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Special issue on Dielectric-Barrier Discharges and their Applications in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Kogelschatz’s work

Twenty years ago, Dr. Ulrich Kogelschatz wrote a seminal review paper, “Dielectric-barrier Discharges: Their History, Discharge Physics, and Industrial Applications”, which was published in Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. in March 2003 [1]. Although Ulrich sadly passed away much too early (June 25, 2016), his work has inspired the entire low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma community. This is demonstrated by the impressive number of citations of the above-mentioned “must read” review paper (over 4000 according to Google Scholar, and it continues to receive over 150 citations each year), but also several other of his papers have received more than 1000 citations. Hence, we decided to publish a special issue on DBDs and their wide range of applications, 20 years after his seminal review paper in the same journal, to celebrate Dr. Kogelschatz’s inspiring work. We invited all leading authors working with DBD, and the response was overwhelming, highlighting how indeed Dr. Kogelschatz has inspired so many of us.

The SI contains 36 research papers (most of them upon invitation, but some are also unsolicited, as the special issue was open to all authors) one invited review paper, as well as three tribute articles. The full editorial can be found here.

I wish to thank all authors who contributed to this special issue, as well as Bruce Locke and Tony Murphy for the careful editorial work, and the publisher, Christiane Brox, for her kind support. Finally, I wish to dedicate this editorial and the entire special issue to Dagmar Kogelschatz, who often accompanied her husband at conferences, making her also well-known in our community. Dagmar, I hope this special issue demonstrates again how Uli was inspiring for our entire community.

Annemie Bogaerts, guest editor.

Participating journal

The journal is an international journal focusing on fundamental research and new developments in plasma chemistry and plasma processing.


  • Annemie Bogaerts

    Annemie Bogaerts

    Annemie Bogaerts is full professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, and head of the research group PLASMANT. Her research activities comprise the study of plasma and plasma-surface interactions by means of computer modeling and experiments, for various applications, i.e., CO2 , NH4 and N2 conversion into value-added chemicals and fuels, plasma medicine, microelectronics, nanotechnology and analytical chemistry.


Showing 1-42 of 42 articles
