Topical Collection on Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention

ISSN: 1523-3782 (Print) 1534-3170 (Online)

In this topical collection (90 articles)

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  1. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Biomarkers of Plaque Instability

    P. K. Shah Article:547
  2. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Role of the Gut in Modulating Lipoprotein Metabolism

    Alan A. Hennessy, R. Paul Ross, Gerald F. Fitzgerald Article:515
  3. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Emerging Therapeutic Approaches to Treat Dyslipidemia

    David Preiss, Chris J. Packard Article:506
  4. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Screening for and Management of Elevated Lp(a)

    Michael B. Boffa, Marlys L. Koschinsky Article:417
  5. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Diagnosis and Management of Familial Dyslipoproteinemias

    Peter O. Kwiterovich Jr. Article:371
  6. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Management of Lipid Abnormalities in Patients with Diabetes

    Anne Sillars, Naveed Sattar Article:147
  7. Lipid Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Prevention (G De Backer, Section Editor)

    Lipid-Lowering Drug Therapy for CVD Prevention: Looking into the Future

    Evan A. Stein, Frederick J. Raal Article:104
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