1. Introduction

Given a valued field \( (K,\nu) \), we denote by \( \overline{K} \) an algebraic closure of \( K \); by \( R_{\nu} \), the valuation ring of \( \nu \); by \( M_{\nu} \), the maximal ideal of \( R_{\nu} \); by \( k_{\nu}=R_{\nu}/M_{\nu} \), the residue field of \( \nu \); and by \( \Gamma_{\nu} \), the (totally ordered abelian) value group of \( \nu \). We denote the set of elements \( g\in\Gamma_{\nu} \) such that \( g>0 \) by \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) and a minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \), if any, by \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+}) \). We also denote by \( \nu^{G} \) the Gaussian extension of \( \nu \) to the field \( K(X) \) of rational functions; i.e., given \( f(X)=\sum\nolimits_{i=0}^{m}a_{i}X^{i}\in K[X] \), we put \( \nu^{G}(f)=\min\{\nu(a_{0}),\dots,\nu(a_{m})\} \) and extend to \( K(X) \) as \( \nu^{G}(f/g)=\nu^{G}(f)-\nu^{G}(g) \) for \( f,g\in K[X] \) and \( g\neq 0 \).

Let \( (K,\nu) \) be a valued field of arbitrary rank, let \( f\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be a monic irreducible separable polynomial, let \( \alpha\in\overline{K} \) be a root of \( f \), let \( L=K(\alpha) \) be the simple field extension over \( K \) generated by \( \alpha \), and let \( S \) be the integral closure of \( R_{\nu} \) in \( L \). Assume that \( \overline{f}=\prod\nolimits_{i=0}^{s}\overline{\phi_{i}}^{\,l_{i}} \) is the monic irreducible factorization of \( \overline{f} \) over \( k_{\nu} \), and \( \phi_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) is a monic lifting of \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) for \( i=1,\dots,s \). For the sake of brevity, we will refer to these notations and assumptions as Assump’s.

Under Assump’s, if \( R_{\nu} \) is a discrete valuation ring and \( M_{\nu} \) does not divide the index ideal \( [S:R_{\nu}[\alpha]] \), then the well-known theorem of Dedekind (see [1, Proposition 8.3] for instance) gives the factorization of the ideal \( M_{\nu}S \); namely, \( M_{\nu}S=\prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}{\mathfrak{p}}_{i}^{l_{i}} \), where \( {{\mathfrak{p}}_{i}=M_{\nu}S+\phi_{i}(\alpha)S} \) with residue degree \( \operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \). Dedekind in [2] gave a criterion for the divisibility of \( {[S:R[\alpha]]} \) by \( M_{\nu} \) that was also extended in [3]. Considering an arbitrary valuation \( \nu \) in general, Ershov in [4] introduced a nice generalized version of Dedekind’s Criterion. Namely, he showed that if we write \( f \) in the form

$$ f=\prod\limits_{i=1}^{s}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}+\pi T $$

for some \( \pi\in M_{\nu} \) and \( {T\in(R_{\nu}-M_{\nu})[X]} \); then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed (i.e. \( R_{\nu}[\alpha]=S \)) if and only if either \( l_{i}=1 \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \) or, else, \( \nu(\pi)=\min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+}) \) and \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{T} \) for all those \( i=1,\dots,s \) with \( l_{i}\geq 2 \). Khanduja and Kumar gave a different elegant proof of Ershov’s result in [5, Theorem 1.1].

Assuming Assump’s, the following Theorem 2.5 gives a new characterization of the integral closedness of \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \), where we utilize the Euclidean division of \( f \) by \( \phi_{i} \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \), \( l_{i}\geq 2 \), with a motivation to enhance its application as compared to [5, Theorem 1.1]. Theorem 2.5 further improves [5, Theorem 4.1] as it does not require \( K \) to be Henselian. Using our techniques, moreover, we give a simpler proof of some significant result proved in [6, Theorem 1.3] which gives a complete characterization of the integral closedness of \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) which is based on the valuations of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) and their values at \( \phi_{i}(\alpha) \). We also compute the ramification indices and residue degrees of all valuations of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) (Corollary 2.10). Some further applications and examples are given in Section 3.

2. The Main Results

Keeping the notations of Assump’s, denote by \( (K^{h},\nu^{h}) \) a Henselization of \( (K,\nu) \) and by \( \overline{\nu^{h}} \) the unique extension of \( \nu^{h} \) to the algebraic closure \( \overline{K^{h}} \) of \( K^{h} \).

We begin this section with the following important well-known result which we present without proof (see, for instance, [7, 17.17]). The result asserts a one-to-one correspondence between the valuations on \( L \) extending \( \nu \) and the irreducible factors of \( f \) over \( K^{h} \).

Lemma 2.1

Keep the notation and assumptions of Assump’s. Let \( f=\prod\nolimits_{j=1}^{t}f_{j} \) be the factorization of \( f \) into a product of distinct monic irreducible polynomials over \( K^{h} \). Then there are exactly \( t \) extensions \( \omega_{1},\dots,\omega_{t} \) of \( \nu \) to \( L \). Moreover, if \( \alpha_{j} \) is a root of \( f_{j} \) in \( \overline{K^{h}} \) for \( j\in\{1,\dots,t\} \), then the valuation \( \omega_{j} \) corresponding to \( f_{j} \) is precisely the valuation on \( L \) satisfying \( \omega_{j}(h(\alpha))=\overline{\nu^{h}}(h(\alpha_{j})) \) for all \( h\in K[X] \).

The following result is a generalization of [8, Lemma 2.1] to arbitrary-rank valuations.

Lemma 2.2

Keep the notation and assumptions of Assump’s and Lemma \( 2.1 \).

(i) For every \( i=1,\dots,s \), there is some \( j=1,\dots,t \) such that \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \).

(ii) \( \omega_{j}(p(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(p(X)) \) for every \( j=1,\dots,t \) and every nonzero \( p\in R_{\nu}[X] \).

(iii) For every \( j=1,\dots,t \), there exists a unique \( i=1,\dots,s \) such that \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \). Moreover, \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{k}(\alpha))=0 \) for all \( k\neq i \), \( k=1,\dots,s \).

(iv) Equality holds in (ii) if and only if \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{(p/a)} \) for the unique index \( i \) associated to \( \omega_{j} \) in (iii), where \( a \) is any coefficient of \( p \) of a minimum \( \nu \)-valuation.


(i): Since \( k_{\nu^{h}}=k_{\nu} \); therefore, \( \prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}\overline{\phi_{i}}^{l_{i}}=\prod\nolimits_{j=1}^{t}\overline{f_{j}} \). So, for a fixed \( i=1,\dots,s \), there is some \( j=1,\dots,t \) such that \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides \( \overline{f_{j}} \). Since \( f_{j} \) is irreducible, it follows from Hensel’s Lemma that \( \overline{f_{j}}=\overline{\phi_{i}}^{u_{i}} \) for some \( 1\leq u_{i}\leq l_{i} \). Let \( \alpha_{j}\in\overline{K^{h}} \) be a root of \( f_{j} \). As \( f_{j}(\alpha_{j})=0 \), we have \( \overline{\phi_{i}(\alpha_{j})}^{u_{j}}=\overline{f_{j}(\alpha_{j})}=\overline{0} \) modulo \( M_{\overline{\nu^{h}}} \). Thus, \( \phi_{i}(\alpha_{j})^{u_{i}}\in M_{\overline{\nu^{h}}} \) and so \( \phi_{i}(\alpha_{j})\in M_{\overline{\nu^{h}}} \). Now, by Lemma 2.1, \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\overline{\nu^{h}}(\phi_{i}(\alpha_{j}))>0 \) as desired.

(ii): Set \( p_{1}=p/a \), where \( a \) is a coefficient of \( p \) of the least \( \nu \)-valuation. As \( \nu^{G}(p_{1})=0 \), \( p_{1}\in R_{\nu}[X] \). Since \( S=\bigcap\nolimits_{j=1}^{t}R_{\omega_{j}} \) (see [9, Corollary 3.1.4]), it follows that, for every \( j=1,\dots,t \), we have \( p_{1}(\alpha)\in R_{\nu}[\alpha]\subseteq S\subseteq R_{\omega_{j}} \) and

$$ \omega_{j}(p(\alpha))=\omega_{j}(a)+\omega_{j}(p_{1}(\alpha))=\nu(a)+\omega_{j}(p_{1}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(p(X))+\omega_{j}(p_{1}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(p(X)) $$

as claimed.

(iii): Fix a \( j=1,\dots,t \). Since \( \prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{l_{i}}\equiv f(\alpha)\equiv 0\;(\operatorname{mod}M_{\omega_{j}}) \); therefore, \( \omega_{j}(\prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{l_{i}})>0 \). Thus, \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \) (and so \( \phi_{i}(\alpha)\in M_{\omega_{j}} \)) for some \( i=1,\dots,s \). For \( k=1,\dots,s \) with \( k\neq i \), as \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) and \( \overline{\phi_{k}} \) are coprime modulo \( M_{\nu} \), we let \( s_{k},t_{k}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be such that \( \overline{s_{k}}\overline{\phi_{i}}+\overline{t_{k}}\overline{\phi}_{k}\equiv 1\;(\operatorname{mod}M_{\nu}) \). Then \( s_{k}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)+t_{k}(\alpha)\phi_{k}(\alpha)=1+h(\alpha) \) for some \( h\in M_{\nu}[X] \). As \( \nu^{G}(h)>0 \), it follows from (ii) that \( \omega_{j}(h(\alpha))>0 \) and so \( h(\alpha)\in M_{\omega_{j}} \). Since \( \phi_{i}(\alpha)\in M_{\omega_{j}} \) and \( s_{k}(\alpha)\in R_{\nu}[\alpha]\subseteq S\subseteq R_{\omega_{j}} \); therefore, \( s_{k}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha))\in M_{\omega_{j}} \). Thus, \( {t_{k}(\alpha)\phi_{k}(\alpha)\in R_{\omega_{j}}-M_{\omega_{j}}} \). Hence, \( \omega_{j}(t_{k}(\alpha)\phi_{k}(\alpha))=0 \) and so \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{k}(\alpha))=0 \), yielding the uniqueness of \( i \) such that \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \).

(iv): Define the map \( \psi_{j}:k_{\nu}[X]\to R_{\omega_{j}}/M_{\omega_{j}} \) by \( \overline{p}(X)\mapsto p(\alpha)+M_{\omega_{j}} \). Since \( M_{\nu}\subseteq M_{\omega_{j}} \), \( \psi_{j} \) is a well-defined ring homomorphism. As \( \omega_{j}(p(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(p(X))+\omega_{j}(p_{1}(\alpha)) \) (see (ii)), it follows that \( \omega_{j}(p(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(p(X)) \) if and only if \( \omega_{j}(p_{1}(\alpha))=0 \), if and only if \( p_{1}(\alpha)\in R_{\omega_{j}}-M_{\omega_{j}} \), if and only if \( \overline{p_{1}}(X)\not\in\operatorname{ker}\psi_{j} \). By (iii), let \( \phi_{i} \) be such that \( \omega_{j}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \). Then \( \phi_{i}(\alpha)\in M_{\omega_{j}} \) and so \( \overline{\phi_{i}}\in\operatorname{ker}\psi_{j} \). Since \( \operatorname{ker}\psi_{j} \) is a principal ideal of \( k_{\nu}[X] \) and \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) is irreducible over \( k_{\nu} \), \( \operatorname{ker}\psi_{j} \) is generated by \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \). It follows that \( \omega_{j}(p(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(p) \) if and only if \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{p_{1}} \).  ☐

Keeping the notation of Assump’s, in what follows we let \( q_{i},r_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be the quotient and the remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( f \) by \( \phi_{i} \) for \( i=1,\dots,s \).

In [5, Lemma 2.1(b)], it was shown that \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) contains a smallest element in case \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed and \( l_{i}\geq 2 \) for some \( i=1,\dots,s \). Below, we prove this fact differently with something more.

Lemma 2.3

Keep the notation and assumptions of Lemma \( 2.2 \). If \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed and \( I=\{i\mid l_{i}\geq 2,i=1,\dots,s\} \) is not empty, then \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) has a minimum element with \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\nu^{G}(r_{i}) \) for every \( i\in I \).


For \( i\in I \), let \( q_{i}^{*},r_{i}^{*}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be the quotient and remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( q_{i} \) by \( \phi_{i} \). Since \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides both \( \overline{f} \) and \( \overline{q_{i}}\overline{\phi_{i}} \); therefore, \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides \( \overline{r_{i}} \). But, as \( \phi_{i} \) is monic, \( \operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}})=\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})>\operatorname{deg}(r_{i})\geq\operatorname{deg}(\overline{r_{i}}) \). This implies that \( \overline{r_{i}} \) is zero and so \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})>0 \). Thus, \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \). Now as \( \overline{f}=\overline{q_{i}}\overline{\phi_{i}} \) and \( \overline{\phi_{i}}^{2} \) divides \( \overline{f} \), we see that \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) must divide \( \overline{q_{i}} \). Applying a similar argument to the expression \( \overline{q_{i}}=\overline{q_{i}^{*}}\overline{\phi_{i}}+\overline{r_{i}^{*}} \), we get that \( \overline{r_{i}^{*}} \) is zero. Thus, \( \nu^{G}(r_{i}^{*})>0 \) and so \( \nu^{G}(r_{i}^{*})\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \). To the contrary, suppose that \( \tau_{i}\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) is such that \( \tau_{i}<\nu^{G}(r_{i}) \), and set \( \delta_{i}=\min\{\tau_{i},\nu^{G}(r_{i})-\tau_{i},\nu^{G}(r_{i}^{*})\} \). As \( \delta_{i}\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \), let \( d_{i}\in R_{\nu} \) be such that \( \nu(d_{i})=\delta_{i} \) and set \( \theta_{i}=q_{i}(\alpha)/d_{i} \). Let \( \omega \) be a valuation of \( L \) extending \( \nu \). We show that \( \theta_{i}\in R_{\omega} \) and, since \( \omega \) is arbitrary, it would follow that \( \theta_{i}\in S \) [9, Corollary 3.1.4]. As \( f(\alpha)=0 \); therefore, \( \theta_{i}=-r_{i}(\alpha)/(d_{i}\phi_{i}(\alpha)) \). By Lemma 2.2, let \( j\in\{1,\dots,s\} \) be the unique index such that \( \omega(\phi_{j}(\alpha))>0 \) and \( \omega(\phi_{k}(\alpha))=0 \) for all \( k\in\{1,\dots,s\}-\{j\} \). If \( i\neq j \), then \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=0 \) and

$$ \omega(\theta_{i})=\omega(r_{i}(\alpha))-\omega(d_{i})=\omega(r_{i}(\alpha))-\nu(d_{i})\geq\nu^{G}(r_{i})-\delta_{i}>\delta_{i}-\delta_{i}=0, $$

and so \( \theta_{i}\in R_{\omega} \) in this case. Assume, on the other hand, that \( i=j \). If \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>\delta_{i} \), then as \( q_{i}^{*} \) is monic and \( \omega(q_{i}^{*}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(q_{i}^{*})=0 \) (Lemma 2.2), we have

$$ \omega(q_{i}(\alpha))\geq\min\{\omega(q_{i}^{*}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)),\omega(r_{i}^{*}(\alpha))\}\geq\min\{\omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha)),\nu^{G}(r_{i}^{*})\}\geq\delta_{i}. $$

So, \( \omega(\theta_{i})=\omega(q_{i}(\alpha))-\omega(d_{i})\geq\delta_{i}-\delta_{i}=0 \), which implies that \( \theta_{i}\in R_{\omega} \) in this case too. If, on the other hand, \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))\leq\delta_{i} \); then

$$ \omega(\theta_{i})=\omega(r_{i}(\alpha))-\omega(d_{i})-\omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(r_{i})-\delta_{i}-\delta_{i}\geq\nu^{G}(r_{i})-\tau_{i}-\delta_{i}\geq\delta_{i}-\delta_{i}=0. $$

So \( \theta_{i}\in R_{\omega} \) in this case as well. It follows now from the above argument that \( \theta_{i}\in S \). But, as \( q_{i} \) is monic and \( 1/d_{i}\not\in R_{\nu} \), it is clear that \( \theta_{i}\not\in R_{\nu}[\alpha] \), contradicting the assumption that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed. Hence, \( \nu^{G}(r_{i}) \) is the minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) as claimed.  ☐

Lemma 2.4

Keep the notation and assumptions of Lemma \( 2.2 \). If \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\sigma \), then \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma/l_{i} \) for all \( i\in\{1,\dots,s\} \) with \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) and for every valuation \( \omega \) of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) such that \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \).


Let \( i\in\{1,\dots,s\} \) and let \( \omega \) be a valuation of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) such that \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \). Write \( f \) in the form \( f=m_{i}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}+n_{i}\phi_{i}+r_{i} \), with \( m_{i},n_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) and \( \nu^{G}(m_{i})=0 \), while \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{m_{i}} \), \( \nu^{G}(n_{i})>0 \), and \( \operatorname{deg}(r_{i})<\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \). Notice that if \( l_{i}=1 \) then \( m_{i}=q_{i} \) and \( n_{i}=0 \). By Lemma 2.2, \( \omega(n_{i}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(n_{i})\geq\sigma \), \( \omega(m_{i}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(m_{i})=0 \), and \( \omega(r_{i}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) as \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides neither \( \overline{m_{i}} \) nor \( \overline{r_{i}} \). We then have

$$ l_{i}\omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\omega(m_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}(\alpha))=\omega(n_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)+r_{i}(\alpha))=\omega(r_{i}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma $$

as claimed.  ☐

Now we get to our first main result which computationally enhances [5, Theorem 1.1] as well as improves [5, Theorem 4.1] in the sense that \( K \) is not assumed to be Henselian.

Theorem 2.5

Keep the notation and assumptions of Lemma \( 2.2 \).

(i) If \( l_{i}=1 \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \), then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed.

(ii) If \( I=\{i\mid l_{i}\geq 2,i=1,\dots,s\} \) is not empty, then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+}) \) for every \( i\in I \).


(i): Assume that \( l_{i}=1 \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \). An arbitrary element of \( S \) is of the form \( \theta=h(\alpha)/b \) for some \( b\in R_{\nu} \) and \( h\in R_{\nu}[X] \), with \( \nu^{G}(h)=0 \) and \( {\operatorname{deg}(h)<\operatorname{deg}(f)} \). Since \( f \) is monic, \( \operatorname{deg}(\overline{h})\leq\operatorname{deg}(h)<\operatorname{deg}(f)=\operatorname{deg}(\overline{f}) \). As \( l_{i}=1 \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \), there is some \( i=1,\dots,s \) such that \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{h} \). For such a fixed \( i \), let \( \omega \) be a valuation of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) such that \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \), which exists by Lemma 2.2. Hence, \( \omega(h(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(h)=0 \). If \( \nu(b)>0 \), then \( {\omega(\theta)=\omega(h(\alpha))-\omega(b)=0-\nu(b)<0} \). Thus \( \theta\not\in S \), which is a contradiction. Hence, \( \nu(b)=0 \), which implies that \( \theta\in R_{\nu}[\alpha] \). This shows that \( S=R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) and so \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed.

(ii): Assume that \( I\neq\varnothing \). If \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed, then it follows from Lemma 2.3 that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i}) \) is the minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) for every \( i\in I \), as claimed.

Conversely, put \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\sigma \) and let \( \pi\in R_{\nu} \) be such that \( \nu(\pi)=\sigma \). Assume that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) for every \( i\in I \). We aim at proving that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed. By an appropriate choice of a lifting of \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \), we begin by showing that we can also assume that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) for \( i\not\in I \). Let \( i\not\in I \), and assume that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})>\sigma \). If \( \delta\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) with \( \sigma<\delta<2\sigma \), then \( \delta-\sigma\in\Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) with \( \delta-\sigma<2\sigma-\sigma=\sigma \) contradicting the minimality of \( \sigma \). So there is no element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) lying strictly between \( \sigma \) and \( 2\sigma \). So, \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})\geq 2\sigma \). Let \( q_{i}^{*},r_{i}^{*}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be the quotient and remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( q_{i} \) by \( \phi_{i} \). Put \( \phi_{i}^{**}=\phi_{i}+\pi \), \( q_{i}^{**}=q_{i}-\pi q_{i}^{*} \), and \( r_{i}^{**}=r_{i}-\pi r_{i}^{*}+\pi^{2}q_{i}^{*} \). Then

$$ q_{i}^{**}\phi_{i}^{**}+r_{i}^{**}=(q_{i}-\pi q_{i}^{*})(\phi_{i}+\pi)+r_{i}-\pi r_{i}^{*}+\pi^{2}q_{i}^{*}=q_{i}\phi_{i}+r_{i}=f. $$

It can be easily checked that \( q_{i}^{**} \) and \( r_{i}^{**} \) are the quotient and remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( f \) by \( \phi_{i}^{**} \) (if \( \operatorname{deg}(r_{i}^{**})\geq\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}^{**}) \); then we replace \( r_{i}^{**} \) by the remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( r_{i}^{**} \) with \( \phi_{i}^{**} \) and replace \( q_{i}^{**} \) with \( q_{i}^{**}+Q_{i} \), where \( Q_{i} \) is the quotient upon the Euclidean division of \( r_{i}^{**} \) by \( \phi_{i}^{**} \)). Since \( l_{i}=1 \), \( \overline{r_{i}^{*}} \) is nonzero, and so \( \nu^{G}(\pi r_{i}^{*})=\nu(\pi)=\sigma \). As \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})\geq 2\sigma \) and \( \nu^{G}(\pi^{2}q_{i}^{*})\geq\nu(\pi^{2})=2\sigma \), it follows that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i}^{**})=\nu^{G}(\pi r_{i}^{*})=\sigma \). So, replacing \( \phi_{i} \) by \( \phi_{i}+\pi \), we can assume that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \). We thus assume in the remainder of the proof that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \). We finally get to proving that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed. Assume to the contrary that there exists some \( \theta\in S-R_{\nu}[\alpha] \). Then \( \theta \) can be written as \( \theta=g(\alpha)/b \) for some \( b\in R_{\nu} \) and \( g\in R_{\nu}[X] \) with \( \nu(b)\geq\sigma \), \( \nu^{G}(g)=0 \), and \( \operatorname{deg}(g)<\operatorname{deg}(f) \). Given \( i=1,\dots,s \), let \( m_{i}\geq 0 \) be the highest power of \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) dividing \( \overline{g} \). Since \( \operatorname{deg}(g)<\operatorname{deg}(f) \), there must exist some \( i=1,\dots,s \) such that \( m_{i}\leq l_{i}-1 \). For such an \( i \), apply the Euclidean division of \( g \) by \( \phi_{i}^{m_{i}} \) to get \( g=S_{i}\phi_{i}^{m_{i}}+T_{i} \), where \( S_{i},T_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \), while \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{S_{i}} \), and \( \nu^{G}(T_{i})\geq\sigma \). By Lemma 2.2, let \( \omega \) be a valuation of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) such that \( \omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \). Since \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{S_{i}} \) and \( S_{i} \) is monic, it follows from Lemma 2.2 that \( \omega(S_{i}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(S_{i})=0 \). Using Lemma 2.4, we then have \( \omega(S_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{m_{i}})=m_{i}\omega(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=m_{i}\sigma/l_{i} \). Since \( \omega(T_{i}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(T_{i})\geq\sigma \) (by Lemma 2.2), it follows that

$$ \omega(g(\alpha))=\min\{\omega(S_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{m_{i}}),\omega(T_{i}(\alpha))\}=\min\{m_{i}\sigma/l_{i},\sigma\}=m_{i}\sigma/l_{i}<\sigma. $$

Thus, \( \omega(\theta)=\omega(g(\alpha))-\omega(b)=\omega(g(\alpha))-\nu(b)<\sigma-\sigma=0 \). Hence, \( \theta\not\in R_{\omega} \) and so \( \theta\not\in S \). This contradiction leads to the conclusion that \( S=R_{\nu}[\alpha] \), as desired.  ☐

The following corollary is immediate.

Corollary 2.6

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \). If \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) does not have a minimum element, then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( l_{i}=1 \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \).

The following corollary shows, in particular, that Theorem 2.5 is a new version of the generalized Dedekind criterion which computationally improves [4, Theorem 1] and [5, Theorem 1.1] in the case of separable extensions.

Corollary 2.7

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \). If \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) has a minimum element \( \sigma \) and \( I=\{i\mid l_{i}\geq 2 \), \( i=1,\dots,s\} \) is not empty, then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{M} \) for every \( i\in I \), where \( M=\frac{f-\prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}}{\pi} \) for any \( \pi\in R_{\nu} \) with \( \nu(\pi)=\sigma \).


Let \( i\in I \). Since \( \overline{r_{i}}=\overline{f}-\overline{q_{i}}\;\overline{\phi_{i}} \) and \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides \( \overline{f} \); therefore, \( \overline{r_{i}} \) is divisible by \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \). But as \( \operatorname{deg}(\overline{r_{i}})\leq\operatorname{deg}(r_{i})<\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=\operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}}) \), \( \overline{r_{i}} \) must be zero. Thus,

$$ \overline{q_{i}}=\overline{\phi_{i}^{l_{i}-1}}\prod\limits_{j=1,j\neq i}^{s}\overline{\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}}. $$

Let \( H_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be such that \( q_{i}=\phi_{i}^{l_{i}-1}\prod\nolimits_{j=1,j\neq i}^{s}\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}+\pi H_{i} \) with \( \pi\in R_{\nu} \) such that \( \nu(\pi)=\sigma \). Then

$$ f=\bigg{(}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}-1}\prod\limits_{j=1,j\neq i}^{s}\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}+\pi H_{i}\bigg{)}\phi_{i}+r_{i}. $$


$$ M=\frac{f-\prod\limits_{j=1}^{s}\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}}{\pi}\in R_{\nu}[X]. $$


$$ M=\frac{\Big{(}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}-1}\prod\limits_{j=1,j\neq i}^{s}\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}+\pi H_{i}\Big{)}\phi_{i}+r_{i}-\prod\limits_{j=1}^{s}\phi_{j}^{l_{j}}}{\pi}=H_{i}\phi_{i}+\frac{r_{i}}{\pi}. $$

Since \( M,H_{i}\phi_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \), we must have \( \frac{r_{i}}{\pi}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) and so \( \nu^{G}\bigl{(}\frac{r_{i}}{\pi}\bigr{)}\geq 0 \). Clearly, \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides \( \overline{M} \) if and only if \( \overline{\phi} \) divides \( \overline{(\frac{r_{i}}{\pi})} \). As \( \operatorname{deg}(\overline{(\frac{r_{i}}{\pi})})\leq\operatorname{deg}(\overline{r_{i}})<\operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}}) \) (see above), we conclude that \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) divides \( \overline{M} \) if and only if \( \overline{(\frac{r_{i}}{\pi})} \) is zero; i.e., \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})>\sigma \). Contrapositively, \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{M} \) if and only if \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \).  ☐

Our second main result, Theorem 2.9 below, gives a characterization of the integral closedness of \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) which is based on characterization of the extensions of \( \nu \) to \( L \) (see also [6, Theorem 1.3], where the proof of our result is simpler and selfcontained).

In 1850, Eisenstein introduced his infamous criterion for testing irreducibility of polynomials over valued fields in [10]. In 2008, Brown gave a simple proof of the most general version of Eisenstein–Schönemann irreducibility criterion in [11]. Namely, if \( p\in{𝕑} \) is prime and \( f\in{𝕑}[x] \) is such that \( f=\phi^{n}+a_{n-1}\phi^{n-1}+\dots+a_{0} \) for some monic polynomial \( \phi\in{𝕑}[x] \) whose reduction modulo \( p \) is irreducible and \( a_{i}\in{𝕑}[x] \) with \( \deg(a_{i})<\deg(\phi) \) for \( i=0,\dots,n-1 \), then \( f \) is irreducible over \( {𝕈} \) if \( \operatorname{gcd}(\nu_{p}^{G}(a_{0}),n)=1 \) and \( n\nu_{p}^{G}(a_{i})\geq(n-i)\nu_{p}^{G}(a_{0})>0 \) for every \( i \) where \( \nu_{p} \) is the \( p \)-adic valuation. In preparation for Theorem 2.9, we introduce the following definition and prove some lemma that partially generalizes the Eisenstein–Schönemann irreducibility criterion.


We say that a monic polynomial \( g\in R_{\nu}[X] \) is \( \nu \)-Eisenstein–Schönemann if there exists a monic polynomial \( \psi\in R_{\nu}[X] \) such that \( \overline{\psi} \) is irreducible, \( \overline{g} \) is a positive power of \( \overline{\psi} \), and \( \nu^{G}(r)=\min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+}) \), where \( r\in R_{\nu}[X] \) is the remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( g \) by \( \psi \). In particular, if \( \psi(x)=x \), then \( g \) is said to be \( \nu \)-Eisenstein.

Lemma 2.8

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \). If \( g\in R_{\nu}[X] \) is monic and \( \nu \)-Eisenstein–Schönemann, then \( g \) is irreducible over \( K \).


Let \( \psi\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be monic such that \( \overline{\psi} \) is irreducible, \( \overline{g}=\overline{\psi}^{l} \), and \( \nu^{G}(r)=\min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\sigma \), where \( r\in R_{\nu}[X] \) is the remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( g \) by \( \psi \). Suppose to the contrary that \( g=h_{1}h_{2} \) for some nonconstant and monic \( h_{1},h_{2}\in R_{\nu}[X] \). Then \( \overline{h_{1}}=\overline{\psi}^{l_{1}} \) and \( \overline{h_{2}}=\overline{\psi}^{l_{2}} \) for some positive \( l_{1} \) and \( l_{2} \) with \( l_{1}+l_{2}=l \). Assume that the Euclidean division of each of \( g \), \( h_{1} \), and \( h_{2} \) by \( \psi \) yields

$$ g=q\psi+r,\quad h_{1}=q_{1}\psi+r_{1},\quad h_{2}=Q_{2}\psi+r_{2}. $$

It is clear that \( r \) is the remainder upon the Euclidean division of the product \( r_{1}r_{2} \) by \( \psi \). Since both \( \overline{h_{1}} \) and \( \overline{h_{2}} \) are positive powers of \( \overline{\psi} \), both of \( \overline{r_{1}} \) and \( \overline{r_{2}} \) must be zero. So, \( \nu^{G}(r_{1})\geq\sigma \) and \( \nu^{G}(r_{2})\geq\sigma \). Thus, \( \nu^{G}(r)\geq 2\sigma>\sigma \) (as \( \sigma>0 \)), which is a contradiction. Hence, \( g \) is irreducible over \( R_{\nu} \) and, consequently, irreducible over \( K \) (by Gauss’s Lemma as \( R_{\nu} \) is integrally closed).  ☐

Theorem 2.9

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \). The following are equivalent:

(i) \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed.

(ii) \( \nu \) has exactly \( s \) distinct extensions \( \omega_{1},\dots,\omega_{s} \) to \( L \), and if \( I=\{i\mid l_{i}\geq 2,i=1,\dots,s\} \) is not empty; then \( l_{i}\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha)) \) is the minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) for every \( i\in I \), where \( \omega_{i} \) is a valuation satisfying \( \omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \) which exists by Lemma \( 2.2 \).


Assume that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed. Since \( k_{\nu}=k_{\nu^{h}} \) and \( \overline{f}=\prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}\overline{\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}} \), Hensel’s Lemma yields a factorization \( f=\prod\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}f_{i} \) over \( K^{h} \) such that \( \overline{f_{i}}=\overline{\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}} \) for \( i=1,\dots,s \). In order for us to invoke Lemma 2.1, we need to show that the factors \( f_{1},\dots,f_{s} \) are all irreducible over \( K^{h} \). If \( i\in\{1,\dots,s\}-I \), then \( f_{i} \) is immediately irreducible over \( K^{h} \) since \( \overline{f_{i}}=\overline{\phi_{i}} \) is irreducible. If \( i\in I \), then we set to show that \( f_{i} \) is \( \nu^{h} \)-Eisenstein–Schönemann and thus irreducible by Lemma 2.8. Since \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed and \( l_{i}\geq 2 \), it follows from Lemma 2.3 that \( \Gamma^{+} \) has a minimum element \( \sigma \) and \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \). Notice that as \( \Gamma_{\nu}=\Gamma_{\nu^{h}} \); therefore, \( \sigma \) is the minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu^{h}}^{+} \) as well. Let \( q_{i}^{*},r_{i}^{*}\in R_{\nu^{h}}[X] \) be, respectively, the quotient and remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( f_{i} \) by \( \phi_{i} \). Letting \( G_{i}=\prod\nolimits_{j=1,j\neq i}^{s}f_{j} \), we write \( f=f_{i}G_{i}=q_{i}^{*}\phi_{i}G_{i}+r_{i}^{*}G_{i} \). Using the Euclidean division again to divide \( r_{i}^{*}G_{i} \) by \( \phi_{i} \), let \( r_{i}^{*}G_{i}=q_{i}^{**}\phi_{i}+r_{i}^{**} \), with \( q_{i}^{**},r_{i}^{**}\in R_{\nu^{h}}[X] \). Then

$$ f=q_{i}^{*}\phi_{i}G_{i}+q_{i}^{**}\phi_{i}+r_{i}^{**}=(q_{i}^{*}G_{i}+q_{i}^{**})\phi_{i}+r_{i}^{**}. $$

Owing to the uniqueness of the remainder, \( r_{i}=r_{i}^{**} \). Thus, \( {\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i}^{**})={\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i})=\nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \). If \( {\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i}^{*})>\sigma \), then \( {\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i}^{*}G_{i})>\sigma \) and so \( {\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i}^{**})>\sigma \); a contradiction. Thus, \( {\nu^{h}}^{G}(r_{i}^{*})=\sigma \) and we conclude that \( f_{i} \) is \( \nu^{h} \)-Eisenstein–Schönemann as desired. It follows now by Lemma 2.1 that there are exactly \( s \) valuations \( \omega_{1},\dots,\omega_{s} \) of \( L \) extending \( \nu \); and by Lemma 2.4\( l_{i}\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma \) for the valuation \( \omega_{i} \) of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) with \( \omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \).

Conversely, assume that there are exactly \( s \) valuations \( \omega_{1},\dots,\omega_{s} \) of \( L \) extending \( \nu \), and if \( I=\{i\mid l_{i}\geq 2,i=1,\dots,s\} \) is not empty, then \( l_{i}\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha)) \) is the minimum element of \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) for every \( i\in I \) and every \( \omega_{i} \) satisfying \( \omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \). If \( I=\varnothing \), then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed by Theorem 2.5. Assume that \( I\neq\varnothing \). Following Theorem 2.5, in order to show that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed, it suffices to prove that \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\sigma \) for every \( i\in I \), where \( \sigma=\min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+}) \). Let \( \omega_{i} \) be the valuation of \( L \) extending \( \nu \) such that \( \omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>0 \) (by Lemma 2.2). Then, by assumption, \( l_{i}\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma \). Write \( f \) in the form \( f=m_{i}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}+n_{i}\phi_{i}+r_{i} \) for \( m_{i},n_{i}\in R_{\nu}[X] \) with \( \nu^{G}(m_{i})=0 \). Thus \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{m_{i}} \), \( \nu^{G}(n_{i})>0 \), and \( \operatorname{deg}(r_{i})<\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \). Since \( f(\alpha)=0 \), we have \( r_{i}=-m_{i}\phi_{i}^{l_{i}}-n_{i}\phi_{i} \). We can see (using Lemma 2.2(ii)) that

$$ \omega_{i}(n_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\omega_{i}(n_{i}(\alpha))+\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))>\omega_{i}(n_{i}(\alpha))\geq\nu^{G}(n_{i})\geq\sigma, $$

and (where \( \omega_{i}(m_{i}(\alpha))=\nu^{G}(m_{i})=0 \) by Lemma 2.2(iv))

$$ \omega_{i}(m_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{l_{i}})=\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{l_{i}})=l_{i}\omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma. $$


$$ \omega_{i}(r_{i}(\alpha))=\omega_{i}\left(-m_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)^{l_{i}}-n_{i}(\alpha)\phi_{i}(\alpha)\right)=\sigma. $$

Since \( \operatorname{deg}(r_{i})<\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \), \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) does not divide \( \overline{r_{i}} \). So, by Lemma 2.2(iv), \( \nu^{G}(r_{i})=\omega_{i}(r_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma \) and the proof is complete.  ☐

With the notation of Theorem 2.9, given a valuation \( \omega_{i} \) of \( L \) extending \( \nu \), we denote the ramification index \( [\Gamma_{\omega_{i}}:\Gamma_{\nu}] \) by \( e(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) and the residue degree \( [k_{\omega_{i}}:k_{\nu}] \) by \( f(\omega_{i}/\nu) \). The following fundamental inequality is well known (see [9, Theorem 3.3.4] for instance):

$$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}e(\omega_{i}/\nu)f(\omega_{i}/\nu)\leq[L:K]. $$

When \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed, we calculate in the next corollary the ramification indices \( e(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) and residue degrees \( f(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) and show consequently that the above inequality is indeed an equality.

Corollary 2.10

Keep the notation and assumptions of Theorem \( 2.9 \). If \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed, then \( e(\omega_{i}/\nu)=l_{i} \) and \( f(\omega_{i}/\nu)=\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \) and, furthermore, \( \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{s}e(\omega_{i}/\nu)f(\omega_{i}/\nu)=[L:K] \).


We show first that \( e(\omega_{i}/\nu)\geq l_{i} \) and \( f(\omega_{i}/\nu)\geq\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i}) \) for every \( i=1,\dots,s \). If \( l_{i}=1 \) for some \( i=1,\dots,s \), then clearly \( e(\omega_{i}/\nu)\geq l_{i} \). Since \( \overline{f_{i}}=\overline{\phi_{i}} \), it follows that, for any root \( \alpha_{i} \) of \( f_{i} \), \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) is the minimal polynomial of \( \overline{\alpha_{i}} \) over \( k_{\nu} \) and so

$$ \operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=\operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}})=[k_{\nu}(\overline{\alpha_{i}}):k_{\nu}]\leq[k_{\omega_{i}}:k_{\nu}]=f(\omega_{i}/\nu). $$

If \( l_{i}\geq 2 \) for some \( i=1,\dots,s \), then it follows from Theorem 2.9(ii) that \( \omega_{i}(\phi_{i}(\alpha))=\sigma/l_{i} \), where \( \sigma=\min(\Gamma^{+}_{\nu}) \). So, \( \Gamma_{\nu}\subseteq\Gamma[\sigma/l_{i}]\subseteq\Gamma_{\omega_{i}} \) and

$$ l_{i}=[\Gamma_{\nu}[\sigma/l_{i}]:\Gamma_{\nu}]\leq[\Gamma_{\omega_{i}}:\Gamma_{\nu}]=e(\omega_{i}/\nu). $$

Also, for a root \( \alpha_{i} \) of \( f_{i} \), we have \( \overline{\phi_{i}}(\overline{\alpha_{i}})^{l_{i}}=\overline{f_{i}}(\overline{\alpha_{i}})=0 \) implying that \( \overline{\phi_{i}}(\overline{\alpha_{i}})=0 \) in \( k_{\omega_{i}} \). Since \( \overline{\phi_{i}} \) is monic and irreducible over \( k_{\nu} \); therefore,

$$ \operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=\operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}})=[k_{\nu}(\overline{\alpha_{i}}):k_{\nu}]\leq[k_{\omega_{i}}:k_{\nu}]=f(\omega_{i}/\nu). $$

Now, the above argument yields

$$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}e(\omega_{i}/\nu)f(\omega_{i}/\nu)\geq\sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}l_{i}\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}l_{i}\operatorname{deg}(\overline{\phi_{i}})=\operatorname{deg}(\overline{f})=\operatorname{deg}(f)=[L:K]. $$

Thus, by this and the fundamental inequality, we get the claimed equality

$$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}e(\omega_{i}/\nu)f(\omega_{i}/\nu)=[L:K]. $$

Furthermore, since \( l_{i}\leq e(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) and \( \operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})\leq f(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) for all \( i=1,\dots,s \) with

$$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}l_{i}\operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{s}e(\omega_{i}/\nu)f(\omega_{i}/\nu), $$

we conclude that \( l_{i}=e(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) and \( \operatorname{deg}(\phi_{i})=f(\omega_{i}/\nu) \) for every \( i=1,\dots,s \).  ☐

3. Applications and Examples

Corollary 3.1

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \) with \( f(X)=X^{n}-a\in R_{\nu}[X] \) irreducible of degree \( n\geq 2 \) and \( a\in M_{\nu} \).

1. If \( \Gamma_{\nu}^{+} \) has no minimum element, then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is not integrally closed.

2. If \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\sigma \), then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \nu(a)=\sigma \).


This is a direct application of Theorem 2.5.  ☐

Corollary 3.2

Keep the assumptions of Theorem \( 2.5 \). Let \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=\sigma \) and let \( g\in R_{\nu}[X] \) be monic. If \( g \) is \( \nu \)-Eisenstein and \( L=K(\theta) \) for some root \( \theta \) of \( g \), then \( R_{\nu}[\theta] \) is integrally closed.


By Lemma 2.8, \( g \) is irreducible over \( K \). Now, the remaining part is straightforward from Theorem 2.5.  ☐

Corollary 3.3

Let \( f(X)=X^{n}-a\in R_{\nu}[X] \), \( \min(\Gamma^{+})=\sigma \), \( \nu(a)=m\sigma \) for some \( m\in{𝕅} \). Let \( L=K(\theta) \) for a root \( \theta \) of \( f(X) \). If \( m \) and \( n \) are coprime; then \( f \) is irreducible over \( R \) and \( R[\theta^{v}/\pi^{u}] \) is the integral closure of \( R \) in \( L \), where \( \pi\in R_{\nu} \) is such that \( \nu(\pi)=\sigma \), and \( u,v\in{𝕑} \) are the unique integers such that \( mv-nu=1 \) and \( 0\leq v<n \).


Let \( A=a^{v}/\pi^{nu} \). Then \( \nu(A)=(mv-nu)\sigma=\sigma \). By Lemma 2.8, \( g(X)=X^{n}-A \) is irreducible over \( R_{\nu} \). Furthermore, \( \theta^{v}/\pi^{u} \) is a root of \( g \). So \( [K(\theta^{v}/\pi^{u}):K]=n \). Therefore, \( K(\theta)=K(\theta^{v}/\pi^{u}) \) and \( f \) is irreducible over \( K \). By Corollary 3.2, \( R_{\nu}[\theta^{v}/\pi^{u}] \) is integrally closed.  ☐

Example 1

Let \( \geq \) be the lexicographic order on \( {𝕑}^{2} \); i.e., \( (a,b)\geq(c,d) \) if and only if (\( a<c \)) or (\( a=c \) and \( b\leq d \)). Then \( ({𝕑}^{2},\geq) \) is a totally ordered abelian group. Let \( F \) be a field and \( K=F(X,Y) \), the field of rational functions over \( F \) in indeterminates \( X \) and \( Y \). Define the valuation \( \nu:K\to{𝕑}^{2}\cup\{\infty\} \) by \( 0\neq\sum\nolimits_{i,j}a_{i,j}X^{i}Y^{j}\mapsto\min\{(i,j)\mid a_{i,j}\neq 0\} \) for \( \sum\nolimits_{i,j}a_{i,j}X^{i}Y^{j}\in F[X,Y] \), \( 0\mapsto\infty \), and \( \nu^{G}(f/g)=\nu^{G}(f)-\nu^{G}(g) \) for \( f,g\in F[X,Y] \) with \( g\neq 0 \). Then, obviously, \( \nu \) is a discrete valuation on \( K \) of rank 2 whose value group is \( \Gamma_{\nu}=({𝕑}^{2},\geq) \). Let \( f(Z)=Z^{3}+aZ+b\in R_{\nu}[Z] \) be irreducible and \( L=K(\alpha) \) for some root \( \alpha \) of \( f \). Assume that \( \nu(a)>(0,0) \) and \( \nu(b)>(0,0) \). Then \( \overline{f}(Z)=Z^{3} \). Let \( r \) be the remainder upon the Euclidean division of \( f \) by \( Z \). Noting that \( \min(\Gamma_{\nu}^{+})=(0,1) \), it follows from Theorem 2.5 that \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \nu^{G}(r)=(0,1) \). In particular, if \( f(Z)=Z^{3}+Y \), then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed; while if \( f(Z)=Z^{3}+YZ+X \), then \( R_{\nu}[\alpha] \) is not integrally closed.

Example 2

Let \( (F,\nu) \) be a valued field and let \( K=F(X) \) be the field of rational functions over \( F \) in an indeterminate \( X \). Given some positive irrational real \( \lambda \), define the valuation \( \omega:K\to{𝕉}\cup\{\infty\} \) as follows: \( \omega(0)=\infty \), for \( 0\neq f(X)=\sum\nolimits_{i=0}^{n}a_{i}X^{i}\in F[X] \), set \( {\omega(f)=\min\{\nu(a_{i})+i\lambda,i\}} \), and for \( f,g\in F[X] \) with \( g\neq 0 \), \( \omega(f/g)=\omega(f)-\omega(g) \) (see [9, Theorem 2.2.1]). Let \( f(Z)=Z^{3}+aZ+b\in R_{\omega}[Z] \) be irreducible and \( L=K(\alpha) \) for some root \( \alpha \) of \( f \). If \( (F,\nu) \) is the trivial valued field, then \( \Gamma_{\omega}=\lambda{𝕑} \). So, in this case, if \( \nu(a)>0 \) and \( \nu(b)>0 \), then \( \overline{f}(Z)=Z^{3} \). Hence, by Theorem 2.5, \( R_{\omega}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \nu(b)=\lambda \). In particular, if \( f(Z)=Z^{3}+X \), then \( R_{\omega}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed. If \( F={𝕈} \) and \( \nu \) is the \( p \)-adic valuation on \( {𝕈} \) for some prime integer \( p \), then \( \Gamma_{\omega}={𝕑}+\lambda{𝕑} \), which is dense in \( {𝕉} \) and, thus, \( \inf(\Gamma_{\omega}^{+})=0 \). So, according to Theorem 2.5, \( R_{\omega}[\alpha] \) is integrally closed if and only if \( \overline{f} \) is square-free. In particular, if \( \nu(a)>0 \) and \( \nu(b)>0 \); then \( \overline{f}(Z)=Z^{3} \) and so \( R_{\omega}[\alpha] \) is not integrally closed.