Topical Collection on Microbial Anti-cancer Therapy and Prevention

ISSN: 2196-5471 (Online)

In this topical collection (5 articles)

  1. Microbial Anti-cancer Therapy and Prevention (PJF Rider, L Sweeny, and KG Kousoulas, Section Editors)

    Utilizing Microbes to Treat Naturally Occurring Cancer in Veterinary Species

    Sita S. Withers, Ellen E. Sparger Pages 200-212
  2. Microbial Anti-cancer Therapy and Prevention (PJF Rider, L Sweeny, and KG Kousoulas, Section Editors)

    Listeria monocytogenes Cancer Vaccines: Bridging Innate and Adaptive Immunity

    Zachary T. Morrow, Zachary M. Powers Pages 213-224
  3. Microbial Anti-cancer Therapy and Prevention (PJF Rider, L Sweeny, and KG Kousoulas, Section Editors)

    Salmonella Typhimurium as an Anticancer Therapy: Recent Advances and Perspectives

    Katherine M. Broadway, Birgit E. Scharf Pages 225-239