
Over the last few decades, neural network (NN) has been an important area of research, especially for classification task due to its high accuracy on tremendous amount of highly nonlinear data [17]. Though it produces satisfactory accuracy, one of its main drawbacks is lack of transparency in decision-making process. That is an NN is unable to explain how it makes a final decision. Researchers tried to remove this drawback by extracting knowledge from NN in the form of human understandable rules like IF–THEN rules, M-of-N rules, oblique rules, and fuzzy rules [13, 16]. The development of various rule extraction algorithms enables NN to be suitable for those problems which require transparency in their decision-making process. Research in this area is still going on to generate more accurate, understandable and comprehensible rules.

Rule extraction process from NN follows three basic approaches: decompositional, pedagogical and eclectic [13, 16]. Decompositional approach is structure dependent which generates rule by analyzing hidden nodes and weight matrices of NN architecture. Pedagogical approach is a black box approach and generates rule as a whole in the form of input and output. Eclectic approach is a combination of both approaches.

Pedagogical and decompositional approaches both have advantages as well as disadvantages [2]. Pedagogical approach produces highly accurate rules but has exponential complexity, i.e., it is not effective when the size of NN increases. Pedagogical approach may not be able to capture all the valid rules. Whereas, decompositional approach is able to capture all the valid rules as it analyzes the structure of the network. But it is unsound, has unpredictable accuracy, and produces complex and larger rules. Compared to both of the approaches, eclectic approach is slower but effective and produces accurate rules as it combines the advantages of both approaches.

This paper proposes an eclectic rule extraction algorithm called Eclectic Rule Extraction from Neural Network Recursively (ERENNR) which analyzes each node and generates global rules. Many rule extraction algorithms based on eclectic approach have been proposed, but maximum of them have used magnitude of weights or decision tree while analyzing a node. Analyzing nodes based on magnitude of weights generates rule which are structure dependent and decision tree generates larger rule. Therefore, the proposed algorithm neither uses weights nor decision tree to generate rules.

The proposed ERENNR uses data ranges of input attributes to create a data range matrix for each hidden node and logical combinations of the outputs of hidden nodes to extract knowledge from the output nodes. Subsequently, by proceeding in the backward direction and using the extracted knowledge, the algorithm generates a set of rules in the form of input data ranges and outputs. The algorithm prunes each rule in the set if accuracy increases. For a rule in the set, the algorithm repeats the whole process recursively if the rule satisfies certain criteria.

The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 discusses the related works, Sect. 3 discusses the proposed algorithm in details, Sect. 4 illustrates the algorithm with an example, Sect. 5 presents experimental results with discussion, and finally Sect. 6 draws conclusion.

Related Works

Many rule extraction algorithms have been designed based on the three approaches which reveal the hidden information in NN in the form of symbolic rules. Though the algorithms extract rules based on the three approaches, the techniques used by the algorithms are different.

Algorithms like SUBSET and MofN [27] consider combination of weights for creating rules. SUBSET algorithm specifies an NN where the output of each neuron in the network is either close to zero or close to one. The algorithm finally searches for subsets of incoming weights that exceed the bias on a unit. MofN algorithm is an extension to the SUBSET algorithm, which clusters the weights of a trained network into equivalent classes and extracts m-of-n style rules.

Various algorithms like NeuroRule [21], Greedy Rule Generation (GRG) [18], and Rule Extraction (RX) [22] deal with discretized inputs. NeuroRule generates each rule by an automatic rule generation method which covers as many samples from the same class as possible with the minimum number of attributes in the rule condition. Automatic rule generation method generates rules that explain the network’s output in terms of the discretized hidden unit activation values and discretized activation values in terms of the discretized attributes of the input data. RX algorithm recursively generates rules by analyzing the discretized hidden unit activations of a pruned network with one hidden layer. When the number of input connections to a hidden unit is larger than a certain threshold, a new NN is created and trained with the discretized activation values as the target outputs. Otherwise, rules are obtained that explain the hidden unit activation values in terms of the inputs. GRG uses greedy technique to generate rules with discrete attributes, i.e., at each iteration it searches for the best rule.

Algorithms like NeuroLinear [23] and BRAINNE [20] do not require discretization of inputs. NeuroLinear extracts oblique rules from neural network with continuous attributes. BRAINNE extracts global rule from neural network without discretization of input attributes.

Binarized Input–Output Rule Extraction (BIO-RE) algorithm [26] works only with binary input whereas Orthogonal Search based Rule Extraction algorithm (OSRE) [8] can be applied to data with nominal or ordinal attributes. BIO-RE simplifies the representation of underlying logic of a trained neural network using k-map, algebraic manipulations or a tabulation method. OSRE algorithm converts given input to 1 from N form and then performs rule extraction based on activation responses.

Full-RE [26], Rule extraction by Reverse Engineering the Neural Network (RxREN) [3], and Rule Extraction from Neural Network using Classified and Misclassified data (RxNCM) [5] algorithms can work with any type of attributes. Full-RE algorithm extracts rule with certainty factor from feed forward neural network that is trained by any type of attributes. RxREN generates rules in the form of data ranges of inputs from mixed dataset and relies on the reverse engineering technique to prune the insignificant input neurons. RxNCM is an extension to RxREN algorithm. RxREN uses only misclassified data, whereas RxNCM uses both classified and misclassified data to find the data ranges of significant attributes.

Few algorithms like Trepan [7], Artificial Neural Network Tree (ANNT) [1], Recursive Rule Extraction (Re-RX) [25], Ensemble-Recursive-Rule extraction (E-Re-RX) [14], Reverse Engineering Recursive Rule Extraction (RE-Re-RX) [6], Continuous Re-RX [10, 12], the Re-RX algorithm with J48graft [12], Sampling Re-RX [12], Sampling Re-RX with J48graft [11], Fast Extraction of Rules from Neural Networks (FERNN) [24], and Hierarchical and Eclectic Rule Extraction via Tree Induction and Combination (HERETIC) [15] use decision tree as a part of the rule extraction process. TREPAN algorithm extracts a decision tree from a trained network which is used as an “oracle” to answer queries during the learning process. ANNT algorithm maps each layer using decision tree to generate rules from pruned network. Re-RX algorithm uses decision tree to generate rules for discrete attributes and generates separate rules for discrete and continuous attributes using a recursive process. E-Re-RX, RE-Re-RX, continuous Re-RX, Sampling Re-RX, Re-RX with J48graft, and Sampling Re-RX with J48graft all come under the family of Re-RX, i.e., all uses decision tree as a part of their rule extraction process. E-Re-RX algorithm is an ensemble version of Re-RX algorithm which generates primary rules followed by secondary rules and finally these rules are integrated to obtain the final set. RE-Re-RX extends Re-RX by replacing the linear hyperplane for continuous attributes with simpler rules in the form of input data ranges. Continuous Re-RX uses C4.5 decision tree to generate rules for both discrete and continuous attributes using recursive approach. Re-RX with J48graft replaces the conventional Re-RX algorithm, which uses C4.5 as a decision tree with J48graft. Sampling Re-RX uses sampling techniques for preprocessing with an objective to generate concise and accurate rules. Sampling Re-RX with J48graft algorithm uses both sampling and J48graft. FERNN is another such algorithm which identifies the relevant hidden units based on decision tree and finds the set of relevant network connections between input and hidden units based on magnitudes of their weights. HERETIC uses decision tree on each node to generate rules.

Active Learning-based Pedagogical Approach (ALPA) [9] algorithm is also proposed which can extract rules from any black box. ALPA generates rule by generating new artificial data points around training vectors with low confidence score.

ERENNR Algorithm

ERENNR algorithm generates classification rules in the form of input data ranges and targets. The algorithm extracts rules by analyzing each node of the pruned network. It uses data ranges of input attributes and logical combination of hidden outputs to analyze hidden and output nodes, respectively. Subsequently, it combines knowledge obtained from each node to construct rule set and prunes each rule in the set if accuracy increases. For each rule in the set, it repeats the whole process of rule extraction if the rule satisfies certain conditions. The flow chart for the algorithm is given below in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow chart of ERENNR

The details of the algorithm are given below:

Network Training

The algorithm uses a feed forward neural network (FFNN) with one hidden layer and back-propagation (BP) algorithm for training. The number of hidden nodes is calculated by varying the number from (l + 1) to 2 l where l is the number of input attributes. The network architecture which gives the smallest mean square error is selected as the optimal architecture [4, 19] and this architecture is taken for further experimentation.

Network Pruning

The algorithm uses the pruning concept used in RxREN [3]. For each input of the trained NN, the algorithm finds the number of incorrectly classified patterns. It finds a threshold value equal to the least value among all the numbers of incorrectly classified patterns and then removes those input(s) which have number of misclassified patterns equal to the threshold to form a temporary pruned network. The algorithm considers this temporary pruned network as the pruned network if classification accuracy of the network increases on training set. It repeats the whole process of pruning till the classification accuracy of the pruned network increases.

The network pruning algorithm is given below.

figure a

Recursive Rule Extraction

Network is again trained with the properly classified patterns and the attributes of the pruned network. Training is done here to restrict the output activation values of hidden nodes to + 1 and − 1. This is done using a bipolar sigmoidal activation function with large gain factor β, greater than 100. Large gain factor converts the hidden output with small value to − 1 and large value to + 1. The formula of the activation function is given below in (1):

$$\delta \left( x \right)\; = \,\frac{{1 - e^{ - \beta x} }}{{1 + e ^{ - \beta x} }}$$

Rule extraction process is done by the following three steps.

Analyzing Nodes:

The algorithm extracts a data range matrix from each hidden node. Data range matrix is a table where each row represents an input attribute and each column represents an output value of a hidden node. ERENNR finds the classified patterns for each hidden output and computes minimum and maximum value of the classified patterns for each attribute.

Figure 2 shows a data range matrix that is extracted from a hidden node. a1, a2,…, an are the attributes of pruned network. 1 and − 1 are activation values of the hidden node. Elements of the matrix show the ranges of attributes in respective activation output. Lij denotes lower range and Uij denotes upper range of an attribute ai in activation output j. (i ranges from 1 to n and j = {1, − 1}).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Data range matrix of a hidden node

Thereafter creating data range matrix for each hidden node, ERENNR extracts knowledge from the output layer. The algorithm finds the logical combination of hidden outputs for each of the properly classified patterns with respect to each class of the output node. Among all the combinations in each class, ERENNR finds the unique combinations by removing the redundant ones. There may be some combinations which classify patterns in all the classes. Those combinations are useless. So, the algorithm removes those combinations to generate the final set of combinations or temporary rules in each class. The example given below shows final set of logical combinations of hidden outputs with respect to classes where k is the number of hidden nodes and m is the number of classes in the output layer.

figure b

Rule Construction:

Proceeding in a backward direction starting from the output layer, ERENNR generates rules in the form of data ranges of input and output classes. For each temporary rule of output layer, ERENNR selects data ranges of all attributes for each hidden output value in the rule using the knowledge that is extracted in the preceding layer. For example, consider the temporary rule given below:

figure c

Firstly, ERENNR generates data ranges of all attributes for hidden1 = 1, hidden2 = − 1, hidden3 = 1,…, and, hiddenk = − 1 separately using the data range matrices of each of the hidden nodes. Table 1 shows data ranges of all attributes for each hidden output in the temporary rule.

Table 1 Data ranges of all attributes for each hidden output in a temporary rule

Then, ERENNR combines all the hidden outputs in a temporary rule by finding the minimum lower range and maximum upper range for each attribute. For example in case of attribute a1 in Table 1 among all the hidden nodes from 1 to k, the algorithm finds the minimum L1j and maximum U1j to select the data range for attribute a1. The rule generated after combination is shown below where Li and Ui are lower and upper range of attribute ai, respectively.

figure d

Similarly, for all the temporary rules of the output layer, rules are generated. The rule construction step still may generate some redundant and useless rules and consequently ERENNR removes those rules. An example of rule set is given below:

figure e

Lli and Uli denote lower range and upper range of attribute ai in rule l, respectively.

Rule Pruning:

Firstly, to make the range more appropriate, the algorithm adjusts the range of each attribute in a rule. For each condition in a rule, it removes the equal sign and checks whether accuracy increases or not. If accuracy increases, then the equal sign is removed from the condition. Shifting of range helps to determine more specific range, if the ranges of attributes overlap for different classes.

Thereafter, rule pruning is performed to make the rules simple and accurate. Pruning is done by removing each condition from a rule. If the accuracy on properly classified patterns by the pruned network increases after removing a condition, the condition is removed from the rule. After rule pruning, the rule which covers the maximum number of attributes is given the first preference in the rule set.

The algorithm evaluates each rule in the rule set in terms of error and support. The support of a rule is the percentage of classified patterns by the rule and the error is the percentage of misclassified patterns by the rule. If the error exceeds a specified threshold and the support meets the minimum threshold, then ERENNR further divides the subspace of the rule by calling the recursive rule extraction step of the algorithm. The step proceeds with those attributes of the pruned network which are not present in the subspace of the rule and with the patterns classified by the rule.

The recursive rule extraction algorithm is given below:

figure f

Illustrative Example

To illustrate the algorithm, Australian Credit Approval dataset is taken from UCI repository. Australian Credit Approval is a standard dataset used for comparison of different rule extraction algorithms. There is a good mix of attributes with 690 patterns and two classes in the dataset. It contains 6 continuous attributes, 8 categorical attributes, and 1 binary attribute for class. 70% of the patterns (483 patterns) are taken as training set and 30% of the patterns (207 patterns) as testing set. A single hidden layer FFNN with 25 hidden nodes is trained using back-propagation algorithm. After pruning, attribute 2 is removed from the network. Table 2 shows the accuracy of NN and pruned NN.

Table 2 Accuracy of NN and pruned NN for Australian

425 patterns are correctly classified by the pruned NN. The pruned network is again trained by the 425 patterns. Data range matrix for each hidden node is created. Table 3 shows the data range matrix of hidden node 1.

Table 3 Data range matrix of hidden node1 for Australian

Logical combinations of hidden outputs are formed for each of the 425 patterns. After removing the useless and redundant combinations, 124 important combinations are selected to form temporary rule set. For each of the 124 temporary rules, final rules are created using the data ranges of attributes for each hidden output value present in the temporary rule. For example, one of the temporary rules for the dataset is given below:

figure g

Table 4 shows the data ranges of all attributes for each hidden output in the temporary rule.

Table 4 Data ranges of attributes for Australian

Rule is created using Table 4 by selecting minimum lower and maximum upper range of each attribute. The generated rule is given below.

figure h

Similarly, rules are generated for all the temporary rules in the set. After removing the useless and redundant rules, the rule set contains 2 rules. The pruned rule set after rule pruning is given below.

figure i

Subspace of Rule 1 and Rule 2 is further subdivided as support and error for both the rules that are greater than the specified thresholds. The thresholds for support and error in this experiment are set to 0.05. Table 5 shows that the support and error for both the rules are greater than 0.05. Consequently, Recursive rule extraction (P, C, a) step is called for both the rules. For Rule 1, the step is repeated with C = 183 patterns and a = {a-attribute10}. For Rule 2, the step is repeated with C = 242 patterns and a = {a-attribute8}. The process continues till the support and error for each generated rule are greater than the thresholds.

Table 5 Support and error of Rule 1 and Rule 2 for Australian

The final set of rules is given below:

figure j

Accuracies of final rule set on training and testing sets are 85.92% and 85.99%, respectively. The threshold values of support and error are important for determining accuracy as well as complexity [25]. The values are selected experimentally. Rule sets are generated by varying the threshold values, and the rule set which gives best performance is considered. Experimental results with various values of threshold for Australian Credit Approval dataset are shown in Table 6. Best testing accuracy is obtained when support and error are equal to 0.05. With large thresholds, fewer rules are obtained and with small thresholds, many rules are obtained.

Table 6 Accuracy and number of rules with different support and error for Australian

Experimental Results

Data sets and Experimental Set Up

All the datasets used for the experiments are listed in Table 7. They are collected from UCI and Keel machine learning repository. Among all the datasets, seven are mixed dataset and four are continuous dataset. Experiments on all the datasets are done by MATLAB in windows environment. Experiments are done for 70–30 partition (70% patterns of a dataset as training set, and 30% patterns as test set) and for 80–20 partition (80% patterns of a dataset as training set, and 20% patterns as test set). 5-fold and tenfolds cross-validation are also performed. A single hidden layer FFNN is trained with back-propagation algorithm. For each network architecture, Mean Square Error (MSE) is measured on training set and the architecture which finds minimum MSE is selected for further experimentation and is called optimal architecture of the network [4, 19].

Table 7 Datasets used for experiments

Rule Extraction by ERENNR

The set of rules generated for Australian Credit Approval dataset is shown in illustrative example section. Rules generated with rest of the datasets for 70–30 partition are shown below.

Credit Approval:

After removing patterns with missing values, 458 patterns are selected for training and 196 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 26. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure k


There are total 132 patterns among which 71 patterns are removed as they contain missing values. So, 43 patterns are selected for training and 18 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 17. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure l

Statlog (Heart):

189 patterns are selected for training and 81 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 22. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure m

Breast Cancer:

After removing the useless attribute (first attribute) and patterns with missing values, it contains 683 patterns and 9 attributes. 479 patterns are selected for training and 204 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 11. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure n

Blood Transfusion:

The dataset contains 4 attributes with 748 patterns. 523 patterns are selected for training and 225 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 8. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure o


700 patterns are selected for training and 300 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 27. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure p


10486 patterns are selected for training and 4494 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 25. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure q

Pima Indian Diabetes:

538 patterns are selected for training and 230 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 14. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure r

Census Income:

After removing patterns with missing values, 31,655 patterns are selected for training and 13,567 patterns are selected for testing. The number of hidden nodes is 26. The set of rules extracted by ERENNR is shown below:

figure s


It is a highly imbalanced dataset with three classes: normally functioning (class 3), under-functioning (primary hypothyroidism, class 2), or overactive (hyperthyroidism, class 1). Class 1 and class 2 represent 2.3% (166 patterns) and 5.1% (367 patterns) of the dataset, respectively, and the remaining 92.6% (6667 patterns) are classified as class 3. It contains 6 continuous and 15 binary attributes. 5040 patterns are taken as training set, 2160 patterns are taken as testing set, and the number of hidden nodes used is 30. The set of rules extracted by the ERENNR algorithm is shown below:

figure t

The testing accuracies of NN and the above rule sets for all the datasets are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Accuracy of ERENNR on testing sets for 70–30 fold

Performance and Comparison of ERENNR with Existing Methods

Till now many rule extraction algorithms have been proposed. Here, comparison is shown with RxREN [3] and Re-RX [25] as ERENNR extracts rule in the form of data ranges of input like RxREN and extracts rule recursively like Re-RX. Moreover, Re-RX and RxREN have already been compared with many well-known rule extraction algorithms like NeuroRule [21], NeuroLinear [23], GRG [18], etc.

Table 9 shows the comparison of ERENNR with Re-RX and RxREN for 80–20 partition and 70–30 partition, respectively, in terms of accuracy. For all the datasets except Blood Transfusion, the accuracy of the ERENNR is better than both the algorithms.

Table 9 Comparison of testing accuracy (in %)

The performance is also evaluated by mean across 5-folds and 10-folds. Table 10 shows the results for 5-fold cross-validation and tenfolds cross-validation. It is observed that the proposed ERENNR algorithm performed better than Re-RX and RxREN for all the datasets when different folds are taken into consideration.

Table 10 Comparison of testing accuracy with cross-validation results

Like accuracy, fidelity is one more criteria to evaluate the performance of extracted rules which is the ability of the rules to mimic the behavior of NN. Fidelity of rule set R is shown by (2). T denotes test set, and \(f_{\text{NN}} \left( t \right)\) and \(f_{\text{R}} \left( t \right)\) denote the function implemented by a trained NN and the rules extracted from the trained NN, respectively [28]. Table 11 shows the comparison of fidelity for 80–20 partition and 70–30 partition, respectively, and Table 12 shows the comparison of mean fidelity for 5-folds and tenfolds, respectively. All the results show that fidelity of rules by ERENNR is higher than Re-RX and RxREN in maximum of the datasets.

$${\text{Fidelity}}_{\text{R}} = 1 - {\text{probability}}\{ t \in T|f_{\text{R}} \left( t \right) \ne f_{\text{NN}} \left( t \right)\}$$
Table 11 Comparison of fidelity (in %)
Table 12 Comparison of fidelity with cross-validation results

Only accuracy is not sufficient to validate the performance of a classification model. This paper considers other measures like recall, FP rate, specificity, precision, f-measure, and MCC to validate the performance. These performance measures are calculated using confusion matrix. Confusion matrix contains information about actual classification and predicted classification done by a classifier. Table 13 shows the confusion matrix for a binary classifier with the following data entries: (a) True positive (TP) is the number of ‘positive’ instances categorized as ‘positive’, (b) False positive (FP) is the number of ‘negative’ instances categorized as ‘positive’, (c) False negative (FN) is the number of ‘positive’ instances categorized as ‘negative’ and (d) True negative (TN) is the number of ‘negative’ instances categorized as ‘negative’. Performance measures defined based on the 2 class matrix are shown in Table 14.

Table 13 Confusion matrix for a binary classifier
Table 14 Performance measures

Tables 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 show the comparison of ERENNR with Re-RX and RxREN based on the performance measures. A good model desires higher accuracy, precision, specificity, recall, f-measure, MCC and lower FP rate. Good model means that it should have low FP and low FN. But it is always not possible to obtain both FP and FN lower for all cases. In some cases, low FP and high FN, or the reverse may be obtained. In such cases, if maximum of the performance measures are good then the classification model can be considered as a good classifier. But a model having both high FP and high FN cannot be considered as a good classifier.

Table 15 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on
Table 16 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on Australian
Table 17 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on Echocardiogram dataset
Table 18 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on Statlog (heart) dataset
Table 19 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on breast cancer dataset
Table 20 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on blood transfusion dataset
Table 21 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on German dataset
Table 22 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on eye dataset
Table 23 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on Pima Indians diabetes dataset
Table 24 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on census income dataset
Table 25 Performance of ERENNR, Re-RX and RxREN algorithm on thyroid dataset

Comparison with Re-RX:

For all the datasets, ERENNR produced less FP and less FN compared to Re-RX except Eye, German, Pima Indians Diabetes, and Census Income datasets. In case of Eye, German, and Census Income datasets ERENNR produced less FP and high FN than Re-RX. In case of Pima Indians Diabetes dataset, ERENNR produced high FP and less FN than Re-RX. But maximum of the performance measures are better for ERENNR. So, it can be said that the performance of ERENNR is better than Re-RX for those datasets.

Comparison with RxREN:

ERENNR have shown better performance than RxREN for Credit Approval, Echocardiogram, Statlog (Heart), Census Income, and Thyroid datasets. ERENNR produced less FP and less FN for those datasets. For Blood Transfusion dataset performance for ERENNR is equal to RxREN for the selected fold. For Breast Cancer dataset, all the performance measures are equal or better because ERENNR produced equal FP and less FN compared to RxREN.

For German, Australian Credit Approval, Eye, and Pima Indians Diabetes datasets, all the performance measures are better except one or two measures because ERENNR produced less FP and high FN. But maximum of the performance measures is better for ERENNR, so it can be said that the performance of ERENNR is better than RxREN for those datasets.

The algorithm is also validated with a suitable non- parametric statistical test for multiple comparisons: Freidman test, followed by a post hoc test: Least Significant Difference (LSD). Goal of any hypothesis test is to check whether the null hypothesis is rejected or not, and it is decided by the P value. If the P value is very small, then the null hypothesis is rejected.

Null hypothesis for this test:

“There is no significant difference between Re-RX, RxREN, and ERENNR”

Tenfold cross-validation results are used for the test. Table 26 shows the results for Friedman test. Table shows mean value for each model, Freidman statistics: Chi square value and P value. In all the cases except echocardiogram and blood transfusion datasets, the null hypothesis is rejected at a significant (P < 0.05) or highly significant (P < 0.01) P value.

Table 26 Multiple comparisons using Friedman statistical test

Friedman test indicated that there is a significant difference between Re-RX, RxREN and ERENNR algorithms, but it is not clear that which specific algorithm is the reason behind this difference. So, LSD post hoc analysis is performed after Freidman test. LSD performs all possible pairwise comparison of group means obtained from Freidman test. Table 27 shows the results for LSD test. P value for pairs: (ERENNR and Re-RX) and (ERENNR and RxREN) is significant (P < 0.05) or highly significant (P < 0.01) in all datasets except echocardiogram and blood transfusion datasets. Analyzing all the results in Tables 26 and 27, it can be said that ERENNR algorithm is the reason for significant difference between the three algorithms. So, ERENNR algorithm is statistically significant compared to Re-RX and RxREN algorithms.

Table 27 Pairwise comparisons using least significant difference (LSD) post hoc test

The statistical significance of ERENNR algorithm over Re-RX algorithm and RxREN algorithm is also validated based on results from all the 11 datasets together. The mean testing accuracies of tenfolds for each of the datasets by the three algorithms are used for this purpose. Tables 28 and 29 show the results for Friedman test and LSD post hoc test, respectively, over all the 11 datasets. Results for Friedman test show that the mean rank for ERENNR is higher than Re-RX and RxREN, and the null hypothesis is rejected at a highly significant (P < 0.01) P value. LSD test further shows that ERENNR algorithm is significant than Re-RX algorithm at a confidence level of 99%, i.e., P < 0.01 and ERENNR algorithm is significant than RxREN algorithm at a confidence level of 90%, i.e., P < 0.1.

Table 28 Multiple comparisons over multiple datasets using Friedman statistical test
Table 29 Pairwise comparisons using least significant difference (LSD) post hoc test over multiple datasets

Comparison of ERENNR with Some Other Techniques

Table 30 shows the comparison of ERENNR with some other techniques: a standard rule inducing technique (Decision tree), Decision tree created using predicted outputs of NN, and Continuous Re-RX [10, 12]. DT means decision tree and DT_using_NN means decision tree using the predicted outputs of NN. Table shows that ERENNR performed better than all the techniques in all datasets except Australian Credit Approval and Thyroid. However, ERENNR performed better than continuous Re-RX algorithm in both the cases. It also performed better than DT_using_NN for Thyroid dataset.

Table 30 Accuracy comparison of ERENNR and decision tree with tenfolds cross-validation results (in %)


The preceding subsections present the results produced by ERENNR algorithm. Experiments are performed on 11 datasets taken from UCI and keel repository and comparison is done with Re-RX, RxREN, continuous Re-RX, and decision tree algorithms. All the results shown above convey that ERENNR algorithm is able to generate simple rules with good accuracy. The recursive nature of the algorithm enables it to select appropriate data ranges of input attributes which further allow it to generate accurate rule. Friedman test and LSD post hoc analysis are also performed to validate the statistical significance of the proposed ERENNR. Other than accuracy, rules can be evaluated based on some other measures like:


Fidelity is the measure of ability of rules to mimic the behavior of NN. ERENNR produced rules with good fidelity (shown in Table 11 and 12).


ERENNR is scalable in the sense that pruning and rule extraction steps are independent. This rule extraction technique can be used for neural network that is pruned with any other techniques.


Though it extracts knowledge from each node of the network, it does not analyze the nodes based on the weights. It uses pedagogical approach at each node which extracts knowledge only in the form of input to the node and output of the node. So, it can be used for neural network with any structure.


In terms of comprehensibility, due to recursive nature, the algorithm may produce less comprehensible (global comprehensibility) rules than some pedagogical rule extraction algorithm, but its local comprehensibility (number of conditions in a rule) is better than some existing decompositional and eclectic rule extraction algorithms which use decision tree to extract rules.


This paper proposes an eclectic rule extraction algorithm which extracts rules recursively from a single hidden layer neural network. The algorithm analyzes each node and extracts knowledge from each node in the form of input to the node and output from the node. And, finally by combining knowledge obtained from each of the nodes, it generates global rule set in the form of input data ranges and outputs. Subspace of each rule in the rule set is subdivided, if certain conditions are satisfied. To validate the algorithm, eleven datasets are taken from UCI and keel repository. The whole algorithm is illustrated with a dataset in the illustrative example section.

ERENNR is compared with Re-RX, RxREN, continuous Re-RX and decision tree algorithms. Results show that ERENNR is able to generate simple rules with good accuracy and fidelity. The performance of ERENNR is also validated based on different performance measures calculated using confusion matrix and hypothesis testing. So, in a nutshell, the algorithm can be said to be effective.

The algorithm extracts rules from neural networks with single hidden layer. In future, the work may be extended to multi-hidden layers.