Topical Collection on Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases

ISSN: 1523-3782 (Print) 1534-3170 (Online)

In this topical collection (53 articles)

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  1. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe and IM Kronish, Section Editors)

    Metabolic Syndrome and Cognitive Function

    Mouna Tahmi, Priya Palta, José A. Luchsinger Article:180
  2. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Psychological Preparation for Cardiac Surgery

    Stefan Salzmann, Miriam Salzmann-Djufri, Marcel Wilhelm Article:172
  3. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe and IM Kronish , Section Editors)

    Improving Quality of Life in Heart Failure

    Kenneth E. Freedland, Michael W. Rich, Robert M. Carney Article:159
  4. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe and IM Kronish , Section Editors)

    Is Optimism a Protective Factor for Cardiovascular Disease?

    Hermioni L. Amonoo, Christopher M. Celano, Monika Sadlonova Article:158
  5. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe and IM Kronish , Section Editors)

    The Role of Behavioral Economics in Improving Cardiovascular Health Behaviors and Outcomes

    Allison J. Hare, Mitesh S. Patel, Kevin Volpp Article:153
  6. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Psychosocial Stressors at Work and Ambulatory Blood Pressure

    Xavier Trudel, Chantal Brisson, Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet Article:127
  7. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Long Working Hours and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

    Marianna Virtanen, Mika Kivimäki Article:123
  8. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Anxiety and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: a Review

    Phillip J. Tully, Nathan J. Harrison, Peter Cheung Article:120
  9. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Psychological Aspects of Heart Failure

    Debra K. Moser, Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren, Martha J. Biddle Article:119
  10. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Mental Stress and Ventricular Arrhythmias

    Rachel Lampert Article:118
  11. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Socioeconomic Status and Cardiovascular Disease: an Update

    Carlos de Mestral, Silvia Stringhini Article:115
  12. Psychological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases (A Steptoe, Section Editor)

    Improving Medication Adherence in Coronary Heart Disease

    Leah L. Zullig, Katherine Ramos, Hayden B. Bosworth Article:113
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