The genetic history of human populations in the Mediterranean basin has been widely studied due to their complexity. The Mediterranean Sea is located between three continents (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and has historically been, and still is, an important migratory route, and its coasts a point of meeting of different people and cultures. This area can be described as a melting pot, as the interaction and eventual admixture over time of different peoples have contributed to shape the genetic pool of modern Mediterranean populations. However, the mode and extent to which different peoples and demographic events (recurrent colonizations, expansions, relative isolations, bottleneck processes, admixture...) have contributed to the genetic variation of the present-day Mediterranean inhabitants are not yet fully understood and therefore remains a matter of discussion (e.g. [1,2,3,4]). For this reason, Mediterranean populations have been the target of a large amount of genetic investigations aimed at reconstructing their genetic structure and population history based on different molecular markers such as autosomal polymorphisms (see, e.g., [5]), Y-chromosome (see revision in [6]), mtDNA (e.g. [7]), or X-chromosome (e.g. [2, 8]). Evaluating the genetic sub-structure in the Western Mediterranean area is especially relevant due to the existence of geographical and/or cultural isolates, such as Balearic populations [9] and Calabrian populations [10]. At the X-chromosome level, this region had not been studied with the set of markers included in the present study.

The particular characteristics of the X-chromosome make the study of markers located on it a valuable complement of the variation in autosomes in the field of population genetics [11]. Due to its inheritance pattern, the X-chromosome compared with autosomes has a lower recombination rate, a lower mutation rate, and a smaller effective population size (Ne), resulting in faster genetic drift. Consequently, both linkage disequilibrium (LD) and population structure in the X-chromosome are expected to be stronger than those in the autosomes. On the other hand, the X-chromosome spends 2/3 of its history in women and, consequently, their genetic diversity compared with other markers can help reveal demographic histories involving sex-biased migration and breeding patterns [12]. The X-chromosome has also become an extremely useful tool in the field of forensic genetics [13], helping to solve complex cases where at least one female is involved, which can be applied to cases of missing persons, incest, immigration, deficiency paternity, and other questioned relationships. STRs are the most used X-markers in forensic genetics, especially those included in commercial panels, although Indels and Alu insertion polymorphisms are also a reliable set of polymorphisms that could assist in human forensic genetic investigations (e.g. [14, 15]). The purpose of the study was to analyse the diversity of 21 X-chromosome markers (12 STRs and 9 Alu insertion polymorphisms) in 11 human Western Mediterranean populations, aiming to gain better knowledge of the genetic landscape of this region and assess the forensic potential of these markers in these populations.

Data from 716 individuals from 11 populations in the Western Mediterranean region (East Spain: Valencia, Ibiza, Minorca, and Majorca; Morocco: Arabs, Berbers, and Sahrawis; and South Italy: Sicily, Catanzaro, Cosenza, and Reggio Calabria) (Supplementary Figure 1) were analysed for two sets of X-chromosome genetic markers: (i) 9 X-chromosome Alu insertions (Ya5DP62, Yb8DP49, Yd3JX437, Yb8NBC634, Ya5DP77, Ya5NBC491, Yb8NBC578, Ya5DP4, and Ya5DP13) described by Callinan et al. [16] and (ii) 12 X-STRs included in the Investigator Argus X-12 kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany). This dataset is composed of the following: (a) new data on X-STRs from Sicily, Catanzaro, Cosenza, and Reggio Calabria populations and (b) data from genotyped samples as a part of other studies: X-STRs of Moroccan and Spanish individuals [17, 18] and X-Alu polymorphisms [19].

DNA samples were obtained after informed consent from unrelated healthy individuals with known ancestors until at least the third generation. Genotyping and statistical methods were performed as described in Ferragut et al. [14]. As a quality control, proficiency testing of the Spanish and Portuguese Speakers Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG, was conducted. New variant alleles were sequenced by Sanger method and aligned using Geneious software version 7.1.3 (Biomatters, Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand). The relationship between distance matrices based on X- and Y-chromosome STRs and geographic locations of the 11 populations studies were estimated by performing standard Mantel correlation tests [20] using Arlequin v. software [21]. Statistical significance of the results was empirically tested over 100,000 permutations.

Allele frequencies for X-Alu polymorphisms and X-STRs of the eleven populations studied are presented in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Values of gene diversity (HET) are disclosed locus by locus in Supplementary Tables 3 and 4 and by population in Supplementary Table 5. Three Alu markers were polymorphic in all populations: YA5DP62, Yb8DP49, and Yd3JX437. The other six loci appeared as monomorphic in at least one of the populations. The presence of the insertion was fixed: for Yb8NBC634 in Ibiza; for Ya5DP77 in Valencia and Moroccan Arab populations; for YA5DP13 in Reggio Calabria, Cosenza, and Catanzaro; and for Ya5NBC491 and Yb8NBC578 in 4 out of the 11 populations studied: Ibiza, Reggio Calabria, Cosenza, and Catanzaro (Supplementary Table 1). Absence of the Alu element was fixed for Ya5DPP4 in Minorca, Ibiza, and Cosenza. Most polymorphic Alu insertions showed diversities in the moderate to low range of the possible values for biallelic markers (≤ 0.5). Average values per marker ranged from 0.070 (Yb8NBC634) to 0.276 (Yb8DP49). Population average diversity (Supplementary Table 5) ranged from 0.057 (Cosenza) to 0.208 (Valencia). Values for Cosenza (0.057), Ibiza (0.080), and Catanzaro (0.088) were the lowest. As regards STRs, DXS10135 was found to be the most discriminating locus, with 32 alleles found throughout populations, whilst DXS10103 was the least polymorphic, with just 7 alleles. All populations showed a high average gene diversity for this set of X-STRs, with values ranging from 0.791 in Catanzaro to 0.831 in Moroccan Sahrawis. Regarding X-chromosome STR haplotypes, linkage groups (LG1 to LG4) presented 350, 250, 204, and 289 different haplotypes, respectively, in the 573 males studied (Supplementary Table 6). As can be seen in the summarised data of haplotypic diversity (Supplementary Table 7), the most polymorphic linkage group was LG1 and the least LG3. The most common haplotype, found in 20 individuals of 9 out of the 11 populations, was 19-12-30.2 in LG3. Ibiza and Sicilian populations revealed the lowest haplotype diversity (HD), with a low percentage of unique haplotypes compared to the other populations studied, while Moroccan Arabs and Valencia were the most diverse. The Moroccan population, altogether, showed higher proportions of unique haplotypes than Spanish and Italian ones. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis, after the Bonferroni correction, showed only four significant p values, corresponding to the pairs Ya5dP62-Ya5NCB491 (Valencia), DXS10101-DXS10146 (Moroccans), DXS10103-DXS10101 (Sicily), and DXS10148-DXS10135 (Ibiza). Associations detected in Sicily and Ibiza involved STRs located in the same linkage group.

During STR profiling, a previously undescribed 19.3 allele was found in the DXS10135 marker in a Cosenza sample. Sanger sequencing was conducted to describe the structure of the new allele [22]. While the standard structure of a 20 allele is [AAGA]3 GAAAG [GAAA]17, the new allele displayed a single-base deletion (G), exhibiting the following structure: [AAGA]3 [GAAA]18.

In order to evaluate forensic efficiency, statistical parameters of forensic interest were calculated. Values for each marker and populations are presented in Supplementary Tables 3 and 4. Combined values are listed in Supplementary Table 5. Alu insertions were, as expected considering their nature of biallelic polymorphisms, less informative than STRs. Nevertheless, biallelic markers can be useful in cases of inconclusive results using only STRs. In STRs, combined PD ranged from 1 in 3.336E+14 (Moroccan Sahrawis) to 1 in 9.007E+15 (Moroccan Arabs and Reggio Calabria) in females, and from 1 in 4.715E+08 (Catanzaro) to 1 in 2.771E+09 (Moroccan Arabs) in males. Combined MEC and MEC duo values indicated that these markers are highly informative in all populations (exceeding 0.99999999 and 0.99999, respectively). Catanzaro, Cosenza, and Ibiza displayed the lowest values in all forensic parameters for both sets of X-chromosome markers.

To test the genetic relationship between the Western Mediterranean populations studied and others from the literature, pairwise FST genetic distances were calculated and represented in an MDS plot (Supplementary Figure 2). Analyses were carried out separately for the two types of markers, since few populations in the literature have used the same 21 X-markers. In both MDS plots, it can be observed that the X-chromosome markers used were able to discriminate populations from different continents, with North African populations positioned closer to European than to sub-Saharan populations. Ibiza, for both sets of markers, showed a distanced position with respect to other geographically surrounding populations. This fact, together with lower genetic diversity, may be the result of the genetic drift experienced by this small, isolated population [9]. Calabria populations clustered separately from other European ones in the Alu markers’ MDS plot, but not in the X-STR MDS. The FST values observed among Western Mediterranean populations (data not shown) were, on average, 10 times higher for Alu insertion markers than for STR markers, indicating that Alu polymorphisms are more discriminatory for population genetics studies in this region.

X-chromosome polymorphisms mostly behave as matrilineal markers, as two-thirds of the X-chromosomes descend from maternal origin. In order to compare the present results with the genetic variation in paternal lines in the same populations, a Mantel test was performed comparing genetic distances of Y-STRs vs X-STRs, yielding a significant correlation (rY1 = 0.648, p ≤ 0.05), in accordance with Tomas et al. [2] where X-chromosome SNPs were used. These results suggest that male and female movements have had a similar overall tendency around the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, correlation between geographical vs Y-STR distances (rY1 = 0.954) and vs X-STR variation (rY1 = 0.628) was also both significant, contrasting with other studies [23, 24]. Nevertheless, Y-STR correlation index was much higher than X-STR value, indicating that genetic distances in males are more closely linked to geographical location. Therefore, the markers studied in the present study suggest that the migration rate in the Western Mediterranean has been higher in women than in men, as found with other markers in Europe and the Mediterranean area [2, 25], except for particular human groups [14, 26].

In summary, our results indicate that this set of 21 X-chromosome markers is highly informative in the Western Mediterranean populations included in this study, and as such is therefore a useful complementary tool for kinship analysis, human identification, and resolution of historical and anthropological cases. Genetic distances between populations indicate that X-Alu insertion polymorphisms could be more discriminatory for population genetics studies than X-STR markers in this region, since they clustered human isolates such as Ibiza and Calabria separately. The Mantel test suggests a sex-biased migration rate in the Western Mediterranean, confirming the predominance of patrilocality in this area.