1 Introduction

Valuation theory has long been a key tool in commutative algebra, with applications in number theory and algebraic geometry. Several generalizations of the notion of valuation were made throughout the last few decades; the main purpose of these generalizations was to utilize them in the study of noncommutative algebra, especially in division rings. See [6] for a comprehensive survey.

In this paper we distinguish between a domain, which refers to an integral domain, and a ring, which may contain zero divisors and might not be commutative. Throughout this paper, for a valuation u on a field K we denote by Ou the valuation domain of K corresponding to u, by Iu the maximal ideal of Ou, and by Γu the value group of u. The symbol ⊂ means proper inclusion and the symbol \(\subseteq \) means inclusion or equality. Any unexplained terminology is as in [4].

Let S be a commutative ring and let R be an algebra over S. For subsets \(I \subseteq R\) and \(J \subseteq S\) we say that I is lying over J if J = {sSs ⋅ 1RI}. By abuse of notation, we write J = IS (even when R is not faithful over S). We recall now from [5, Section 1.2] the definitions of the classical lifting conditions of ring extensions. We say that R satisfies LO (lying over) over S if for all P ∈Spec(S) there exists Q ∈Spec(R) lying over P. We say that R satisfies GD (going-down) over S if for any P1P2 in Spec(S) and for every Q2 ∈Spec(R) lying over P2, there exists Q1Q2 in Spec(R) lying over P1. We say that R satisfies GU (going-up) over S if for any P1P2 in Spec(S) and for every Q1 ∈Spec(R) lying over P1, there exists Q1Q2 in Spec(R) lying over P2. We say that R satisfies SGB (strong going-between) over S if for any P1P2P3 in Spec(S) and for every Q1Q3 in Spec(R) such that Q1 is lying over P1 and Q3 is lying over P3, there exists Q2, with Q1Q2Q3 in Spec(R), lying over P2. We say that R satisfies INC (incomparability) over S if whenever Q1Q2 in Spec(R), we have Q1SQ2S.

Let K be a field and let L be an algebraic field extension of K. Let T be a valuation domain of K. It is well known (cf. [3, 13.2]) that there exists a valuation domain of L lying over T. Recall (cf. [3, Corollary 13.5]) that T is called indecomposed in L if there exists a unique valuation domain of L lying over T; otherwise, T is called decomposed in L. Moreover, by [3, Corollary 13.7]), whenever the separable degree of K over L is finite, the number of valuation domains of L that are lying over T is less than or equal to the separable degree of K over L.

Recall from [4] that a quasi-valuation on a ring A is a function \(w : A \rightarrow ~M \cup \{ \infty \}\), where M is a totally ordered abelian monoid, to which we adjoin an element \(\infty \) greater than all elements of M, and w satisfies the following properties:(B1) \(w(0) = \infty \);(B2) w(xy) ≥ w(x) + w(y) for all x,yA;(B3) \(w(x+y) \geq {\min \limits } \{ w(x), w(y)\}\) for all x,yA.

In [4] we studied quasi-valuations that extend a given valuation on a finite-dimensional field extension. We proved that the prime spectrum of the associated quasi-valuation domain and the prime spectrum of the valuation domain are intimately connected. Along these lines, let F be a field with a non-trivial valuation v and a corresponding valuation domain Ov, let E/F be a finite field extension, and let R be an Ov-subalgebra of E such that FR = E and RF = Ov; we call such R an Ov-nice subalgebra of E. By [4, Theorem 9.38, statements (2) and (3)], there exists a quasi-valuation w on E extending v on F, such that R = Ow (we call Ow = {xEw(x) ≥ 0} the quasi-valuation domain), and thus R satisfies LO, INC and GD over Ov. Note that if FRE, then since FR is a finite-dimensional field extension of F, one can apply the results of [4] replacing E by FR. Moreover, by [4, Theorem 9.38, statement (6)], if there exists a quasi-valuation \(w^{\prime }\) on E extending v with \(R = O_{w^{\prime }}\) such that \(w^{\prime }(E \setminus \{ 0 \})\) is torsion over Γv, then R satisfies GU over Ov. In [5] we generalized some of the results that had been proved in [4], and proved that every algebra over a commutative valuation ring satisfies SGB over it (see [5, Theorem 3.8]). We also generalized [4, Theorem 9.38, statement (6)] and gave weaker conditions for a quasi-valuation ring to satisfy GU over a valuation domain. So, focusing on field extensions, one can say that if E/F is a finite field extension, and R is an Ov-nice subalgebra of E, then R satisfies LO, INC, GD, and SGB over Ov. In light of the above discussion, there exists a quasi-valuation w on E extending v on F such that Ow = R; one may suspect that such R also satisfies GU over Ov. We shall see that this is not the case.

In fact, in this paper we answer a question asked in [5, discussion after Corollary 4.26], by characterizing the existence of Ov-nice subalgebras of E that do not satisfy GU over Ov, and presenting an explicit example in which an Ov-nice subalgebra of E does not satisfy GU over Ov.

2 Going-up May Not Apply

Let F be a field with valuation v and corresponding valuation domain Ov; let E/F be a finite-dimensional field extension and let R be an Ov-nice subalgebra of E. In this section we characterize the existence of Ov-nice subalgebras of E that do not satisfy GU over Ov in terms of the decomposability in E of proper overrings of Ov (recall that an overring of Ov is a subring of F, the field of fractions of Ov, that contains Ov). Then, we present an example of an Ov-nice subalgebra R0 of E that does not satisfy GU over Ov; equivalently, there exists a quasi-valuation w on E extending v on F with FOw = E and for which Ow does not satisfy GU over Ov. At the end of this section, we discuss the filter quasi-valuation induced by (R0,v).

Theorem 2.1

Let F be a field with valuation v and corresponding valuation domain Ov, and let E/F be a finite-dimensional field extension. There exists an Ov-nice subalgebra of E that does not satisfy GU over Ov iff there exists a proper overring of Ov that is decomposed in E.


Assume that there exists a proper overring B of Ov that is decomposed in E; then B = (Ov)P, for some non-maximal prime ideal P of Ov. Let D1 and D2 be two valuation domains of E that are lying over B. It is clear that D1 and D2 are incomparable with respect to containment; this fact can be easily deduced by [3, Theorem 6.6] and [3, Proposition 13.1]. By [3, Theorem 13.2] there exists a valuation domain C1 of E that is lying over Ov. By [3, Theorem 6.6], the set of all overrings of C1 is totally ordered by inclusion; thus, C1 cannot be contained in both D1 and D2. Without loss of generality, we assume that C1 is not contained in D2. Denote by I1 the maximal ideal of C1, and by I2 the maximal ideal of D2. Let R = C1D2; then, by [1, Ch. 6, § 7, no. 1, Proposition 2], R has two maximal ideals: I1R and I2R. However, since D2 is lying over B = (Ov)P, its maximal ideal is lying over P. So, R has a maximal ideal that does not lie over Iv, the maximal ideal of Ov. In particular, R does not satisfy GU over Ov.

In the other direction, assume that there exists an Ov-nice subalgebra R of E that does not satisfy GU over Ov. So, there exist P1P2 in Spec(Ov) and Q1 ∈Spec(R) lying over P1, such that there exists no Q1Q2 in Spec(R) lying over P2. By [4, Theorem 9.38, statement (3)], R satisfies LO over Ov; thus, there exists \({Q_{2}}^{\prime }\) in Spec(R) lying over P2. Again, by [4, Theorem 9.38, statement (3)], R satisfies GD over Ov; thus, there exists \({Q_{1}}^{\prime } \subset {Q_{2}}^{\prime }\) in Spec(R) lying over P1. It is clear that \(Q_{1} \neq {Q_{1}}^{\prime }\). By [3, Corollary 9.7] there exists a valuation domain Ou of E, containing R, and having a maximal ideal Iu such that Q1 = IuR; likewise, there exists a valuation domain Ow of E, containing R, and having a maximal ideal Iw such that \({Q_{1}}^{\prime }=I_{w} \cap R\). Since both Q1 and \({Q_{1}}^{\prime }\) are lying over P1, we deduce that Iu and Iw are lying over P1; thus, Ou and Ow are two different valuation domains of E that are lying over \((O_{v})_{P_{1}}\); i.e., \((O_{v})_{P_{1}}\) is a proper overring of Ov that is decomposed in E. □

Remark 2.2

Note that, by [5, Corollary 4.24], an Ov-nice subalgebra R of E that does not satisfy GU over Ov, is not finitely generated as an algebra over Ov. Moreover, by [4, Theorem 9.38, statement (6)], for any quasi-valuation w on E extending v on F with Ow = R, one has w(E ∖{0}) is not torsion over Γv.

We present now an explicit example demonstrating the situation discussed in the previous theorem.

Example 2.3

Let C be a field with Char(C)≠ 2 and let F = C(x,y) denote the field of rational functions with two indeterminates x and y. Let Γv denote the group \( \mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z}\) with the left to right lexicographic order and let v denote the rank 2 valuation on F defined by

$$v(0)=\infty, \ \ v\left( \sum\limits_{0 \leq i,j \leq k} \alpha_{ij} y^{i} x^{j}\right)=\min \{(i,j) \mid \alpha_{ij} \neq 0\}$$

for every nonzero \({\sum }_{0 \leq i,j \leq k} \alpha _{ij} y^{i} x^{j} \in C[x,y]\), and \(v(\frac {f}{g})=v(f)-v(g)\) for every f,gC[x,y], g≠ 0. Let {0}≠P denote the non-maximal prime ideal of Ov, namely P = yOv; and denote (Ov)P, the localization of Ov at P, by \(O_{\widetilde {v}}\). Note that \(O_{\widetilde {v}}\) is a valuation domain of F of rank 1. Let \(E=F[\sqrt {1-y}]\) and let u be a valuation on E extending v; it is well known that there exists such u (see [2, Corollary 14.1.2]). By the fundamental inequality of valuation theory (see [2, Theorem 17.1.5]), there exist either one or two extensions of v to E. Note that

$$\sqrt{1-y} \in O_{u}, \ \ (1+\sqrt{1-y})+(1-\sqrt{1-y})=2 \notin I_{v}$$



Hence, exactly one of the elements \(1+\sqrt {1-y}\) or \(1-\sqrt {1-y}\) has u-value (1,0). Now, since the map \(a+b\sqrt {1-y} \rightarrow a-b\sqrt {1-y}\), a,bF, is an automorphism of E, there exist two extensions of v to E. We denote them by u1 and u2; where \(u_{1}(1+\sqrt {1-y})=(1,0)\), \(u_{1}(1-\sqrt {1-y})=(0,0)\) and \(u_{2}(1-\sqrt {1-y})=(1,0)\), \(u_{2}(1+\sqrt {1-y})=(0,0)\). Since \((\mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z}) / (\{0\} \times \mathbb {Z}) \cong \mathbb {Z}\), we may view \(\mathbb {Z}\) as the value group of \(\widetilde {v}\). Using the same argument as above, we deduce that \(\widetilde {v}\) has two extensions to E. We denote them by \(\widetilde {u_{1}}\) and \(\widetilde {u_{2}}\); where \(\widetilde {u_{1}}(1+\sqrt {1-y})=1\), \(\widetilde {u_{1}}(1-\sqrt {1-y})=0\) and \(\widetilde {u_{2}}(1-\sqrt {1-y})=1\), \(\widetilde {u_{2}}(1+\sqrt {1-y})=0\). It is easy to see that \(O_{u_{1}} \nsubseteq O_{\widetilde {u_{2}}}\). Let \(R_{0}=O_{u_{1}} \cap O_{\widetilde {u_{2}}}\) and note that R0 is an Ov-nice subalgebra of E. Using the same reasoning as in the previous theorem, we get that R0 has two maximal ideals: \(I_{u_{1}} \cap R_{0}\) and \(I_{\widetilde {u_{2}}}\cap R_{0}\). However, since \(O_{\widetilde {u_{2}}}\) is lying over \(O_{\widetilde {v}}\), its maximal ideal, \(I_{\widetilde {u_{2}}}\), is lying over P. So, R0 has a maximal ideal that does not lie over Iv.

In view of Remark 2.2 and the previous example, let wf denote the filter quasi-valuation induced by (R0,v) (cf. [4, Section 9] for the construction of the filter quasi-valuation); then there exists mwf(E ∖{0}) such that for all \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), \(nm \notin \mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z}\). Recall that a cut m = (mL,mR) of Γv is a partition of Γv into two subsets mL and mR, such that, for every αmL and βmR, α < β. Also recall that wf(E ∖{0}) is contained in \({\mathscr{M}}({{\varGamma }}_{v})\), where \({\mathscr{M}}({{\varGamma }}_{v})\) is the set of all cuts of Γv; \({\mathscr{M}}({{\varGamma }}_{v})\) is called the cut monoid of Γv. Let \(m_{0} \in {\mathscr{M}}({{\varGamma }}_{v})\) be the cut defined by \({m_{0}}^{L}=\{ \alpha \in \mathbb {Z} \times \mathbb {Z} \mid \alpha \leq (0,z) \text { for some } z \in \mathbb {Z} \}\); clearly, m0 + m0 = m0 and thus m0 is not torsion over Γv. Denote \(1+\sqrt {1-y}\) by r0; we show now that wf(r0) = m0. Note that for all \(t \in \mathbb {Z}\), u1(r0xt) = (1,t) > (0,0), and \(\widetilde {u_{2}}(r_{0} x^{t}) =0\). Thus, for all \(t \in \mathbb {Z}\), r0xtR0. Moreover, \(\widetilde {u_{2}}(r_{0} y^{-1})=-1\); thus, r0y− 1R0. More generally, r0a− 1R0 for every aOvP and r0a− 1R0 for every aP; in particular, the support of r0, \(S_{r_{0} } =\{ a \in O_{v} \mid r_{0} \in a R_{0} \}\), satisfies: for all \(a \in S_{r_{0} }\) there exists \(b \in S_{r_{0} }\) with v(b) > v(a). Therefore, by the definition of the filter quasi-valuation, wf(r0) = m0. In addition, (Γv,) and (,Γv) are not in wf(E ∖{0}); indeed, by the definition of the filter quasi-valuation, (,Γv)∉wf(E ∖{0}), and it is easy to check that in our case (Γv,)∉wf(E ∖{0}). Indeed, otherwise there exists rR0 such that for all aOv we have \(ra^{-1} \in R_{0} \subset O_{u_{1}}\), but then r would have an infinite value by u1; we note that one can also use [4, Theorem 8.14] to deduce that (Γv,)∉wf(E ∖{0}). Moreover, by [4, Definition 1.5 and Lemma 1.6], for every \(t \in \mathbb {Z}\), wf(r0yt) = (t,0) + m0; where, of course,

$$((t,0)+ m_{0})^{L}=\{ \alpha \in \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} \mid \alpha \leq (t,z) \text{ for some } z \in \mathbb{Z} \}.$$

Thus, \(w_{f} (E \setminus \{ 0 \})={\mathscr{M}}({{\varGamma }}_{v}) \setminus \{ ({{\varGamma }}_{v}, \emptyset ),(\emptyset ,{{\varGamma }}_{v})\}\).

Finally, we show that Example 2.3 easily provides us with an example, in a similar setting as in Example 2.3, of a noncommutative algebra lying over a valuation domain and not satisfying GU.

Example 2.4

Let the notation be as in Example 2.3 and let A = Mn(E). Then Mn(R0) is an Ov-subalgebra of A such that FMn(R0) = A and Mn(R0) ∩ F = Ov; Mn(R0) has maximal ideals \(M_{n}(I_{u_{1}} \cap R_{0})\) and \(M_{n}(I_{\widetilde {u_{2}}} \cap R_{0})\), while obviously \(M_{n}(I_{\widetilde {u_{2}}} \cap R_{0})\) is not lying over Iv.