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Genetic and Genomic Research in Foxtail Millet

Participating journal: Plant Growth Regulation

Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) is a diploid, self-pollinated, C4 monocot grass in the sub-family Poaceae. It is cultivated in Asia and Africa's semi-arid regions for human and animal consumption. Compared to other crops, foxtail millet has high drought resistance, tolerance to low soil nutrient availability, and good yield stability. In 2012, the genome of foxtail millet cultivars ""Yugu1"" was sequenced, which laid the foundation for functional characterization of its genes. Furthermore, foxtail millet has a relatively short lifecycle and a small genome of ~490 Mb. Recently, an efficient transformation method and new CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing tools for foxtail millet have been established, making foxtail millet an important C4 model plant.

This collection of articles aims to provide cutting-edge research in understanding growth, development, and stress response-related functional genomics of millet crops (foxtail millet, pearl millet, and green foxtail etc.) and new technology used in related research.

Participating journal

Plant Growth Regulation is an international journal focusing on plant growth, development, and the myriad factors influencing these processes.


  • Ben Zhang

    Ben Zhang

    Ben Zhang was born in Taiyuan, China. His research interest is focused on plant membrane traffic and channel regulation. He received his master’s degree from Soochow University, China in 2011 and his PhD from the University of Glasgow, UK in 2015. His did a post-doc at the University of Glasgow, UK from 2015-2018. Since 2018, he is a professor at the School of Life Science, Shanxi University, China
  • Zhen Liang

    Shanxi University, China
  • Xingchun Wang

    Xingchun Wang

    Xingchun Wang was born in Shandong, China. 2000-2003, Master in Crop Genetics and Breeding at China National Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2003-2008, PhD in Genetics at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2008, he has been associate professor and then professor at College of Life Sciences, Shanxi Agricultural University. His research activity is currently focused on functional genomics in foxtail millet.


Showing 1-14 of 14 articles
