
Data mining is the procedure of mining knowledge from data and deals with the kind of patterns that can be mined. It plays a very important role in detection of fraud, providing better medical treatments at reasonable price, prediction of diseases at early stages, intelligent health-care decision support systems, etc., Various data mining techniques are classification, association, sequencing and clustering. These are predominantly used in health-care domain for early diagnosis of disease, selecting an appropriate treatment for the identified disease (Gracia Jacob 2015) and to design a drug for identified disease (Kang and Hong 2011). Health-care data mainly contains all the information regarding patients such as gene, protein, DNA, RNA sequences and about the parties involved in health-care industries. Humans have trillions of cells and each cell contains a complete copy of genome which is encoded into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Gene is a segment of DNA that specifies how to make a protein. It is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. They vary in size from few hundreds to more than two million bases. Gene expression is the process by which information encoded in a gene is converted into a protein (Yu et al. 2015). In cellular organisms, expression of right genes in right order at right time is crucial particularly during embryonic development and cell differentiation. Gene sequencing involves defining the order of bases and nucleotide units such as T, G, C, A (thymine, guanine, cytosine and adenine). When there is any change or variation in gene sequences, it results in inflammation of cell that results in cancer (Alshamlan et al. 2013). Cancer is basically a disease of ‘genes gone bad’. Many cells control the way cells grow, divide and die. When there is an error in this, cell division may go out of control. Different kinds of cancer are caused by different sets of genes. So for its treatment, it is essential to know which of the genes in a cancer cell are behaving abnormally (Heo et al. 2013). The DNA microarray is the latest breakthrough in molecular biology, which provides researchers with an approach to monitor genome-wide expression systematically. Its application in cancer study has proved to be successful in elucidating the pathological mechanism and ultimately contributing to the battle against cancer. However, the current hurdle is how to make use of tremendous amount and ever-growing microarray experimental data to better predict cancer. MGE data has lot of noisy or irrelevant genes and missing data which affects prediction accuracy. Microarray data is high dimensional (thousands of genes) and low sample dataset (Golub et al. 1999). Feature selection which is a very important phase in data mining is essential to mine significant patterns from microarray data for detecting carcinogenic mutations. Selecting important genes from high-dimensional MGE data is time consuming for screening the disease. Gene (feature) selection reduces dimensionality of data and hence computation time also gets reduced. So, gene selection plays a major role in selecting predictive genes that are prominent in identifying the sub-types of cancer. The dimensions of MGE data is in thousands, all are not driver genes to identify the cancer sub-type. Hence, parallel gene (feature) selection methods select the required number of optimal genes from microarray data to improve classification of cancer sub-types in very less time.

As MGE data is high-dimensional, it can be run in parallel programming frameworks like Hadoop and Spark. Hadoop Map Reduce greatly simplified the big data analysis using large clusters of commodity hardware. But as data grows bigger, more complex, multi stage algorithms that need iterative processing and data sharing between stages are not supported by Hadoop (Peralta et al. 2015). So Apache Spark is used which is an open source big data processing framework that provides memory abstraction and efficiently shares data across the different stages of a map-reduce job with the help of in-memory data processing (Ryza et al. 2017). Every Spark application consists of a driver program that runs the users main function and executes various parallel operations on the worker or processing nodes of the cluster. The main memory abstraction that Spark provides is a resilient distributed dataset (RDD), which is a collection of elements partitioned across the nodes of the cluster that can be operated in parallel. Hence, in order to scale for growing health-care data, parallel programming frameworks are to be explored to parallelize data mining algorithms and extract hidden knowledge from huge health-care data.

Related work

Data mining in clinical datasets: Chuang et al. (2011) discussed on how important it is to select a proper number of relevant genes that directly affect classification accuracy and proposed a hybrid feature selection (HFS) method in microarray data analysis. The proposed method was implemented in two stages: In the first stage, a filter method called correlation-based feature subset selection (CFS) was used to calculate correlation-feature weight for each feature which helps in finding relevant features. In the second stage, a wrapper method called Taguchi-genetic algorithm (TGA) was applied on the features obtained in first stage to test them and thus find optimal feature subsets. These subsets were classified using K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method with leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) based on Euclidean distance calculations. Apart from these, genetic algorithms were used with randomness for global search over entire search space. Lu et al. (2017) discussed that HFS algorithm provides highest classification accuracy when compared to conventional feature selection algorithms. They proposed MIMAGA-selection method that combines mutual information maximization (MIM) and adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA). The hybrid approach usually emphasizes on the advantages of the sub-algorithms and therefore is more robust when compared to traditional approaches. Li and Liu (2017) discussed various challenges of feature selection for big data analytics and ways to overcome them. They presented an open source feature selection repository called scikit-repository that assists researchers to achieve more reliable evaluation in developing new feature selection algorithms. Bolón-Canedo et al. (2015) suggested distributed feature selection on microarray data due to which execution time could be reduced unlike existing algorithms that work in centralized fashion. It discussed vertical partitioning of data (i.e., by features) as there are large number of features when compared to samples. Partitioning was done using two methods: (1) performing a random partition and (2) ranking the original features before generating the subsets. The second method was used to improve the performance of the first one. Then filter methods like information gain (IG) and ReliefF were applied on each of them and each returns a subset. Finally a merging procedure was used to combine the results. Merging method was used such that it eliminates redundant features in the subsets. The proposed method can also be executed in parallel as all the tasks are independent. This reduced execution time to a greater extent and classification accuracy is same or higher when compared to the existing algorithms. Hall (2000) proposed correlation-based feature selection (CFS) for discrete and numeric class machine learning. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that good feature subsets contain features highly correlated with class and uncorrelated with each other. The author had demonstrated how CFS can be applied on both regression and classification problems of machine learning. CFS results in greater dimensionality reduction when compared to ReliefF. CFS can be a practical feature selector for machine learning algorithms. Ramani and Jacob (2013) presented a novel cancer prediction framework for gene expression datasets to improve accuracy. They proposed rank-weight feature selection (RWFS) method that identifies the features commonly reported by various feature selection algorithms. This method generated higher predictive performance with minimal set of features. Eiras-Franco et al. (2016) discussed multithreaded and Spark parallelization of feature selection filters. They explored new implementations of four feature selection algorithms i.e., ReliefF, IG, CFS, support vector machine recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE). There is a significant improvement in execution time for ReliefF algorithm and scaled well in number of nodes for Spark. A new distributed CFS implementation in Spark obtained considerable improvement than that of existing multithreaded versions included in Weka, a new multithreaded IG implementation was found to be less cluster relevant i.e., it yields better results when implemented on a single computer, a new SVM-RFE multithreaded implementation processes multiclass datasets four times faster than that of sequential processing in Weka. Singh and Sivabalakrishnan (2015) reviewed about feature selection of gene expression data for cancer classification. Authors discussed that the feature selection methods consistently improves the performance. It is infeasible to use single algorithm for different datasets as each algorithm has different behavior. Feature selection plays a major role in accurately classifying large datasets like gene and protein expressions. So, proper cancer classification can be achieved using feature selection algorithms. Based on the existing literature, it was identified that feature selection on microarray gene expression data greatly improves classification accuracy and parallelization of algorithms on Spark reduces execution time.

The parallel recursive feature selection (RFS) method introduced in previous work Venkataramana et al. (2018) that utilized CFS approach to select prominent genes for accurate prediction of cancer sub-types. The parallel RFS method performed better than rank weight feature selection (RWFS) method in literature (Ramani and Jacob 2013) for brain cancer, glioblastoma and lung cancer but not for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia. RWFS method yielded classification accuracy of 93% and 65%, whereas parallel RFS method yielded classification accuracy of 92% and 64% for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia, respectively. Hence, the MGE data of these two cancer sub-types were further investigated to select optimal number of genes and improve classification accuracy. So a parallelized HFS method was proposed for MGE data which is detailed in the following section.

Proposed parallelized hybrid feature selection for classification of cancer sub-types

In MGE data, some of the features are irrelevant (i.e., all the features may not be necessary to classify or predict cancer sub-type) and redundant. A feature is potentially redundant when the information contributed by the feature is more or less same as one or more other features (Ali and Shahzad 2012). Among a group of potentially redundant features, a small number of features can be selected as a part of the final feature subset without causing any negative impact to learning model accuracy.

Hybrid approaches combine two or more well-studied algorithms to form a new strategy for solving a particular problem. The hybrid approach usually capitalizes on the advantages from the sub-algorithms and therefore is more robust comparing with traditional approaches. The proposed parallelized HFS algorithm includes parallelized CFS and rank-based feature selection (RFS) methods.

Figure 1 depicts the proposed computational methods for classifying cancer types from MGE data. The input file is given for data pre-processing during which the input comma separated values (CSV) file is partitioned vertically and the obtained dataset is split into chunks of data. The proposed parallelized HFS algorithm (parallelized CFS and RFS methods) is applied to obtain optimal and relevant features. Parallelized tree models namely decision tree (DT) and random forest (RF) are constructed on Spark to evaluate selected features.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Parallelized hybrid feature selection and classification on Spark

K-fold cross validation is applied to build and evaluate the constructed classifier. RF and DT are used for parallelized classification as they provide accurate results when compared to the other classification algorithms and tree models could be easily parallelized compared to other classification algorithms (Ryza et al. 2017; Spark Release 2.2.1 2019). The obtained results are compared with previously reported results from RWFS method (Ramani and Jacob 2013) as well as with results obtained from DistrbutedWekaSpark (DWS) (WEKA 2019). Parallelized HFS method includes parallelized CFS and parallelized RFS methods. The proposed parallelized HFS method was considered to be an embedded feature selection method as it combines filter (CFS) and wrapper (rank-based) methods. These methods are described in the following subsections.

Correlation-based feature subset selection (CFS)

The core idea of using feature selection is to remove the redundant or irrelevant features present in the data without incurring loss of information. Redundant or irrelevant features are two distinct notions, since one relevant feature may be redundant in the presence of another relevant feature with which it is strongly correlated. The CFS hypothesis (Hall 2000) suggested that the most predictive features needed to be highly correlated to the target class and least relevant to other predictor attributes. The following equation dictated the merit of a feature subset S that consisted of k features:

$${\text{Merit}}\,{\text{S}}_{{{\text{k}} }} = \frac{{\overline{{k_{rcf} }} }}{{\sqrt {k + k(k - 1)\overline{{r_{ff} }} } }}$$

where, \(\overline{{r_{cf} }}\) is the average value of all feature–class correlations, and \(\overline{{r_{ff} }}\) is the average value of all feature–feature correlations.

The CFS criterion defined as follows

$${\text{CFS}} = {\text{MAX}}\,{\text{S}}_{\text{k}} \frac{{r_{cf1} + r_{cf2} + \cdots + r_{cfk} }}{{\sqrt {k + 2(r_{f1f2} + r_{f2f3} + \cdots + r_{fkf1} )} }} .$$

where, \(\overline{{r_{cfi} }}\) and \(\overline{{r_{fifj} }}\) variables are referred to as correlations. The attributes that portrayed a high correlation to the target class and least relevance to each other were chosen as the best subset of attributes (Yuan et al. 2017).

Normally parallel programming framework divides data horizontally. But in our data set, the number of columns (features) outnumbers the number of rows (samples). Hence, data is split vertically and feature selection is applied to each of the split part. Figure 2 details steps involved in parallelized CFS. As the dataset is split along features, the features in one chunk may be relevant to features in other chunks. Hence, features across chunks have to be analyzed to obtain differentially expressed genes. So, the feature selection algorithm is iteratively applied on the obtained feature subset from initial chunks of data until only one chunk of optimal features are found. CFS is a fully automatic algorithm. It does not require the user to specify any thresholds or the number of features to be selected, although both are simple to incorporate if desired. Here CFS is a filter, and as such does not incur the high computational cost associated with repeatedly invoking a learning algorithm.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Parallelized correlation-based feature subset selection

Parallelized rank-based feature selection algorithm

Diverse feature ranking and feature selection techniques have been proposed in the machine learning literature. The purpose of these techniques is to discard irrelevant or redundant features from a given feature vector. Rank-based method takes the output of CFS as input and four RFS algorithms are applied on it separately to produce four subsets. Four rank-based methods used are IG, gain ratio (GR), symmetric uncertainty (SU) (Ali and Shahzad 2012) and ReliefF (Wang et al. 2016), that resulted in four feature subsets as shown in Fig. 3. The best feature subset was obtained by evaluating the features using parallel classification algorithms. The parallel Rank-based method which yielded this best subset of features was considered as a best RFS method.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Parallelized rank-based feature selection


Microarray gene expression data for gastric cancer with three classes and childhood leukemia with four classes are extracted from Artificial Intelligence Biolabs (Bioinformatics Laboratory 2019). Table 1 portrays the description of dataset used in this research.

Table 1 Microarray gene expression data description
figure a


Parallelized CFS was executed on Spark that results in a subset of features. The resultant subset of features was given as input to rank-based methods (i.e., IG, GR, SU and ReliefF) separately. Number of features to be selected was specified as input to rank-based methods. This results in an optimal feature subset. For example, the number of features selected by CFS for childhood leukemia dataset is 17 in 44 s as shown in Table 2. The number of features given as input to rank-based methods was varied from 1 to 17 and the subset that gave highest accuracy when classified was taken as best feature subset. Similarly for gastric cancer 25 features are selected as best feature subset in 35 s. Forward selection approach was followed to select optimal features from the result of parallel CFS method. Classification model was evaluated using percentage split and K-fold cross validation. In percentage split evaluation method, 70% of original data was used for training and remaining 30% as test data.

Table 2 Parallelized CFS results on DWS and Spark

Tables 3 and 4 depict the parallelized classification accuracy when DT and RF are constructed using DistributedWekaSpark (DWS) and Spark, respectively. As shown in Table 3, the parallelized HFS approach with RF on DWS yielded classification accuracy of 85.25% and 96.77% for childhood leukemia and gastric cancer, respectively. The parallelized HFS approach with decision tree on DWS yielded classification accuracy of 34% and 54% for childhood leukemia and gastric cancer, respectively. The decision tree results were very poor compared to RF which is an ensemble classifier. The highest accuracy obtained from four rank-based feature selection methods are indicated with bold face in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3 Parallelized classification on DWS
Table 4 Parallelized classification on Spark

Similarly on Spark framework, parallelized IG method was applied on the CFS result of childhood leukemia, it yielded maximum accuracy when the output number of features was set to 11 with respect to RF classifier. There was 79.14% classification accuracy with percentage split of 70% training data and 30% testing data when parallel ReliefF was used as feature selection algorithm. Its classification accuracy was 65.64% and execution time was 22.98 s when the classifier was build on Spark and evaluated using five-fold cross validation. Similarly, for Gastric cancer, parallelized ReliefF with RF produced classification accuracy of 97.22% in 30 s which was depicted in Table 4. The constructed RF was evaluated with nine-fold cross validation method. The low accuracy results for childhood leukemia were due to the fact that the distinctive characteristics between the different sub-types are very minimal. The sub-types of childhood leukemia were classified as only low and high dose mercaptopurine with methotrexate. Parallel decision tree classifier yielded low classification accuracy as ~ 49% to ~ 59% for childhood leukemia and it was ~ 88% to ~ 91% for gastric cancer. Table 5 lists the differentially expressed genes that are optimal and relevant obtained from parallelized HFS method and resulted in maximum classification accuracy.

Table 5 Optimal and relevant feature set

Thus, it can be inferred that using parallelized HFS and RF method gave 65.64% accuracy for childhood leukemia and 97.22% for Gastric cancer with very less execution time compared to results from DistributedWekaSpark. Even though the class-wise samples are very few which is the basic nature of MGE data, the objective is to provide a parallelized framework that could work at the dimension-wise and classify cancer sub-types in very less time without any obstacle on prediction accuracy.

Figure 4a, b represent the receiver operating characteristics area under curve (ROC AUC) (Bang et al. 2017) for RF classifier obtained when applied on gastric cancer and childhood leukemia datasets with the threshold values 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9. ROC AUC is the curve obtained by plotting false positive rate (FPR) against true positive rate (TPR). The highest TPR obtained for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia was 0.9 and 0.83, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ROC AUC for MGE data; a gastric cancer, b childhood leukemia

Comparison of results with that of DistributedWekaSpark (DWS), sequential rank-weight feature selection (RWFS) and parallelized recursive feature selection (RFS)

The results obtained by executing parallelized HFS on Spark are compared with that obtained by executing parallelized HFS (Das et al. 2017; Lee and Leu 2017) on DistributedWekaSpark (DWS) and RWFS method (Ramani and Jacob 2013). In RWFS method, all gene expression datasets contained absolute values. In order to identify the most relevant genes for classification, six feature selection algorithms viz, fuzzy rough set evaluator with best first search approach and attribute evaluators that ranked the features based on the IG, SU, Chi-Square co-efficient, ReliefF factor and the GR were utilized (Eiras-Franco et al. 2016). The minimal feature subset returned by all the six feature selection algorithms were then compared to determine the genes that were commonly reported by all the feature selection techniques. The selected features were evaluated using ten classifier models.

Figure 5 depicts the results of proposed parallelized HFS with RF compared with results from DWS. Figure 6 depicts the comparison of proposed method with the results of RWFS method (Ramani and Jacob 2013). In HFS, the value of K used for K-fold cross validation for childhood leukemia dataset was 5 whereas it was 9 for gastric cancer dataset.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of results of HFS on DWS and Spark

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of results of RWFS and HFS on Spark

The main theme of the proposed work is to apply parallel computational methods and improve classification accuracy with high speed up. DisrtibutedWekaSpark (DWS) is a distributed computational tool that combines the complementary properties of Weka (Hall et al. 2009) and Spark into one unit. The reason behind comparison of proposed parallelized HFS and RF method on Spark with DistributedWekaSpark is due to the fact that the existing methods in the DWS tool performed inferior than the proposed parallelized HFS method for gastric cancer. DistributedWekaSpark took more execution time compared to proposed parallelized HFS method which was evident from results in Fig. 5. DWS yielded 95% accuracy in 1 h whereas the proposed parallelized HFS method yielded 97% in 60 s. This justifies the necessity of parallelized framework to select optimal number of genes and accurately classify the sub-types of cancer in very less time without any adverse effect on classification accuracy.

Parallelized HFS improved accuracy by 14% when compared to existing rank-weight feature selection method in literature (Ramani and Jacob 2013) which was 65% and it was low when compared to results from DWS for childhood leukemia dataset. While for gastric cancer dataset, the parallelized HFS method improved accuracy by 2% with very minimal number of features when compared to that of DistributedWekaSpark. Parallelized HFS method improved accuracy by 4% when compared to RWFS. RWFS is a sequential computational method. On the other hand, there was drastic decrease in execution time. Parallelized HFS on DWS took 2160 s for gastric cancer and 1080 s for childhood leukemia, whereas Parallelized HFS on Spark took only 60 and 51 s, respectively. Comparing execution time of RWFS method, it took 1800 s for gastric cancer and 900 s for childhood leukemia which is higher than the execution time of parallelized HFS on Spark.

Table 6 displays the performance of proposed parallelized HFS method compared with parallelized RFS method in previous work (Venkataramana et al. 2018). The classification accuracy improved to ~ 5% and ~ 15% for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia respectively with parallelized HFS and RF when compared with parallelized RFS and RF. The execution time of proposed parallelized HFS was higher compared to previous work as it applies both parallelized CFS and RFS methods to select optimal number of genes.

Table 6 Comparison of parallelized HFS and random forest with previous work


The parallel computational methods are necessary to speed up the computational task and produce results in less time. But this greatly affects the accuracy of results (Lokeswari et al. 2019). The proposed parallelized HFS method plays a vital role in selecting only the optimal number of predictive genes from high dimensional MGE data to accurately classify sub-types of cancer in very less time. The number of genes in MGE data is in thousands, this huge number of genes may mislead the classifier model due to presence of redundant and irrelevant genes. Hence, parallelized HFS method was proposed in the current research work to select differentially expressed genes and accurately classify cancer sub-types in less time. The classification accuracy obtained was 97% for gastric cancer and 79% for childhood leukemia in 60 and 51 s, respectively. The parallel feature selection (RFS) method in our previous work (Venkataramana et al. 2018) yielded 92% and 64% classification accuracy for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia respectively. The sequential feature selection (RWFS) method in the existing work (Ramani and Jacob 2013) yielded 93% and 65% classification accuracy. Although the existing parallel and sequential feature selection methods in literature produced better classification accuracy, sequential methods took ~ 3 and ~ 5 min for gastric cancer and childhood leukemia respectively which is high compared to time taken by parallelized methods. Compared with previous feature selection methods parallelized HFS performed better in terms of accuracy and speed up.

Moreover, genomic data are ever increasing and hence scalable parallelized computational methods are essential to analyze voluminous data in order to unearth significant genes that play a pivotal role in classification of disease.

The objective of parallel feature selection methods is to choose less number of predictive genes (features) and improve classification accuracy. The challenge with microarray data is dealing with low-sample and high-dimensional nature of it. Several authors in literature have applied feature selection on microarray data which was detailed as follows.

The colon cancer dataset with 62 × 2000 dimensions yielded 88% classification accuracy with Chi square test and decision tree. The classification accuracy obtained was 92% with SU and Naïve Bayes (Wang and Gotoh 2010). The number genes selected was 100.

The lung cancer dataset with 203 × 12,600 dimensions yielded 93% accuracy with 700 genes from parallel Chi square test and RF classifier (Zhang et al. 2014). The Glioblastoma dataset with 50 × 12,625 dimensions yielded 82% accuracy with 700 genes from parallel Chi square test and RF classifier. It resulted in 96% accuracy with 66 genes from parallel RFS and RF classifier (Venkataramana et al. 2018).

Never the less, when parallelized HFS method was applied on Lung Cancer and Glioblastoma datasets, the classification accuracy was improved by ~ 2% to ~ 3%. Despite, the less number of samples and dimensions in the considered dataset (30 × 4522 and 60 × 8280), the proposed method could be applied for any growing samples and dimensions of any health-care data. So, it is emphasized that the proposed parallelized HFS method does not result in over fitting for the given dataset. It was identified from the investigations on microarray data that accuracy increases with growing number of samples and dimensions. It is also inferred that accuracy decreases with decrease in number of samples and dimensions. The authors in the current research have chosen 30 to 60 samples, which is the worst case condition; still the classification accuracy is maintained or improved with the proposed parallelized HFS method. This proves the robust nature of the proposed method. The proposed parallelized HFS method could scale for even large sized gene, protein expressions and RNA sequence (TCGA) data. Hence, the proposed method is the generalized approach for any sized dataset.


Parallelized HFS algorithm was used in order to improve classification accuracy of cancer types. HFS as in detail involves parallelized CFS that selects optimal features and parallelized RFS methods that rank the features and select only the important features. Parallelized classifier model was build and selected features were evaluated using percentage split and k-fold cross validation methods. This improved accuracy by a great margin and at the same time greatly reduces execution time. For childhood leukemia dataset, parallelized HFS gave accuracy of 79% which was ~ 14% higher when compared to existing RWFS method which produced 65% and it was low when compared to results from DWS. While for Gastric cancer dataset, there was ~ 2% improvement in accuracy by HFS when compared to that of DWS and it also selected very minimal number of features as predictive features. Parallelized HFS method improved accuracy by ~ 4% when compared to RWFS. Parallelized HFS yielded ~ 5% and ~ 15% improvement in classification accuracy when compared with parallelized RFS method. As part of our future work, deep neural network algorithms can be explored on MGE and Next Generation Sequencing datasets for cancer prediction.