1 Introduction

As online social media has grown in diversity and disruption, large numbers of users are viewing, evaluating or forwarding information across multiple online social networks, greatly enhancing the scope and speed of information diffusion. Information dissemination presents magnanimity, dispersion, and uncontrollable characteristics. While online social media brings great convenience for people to obtain positive content (news, stories, knowledge, etc.), it is also a double-edged sword, urging a large amount of negative content (misinformation, violence, terrorist information, etc.) to form network public opinion, causing social unrest. For example, in 2017, online social media in India sparked panic across the country when false news surfaced that the perpetrators of two shootings in eastern Jharkhand were members of child trafficking gangs [1].

At present, the governance of negative content has attracted the attention of many researchers [2,3,4], but most of them study the control strategy of negative content in a single online social network, which ignores the ever-changing network environment in real life. Without considering fake accounts, the individual characteristics reflected by a single social network are obviously not comprehensive and objective compared to multi-social networks. For example, in the case of friend relationship recommendation content, the acceptance rate of the recommendation information will be higher when the recommendation information is integrated with the friend relationship of multi-social networks than the recommendation only on the single online social network. Hence, it is not comprehensive enough to study the control strategy of misinformation only in a single online social network. It is more reasonable and convincing to propose a misinformation governance strategy by comprehensively considering the attributes of multi-social networks.

Example 1

Given a multi-social networks G containing two online social networks G1 and G2, we call the nodes in G1 or G2 the accounts, and an individual who controls the accounts in multi-social networks is called an entity. In G1 and G2, a node represents the account controlled by the entity, and directed edges indicate the spread of content, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In the multi-social networks G(G1,G2), entity a controls two accounts, a1 and a2. In G1, account a1 will send the information actively, and account a2 will only passively receive information in G2. It can be seen that different accounts controlled by the same entity may play completely distinct roles in information dissemination.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A simple multi-social networks G(G1,G2)

Different misinformation control and governance strategies have been proposed based on distinct actual backgrounds [5,6,7,8,9,10]. Some scholars [7, 8, 10, 11] considered the influence of nodes, and chose to block a set of nodes or links to reduce the final acceptance rate of misinformation. Although these strategies exhibit good performance in suppressing the spread of misinformation, they violate the ethical standards of censorship. Since the blocking nodes (links) measures mainly work on the accounts (posts published) that an entity owns on a social network platform, they seem to be ineffective or pay multiple times to achieve the desired results in multi-social networks. Therefore, this paper considers the characteristics of multi-social networks and designs a misinformation control strategy that acts on entities. Of course, some scholars [9, 12, 13] have proposed a misinformation control strategy that acts on entities: select some entities to spread positive information. Since whether entities spread positive information in real life is mainly based on their own wishes, this measure strongly assumes that selected individuals must spread positive information, which greatly violates the ethical standards of censorship. Hence, to compensate for the shortcomings of the existing research, this paper proposes an ‘entity protection’ strategy to combat the spread of misinformation.

Given a multi-social networks G(G1, G2, ⋯ , Gn) = G(V,E) containing n online social networks, the initial influence entities \(\mathfrak {R}\subseteq V\), and a positive integer K, we aim to centrally identify and protect the set Λ of K entities to minimize the number of entities ultimately influenced by \(\mathfrak {R}\). The contributions of this work are as follows:

  • We devise a model of information propagation across multi-social networks, and investigate a novel problem of Misinformation Influence minimization by Entity protection on multi-social networks (MIE-m).

  • We prove the hardness of the MIE-m problem and discuss the properties of the objective function. We devise the procedure of coupled multi-social networks and the pruning rules, and construct a discrete gradient descent method to optimize the supermodular set function.

  • We introduce the method of estimating the influence of information and define the supermodular curvature of the supermodular function. A two-stage discrete gradient descent algorithm is developed. We also construct a two-stage greedy algorithm with approximate guarantees as a baseline to evaluate our developed algorithm.

  • We appraise our methods in synthetic and three real-world multi network datasets. The experimental results show that the comprehensive performance of our algorithm is superior to the existing heuristic methods, even the greedy algorithm.

The content of this article is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we review the related work. We give the preliminary knowledge in Section 3. Section 4 formulates the problem of MIE-m and discusses its valuable properties. In Section 5, we explore approximate methods to optimize the problem of influence minimization. We develop a two-stage discrete gradient descent algorithm to solve the problem in Section 6. Section 7 uses synthetic and real-world multi networks to verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithm. Finally, the article is summarized and prospected in Section 8. Table 1 gives the characters required in the article.

Table 1 Frequency of Special Characters

2 Related works

Domingos and Richardson [14] first put forward the problem of maximizing the influence of information, and then Kempe et al. [15] turned the problem into a discrete optimization problem, and proposed two classic information diffusion models: the independent cascade (IC) model and the linear threshold (LT) model. Many researchers [10, 16, 17] have expanded or improved the IC (LT) model to propose strategies for suppressing negative contents.

Taking into account the topological structure of online social networks, the utility experience of users and the method of user interaction, many scholars [18,19,20] have proposed the active control strategy of blocking nodes or links to minimize the influence of negative contents. Zhang et al. [19] formulated a novel rumour containment problem based on the user’s browsing behaviour, namely, the rumour block based on user browsing, to actively limit the spread of rumours. Yan et al. [20] blocked a set of links from the perspective of diminishing margins to minimize the total probability of nodes being activated by rumours. As proactive measures to control misinformation may have a negative impact on the user experience, some researchers [9, 21, 22] have proposed a strategy of publishing positive information or strategies of reflexive rumours to counter the spread of misinformation. Wu et al. [9], based on the maximum influence arborescence structure, constructed two heuristic algorithms CMIA-H and CMIA-O to identify a set of seeds that initiate positive information against misinformation dissemination. Lv et al. [22] considered the locality of influence diffusion and proposed a new community-based algorithm to optimize the influence blocking maximization problem. Ghoshal et al. [21] leveraged a known community structure to propose probability strategies for beacon node placement to combat the spread of misinformation in online social networks. In addition, some scholars [6] have proposed suppressing the spread of misinformation by injecting influence messages related to multiple hot topics. Summarizing the existing research works, we know that most scholars investigated information dissemination in the context of virtual single social network and rarely considered the characteristics of information dissemination across multi-social networks in real life. Moreover, most of the existing misinformation control strategies do not consider the ethical standards of censorship, and the main body of the control strategy is mostly an account owned by the entity on a certain social network. Therefore, this paper devises a misinformation control strategy that acts on entities, called entity protection, for multi-social networks.

At present, some scholars [23, 24] have also carried out research on the dissemination of misinformation based on multi-social networks. Yang et al. [23], based on the study of dynamic behaviors related to multiple network topologies, constructed a competitive information model on multi-social networks. Hosni et al. [24] considered individuals and social behavior in multi-social networks and proposed an individual behavior statement that simulates damped harmonic motion in response to rumours. It can be seen from the above that they pay more attention to the aggregation of multi-social networks and do not make a detailed modelling of the details of misinformation dissemination among multi-social networks. Hence, it is necessary to carefully consider the details of misinformation dissemination between multi-social networks and propose a reasonable model of the dissemination of misinformation across multi-social networks.

Computational influence propagation has been proven to be #P-hard [15]. It has been proven that using a greedy strategy can obtain the solution of the (1 − 1/e) approximate guarantee of the set function with submodular [15]. Manouchehri et al. [25] developed a two-step algorithm of the (1 − 1/eε)-approximate guarantee based on the martingale to solve the influence blocking maximization. Unfortunately, the set function without submodules will no longer hold this property [26, 27]. Zhu et al. [26] proposed the disbanding strategy of groups in online social networks to curb the spread of misinformation and constructed a greedy algorithm without approximate guarantees to solve nonsubmodular objective functions.

Moreover, many scholars have constructed heuristic methods [28,29,30] to tackle nonsubmodular set functions. Wang et al. [28] constructed the upper and lower bounds of the submodular for the nonsubmodular function and used the sandwich method to maximize activity. Unfortunately, there is currently no universal and effective way to find the lower and upper bounds of the submodular of the nonsubmodular set function. Ghoshal et al. [30] leveraged the underlying community structure of an online social network to select influential nodes with true information for misinformation blockage. Hosseini-Pozveh et al. [29] applied random key representation technology to propose a continuous particle swarm optimization method to solve the nonsubmodular set function. Most of the current heuristic methods sacrifice the accuracy of the solution in exchange for the solution speed of the nonsubmodular function. Hence, the solving efficiency and accuracy of the equilibrium algorithm in this paper, develops a two-stage discrete gradient descent algorithm to solve the supermodular set function.

3 Preliminaries

3.1 Definitions

Since multi-social networks are disparate from a single social network in terms of network topology, nodes, and edges, we will define multi-social networks and their characteristics.

Definition 1

(Multi-social networks) A directed asymmetric multi-social networks G(V,E) = G(G1,G2,⋯ ,Gn) containing n online social networks, vV denotes the entity in G, and (v,w) ∈ E denotes the relationship between entities. For the online social network Gi(Vi,Ei) (1 ≤ in), Vi and Ei respectively represent the node set and edge set. The precondition for the existence of an edge (v,w) is that there is an edge (vi,wi) in at least one online social network Gi. A simple multi-social networks is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A simple multi-social networks G(G1,G2,G3) with eight entities {v1,v2,⋯ ,v8}. The solid lines represent information exchanges between accounts, and the dotted lines indicate the accounts controlled by the entity

Definition 2

(Entity and Account) Without causing ambiguity, we call the node in the online social network the account and an individual who controls the accounts in multi-social networks is called an entity. When an entity controls multiple accounts in G, w = {ξ(wi)|wiVi,1 ≤ in} represents the account controlled by it, and ξ(wi) means mapping wi to w.

Definition 3

(Entity Preference) When an entity accepts information through account wi in Gi, he/she may forward the information to other online social networks Go(oi). Considering the discrepancies in services provided by different online social networks, the propensity of entities to use distinct online social networks to spread information is also inconsistent. Hence we define the entity’s propensity to employ diverse online social networks as the entity’s preference for different online social networks, and the preference of entity w for Gi is denoted as \({\rho _{w}^{i}}\).

Definition 4

(Account and Entity Status) In multi-social networks, when an entity accepts information through the account, we call that entity successfully activated. When an entity is activated, the accounts it controls are also activated simultaneously.

Definition 5

(Entity Protection). Entity protection refers to the use of personalized recommendation technology to let some entities know positive information in advance before receiving misinformation, so that they will not share it when they receive misinformation to achieve the purpose of actively ‘blocking’ misinformation dissemination.

In real life, once people are influenced by the correct information spread by verified sources, they will believe the correct information regardless of the misinformation [30, 31]. Since people are more inclined to share novel information with their friends [32, 33], entities that receive positive information may be willing to share it. Considering that forcing an entity to spread positive information violates the ethical standards of censorship, this paper assumes that an entity receives positive information and does not spread it. People with correct information will not be affected by misinformation [30, 34]. If entities already realize positive information before receiving misinformation, they are likely to ignore it when they receive misinformation and will not share it again to fulfil the intention of actively ‘blocking’ misinformation dissemination.

3.2 Dissemination model

This article studies governance strategies of misinformation based on the IC model. Next, we review the IC model. Consider a directed social network \(\overline {G}(\overline {V},\overline {E})\), where \(\overline {V}\) denotes the set of nodes, \((\overline {u}, \overline {v})\in \overline {E}\) denotes the relationship between node \(\overline {u}\) and \(\overline {v}\), and each edge \((\overline {u}, \overline {v})\) has an attribute \(\overline {p}_{\overline {u}\overline {v}}\) that indicates the probability of node \(\overline {u}\) successfully activating node \(\overline {v}\).

Let Rt be the set of nodes that are activated in time steps t(t = 0,1,2,⋯ ), and when \(\overline {u} \in R_{t}\), it has one and only one chance to activate its inactive neighbor child node \(\overline {v}\) with \(\overline {p}_{\overline {u}\overline {v}}\) in t + 1. In addition, in the process of information dissemination, the node can only switch from the inactive state to the active state, not reverse. The specific spreading process of information in discrete time is as follows: At time t = 0, information diffusion starts, and source nodes \(\mathfrak {R}\) are triggered at the same time, that is, \(R_{0}=\mathfrak {R}\). In t = q(q ≥ 1), \(\overline {u}\in R_{q-1}\) activates the set of its inactive child neighbors with probability \(\overline {p}_{\overline {u} \cdot }\). If the node is successfully activated, it will be added to Rq, and the information dissemination will stop when Rq is empty.

4 Problem formulation

In this part, we first devise a model of information propagation across multi-social networks, then give a formal statement of the problem of MIE-m, and discuss the properties of the objective function.

4.1 Misinformation dissemination across multi-social networks

In multi-social networks G(G1,G2,⋯ ,Gn), when entity w accepts misinformation in online social network Gi, the entity w may choose i (1 ≤ in) online social networks to disseminate misinformation in the next. Entities send misinformation to other online social networks by forwarding or sharing, and the entity’s preferences affect the probability of misinformation being forwarded and shared among its own accounts. Therefore, we define the probability that entity w forwards misinformation to account wi in Gi as

$$ P^{fwd}(w^{i})=\frac{\varphi \cdot(1+{\sum}_{o=1, o\neq i}^{n} \frac{{\rho_{w}^{i}}}{{\rho_{w}^{o}} + {\rho_{w}^{i}}}) }{\vert w \vert} $$

where φ is a constant parameter, \({\rho _{w}^{o}}\) represents entity w’s preference for online social network Go, and |w| denotes the number of accounts controlled by entity w.

In an online social network Gi, the higher the similarity between accounts, the more similar the types of topics they follow, and the greater the probability of sending misinformation to each other. Moreover, according to the ideology of the celebrity effect [15, 24], the higher the out-degree of account is, the greater the impact on other accounts and the less likely they are to be influenced by other accounts. Hence, we conclude that the probability that account wi successfully activates account uiNout(wi) is

$$ P^{inf}(w^{i}, u^{i}) = \frac{\varpi + \vert N^{out} (w^{i}) \bigcap N^{out} (u^{i}) \vert} { \vert N^{out} (w^{i}) \vert + \vert N^{out} (u^{i})\vert} $$

where ϖ is a constant parameter and Nout(wi) represent the child neighbors of account wi in online social network Gi.

Based on the IC model, we construct a dynamic propagation model of misinformation across multi-social networks. In multi-social networks G(G1,G2,⋯ ,Gn), misinformation dissemination occurs in discrete steps t = 0,1,2,⋯. Once the entities (accounts) are activated, they will remain active until the end of misinformation dissemination. The specific process of dissemination of misinformation across multi-social networks is as follows:

  1. 1.

    When misinformation in multi-social networks begins to spread at step t = 0 and simultaneously triggers a set of initial activation entities \(\mathfrak {R}\subset V\). Let \(\mathfrak {R}_{t}\) be the entities that are influenced in steps t(t = 0,1,2,⋯ ) and \(\mathfrak {R}_{0}=\mathfrak {R}\).

  2. 2.

    At step t (t ≥ 1), first, the \(w\in \mathfrak {R}_{t-1}\) forwards the misinformation to each account wi (1 ≤ in) with the probability Pfwd(wi). Then, account wi tries to activate the inactivated child neighbor uiNout(wi) with the probability Pinf(wi,ui). If account ui is activated, its mapped entity u is converted into an activated entity and added to \(\mathfrak {R}_{t}\).

  3. 3.

    Repeat Steps 2. until \(\mathfrak {R}_{t}=\varnothing \), and the dissemination of misinformation across multi-social networks stops.

Algorithm 1 outlines the procedure of misinformation spread across multi-social networks.

figure d

Example 2

In Fig. 3, given \(\mathfrak {R}=\{z\}\), the influence probability Pinf(⋅,⋅) = 1 for all edges in each online social network, and the probability Pfwd(⋅) = 1 for all entities. At t = 0, \(\mathfrak {R}_{0}=\mathfrak {R}=\{z \}\). When t = 1, entity z activates v1 with account z1 in G1 and activates w2 with account z2 in G2. Then entities v and w are added to \(\mathfrak {R}_{1}\). At t = 2, entity v successfully activates account u1 in G1, and all child neighbors of entity w have been activated; then, \(\mathfrak {R}_{2}=\{v \}\). At t = 3, all entities in G have been activated, so \(\mathfrak {R}_{3}=\varnothing \), and misinformation dissemination is terminated.

Fig. 3
figure 3

A simple multi-social networks G(G1,G2) with four entities {z,w,u,v}

4.2 Problem definition

Since misinformation spreads across multi-social networks, which increases the dissemination speed and expands the spread range of misinformation, it also brings great challenges to the control and governance of misinformation. For this reason, considering the characteristics of the dissemination of misinformation across multi-social networks, we propose the problem of Misinformation influence Minimization by Entity protection on multi-social networks (MIE-m). Next, we give the formal statement of this problem.

Definition 6

(MIE-m) Let G(V,E) = G(G1,G2, ⋯ ,Gn) denote directed multi-social networks with n online social networks Gi(Vi,Ei). Given an initial influence entities \(\mathfrak {R}\), the positive integers K and a propagation model \(\mathfrak {M}\). MIE-m tries to identify and protect the set Λ containing K entities from the \(V \backslash \mathfrak {R}\) to minimize the number of entities ultimately activated by \(\mathfrak {R}\),

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {\varLambda}^{*}=\arg \min\limits_{{\varLambda} \subseteq V \backslash \mathfrak{R},\vert {\varLambda} \vert \leq K} \mathbb{E} \left[\sigma_{\mathfrak{R}}({\varLambda})\right] \end{array} $$

where \(\mathbb {E}[\cdot ]\) is the expectation operator and \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is the number of entities successfully activated by \(\mathfrak {R}\) when entity set Λ is protected.

Example 3

In Fig. 1, a multi-social networks G(G1,G2) with entities {a,b,c,d,v,w}. We set \(\mathfrak {R}=\{a \}\), the probability Pinf(⋅,⋅) = 1 for all edges in G1 and G2, and probability Pfwd(⋅) = 1 for all entities. When \({\varLambda } =\varnothing \), the spread value of misinformation \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda }) = 6\). Let K = 1, protect the entity \(u\in V\backslash \mathfrak {R}\), and obtain \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}(\{b \}) = 2\), \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}(\{c \}) = 4\), \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}(\{v \}) = 3\), \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}(\{w \}) = 3\), \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}(\{d \}) = 4\). Obviously, choosing to protect entity a can better suppress the spread of misinformation, that is, Λ = {b}.

4.3 Hardness results

Definition 6 shows that the problem of MIE-m is a discrete optimization problem, then we evaluate the hardness of this problem.

Theorem 1

Influence minimization is NP-hard in multi-social networks.


See Appendix A. □

Theorem 2

Given initial influence entities \(\mathfrak {R}\subseteq V\), computing \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is #P-hard in multi-social networks.


See Appendix A. □

4.4 Modularity of objective function

Next, we prove the monotonicity and modularity of the objective function. Let SG be the set of ‘live-edge’ graphs [15] generated from G based on the existence probability of the edges, where the existence probability of the edges means the influence probability or forwarding probability. Pr(sg) is the probability of generating graph sgSG. \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg}({\varLambda })\) is the number of entities influenced by \(\mathfrak {R}\) in the network topology sgΛ. Therefore, the number of entities that are expected to accept the misinformation after protecting K entities until the end of the dissemination of misinformation is \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })={\sum }_{sg\in SG}Pr(sg)\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg}({\varLambda })\).

Theorem 3

\(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is nonnegative and monotonically decreasing.


Since \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg}({\varLambda })\) is nonnegative, \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is also nonnegative. For a fixed sgSG, given \(L_{1}\subseteq L_{2}\subseteq V\), there is \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R} }^{sg} (L_{1}) \geq \sigma _{\mathfrak {R} }^{sg} (L_{2})\). That is, \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R} }(L_{1}) = {\sum }_{sg \in SG} Pr(sg) \sigma _{\mathfrak {R} }^{sg} (L_{1}) \geq {\sum }_{sg \in SG } Pr(sg) \sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg} (L_{2})\) \(=\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}} (L_{2})\). Therefore, \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}} ({\varLambda })\) is monotonically decreasing. □

Theorem 4

\(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is supermodular in multi-social networks


Because \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })={\sum }_{sg\in SG}Pr(sg)\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg}({\varLambda })\), we prove that \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is supermodular, and we only need to prove that \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })=\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}^{sg}({\varLambda })\) is supermodular for each ‘live edge’ graph sg. Let L1, L2 be two subsets of \(V\backslash \mathfrak {R}\) and L1L2. We have vVL2, considering the difference between \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1})\) and \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1} \cup \{v\})\), which must come from node v that can be reached, but node set L1 cannot be reached. Similarly, the difference between \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2})\) and \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2} \cup \{v\})\) must be reachable from v but cannot be reachable from the nodes L2. Since L1L2, it follows that \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2}) -{\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2} \cup \{v\}) \leq {\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1}) -{\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1} \cup \{v\})\), that is, \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2} \cup \{v\}) -{\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{2}) \geq {\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1}\cup \{v\}) -{\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}(L_{1})\). Hence, \({\Xi }_{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })\) is supermodular and the theorem is proven. □

5 Solutions methods

In this section, we explore approximate methods for solving MIE-m. First, we design the method of coupled multi-social networks. Then, a pruning and filtering rule is introduced. Finally, a discrete gradient descent method is developed for solving NP-Hard problems.

5.1 Multi-social networks coupled method

Considering that the account only serves as a carrier for spreading misinformation, the subject of sending and accepting misinformation is still an entity. In addition, if the problem of MIE-m is solved by using accounts as the object, the time complexity of solving the problem will be increased. Therefore, we hide accounts, map the relationships between accounts to entities, and devise methods for coupled multi-social networks.

In the coupled of multi-social networks, the accounts controlled by the entity cannot be simply regarded as the same entity for coupled. The characteristics and attributes of the account should be guaranteed first, and then how to add connections among multiple social factors should be considered. To more directly add relationships between entities, we give the relational network \(G_{cou}(\hat {V},\hat {E})\), \(\hat {V}\) is the entity set, and \(\hat {E}\) is the edge set that maps from accounts connections to entities.

Based on the entity’s preference for diverse online social networks, we give the calculation formula for the probability \(\hat {p}(\hat {w},\hat {v})\) that entity \(\hat {w}\) successfully activates \(\hat {v}\) as

$$ \hat{p}(\hat{w},\hat{v})=1-\prod\limits_{i=1}^{n}(1-P^{fwd}(w^{i})\cdot P^{inf} (w^{i},v^{i})). $$

In Algorithm 2, the procedure of multi-social networks coupled into a single social network is summarized.

figure e

Example 4

In Fig. 4a, multi-social networks G contain three online social networks (G1, G2, G3), and V = (v1,v2,v5,v8). Pinf(⋅,⋅) is calculated, which is shown on the edge between the accounts in Fig. 4a. The result of \(P^{fwd}(v_{\cdot }^{i})\) for each account \(v_{\cdot }^{i}\in \{{v_{1}^{2}},\ {v_{1}^{3}},\ {v_{5}^{1}},\ {v_{5}^{2}},\ {v_{2}^{2}},\ {v_{2}^{3}},\ {v_{8}^{1}},\ {v_{8}^{2}},\ {v_{8}^{3}}\} \) is {0.77, 0.61,0.61, 0.63, 0.88, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67, 0.67, 0.67}. Next, given the relationship network \(G_{cou}(\hat {V}, \hat {E})\), \(\hat {V} = \{ \hat {v}_{1},\) \( \hat {v}_{2},\hat {v}_{5}, \hat {v}_{8} \}\), \(\hat {E} = \{ (\hat {v}_{1},\ \hat {v}_{5})\), \((\hat {v}_{5}, \hat {v}_{8}), {\cdots } \}\), and \(\hat {p}(\cdot , \cdot )\) is calculated according to (4), such as, \(\hat {p}(\hat {v}_{1}, \hat {v}_{5})= 1-(1-0.77*0.6)(1-0.61*0.22)=0.54\). Finally, Fig. 4b provides the result of the coupled social network Gcou, and the number on the edges denotes the influence probability between entities.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The example of coupled of multi-social networks G into a single social network Gcou

Proposition 1

Given a multi-social networks G(V,E) = G(G1,⋯ ,Gn), let \(N_{e} = {\sum }_{i=1}^{n} \vert E^{i} \vert \) and \(N_{a} = {\sum }_{i=1}^{n} \vert V^{i} \vert \), CMN(G) ends in O(Ne) time.


For every online social network Gi that needs O(|Vi|) (1 ≤ in) to compute Pfwd(⋅), and O(|Ei|) to compute Pinf(wi,ui),(ui,wiVi). It takes O(Ne) to compute the \(\hat {p}(\hat {e})\) for each \(\hat {e}\in \hat {E}\). Thus, the time complexity of algorithm 2 is 2 ∗ O(Ne) + O(Na). Since NeNa in online social networks, the proposition has followed immediately. □

Based on the above analysis, this article couples multi-social networks G(V,E) into \(G_{cou}(\hat {V},\hat {E})\). Then, the problem of MIE-m is transformed into the problem of Misinformation Influence minimization by Entity protection in a coupled social network (MIE-c), and the objective function (3) can be converted to

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \hat{{\varLambda}}^{*}=\arg \min\limits_{\hat{{\varLambda}} \subseteq \hat{V} \backslash \mathfrak{R},\vert \hat{{\varLambda}} \vert \leq K} \mathbb{E} \left[\hat{\sigma}_{\mathfrak{R}}(\hat{{\varLambda}})\right] \end{array} $$

where \(\hat {{\varLambda }}\) is the set of K entities identified and protected from \(\hat {V} \backslash \mathfrak {R}\).

Next, we prove in proposition 2 that the MIE-m problem is equivalent to the MIE-c problem.

Proposition 2

Given a multi-social networks G(V,E), a coupled social network \(G_{cou}(\hat {V},\hat {E})\) of G, and an initial influence entities \(\mathfrak {R}\), \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R}}({\varLambda })= \hat {\sigma }_{\mathfrak {R}}(\hat {{\varLambda }})\) for any \({\varLambda } \subset V\backslash \mathfrak {R}\) and \({\varLambda }=\hat {{\varLambda }}\).


See Appendix A. □

Since the problem of MIE-c is equivalent to the problem of MIE-m, \(F(\hat {{\varLambda }})\) is a nonnegative monotonically decreasing supermodular function, where \(F(\hat {{\varLambda }}) = \hat {\sigma }_{\mathfrak {R}}(\hat {{\varLambda }})\).

5.2 Candidates prune

Since there are disparities in the influence of different entities in Gcou, we introduce the pruning rules to discard the relatively ‘unimportant’ entities. The following propositions prune and filter the candidate set of entities.

Proposition 3

If \(N^{in}(\hat {w})=\varnothing ,\ \hat {w} \in \hat {V}\backslash \mathfrak {R}\), protecting \(\hat {w}\) does not affect the spread value of misinformation.


When \(N^{in}(\hat {w})=\varnothing \), \(\hat {w}\in \hat {V}\backslash \mathfrak {R}\) exists, that is, the parent entity set of the existing entity \(\hat {w}\) is empty. Therefore, protecting \(\hat {w}\) will not affect the amount of misinformation finally accepted, and the entity \(\hat {w}\) can be removed from \(\hat {V}\). □

Proposition 4

If \(\hat {w}\notin \mathfrak {R}\), \(N^{out}(\hat {w})=\varnothing \) or \(N^{out}(\hat {w})\subset \mathfrak {R}\) exists, protecting \(\hat {w}\) does not affect the probability that \(\hat {u}\in \hat {V}\backslash \{\mathfrak {R} \cup \{\hat {w}\} \}\) will be activated by \(\mathfrak {R}\).


When \(\hat {w}\notin \mathfrak {R}\), \(N^{out}(\hat {w})=\varnothing \) or \(N^{out}(\hat {w})\subset \mathfrak {R}\) exists, that is, \(\hat {w}\) does not have a child neighbor or all child neighbors are activation entities. Thus, protecting \(\hat {w}\) will not affect the probability of other entities being activated by \(\mathfrak {R}\), and the entity \(\hat {w}\) can be removed from \(\hat {V}\). □

Proposition 5

If \(\hat {w}\notin \mathfrak {R}\), \(\vert N^{in}(\hat {w})\vert =1\), \(N^{in}(\hat {w})\notin \mathfrak {R}\), entity \(\hat {w}\) can be “discarded” from \(\hat {V}\).


When \(\hat {w}\in \hat {V}\backslash \mathfrak {R}\), \(\vert N^{in}(\hat {w})\vert =1\), \(N^{in}(\hat {w})\notin \mathfrak {R}\) exists, that is, the entity has and only one parent neighbor that is not the source. The effect of protecting the parent neighbor of entity \(\hat {w}\) is better than that of protecting itself. Therefore, the entity \(\hat {w}\) can be removed from \(\hat {V}\). □

According to propositions 3–5, we obtain the candidate set of entities. Algorithm 3 provides the procedure to obtain candidate set \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) from \(\hat {V}\).

figure f

Example 5

In Fig. 4b, the coupled social network Gcou has four entities \(\{\hat {v}_{1},\hat {v}_{2},\hat {v}_{5},\hat {v}_{8}\}\). Let \(\mathfrak {R}=\{\hat {v}_{1} \}\). For the entity \(\hat {v}_{2}\) that satisfies \(\hat {v}_{2}\notin \mathfrak {R}\), \(N^{out}(\hat {v}_{2}) = \varnothing \), the entity \(\hat {v}_{2}\) can be pruned from the candidate set. Thus, the candidate set \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) of Gcou is \(\{\hat {v}_{5},\hat {v}_{8} \}\).

5.3 Discrete gradient descent method

In this part, combining the characteristics of the gradient descent method [35], we propose the discrete gradient descent method to solve the supermodular function. We set K protected entities as variables, denoted as X = {x1, x2, ⋯ , xK}. Let d be the discrete step size, and B(xq) be the set of entities d steps away from the entity xq.

For the K-variable single-valued function h(X) = h(x1,x2,⋯ ,xK), let \({\Delta } {h_{s}^{q}}(X)=h(x_{1},\ \cdots ,\ x_{q}\), xq+ 1,⋯ ,xK) − h(x1,⋯, xq− 1,s,xq+ 1,⋯ ,xK), where |xq,s| = d,sB(xq). \({\Delta } {h_{s}^{q}}(X)\) is the difference between the function value of X and the function value when xq is substituted for s in X. The approximate discrete partial derivative of a single-valued function with a given d is

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X)= \frac{{\Delta}_{max} {h_{s}^{q}}(X)}{d} \end{array} $$

where \({\Delta }_{max} {h_{s}^{q}} (X)=\max \limits _{s\in B(x_{q})} {\Delta } {h_{s}^{q}}(X)\).

From the properties of online social networks, it is concluded that the discrete step size d between entities is integers; then, d = 1 is given in this article, so (6) is equivalent to

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X)= \max_{s \in B(x_{q})} {\Delta} {h_{s}^{q}} (X). \end{array} $$

We can derive the properties of (7) as follows: When \(\frac {\partial _{s} h}{\partial _{s} x_{q}}(X)\leq 0\), xq is at the local optimum. When \(\frac {\partial _{s} h}{\partial _{s} x_{q}}(X) > 0\), xq points s in the fastest descending direction; that is, when the variable s replaces the variable xq, h(X) decreases the most. Then, we give

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \gamma^{q}= \begin{cases} 1, &\frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X)> 0 \\ 0, &\frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X) \leq 0 \end{cases} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} SV^{q}= \begin{cases} s, &\frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X)> 0 \\ x_{q}, &\frac{\partial_{s} h}{\partial_{s} x_{q}}(X) \leq 0 \end{cases} \end{array} $$

Definition 7

(Discrete gradient) Given the discrete step size d, the discrete gradient of h(X) is

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \nabla_{d} h(X) = (\frac{\partial_{s_{1}} h}{\partial_{s_{1}} x_{1}}(X^{1}), \cdots, \frac{\partial_{s_{K}} h}{\partial_{s_{K}} x_{K}}(X^{K}))^{T} \end{array} $$

where X1 = X, Xq = Xq− 1 ∪{γq− 1SVq− 1}∖{γq− 1xq− 1}(1 < qK). Then, ∇dh(X) can be rewritten as ∇dh(X) = (γ1,γ2,⋯ ,γK), and the corresponding set of substitution variables is SV = (SV1, SV2, ⋯ , SVK).

In the discrete gradient ∇dh(X) of h(X), \(x_{q}\rightarrow s\) is one of the steepest descent directions. For the sequence X1, X2, ⋯, Xz, ⋯, there is Xz+ 1 = Xz ∪{∇dh(Xz) ⋅ SVz}∖{∇dh(Xz) ⋅ Xz}. Because h(X0) ≥ h(X1) ≥ h(X2) ≥⋯, the iteration terminates when ∇dh(Xz) = 0 or h(Xz) − h(Xz+ 1) < ε. For the discrete case, in a certain precision ε, may appear along the fastest descent direction search objective function value decreases and convergence the speed slow, then think that has met the accuracy requirements, can stop the search.

Theorem 5

Given a nonnegative set function h(X) and sequence X1, X2, ⋯, Xz, ⋯, h(Xz) will converge to a local optimal solution after using the discrete gradient descent method.


The termination condition of the discrete gradient descent method is ∇dh(Xz) = 0 or h(Xz) − h(Xz+ 1) < ε, then for the sequence X1, X2, ⋯, Xz, ⋯, we only need to prove h(X0) ≥ h(X1) ≥⋯ ≥ h(Xz) ≥⋯. ∇dh(Xz) = (γ1,γ2,⋯ ,γK) exists in variable set Xz, because \({X_{z}^{1}}=X_{z}\), \({X_{z}^{q}}=X_{z}^{q-1}\cup \{\gamma ^{q-1}\cdot SV^{q-1}\} \backslash \{\gamma ^{q-1} \cdot x_{q-1}\} (1< q\leq K)\), and \(h({X_{z}^{1}})\geq h({X_{z}^{2}})\geq {\cdots } \geq h({X_{z}^{K}})\). For \(X_{z}={X_{z}^{1}}\), \(X_{z+1}={X_{z}^{K}} \cup \{\gamma ^{K}\cdot SV^{K}\}\backslash \{\gamma ^{K}\cdot x_{K}\}\), then, we have \(h(X_{z})=h({X_{z}^{1}})\geq h({X_{z}^{K}})\geq h(X_{z+1})\). Therefore, we have h(X0) ≥ h(X1) ≥ h(X2) ≥⋯, that is, h(Xz) will converge to the local optimal solution. □

6 Problem solutions

This section first presents methods for estimating the influence of misinformation. Then, a two-stage discrete gradient descent algorithm is constructed, a baseline algorithm is proposed, and the efficiency of the algorithm is analysed.

6.1 Influence estimation

Since computing \(\sigma _{\mathfrak {R} ({\varLambda })}\) is #P-hard in multi-social networks, we estimate the influence of misinformation by utilizing the (𝜖,δ)-approximation method [36].

Definition 8

((𝜖,δ)-approximation). The mean and variance of samples Y1, Y2, Y3, ⋯ are μY and \({\delta _{Y}^{2}}\), which follows the independent identical distribution of Y in the interval [0,1]. The Monte Carlo estimator of μY is \(\bar {\mu }_{Y} = {\sum }_{j=1}^{N} Y_{j} /N\), if \(Pr[(1-\epsilon )\mu _{Y} \leq \bar {\mu }_{Y} \leq (1+\epsilon )\mu _{Y}] \geq 1- \delta \), where δ ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ 𝜖 ≤ 1.

Lemma 1

The mean of samples Y1, Y2, Y3, ⋯ is μY, which follows the independent identical distribution of Y. Let \(ZY={\sum }_{j=1}^{N} Y_{j}\), \(\bar {\mu }_{Y} =ZY/N\), \(\gamma =4(e-2)\cdot \ln (2/\delta )/\epsilon ^{2}\) and γ1 = 1 + (1 + 𝜖)γ. When ZYγ1, if N is the number of samples, then \(Pr[(1-\epsilon )\mu _{Y} \leq \bar {\mu }_{Y} \leq (1 + \epsilon )\mu _{Y}] \geq 1-\delta \) and \(\mathbb {E}[N]\leq \gamma _{1} /\mu _{Y}\).

From lemma 1, we know the stopping rule for obtaining misinformation propagation estimates. Given δ ≥ 0, 0 ≤ 𝜖 ≤ 1, \(\gamma =4(e-2)\cdot \ln (2/\delta )/\epsilon ^{2}\) and γ1 = 1 + (1 + 𝜖)γ. When the sum of N times \(F(\hat {{\varLambda }})'/\vert \hat {V}\vert \) is greater than γ1, then \(Pr[(1-\epsilon ) F(\hat {{\varLambda }}) \leq F(\hat {{\varLambda }})' \leq (1 + \epsilon ) F(\hat {{\varLambda }})] \geq 1-\delta \). The procedure for obtaining the estimated value \(F (\hat {{\varLambda }})'\) is given in Algorithm 4.

figure g

Proposition 6

The time complexity of the Influence Estimate Procedure is \(O(N*\vert \hat {E}\vert )\).


Algorithm 4 takes O(1) to compute γ1. It needs at most \(O(\vert \hat {E}\vert )\) to try to activate the inactive entities. Satisfying ZYγ1 takes at most \(O(N*\vert \hat {E}\vert )\) time. Thus, algorithm 4 takes \(O(N*\vert \hat {E}\vert )\) time to obtain \(F(\hat {{\varLambda }})'\). □

6.2 Supermodular curvature

Since the optimization problem of the set function is NP-hard, minimizing the influence of misinformation is generally impossible to achieve. Fortunately, we can use the supermodular curvature to obtain the worst-case upper bound. The supermodular curvature mainly indicates how far the supermodular function is modular.

Given a nondecreasing set function \(g:2^{I} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\) with submodularity, and \(g(\varnothing )=0\), the (total) curvature [37] of the function g is \({\varrho }_{g} = 1 -min_{v\in I} \frac {g(I)-g(I\backslash \{v\} )}{g(v)}\). Since \(0\leq g(I)-g(I\backslash \{v\}) \leq g(v)-g(\varnothing )\), we can get 0 ≤ ϱg ≤ 1, and when ϱg = 0, g is modular. Let \(f: 2^{U} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\) be a monotonic nonincreasing supermodular function with f(U) = 0. Suppose \(J(\cdot ) = f(\varnothing )- f(\cdot )\). Then, we can obtain that J(⋅) is a nondecreasing submodular function, and \(J(\varnothing ) =0\). Hence, according to the (total) curvature of the submodular function, we give the definition of the supermodular curvature.

Definition 9

(Supermodular curvature) Given a monotonic nonincreasing supermodular function \(f: 2^{U} \rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{+}\), and f(U) = 0. Then its supermodular curvature is defined as

$$ {\varrho}^{f} = 1 -min_{u\in U} \frac{f(U\backslash \{u\})}{f(\varnothing) - f(u)}. $$

Since the set function f is supermodular and f(U) = 0, then \(0\leq f(U\backslash \{u\}) = f(U\backslash \{u\}) -f(U) \leq f(\varnothing ) - f(u)\), we have 0 ≤ ϱf ≤ 1. When ϱf = 0 (or ϱf = 1), we say that f is modular (fully curved). we know that F(⋅) is a nonincreasing supermodular function, then \(F(\hat {U})=0\) for \(\hat {U}=\hat {V}\backslash \mathfrak {R}\). Hence, we can derive the supermodular curvature ϱF of the set function F.

Given a monotonic nonincreasing supermodular objective function F(⋅) of the problem of MIE-c, computing the supermodular curvature ϱF of function F(⋅) is #P-hard. Given a coupled social network \(G_{cou}(\hat {V}, \hat {E})\), a supermodular objective function F(⋅) and \(\mathfrak {R}\), let N be the number of Monte Carlo simulations, it takes \(O(N*\vert \hat {V}\vert \vert \hat {E}\vert )\) time to obtain the estimated value \(\acute {{\varrho }}^{F}\) of ϱF.

6.3 Two-stage discrete gradient descent method

In this part, we develop a Two-stage Discrete gradient Descent (TD-D) algorithm to solve the problem of MIE-c. The main idea of the TD-D algorithm is to first obtain the candidate entity set \(\hat {V}_{sa}\). Then, based on certain criteria (given in Section 7.3), select \(\hat {W}\) as the initial solution \(\hat {W}= \{ \hat {w}_{1}, \hat {w}_{2}, \cdots , \hat {w}_{K} \}\). Finally, \(\hat {W}\) is iterated \(F(\hat {w})\) to reach the local optimal solution. Algorithm 5 summarizes the specific steps of the TD-D procedure.

figure h

Proposition 7

The time complexity of the TD-D algorithm is \(O(MI\cdot N\vert \hat {E}\vert \vert \hat {V}\vert )\).


Let MI be the number of iterations when the TD-D algorithm converges, and let D be the maximum degree of the entity in the coupled social network \(G_{cou}(\hat {V},\hat {E})\). In the TD-D algorithm, O(Ne) time is required to obtain Gcou, where \(N_{e} = {\sum }_{i=1}^{n} \vert E^{i} \vert \). It takes \(O(\vert \hat {V}\vert )\) to obtain \(\hat {V}_{sa}\). At most, \(O(K\cdot D\cdot N\vert \hat {E}\vert )\) is required to update \(\hat {W}\). Since \(K\cdot D \ll \vert \hat {V}\vert \), the time complexity of the TD-D algorithm is \(O(MI\cdot N\vert \hat {E}\vert \vert \hat {V}\vert )\). □

6.4 Two-stage greedy method

A Two-stage Greedy (TG) algorithm is constructed based on the hill climbing approach [38] and used as a baseline for evaluating the TD-D algorithm. The procedure of the TG algorithm is given in Algorithm 6. In Algorithm 6, first, \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) is obtained according to Algorithm 3, and then the entity with the largest reduction in F(⋅) is selected to protect it until the K entities are selected.

figure i

Proposition 8

The time complexity of the TG algorithm is \(O(KN\vert \hat {V}\vert \vert \hat {E}\vert )\).


In the TG algorithm, it takes O(Ne) to couple multi-social networks G into Gcou, and it needs to spend \(O(\vert \hat {V}\vert )\) to obtain \(\hat {V}_{sa}\). At most \(O(KN\vert \hat {V}\vert \vert \hat {E}\vert )\) is required to select protected entity sets \(\hat {{\varLambda }}\). The total time spent is \(O(N_{e} + \vert \hat {V}\vert + KN\vert \hat {V}\vert \vert \hat {E}\vert )\), and the time complexity of the TG algorithm is \(O(KN\vert \hat {V}\vert \vert \hat {E}\vert )\). □

Theorem 6

Let \(\hat {{\varLambda }}^{*}\) be the optimal solution of the supermodular function F(⋅), and \(\hat {{\varLambda }}\) is the solution obtained by the TG algorithm, which satisfies

$$ F(\hat{{\varLambda}}) \leq \frac{1-{\varrho}^F}{{\varrho}^F}[e^{\frac{{\varrho}^F}{1-{\varrho}^F}} -1] F(\hat{{\varLambda}}^{*}) $$

where ϱF is the supermodular curvature of function F.


See Appendix A. □

Remark 1

When the number of Monte Carlo simulations MCN in the TG algorithm, the \(\hat {{\varLambda }}^{\prime }\) obtained by the TG algorithm is an \((\frac {1 - {\varrho }^{F} }{ {\varrho }^{F}} (e^{ \frac { {\varrho }^{F} }{ 1-{\varrho }^{F} }} -1) + \epsilon )\) approximation of \(\hat {{\varLambda }}^{*}\) and satisfies

$$ Pr[F(\hat{{\varLambda}}^{\prime}) \leq (\frac{ 1- {\varrho}^F }{ {\varrho}^F} (e^{\frac{{\varrho}^F}{ 1- {\varrho}^F}} -1)+\epsilon) F(\hat{{\varLambda}}^{*}) ] \geq 1 - \delta. $$

7 Experiment

Experiments were performed on a synthetic multi-networks and three real-world multi-social networks to verify the effectiveness of our developed algorithm. We implemented our algorithms and other heuristic algorithms in Python. All experiments were performed on a PC with a 3.60GHz Intel Core i9-9900K processor and 32 GB Memory, running Microsoft Windows 8.

7.1 Datasets

The synthetic multi-networks contains five random networks generated by the forest fire model [39]. By article [39], we know that there are two parameters in the forest fire model: the forward burning probability fp and the backwards burning ratio br. With the increase in fp and br, the networks generated by the forest fire model gradually become denser, and the effective diameter decreases slowly. Therefore, to make the synthetic network conform to the realistic situation and form a complement to the real-world network, we set fp = 0.33, br ∈ [0,0.2]. The properties of the synthetic network are as follows: the number of nodes from 1870 to 4846, the number of edges from 7122 to 21786, the forward burning probability is 0.33, and the edge probabilities (backwards burning ratio) were randomly selected from a uniform distribution between 0 and 0.2 for each synthetic network. Accounts owned by entities on distinct random networks are set to the same tag (ID), and the main procedure is: (1) A set of potential entities V q is given, and each entity is assigned a unique tag. (2) Obtain V c to satisfy \(Vc\subseteq Vq\) as the node set of the random network. It is worth pointing out that a node in a random network indicates an account owned by an entity and has the same tag as its corresponding entity. (3) A random network is generated based on nodes set V c leveraging the forest fire model. Repeat steps (2) and (3) to ensure that accounts owned by an entity in different random networks have the same tag. The multi-networks detailed description is given in Table 2, where ND is the average degree of accounts, and MD denotes the maximum degree of accounts.

Table 2 The statistics of the Synthetic multi-networks

At present, the multiple accounts identification problem [40] has become an independent research branch, and various methods, such as FPM-CSNUIA [41] and ExpandUIL [42], have been proposed to identify the multiple accounts owned by an entity. Since the recognition of multiple accounts of entities is not the focus on this article, we do not present a method for multi-social networks account recognition in real life, but conduct experiments with the help of datasets with multiple accounts information. Next, we introduce three real-world multi-social networks datasets: Collaborator datasets, Social datasets, and multi-layer Twitter datasets. The Collaborator datasets [39] contain three collaborator networks in the fields of general relativity and quantum cosmology, high energy physics and phenomena, and high energy physics theory. In the collaborator network, nodes represent scientists and edges indicate collaborations (co-authoring a paper). Each scientist in the Collaborator datasets is characterized by a unique label. Table 3 gives details of the Collaborator datasets. The Social datasets contain three online social networks: Flixster [43], Epinions [43], and YouTube [44]. Considering the characteristics of multi-social networks, in the Social datasets, we define accounts with the same label as belonging to the identical entity. The specific information about the Social datasets is given in Table 4. The Twitter [45] datasets contain four sub-layer network: Mention, Reply, Retweet, and Social. Accounts of entities in the four sub-layer networks in the Twitter datasets have the same labels. Table 5 shows the attributes of specific layers in Twitter.

Table 3 The statistics of Collaborator datasets
Table 4 The statistics of Social datasets
Table 5 The statistics of Twitter datasets

Table 6 summarizes the information of entity control accounts in multi-social networks. Table 6 shows that entities with multiple accounts in multi-social networks account for a small proportion of all entities. Entities with two or more accounts accounted for the highest proportion of Social datasets, and the lowest was Collaborator datasets, accounting for only 10.45%. Thus, this is one of the reasons for constructing the synthetic multi-networks in this article.

Table 6 The statistics of accounts controlled by entities in multi-social networks

7.2 Experimental setting

7.2.1 Parameter setting

Since there is no common neighbor between the accounts in the online social network, it is possible for them to exchange information, so ϖ = 0.3 is given. We give the parameter φ = 0.9. We use the degree of the entity’s control of the account in the online social network to express the entity’s preference for it. We randomly and uniformly select 3% of the total number of entities from each dataset as \(\mathfrak {R}\). Moreover, we give \(K=0.03*\vert \hat {V} \vert \) in the social dataset and \(K=0.05*\vert \hat {V}\vert \) in the other datasets and the iterative termination value of TD-D, ε = 0.01. To control the approximate quality of the misinformation spread value, we set 𝜖 = 0.05, δ = 0.01.

7.2.2 Coupled of multi-social networks

Use Algorithm 2 to couple multi-social networks G into a single social network Gcou. The details of the coupled social network are given in Table 7, where Max.Deg denotes the maximum degree of the entity, and D is the diameter of Gcou.

Table 7 The statistics of coupled social network datasets

7.3 Selection of initial feasible solution

The TD-D algorithm needs to be given an initial feasible solution \(\hat {W}=\{\hat {w}_{1}, \hat {w}_{2}, \cdots , \hat {w}_{K} \}\). Since different initial solutions will affect the convergence speed of the TD-D algorithm, we study the selection method of the initial feasible solution based on entity characteristics such as Out-degree Centrality (abbreviated as Out-degree) [15], Closeness Centrality (Closeness) [46], and Betweenness Centrality (Betweenness) [47]. We use the Synthetic CN and Twitter CN datasets to evaluate the acquisition method of the initial feasible solution, and the experimental results are shown in Tables 8 and 9, where K is the number of protected entities and the numbers in the table indicate the spread value of misinformation.

Table 8 The performance of all methods on Synthetic CN
Table 9 The performance of all methods on Twitter CN

As seen from Tables 8 and 9, the initial feasible solution \(\hat {W}\) selected by distinct methods on different datasets has little disparity in the local optimal solutions obtained after iteration. Then, we evaluate the efficiency of all initial feasible solution selection methods by comparing the time to obtain the local optimal solution, and the final result is shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5, the time consumed by diverse methods to obtain the optimal solution is discrepant, on the whole; the Betweenness method is better than other methods.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The running time of all methods on Synthetic and Twitter CN

Next, we give the average number of iterations of the discrete gradient in the TD-D algorithm based on diverse initial solution selection methods on the Synthetic and Twitter CN in Table 10. From Table 10, the Betweenness method has the minimum number of iterations, and its running time is relatively short, which is shown in Fig. 5. Considering the performance and running time of distinct initial feasible solution selection methods, the Betweenness method is used to select the initial feasible solution \(\hat {W}\) in the TD-D Algorithm.

Table 10 The number of iterations of the discrete gradient on Synthetic and Twitter CN by distinct methods

7.4 Comparison method

The TG algorithm is used as a baseline to evaluate the TD-D algorithm we developed, and the TD-D method is compared with heuristic methods such as Degree Centrality and PageRank. Next, we give the core ideas of these heuristic methods.

Two-stage PageRank (TPR). PageRank [48] is a technology that is calculated based on the hyperlinks between web pages to reflect the relevance and importance of web pages. The core of the TPR algorithm is to select the entity with the largest PR in the candidate set \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) for protection.

Two-stage Degree Centrality (TDC). Degree Centrality [49] is an index that characterizes the centrality of a node based on its degree. The TDC algorithm selects the K entities with the largest degree of centrality in \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) for protection.

Two-stage RanDom (TRD). The TRD algorithm randomly and uniformly selects K entities from the candidate set \(\hat {V}_{sa}\) for protection.

7.5 Comparison of TD-D and heuristic methods

Next, we compare the TD-D algorithm with other existing heuristic methods in four datasets by observing the disparities of the misinformation spread value when protecting diverse numbers of entities. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The misinformation spread on four datasets by diverse methods

We observe Fig. 6 and draw the following conclusions: 1) With the increase in the number of protected entities, the influence of misinformation declines in distinct datasets or diverse algorithms. 2) The performance of the TPR and TDC algorithms is inconsistent. The TPR algorithm in Collaboration CN is better than the TDC algorithm in its ability to limit the spread of misinformation, but vice versa in Twitter CN. 3) In the four datasets, we developed the TD-D algorithm, which has the best performance in misinformation control, while the TRD algorithm performed the worst. 4) We assume that the mean value of the reduction rate of the misinformation spread in the four datasets under the action of the TD-D algorithm is Ms(TDD). When \(K=0.03*\vert \hat {V}\vert \), we can obtain Ms(TDD) = 34.43%, Ms(TDC) = 23.57%, Ms(TPR) = 24.23% and Ms(TRD) = 12.11%. It is obvious that the performance of the TD-D algorithm in suppressing the spread of misinformation is at least 10% higher than that of other heuristic algorithms. In summary, the performance of the existing heuristic methods on distinct datasets is inconsistent and unstable. The performance of the TD-D algorithm is stable under diverse datasets, and the results are better than those of the existing heuristic methods.

7.6 Comparison of TD-D and TG algorithms

Next, we utilize the TG algorithm as the baseline to evaluate the TD-D algorithm in four datasets. Figure 7 shows the difference between the TD-D and TG algorithms to suppress the spread of misinformation when protecting the same number of entities, where \(gR = \frac {SVm(TD-D)-SVm(TG)}{SVo-SVm(TG)}\). SV m(TD-D) and SV m(TG) represent the spread value of misinformation under the TD-D and TG algorithms, respectively. SV o indicates the propagation value of misinformation when K = 0.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The gap between the spreading value of misinformation under the TD-D and TG algorithms

From Fig. 7, we can observe that when the same number of entities is protected, the discrepancy between the spreading value of misinformation under the TD-D algorithm and TG algorithm is very small in different datasets; that is, the ability of the two algorithms to suppress the spread of misinformation is basically the same.

In Table 11, we show the running time of the TD-D and TG algorithms when protecting different numbers of entities in the three datasets. In each dataset through the comparison, we found that the running time of the TD-D algorithm is far less than that of the TG algorithm. Moreover, with the increase in the number of protected entities, the difference in running time between the two algorithms gradually shrinks, but the running efficiency of the TD-D algorithm is still much higher than that of the TG algorithm. According to Fig. 7 and Table 11, TD-D and TG have basically the same ability to suppress the spread of misinformation, but the running time of TD-D algorithm is much lower than that of TG algorithm. Therefore, the comprehensive performance of TD-D algorithm in controlling misinformation is better than that of the TG algorithm. In general, the TD-D algorithm outperforms other existing algorithms under distinct datasets and diverse evaluation indexes.

Table 11 TD-D and TG algorithms in running times

8 Conclusion

In this article, the characteristics of the spread of misinformation across multi-social networks are considered, and we propose an entity protection strategy to control misinformation in multi-social networks, and explore the problem of misinformation influence minimization by entity protection on multi-social networks. We prove that the computing information spread is #P-hard, and the objective function of the problem of MIE-m is supermodular. We utilize techniques such as multi-social networks coupled and pruning rules to develop approximate methods for solving MIE-m. We also construct a two-stage greedy algorithm with approximate guarantees as a baseline to evaluate our developed TD-D algorithm. Experimental results on a synthetic and three real-world multi-social networks, verify the feasibility and effectiveness of our methods. In the future, we will be interested in studying the control strategies and dissemination laws of misinformation in multi-social networks, including interpersonal networks.