1 Introduction

The use of RF energy harvesting is widely spreading in wireless sensor nodes and radio frequency identification (RFID) applications [1]. An RF-to-DC converter or rectifier is one of the primary key components which is present in a harvesting unit. It is used to convert the received RF energy into a DC voltage to power up the associated system [2]. Various architectures are available in literature to implement the RF-to-DC converter or rectifier. The most common method is the use of Schottky diode, as it offers low forward voltage and high switching speed [3, 4]. But the requirement of additional manufacturing steps limits its ON-chip usage. As an alternative to Schottky diodes, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistors are used since it offers ease in bulk manufacturing. But, the performance of a CMOS based rectifier gets limited by the threshold voltage (Vth) of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) used in implementation. In order to overcome this limitation two approaches are suggested in literature.

First is the device based approach, where special transistors like zero-Vth transistors [5] are used in designing the rectifier circuit.

In the second method, threshold voltage influence in MOSFET has been reduced by the use of circuit based arrangements. This approach is broadly classified into three parts; internal Vth cancellation (IVC), external Vth cancellation (EVC) and self Vth cancellation (SVC) based schemes. In the internal Vth cancellation scheme, threshold voltage has been reduced by the use of an additional CMOS circuit, which is powered up by using the rectified DC voltage [6]. While in the external Vth cancellation approach, the threshold voltage effect in MOSFET is reduced by the use of additional DC sources [7]. Finally in self Vth cancellation scheme, threshold voltage of transistors has been reduced by utilizing positive feedback mechanism [8].

In general, a DC voltage level attended by the rectifier is not sufficiently high (<3 Vth). Thus to obtain higher DC voltage level, the multistage rectifier implementation has been adopted. This implementation is often known as the voltage multiplier (VM) circuit in literature. Most of the VM circuits are based on the classical Dickson’s charge pump topology [9, 10]. The performance of the multistage rectifier is affected more due to the threshold voltage of the transistor as compared to a single stage rectifier. In [11], various architectures for the voltage multiplier circuit have been proposed, which are suitable for a low input power levels. Similarly, the use of capacitor-bootstrapped transistors have been proposed in [12], to overcome the threshold voltage influence in the rectifier. The implementation by using cross-coupled rectifier proposed in [13], which offers improved power efficiency and reduction in loss due to the threshold voltage in a voltage multiplier circuit.

The RF-to-DC module which has used in this work for the implementation of voltage multiplier arrangement (Fig. 1) was selected from [14]. The rectifier circuit arrangement proposed in [14] is the cross-coupled bridge configuration and also known as differential drive rectifier.

It was suggested in the work that due to the differential drive active gate bias mechanism, the rectifier is capable of achieving low ON-resistance and small reverse leakage during the forward and the reverse conduction modes respectively. The measurement results of a three stage voltage multiplier were also presented in [14]. The measured performance has exhibited the peak power conversion efficiency of 65 % at a resistive load of 30 KΩ for an input RF power level of −6 dBm at 953 MHz RF frequency.

Here in this work, the VM arrangement proposed in [14] has been modified by attaching a storage capacitor after each stage and is designated as the conventional VM circuit. This architecture is present ON-chip for the comparison purpose.

In this work, a signaling scheme is proposed to be used in forming multistage rectifier. It has been found by the measurement that the voltage multiplier circuit, which was designed by using the proposed signaling scheme has shown an improved performance over the voltage multiplier circuit that was formed by using conventional cascading method. The paper is organized as follows: the voltage multiplying action of the conventional VM circuit has been discussed in Sect. 2. The proposed signaling scheme is presented in Sect. 3. The results have been discussed in the Sect. 4 and the conclusions are in Sect. 5.

2 Architecture of the conventional voltage multiplier circuit circuit

Fig. 1
figure 1

Conventional method to form voltage multiplier

The N-stage conventional VM circuit based on [14] is shown in Fig. 1. The circuit is modified by connecting a storage capacitor (\(C_s\)) per stage. The storage capacitor is responsible to minimize the ripple voltage of the rectified DC output.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Conceptual circuit diagram of the Nth stage of the voltage multiplier circuit

The working principle of the conventional VM circuit is explained by using a conceptual diagram shown in Fig. 2. In the figure, \(\pm V_p\) are the peak input RF signal amplitudes, \(V_{dn}\) and V\(_{dp}\) represents the voltage drop across nMOSFET and pMOSFET respectively, \(C_p\) is the pumping capacitor, \(V_{dcx}\) represents the rectified DC voltage per stage of the VM circuit where \(x =1,2,\ldots ,(N-1)\) , and \(C_{s}\) is the storage capacitor.

It should be noted that the analysis of charge transfer in a typical rectifier is quite complex as explained in [15] for a complete RF input cycle. This complexity is due to different operation regions of the transistors used in the rectifier design. Hence, to develop a simple working model two assumptions have been made. First, the RF signal amplitude is greater than the threshold voltage (Vth) of the transistor. Second, the lossless transfer of electronic charge will occur during charging and discharging cycles of the capacitor.

When the positive-RF signal amplitude will appear at terminal (B) (Fig. 2) nMOSFET will turn ON and hence, the rectifier will enter into the charging phase as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Charging and b discharging phase of the single stage differential drive rectifier

By applying Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) in the charging path (Fig. 3a),


The peak voltage \((V_{cp})\) developed across the capacitor \(C_p\) during the charging phase will be,


Similarly, when a negative-RF voltage signal will appear at the terminal (B), pMOSFET will turn ON and hence, the rectifier will enter into the discharging phase (Fig. 3b). In this phase, charges stored in \(C_{p}\) will be transferred to \(C_ {s}\) without any loss. By applying KVL in the discharging path,


and substituting (2) in (3),


rearranging (4) will result as,

$$V_{L}=2\cdot V_{p}+V_{dcx}-\left( V_{dn}+V_{dp}\right)$$

The condition V dcx  = 0 signifies the charging/discharging operation of the Ist stage. Hence, the rectified DC voltage (\(V_{dc1}\)) from Ist stage will be obtained by substituting this condition in (5),

$$V_{dc1}=V_L=2\cdot V_{p}-\left( V_{dn}+V_{dp}\right)$$

The voltage \(V_{dc1}\) will act as a DC source for second stage. Thus, voltage developed across \(C_ {p}\) during charging phase will be obtained by substituting (6) in (2)

$$V_{cp}=-3\cdot V_{p}+2\cdot V_{dn} +V_{dp}$$

The rectified DC-output voltage from the second stage after discharging phase will be,

$$V_{dc2}=4\cdot V_{p}-2\cdot (V_{dn} +V_{dp})$$

By referring (5) and (7), and using the principle of recursion, the DC-output voltage after Nth stage of the conventional VM will be,

$$V_{DCconv}=\underbrace{2N\cdot V_{p}}_{a}-\underbrace{N\cdot (V_{dn} +V_{dp})}_{b}$$

Three observations can be obtained from the equation (9); first, the presence of the multiplying factor of 2 indicates that the differential drive rectifier is the voltage doubler architecture. Second, part (a) in (9) is the ideal DC output voltage from the voltage multiplier. Finally, part (b) is the total voltage loss that occurs in pMOSFET and nMOSFET due to the threshold voltage. It can be noticed that the loss will increase with the increase in the number of stages (N).

Part (b) is one of the main reasons that, restricts the number of stages in the VM circuit [11].

3 Proposed cascading scheme

In the literature two approaches have been suggested in order to eliminate or reduce part (b) of equation (9). First, the use of zero-Vth transistors [5, 16] but this will increase power conversion efficiency at a cost of high reverse/OFF-state leakage current. Second approach is the use of auxiliary voltage source to compensate part (b), which is as shown follows,

$$V_{dc}=2N\cdot V_{p}-N\cdot (V_{dn} +V_{dp})+V_{aux}$$

where \(V_{aux}\) is the auxiliary voltage source that can be obtained either externally [7] or internally [16].

Figure 4 shows the schematic of the proposed signaling scheme to develop the auxiliary voltage \(V_{aux}\) by using the input RF signal. In this architecture (Fig. 4) two simple modifications have been implemented in the conventional VM circuit (Fig. 1). First, the storage capacitor (\(C_s\)) has been split into two capacitors \((C_{s1}, C_{s2})\) with a capacitance value of \(C_s\)/2 to maintain equal layout area. This arrangement is possible due to the differential architecture of the rectifier, as only an opposite pair of transistors are active i.e. \(P_1\) and \(N_2\) in first half cycle where as \(P_2\) and \(N_1\) in other half cycle (Fig. 1). Second, one terminal of the capacitor (\(C_{s1}, C_{s2},\)) has been connected to complementary RF signal line. As a result, during discharging phase, the complementary input RF signal will also contribute in the development of an additional DC voltage.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Proposed cascade arrangement method to form voltage multiplier

The charging and discharging phase of the first stage is shown in Fig. 5. The voltage across pumping capacitor (\(C_p\)) during the charging phase will be given by,


Similarly, by applying KVL in the discharging path (Fig. 5b) will result in,


Voltage (\(V_{Cs1}\)) generated across the smoothing capacitor (\(C_{s1}\)) during the discharging phase can be obtained by substituting (11) in (12),

$$V_{cs1}=3\cdot V_{p}-(V_{dn}+V_{dp})$$

In the proposed circuit the charging and discharging phase from the second stage (Fig. 6) will be different from the first stage, since now \(C_{s1}\) is also contributing in pumping the charges. By applying KVL in the charging path (Fig. 6a) of the second stage, it is obtained that,

Fig. 5
figure 5

a Charging and b discharging phase of first stage of proposed arrangement

Fig. 6
figure 6

a Charging and b discharging phase of the second stage of proposed arrangement

The voltage generated across \(C_{p}\) during the charging phase at the second stage can be obtained by substituting (14) in (13). It will result as,

$$V_{cp}= -5\cdot V_{p}+V_{dn}+(V_{dn}+V_{dp})$$

Similarly, the voltage developed across \(C_{s1}\) during the discharging phase can be obtained by substituting (15) in (16). The resultant equation for this voltage (V cs1) is shown in (17).

$$V_{cs1}=7\cdot V_p-2\cdot (V_{dn}+V_{dp})$$

Hence, referring to (13), (17) and using the principle of recursion analysis, the voltage, which will appear across \(C_{s1}\) at the start of the charging phase of Nth stage will be given by,

$$V_{cs1}=(4N-1)\cdot V_p-N\cdot (V_{dn}+V_{dp})$$

The conceptual diagrams shown in Fig. 6 for charging and discharging phases are also applicable to Nth stage. Hence, by applying KVL in the charging path and using (18), the voltage developed across \(C_{p}\) will be given as,

$$V_{p}=-2\cdot V_p-(4N-1)\cdot V_p +2N\cdot (V_{dn}+V_{dp})+V_{dn}$$

Finally, the output DC voltage of the proposed voltage multiplier arrangement will be obtained by applying KVL in the discharging path and using (19) as,

$$V_{DC_{Prop}}=(4N+2)\cdot V_{p}-N\cdot (V_{dn}+V_{dp})$$

The plot for an ideal DC voltage from the conventional and proposed voltage multipliers by using (9) and (20) respectively is shown in Fig. 7. In this plot equation (9) is marked as C ideal and P ideal respectively. These plots are made for peak input voltage V p  = 0.5 V, with the voltage loss of (V dn , V dp ) = 0.3 V. It should be noted that this voltage loss across transistors has been estimated from the transient simulations. Similarly, the simulated values of output DC voltages obtained from the various number of stages of the proposed and the conventional voltage multipliers are shown as P sim and C sim respectively for capacitive load of 5 pF. These transient simulations were done in the Cadence environment using Spectre simulator.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Ideal and simulated plots of conventional (C ideal and C sim ) and proposed (P ideal and P sim ) voltage multiplier circuits

It can be observed in Fig. 7 that the simulated behaviours trend of voltage multipliers is in agreement with the ideal equations (9) and (20).

4 Measurement results

The proposed and the conventional VM circuits were fabricated in standard 0.18 \(\upmu\)m CMOS technology. The micrographes of the designs are shown in Fig. 8. The layout area of each circuit is 250 \(\upmu\)\(\times\) 350 \(\upmu\)m. In the implementations, the body terminal of the transistors was tied to the source terminal to avoid body effect and the gate-oxide stress from gate to bulk. The dimensions of the CMOS components used in the architecture are listed at Table 1. These dimensions were determined by using simulation based approach. The simulations were done by using the Cadence Spectre simulator. The transient and the harmonic balance analysis were used in finalizing the device sizes.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Micrograph of a conventional and b proposed voltage multiplier circuit

Table 1 Device dimensions of the CMOS components

4.1 Measurement setup

A printed circuit boards (PCB) (Fig. 9) with standard FR4 substrate, which have been used in the measurements were milled in the laboratory. The length of the RF signal feed line used in the PCB was determined using the Agilent ADS simulator. The ICs were directly soldered on the board to minimize parasitic effects during measurements. The single port S-parameters were measured using the port extension feature of Agilent 8722ES network analyzer. These S-parameters were converted into mixed mode S-parameters by using the Matlab program in order to determine the input impedance of the rectifiers. Later, these impedance values were used in the Agilent ADS simulator to determine the discrete component’s values required to design the matching network for each of the rectifier. It should be noted that, the matching networks were designed individually for each rectifier only for the resistive load of 30 K\(\Omega\). The load characterization of the rectifiers were done without changing matching networks.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Printed circuit board used in the measurement

The block diagram of the measurement setup is shown in Fig. 10. The input RF signal of frequency 433 MHz was provided by R&H SMIQ06B signal generator and split into the differential signal using the 50 \(\Omega\) balun [17]. This differential signal was fed into the device under test (DUT) and the rectified DC output values were measured using multimeter HP34401A.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Block diagram of the measurement setup

4.2 Measurement results

In the measurement, the load conditions were emulated using the surface mount resistors of values 30, 100 K\(\Omega\) and 1 M\(\Omega\) The measured output DC voltages for both architectures are shown in Fig. 11. The percentage increase in the output DC voltage after implementing proposed scheme are also shown in Fig. 11. It can be noticed in Fig. 11 that the proposed VM is capable of generating higher DC voltage values compared with the conventional architecture. These improvements in output DC voltages are approximately in the range of 100 to 500 mV depending on input power level and load condition. The measured output DC voltage values obtained from the proposed VM circuit were not as high as expected in the first order theoretical analysis (20) and (9).

Fig. 11
figure 11

The measured output DC voltage values and percentage increase in output DC voltage values for the various input RF power level at different resistive load values

To further improve the performance of the proposed rectifier following guidelines are suggested. These guidelines were determined by performing a schematic-level, simulations-based optimization of the proposed three stage voltage multiplier. These simulations were performed by considering following constraints to maximize PCE.

$$PCE(\% ) = f\left\{ {\begin{array}{lll} {{W_{1,2,3}}}&\quad{{\rm{Width\;of\;transistors\;of\; Stage - I,\;II,\;and\;III }}}\\ {{C_{p1,p2,p3}}}&\quad{{\rm{Sizes\;of\;pumping\;capacitors\;used\;in\;Stage - I,\;II,\;and\;III }}}\\ {{C_{s1,s2,s3}}}&\quad{{\rm{Sizes\;of\;storage\;capacitors\;used\;in\;Stage - I,\;II,\;and\;III }}} \end{array}} \right.$$

Following conclusions were resulted from the simulations,

  1. 1.

    Select \(W_3 > W_2 >W_1\) but this increment should not be more than 25 % per stage.

  2. 2.

    Select pumping capacitor (\(C_p\)) of same size i.e. \(C_{p1}=C_{p2}=C_{p3},\) but with large value of capacitance as it will decide the size of storage capacitors.

  3. 3.

    Select \(C_{s1}>C_{s2}>C_{s3}\) and the value of storage capacitor (\(C_s\)) should be small (\(\approx1/30\)) as compared to pumping capacitor (\(C_p\)).

The performance of both of these architectures were also measured in terms of power conversion efficiency (PCE) which is expressed as follows,

$$\ PCE(\%) = 100 \cdot \frac{P_{out}}{P_{in}}$$

where P\(_{out}\) is the output DC power given by,

$$\ P_{out}=\frac{V_{dc}^2}{R_L}$$

While the input power P\(_{in}\) was selected from [8],

$$\ P_{in}=P_{s}\cdot \left[ 1-|S_{dd11}|^2-|S_{cd11}|^2 \right]$$

where P\(_s\) is the RF power level after balun, S\(_{dd11}\) and S\(_{cd11}\) are the mixed mode differential-to-differential and differential-to-common mode reflection coefficients respectively.

The measured PCE plots and the corresponding percentage increase in PCE over the conventional architecture are shown in Fig. 12. It can be observed that the proposed method is capable of improving the performance of the conventional cascading arrangement. The percentage increase in the power conversion efficiency performance is 22–32 %. These values can be further improved by applying the modifications suggested above.

Fig. 12
figure 12

The measured power conversion efficiency (PCE) and the percentage increase in PCE values for the various input RF power level at different resistive load values

It can also be noticed from Fig. 12, that the numerical values of the measured power conversion efficiencies for both of the architectures are less compared with the power conversion efficiency values reported in [14]. One of the primary reasons for these reductions were the difference in the measurement setup used. The authors from [14] used probing and the mixed mode S-parameters were obtained directly from the fully differential Agilent PNA-X vector analyser.

In this work, the DUT was soldered on the PCB (Fig. 9) and a single ended S-parameters were first measured using the Agilent 8722ES network analyzer. These S-parameters were then converted into the mixed mode S-parameters using a Matlab program, which are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Mixed mode parameters

5 Conclusion

In this work a signalling scheme was proposed which is capable of increase performance of the conventional VM circuit. The implementation of the proposed scheme was done in the three stage conventional voltage multiplier circuit. The effectiveness of this scheme was verified by measurements for different resistive load values. The measured results show that the output DC voltage and the power conversion efficiency of the conventional voltage multiplier circuit has been improved after implementing proposed scheme in it. The design strategy is suggested to further improve the performance of the proposed architecture. It is noted that, the proposed scheme is also suitable for other existing differential rectifier architectures which are used in the application of RF energy harvesting. Based on measured statistics the proposed VM architecture is useful for high proximity RFID applications such as logistic tags, smart cards and healthcare.