1 Introduction

Extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall, typhoons, heat waves, and cold waves, have increased because of climate change and have caused extensive damage in the Republic of Korea (ROK) (Boo et al. 2006; Sung et al. 2012). Landslides caused by heavy rainfall represent one of the worst types of disasters, and local governmental decision makers are attempting to establish disaster prevention zones in order to reduce landslide damage. These zones restrict construction activities in areas susceptible to landslides and specify safe separation distances for development (Chiou et al. 2015). In addition, government officials of the ROK are attempting to establish climate adaptation plans that will prevent future losses of life and protect properties from landslides.

Inje-gun in Gangwon-do experienced severe damage due to landslides in 2006 and 2007 (Kim et al. 2011a; Yoo et al. 2012), causing many human injuries and losses of public facilities. Inje-gun consists of 91% mountainous terrain, and various residential and agricultural land cover types (i.e., households, farmlands, and roads) are located adjacent to the forested land (Oh et al. 2009). In this region, alpine agriculture is an important source of income. The local government of Inje-gun is required to develop strategic management plans that will protect lives and properties from landslides.

As a key tool for developing strategic management plans, landslide susceptibility maps are required by Inje-gun’s local government (Akgun et al. 2008; Kappes et al. 2012). These maps can identify the areas of forestland that are vulnerable to landslides triggered by extreme rainfall, and they can thus be used to restrict potentially risky human activities in susceptible areas, such as the construction of roads and residential facilities and the planting of crops. Additional development without consideration of the region’s landslide susceptibility will leave Inje-gun more vulnerable to future damage. Maps of areas susceptible to landslides are also critical for climate adaptation plans, which decision makers can use to enhance community resilience (Felicísimo et al. 2013).

Uncertainties in landslide susceptibility information can lead to undesirable social costs, such as infringements on private property rights and unnecessary economic investments. With the aim of reducing these uncertainties, this study investigates the amount of uncertainty associated with different types of landslide susceptibility modeling data and works to combine this information in new ways. Figure 1 illustrates the general process that can be used to establish a landslide adaptation plan (Kim 2012). As noted, a landslide susceptibility assessment involves the determination of priority areas in Step 1 in this process, and this is typically accomplished with the use of spatial distribution models (SDMs).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Challenges of landslide susceptibility assessments used for supporting the decision-making process

Many previous studies have developed SDMs that can be used to analyze a region’s landslide susceptibility (Catani et al. 2005; Yesilnacar and Topal 2005; Akgun et al. 2008; Yilmaz 2009, 2010; Akgun 2012; Torizin 2016). Various models exist for assessing landslide susceptibility. In particular, artificial intelligence methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and neuro-fuzzy logic, have been applied in recent studies (Bui et al. 2012; Li et al. 2012; Park et al. 2013; Zare et al. 2013; Pradhan 2013; Nourani et al. 2014; Dehnavi et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2015). ANN is computing systems based on the biological neural networks of animal brains. ANN is one of the machine learning model to calculate spatial distribution of specific event. However, there are two types of uncertainty in landslide susceptibility studies using SDMs. The first type of uncertainty is caused by variables such as topographic factors, soil materials, and vegetation factors (Felicísimo et al. 2013; Lian et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2016b; Tongal and Booij 2017). The second type stems from differences between SDMs (Claessens et al. 2007; Ladle and Hortal 2013; Kwon 2014; Niedzielski and Miziński 2016; Liu et al. 2016).

Ideally, the results of a landslide susceptibility assessment should provide reliable scientific information that can support the identification of priority areas and can be used to forecast susceptible areas (Bonachea et al. 2009; Sudmeier-Rieux et al. 2012). Researchers have proposed a method to minimize uncertainty, which relies on the use of multiple variables and models (Buisson et al. 2010; Miao et al. 2016). However, it is very difficult to establish one optimum model for landslide susceptibility mapping because each SDM has different properties, and their reliability differs due to combinations of variables. In particular, ensemble methods have been employed in remote sensing classification (Clinton et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016a) and species distribution modeling has been used to minimize the limitations of a single model (Thuiller et al. 2009) and forecast future climate conditions (Krishnamurti et al. 2000; Riebau and Fox 2005; Son et al. 2014; Kovalchuk et al. 2017).

Ensemble methods have also been applied to assess landslide susceptibility. Bartlett and Shawe-Taylor (1999) reduced bias error by applying the theory of large margin classifiers coupled with ensemble techniques. Bühlmann and Yu (2003) developed an ensemble consisting of two different linear regression models. Rokach (2010) reviewed various ensemble methods to achieve improved prediction performances. Recently, Ghosh and Acharya (2011) employed consensus clustering to produce more robust and stable results. Lee and Oh (2012) developed and applied an ensemble method to construct a reliable model by using logistic regression, the frequency ratio, weight of evidence information, and ANN. Althuwaynee et al. (2014) used the bivariate evidential belief function (EBF) as a bivariate to explore the integration validity with an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and employed logistic regression as a multivariate method for spatial mapping.

In this context, the main objective of this study is to assess the landslide susceptibility in a target region by using ensemble methods based on multiple SDMs and optimum variables. This study addresses three research questions: First, how to select optimal variables for SDMs; second, how to quantify the uncertainty from various SDMs; and third, whether an ensemble model can help decrease the uncertainty of SDMs and effectively support decision making. These research questions are related to attempts to produce more reliable data concerning areas susceptible to landslides, which can support the decision-making process regarding land development.

2 Methods

2.1 Scope of study

The study site is Inje-gun in Gangwon-do, ROK (Fig. 2). Inje-gun is located in the northeastern region of ROK. The study site experienced severe damage due to landslides in 2006 and 2007. Moreover, alpine agricultural resources, which represent an important industrial output in Inje-gun, have been damaged by landslides every year. Thus, Inje-gun was deemed an appropriate study site to develop landslide susceptibility maps. The spatial resolution of the data for the study area was set to 30 m × 30 m. The temporal scope of the study was set to 2006, considering the reliability of historical landslide occurrence data.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Study site (Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, ROK)

2.2 Landslide occurrence data

Landslide occurrence data are required to establish SDMs in support of the local government of Gangwon-do (Fig. 3). Such data comprise spatial coordinates, the extent of damage in each area, and addresses, all of which were collected by MODIS (the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) satellite imagery, field surveys, and resident reports from July to September in 2006.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Landslide occurrence areas in Inje-gun (2006)

This study focuses on landslide areas over 2000 m2, in accordance with a previous study on landslide susceptibility models (Kim et al. 2015). In that study, models that considered landslide occurrence areas over 2000 m2 exhibited the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curveFootnote 1 compared with other models that used different-sized areas. A total of 341 occurrence points were used as input data for landslide susceptibility modeling. Of the landslide occurrence data, 80% were used to train the model, and 20% were utilized to test the model.

For the absence data, 700 pseudo-absence points were created by considering a minimum distance of 200 m from occurrence areas. The absence data means that location data of areas with no landslide occurrence. It is required data to run SDMs. However, we do not have data on absence points. Actually, absence points are not important data for the government or relevant research institute. Because they focus on collecting data for landslide occurrence areas or points. However, absence data is required to run SDMs. Thus, we had to utilize pseudo-absence points to run SDMs. The minimum distance between landslide occurrence points and absence points was set to 200 m in consideration of a previous study regarding landslide damage in Inje-gun (Son et al. 2009).

2.3 Modeling and ensemble methods

The process of modeling is shown in Fig. 4. First, we established landslide occurrence data as the dependent variable and independent variables relevant to landslides. Second, we selected models to analyze landslide susceptibility, and ten SDMs were selected as landslide susceptibility models. Third, we undertook pilot modeling with all 13 collected variables in order to find optimal variables. Fourth, we selected 10 optimal variables, considering the variable importance and coefficients between variables. Through this process, we ran models with optimal variables and generated landslide susceptibility maps, AUC values, and response curves. Fifth, we aggregated the results of the models by using five ensemble methods. Finally, we quantified the uncertainty of the modeling results by calculating the coefficient of variation.Footnote 2 Analytical programs were used, including ArcMap 10.1 and Python 2.7 of ESRI and the Biomod2 package of R studio.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Flowchart of modeling process

We now provide more detailed information for each process. The second research question involved quantifying the uncertainty of SDMs. Therefore, we used as many different SDMs as possible. Researchers have also used various SDMs to identify areas susceptible to landslides (Catani et al. 2005; Akgun et al. 2008; Yilmaz 2009, 2010; Bui et al. 2012; Li et al. 2012; Park et al. 2013; Zare et al. 2013; Pradhan 2013; Nourani et al. 2014; Dehnavi et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2015). Through a review, we identified 10 SDMs and decided to use all of them. These 10 SDMs were classified into two categories based on the mechanisms of the models, namely, statistically-based models and machine learning-based models (Appendix 1). Each SDM had different characteristics in terms of categories, data requirements, and response functions.

We ran a pilot model with 13 relevant variables in order to select optimal variables. The 13 variables were collected by reviewing previous studies (Table 1). Previous studies related to these variables are listed in Table 1. The major factors for landslide models are classified into four categories (climate factors, topography factors, ground material, and vegetation factors).

Table 1 Input variables for SDMs

As a result of running the pilot model to find optimal variables, we obtained the importance of each variable (Table 2). The importance of variables was evaluated using the same principle as the random forest variable importance algorithm. This principle rearranges a single variable of the data and carries out a model prediction using the “rearranged” data set. Then, we calculated the Pearson’s correlation between reference predictions and the “rearranged” one. The returned value is between 0 and 1. A high value indicates that the variable has a greater influence on the model.

Table 2 Importance of variables for selecting optimal variables from pilot modeling

In addition, we analyzed the correlations between variables. Variables that had a high coefficient (0.6) and relatively low importance were excluded from the list. X011_100mm (No. 1) and X012_120mm (No. 2) exhibited high coefficients. We selected X012_120mm by considering the importance of the variables. X021_3days and X022_5days also exhibited high coefficients, and we selected X022_5days because it had a higher importance than X21_3days. Diamclass (No. 13) was excluded because its importance was very low in all SDMs.

Through the above process, we selected 10 optimal variables: X012_120mm (number of days with over 120 mm of rainfall), X022_5days (5 days of maximum rainfall), X060_3day (number of days with over 150 mm for 3 days of maximum rainfall), X070_dailymax (daily maximum rainfall), altitude, slope, soildepth_km (soil depth), soildrain_km (soil drainage) and soiltype_km (soil type), and ageclass (age of forest). The distribution maps of the variables are presented in Appendix 2.

We ran 10 SDMs with optimal variables. However, SDMs based on machine learning technology do not always produce the same results from the same data. Because machine learning models learn different way with same input data for each run. In this context, the contributions of variables were changed for every run. Thus, we ran each SDM 100 times so that we could consider the differences between the results from the same model. To evaluate the reliability of the results of the SDMs, we selected the ROC method, which is explained in the previous section.

The third research question of this study involved analyzing the effectiveness of ensemble methods. We reviewed various ensemble methods that were based on the concept of minimizing the differences among results of various SDMs (Bartlett and Shawe-Taylor 1999; Bühlmann and Yu 2003; Dimitriadou et al. 2003; Rokach 2010; Ghosh and Acharya 2011; Lee and Oh 2012; Althuwaynee et al. 2014).

As a result of the review process, five types of representative ensemble methods were selected (Table 3). Each ensemble method utilized different methods to aggregate probabilities or binary values from various SDMs. Specifically, the ensemble methods included (1) PM (mean of probabilities), (2) PCI (confidence interval of the mean of probabilities), (3) PME (median of probabilities), (4) CA (mean of the binary), and (5) PMW (weighted mean based on model performance). Table 3 presents detailed information about these methods with reference to the previous study (Thuiller et al. 2015).

Table 3 Ensemble methods to integrate results of SDMs

The probabilities of landslide occurrence were calculated for each grid in two dimensions (30 m × 30 m). These probabilities were converted to binary values (0 or 1) by using a cutoff value for each model. If the probability of a certain cell was over the cutoff value, then the cell was considered a landslide-susceptible area.

The first research question, concerning the uncertainties of variables, was considered in order to analyze landslide susceptibility by using the same variables in every SDM. The optimum variables were selected by considering the importance of variables, predictive performance of models (AUC values), and multicollinearity. The selected optimum variables were used to conduct each SDM. We minimized the effect of uncertainty from variables through this process. To quantify the uncertainty between the results of the SDMs, which was the second research question addressed in this work, the CV value of each cell was calculated. The CV value was calculated using the probabilities from the landslide susceptibility maps derived using the 10 SDMs.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Landslide susceptibility modeling and ensemble methods

As a result of modeling, we obtained the importance of variables, landslide hazard maps, and AUC values. The importance of variables helps understand the contribution of each variable to the model. The hazard maps provide information about dangerous areas susceptible to landslides, and the AUC value represents the standard of a model’s reliability.

Table 4 presents each variable’s importance for each SDM. We ran each SDM 100 times and obtained 100 importance values for each variable. Thus, we calculated the average importance value for each variable to summarize the results. The “X070_dailymax” (daily maximum rainfall), “altitude,” “X022_5 days” (5 days of maximum rainfall), and “X060_3day” (number of days with over 150 mm for 3 days of maximum rainfall) variables exhibited higher importance than the other variables according to their average values from the 10 models. The “ageclass” (age class), “soildrain_km” (soil drainage), and “soiltype_km” (soil type) variables exhibited moderate levels of importance.

Table 4 Average importance of variables for 100 evaluations

Through modeling, 10 binary maps were projected by using the results from the 10 SDMs (Appendix 3). The red colored areas were deemed to be landslide-susceptible areas for every run of each SDM. The 10 SDMs exhibited different spatial patterns for areas susceptible to landslides (Appendix 3). The differences between SDMs were the main reason for the uncertainty in estimating landslide-susceptible areas in the studied area. The SRE method predicted the largest susceptible areas, while RF predicted the smallest susceptible areas among the 10 SDMs. The central area of Inje-gun was identified as a susceptible area in almost all SDMs. However, the detailed locations of susceptible areas were different according to each SDM. Therefore, ensemble methods were required to account for the uncertainty derived from the differences between SDMs.

Average AUC values were calculated for the 10 models (MAXENT, CTA, SRE, MDA, MARS, RF, GLM, GBM, GAM, and ANN) to evaluate the reliability of each model (Table 5). The RF model exhibited the highest AUC value (0.979) among the 10 models. The AUC values of eight models were over 0.9, while the other two models had values over 0.8. Therefore, every model exhibited good performance according to the criteria used in previous studies (Hansson et al. 2005; Franklin 2009). The ROC plots for each model are presented in Appendix 4. We observed different AUC response curves according to each SDM. Some response curves appeared unstable, but we identified important sections of each variable by running models repeatedly. We could not remove unstable curves because the reason for instability was related to the properties of machine learning models. However, we decreased the uncertainty by increasing the number of times the models were run.

Table 5 Results of the evaluation of the landslide models

Five ensemble methods were applied to synthesize the results of the 10 SDMs and account for the uncertainty. The ensemble models were also evaluated using the ROC method (Table 6). The PMW method exhibited the highest AUC value among the five ensemble methods. The PM and PCI (upper model) methods exhibited the second highest AUC values. The other methods also had high AUC values; therefore, every ensemble method achieved high reliability.

Table 6 Results of the evaluation of the ensemble models

Five ensemble maps were derived by projecting the results of each ensemble method (Appendix 5). The cutoff value for each ensemble method was used to make a binary map. All maps showed similar susceptible areas (violet color) in the central area of Inje-gun. However, the detailed locations of susceptible areas were different according to each ensemble method.

In particular, the CA method showed larger susceptible areas than the other ensemble methods. The CA method’s larger estimates resulted from the technique of calculating the average of the binary values for the 10 SDMs and then using that average value to identify susceptible areas. Other ensemble methods calculated the probabilities of the 10 SDMs to determine susceptible areas. The CA method could provide a good ensemble method for decision makers who want more stable data than the data produced by the other methods. In this study, the PMW method was selected as the optimal ensemble method to analyze areas susceptible to landslides after considering the results of the evaluation (i.e., the AUC values).

The optimal ensemble model (PMW) produced a higher AUC value than any other single model. The extent of landslide-susceptible areas with the PMW model was 30,290 ha. Meanwhile, the extent of susceptible areas determined using the SRE model (which had the lowest AUC among the 10 single models) was 48,992 ha, and that of the RF single model (which had the highest AUC among the 10 single models) was 24,359 ha. The single model SRE resulted in large susceptible areas and the single model RF predicted small susceptible areas compared to the optimal ensemble model. Thus, the ensemble model was helpful for decreasing the differences between the single models according to the AUC values and extents of susceptible areas.

3.2 Quantifying the uncertainty of models

The CV map was classified by considering the standard deviation values (Fig. 5). The northern and southern areas of Inje-gun exhibited high CV values; conversely, the central areas of Inje-gun exhibited low CV values. This pattern was predictable, considering that the ensemble maps showed similar susceptible areas in the central study areas.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Coefficient of variation (CV) map (uncertainty map). The high CV value mean high uncertainty of modeling results

However, there were also areas that had high CV values in the central areas at more detailed scales. Therefore, decision makers can utilize the CV map to view susceptible areas in more detail. In general, the CV map provided a more robust basis to judge landslide-susceptible areas of Inje-gun along with the ensemble map. Meanwhile, the northern areas of the CV map showed no information because of the off-limit military area adjacent to North Korea. Meanwhile, the CV map could not consider uncertainty resulting from variables. Uncertainties from variables were limited by using the same input variables for each SDM.

The third research question involved identifying the effectiveness of the ensemble model for reducing the uncertainty from SDMs. This study used two types of matrices to analyze the relationship between the PMW ensemble map (optimal ensemble model) and the CV map (uncertainty map). The first type of matrix was constructed using the probabilities of landslides (PMW ensemble map) and the uncertainty (Fig. 6). The probability of a landslide was classified into five grades (1–5), and the uncertainty was classified into six grades (10–60). The classification method for both maps used the standard deviation. The matrix created a cross table to identify the effectiveness of the ensemble map in terms of reducing the uncertainty from the various SDMs. The values of 15 in the matrix table indicated cells that had a probability of landslide with a low uncertainty. Meanwhile, a value of 61 in the matrix table indicated that a cell had a high uncertainty with a low probability of a landslide.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Relationship between the probability of a landslide from the PMW ensemble model and uncertainty. Areas with high probabilities of a landslide and low uncertainty (14, 15) and areas with low probabilities of a landslide and low uncertainty (21, 22) are key information for decision making of adaptation plan

The map in Fig. 6 shows areas of two key types, namely, areas with high probabilities of a landslide and low uncertainty (14, 15) and areas with low probabilities of a landslide and low uncertainty (21, 22). It was difficult to identify areas with high probabilities for landslides and high uncertainty (65, 55). However, we identified small areas with low probabilities and high uncertainty (51, 61). This can provide a basis for using the ensemble method to help evaluate the uncertainty from various SDMs.

The second type of matrix was constructed using landslide-susceptible areas (binary map of the PMW ensemble model) and the CV map (Fig. 7). Figure 7 also clearly shows the low uncertainty regions of unsusceptible areas (11, 21). It was easier to identify landslide hazard areas using this matrix than the first matrix map. This map indicated low uncertainty regions associated with susceptible areas much more clearly than Fig. 6. Thus, this ensemble map can provide decision makers with reliable information regarding landslide hazard areas with low uncertainty.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Relationship between landslide-susceptible areas from the PMW ensemble model and uncertainty. It shows easier information than Fig. 6 by simple classification of landslide susceptibility

In general, decision-makers and policy makers need reliable and detailed information to identify priority areas and allocate resources to those areas. In this respect, the map of the relationship between susceptible areas and the uncertainty could be utilized to determine the most urgent areas using credible data. Thus, the ensemble model has strong potential for assessing landslide-susceptible areas. In summary, an ensemble map can help minimize uncertainties among SDMs and effectively support decision makers.

4 Conclusion

As a result of landslide susceptibility modeling, susceptible areas for each single model were derived as spatial maps. An interesting finding was that the susceptible areas exhibited similar spatial patterns, but detailed patterns differed according to each SDM. This uncertainty from single SDMs causes problems for decision makers.

In ensemble modeling, PMW was selected as the optimal ensemble model among five ensemble methods. Meanwhile, the CV was calculated to quantify the uncertainties among the SDMs. The PMW exhibited better performance than each single model. In particular, the estimation areas from PMW were moderate compared with those from RF (which had the highest AUC among the single models) and SRE (which had the lowest AUC among the single models). This provides one method of evaluating the reliability of an ensemble model.

The relationship between the landslide susceptibility (ensemble map) and uncertainty (CV map) illustrates the reliability of the ensemble model data. Susceptible areas with low uncertainty provide useful information for protection efforts, and unsusceptible areas with low uncertainty can be prioritized for future safe development by policy makers. In this study, the ensemble model exhibited better performance than any single model. We hope that these results will be useful for local adaptation plans.

However, future work is required to improve variables, considerations of uncertainty, and the reliability of ensemble models. First, we did not select variables by conducting a field survey because the study site was too large to collect field data. Thus, we used variables which were selected by a national institute by considering the reliability of data. It is necessary for future studies to improve our variables by considering the geological and structural characteristics of soils. In addition, we calculated extreme rainfall data by using daily rainfall data from July 2006. If we used hourly data, the accuracy of the model could be improved. Second, landslide time series data are needed to design better models. This study used only one year’s worth of data (from 2006). Third, estimations of future landslide-susceptible areas under different climate change scenarios are required. This study focused only on past landslide susceptibilities. However, the extent of susceptibility for an area can change in the future.

A total of 91% of the area in Inje-gun consists of forested lands; therefore, the local authorities of Inje-gun must establish suitable adaptation plans for landslides. Reliable data regarding landslide susceptibilities are critical for these planning efforts. Furthermore, there are many other areas that are vulnerable to landslides in the ROK and other countries, and the framework used here is applicable to these areas as well. In this context, this study illustrates how to estimate more reliable landslide susceptibility data using various SDMs and an ensemble model. The results from this approach can help policy decision makers to better design adaptation plans in order to minimize landslide damage.