1 Introduction

Planetary gear trains have been widely used in various power transmission systems due to their distinct merits of compact structure, high efficiency and excellent load capacity. In the past decades, abundant investigations have been conducted on the planetary gear trains, ranging from kinematic formulation to dynamic prediction [1,2,3,4,5]. However, studies on the planetary gear train with small tooth number difference are quite rare. As a typical planetary gear transmission device, the reducer with small tooth number difference claims some unique properties such as large transmission ratio, high power density. From the perspective of mechanics, the reducer with small tooth number difference belongs to the over-constrained mechanical system, in which there exists statical indetermination caused by virtual constraints. Because of its unique structural and mechanic properties, the dynamic behavior of a reducer with small tooth number difference is very different from that of an ordinary planetary gear train.

According to the author’s literature survey, only a few papers studied structural design, dynamic modeling, modal characteristic, dynamic responses and other issues of the reducer with small tooth number difference. For example, Tsai et al. [6] proposed a conceptual design of a cycloid planetary gear reducer with two teeth number difference and then derived the equations of cycloid profile, tooth contact and specific sliding. Aimed at the problems of bearing premature fatigue and high level noise in the three-ring gear reducer, Yang and Zhang [7] developed an elasto-dynamic model considering the compliances of bearings, shafts and meshing gear teeth. Huang et al. [8] analyzed the natural frequencies and modal shapes of planetary gear apparatus based on the finite element method. Li et al. [9] established a nonlinear dynamic model and investigated the effects of modification coefficient, backlash and transmission error on the dynamic responses of the planetary drive with small teeth number difference. In addition, Shu [10]; Li; [11] and Dai [12] investigated the load sharing, the tooth contact and the lubrication performance of planetary drives with small tooth number difference, respectively.

Compared to the aforementioned several types of reducer with small tooth number difference, the star-wheel reducer has more evenly distributed star-wheel shafts to bear the planetary gear load, which can avoid premature failure of the planetary bearings. However, the introducing of more star-wheel shafts brings more virtual constrains into the transmission system. This makes the load sharing among different load-branches very complicated and the system’s dynamic responses very sensitive to manufacturing/assembling errors. To the author’s best knowledge, the dynamic performance of the star-wheel reducer has not been studied yet. Note that an in-depth understanding of the dynamics is very important for the design as well as the manufacturing of the star-wheel reducer. In view of this, an elasto-dynamic model for the star-wheel reducer is established in the present study. Based on the established model, a modal analysis and a dynamic analysis will be carried out to reveal the modal characteristics and the steady-state responses of the star-wheel reducer. Finally, the dynamic analysis results will be verified through experimental tests.

2 Elasto-dynamic modeling structural descriptions

A star-wheel reducer is composed of an input shaft, an output shaft, a set of star-wheel shaft, two star-wheels, a ring gear, a set of bearings, eccentric sleeves and some other components. Its structural schematic diagram and a 3-D virtual prototype are shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b), respectively. For the sake of clarity, Fig. 1 (c) presents the exploded diagram of the virtual prototype.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of a star-wheel reducer: (a) Schematic diagram of mechanism, (b) Three-dimensional assembly, (c) Exploded structure

1-Output shaft; 2‑Rear bearing of output shaft; 3‑Front bearing of output shaft; 4‑Flange; 5‑Rear end cap; 6‑Box; 7‑Ring gear; 8‑Front bearing of star-wheel shaft; 9‑Left support; 10-Bearing of star-wheel shaft; 11-2nd phase star-wheel; 12-Star-wheel shaft; 13-Bearing of star-wheel; 14-1st phase star-wheel; 15-Support shaft; 16-Right support; 17-Rear bearing of input shaft; 18-Eccentric sleeve; 19-Front bearing of input shaft; 20-Input shaft; 21-Front end cap; 22-Small end cap.

The transmission path of the star-wheel reducer is described as the following: 1) The power is fed into the system through the input shaft, and then drives the star-wheel translation through the eccentric sleeve connected with the input shaft; 2) The translational star-wheel will engage with the ring gear, thus driving the ring gear to rotate; 3) Since the ring gear is connected with the output shaft, the power is output by the output shaft. It should be noted that there are two star-wheels in the reducer to avoid the dead angle problem of crank slider mechanism.

According to the above analysis, the technique of substructure synthesis is adopted to establish a dynamic model for the star-wheel reducer. To be specific, the star-wheel reducer is divided into four substructures, i.e., the output shaft subsystem, the input shaft subsystem, the star-wheel shaft subsystem and the star-wheel subsystem, respectively.

2.1 Motion equation of subsystems

2.1.1 Motion equation of the input shaft subsystem

The input shaft subsystem is composed of an input shaft and two eccentric sleeves. The eccentric sleeves are fixed to the input shaft through two keys with a 180° symmetrical layout. The force diagram of the input shaft subsystem is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Force diagram of the input shaft subsystem

As shown in Fig. 2, a coordinate system OI-xyz is set at the mass center of the input shaft. Herein, the parameters a1 and a2 correspond to the distances of the front and the rear bearings on the input shaft from the coordinate origin to the bearing centers, respectively; a3 and a4 denote the distances from OI to the 1st and the 2nd eccentric sleeves, respectively; gI is the weight of the input shaft; fsx1, fsy1, fsx2, fsy2, fIx1, fIy1fIx2 and fIy2 are the reaction forces of bearings respectively; fe1 and fe2 are the centrifugal forces of the input shaft at the position of the ith translation star-wheel.

The motion equation of the input shaft subsystem can be formulated as

$$\left\{\begin{array}{l} m_{\mathrm{I}}\ddot{x}_{\mathrm{I}}=(f_{\mathrm{s}x1}- f_{\mathrm{I}x1}+f_{ex1})+(f_{\mathrm{s}x2}- f_{\mathrm{I}x2}+f_{ex2})\\ m_{\mathrm{I}}\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{I}}=(f_{\mathrm{s}y1}- f_{\mathrm{I}y1}+f_{ey1})+(f_{\mathrm{s}y2}- f_{\mathrm{I}y2}+f_{ey2})- g_{\mathrm{I}}\\ j_{\mathrm{I}x}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{I}x}=(- f_{\mathrm{s}y1}a_{1}- f_{\mathrm{I}y1}a_{3}+f_{ey1}a_{3})+(f_{\mathrm{s}y2}a_{2}- f_{\mathrm{I}y2}a_{4}- f_{ey2}a_{4})\\ j_{\mathrm{I}y}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{I}y}=(f_{\mathrm{s}x1}a_{1}+f_{\mathrm{I}x1}a_{3}- f_{ex1}a_{3})+(f_{\mathrm{s}x2}a_{2}+f_{\mathrm{I}x2}a_{4}+f_{ex2}a_{4}) \end{array}\right.$$

where mI is the mass of the input shaft; jIx and jIy are the moment of inertia of the input shaft; fexi and feyi are the centrifugal force components along x and y axes of the input shaft at the position of the ith phase translational planet gear; xI and yI are the displacements of the input shaft; βIx and βIy are the angular displacements of the input shaft around x and y axes.

2.1.2 Motion equation of the star-wheel shaft subsystem

Taking the jth star-wheel shaft as an example, its force diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Force diagram of the jth star-wheel shaft subsystem

Herein, a coordinate system Os-xyz is set at the mass center of the star-wheel shaft; the parameters b1 and b2 correspond to the distances of the front and the rear bearings on the star-wheel shaft from the coordinate origin to the bearing centers, respectively; the parameters b3 and b4 correspond to the distances from the coordinate origin to the gear centers of the 1st phase and the 2nd phase star-wheels respectively; φ1j and φ2j are the angles at which the crank rotates relative to x-axis; gsj is the weight of the jth star-wheel shaft; fhxij, fhyij, fsxij and fsyij are the reaction forces of the bearings in x, y directions respectively; fgxij and fgyij are the component centrifugal force fgij of the ith star-wheel on the jth star-wheel shaft along x and y directions.

The motion equation of the star-wheel shaft subsystem can be formulated as

$$\left\{\begin{array}{l} m_{sj}\ddot{x}_{sj}=(f_{\mathrm{h}x1j}- f_{\mathrm{s}x1j}+f_{\mathrm{g}x1j})\\ +(f_{\mathrm{h}x2j}- f_{\mathrm{s}x2j}+f_{\mathrm{g}x2j}) \\ m_{sj}\ddot{y}_{sj}=(f_{\mathrm{h}y1j}- f_{\mathrm{s}y1j}+f_{\mathrm{g}y1j})\\ +(f_{\mathrm{h}y2j}- f_{\mathrm{s}y2j}+f_{\mathrm{g}y2j})- g_{s} \\ j_{\mathrm{s}xj}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{s}xj}=- (f_{\mathrm{h}y1j}b_{1}- f_{\mathrm{s}y1j}b_{3}+f_{gy1j}b_{3})\\ +(f_{\mathrm{h}y2j}b_{2}- f_{\mathrm{s}y2j}b_{4}+f_{gy2j}b_{4}) \\ j_{\mathrm{s}yj}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{s}yj}=- (- f_{\mathrm{h}x1j}b_{1}+f_{\mathrm{s}x1j}b_{3}- f_{gx1j}b_{3})\\ +(- f_{\mathrm{h}x2j}b_{2}+f_{\mathrm{s}x2j}b_{4}- f_{gx2j}b_{4})\\ j_{\mathrm{szj}}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{szj}}=e(f_{\mathrm{s}x1j}\sin \varphi _{1j}- f_{\mathrm{s}y1j}\cos \varphi _{1j})\\ +e(f_{\mathrm{s}x2j}\sin \varphi _{2j}- f_{\mathrm{s}y2j}\cos \varphi _{2j})\; \end{array}\right.$$

where msj is the mass of the jth star-wheel shaft; jsxj, jsyj and jszj are the moments of inertia of the star-wheel shaft; xsj and ysj are the translational displacements of star-wheel shaft; βsxj, βsyj and βszj are the angular displacements of star-wheel shaft around x, y and z axes; e denotes eccentric distance of eccentric sleeve.

2.1.3 Motion equation of the star-wheel subsystem

The force diagram of the ith phase star-wheel subsystem is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Force diagram of the ith phase star-wheel subsystem

As shown in Fig. 4, Oi is the theoretical center of the ith phase star-wheel; Pi is the pitch point; L is the distance from Oi to the star-wheel shaft hole; \(\phi _{j}\) is the phase angle of the jth star-wheel shaft; φi is the ith phase crank angle; ψi=π/2α′+φi, α′ is the meshing angle, gpi is the weight of the ith phase star-wheel; fpi is the centrifugal force of the ith phase star-wheel.

The motion equation of the star-wheel subsystem can be formulated as

$$\left\{\begin{array}{l} m_{\mathrm{p}i}\ddot{x}_{\mathrm{p}i}=f_{\mathrm{I}xi}+\sum _{j=1}^{m}f_{\mathrm{sxij}}- f_{xi}+f_{\mathrm{p}xi}\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \\ m_{\mathrm{p}i}\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{p}i}=f_{\mathrm{I}yi}+\sum _{j=1}^{m}f_{\mathrm{syij}}- f_{yi}+f_{\mathrm{p}yi}- g_{\mathrm{p}i}\quad \quad \quad \\ j_{\mathrm{p}zi}\ddot{\theta }_{\mathrm{p}i}=\sum _{j=1}^{m}\left(f_{\mathrm{syij}}L\cos \phi _{j}- f_{\mathrm{sxij}}L\sin \phi _{j}\right)- f_{i}r_{\mathrm{bp}} \end{array}\right.$$

where xpi, ypi and θpi are translational and angular displacements of the ith phase star-wheel; mpi and jpzi denote the mass and the moment of inertia of the ith phase star-wheel; rbp is the radius of the base circle.

2.1.4 Motion equation of the output shaft subsystem

The output shaft subsystem is composed of the ring gear, the flange, and the output shaft. The ring gear is connected with the flange by bolts, while the flange is connected with the output shaft through a spline. Its corresponding force diagram is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Force diagram of the output shaft subsystem

For convenience, an output shaft coordinate system Oo-xyz is set at the mass center of the output shaft Oo. Herein, the parameters c1 and c2 correspond to the distances of the front and the rear bearings on the output shaft from the origin of coordinates to the bearing centers, respectively; c3 is the distance from Oo to the rear bearing of the input shaft; the parameters c4 and c5 correspond to the distances from the coordinate origin to the gear centers of the 1st phase and the 2nd phase star-wheels respectively; go is the weight of the output shaft; fox1, foy1, fox2, foy2, \(f'_{sx2}\) and \(f'_{sy2}\) are the reaction forces of bearings in x and y directions, respectively; \(f'_{1}\) and \(f'_{2}\) are the meshing forces between the ring gear and the star-wheel of the 1st phase and the 2nd phase.

The motion equation of the output shaft subsystem can be formulated as

$$\left\{\begin{array}{l} m_{\mathrm{o}}\ddot{x}_{\mathrm{o}}=(f_{\mathrm{o}x1}+f_{x1}^{'})+(f_{\mathrm{o}x2}+f_{x2}^{'})- f'_{\mathrm{s}x2}\\ m_{\mathrm{o}}\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{o}}=(f_{\mathrm{o}y1}+f_{y1}^{'})+(f_{\mathrm{o}y2}+f_{y2}^{'})- f'_{\mathrm{s}y2}- g_{\mathrm{o}}\\ j_{\mathrm{o}x}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{o}x}=(- f_{\mathrm{o}y1}c_{1}- f_{y1}^{'}c_{4})+(f_{\mathrm{o}y2}c_{2}- f_{y2}^{'}c_{5})+f'_{\mathrm{s}y2}c_{3}\\ j_{\mathrm{o}y}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{o}y}=(f_{\mathrm{o}x1}c_{1}+f_{x1}^{'}c_{4})+(- f_{\mathrm{o}x2}c_{2}+f_{x2}^{'}c_{5})]- f'_{\mathrm{s}x2}c_{3}\\ j_{\mathrm{o}z}\ddot{\beta }_{\mathrm{o}z}=f_{1}^{'}r_{\mathrm{b}}+f_{2}^{'}r_{\mathrm{b}}- T_{\mathrm{o}} \end{array}\right.$$

where mo is the mass of the output shaft; jox, joy and joz are the moments of inertia of the output shaft around x, y and z axes, respectively; \(f'_{xi}\) and \(f'_{yi}\) are the components of meshing force \(f'_{i}\) along x and y directions (i = 1, 2); rb is the base radius of the ring gear; xo and yo are the displacements of the output shaft; βox, βoy and βoz are the angular displacements of the output shaft subsystem.

2.2 Compatible conditions among elastic deformations

Fig. 6 demonstrates the elastic deformation of the ith phase star-wheel, in which the dotted line represents the actual position of the mechanism while the solid line is the theoretical position without elastic deformations and errors.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The elastic deformation of the ith phase star-wheel

As shown in Fig. 6, OIA and O′IA2 are the theoretical position and the actual position of the eccentric sleeve on the input shaft; OIO′I is the displacement of the input shaft at the ith phase star-wheel; O′IA1 and A1A2 are the radial and the tangential errors of the eccentric sleeve; A2A3 and B2B3 are the displacements of the star-wheel; OsB and O′sB2 are the theoretical and actual positions of the eccentric sleeve at the star-wheel shaft; O′sB1 and B1B2 are the radial and the tangential errors of the eccentric sleeve; OsO′s is the displacement of the star-wheel shaft at the ith phase position.

According to Fig. 6, the compatible conditions between the input shaft and the ith phase star-wheel can be formulated as

$$u_{ai}=\left[\begin{array}{llll} 1 & 0 & 0 & - a_{i+2}\\ 0 & 1 & a_{i+2} & 0 \end{array}\right]x_{\mathrm{I}}- \left[\begin{array}{lll} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]x_{\mathrm{p}i}+G_{i}+H_{i}$$

where uai is the elastic deformation between the bearing hole of the ith phase star-wheel and the input shaft; xI and xpi are the displacement vectors of the input shaft and the ith phase star-wheel; xI = (xI, yI, βIx, βIy)T, xpi = (xpi, ypi, θpi)T; \(G_{i}=\left(\Delta e_{\mathrm{I}i}\cos \varphi _{i},\Delta e_{\mathrm{I}i}\sin \varphi _{i}\right)^{T}\) and \(H_{i}=\left(- e\Delta \theta _{\mathrm{I}i}\sin \varphi _{i},e\Delta \theta _{\mathrm{I}i}\cos \varphi _{i}\right)^{T}\) are the radial and the tangential errors of the eccentric sleeve on the input shaft respectively, where ∆eIi and ∆θIi are the radial and the tangential eccentricity errors of the eccentric sleeve.

Similarly, the compatible conditions between the star-wheel shaft and the ith phase star-wheel can be formulated as

$$u_{\mathrm{b}ij}=\left(\begin{array}{lllll} 1 & 0 & 0 & \left(- 1\right)^{i+1}b_{i+2} & - e\sin \varphi _{i}\\ 0 & 1 & - \left(- 1\right)^{i+1}b_{i+2} & 0 & e\cos \varphi _{i} \end{array}\right)x_{\mathrm{s}j}- \left(\begin{array}{lll} 1 & 0 & - L\sin \phi _{j}\\ 0 & 1 & L\cos \phi _{j} \end{array}\right)x_{\mathrm{p}i}+U_{ij}+V_{ij}$$

where ubij is the elastic deformation of the bearing on the star-wheel shaft; xsj = (xsj, ysj, βsxj, βsyj, βszj)T is the displacement vector of the jth star-wheel shaft; \(U_{ij}=\left(\Delta e_{\mathrm{s}ij}\cos \varphi _{i}\mathrm{,}\Delta e_{\mathrm{s}ij}\sin \varphi _{i}\right)^{T}\)       and       \(V_{ij}=(- e\Delta \theta _{\mathrm{s}ij}\sin \varphi _{i}\), \(e\Delta \theta _{\mathrm{s}ij}\cos \varphi _{i})^{T}\) are the radial and the tangential errors of the bearing hole on the jth star-wheel shaft, where ∆esij and ∆θsij are radial and tangential error at the bore of the star-wheel bearing.

The following will derive the compatible conditions between the internal gear pairs. Taking the gear meshing of the ith phase star-wheel and the ring gear as an example, Fig. 7 shows the deformation relationship between the two gears.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Deformations between the star-wheel and the ring gear

According to the geometric relationships, the compatibile condition can be formulated as

$$\delta _{i}=(\sin \psi _{i},\cos \psi _{i},r_{\mathrm{bp}})x_{\mathrm{p}i}- (\sin \psi _{i},\cos \psi _{i},- c_{i+3}\cos \psi _{i},c_{i+3}\sin \psi _{i},r_{\mathrm{b}})x_{\mathrm{o}}$$

where δi is the relative displacement along the line of action between the star-wheel and the ring gear; xo = (xo, yo, βox, βoy, βoz)T is the displacement vector of the output shaft.

2.3 Governing equations

Substituting Eq. 5 ~ Eq. 7 into Eq. 1 ~ Eq. 4, the elasto-dynamic equation of the transmission system is given as


where X is the displacement vector; M and K denote the mass and the stiffness matrices; and F is the load vector. The details of each matrix can be referred to the appendix.

3 Dynamic analysis

3.1 Example system

Based on the above elasto-dynamic model, an HJW-18B reducer with four star-wheel shafts is taken as an example to illustrate the investigation on the dynamic behaviors of star-wheel reducer. The basic design parameters of the example system are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Basic parameters of HJW-18B star-wheel reducer

3.2 Modal analysis

The free vibration of the star-wheel reducer can be obtained by ignoring the external load in Eq. 8, which can be written as


The general solution to Eq. 9 can be assumed to be,

$$\boldsymbol{X}=\boldsymbol{\phi }\sin (\omega t+\varphi )$$

where ϕ denotes the amplitude of a generalized coordinate; ω denotes the modal frequency of the system; φ denotes the phase of a generalized coordinate. Substitute Eq. 10 into Eq. 9 to obtain the solution expression of system eigenvalues,

$$(\boldsymbol{K}- \omega ^{2}\boldsymbol{M})\boldsymbol{\phi }=\mathbf{0}$$

The modal characteristic of the system can be obtained by solving Eq. 11. Herein, the parameters listed in Table 1 are taken as an example to investigate the modal characteristic of the star-wheel reducer. The first 6 orders modal frequencies and the modal coordinates of the star-wheel are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 The first 6 orders modal coordinates

As illustrated in Table 2, the first 6 orders modal frequencies are in the range of 66.2 to 197 Hz. The first order modal frequency is 66.2 Hz, which is much higher than the input frequency of the star-wheel reducer (16.7 Hz under input speed 1000 r/min). Hence, there would be no resonance occurs during work. To further intuitively understand the vibration of each subsystem of the star-wheel, the modal energy distribution of the low-frequency modes are calculated and shown in Fig. 8. Here, ‘O’ is used to represent the subsystem of the output shaft; ‘I’ denotes the subsystem of the input shaft; ‘S1’, ‘S2’, ‘S3’ and ‘S4’ are subsystems of the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th star-wheel shafts; ‘P1’ and ‘P2’ denote the subsystems of the two star-wheels.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The modal energy distribution of the first 6 orders

By observing the modal coordinates listed in Table 2 and the modal energy distribution in Fig. 8, one may find that the modal shapes corresponding to the modal frequency can be described as:

  1. 1.

    f1 = 66.2 Hz. As can be seen from Table 2, the subsystem of the output shaft is in a torsion state; input shaft is in an oscillation state; star-wheel shaft is in a torsion state and star-wheel is in an inactive state. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the oscillation of the input shaft dominates the modal energy.

  2. 2.

    f2 = 102.5 Hz. Both the subsystems of the output shaft and the input shaft are in the state of oscillation; and the subsystems of the star-wheel shaft and the star-wheel are in the state of torsion. It can be seen that the oscillation of the output shaft dominates the modal energy.

  3. 3.

    f3 = 113.5 Hz. Both the subsystems of the output shaft and the input shaft are in the state of oscillation; the star-wheel shaft is in a torsion state and the star-wheel is in an inactive state. It can be seen that the oscillation of the subsystem of output shaft dominates the modal energy.

  4. 4.

    f4 = f5 = 145.6 Hz. Different from the first 3 orders natural frequencies, the 4th and the 5th natural frequencies are the same. The subsystems of the input shaft, the output shaft and the star-wheel are all inactivity. Only the star-wheel shaft has torsion and oscillation motions.

  5. 5.

    f6 = 197 Hz. The subsystems of the output shaft and the star-wheel shaft are in the coupling state of oscillation and torsion; the input shaft is in an inactive state and the star-wheel is in a torsion state. The coupling motion state of the output shaft subsystem is the most overwhelming modal shape.

3.3 Dynamic responses

In addition to the modal characteristics, the force of each component is also concerned. For simplicity, the following settings are assumed: 1) all the manufacturing errors in the dynamic model are set to be zero; 2) the meshing stiffness of internal gear pairs is set as the average value of meshing stiffness.

Based on the above assumptions, the dynamic meshing forces, the dynamic forces of the star-wheel bearings and the dynamic forces of the star-wheel shaft bearings are calculated and depicted in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Dynamic forces of the star-wheel reducer components: (a) gears (b) the star-wheel bearings (c) bearings on the 1st phase star-wheel shafts (d) bearings on the 2nd phase star-wheel shafts

As shown in Fig. 9(a), the dynamic meshing forces of the two meshing pairs are symmetric with small fluctuation. The dynamic meshing force of the 1st phase star-wheel decrease firstly and then increase gradually while the dynamic meshing force of the 2nd phase is opposite due to the load balance. For instance, the maximum dynamic meshing forces of the 1st phase and the 2nd phase star-wheel pair are 3790 and 3526 N while the minimum values are 3716 and 3451 N. The fluctuation amplitudes of the dynamic meshing forces are only 74 and 75 N respectively. Further analysis shows that the sum of the two phase dynamic meshing forces is 7241 N approximately at any time. All the above data shows the stability of the star-wheel reducer.

Fig. 9(b) shows the variation of the dynamic forces of the star-wheel bearings. It can be seen that the dynamic force of the 1st phase star-wheel bearing increases first and then decreases, while the trend of the dynamic force on the 2nd phase is opposite. To be more specific, the mean value of the dynamic force of the 1st phase star-wheel bearing is larger than that of the 2nd phase, which is potentially related to the dynamic meshing force of different star-wheels. However, the amplitude fluctuation of the dynamic forces of different star-wheel bearings is the same, which is only 63 N.

Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 9(d) show the dynamic forces of star-wheel shaft bearings on the 1st phase and the 2nd phase star-wheel. Herein, the 1st phase star-wheel is taken as an example to illustrate the dynamic force of the bearings on four star-wheel shafts. It can be found that the dynamic forces of four star-wheel shaft bearings are different in value and phase. But the fluctuation trend of the dynamic bearing forces on four star-wheel shafts are similar but with a phase difference of 90°. The mean dynamic force of the first, the second, the third and the fourth star-wheel shaft bearing are 1445 N, 1416 N, 1385 N and 1415 N, respectively. From this data, it can be seen that the difference of the dynamic force of four star-wheel bearings is small. What’s more, the sum of the bearing dynamic forces of the 1st and the 3rd star-wheel shaft is equal to that of the 2nd and the 4th star-wheel shaft. This data shows that the star-wheel bearing can bear the load evenly and can avoid the premature failure.

4 Experimental validations

In order to verify the modeling and dynamic analysis, a modal test and a vibration test are carried out in this section.

4.1 Modal test

The modal test is used to verify the correctness of the modeling and modal solution. The impact method is adopted in the test. The schematic diagram and experimental scene are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Schematic diagram and experimental scene

The frequency response functions are shown in the Fig. 11. Herein, blue and red lines are the frequency response function of the input and the output signals in x axis direction, respectively. The comparison of the modal experiment and the theoretical calculation are shown in the Table 3.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The frequency response function of star-wheel reducer

Table 3 Comparison between the theoretical results and the tested results

As can be seen in Table 3, the lower orders modal frequencies obtained from the theoretical elasto-dynamic model and the experimental test are relatively close despite the calculation error of the third order modal frequency between the theoretical and experimental results is 17%. In general, the results of the theoretical calculation agree well with the measured results from modal experiment, indicating the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Therefore, the presented elasto-dynamic model can be applied for further studies, such as dynamic analysis and parameter optimization.

4.2 Vibration test

A back-to-back star-wheel reducer test rig is set up to investigate the vibration characteristics of the system. The layout of test rig and the acceleration sensors are shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Test rig and acceleration sensors

Based on the arrangement, the vibration acceleration of the input shaft and the output shaft of the star-wheel reducer are collected. The vibration signals in both time domain and frequency domain are demonstrated as follows.

As can be seen in Fig. 13 and 14, the frequencies corresponding to the spectrum peak are 332 Hz, 490 Hz, 580 Hz, 654 Hz, 736 Hz, 818 Hz, 896 Hz, 978 Hz, respectively. The input rotational frequency, meshing frequency are 16.7 and 3200 Hz can be obtained from the prototype parameters (n = 1000 r/min). It can be seen that the vibration of the system is not caused by the excitation of the input shaft, because the frequency of rotation is far less than the resonance frequency.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Time domain waveform and frequency spectrum of the input shaft

Fig. 14
figure 14

Time domain waveform and frequency spectrum of the output shaft

The frequencies corresponding to the first three large amplitudes are 332 Hz, 654 Hz and 978 Hz, which are approximate to 5, 10 and 15 times of the modal frequency (f1 = 66.2 Hz); 490 Hz and 736 Hz are approximate to 1/3 and 1/2 of the 4th modal frequency of the star-wheel reducer box (fb4 = 1452 Hz); 580 Hz is 4 times of the 4th modal frequency (f4 = 145.6 Hz) and 818 Hz is 3 times of the 8th modal frequency (f8 = 272.5 Hz); The 896 Hz is not close to the multiple frequencies of the first 8 orders modal frequencies, and it may be caused by the superposition of several modal frequencies.

5 Conclusions

  1. 1.

    An elasto-dynamic model of the star-wheel reducer is established by substructure synthesis method, whose correctness and accuracy is verified by a modal test and a vibration test.

  2. 2.

    There is no structural resonance in the star-wheel reducer because the low-order modal frequency of the system is much higher than the input rotational frequency. However, the low-order mode of the system is complex, which is generally manifested as the coupling of torsion and swing of several components.

  3. 3.

    The dynamic meshing forces of the star-wheel gear pairs are not evenly distributed, but the fluctuation amplitude of the two-phase star-wheels are very small and their fluctuation trends are similar with only a phase difference of 180°.

  4. 4.

    The fluctuation trends of the dynamic forces of star-wheel bearings are similar with a phase difference of 90°. The variation trends of the dynamic forces of bearings on different star-wheels are opposite to each other.

6 Comment on the future work

In the present study, an elasto-dynamic model of star-wheel reducer is established, based on which the modal characteristics as well steady dynamic responses are theoretically investigated and experimentally validated. Based on the dynamic model and analysis, the effects of manufacturing errors and shafts misalignments on the dynamic responses will be studied in our future work.