The X chromosome provides a valuable source of information for population genetics and serves as a unique tool in forensic studies as it integrates the desirable features of other commonly used genetic markers [1]. Till date, no literature was available to assess the variability of Alu polymorphisms of the X chromosome in population groups from Punjab, North-West India. Due to its geographical location, the present day North-West Indian population might offer unique insights into historical migration events. Moreover, the exposure of this region’s population with the different ethnic background people from the pan-world might have created a mosaic-like pattern in their genomic ancestry [2]. Therefore, in this pioneer study, a set of 10 X chromosome Alu markers in four Indo-European speaking ethnic groups (Brahmin, Jat Sikh, Khatri, and Scheduled Caste) of Punjab, North-West India were analyzed.

A total of 379 (175 males and 204 females) unrelated individual blood samples were obtained from four different population groups (Brahmin, Khatri, Jat Sikh, and Scheduled Caste) of Punjab, India, with prior consent. The study was approved by the institutional ethical committee of Panjab University. Complete information regarding genomic DNA extraction methods and studied ethnic groups including their geographic origin, ethnicity, pedigree, inclusion, and exclusion criteria were previously reported [3, 4]. All PCR amplifications were carried out in 10-μl reactions for a set of 10 Alu insertions of X chromosome (Ya5DP4, Ya5DP3, Ya5DP77, Yb8DP49, Ya5491, Ya5NBC37, Yb8NBC102, Yb8NBC634, Ya5DP62, and Ya5DP13). Primer sequences and amplification conditions were obtained from previous study [5]. Negative and positive controls were carried out in all PCR runs to monitor the efficiency and reliability of the PCR reactions. Genotypes were identified by electrophoresis on 2–3% agarose stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV transilluminator.

Allele frequencies data of the studied population groups were calculated by direct gene counting method. Online software X-chromosome STR homepage ( was used to estimate statistical parameters of forensic relevance [6]. The Bayesian clustering analysis implemented in the program STRUCTURE v2.3 [7] was used to detect population structure within the studied populations assuming population admixture model and correlated allele frequencies within the population. Heat maps were constructed based on FST and DA values using R statistical software v3.3. For easier visualization of the distance genetic relationship, a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot of the pairwise FST values was depicted using SPSS v16.0.

Allele frequencies for the 10 Alu insertions in four studied populations are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. Six X Alu insertions (Ya5DP3, Yb8DP49, Ya5NBC37, Yb8NBC102, Yb8NBC634, Ya5DP62) were observed to be polymorphic in all the populations, whereas the remaining are monomorphic in at least one studied population (Ya5DP4 in Khatri and Scheduled Caste, Ya5DP13 in all the populations for the absence of insertion; and Ya5DP77 in Brahmin and Ya5491 in all the populations for the insertion). Significant deviations from HWE were found in few Alu insertion polymorphisms in female samples and no significant linkage disequilibrium was present in any pair of the Alu markers in male samples. Gene diversity and parameters of forensic relevance calculated for each marker and population were presented in Supplementary Table 1. Ya5NBC37 displayed the highest heterozygosity (0.3895) and Ya5DP4 the lowest (0.0263). Likewise, the most diverse population seems to be the Khatri (H = 0.1087) followed by the Scheduled Caste (0.0891), Jat Sikh (0.0571), and Brahmin (0.0509). Polymorphic information content (PIC) values were in the range of 0.0104 to 0.3608 with a mean value of 0.1521. Additionally, the maximum value of power of exclusion (PE) was 0.1645 at Ya5NBC37 marker, whereas the minimum was 0.0001 at Ya5DP4 locus. The Bayesian clustering analysis suggested the presence of two genetic clusters (K = 2) in the studied populations. As shown in Supplementary Fig. 2, at K = 2, the Khatri population was separated from the remaining three populations with some admixture from other populations. Similarly, with an increase in K (K = 2–4), the studied populations shared mixed membership in different color components with no sub structuring in the studied groups. The results are in accordance with the previous studies on the ethnic groups of North-West Indian populations using different sets of molecular markers [8, 9].

To explore the genetic differences, the studied populations were compared with previously published data on populations from different continents [11–15] (Supplementary Table 2) using pairwise FST and Nei’s DA genetic distance measures. The observed FST values were in the range of 0.09 to 0.832 with maximum variation found between 0.4 and 0.8. Similarly, North-West Indian populations in this study have moderate and equal proportions (FST values 0.5–0.7) of genetic differentiation with other populations elsewhere (heat maps shown in Supplementary Fig. 3a). Nei’s DA distance values were in the range of 0.004 to 0.61, with maximum findings between 0.2 and 0.5 (heat maps shown in Supplementary Fig. 3b).

In the MDS plot (Supplementary Fig. 4), all the Asian populations appeared closer to European and Amerindian populations were placed in between African and European population clusters. Also the four ethnic groups of this study form a closer cluster, suggesting a homogenous genetic entity. In conclusion, the results obtained from these X chromosome Alu elements comprise a reliable set of genetic markers that could assist in human forensic genetic investigations. This work also highlights the importance of new studies on additional populations of the Indian subcontinent, as no comparable data exist in literature on X chromosome Alu insertions to complete the genetic portrait of the Indian population.

This study follows the guidelines of the International Journal of Legal Medicine for the publication of population data [10].