Topical Collection on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

ISSN: 1523-3804 (Print) 1534-6242 (Online)

In this topical collection (85 articles)

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  1. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    HDL: To Treat or Not To Treat?

    Angela Pirillo, Gianpaolo Tibolla Article:429
  2. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Stable Angina Pectoris

    Marco Valgimigli, Simone Biscaglia Article:422
  3. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with Statins in the Elderly

    Željko Reiner Article:420
  4. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Risk

    Francesco Paneni, Sarah Costantino, Francesco Cosentino Article:419
  5. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    An International Smoking Ban—How Many Lives Will Be Saved?

    Cecily C Kelleher, Kate Frazer Article:418
  6. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Endothelial Dysfunction: Its Clinical Value and Methods of Assessment

    Teresa Strisciuglio, Stefania De Luca, Ernesto Capuano Article:417
  7. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Renal Artery Stenosis—When To Screen, What To Stent?

    Claudine G. Jennings, John G. Houston, Alison Severn Article:416
  8. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Acute Revascularization in ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

    Petko Prodanov, Petr Widimsky Article:412
  9. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (P Perrone-Filardi and S. Agewall, Section Editors)

    Adiposopathy, “Sick Fat,” Ockham’s Razor, and Resolution of the Obesity Paradox

    Harold Bays Article:409
  10. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (D Leifer and JE Safdieh, Section Editors)

    Novel Oral Anticoagulants for Atrial Fibrillation

    Graeme J. Hankey, John W. Eikelboom Article:344
  11. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (D Leifer and JE Safdieh, Section Editors)

    Genetic Profiles in Ischaemic Stroke

    Steve Bevan, Hugh S. Markus Article:342
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