1 Introduction

Limited to space and weight, main design objectives of OBC are high power density [1,2,3,4,5,6], high efficiency [7,8,9], high power factor (PF) [10], and low total harmonic distortion (THD) [11,12,13]. Typical OBC is based two-stage circuit [14,15,16], AC/DC stage is used for power factor correction [17], DC/DC stage is utilized to regulate charging power and voltage [18]. Traditional single phase boost circuit has high current stress [19], and large inductor [20]. On contrary, interleaved boost power factor correction (ILPFC) has little current ripple, small inductor [21], high efficiency, and high power-density [20]. LLC converter has merits of soft-switching [22], high efficiency [23, 24], and wide voltage [25], then ILPFC + LLC converter is suitable for OBC [26]. However, the efficiency is affected by switching frequency, boost inductors, and DC link voltage [27], which determines conduction loss and switching loss, and the above losses are difficult to analyze by traditional method.

To improve OBC`s efficiency, there are commonly three methods: (a) high performance devices [14, 18, 28,29,30], (b) modified circuit [6, 22, 31,32,33], and (c) improved control [1, 34, 35]. High performance devices is the most direct approach, literatures [14, 28, 29] use SiC and GaN devices to improve the efficiency, however, presently, the cost of these devices is much higher than Si-based devices, which is the biggest obstacle for industrial application. To improve the efficiency, literature [10] proposed variable dc-link voltage control and ensure LLC converter at the resonant frequency in wide voltage range, however, which brings complex control to PFC. Literature [26] designed an OBC with considering efficiency and volume, however, the peak efficiency of LLC converter is 95.4% and needs further improvement. Hybrid control adopted in [1] and [2] can improve the peak efficiency of LLC converter to 96%, but the control is complex and not good for applications. Ultrawide dc-link voltage in [36] is also useful for efficiency, but the volume of passive components maybe increased because the large current at low charging voltage. Multi-resonant frequency is introduced in [37] to widen the charging voltage range, but the extra components results in the complex hardware, low reliability, and difficulty to design the multi-parameters. The above methods are useful to improve the efficiency, but it is hard to deal with the contradictions between hardware`s cost, complexity, reliability, control, implementation, and so on.

To improve the efficiency in wide charging voltage range without increasing hardware cost and control complexity, a discrete iterative method is proposed to estimate and optimize ILPFC`s efficiency. Moreover, LLC converter`s loss and efficiency in wide charging voltage range are also estimated and optimized based on fundamental harmonic approximation (FHA). The OBC`s efficiency in wide charging voltage range is optimized by designing the internal parameters of ILPFC and LLC converters.


Typical topology for OBC includes two stages, as Fig. 1 shows. AC/DC is used for PFC, DC/DC is used for output voltage and power regulation. Actually, the topology in Fig. 2 is commonly adopted. VAC, iAC and VBUS are input voltage, input current and DC link voltage. L1, L2 are boost inductors, L1 = L2 = Lb. D1 ~ D4 are rectifier diodes. Q1 ~ Q2 and D5 ~ D6 are MOSFETs and freewheeling diodes. S1 ~ S2 are control signals of Q1 ~ Q2, they have a phase difference of 180 degree. iL1 ~ iL2 and iQ` ~ iQ2 are the currents of boost inductor and MOSFET. is,PFC is bridge current and is, PFC = iL1 + iL2. CB is link capacitor. Q3 ~ Q6 and D7 ~ D10 are LLC converter`s MOSFETs and diodes. Lm, Lr and Cr are magnetizing inductor, resonant inductor and capacitor. vab and vcd are primary and secondary-side ac voltages. ir and io are resonant and output currents. Vo is charging voltage, Co is output capacitor.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diagram of on-board charger

Fig. 2
figure 2

Topology of OBC with two-stage circuit

Losses of EMI filters, rectifier bridge, boost inductors, MOSFETs and diodes of ILPFC are denoted as PE, loss, Pb, loss, PLb, loss, Pd, PFC, loss and Pm, PFC, loss. fs, PFC is switching frequency, the sampling period is ts, PFC = 1/fs, PFC. va is discrete as Σvk, k is sampling series, the sampling time is Σtk. In a sampling period, va(t) can be seen as constant value. iL1(t), va and S1 are shown in Fig. 3 [17,18,19].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Waveforms of iL(t), va(t) and S1 in: a CCM, b BCM, and c DCM in half line period

2.1 Current Waveforms of IBPFC

2.1.1 Current Waveforms in CCM

In a half line period, as Fig. 3a shows, iL1(t) is continuous and the average is 0.5iAC(t). In the kth switching period, iL1(t) linearly increases when dk − 1 = 1 and decreases when dk − 1 = 0. Ik, start and Ik, end are the starting and ending values of iL1(t). iL1, kr and iL1, kf are waveforms when dk − 1 = 1 and dk − 1 = 0. tk − 1 and tk are the starting time and ending time. Ik,turnoff is turn-off current of Q1, Tk, r and Tk, f are the turn-on and turn-off time. im1, k(t), id5, k(t) and iL1, k(t) are currents of Q1, D5 and L1. Duty cycle of Q1 is [20]

$$d_{k} = (V_{BUS} - v_{k} )/V_{BUS}$$

During tk − 1 ≤ t ≤ tk − 1 + dkts, PFC, iL1,k(t) raises in the slope of vk/L. im1,k(t) = iL1,k(t), and id5,k(t) = 0. During tk − 1 + dkts,PFC ≤ t ≤ tk, iL1,k(t) decreases in the slope of (VBUS − vk)/L. im1,k(t) = 0. id5,k(t) = iL1,k(t). Because Ik,start = Ik − 1,end, then iL1(t), im1(t) and id5(t) in the kth switching period in CCM can be expressed as (2), where Tk,f = (1 − dk)ts,PFC. Tk,r = dkts,PFC. Because Ik+1, start = Ik,end, then iL1(t), im1(t) and id5(t) can be expressed as (3), where fline is the line frequency. By the same principle, im2(t), id6(t) and iL2(t) in CCM can be also obtained.

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {I_{k,start} = I_{k - 1,end} } \hfill {t = t_{k} } \hfill \\ {i_{m1,k} (t) = I_{k,start} + v_{k} [t - (k - 1)t_{s,PFC} ]/L_{b} } \,\, \,\,\, \hfill {t_{k - 1} < t \le t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ {i_{m1,k} (t) = 0} \hfill {t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {i_{d5,k} (t) = 0} \hfill {t_{k - 1} < t \le t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ i_{d5,k} (t) = I_{k,start} + v_{k} T_{k,r} /L_{b} \\ - (V_{BUS} - v_{k} )[t - (k - 1)t_{s,PFC} - T_{k,r} ]/L_{b} \\ \hfill {t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {I_{k,turnoff} = I_{k,start} + T_{k,r} /L_{b} } \hfill {t = t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ {I_{k,end} = I_{k,start} + [v_{k} T_{k,r} + (V_{BUS} - v_{k} )T_{k,f} ]/L_{b} } \hfill {t = t_{k} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
$$\left\{ \begin{gathered} i_{m1} (t) = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{{2f_{s} /f_{line} }} {\left\{ {i_{m1,k} (t)} \right\}} \hfill \\ i_{d5} (t) = \sum\limits_{k = 1}^{{2f_{s} /f_{line} }} {\left\{ {i_{d5,k} (t)} \right\}} \hfill \\ i_{L1} (t) = i_{m1} (t) + i_{d5} (t) \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$

2.1.2 Currents Waveforms in BCM

As Fig. 3b shows, in BCM, at the starting and ending points, iL1(t) = 0, the duty cycle is dk = (VBUS − vk)/VBUS. At t = tk − 1 and t = tk, iL1(t) = 0, and Ik,start = Ik,end = Ik − 1,end = Ik+1,start = 0. During tk − 1 ≤ t ≤ tk − 1 + dkts,PFC, iL1,k(t) raises in the slope of vk/L, im1,k(t) = iL1,k(t), id5(t) = 0. During tk − 1 + dkts,PFC < t < tk, iL,k(t) decreases in the slope of (VBUS − vk)/L. im1,k(t) = iL1,k(t). id5,k(t) = 0. im1(t), id5(t) and iL1(t) in the kth period are

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {I_{{k,start}} = 0} \hfill & {t = t_{{k - 1}} } \hfill \\ {i_{{m1,k}} (t) = I_{{k,start}} + v_{k} [t - (k - 1)t_{{s,PFC}} ]/L_{b} } \hfill & {t_{{k - 1}} < t \le t_{{k - 1}} + d_{k} t_{{s,PFC}} } \hfill \\ {i_{{m1,k}} (t) = 0} \hfill & {t_{{k - 1}} + d_{k} t_{{s,PFC}} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {i_{{d5,k}} (t) = 0} \hfill & {t_{{k - 1}} < t \le t_{{k - 1}} + d_{k} t_{{s,PFC}} } \hfill \\ \begin{gathered} i_{{d5,k}} (t) = I_{{k,start}} + v_{k} T_{{k,r}} /L_{b} \\ - (V_{{BUS}} - v_{k} )[t - (k - 1)t_{{s,PFC}} - T_{{k,r}} ]/L_{b} \\ \end{gathered} \hfill & {t_{{k - 1}} + d_{k} t_{{s,PFC}} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {I_{{k,turnoff}} = I_{{k,start}} + T_{{k,r}} /L_{b} } \hfill & {t = t_{{k - 1}} + d_{k} t_{s} } \hfill \\ {I_{{k,end}} = I_{{k + 1,start}} = 0} \hfill & {t = t_{k} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

2.1.3 Currents Waveforms in DCM

As Fig. 3c shows, in the kth switching period, iL1,k(t) is 0 before the end, during tk − 1 ≤ t < tk − 1 + dkts,PFC, iL1,k(t) increase in the slope of vk/L. im1,k(t) = iL1,k(t). id5,k(t) = 0. Q1 is turned off at t = tk − 1 + dkts,PFC. During tk − 1 + dkts,PFC ≤ t < tk,PFC + Tk,r + Tk,f, iL1,k(t) decreases in the slope of (VBUS − vk)/L. id5(t) = iL1,k(t) = 0 at t = tk − 1 + Tk,r + Tk,f. During tk − 1 + Tk,r + Tk,f ≤ t < tk, iL1,k(t) is in DCM, iL1,k(t) = id5,k(t) = im1,k(t) = 0. And dk in DCM and the average current IL1_k_av are give by (5) and (6) [21], where Po,PFC is output power. im1(t), id5(t) and iL1(t) in kth switching period in DCM are expressed as (7). Once im1(t), id5(t) and iL1(t) are obtained, RMS values of im1(t), id5(t) and iL1(t) can be calculated by (8), where IL1, Id5, Im1 and Is,PFC are RMS currents of L1, D5 and M1, respectively.

$$d_{k} = \frac{{2\sqrt {L_{b} f_{s,PFC} P_{o,PFC} } }}{{\sqrt 2 V_{AC} }}\sqrt {1 - \frac{{v_{k} }}{{V_{BUS} }}}$$
$$I_{L1\_k\_av} = \sqrt 2 P_{o,PFC} \sin (2\pi f_{line} t_{s,PFC} k)/(2V_{AC} )$$
$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {I_{k,start} = 0} \hfill & {t = t_{k - 1} } \hfill \\ {i_{m1,k} = I_{k,start} + v_{k} [t - (k - 1)t_{s,PFC} ]/L_{b} } \hfill & {t_{k - 1} < t \le t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ {i_{m1,k} = 0} \hfill & {t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {i_{d5,k} (t) = 0} \hfill & {t_{k - 1} < t \le t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ \begin{gathered} i_{d5,k} (t) = I_{k,start} + v_{k} T_{k,r} /L_{b} \\ - (v_{k} - V_{BUS} )[t - (k - 1)t_{s,PFC} - d_{k} t_{s,PFC} ]/L_{b} \\ \end{gathered} \hfill & {t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} < t \le t_{k} } \hfill \\ {I_{k,turnoff} = I_{k,start} + T_{k,r} /L_{b} } \hfill & {t = t_{k - 1} + d_{k} t_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ {I_{k,end} = I_{k + 1,start} } \hfill & {t = t_{k} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
$$\left\{ \begin{gathered} I_{L1} = \left[ {\frac{1}{{2f_{line} }}\int_{0}^{{1/(2f_{lins} )}} {i^{2}_{L1} (t)dt} } \right]^{0.5} \hfill \\ I_{d5} = \left[ {\frac{1}{{2f_{line} }}\int_{0}^{{1/(2f_{lins} )}} {i^{2}_{d5} (t)dt} } \right]^{0.5} \hfill \\ I_{m1} = \left[ {\frac{1}{{2f_{line} }}\int_{0}^{{1/(2f_{lins} )}} {i^{2}_{m1} (t)dt} } \right]^{0.5} \hfill \\ I_{s,PFC} = \left\{ {\frac{1}{{2f_{line} }}\int_{0}^{{1/(2f_{lins} )}} {\left[ {i_{L1} (t) + i_{L2} (t)} \right]^{2} dt} } \right\}^{0.5} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$

2.2 Efficiency of ILPFC

Losses of EMI, rectifier, inductors, MOSFETs and diodes are denoted as PEMI, Pb,loss, PLb,loss, Pm, PFC,loss and Pd, PFC,loss, respectively.

2.2.1 Input EMI Filter Losses of ILPFC

As Fig. 4 shows, EMI includes capacitor CE and inductor Le. If iAC(t) is sine wave, then iEMI and PE,loss are (9) and (10), where rLe and rCe are equivalent series resistance (ESR) of CE and LE. IAC and IEMI are the RMS currents of LE and CE.

$$i_{EMI} (t) = i_{s,PFC} (t) - \sqrt 2 P_{o,PFC,full} \sin (2\pi f_{line} t)/V_{AC}$$
$$P_{E,loss} = r_{Le} I_{AC}^{2} + r_{Ce} I_{EMI}^{2}$$
Fig. 4
figure 4

EMI`s: a equivalent circuit, and b waveforms

2.2.2 Power Device Losses of ILPFC

The power devices` loss includes bridge loss Pb,loss, MOSFET loss Pm,PFC,loss, and diode loss Pd,PFC,loss, where Vb,F and Vd,F are the voltage drop of bridge and diodes. Rds,on is the MOSFETs` on-resistor. CFB and tfall are the MOSFETs` parasitic capacitance and fall time. Irr and trr are the reverse recovering current and reverse recovery time of diodes. Pm,PFC,c and Pm,PFC,s are the MOSFETs` conduction loss and switching loss. Pd,PFC,c and Pd,PFC,s are the diodes` conduction loss and switching loss.

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {P_{b,c} = V_{b,F} I_{s,PFC} } \hfill \\ {P_{m,PFC,c} = 2R_{ds,on} I_{m1}^{2} } \hfill \\ {P_{d,PFC,c} = 2V_{d,F} I_{d5} } \hfill \\ {P_{m,PFC,s} = 2\sum\limits_{k = 1}^{{0.5f_{s} /f_{line} }} {\frac{{I_{m1,turnoff}^{2} t_{fall}^{2} }}{{6C_{FB} }}} } \hfill \\ {P_{d,PFC,s} = v_{o} I_{rr} t_{rr} f_{s} } \hfill \\ {P_{b,loss} = P_{b,c} } \hfill \\ {P_{m,PFC,loss} = P_{m,s} + P_{m,c} } \hfill \\ {P_{d,PFC,loss} = P_{d,s} + P_{d,c} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

2.2.3 Boost Inductor Losses of ILPFC

Boost inductor`s loss is given by (12), where \({S}_{{L}_{b}}\), \({N}_{{L}_{b}}\) and \({l}_{{L}_{b}}\) are the effect conducting area, turn number and average winding length. ρT is the conductor`s resistivity. The ILPFC`s efficiency can be expressed as (13), where Pother is mainly the driving loss. Pb,c, Pm,PFC,c and Pd,PFC,c are affected by IL1+L2, Im1 and Id5. Pm,PFC,s, Pd,PFC,s are effected by Im1,k,off and Irr, trr. Is,PFC, Im1, Id5 and IEMI are affected by VAC, VBUS, L and fs,PFC.

$$P_{{L_{b} ,loss}} = (I_{L1}^{2} + I_{L2}^{2} )\rho_{T} l_{{L_{b} }} N_{{L_{b} }} /S{ = }2I_{L1}^{2} \rho_{T} l_{{L_{b} }} N_{{L_{b} }} /S_{{L_{b} }}$$
$$\eta_{PFC} = \frac{{P_{o,PFC} }}{{P_{o,PFC} + P_{E,loss} + P_{{L_{b} ,loss}} + P_{m,PFC,loss} + P_{d,PFC,loss} + P_{other} }}$$

3 LLC Resonant Converter

3.1 Waveforms of LLC Resonant Converter in P Mode

To simplify the analysis, following assumptions are taken: (a) all components are ideal devices, (b) Vo is a constant value, (c) duty cycle of Q3 ~ Q6 is 0.5. ir, im, is, vab and vcd at the resonant frequency are shown in Fig. 5. ir(t) is sinusoidal waveform. im(t) increases in the slope of VBUS/Lm during 0 ≤ t < 0.5tr,LLC and decreases in the slope of − VBUS/Lm during 0.5tr,LLC ≤ t < tr,LLC.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Waveforms of ir, im, is, uab, and ucd at fs,LLC = fr,LLC

The resonant currents ir(t) and magnetizing current im(t) are given by (14) and (15), where Ir,peak and ωr are the peak resonant current and angular frequency. θ is phase difference between ir(t) and vab. ωr = 2πfr = (LrCr)−0.5.

$$i_{r} (t) = I_{r,peak} \sin (\omega_{r} t - \theta )$$
$$i_{m} (t) = \frac{{V_{BUS} (4t - t_{r,LLC} )}}{{4L_{m} }}{ = }\frac{{V_{BUS} (4f_{r} t - 1)}}{{4f_{r1} L_{m} }}$$

Because ir(t) = im(t) at t = 0, then θ can be given by (16). The input energy \({E}_{{V}_{BUS}}\) from VBUS and the absorbed energy \({E}_{R}\) by load can be obtained by (17) and (18), where N is transformer`s turn ratio. Because \({E}_{{V}_{BUS}}\)=\({E}_{R}\), Ir,peak can be obtained by solving Eqs. (17) and (18), and θ can be calculated by solving Eq. (19) and (16). Moreover, because is(t) = N[ir(t) − im(t)], then teh primary and secondary RMS currents Ip,RMS and Is,RMS, and the turn-off current Iturnoff can be given by (21).

$$\theta = \arcsin \left[ {\frac{{V_{BUS} t_{s,LLC} }}{{4L_{m} I_{r,peak} }}} \right] = \arcsin \left[ {\frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{4L_{m} I_{r,peak} f_{r} }}} \right]$$
$$E_{{V_{BUS} }} = \frac{{I_{r,peak} V_{BUS} }}{{2\pi f_{r} }}\sqrt {\frac{{V_{BUS}^{2} - 16I_{r,peak}^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} }}{{I_{r,peak}^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} }}}$$
$$E_{R} = P_{o,LLC} t_{s,LLC} = \frac{{V_{o}^{2} }}{{Rf_{r} }} = \frac{{V_{BUS}^{2} }}{{N^{2} Rf_{r} }}$$
$$I_{r,peak} = \frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{4L_{m} N^{2} Rf_{r} }}\sqrt {4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} + N^{4} R^{2} }$$
$$\theta { = }\arcsin \left[ {\frac{{N^{2} R}}{{\sqrt {N^{4} R^{2} { + }4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} } }}} \right]$$
$$\left\{ \begin{gathered} I_{p,RMS} = \frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{4\sqrt 2 L_{m} N^{2} Rf_{r} }}\sqrt {4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} - N^{4} R^{2} } \hfill \\ I_{s,RMS} = \sqrt {2f_{r} \int\limits_{0}^{{0.5/f_{r} }} {\left[ {i_{r} (t) - i_{m} (t)} \right]^{2} N^{2} dt} } \hfill \\ = \frac{{V_{BUS} \sqrt {5\pi^{2} N^{4} R^{2} - 48N^{4} R^{2} + 12\pi^{4} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} } }}{{4\sqrt 6 L_{m} f_{r} NR}} \hfill \\ I_{turnoff} = \frac{{V_{BUS} t_{r} }}{{4L_{m} }}{ = }\frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{4f_{r} L_{m} }} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$

3.2 Losses of LLC Resonant Converter

Losses of LLC converter includes MOSFETs’ loss Pm,LLC, transformer’s loss PT, resonant inductor’s loss PLr, and diodes’ loss. The total loss and efficiency of LLC converter are given by (26) and (27). In a half switching period, part of the reactive energy is transferred from VBUS to resonant tank during θ/(2πfr) ≤ t < 1/fr and returns from the resonant tank to VBUS during 0.5/fr ≤ t < 0.5/fr + θ/(2πfr) in the next half period. The reactive energy WQ,Vin in a switching period is given by (28), and the reactive power QLLC and power factor PFLLC are given by (29) and (30). Based on FHA method, Vo can be obtained by (31) [22], where Q is the quality factor, and k = Lm/Lr. The selection of fr and Lm is based on the required Ptotal,LLC, and Cr can be determined by (33), then Lr can be further obtained.

$$\left\{ \begin{gathered} P_{Q,LLC,s} = {{I_{turnoff}^{2} t_{fall}^{2} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{I_{turnoff}^{2} t_{fall}^{2} } {C_{FB} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {C_{FB} }} \hfill \\ P_{Q,LLC,c} = 2I_{p,RMS}^{2} R_{ds,on} \hfill \\ P_{Q,LLC,loss} = P_{Q,LLC,s} + P_{Q,LLC,c} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$
$$P_{T,loss} = I_{p,RMS}^{2} r_{p,w} + I_{s,RMS}^{2} r_{s,w}$$
$$P_{{L_{r} ,loss}} = I_{p,RMS}^{2} r_{{L_{r} }}$$
$$P_{d,LLC,loss} = 2V_{F} I_{s,RMS}$$
$$P_{total,LLC,loss} = P_{{L_{r} ,loss}} + P_{Q,LLC} + P_{T,loss} + P_{d,LLC} = \frac{{V_{BUS}^{2} \left\{ {C_{FB} \left[ \begin{gathered} 3\pi^{2} R^{2} N^{4} r_{p} + \left( {5\pi^{2} - 48} \right)N^{6} R^{2} r_{s,w} + 12\pi^{4} \left( {r_{p} + N^{2} r_{s,w} } \right)f_{r}^{2} L_{m}^{2} \hfill \\ + {{8\sqrt 6 \pi N^{3} RV_{F} f_{r} L_{m} \sqrt {12\pi^{4} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} + \left( {5\pi^{2} - 48} \right)N^{4} R_{2} } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{8\sqrt 6 \pi N^{3} RV_{F} f_{r} L_{m} \sqrt {12\pi^{4} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} + \left( {5\pi^{2} - 48} \right)N^{4} R_{2} } } {V_{BUS} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {V_{BUS} }} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right] + 6\pi^{2} N^{4} R^{2} t_{fall}^{2} L_{m}^{2} } \right\}}}{{96\pi^{2} C_{FB} N^{4} R^{2} f_{r}^{2} L_{m}^{2} }}$$
$$\eta_{LLC} = {{P_{o,LLC} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{P_{o,LLC} } {\left( {P_{o,LLC} + P_{total,LLC,loss} } \right)}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left( {P_{o,LLC} + P_{total,LLC,loss} } \right)}}.$$
$$W_{{Q,V_{in} }} = \frac{{V_{BUS}^{2} }}{{4\pi L_{m} N^{2} f_{r} R}}\left( {\sqrt {4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} + N^{4} R_{2} } - \sqrt {4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} } } \right)$$
$$Q_{LLC} = f_{r} W_{{Q,V_{in} }} = \frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{4L_{m} f_{r} }}\left\{ {\arcsin \left( {\frac{{N^{2} R}}{{\sqrt {N^{4} R^{2} - 4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} } }}} \right)\left[ {2\sin^{2} \left( {\pi f_{r} } \right) - 1} \right] + \frac{{2L_{m} f_{r} }}{{N^{2} R}}\sin^{2} \left[ {\frac{\pi }{2}\arcsin \left( {\frac{{N^{2} R}}{{\sqrt {N^{4} R^{2} - 4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} } }}} \right)} \right]} \right\}$$
$$PF_{LLC} = \frac{{P_{o,LLC} }}{{\sqrt {P_{o,LLC}^{2} + Q_{LLC}^{2} } }} = \frac{{4\pi L_{m} N^{2} f_{r} RP_{o,LLC} }}{{\sqrt {N^{4} R^{2} V_{BUS}^{2} - 4\pi L_{m} f_{r} V_{BUS}^{4} \sqrt {4\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} + N^{4} R^{2} } + 8\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} f_{r}^{2} V_{BUS}^{2} + 16\pi^{2} L_{m}^{2} N^{4} f_{r}^{2} R^{2} P_{o,LLC}^{2} } }}$$
$$V_{o} = \frac{{V_{BUS} }}{{N\sqrt {\left[ {1 + \frac{1}{k}\left( {1 - \frac{{f_{r}^{2} }}{{f_{s,LLC}^{2} }}} \right)} \right]^{2} + Q^{2} \left( {\frac{{f_{s,LLC} }}{{f_{r} }} - \frac{{f_{r} }}{{f_{s,LLC} }}} \right)^{2} } }}$$
$$Q = {{\pi^{2} \sqrt {L_{r} /C_{r} } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\pi^{2} \sqrt {L_{r} /C_{r} } } {\left( {8N^{2} R} \right)}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left( {8N^{2} R} \right)}}$$
$$C_{r} = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {4\pi^{2} f_{r}^{2} L_{r} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {4\pi^{2} f_{r}^{2} L_{r} }}$$

4 Design of On-Board Charger

4.1 Design of ILPFC

The design flow of ILPFC is shown in Fig. 6. Once VAC, fPFC, Lb and VBUS are determined, PE,loss, Pb,loss, Pm,PFC,loss, Pd,PFC,loss and \({P}_{{L}_{b},loss}\) are calculated by the proposed method, and ηPFC can be improved by optimizing fs,PFC, Lb, VBUS. The design of Lb can refer to [23].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Design flow of ILPFC

The relationships between ηPFC and VAC, fs,PFC, Lb and VBUS are presented in the Fig. 7, where αPFC is the load factor. Figure 7a shows that all loss reduces with the increase of VAC. Figure 7b shows that almost all loss decreases with the increase of Lb except for PLr,loss, because large Lb brings large ESR and copper loss. Figure 7c shows that almost all loss decreases with the increase of fs,PFC except for Pm,PFC,loss because of large switching loss. Figure 7d shows that almost all loss increases with the increase of VBUS except for Pd,PFC,loss because of large diodes` current ripple. Figure 7e shows that ηPFC increases with the increase of VAC. Figure 7f, g present that the influence of Lb on ηPFC and the influence of fs,PFC on ηPFC are nonlinear. Figure 7h shows that the influence of VBUS on ηPFC is almost linear. High VBUS can improve ηPFC, but which leads to high voltage stress.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Relationship between loss and: a VAC, b Lb, c fs,PFC, d VBUS, and between ηPFC with αPFC for different: e Vac, f Lb, g fs,PFC, and h VBUS

4.2 Design of LLC Resonant Converter

The design flow of LLC converter is shown in Fig. 8. If VBUS, Vo,nor are determined, then N can be determined. Then the total losses can be figured out by (27), and fr and Lm can be selected by the required Ptotal,LLC, and then Lr and Cr can be determined by voltage gain.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Design flow chart of LLC converter

The surface map of Ptotal,LLC and ηLLC at fs = fr are shown in Fig. 9a, b for Rds,on = 150 mΩ, \({r}_{{L}_{r}}\)=25 mΩ, rp,w = 25 mΩ, rs,w = 22 mΩ, R = 31Ω, VF = 0.7 V, tfall = 6 ns, CFB = 130 pF. Large fr and Lm is useful to improve ηLLC but reduces the voltage gain, then fr and Lm must be optimized. If required ηLLC is determined, target area of (fr, Lm) can be searched in Fig. 9b. In this paper, Lr and Cr are designed as 45 µH and 75 nF. The peak voltage Vo,peak is approximate 433 V, as Fig. 9c shows, which satisfies the requirement Vo,max = 430 V. As Fig. 9d shows, if Lr and Cr are designed as 50 µH and 67.55 nF, Vo,peak = 418 V, the design result will miss the requirement.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Surface map of: a Ptotal,LLC(fr,Lm), b ηLLC(fr,Lm), and curves of Vo(fs,LLC) for: c Lr = 45 µH, Cr = 75 nF, and d Lr = 50 µH, Cr = 67.55 nF

5 Control of On-Board Charger

Average current control is used for ILPFC as shown in Fig. 10a. VBUS,ref is the reference of Vbus. iL1,ref and iL2,ref are the references of iL1 and iL2, the duty cycles are Temp1 and Temp2. An offset doffset is added to improve PF, the modified duty cycles are Temp1 + doffset and Temp2 + doffeset. Kd is the offset coefficient. As Fig. 11 shows, if Lb = 220 µH and fs,PFC = 60 kHz, iL1 is in DCM and iAC is distorted near the zero crossing point for Kd = 0. If Kd = 1, iL1 is in CCM and iAC is a sinusoidal waveform. Here Kd is set as 0.8.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Control of: a ILPFC, and b LLC converter

Fig. 11
figure 11

Waveforms of: a iL, and b iAC for Kd = 0 and 1

Io,ref and Vo,ref are the references of io and Vo. The charging curves is given in Fig. 12, if Vo > 275 V, the charging power is 3.3 kW, the converter works in constant voltage mode, otherwise, the converter works in constant current mode, and the maximum charging current is 12A.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Charging curve of 3.3 kW OBC

6 Experiment Result and Analyses

The requirements are given in Table 1. A 3.3 kW prototype is developed, as Fig. 13 shows. Two same transformers are used for LLC converter, the primary and secondary windings are in series and paralleled, the turn ratio is 17:26. PQ35/35 DMR cores are used for ILPFC, PQ35/35 DMR95 cores are used for LLC converter. TI F28035 is selected for the controller, MOSFETs with types of IPP60R099C6 and IPP65R110CFD are used for Q1 ~ Q2 and Q3 ~ Q6. In Fig. 13a, conventional OBC is based on single-phase boost PFC and LLC converter, the parameters are Lr = 12 µH, Cr = 99 nF, and Lm = 88 µH, the size is 245 mm × 210 mm × 95 mm, the volume is 298 in3, and the power density is 11.1 W/in3. For this paper`s prototype, the size is 241 mm × 175 mm × 75 mm, as Fig. 13b shows, the volume and power density are 193 in3 and 7.1 W/in3, which is higher than conventional prototype.

Table 1 Key parameters of 3.3 kW OBC
Fig. 13
figure 13

Pictures of: a conventional, and b the developed 3.3 kW prototypes

Measured iac, Vac, iL1, and iL2 at the full-load, half-load and 20% load states are given in Fig. 14. The normal input voltage is 220 V with 50 Hz. At the full and half load states, iac is sinusoidal and has the same phase as Vac, and the PFs are higher than 99.9% and 99.8%. At 20% load state, as Fig. 14c shows, iL1 and iL2 are in DCM.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Measured Vac, iac, iL1, and iL2 at: a full, b half, and c 20% load states

Figure 15 shows the measured waveforms of LLC converter. The maximum and minimum switching frequencies fmax,LLC and fmin,LLC are 117 kHz and 47.6 kHz, respectively.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Measured ir, vab, vcd, and − vg for Vo is: a 230 V, b 306 V, and c 430 V

Figure 16 presents the harmonic distribution at 20%, half, and full load states. The THDs at 20%, half, and full load states are 6.3%, 4.09%, and 2.98%, respectively. The PFs at 20%, half, and full load states are 96.99%, 99.91% 99.96%, respectively.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Harmonic at 20%, half, and full load states

As Fig. 17a shows, measured ηPFC is lower than the theoretical efficiency, the error comes from the driving loss. ηPFC, ηLLC and ηoverall of the developed prototype are higher than conventional OBC. The PFC and LLC converters’ peak efficiencies are about 97.3% and 97.4%. The overall and peak efficiencies are higher than 93.3% and 94.8% (Fig. 18).

Fig. 17
figure 17

Curves of: a ηPFC for theory and test, b ηPFC for two prototypes, c ηLLC, and d ηoverall for prototype

Fig. 18
figure 18

Curves of relationship between power factor and load factor

Figure 19 shows the measured ripple factor of Vo, the ripple factor is calculated by 0.5ΔVo/Vo, where ΔVo is the peak-to-peak value of the voltage ripple, the voltage ripple factor decreases with the increase of Vo, which can be explained as follows: firstly, the voltage ripple of Vo comes from the DC-link voltage`s ripple, in this paper, the peak-to-peak ripple of VBUS is about 20 V, because the voltage ripple can be seen as a AC voltage, it can be transferred to Vo by the transformer, and the transformer turn ratio is about 1.308, then the peak-to-peak voltage ripple transferred from VBUS to Vo is about 15.3 V. Secondly, the voltage controller of LLC converter has the ability to adjust Vo even VBUS is fluctuates, then the voltage ripple transferred from VBUS to Vo can be reduced, in the measured results, the peak-to-peak voltage ripple of Vo ranges from 6 to 7 V in the range of Vo from 230 to 430 V, and the voltage ripple factor is ranging from 1.39 to 0.69% as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Curves of relationship between voltage ripple factor and Vo

Table 2 gives the hardware cost of the main components. For ILPFC, the most cost is used for inductors and capacitors, and power devices` cost also takes a great part. For LLC converter, the most part cost is used for MOSFETs and transformer. The hardware cost of ILPFC`s main components is about 30.75 $, the hardware cost of LLC converter is about 40 $, the total cost of the main components is about 70.75$.

Table 2 Hardware cost of main components

The requirements are given in Table 1. A 3.3 kW prototype is developed, as Fig. 13 shows. Two same transformers are used for LLC converter, the primary and secondary windings are in series and paralleled, the turn ratio is 17:26. PQ35/35 DMR cores are used for ILPFC, PQ35/35 DMR95 cores are used for LLC converter. TI F28035 is selected for the controller, MOSFETs with types of IPP60R099C6 and IPP65R110CFD are used for Q1 ~ Q2 and Q3 ~ Q6. In Fig. 13a, conventional OBC is based on single-phase boost PFC and LLC converter, the parameters are Lr = 12 µH, Cr = 99 nF, and Lm = 88 µH, the size is 245 mm × 210 mm × 95 mm, the volume is 298 in3, and the power density is 11.1 W/in3. For this paper`s prototype, the size is 241 mm × 175 mm × 75 mm, as Fig. 13b shows, the volume and power density are 193 in3 and 7.1 W/in3, which is higher than conventional prototype.

Table 3 shows the comparison between the developed prototypes in literatures [17, 26], where THDfull, PFfull, ηPFC,full, ηLLC,full, ηOBC,full are the THD, PF, PFC`s efficiency, LLC`s efficiency, and overall efficiency at the full load. PD is the power density. The prototype in this paper has better performance in total efficiency, power density, THD and PF compared with the prototypes in literatures [17, 26], this is attributed to the proposed comprehensive design method to optimize OBC`s internal parameters.

Table 3 Comparisons between this work and Ref. [17, 26]

Table 4 shows the comparisons between this paper with literatures [1, 10, 36,37,38]. Compared with literatures [1, 10, 36,37,38], the developed prototype has higher efficiency and wider output voltage range. In literatures [1, 38], SiC-based diodes are adopted on the secondary-side, and the reverse recovery loss of SiC-based diodes is much lower than that of Si-based diodes adopted in this paper, that is to say, if the SiC-based diodes are replaced by Si-based diodes in literatures [1, 38], the advantage of efficiency in this paper over that in literatures [1, 38] will be further enhanced. Compared with this paper, the output voltage range in literature [36] is wider, however, which needs regulate dc-link voltage dynamically to ensure LLC converter always operates at the resonant frequency and sacrifices the efficiency in low output voltage region and increases the current ripple in high output voltage region. The comparison between literatures [37, 38] and the this paper is more fair, because the power is the same, but the comparison result further verified that the efficiency in this paper is higher.

Table 4 Comparisons between prototypes in this paper and references [1, 10, 36,37,38]

7 Conclusion

The loss and efficiency of ILPFC are analyzed by the proposed discrete iterative method. The loss, efficiency and voltage gain of LLC converter are analyzed by FHA method. And the efficiency of OBC is optimized by designing the internal parameters. The ILPFC`s efficiency is improved by about 1.1% compared with conventional scheme. The efficiency of LLC converter is improved by about 1.3% compared with conventional scheme. The PF and THD of the prototype are approximate 99.99% and 2.98%, respectively, the overall efficiency is improved by about 1% compared with conventional 3.3 kW OBC at the full load state.

In the future, the proposed method will be extended to optimize the efficiency of 6.6 kW and 11 kW bi-directional OBC with properly modification for actual topologies.