In the training set, each instance is assigned a target value, making SVMs an excellent choice for solving complex classification and regression problems with high accuracy. This target value represents the class the instance belongs to [226]. According to [227], the SVM algorithm then uses this information to learn each class's characteristics and create a model that can be used to classify new instances. The objective of this model is to identify the optimal hyperplane that effectively separates the distinct classes within the training data. Once trained, it can classify new, unseen data accordingly. X denotes the input dataset, while Y denotes the output dataset. Through the utilization of these datasets, this model can generate precise and reliable predictions. The training set will be defined as \(\{\left({x}_{1},{y}_{1}\right),\left({x}_{2},{y}_{2}\right),\dots \dots .,({x}_{m},{y}_{m})\}\)

    $$Y=f(x,\alpha )$$

    Here, Kernel function parameters α are fine-tuned for accurate classification by the SVM classifier, which transforms data into a higher-dimensional space for easier class separation. Various types of kernel functions can be used with SVM, including polynomial, linear, and radial basis functions. Each kernel function has unique characteristics that significantly impact SVM classifier performance. Polynomial kernels are helpful for data that has non-linear relationships, while linear kernels are used for linearly separable data. Radial basis functions are often used when the data has no clear separation between classes. The choice of kernel function is an important consideration when using SVM, and it is often determined through experimentation and testing. The SVM decision function is given by

    $$f\left(x\right)={\sum }_{i\in s}{\alpha }_{i}{y}_{i}K({x}_{i},{x}_{j})+b$$

    In this case, the kernel function \(K({x}_{i},{x}_{j})\) reflects the machine learning mathematical technique that converts data into a higher-dimensional space. The subgroups of the training sample are indicated by s.

    Several kernels are commonly used:




    $$K\left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)={(\gamma \left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)+c)}^{d}$$

    Radial basis function:

    $$K\left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)={\text{exp}}\{\frac{||{x}_{i}-{x}_{j}|{|}^{2}}{{2\sigma }^{2}}\}$$


    $$K\left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)={\text{tanh}}(\gamma \left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)+c)$$
  2. B.

    Maximum Likelihood Classification: According to [228], the Maximum Likelihood (ML) classification method is often preferred as it can yield better results in hyperspectral remote sensing images. This is particularly true when the training samples are normally distributed, as the classification method obtained through ML tends to be more effective in such cases. In remote sensing, a ground feature image can use its spectral feature vector X to locate a corresponding feature point in the spectral feature space. Each feature point from a similar feature will form a cluster of certain probability in the feature space. The conditional probability \(P({\omega }_{i}|X)\) of a feature point (X) falling into a certain cluster \(({\omega }_{i})\) can be used as a component category decision function, which is called a likelihood decision function. Assuming that \({g}_{i}(x)\) is a discriminant function, the probability \(P({\omega }_{i}|x)\) that a pixel x belongs to class \({\omega }_{i}\) can be expressed as

    $${g}_{i}(x)= P({\omega }_{i}|x)$$

    So basically, there's this thing called the Bayesian formula that helps you figure out the probability of something happening based on new information that we will get.

    $${g}_{i}\left(x\right)=P\left({\omega }_{i}|x\right)=P\left({\omega }_{i}|x\right),P({\omega }_{i})/P(x)$$

    In this case, \(P\left({\omega }_{i}|x\right)\) is the conditional probability that x is a member of \({\omega }_{i}\), \(P({\omega }_{i})\) is the prior probability, and P(x) is the probability that x is not a member of the category. One approach to hyperspectral data classification is maximum likelihood, which assumes that the data has a normal distribution. Equation (29) provides the discriminant formula, which makes distinctions between various classes.

    $${g}_{i}\left(x\right)=P\left({\omega }_{i}|x\right)= P\left({\omega }_{i}\right)=\frac{P({\omega }_{i})}{{(2\pi )}^{K/2}{|\sum i|}^{1/2}}exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}(x-{u}_{i}{)}^{T}\sum\nolimits_{i}^{-1}(x-{u}_{i})\right]$$

    In this case, i denotes the number of classes, k the number of features, covariance of the matrix of the \({i}^{th}\) class is provided as \(\sum i\), determinant of the matrix \(\sum i\) is given as \(|\sum i|\), and \({u}_{i}\) is the mean vector.

  3. C.

    Spectral Angular Mapper (SAM): According to [229], the Spectral Angle Mapper program computes the angle between two spectra and considers them as vectors with dimensions equivalent to the number of bands to establish spectral similarity. On the other hand, spectroscopy is a technique that determines the molecular structure by measuring the radiant intensity and energy of the interaction between light and the subject of interest. In absorption spectroscopy, the element that interacts with light is passive. It absorbs specific photons based on their wavelength, resulting in a spectral signature. The light not absorbed can either pass through the chemical sample or be diffusely reflected on it. Once the diffuse reflectance spectrum is obtained, it must be processed to identify, classify, or discriminate the elements. The SAM method generalizes this geometric interpretation to n-dimensional space. It uses the following equation to determine similarity:


    Here, the number of bands is denoted by nb, the pixel spectrum is represented by t, and the reference spectrum is depicted as r. Figure 20 shows the classification results of Washington DC Mall hyperspectral image using ML, SAM and SVM.

    Fig. 20
    figure 20

    Classification results. a ML classification, b SAM classification, and (c) SVM classification [228]

  4. D.

    Decision Tree (DT): The construction of the decision tree is a confident and reliable process, achieved through the recursive division of training data into subsets based on attribute values until the stopping criterion is reached. The stopping criterion could be the maximum depth of the tree or the minimum number of samples required to split a node. This process of dividing the subsets based on the attribute values is continued until the stopping criterion is met. In the training phase, the Decision Tree algorithm selects the best attribute to divide the data based on a metric such as entropy or Gini impurity. The metric measures the level of impurity or randomness in the subsets of the data. The objective is to find the attribute that results in the maximum information gain or reduction in impurity after the split. This attribute selection process continues until the tree is fully grown [230].

  5. E.

    Random Forest (RF): Random Forest is an ensemble learning technique that combines multiple decision trees to improve accuracy in classification and regression tasks. It can handle large datasets and identify influential features to improve model interpretability. In a Random Forest, each decision tree is constructed using a random subset of the training data and a random subset of the features. This helps to reduce overfitting and improve the accuracy and generalization of the model. When making predictions, the Random Forest algorithm aggregates the predictions of all the individual decision trees to arrive at a final prediction. Overall, Random Forest is a powerful and flexible algorithm that can be used for various machine-learning tasks [231].

  6. F.

    CART (Classification and Regression Trees): According to [232], It is a rule-based data mining technique used for classification and regression tasks. CART has the learning procedure in two stages: 1. Selecting the tree structure and 2. Determining the predictions at the leaf node. It will isolate the input data into independent variables with the best degree of purity. Where the same land use type is the source of the leaf nodes. At each node, there are numerous criteria for data partitioning, one of which is the Gini index, which may accommodate nominal values. The Gini index at node t is determined using.

    $$Gini \left(t\right)=\sum\nolimits_{i\ne j}P({w}_{i}) \times P({w}_{j})$$

    Here, \(P({w}_{i})\) is the comparative regularity of ith class. The tree expansion procedure is frequent until the maximum spotlessness at the leaf nodes is obtained. If the decision tree models a target variable with nominal values, it is referred to as a classification tree; if it models a target variable with continuous values, it is referred to as a regression tree.

  7. G.

    K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN): According to [233], the K-NN algorithm is a non-parametric method widely used for classification in pattern recognition. The main principle of K-NN is that the category of a data point is determined according to the classification of the nearest K neighbors. If we have a training set \(T=\{\left({x}_{1},{y}_{1}\right),\left({x}_{2},{y}_{2}\right),\dots ..,({x}_{N},{y}_{N})\}\), here N is the Number of training entities. Here, \({x}_{i}\in {R}^{d}\) denotes the feature vectors, \({y}_{i}\in y=\{{c}_{1},{c}_{2},\dots .{c}_{m}\}\) depicts the classification labels. An input x is given as \(i=\mathrm{1,2},\dots .,N\), from this we can obtain the K-nearest neighbors \({N}_{K}(x)\) by computing the distance with training entities.

Distance Metrics Used in K-NN: The KNN algorithm is used to identify the nearest groups or points to a query point. However, we need to use a metric to determine the closest groups or points for a query point. For this purpose, we use the following distance metrics:

  1. i.

    Euclidean Distance: The Euclidean distance measures the Cartesian distance between two points in a plane or hyperplane. It can be visualized as the length of a straight line that connects the two points in question. This metric is beneficial for calculating the net displacement between two states of an object.

    $$d\left(x,y\right)=\sqrt{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}({x}_{i}-{y}_{i}{)}^{2}}$$
  2. ii.

    Manhattan Distance: The Euclidean distance is advantageous when we are interested in calculating the total distance traveled by an object rather than just its displacement. To compute this metric, we sum the absolute differences between the coordinates of the points in n-dimensions.

    $$d\left(x,y\right)={\sum }_{i=1}^{n}|{x}_{i}-{y}_{i}|$$
  3. iii.

    Minkowski Distance: It's worth noting that both the Euclidean and Manhattan distances are exceptional cases of the Minkowski distance.

    $$d\left(x,y\right)={({\sum }_{i=1}^{n}({{x}_{i}-{y}_{i})}^{p})}^\frac{1}{p}$$

How to choose K value

In the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithm, the value of k is crucial as it determines the number of neighbors that will be considered. It's essential to choose an appropriate value of k based on the input data. For instance, if the input data contains significant outliers or noise, a higher value of k may be more suitable. To avoid ties in classification, choosing an odd value for k is recommended. Cross-validation methods can help select the best k value for a given dataset.

  1. H.

    Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS): In [234], the authors have given that a nonparametric regression technique called Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) can spot interactions and nonlinear correlations between response and predictor variables. Additionally, the MARS technique can automatically choose crucial modeling variables. The equation below can be used to display the MARS model estimator.


    Based on the least Generalised Cross-Validation (GCV) value, MARS uses stepwise forward and backward stepwise algorithms to determine knots (automatically) from the data. In other words, the chosen knot point has the lowest GCV value. The algorithm for determining knots uses the modified GCV formula as a criterion.


    Here, M is represented as a nonconstant basis function, the number of parameters in the model is C(M), and the matrices bias function is B.

    The significance of the parameters of the MARS model is tested in two stages - simultaneous testing and partial testing. The F test or Fisher test is used as the test statistic. The formula used for this test is as follows:

  2. I.

    Minimum Distance Classification: The Minimum Distance Classifier (MDC) technique is a highly reliable and widely accepted classification method that accurately categorizes pixels in the feature space based on their distance. It is a commonly accepted notion within the field of feature space that feature points of the same class tend to form clusters. These feature points determine the mean vector, which acts as the category's center. Additionally, the covariance matrix is precisely computed to describe the dispersion of the surrounding points. Points are then measured consistently and reliably for each category [228]. To identify whether the two modes are similar or not, a similarity measure is used. This measure confidently asserts that modes can be considered similar if their feature differences fall below a certain threshold. The technique creates decision-making regions by collecting different training sample points, and similarity is measured using distance as the primary metric. There are various methods for calculating distances, such as Ming's, Mahalanobis', absolute value, Euclidean, Chebyshev's, and Barth's distances. The effectiveness of Mahalanobis and Barth-Parametric distances in classification is widely acknowledged due to their ability to take into account the mean vector and the distribution of each feature point around the class center. It's worth noting, however, that their computation requires more data than other distance criteria [235].

7.1.2 Unsupervised machine learning

This technique is used to group data points into clusters based on their similarities without using labeled data. This method differs from supervised machine learning classification, which relies on labeled data to train a model to classify new data points. Unsupervised machine learning classification is often used in exploratory data analysis to discover hidden patterns and relationships. For instance, it can be used to identify groups of customers with similar buying habits or groups of the population with different health risks [236]. Standard unsupervised machine learning algorithms are Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Adaptive Resonance (AR), Self-Organizing Maps (SOM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), ISODATA, and Clustering. In clustering, we have K-means Clustering, Spatial Clustering, spectral clustering, fuzzy c-means clustering, mean shift clustering, Density-Based Clustering (DBSCAN), Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies (BIRCH), Hierarchical Clustering

  1. A.

    Principal Component Analysis (PCA): It is one of the most well-known and often employed dimensionality reduction techniques that use statistical measurements. To extract the information from the informative bands, PCA performs orthogonal transformations to transform HSI's highly correlated image bands into a set of linearly uncorrelated variables. According to [237], if x is the pixel vector of the hyperspectral image data, it can be represented as \({X}_{n}={\{{x}_{n1}, {x}_{n2},{x}_{n3},\dots \dots \dots .{x}_{nF}\}}^{T}\) with all pixel values \({X}_{1}, {X}_{2}, {X}_{3},\dots \dots \dots , {X}_{S}\) at one parallel pixel location of the hypercube or data matrix. The n represents the \({n}^{th}\) number of pixels from s. here, the hypercube is represented by D of size \(F \times S\), where \(S=X\times Y\). To calculate mean vector, M of all image vectors:

    $$M= \frac{1}{S}{\sum }_{n=1}^{S}{X}_{n}$$

    The covariance matrix is calculated by using Eq. (40)

    $$C= \frac{1}{s}{II}^{T}$$

    Here, I is the zero-mean image as \(I=\{{I}_{1}, {I}_{2}, {I}_{3},\dots ..,{I}_{n}\}\) produced from \({I}_{n}= {x}_{n}-M={\{{I}_{n1}, {I}_{n2}, {I}_{n3},\dots , {I}_{nF}\}}^{T}\). Now, covariance matrix, the variable C is computed to perform eigenvalue decomposition. This process follows a specific format which can be described as:

    $$C= {VEV}^{T}$$

    Here, V is the orthogonal matrix, where F is the dimension eigenvectors \(({V}_{1}, {V}_{2}, {V}_{3},\dots ..,{V}_{F})\) are used to create the orthogonal matrix, and \(E=diagonal({E}_{1}, {E}_{2}, {E}_{3},\dots \dots ,{E}_{F})\) is a diagonal matrix composed of the corresponding eigenvalues \({(E}_{1}, {E}_{2}, {E}_{3},\dots \dots ., {E}_{F})\) The eigenvectors in this case are referred to as principal components (PCs). Currently, a new feature subspace w, a \(F\times k\) dimensional matrix with \(k\le F\) and frequently \(k<<F\), is created by selecting k eigenvectors. Divergence analysis, discriminant analysis, and other methods can be used to select k eigenvectors, such as sorting the eigenvectors in descending order and selecting the top k principal components. Ultimately, the modified PCA pixel vector Y can be acquired as follows:

    $$Y={w}^{T}\times I$$

    Here, the original image data is represented as d, which can be created as \(d=\left(w*Y\right)+M\)

  2. B.

    Self-Organising Maps (SOM): This is an artificial neural network that takes high-dimensional data and maps it to a lower-dimensional space. The resulting map comprises a set of nodes that preserve the distribution of the input data while also representing the entire dataset. The lattice structure can be of any shape, but a finite two-dimensional rectangular grid is the most commonly used. Each node in the SOM is associated with a vector 𝐳 that has the same dimension as the input data points [238]. The SOM operation consists of two main parts: training and labeling. Although they can be combined into a single online process, we will describe them separately. In both parts, the goal is to identify the best matching unit (BMU) for a given input vector. The BMU is the node closest to the input vector under a specified distance metric, typically Euclidean distance. The best matching unit is given as

    $$BMU\left({x}_{i}\right)=argmin\; k({x}_{i},Z)$$

    Here, input data is given as \(X=[{x}_{1},{x}_{2},{x}_{3},\dots ,{x}_{n}]\), \({x}_{i}\in {R}^{d}\), \(m\times m\) grid of the SOM nodes a given as \(Z=[{Z}_{\mathrm{1,1}},{Z}_{\mathrm{1,2}},{Z}_{\mathrm{1,3}},\dots ,{Z}_{m,m}]\), \({Z}_{i}\in {R}^{d}\), and k is the distance metric. During the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) training phase, the BMU (Best Matching Unit) is identified, and its neighborhood function is calculated. The SOM adjusts neighboring nodes towards the input vector and labels the input vector with the BMU's SOM coordinates during the labeling phase. After training the map, if two points are located near each other in the input data space, then they will also be mapped to nodes that are positioned close to each other on the SOM grid. In other words, the SOM grid maintains the spatial relationships between various data points while preserving the topology of the input space. Gradient descent is analogous to the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) training procedure. However because the original SOM lacked an objective function, it's not the same. The index on the SOM of BMU for an input vector \({x}_{i}\) from Eq. (43) can be represented as \({u}_{i}^{*}=BMU({x}_{i})\). For every SOM node \({Z}_{i}\), the updated steps are provided as

    $${z}_{j}^{s+1}={z}_{j}^{s}+\alpha \beta (t,{u}_{j},{u}_{i}^{*})k({x}_{i},{z}_{j}^{s})$$

    where α > 0 is the learning rate for iteration, the neighborhood function is represented as \(\beta \left(t,{u}_{j},{u}_{i}^{*}\right)>0\), each training epoch is denoted as t, and the iteration within the epoch is denoted as s. The learning rate is denoted by α, which determines the speed at which the map adjusts to the input data. The neighborhood function \(\beta \left(t,{u}_{j},{u}_{i}^{*}\right)\) Preserves the topology by training nodes that are spatially far from \({u}_{i}^{*}\) with a lower magnitude. During training, the update radius (t) is used to characterize the learning process. As the training progresses, this radius decreases to enable the model to learn the rough distribution topology before fine-tuning the local areas of distribution [239].

  3. C.

    Active Learning: It is a machine learning method that selects the most informative samples from an unlabeled dataset and uses human input to label them, thereby training a supervised machine learning model. This approach aims to reduce the dependence on a large labeled training dataset. Two primary types of Active Learning (AL) are stream-based and pool-based. In stream-based AL, the algorithm receives each unlabeled sample one at a time and decides whether to request a label. In contrast, pool-based AL involves a large pool of unlabeled samples presented to an AL acquisition function for selection and manual labeling. In an Active Learning framework, a supervised machine learning algorithm and an acquisition function play crucial roles [240].

  4. D.

    ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique): The ISODATA algorithm is a commonly used unsupervised classification method that extends the K-Means algorithm. It selects the number of clusters automatically using heuristics. According to [241], the ISODATA algorithm assumes that each class follows a multivariate normal distribution and requires each class's means and covariance matrices. It follows an iterative process where arbitrary cluster centers are assigned initially, and the cluster means and covariance are calculated. Then, each pixel is classified to the nearest cluster. New cluster means, and covariance are calculated based on all the pixels in each cluster. This procedure is iterated until the change between iterations is considered "low enough." The modification can be quantified by measuring the distances the cluster means have changed from one iteration to the next or by the percentage of pixels that have changed between iterations.

    In more detail, the steps in ISODATA clustering are as follows:

    1. i.

      Specify the number of clusters.

    2. ii.

      The clustering algorithm will then proceed to select the initial cluster centers and assign the pixels to them accordingly.

      $$x\in i if\left|\omega \left(x\right)-{\omega }_{i}\right|<\left|\omega \left(x\right)-{\omega }_{j}\right| for all j\ne i$$

      Here, the cluster centers for cluster i and j are given as \({\omega }_{i}\), and \({\omega }_{j}\), and x is the position of the feature vector.

    3. iii.

      To calculate the new class mean, we confidently compute the average of the pixel values that are assigned to the class, which serves as the definitive center for class i.

      $${\omega }_{i}=\frac{1}{{Q}_{i}}\sum_{x\in i}\omega \left(x\right), i=\mathrm{1,2},3,,\dots .,K$$

      Here, K denotes the number of clusters, \({Q}_{i}\) is the number of pixels in class I, and the cluster covariance is also calculated at the same time.

    4. iv.

      So basically, the pixels are assigned to the closest cluster.

    5. v.

      The determination to calculate the means and covariance of the new cluster is truly inspiring.

    6. vi.

      Repeat steps 4 through 5 if the difference between the initial and new clusters is not minimal enough. If not, the clustering process is over.

  5. E.

    Clustering: Clustering categorizes data points into distinct groups or clusters based on their similarities and differences. The objective of clustering is to group data points that are alike and separate those that are dissimilar. Clustering is a technique for organizing objects to make them easier to understand and analyze [242]. The types of clustering algorithms have been listed below.

    • K-means Clustering: K-means is a widely used unsupervised learning algorithm that easily groups data into a specified number of clusters. If a set of observations are depicted as \(X=({x}_{1},{x}_{2},,\dots ,{x}_{n})\), where each observation is \({x}_{1}\in {R}^{d}\), i.e., \({x}_{i}=[{x}_{{i}_{1}},{x}_{{i}_{2}},\dots .,{x}_{{i}_{d}}]\), here, d is represented as several spectral channels. To group each observation cluster into several clusters, k is fixed a priori value, i.e., k <  = n. K-means will calculate the centers of the k groups by optimizing the error of each group as


      Here, the Euclidian distance between a data point \({x}_{i}^{j}\) of the cluster, j is depicted as \({||{x}_{i}^{j}-{c}_{j}||}^{2}\), the cluster center is given as \({c}_{j}\), and the observations within each cluster are given as \({n}_{k}\). The K-means algorithm effectively extracts valuable insights from a dataset, especially when identifying the most suitable distance metric. However, the results can vary significantly depending on slight parameter changes and initial center selection. Therefore, it is crucial to initialize the process correctly to ensure the final output is the best solution [243].

    • Hierarchical clustering: Hierarchical clustering is an incredibly powerful machine learning algorithm that expertly groups data points into clusters based on their similarities, in a way that each cluster has a parent cluster. Hierarchical clustering is a valuable technique that helps to group similar data points into clusters. Initially, each data point is considered as its cluster, and then the closest clusters are iteratively merged until all data points belong to a single cluster. There are two types of hierarchical clustering: agglomerative and divisive. The agglomerative method is the most commonly used type, where the algorithm merges the closest clusters until only one remains. On the other hand, the divisive method works by splitting the largest cluster into two smaller clusters until each data point belongs to its cluster [244].

    • BIRCH: The BIRCH algorithm is an innovative hierarchical clustering algorithm that incorporates two fundamental concepts: Clustering Features (CF) and Cluster Feature Tree (CF Tree) to provide a more comprehensive cluster description. The CF Tree outlines the clustering of valuable information, and its minimal space requirement enables it to store metadata collections in memory, significantly enhancing the algorithm's speed and scalability. This makes it an ideal option for handling large datasets. It is beneficial for clustering both discrete and continuous attribute data [245]. According to [246], the first step in organizing the dataset objects involves creating a sub-clustering CF form. This form consists of a triple of information, denoted as CF = (N, LS, SS), where N represents the number of data points, LS denotes the sum of the attribute values of X, and SS represents the sum of the squared values of X. The resulting CF is then clustered into k-groups using the conventional hierarchy clustering procedure. Should two CFs be merged, the theorem applies accordingly.

      $$CF12=(N1+N2, \overline{{LS }_{1}}+\overline{{LS }_{2},}SS1+SS2)$$

      BIRCH is a meticulously designed algorithm that generates a concise summary of CF sub-clusters incrementally. The clusters are represented by a vector CF, which is the only value stored in memory. This CF value is sufficient to compute vital information related to subclusters, including their centroid, radius, and diameter. By summarizing the information about subclusters instead of saving all points, BIRCH offers a highly efficient storage technique. The D2 distance formula is utilized to locate a cluster feature suitable for combination.


      By applying the following formula, we can determine the radius of a CF leaf.

    • Fuzzy C Means clustering (FCM): This is an extremely powerful and flexible soft clustering algorithm that enables a data point to belong to multiple clusters with varying degrees of membership. This sets it apart from traditional clustering algorithms like k-means clustering, which only allows each data point to belong to a single cluster [247]. According to [248], the Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm computes the probability of image pixel membership to image clusters. In traditional Fuzzy C-Means clustering, the objective function to be minimized is:

      $$\mathrm{With }\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{M}{u}_{ij}=1$$

      Let's consider a scenario where we have an image X and want to group its pixels into clusters. In this case, we can represent the \({i}^{th}\) pixel of the image X as \({x}_{i}\). Similarly, we can represent the jth cluster center as \({c}_{j}\). \({u}_{ij}\) is a representation of \({x}_{i}\) degree of membership to the \({j}^{th}\) center. M clusters and D number of picture pixels are present. Utilizing a natural number, m, we regulate the degree of fuzziness.

    • Spatial Clustering: Through a clustering analysis of observation points that exhibit comparable deformation sequences, the deformation area can be divided. To ensure alignment with spatial observation data clustering, essential similarity indicators, and a spatial similarity index have been established. These indicators include three primary spatial similarity measures: "weighted absolute distance," "weighted increment distance," and "weighted growth rate distance." These measures gauge the similarity between two distinct locations at different points in time.

      The "weighted absolute distance" in real time between observation points k and l is denoted by \({d}_{kl}^{S}(AD)\) and the full formula can be found here.


      The value of the \({m}^{th}\) deformation variable of the observation point k at the time section t (m = 1, 2, ……, M, t = 1, 2, ….., T) is represented as \({x}_{mt}\left(k\right)\), \({x}_{mt}\left(k\right)={\delta }_{mt}\left(k\right)\), \({x}_{mt}\left(l\right)={\delta }_{mt}\left(l\right)\). In this case, the weight of the \({m}^{th}\) deformation variable \({x}_{m}\) is provided as \({WX}_{m}\). The distance between deformations at observation locations k and l at a given time instance is measured by the value of \({d}_{kl}^{S}\left(AD\right)\). The similarity between the deformation at the two observation places increases with decreasing \({d}_{kl}^{S}(AD)\) value.

      The "Weighted Increment Distance" in real time between observation locations k and l is denoted by \({d}_{kl}^{S}(ID)\), and the entire formula will be found here.


      The equation in this case is \({y}_{mt}\left(k\right)= {x}_{mt}\left(k\right)-{x}_{m,t-1}\left(k\right)\); \({y}_{mt}\left(l\right)= {x}_{mt}\left(l\right)-{x}_{m,t-1}\left(l\right)\). The deformation increment distance between observation points k and l at a particular time from the last measurement is indicated by the value of \({d}_{kl}^{S}(ID)\). The deformation increments at the two observation places are more likely to be identical if \({d}_{kl}^{S}(ID)\) is lower.

      \({d}_{kl}^{S}(GRD)\) represents the full-time "Weighted growth rate Distance" between observation sites k and l, and the full formula, if provided, is


      Here, the difference between the two observation points, k, and l, at one particular time and the last can be used to calculate the value of \({d}_{kl}^{S}\left(GRD\right)\), which indicates the relative deformation increments of the two points. A greater degree of remarkable similarity between the relative deformation increments of the two observation locations is indicated by a smaller value of \({d}_{kl}^{S}\left(GRD\right)\) [249].

    • Spectral Clustering: Spectral Clustering is a powerful technique for grouping data according to their similarities. It operates by assessing the interconnections between each data point and creating a graph with vertices representing the data and edges representing those relationships. Typically, the connections are determined by measuring the distance between two related records. Spectral clustering is a straightforward algorithm that can be efficiently solved using standard linear algebra software. Due to its superior performance compared to traditional clustering approaches like the k-means algorithm, Spectral Clustering has gained significant popularity in recent times [250].

    • Means Shift Clustering: Means shift clustering is a clustering algorithm that groups data points based on their density in the feature space. Unlike parametric algorithms, it makes no assumptions about the data distribution. The algorithm selects a data point and defines its neighborhood using a kernel function that assigns a weight to each data point based on its distance from the current data point. Then, it shifts the selected data point towards the mean of the data points in its neighborhood, and the process is repeated for all data points until convergence is achieved. In simpler terms, mean shift clustering identifies clusters of data points based on how close they are to each other in space, without assuming any specific shape or size for the clusters [251]. The means shift clustering algorithm iteratively shifts each data point towards the mean of the data points in its neighborhood until all data points have converged to a local maximum of the density function. These local maxima represent the clusters in the data. Mean shift clustering is particularly useful for clustering data with overlapping clusters or is not well-defined. It can also handle data with outliers, disrupting the performance of other clustering algorithms [252].

    • DBSCAN: The Density-Based Clustering (DBSCAN) approach solves the problem of identifying clusters in data with varying densities. The algorithm allocates clusters in dense regions of the data space while separating regions with lower point density as noise. DBSCAN works by defining a neighborhood around each point in the data space and requiring that a minimum number of points fall within that neighborhood. Clusters are formed by connecting points that satisfy this criterion, while lone points that do not meet the minimum threshold are classified as noise. In simple terms, DBSCAN identifies clusters of data points by looking for areas with high point density and separating them from areas with low point density. It is a helpful algorithm for identifying clusters in complex data sets where traditional clustering algorithms may fail [253]. DBSCAN is an algorithm that can identify clusters in data sets with varying densities and classify outlier points as noise. It is beneficial for handling large spatial datasets with small related clusters in multiple dimensions, which can significantly reduce computation time. The algorithm evaluates the density of data points in a given space, grouping them based on their proximity. Points alone in low-density regions are classified as outliers, meaning they are not part of any cluster. It's worth noting that DBSCAN requires some adjustment for certain types of data sets to identify cluster shapes accurately. However, it remains a powerful clustering method that can effectively handle complex data sets [254].

7.1.3 Semi-supervised machine learning

Semi-supervised machine learning classification is an algorithm for categorizing data into different groups using a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. This method differs from supervised machine learning classification, which relies solely on labeled data, and unsupervised machine learning classification, which relies only on unlabeled data. Semi-supervised machine learning classification is beneficial for problems with scarce or expensive labeled data. This is often the case in hyperspectral imaging, where the images can be large and complex, and it can be difficult and costly to label all of the pixels in the image [255].

  1. A.

    Inductive SVMs: According to [256], Inductive Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are well-suited classification algorithms for high-dimensional classification tasks. These algorithms aim to maximize the margin between the closest training samples for two classes by utilizing hyperplanes. The algorithm obtains the separating hyperplane by maximizing the separating margin between the two classes. This makes it an ideal choice for remote sensing classification problems.

Consider a set of training examples \(S=({x}_{i},{y}_{i})\), where i ranges from 1 to l, i.e., \(i=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ..,l\). Each input pattern \({x}_{i}\) is associated with a label \({y}_{i}\) that belongs to the set \({y}_{i}\in \{\pm 1\}\). The SVM classifier aims to minimize the error by using a nonlinear mapping \(\varnothing\) (.)

$$J\left(W,\varepsilon \right)=\frac{1}{2}{||W||}^{2}+C\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{l}{\varepsilon }_{i}$$

Subject to:

$${y}_{i}\left(\varnothing \left({x}_{i}\right).{\text{W}}+{\text{b}}\right)\ge 1-{\varepsilon }_{i}$$

Here, \({\varepsilon }_{i}=\mathrm{1,2},\dots \dots .,l\)

Constrained Quadratic Programming (QP) is a proven and reliable method for confidently minimizing equations (58) and achieving significant reductions in both VC dimension and misclassification error.

The proposed solution yields a decision function that can be expressed in the subsequent format:

$$f\left(x\right)=sgn\left[\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{l}{y}_{i}{\alpha }_{i}k\left(x, {x}_{i}\right)+b\right]$$

The function k (.,.) is defined as follows:

$$k\left(x, {x}_{i}\right)=\langle \varnothing \left(x\right),\varnothing ({x}_{i})\rangle$$

Only a tiny fraction of the \({\alpha }_{i}\) coefficients are non-zero, and the corresponding pairs of \({x}_{i}\) entries are referred to as support vectors. These support vectors fully define the decision function. The term \(k(x,{x}_{i}\)) is the corresponding nonlinear kernel function.

For the experiment, the RBF kernel function in the form \(k\left(x, {x}_{i}\right)={\text{exp}}(-\gamma {||{x}_{i}-{x}_{j}||}^{2})\) was used. This kernel function is defined by a weight c. The two-class SVM can be extended to multi-class classification by designing several one-against-all (OAA) two-class SVMs.

  1. B.

    Transductive SVM: Semi-supervised learning algorithms, such as transductive support vector machines (SVMs), are an effective tool for classification tasks. These algorithms can assist in streamlining the classification process, making it more efficient and accurate. These algorithms can train a classification model by utilizing a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. The transductive SVM method involves constructing a graph where each node represents a data point and the edges represent their similarity. Using this graph, the algorithm propagates the labels from the labeled data points to the unlabeled data points.

In [256], the transductive SVM is an iterative algorithm that gradually searches for an optimal separating hyperplane in the feature space. It does this through a transductive process incorporating unlabeled samples during training. In the semi-supervised framework, two datasets are defined: a labeled training dataset S and an unlabeled dataset \(V=\left[\left({x}_{j}\right)\right], j=1+1,....,n\). The learning process of the TSVM can be formulated as an optimization problem as follows:

$$J\left(W,\varepsilon ,{\varepsilon }^{*}\right)=\frac{1}{2}{||W||}^{2}+C\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{l}{\varepsilon }_{i}+{C}^{*}\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{l}{\varepsilon }_{j}^{*}$$

Subject to:

$${y}_{i}\left(\varnothing \left({x}_{i}\right).w+b\right)\ge 1-{\varepsilon }_{i}, { \varepsilon }_{i}\ge 0;i=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ,l$$
$${y}_{j}\left(\varnothing \left({x}_{j}\right).w+b\right)\ge 1-{\varepsilon }_{j}^{*}, {\varepsilon }_{j}^{*}\ge 0;j=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ,l$$

For the training and testing samples, the user-specified penalty levels are indicated by C and \({C}^{*}\), respectively. The number of transductive samples is denoted by d, and the slack variables are represented by \({\varepsilon }_{i}\) and \({\varepsilon }_{j}^{*}\). The aforementioned optimization challenge must be resolved to train the Transductive Support Vector Machine (TSVM). Once the Lagrange multipliers \({\alpha }_{i}\) and \({\alpha }_{j}^{*}\), are set, the TSVM's decision function can be found.

$$f\left(x\right)=sgn\left[\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{l}{y}_{i}{\alpha }_{i}k\left(x, {x}_{i}\right)+\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{d}{y}_{j}^{*}{\alpha }_{j}^{*}k\left(x, {x}_{j}^{*}\right)+b\right]$$
  1. C.

    Graph-based methods: Graph-based methods are a powerful tool for classifying data. Constructing graphs with nodes representing labeled and unlabeled data samples and edges representing their similarities is an effective way to classify data samples. By propagating each sample's label information to its neighboring samples until a global stable state is reached, confident propagation of each data sample's label to its neighboring points becomes possible. This approach is highly effective for data classification tasks. In [257], According to the authors, the graph structure is represented as G = (V, E), where V stands for the dataset's labeled and unlabeled data samples and E for the similarities between them. X = [× 1, × 2,…, xM] represents the HSI dataset, where xi is a member of FN. Let's have a look at this dataset. The feature vector is denoted by F, the total number of pixels in the HSI by M, and the total number of spectral bands, or feature dimension, by N in this case. Let U = {l + 1,….., l + u} represent the unlabeled samples and L = {1,…., l} represent the labeled samples corresponding to labels y1,…., yl. We take two steps to build the graph. Using the k-nearest or e-nearest neighbor approach, we build the graph adjacency matrix in the first step. Using one of the following equations, we determine the graph weights in the second stage:

    • The Gaussian similarity function, whose representation is as follows, is one of the formulas used to calculate graph weights.

      $$g\left({x}_{i},{x}_{j}\right)=exp(-\frac{{||{x}_{i}-{x}_{j}||}^{2}}{{2\sigma }^{2}})$$

      Here, the σ factor controls the width of the neighbourhood

    • The Gaussian similarity function, whose representation is as follows, is one of the formulas used to calculate graph weights.


Here, \({x}_{i}\) and \({x}_{j}\) are associated with weight \({w}_{ij}\). If samples are unconnected, \({w}_{ij}=0\).

To enhance the ease of categorization, the weight matrix W is computed for all labeled and unlabeled data. The normalized graph Laplacian is precisely defined as:


Here, D is represented as diagonal matrices with degrees \({d}_{1},{d}_{2},{d}_{3}, \dots \dots .., {d}_{N}\) and \({d}_{i}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}{w}_{ij}\)

The Laplacian is a powerful tool, possessing an essential property that drives innovation and progress, and it gives below,

$${F}^{\prime}LF= \frac{1}{2}\sum\nolimits_{i,j=1}^{n}{w}_{ij}{\left(\frac{{f}_{i}}{\sqrt{{d}_{i}}}-\frac{{f}_{j}}{\sqrt{{d}_{j}}}\right)}^{2}$$

Here, Vector F comprises various elements. The following objective function is intended for data classification and therefore should be minimized. Graph-based techniques are becoming increasingly popular among researchers for their sparse properties, robust mathematical basis, connection to kernel methods, and exceptional performance. In the following section, we will delve into some of the graph-based techniques utilized for HSI classification.

  1. D.

    Object-based classification: Object-based classification (OBC) is a method of image classification that segments an image into objects and then classifies those objects based on their spectral, geometric, and spatial properties. Unlike traditional pixel-based classification methods, OBC does not classify each pixel in the image independently. OBC is useful for identifying and classifying objects with high precision in hyperspectral imaging due to the high spectral resolution of the images. C is also useful for classifying images with complex textures or mixed pixels, wherein traditional pixel-based classification methods can face challenges [258].

  2. E.

    Sub-Pixel-Based Classification: Sub-Pixel-Based Classification (SPC) is a type of image classification that can identify and quantify materials in an image at a sub-pixel level. Unlike traditional pixel-based classification methods, SPC does not assign each pixel in the image to a single class. SPC is made possible by the high spectral resolution of hyperspectral photographs, which contain details about an object's spectral reflectance at hundreds or even thousands of tiny, contiguous wavelength bands. This allows researchers to identify and quantify materials in an image, even when mixed with other materials at the pixel level. Several SPC algorithms can be used [259].

  3. F.

    Super-Pixel-Based Classification: Super-Pixel-Based Classification (SPBC) is an image classification technique that groups pixels into super-pixels before performing classification. By implementing this approach, we can achieve remarkable results with utmost accuracy and clarity, making a positive impact on our goals. Super-pixels are groups of pixels that are similar in color and texture. Using a graph-based algorithm to segment the image into regions based on pixel similarity is how image segmentation is typically achieved. Once the image has been segmented into super-pixels, a range of classification algorithms can be used to classify the super-pixels [260]. The combination of pixels with spatial proximity and spectral similarity in hyperspectral images is called super-pixel. Super-pixel classification is mainly used for segmentation. Super-pixel segmentation is utilized to extract spectral data from hyperspectral images, effectively reducing the number of units that must be classified and minimizing the impact of noise. It is a well-established fact that each segment can effectively be viewed as a super-pixel which serves as a crucial component of an object. Over-segmentation, on the other hand, is a widely recognized approach that enables the generation of super-pixels for representing local information and taking full advantage of the spatial correlation [261].

7.2 Neural networks

  • Neural network classification models are machine learning models that enable data classification. They are designed to mimic the structure and function of the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes or neurons. Each neuron performs a simple mathematical operation, and the results are passed on to other neurons in the network. Neural network classification models are versatile and can be trained on different data types, such as images, text, and numbers. To train such a model, you provide labeled data where each point carries a known label. The neural network then learns to predict new data labels based on the patterns it has detected from the training data [262]. Neural network classification models are divided into two types:

    • Traditional neural networks,

    • Deep Learning

7.2.1 Traditional neural network

According to [263], a traditional neural network refers to a class of artificial neural networks designed to mimic the structure and function of the human brain. It consists of a series of layers of interconnected nodes, or neurons, where each neuron is connected to every neuron in the previous and the next layer. The input is fed to the first layer, and the output is obtained from the last layer. The neurons in each layer perform a simple mathematical operation on their input and pass their output to the next layer.

Artificial neural network (ANN)

The Artificial Neural Network (ANN), takes inspiration from the structure and operation of biological neurons. It is a complex, multilayered system that can learn and extract numerous features. The network is composed of an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an output layer to produce the final result. The computation process follows a specific format. The \({j}^{th}\) neuron in the \({i}^{th}\) layer is represented \({v}_{ij}\). The value has a certain form and is calculated using the neurons in the layer above.

$${v}_{ij}=\Phi \left({v}_{ij}+\sum\nolimits_{k=1}^{{n}_{i-1}}{w}_{(i-j)k}^{ij}{v}_{(i-1)k}\right)$$

Here, the number of neurons in the \({(i-1)}^{th}\) layer is given by \({n}_{i-1}\), the connecting weights between the \({v}_{ij}\) and \({v}_{(i-1)k}\) neurons are depicted as \({w}_{(i-j)k}^{ij}\), and the bias index for the \({v}_{ij}\) the neuron is given as \({b}_{ij}\). The pointwise activation function is given as \(\boldsymbol{\Phi }(.)\), which is used to apply the non-linearity to the neural network [264].

  1. A.

    FNN: The term FNN stands for Feedforward Neural Network, which is a type of artificial neural network that facilitates the flow of information in a unidirectional manner, starting from the input layer, traversing through the hidden layers, and eventually reaching the output layer. The input data is fed to the input layer, and each neuron in the input layer is connected to every neuron in the first hidden layer. The neurons in the hidden layers perform a simple mathematical operation on their input and pass their output to the next layer until the output layer produces the final output. FNNs are primarily used for supervised learning tasks such as classification and regression [264].

  2. B.

    MLP: Unlock the power of neural networks with the Multi-Layer Perceptron, also known as MLP. Experience the wonder of multiple neuron layers working together in perfect harmony to create a feedforward neural network. Each of these layers is connected to every neuron in the previous and next layers. MLPs are widely used in supervised learning tasks such as classification and regression. They are trained using backpropagation, which adjusts the weights of the connections between neurons to minimize the error between predicted and actual outputs. They effectively solve complex problems, especially non-linear relationships between input and output variables [265]. According to [266], the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is a type of feedforward artificial neural network where nodes from different layers are interconnected. It was first introduced by Frank Rosenblatt in his perceptron program. The perceptron is considered the basic unit of an artificial neural network and it defines the artificial neuron in the network. It is a supervised learning algorithm containing nodes' values, activation functions, inputs, and weights to calculate the output. The MLP neural network works only in the forward direction. All nodes are fully connected to the network. Each node passes its value to the next node only in the forward direction. The MLP neural network uses the backpropagation algorithm to improve the accuracy of the training model.

Structure of MLP

This neural network comprises three main layers that work together to form an Artificial Neural Network.

Input layer

This layer represents the output of the Neural Network. The number of nodes in the output layer depends on the problem type. For a single targeted variable, use one node. N classification problem, ANN uses N nodes in the output layer.

Hidden layer

The hidden layer is responsible for all computations within the neural network. The edges of this layer are assigned weights, which are then multiplied by the node values. Additionally, the hidden layer utilizes an activation function. The model can have one or two hidden layers. It is essential to have several hidden layer nodes to achieve accuracy. Having too few nodes in the hidden layer can make the model inefficient in processing complex data. Conversely, having too many nodes can result in an overfitting problem.

Output layer

The output layer of a Neural Network is responsible for providing the predicted output. The number of nodes required in this layer depends on the type of problem being solved. For a problem where only one variable is being predicted, one node is sufficient. However, for an N-classification problem, the output layer should have N nodes to facilitate the classification process (Fig 21).

Fig. 21
figure 21

The framework of the Multiscale-MLP for HSI classification [266]

7.2.2 Deep learning

Deep learning is the cutting-edge subset of machine learning that is specifically designed to train deep neural networks with multiple layers, making it a powerful tool for solving complex and challenging problems. It is an artificial intelligence technique that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning algorithms are designed to identify patterns and relationships in large, complex datasets, and they have proven to be highly effective in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making [267]. In deep learning, we have different types of classification models available: Autoencoder, Attention Models, Transformer models, etc., are available. We have divided the CNN models into subsections. The description of these models is given below

  1. A.

    Autoencoders: Autoencoder is a powerful tool in the field of artificial neural networks, particularly in its ability to learn efficient data representations. These models are unsupervised learning models, meaning they do not require labeled data to train. Autoencoders are also used as unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques. It is used to learn a mapping from high-dimensional observations to low-dimensional representation space. The original observation can be reconstructed from the lower-dimensional representation [268], which is used for image pre-processing, feature extractions, and image classification. According to [29], it minimizes input and reconstructed output differences. Autoencoders have the encoder and decoder and the reconstructed output. These are the visible input layers called x, hidden layer h, reconstruction layer of x units, and activation layer f. An autoencoder is a feedforward technique to reconstruct an output from input. For an input vector x, the “encoder” maps the input to a hidden layer and produces y. After that, we can get the encoded value y by the parameter weight \({w}_{y}\) and bias \({b}_{y}\).


    The "decoder" is responsible for mapping y to an output layer that is of the same size as the input layer. This output layer is commonly referred to as "reconstruction".


    The hidden layer to output weights and the input-to-hidden layer are represented by \({w}_{y}\) and \({w}_{z}\) in this instance. The activation function is displayed by f(.), and the bias of the hidden and output units are, respectively, \({b}_{y}\) and\({b}_{z}\). The sigmoid, tanh, and rectified linear functions are just a few options for activation functions. In this work, we have used the sigmoid function as the activation function for both the encoder and decoder. It is defined in the below equation.


    To achieve the objective of training, it is crucial to minimize the "error" between the input and output which is also commonly known as reconstruction. For this purpose, the loss function is defined in a precise manner to ensure accurate and efficient performance during training.

    $$J\left(\Theta \right)=\frac{1}{2M}\sum\nolimits_{m=1}^{M}|{z}^{m}-{x}^{m}{|}^{2}$$

    The total number of training samples available is denoted by M in this case. It may be possible to successfully reduce the difference between the input and reconstructed output over the entire training set \(X=\{x1,x2,x3,\dots \dots \dots \dots ,xM\}\) to determine the values of \(\Theta =({w}_{y},{w}_{z},{b}_{y},{b}_{z})\).

    Through this kind of training focused on reconstruction, the authority and efficacy of AE are determined. It only uses the data from the hidden layer, represented as input features, during the reconstruction phase. This model must be able to perfectly recover the original input from y to demonstrate that it retains sufficient knowledge of the input (Fig. 22).

    Fig. 22
    figure 22

    Autoencoder representation

  2. B.

    RNN: According to [269], An RNN or Recurrent Neural Network is an artificial neural network that includes loops in connections, unlike a conventional feedforward neural network. These loops enable RNNs to handle sequential inputs using a recurrent hidden state that depends on the activation of the previous step. As a result, the network is capable of displaying dynamic temporal behavior. If we have given a sequence of data \(x=({x}_{1}, {x}_{2},\dots .., {x}_{T})\), where \({x}_{i}\) is the data at \({i}^{th}\) timestep, an RNN updates its recurrent hidden states \({h}_{t}\) by 0, if t = 0; \({h}_{t}==\varnothing ({h}_{t}-1, {x}_{t})\). The equation includes a nonlinear function called ϕ, which can be either a logistic sigmoid function or a hyperbolic tangent function. The RNN may also have a single output \({y}_{T}\) for certain tasks like hyperspectral image classification. However, for some other tasks, the RNN may have multiple outputs

    $$y=\left({{{y}_{1},y}_{2},\dots \dots .,y}_{T}\right)$$

    The recurrent hidden state update rule in equation (68) is commonly used in traditional RNN models.

    $${h}_{t}=\varnothing ({Wx}_{t}+U{h}_{t}-1)$$

    The coefficient matrix W is used in a conventional RNN model to calculate the input at the current time step. Conversely, recurrent hidden units at the preceding time step are activated using the coefficient matrix U. Based on an element's current state, \({h}_{t}\), an RNN can be used to construct a probability distribution for the subsequent element in a data sequence. An RNN's ability to capture a distribution over sequence data with changing length makes this feasible. The sequence probability, \(p({X}_{1}, {X}_{2},\dots \dots ,{X}_{T})\), can be broken down into

    $$p\left({X}_{1}, {X}_{2},\dots \dots ,{X}_{T}\right)=p\left({X}_{1}\right)\dots .p\left({X}_{T}|{X}_{1},..,{X}_{T}-1\right)$$

    Unlock the potential of each conditional probability distribution with the power of a recurrent network.

    $$p\left({X}_{T}|{X}_{1},..,{X}_{T}-1\right)=\varnothing ({h}_{t})$$

    In this case, \({h}_{t}\) is obtained from Eqs. (73) and (75). Since a hyperspectral pixel is treated as sequential data instead of a feature vector, we can use a recurrent network to model the spectral sequence. RNNs are an essential branch of the deep learning family. They have recently shown promising results in many machine learning and computer vision tasks. However, training RNNs to handle long-term sequential data can be challenging since the gradients tend to vanish. To address this issue, one common approach is to design a more sophisticated recurrent unit.

  3. C.

    LSTM: According to [270], to effectively solve the sequence learning problem, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is the ideal choice as it incorporates recurrent edges that connect the neuron to itself across time, resulting in efficient and accurate learning outcomes We have an input sequence \(\{{x}_{1},{x}_{2},\dots \dots .,{x}_{T}\}\). And a sequence of hidden states \(\{{h}_{1},{h}_{2},\dots \dots .,{h}_{T}\}\). At a given time t, the node with recurrent edge receives the input \({x}_{t}\) and its previous output value \({h}_{t-1}\) at time t-1, then outputs the weighted some of them, which can be formulated as below equation

    $${h}_{t}=\sigma ({W}_{hx}{x}_{t}+{W}_{hh}{h}_{t-1}+b)$$

    The weight input node and the recurrent hidden node are represented here as \({W}_{hx}\), the bias is represented by b, and the non-linear activation function is represented by σ. The weight between the recurrent hidden node and itself from the previous time step is represented as \({W}_{hh}\) (Fig. 23).

    Fig. 23
    figure 23

    The architecture of LSTM

    However, there's a difficulty with training RNN models. Depending on whether \(\left|{W}_{hh}\right|<1\) or \(\left|{W}_{hh}\right|>1\), the contribution of the recurrent hidden node \({h}_{m}\) at time m to itself \({h}_{n}\) at time n may approach zero or infinity as \(n-m\) rises. Long-term dependencies pose a challenge for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as back-propagating errors over many steps can lead to the gradient vanishing or exploding. To tackle this issue, a solution called long-term short memory (LSTM) was introduced. LSTM replaces the recurrent hidden node with a memory cell that stores and retrieves relevant information using dot product and matrix addition operations. This enables the network to better learn and remember long-term dependencies. The memory cell in LSTM has a node with a self-connected recurrent edge with a fixed weight, ensuring that the gradient can traverse numerous time steps without vanishing or exploding. LSTM comprises four crucial components: input gate, output gate, forget gate, and candidate cell value. By leveraging these components, we can compute the memory cell and output, and overcome the challenges of learning long-range dependencies in RNNs.

    $${f}_{t}=\sigma ({W}_{hf}.{h}_{t-1}+{W}_{xf}.{x}_{t}+{b}_{f})$$
    $${i}_{t}= \sigma ({W}_{hi}.{h}_{t-1}+{W}_{xi}.{x}_{t}+{b}_{i})$$
    $${C}_{t}={f}_{{t}{^\circ }}{C}_{t-1}+{i}_{{t}_{^\circ }}$$
    $${O}_{t}=\sigma ({W}_{ho}.{h}_{t-1}+{W}_{xo}.{x}_{t}+{b}_{o})$$
    $${h}_{t}={O}_{{t} {^\circ}}{\text{tanh}}({C}_{t})$$

    Here, σ is the logistic sigmoid function, ‘.’ Is a matrix multiplication, ‘˳’ is a dot product, and \({b}_{f}, {b}_{i},{b}_{c} and {b}_{o}\) are biased terms. The weight matrix subscripts have the apparent meanings. For instance, \({W}_{hi}\) is the hidden input gate matrix, \({W}_{xo}\) is the input–output gate matrix.

  4. D.

    Attention-based Models: According to [271], to solve the bottleneck issue caused by a fixed-length encoding vector, which would restrict the decoder's ability to access the input's information. The dimensionality of their representation would be compelled to be the same as for shorter or simpler sequences, which is anticipated to become particularly problematic for long and complex sequences. The step-by-step computations of the alignment scores, the weights, and the context vector comprise Bahdanau et al.'s attention mechanism.

    • Alignment score: \({h}_{i}\) is the alignment model of the encoded states, and the previous decoder output is represented as \({S}_{t-1}\), to compute a score \({e}_{t,i}\) is used. It displays how closely the input sequence's elements match the position's current output t. The alignment model is represented by a function a(.), which can be implemented by using the feed-forward neural network

    • Weights: \({\alpha }_{t,i}\) are the weights; these weights are computed by applying a SoftMax operation to the previously computed alignment scores:

      $${\alpha }_{t,i}=softmax({e}_{t,i})$$
    • Context vector: \({C}_{t}\) is represented as a unique context vector. It is used to feed into the decoder at each time step. A weighted sum of all computes it, T is depicted as encoder hidden states:

      $${C}_{t}=\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{T}{\alpha }_{t,i}{h}_{i}$$

      The attention process can be reformulated into a universal form that can be applied to any sequence-to-sequence (abbreviated as seq2seq) action, even though the information may not necessarily be related sequentially. \({f}_{att}(Q,K,V)\) is an example of an attention module; it operates on certain queries, keys, and values. It will produce a few weighted average vectors, Q, K, V, and \(\widehat{V}\) in that order. After calculating the similarity score between Q and K, the weighted average vector over V is calculated. It is possible to formulate the weighted average vector using Eq. (84)

      $${a}_{i,j}={f}_{sim}\left({q}_{i},{k}_{j}\right), {\propto }_{i,j}=\frac{{e}^{{a}_{i,j}}}{{\varepsilon }_{j}{e}^{{a}_{i,j}}}$$
      $${\widehat{V}}_{i}=\sum_{j}{\propto }_{i,j}{v}_{i}$$

      In this case, the \({i}^{th}\) key-value combination is \({V}_{j}\in V\), and the \({i}^{th}\) query is \({q}_{i}\in Q\). A function called \({f}_{sim}\) calculates each \({k}_{j}, and{q}_{i}\) similarity score. Furthermore, the attendant vector for the query \({q}_{i}\) is \({\widehat{V}}_{i}\). The attention module creates a weighted average for each inquiry if Q and K/V are related to each other. The attention module nevertheless generates a weighted average vector even in the absence of permanent vectors, and this vector could include adaptive or superfluous information.

      1. a.

        Self-attention: Self-attention models enable a neural network to concentrate on different parts of its output. This technique is beneficial for tasks like text summarization and machine translation. Self-attention models are frequently used in transformer-based architectures such as BERT and GPT-3 [272].

      2. b.

        Encoder-decoder attention: Neural networks can focus on specific input data while producing output using encoder-decoder attention models. This method is valuable for tasks like image captioning and question answering. Encoder-decoder attention models are often used in sequence-to-sequence learning tasks such as text summarization and machine translation [273].

      3. c.

        Global attention: Global attention models enable a neural network to consider all parts of the input data. This technique is beneficial for tasks like sentiment analysis and question answering. It is not uncommon for global attention models to be employed in both RNNs and CNNs [274].

      4. d.

        Local attention: Local attention models enable a neural network to focus on a subset of the input data. This method is helpful for tasks like image classification and object detection. Local attention models are often used in CNNs [275].

      5. e.

        Hierarchical attention: Hierarchical attention models allow neural networks to focus on varying levels of abstraction within input data. This technique is beneficial for tasks like document classification and machine translation. Hierarchical attention models are often used in RNNs and CNNs. Apart from these general types of attention models, many specialized attention models are also developed for specific tasks. For instance, attention models designed for speech recognition, music generation, and video processing [276].

  5. E.

    Transformer Models: According to [271], Transformers is a type of neural network architecture introduced in 2017 in the paper "Attention Is All You Need." They have become the go-to model for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, and question-answering. Transformers are based on the self-attention mechanism, which enables the network to learn long-range correlations in the input sequence. This makes them particularly well-suited for NLP tasks where the meaning of a word or sentence can often depend on words far away from the sequence (Fig. 24).

    Fig. 24
    figure 24

    Transformers serve as an example of the attention mechanism. a Self-attention module; b multi-head attention [277]

    Transformers consist of an encoder and a decoder which respectively generate a hidden representation and output sequence (Fig. 25). The decoder confidently employs the hidden state representation generated by the encoder to produce the output sequence. In a Transformer network, both the encoder and decoder contain self-attention layers that facilitate the learning of long-range dependencies by attending to various parts of the input sequence. The Transformer architecture has exhibited impressive performance in a range of NLP tasks, including but not limited to machine translation, text summarization, and question-answering. They are also being used for other tasks, including image classification and speech recognition [277]. Also, in transformers, we have so many types like Vision Transformer (ViT), Swin Transformers, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), GPT, etc.

    Fig. 25
    figure 25

    Transformer structure [278]

Basics of transformers

According to [278], While RNNs have sequence dependence as a characteristic, Transformers adopt a self-attention mechanism that allows the network to efficiently capture global information, including long-term dependencies, for units at any position. This results in the complete abandonment of the aforementioned sequence dependence characteristic of RNNs. The use of transformers greatly improves the development of models for processing time series data. One should be aware that transformers can be applied to more than just NLP tasks, as they also have applications in image processing and computer vision. The vision transformer (ViT) has been proven or come close to achieving state-of-the-art results in a range of vision-related tasks, presenting exciting prospects for innovation and creativity in these domains. The success of transformers largely relies on multi-head attention, which involves stacking and integrating multiple self-attention (SA) layers. The self-attention mechanism is highly skilled at identifying and capturing the internal correlations within data or features. This means that it can lessen the reliance on external information. Figure 2(a) depicts the self-attention module in transformers. To perform self-attention, we can confidently follow these six easy steps:

  • Step 1: Enter the m-long sequence data x, where ss \({x}_{i},i=1,\dots ,m\) is a vector or a scalar.

  • Step 2: Using a shared matrix W, obtain the feature embedding, represented as \({a}_{i}\), for each scalar or vector \({x}_{i}\).

  • Step 3: Get three vectors: Query \((Q=[{q}_{1}, {q}_{2},\dots ..,{q}_{m}])\), Key \((K=[{k}_{1}, {k}_{2},\dots ..,{k}_{m}])\), and Value \((V=[{V}_{1}, {V}_{2},\dots ..,{V}_{m}])\) by multiplying each embedding by three distinct transformation matrices, W_q, W_k, and W_v, respectively.

  • Step 4: Calculate the attention score (s) as an inner product, such as\({q}_{i} . {k}_{j}\), between each Q vector and each K vector. To stabilize the gradients, the scaled score\({S}_{i,j }={q}_{i} . {k}_{j}/\sqrt{d}\), where d is the dimension of qi or\({k}_{j}\), is calculated using normalization.

  • Step 5: The Softmax activation function is applied on s. \({\widehat{S}}_{1,i}={e}^{{s}_{1,i}}/{\sum }_{j}{e}^{{s}_{1,j}}\) is one example of this at position 1.

  • Step 6: Develop attention representations \(z=[{z}_{1},{z}_{2},\dots ,{z}_{m}]\), where \({z}_{1}={\sum }_{j}{\widehat{S}}_{1,i}{v}_{i}\). To sum up, the SA layer can be expressed as follows in its entirety:


To create a multi-head attention model, we can combine multiple SA (self-attention) layers by using Eq. (88), as illustrated in Fig. 24(b). Firstly, we obtain several attention representations, which we denote as \({z}^{h}, h=\mathrm{1,2},\dots ,8.\) These representations are obtained by applying SA multiple times (in this case, eight times). After generating the attention representations, we combine them to form a larger feature matrix. To ensure that the feature matrix has the same dimension as the input data, we use a linear transformation matrix. However, it's important to note that the Self-Attention layer doesn't incorporate any positional information, which means it fails to take into account the sequence information. To overcome this limitation, we encode the position information into the feature embedding. This embedding is formulated as \({a}_{i}+ {e}_{i}\), where \({e}_{i}\) is a unique positional vector that is manually given and represents the position of the embedding in the sequence.

"Vision Transformer" (ViT) is used to classify hyperspectral images. ViT is mainly applied in a straight line to Computer Vision (CV) with the most minor conceivable adjustments. Transformers can be used to extract the comprehensive evidence constructed on their unique structure to acquire long-range information [279]. The transformer model comprises undistinguishable layers, and each layer is composed of two sub-layers, named a fully connected feed-forward network and a multi-headed self-attention mechanism. Attention models represent global dependence inside a series of input transformers. The problem of vanishing gradient is a common problem for deep learning, including transformers. This impedes the training procedure's convergence [280].

Convolutional neural network models

Hyperspectral image classification can be done using various types of CNNs. The most commonly used types are 2D CNNs, 3D CNNs, and spectral-spatial CNNs. 2D CNNs are the primary type of CNN used to classify images with two dimensions: height and width. However, 2D CNNs can also classify hyperspectral images by treating each spectral band as a separate channel [281]. 3D CNNs can classify data using height, width, and depth. Hyperspectral image classification can be improved with the use of spectral-spatial CNNs. These convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are expertly crafted to effectively leverage both spatial and spectral information present in images with precision. By combining the strengths of 2D and 3D CNNs, they can learn spatial and spectral features more effectively. Specialized CNN architectures have also been developed for hyperspectral image classification, including those for land cover classification, crop classification, and mineral mapping [282].

  1. A.

    Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): According to [310], Stacks of convolutional, pooling, and nonlinear layers are used by a convolutional neural network to extract features. Using convolutional kernels, the convolutional layers calculate the convolution of input feature maps. Equation (89) gives the activity of the \({i}^{th}\) feature map in the \({l}^{th}\) layer.


The feature map in layer l-1 in this case is \({y}_{j}^{l-1}\) and it is related to the feature map \({y}_{i}^{l}\). \({w}_{i,j}^{l}\) is the convolutional kernel for \({y}_{j}^{l-1}\). The value of bias is b_i^l. The activation functions are rectified linear unit (ReLU) and sigmoid, and the non-linear activation function is denoted as f(.). The convolutional operator is indicated by a *. It is typical to incorporate a pooling layer after the convolutional layer. Max pooling is the most frequently used pooling function. It works by computing the maximum value in a particular window of the feature map. This process aids in making the feature map more robust against data distortioSn and enhances its invariance. Additionally, the pooling layer can decrease the feature map's size, reducing the computational burden.

By combining multiple convolutional and pooling layers, a sophisticated deep neural network is formed. This layered network can learn hierarchical features, with lower layers identifying fundamental features like edges and textures, and higher layers acquiring more intricate and abstract features with semantic significance. These features are highly advantageous in a wide range of applications, including classification tasks (Fig. 26).

  1. a.

    2D-CNNs: According to [283], The 2D-CNN technique applies a convolution process to the input data using 2D kernels. This involves computing the dot product between the input data and the kernel, which is then summed up. To ensure the entire spatial dimension of the input data is covered, the kernel moves over it. The features obtained from this process are subjected to an activation function to introduce non-linearity in the model. This technique is popularly used in image processing and computer vision applications, as it enables the extraction of crucial features from the input data. The activation value at spatial location (x, y) in the \({j}^{th}\) feature map of the \({i}^{th}\) layer in 2D convolution is computed using the following formula and is referred to as \({v}_{i,j}^{x,y}\) (Fig. 27).

    Fig. 26
    figure 26

    CNN for hyperspectral image classification

    Fig. 27
    figure 27

    HybridSpectralNet (HybridSN) Model, which integrates 3D and 2D convolutions for hyperspectral image (HSI) classification [283]

    $${v}_{i,j}^{x,y}=\varnothing \left({b}_{i,l}+\sum\nolimits_{\tau =1}^{{d}_{I-1}}\sum\nolimits_{\rho =-\gamma }^{\gamma }\sum\nolimits_{\sigma =-\delta }^{\delta }{w}_{i,j,\tau }^{\sigma ,\rho }\times {v}_{i-1,\tau }^{x+\sigma ,y+\rho }\right)$$

The activation function φ is used in the preceding equation to determine the activation value at spatial point (x, y) in the \({j}^{th}\) feature map of the ith layer. \({b}_{i,j}\) is the bias parameter for the \({j}^{th}\) feature map of the \({i}^{th}\) layer. The number of feature maps in the \({(I-1)}^{th}\) layer and the depth of the kernel \({w}_{i,j}\) for the \({i}^{th}\) layer's \({j}^{th}\) feature map is represented by the values of \({d}_{I-1}\). In this case, the kernel's width is represented by 2γ + 1, and its height by 2δ + 1. Last but not least, the value of the weight parameter for the \({i}^{th}\) layer's \({j}^{th}\) feature map is represented by \({w}_{i,j}\).

  1. b.

    3D-CNNs: In 3D convolution, to effectively capture the spectral information in the 3D data, the proposed HSI data model utilizes a 3D kernel that is convolved with the data. The feature maps of the convolution layer are then created by applying this 3D kernel over multiple adjacent bands in the input layer. This approach has proven to be highly effective in capturing the spectral information in the data with confidence. The activation value at spatial location (x, y, z) in the \({j}^{th}\) feature map of the \({i}^{th}\) layer in 3D convolution is produced by applying the following equation to \({v}_{i,j}^{x,y,z}\) (Fig 27)

    $${v}_{i,j}^{x,y,z}=\varnothing \left({b}_{i,l}+\sum\nolimits_{\tau =1}^{{d}_{I-1}}\sum\nolimits_{\lambda =-\eta }^{\eta }\sum\nolimits_{\rho =-\gamma }^{\gamma }\sum\nolimits_{\sigma =-\delta }^{\delta }{w}_{i,j,\tau }^{\sigma ,\rho ,\lambda }\times {v}_{i-1,\tau }^{x+\sigma ,y+\rho ,z+\lambda }\right)$$

The depth of the kernel along a spectral dimension in the provided equation is represented by 2η + 1, and all other parameters stay the same as they did in the previous equation [284].

8 Hyperspectral image prediction

Hyperspectral image prediction refers to the process of predicting the properties of objects within a hyperspectral image. Hyperspectral images offer an unparalleled level of precision in identifying and classifying objects, thanks to their high spectral resolution and ability to capture hundreds or even thousands of narrow, contiguous wavelength bands [285]. The LU/LC changes are challenging the universal atmosphere variations significantly. The global atmosphere suffers from substantial fluctuations due to human activity at before intensities, unheard-of rates, and geographic scales. Human-induced land use transformation is a significant contributor and component of environmental diversity on a global scale. It is essential to possess knowledge of land use/cover and possible applications for choosing, planning, and implementing land use plans. Land use will impact the land cover, and the latter will affect the former [286]. SOC (Soil Organic Carbon) is a critical gauge of soil's biological, chemical, and physical features in agricultural settings. It also makes up a significant portion of the world's carbon cycle. Crop yields, a reduction in the ability of the soil to retain moisture, and an excess of nutrients can all arise from soil erosion. Geographically, dissimilarities in vegetation categories, soil features, and soil erosion rates fetched by deviations with slope inclination, the deepness of surviving crops, microclimate, slope processes, and soil physical characteristics are highly variable [287].

It is widely recognized that there are various approaches to predicting future land use/land cover (LU/LC) changes, which take into account factors such as the percentage and rate of change observed over a given period. The altered area is confidently examined to determine the differences between specific periods. With confidence, one may utilize both dependent and independent variables to examine the potential for LU/LC change. These variables include aspects such as distance and slope and can provide valuable insight into the environmental factors that may contribute to such changes [288]. Various techniques, including time neural networks, regression models, and series models, are employed to forecast changes in Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC). These models consider factors such as water bodies and forest edges to make predictions about future changes. Figure 28 illustrates the range of methods utilized for predicting LU/LC changes. Additionally, there are numerous applications for predicting hyperspectral imaging, such as forecasting vegetation, soya bean growth, agriculture, and soil biochar levels.

Fig. 28
figure 28

prediction models for hyperspectral images

LU/LC change prediction predicts how much land is used to build an area and how much land is occupied by water bodies. This will be used for urban planning and the developed area [289]. Vegetation prediction is used to predict the growth and disease of plants. If the plant's disease is predicted before, it will be suggested to give the fertilizers according to its growth. Soya bean prediction is used to indicate the soya bean crop, which will be used to know the plant's health. Soil prediction determines the soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties. If the soil properties are predicted before, an agriculture plan is to be done. We are concentrating on predicting the change in LU/LC from the applications mentioned above. Regression, neural network, and Time series models are prediction models for investigating future LU/LC changes [290].

8.1 Traditional machine learning-based prediction models

Traditional machine learning models for hyperspectral image prediction are statistical models trained on labeled hyperspectral data. In the field of hyperspectral data analysis, the training process confidently establishes the correlation between the spectral features present in the data and the respective target variable. This enables the model to predict the target variable for new hyperspectral data. Decision trees, random forests, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and k-nearest Neighbors (k-NN) models are some of the commonly used traditional machine learning models for hyperspectral image prediction tasks [34]. Decision trees employ a tree-like structure to analyze data and make decisions based on its spectral features. To classify and predict, two popular machine learning models are often used: random forests and SVMs. Random forests improve accuracy by ensembling multiple decision trees, while SVMs use a hyperplane to classify the data into distinct classes. K-NN models are a type of model that uses the spectral features of the nearest neighbors to make a prediction. These traditional machine learning models have strengths and can be used effectively for a range of hyperspectral image prediction tasks. By leveraging the power of these models, researchers and practitioners can gain insights into hyperspectral data and make accurate predictions about the target variable [291].

8.1.1 Time series models

Time series prediction involves forecasting future events based on past data with timestamps. It comprises developing models through historical research, using them to make judgments and direct future strategic decision-making. The following are the time series for hyperspectral LU/LC change prediction.

  1. a.

    Markov Chain (MC): Based on the transition probabilities, it is utilized to analyze the time-based changes in the landscapes among the LU/LC classes. Markov Chain (MC) investigation is a stochastic modeling technique that exploded widely employed to investigate the fluctuations of land use change at several balances. It operates based on physics assumptions, which recommend that if an organization's ailment at a previous time is recognized, the likelihood of it being in that state later can be calculated. It is my pleasure to suggest that, based on the analysis of the Markov Chain model, changes in Land Use and Land Cover (LU/LC) at a large scale can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy [292].

  2. b.

    Cellular Automata (CA): it is used to know the LU/LC changes to model the spatially evolving environments in the remote sensing environment. It is a dynamic bottom-up model. It is used to know the spatial dimension and model direction [128].

  3. c.

    ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model): Our powerful prediction tool utilizes time series data and advanced statistical analysis to confidently forecast future trends. By leveraging linear regressions, we can accurately predict future outcomes based on past data with a high degree of confidence. ARIMA is a prominent and commonly used statistical approach for predicting time series. It can capture several conventional temporal structures in time series data [293].

8.1.2 Regression models

Regression is a method for determining how independent traits or variables relate to a dependent feature or result. It is a machine learning predictive modeling technique using an algorithm to forecast continuous outcomes. One or more independent (predictor) variables and one or more dependent (criterion) variables are related in regression analysis. The criteria of the projected value is obtained from a linear combination of the predictors [294].

  1. a.

    Linear Regression: The link between factors impacting forest cover loss was determined using linear regression. GIS was used to create independent variables such as digital elevation data, distance from residential areas, distance from the road, and abruptness. A linear regression association was established between forest cover loss as a dependent variable and the stated factors [295].

  2. b.

    Logistic Regression: According to [295], Logistic Regression investigation ties the coincidental landslide (ranging from 0 to 1) to "u" logit (u0 indicates a higher likelihood of non-occurrence and 0u suggests a higher likelihood of occurrence). The logit "u" is considered to be a linear grouping of independent variables in logistic regression analysis, and the equations are as follows:


Here, P is the model output, representing landslide occurrences probability, and u is the independent variable, a linear sum of factors (ex., land cover, slope, etc.).

8.2 Traditional neural network

Traditional neural network models are often used for hyperspectral image prediction tasks. By leveraging an interconnected network of nodes, our models confidently learn the intricate relationships between hyperspectral image features and the target variable for accurate predictions [296]. Several types of traditional neural network prediction models are commonly used for hyperspectral image prediction, including Multilayer Perceptron (MLPs), Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). MLPs consist of a series of fully connected layers and are a simple yet effective type of neural network. RBFNs use radial basis functions as activation functions and are known for their ability to learn non-linear relationships in data. CNNs are known for their effectiveness in processing image data. Convolutional layers are a widely adopted approach for extracting features from data and predicting target variables. This technique involves the application of convolutional filters to the input data, which enables the detection of patterns and features at different scales. These traditional neural network models have unique strengths and can achieve state-of-the-art results for various hyperspectral image prediction tasks [112].

8.2.1 ANN-based models for prediction

Neural networks can also be used for prediction. Neural networks fix extrapolative analytics networks effectively because of their hidden layers. In linear regression models, only input and output nodes produce predictions. The neural network utilizes a hidden layer to improve prediction accuracy.

  1. a.

    Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN): This model can incorporate the need to adjust activation functions. BPNN has double hidden layers, which outperformed the others regarding steadiness and simplification. The predicted accuracy was enhanced, although adding more hidden layers resulted in overfitting. The multilayer BPNN model improved predicted accuracy and model stability by using a sophisticated weight calculation across hidden layers [297]. A boundless dimension is demonstrated to fit non-linearity among hyperspectral variables and soil nutrients. Because of how it manages failures, BPNN is known as a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network. Through propagating the output error back into the network, back-propagation overcomes the problem of "assignment of mistake in prediction to whatever input group." This method is continued until the input layer is reached with the lowest possible error model. A BPNN model typically involves input, output, and hidden layers [297].

  2. b.

    Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): Because they include sequences in the architectural design of network units, RNNs are more flexible for time series investigations. The vanishing gradient and expanding gradient difficulties make capturing lengthy temporal data with a typical RNN model problematic [298].

  3. c.

    Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network (LSTM): LSTM with particular hidden units was proposed for learning time series over extended periods. The capacity of LSTM to recall information in lengthy time series makes it worthwhile in various disciplines, including voice recognition, video analysis, and biology [298].

8.3 Deep learning models for prediction

Deep learning prediction models are powerful machine learning model that uses a deep neural network architecture to learn the relationships between the spectral features in a hyperspectral image and the target variable. These models comprise multiple layers of interconnected nodes, and each layer learns to extract more complex features from the data. Deep learning prediction models offer several advantages over traditional machine learning and neural network prediction models for hyperspectral image prediction. One advantage is that they can learn complex patterns in hyperspectral data without needing engineered features [122]. Additionally, they are less sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters and less likely to overfit the training data. Finally, deep learning prediction models can be trained on large datasets of hyperspectral images to achieve state-of-the-art results. Due to these advantages, deep learning prediction models are becoming increasingly popular for hyperspectral image prediction tasks. It has been observed that significant progress has been made in achieving commendable outcomes across a range of tasks, including classification, regression, and anomaly detection [299]. CNN-based prediction models are a deep learning model well-suited for hyperspectral image prediction tasks. These models can learn complex spatial and spectral features from hyperspectral images, allowing them to achieve state-of-the-art results on various hyperspectral image prediction tasks [300]. Several types of CNN-based prediction models are commonly used for hyperspectral image prediction, including 3D CNNs, spectral-spatial CNNs, Residual CNNs (ResNets), and Densely Connected Networks (DenseNets). 3D CNNs are a type of CNN architecture designed to process 3D data. These models can process hyperspectral images by treating each band as a separate channel. The Spectral-spatial CNN architecture is highly specialized for predicting hyperspectral images. It enables the CNN to learn both spatial and spectral features simultaneously from the hyperspectral data, which is a significant advantage. These models incorporate various techniques to combine spectral and spatial information from the hyperspectral data, leading to a substantial improvement in the model's performance [284].

9 Dataset description

Hyperspectral image classification datasets are crucial for identifying and classifying objects accurately. These datasets consist of labeled hyperspectral images that provide detailed spectral information about objects at hundreds or even thousands of narrow, contiguous wavelength bands. With this high spectral resolution, researchers can differentiate between objects with similar characteristics and classify them with precision. To facilitate research and development, by using the following link we can download various types of benchmark datasets https://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/index.php/Hyperspectral_Remote_Sensing_Scenes.

  1. 1.

    Indian Pines: On June 12, 1992, in the region of North-western Indiana, advanced AVIRIS sensors were deployed to collect valuable data. The Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer sensors helped to capture detailed information about the area which would have been difficult to obtain through traditional methods. This data set is divided into 16 classes. It consists of a 145*145-pixel size; the spatial resolution of this dataset is 20 m. IP dataset owns 224 bands; after removing the water absorption bands, 200 bands are available. The wavelength of these images is 0.4 ~ 2.5. Table 9 Indian Pines Images are available before classification and ground truth images [301].

  2. 2.

    Pavia University: It was attained using the ROSIS (Reflective Optic System Imaging Spectrometer) sensors from a site in Northern Italy in 2002, 8 July. The Pavia University dataset has two types: one is Pavia University, and the other one is Pavia Centre [88]. Table 9 shows Pavia University Images are available before classification and ground truth images.

  3. 3.

    Salinas: According to [302], Salinas's dataset is collected from Salinas Valley, California. It was collected using AVIRIS sensors on 8 Oct 1998. This dataset also has two types: the Salinas-A and the Salinas scene. Table 9 shows Salinas Images before classification and ground truth images.

  4. 4.

    Botswana: According to [303], this dataset is collected using NASA EO-1 sensors in Okavango Delta, Botswana. This has 145 bands with a pixel resolution of 1476*256. Table 9 shows Botswana Images are available before classification and ground truth images.

  5. 5.

    Houston: The Houston dataset is collected with CASI-1500(Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager) sensors in Houston, USA. And this has nine classes and 144 bands [303]. In Table 9, Houston Images are available before classification and ground truth images.

  6. 6.

    Kennedy Space Centre: This dataset is collected from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida using NASA AVIRIS sensors. This has 176 bands and 13 classes.512*614 pixels in the wavelength 400-2500 nm electromagnetic spectrum [302]. In Table 9, Kennedy Space Centre Images are available before classification and ground truth images.

  7. 7.

    WHU-Hi-LongKu: The WHU-Hi-LongKu dataset is collected from Hubei Province, China, using Headwall Nano-spectrometer. This has nine classes and 270 bands. Table 9 shows WHU-Hi-LongKu images before classification and ground truth images [88].

  8. 8.

    HYDICE: The dataset for the Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment (HYDICE) was taken from the mall in Washington, DC. This has 210 bands with 2.8 m spatial resolution. The spectral region is 0.4–2.4 µm. These images have 304*301 pixels and classes [304]. Table 9 shows HYDICE dataset Images before classification and ground truth images.

  9. 9.

    Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Advanced Hyperspectral Imager (AHSI): This land cover was launched on May 9, 2018 in China. It consists of mixed landscapes, including urban–rural outlying and mining extents. The spectral range is 400-2500 nm, and the spatial range is 30 m. It contains 330 bands, including six land cover classes [305] (Table 9).

Table 9 Description of benchmark datasets

10 Quality metrics

Accuracy is a metric used to determine which model is better for identifying relationships and patterns between variables in a dataset using input or training data. It is used for evaluating the classification models. The grade of concordance between the classification outcomes and the real-time appearances is evaluated using several methods. The dataset has to be split into test sets and train sets before the classification accuracy calculation can be done. Upon completion of training with datasets and subsequent testing, the resulting output is appropriately categorized. It is imperative to note that the accuracy and effectiveness of the model are heavily reliant on the quality and integrity of the datasets used for training. Therefore, it is crucial to use high-quality datasets to achieve accurate results [306]. It won't be possible to know the accuracy of the trained model until after it has been evaluated. To assess the proposed model's performance with the other existing models, the commonly used metrics are Confusion Matrix (CM), Average Accuracy (AA), Kappa Coefficient (KC), Overall Accuracy (OA), NDVI, NDWI, and rate and percentage of change, the following are the formulas for CM, OA, AA, KC, NDVI, NDWI, rate, and percentage of change.

  1. 1.

    Confusion Matrix: According to [228], The confusion matrix, also known as an error matrix, is mostly utilized for comparing the original ground cover's categorization conclusion. Given that the confusion matrix's order is c*c,

    X = \(\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{x}_{11}& {x}_{12} \dots \dots \dots .& {x}_{1c}\\ {x}_{21}& {x}_{22} \dots \dots \dots .& {x}_{2c}\\ {x}_{c1}& {x}_{c2} \dots \dots \dots ..& {x}_{cc}\end{array}\right]\)

    Here, the number of classes is given as c, \({x}_{i,j}\)(i, j = 1, 2…….c) is the number of illustrations of the \({i}^{th}\) class is split obsessed by the \({j}^{th}\) class. The \({x}_{ii}\) elements on the diagonal stand in for the number of illustration arguments that remained impartially divided. The entire amount of illustration points is determined using n = \(\sum_{i=1}^{c}\sum_{j=1}^{c}{x}_{ij}\) where n represents the total number of values.

  2. 2.

    Overall Accuracy (OA): According to [307], the proportion of currently classified pixels to all pixels is referred to as overall accuracy

    $$OA= \frac{1}{T}\sum\nolimits_{c=1}^{c}Tcc$$

    Here, T is the chosen classifier's confusion matrix, and Tcc is the number of testing pixels.

  3. 3.

    Average Accuracy (AA): The average per-class classification accuracy is measured using average accuracy [307]. To determine the per-class proportion, we confidently calculate the ratio of pixels in a specific class to the total number of picture elements in that class.


    Here, T is the number of challenging pixels, and Tcc’ represents the confusion matrix of a given classifier.

  4. 4.

    Kappa Coefficient (KC): The Kappa coefficient is a measurement used for the number of tries to translate overall accuracy by dropping its worth when a promise might be gained via coincidental [307].

    $$KC=\frac{\frac{1}{{\varvec{T}}}{\sum }_{{\varvec{c}}}{{\varvec{T}}}_{{\varvec{c}}{\varvec{c}}}-\frac{1}{{{\varvec{T}}}^{2}}({\sum }_{{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}}{{\varvec{T}}}_{{\varvec{c}}{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}})({\sum }_{{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}}{{\varvec{T}}}_{{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}{\varvec{c}}})}{1-\frac{1}{{{\varvec{T}}}^{2}}({\sum }_{{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}}{{\varvec{T}}}_{{{\varvec{c}}{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}})({\sum }_{{{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}}{{\varvec{T}}}_{{{\varvec{c}}{\varvec{c}}}^{\boldsymbol{^{\prime}}}})}$$
  5. 5.

    NDVI: NDVI stands for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. It is used to identify the probability of lower or higher vegetation. According to [307], the higher NVDI value indicates more vegetation cover, whereas the lower NDVI value indicates less vegetation cover. The NDVI readings fall within a range of -1 and + 1.

    $$NDVI= \frac{(NIR-RED)}{(NIR+RED)}$$

    Here, NIR is characterized as the Near-Infrared Band, and the Red is denoted as the Red Band.

  6. 6.

    NDWI: NDWI stands for Normalized Difference Water Index. This describes the probability of having either low or high water content. According to [307], a higher NDWI number indicates a higher water content and a lower NDWI value indicates a lower water content. The NDWI values are in the range of -1 to + 1.

    $$NDWI= \frac{(NIR-SWIR)}{(NIR+SWIR)}$$

    In this case, NIR represents the near-infrared band, and SWIR represents the short-wave infrared band.

  7. 7.

    Rate and Percentage of Change: Transformation rates and percentage changes are confidently and accurately calculated to demonstrate the precise LU/LC proportions for various time intervals.

    $$POC=(\frac{{T}_{2}-{T}_{1}}{{T}_{1}})\times 100$$
    $$ROC\left({~}^{ha}\!\left/ \!{~}_{yr}\right.\right)= \frac{{T}_{1}-{T}_{2}}{{T}_{i}}$$

    POC, or percentage of change, is used here. ROC is an acronym for rate of change. The variables \({T}_{1}\) and \({T}_{2}\) represent the area (ha) of LU/LC for time intervals 1 and 2, respectively, and \({T}_{i}\) denotes the time interval in years (yr) between the two [308].

    Other three categories, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, can be used to classify Hyperspectral Images. Sensitivity is used to identify the actual positives identified by the classifiers. The classifier uses specificity to determine the negatives identified as negatives. In the field of machine learning, a model's ability to accurately predict the class labels of previously unseen data is crucial. The overall accuracy of a model in this task is a key metric in assessing its performance.

    $$Sensitivity= \frac{TP}{TP+FN}$$
    $$Specificity= \frac{TN}{TN+FP}$$
    $$Overall\;accuracy= \frac{TP+TN}{TP+FP+TN+FN}$$

    True positives, or TPs, are employed when circumstances are accurately identified, the test's results are positive, and the classification's actual value is positive. "False Positive" (FP) refers to an incorrectly discovered condition for which the test result was negative, but the classification was positive. The term "True Negative" (TN) refers to an accurately rejected condition. The test result is negative, but the classification's actual value is positive. The term "True Positives" (TP) refers to situations where a condition was wrongly rejected, the test result was positive, but the categorization had a negative value [309].

11 Open issues and challenges of hyperspectral image analysis

This section elaborates on the issues and challenges in the hyperspectral image analysis identified from the above study.

  • Hyperspectral imaging involves capturing data across a wide range of spectral bands. However, not all bands contain useful information. Therefore, the process of identifying the most relevant and informative bands is a complex and challenging task that requires careful analysis and interpretation of the data [102].

  • Hyperspectral images, which capture information about objects at many different wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum, often present a challenge for image analysis algorithms due to the spatial complexity of objects in the image [115].

  • Acquiring accurate and reliable labeled data is a crucial component in the development and training of machine learning models. However, the process of gathering labeled data can be a challenging and resource-intensive undertaking, particularly when dealing with large, complex, and diverse datasets [95].

  • Achieving high classification accuracy rates and computational efficiency in hyperspectral imaging poses a significant challenge [55].

  • Obtaining accurate classification of data requires the fusion of both spectral and spatial information. However, this can be a challenging task due to the complexity involved in combining these two types of information effectively [56].

  • Preventing overfitting caused by multiple adjustable parameters is also a challenging task in hyperspectral imaging (HSI) [59].

  • When pure spectra are used to classify hyperspectral imaging (HSI) data, the resulting low or medium spatial resolution may be caused by spectral mixture problems [77].

  • One of the challenges in hyperspectral image classification is the automatic determination of the optimal number of superpixel segments [80].

  • In hyperspectral imaging (HSI), misclassification between similar labels is a challenging problem that is difficult to overcome [110].

12 Discussion

According to Fig. 6, SVM, mixed convolution methods, and attention models give the best accuracy. When it comes to hyperspectral image classification, the SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm is a crucial tool that has proven its effectiveness time and time again. Its ability to handle high-dimensional data with many spectral bands makes it well-suited for dealing with hyperspectral images' complex and multidimensional nature. SVM is a powerful algorithm that effectively handles nonlinear decision boundaries commonly found in hyperspectral data. By finding the optimal hyperplane and maximizing the margin between different classes, SVM ensures that the classification results are accurate and reliable. Moreover, SVM's ability to generalize to new and unseen data makes it a reliable and robust approach for classification tasks. Overall, SVM's importance in hyperspectral image classification cannot be overstated, as it provides a powerful tool for researchers and practitioners to analyze and classify hyperspectral data accurately [92]. According to [119], CNNs are highly effective for hyperspectral image classification. They can handle high-dimensional data, learn features invariant to spectral variations, and classify these features into different classes. CNNs can also deal with the complex and nonlinear nature of hyperspectral data.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have the remarkable ability to be trained with small amounts of labeled data, making them an invaluable tool for researchers and practitioners in the precise analysis and classification of hyperspectral data. The versatility of CNNs makes them a powerful approach for this purpose. Attention-based models have become increasingly popular in hyperspectral image classification as they can capture the interdependencies of spectral bands while suppressing irrelevant information. These models assign weights to spectral bands based on their importance, allowing them to focus on the most relevant information. This results in improved performance with reduced computational complexity. Attention models provide an effective and efficient approach for accurately classifying hyperspectral data [109].

13 Conclusion and future directions

Hyperspectral image analysis is a complex process that entails multiple tasks, including pre-processing, feature extraction, band selection, classification, and prediction. This paper presents an in-depth review of several machine learning and deep learning approaches utilized in hyperspectral image analysis. Various classification techniques and their subcategories, including supervised, unsupervised, and deep learning-based, are also illustrated. Furthermore, the review covers the significant feature extraction methods specific to hyperspectral image analysis, such as spectral angle mapper, principal component analysis, and linear discriminant analysis. And a detailed description of the band selection techniques, including minimum noise fraction, principal component analysis, and successive projections algorithm. The paper discusses hyperspectral image analysis its significance, challenges, and real-world applications, including benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics. The review identifies the open issues and presents future directions that will aid researchers in effectively analyzing hyperspectral images.

Hyperspectral imaging is a critical field of study, especially in remote sensing and medical diagnosis. Despite the challenges posed by the high dimensionality of hyperspectral images, researchers and analysts continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Their unwavering dedication and determination to overcome obstacles is truly inspiring. To address these challenges, future research directions are focused on developing advanced feature extraction and reduction techniques that can effectively reduce the dimensionality of data without compromising the quality of the results. Deep learning algorithms such as convolutional neural networks are a highly promising research area that efficiently extract features from high-dimensional data, in addition to feature extraction and reduction techniques. Researchers are also working on developing more efficient and scalable computing architectures such as parallel and distributed computing systems, to enable the processing and analysis of large hyperspectral datasets. One of the significant challenges of hyperspectral image analysis is band selection. Researchers are developing more advanced machine-learning algorithms to effectively identify and select relevant bands based on specific analysis requirements to address this challenge. Integrating domain knowledge and expert input into the analysis process can improve the accuracy and relevance of band selection.

Additionally, developing sophisticated visualization and exploration tools can help analysts better understand and interpret hyperspectral data, aiding in selecting appropriate bands. Multi-modal and multi-sensor data fusion techniques are also promising research areas for improving the accuracy and applicability of hyperspectral image analysis across various fields. To address the challenge of varying spectral signatures of objects in a hyperspectral image, researchers are developing advanced algorithms that can account for spectral variability and advanced machine learning techniques that can learn and adapt to the variability in data. Integrating multi-modal and multi-sensor data can also enhance the accuracy and reliability of hyperspectral image analysis in various applications. Another significant challenge in hyperspectral image analysis is the availability of labeled data for training. To overcome this challenge, researchers are developing more efficient and practical techniques for data labeling, such as active learning and semi-supervised learning. Additionally, using transfer learning and pre-training on large datasets can reduce the labeled data needed for training. Furthermore, developing advanced unsupervised and weakly supervised learning algorithms can overcome the limitations of labeled data, making hyperspectral image analysis more accessible and applicable in various fields. Transformer architectures and attention mechanisms in deep learning models can be used to improve the classification accuracy of data. These models are capable of focusing on the most important elements of the input data and generating more precise and reliable predictions. By utilizing optimization algorithms, we can significantly improve the computational speed of various processes. These algorithms are designed to streamline operations by reducing the number of computations required to reach the desired outcome, resulting in faster and more efficient performance.