Topical Collection on Children/Adolescents/Young Adults and Atherosclerosis

ISSN: 1523-3804 (Print) 1534-6242 (Online)

In this topical collection (24 articles)

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  1. Children/Adolescents/Young Adults and Atherosclerosis (D.P. Wilson, Section Editor)

    Heart Transplant, Kawasaki Disease, and Bone Marrow Transplant: Are There Consequences?

    Thomas M. Yohannan Pages 243-251
  2. Children/Adolescents/Young Adults and Atherosclerosis (D.P. Wilson, Section Editor)

    The Role of Non-statin Lipid-Lowering Medications in Youth with Hypercholesterolemia

    Waleed Z. Butt, Jennifer K. Yee Pages 379-389
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