1 Introduction

A coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors to its vertices such that adjacent vertices have different colors. The total number \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G)\) of non-equivalent colorings (i.e., with different partitions into color classes) of a graph G is the number of partitions of the vertex set of G whose blocks are stable sets (i.e., sets of pairwise non-adjacent vertices). This invariant has been studied by several authors in the last few years [1, 5,6,7, 9, 11] under the name of (graphical) Bell number. It is related to the standard Bell number \({\textsf {B}}_{n}\) (sequence A000110 in OEIS [13]) that corresponds to the number of partitions of a set of n elements into non-empty subsets, and is thus obviously the same as the number of non-equivalent colorings of the empty graph or order n (i.e., the graph with n vertices and without any edge).

The 2-Bell number \({\textsf {T}}_{n}\) (sequence A005493 in OEIS [13]) is the total number of blocks in all partitions of a set of n elements. Odlyzko and Richmond [12] have studied the average number \(\textsf{A}_{n}\) of blocks in a partition of a set of n elements, which can be defined as \({\textsf {A}}_{n}=\frac{{\textsf {T}}_{n}}{{\textsf {B}}_{n}}.\) The corresponding concept in graph theory is the average number \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) of colors in the non-equivalent colorings of a graph G. This graph invariant was recently defined in [8]. When constraints (represented by edges in G) impose that certain pairs of elements (represented by vertices) cannot belong to the same block of a partition, \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) is the average number of blocks in the partitions that respect all constraints. Clearly, \({\mathcal {A}}(G)={\textsf {A}}_{n}\) if G is the empty graph of order n.

Lower bounds on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) are studied in [10]. The authors mention that there is no known lower bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) which is a function of n and such that there exists at least one graph of order n which reaches it. As we will show, the situation is not the same for the upper bound. Indeed, we show that there is an upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) which is a function of n and such that there exists exactly one graph of order n which reaches it. We also give a sharper upper bound for graphs with maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\in \{1,2,n-2\}\).

In the next section, we fix some notations and summarize our contributions. Section 3 is devoted to properties of \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) and basic ingredients that we will use in Sect. 4 for proving the validity of the upper bounds on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\).

2 Notation and Summary of Contributions

For basic notions of graph theory that are not defined here, we refer to Diestel [3]. The order of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is its number |V| of vertices, and the size of G is its number |E| of edges. We write \({\overline{G}}\) for the complement of G and \(G \simeq H\) if G and H are two isomorphic graphs. We denote by \({\textsf {K}}_{n}\) (resp. \({\textsf {C}}_{n}\), \({\textsf {P}}_{n}\) and \(\overline{{\textsf {K}}}_{n}\)) the complete graph (resp. the cycle, the path and the empty graph) of order n. For a subset W of vertices in G, we write G[W] for the subgraph induced by W. Given two graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) (with disjoint sets of vertices), we write \(G_1\cup G_2\) for the disjoint union of \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), and pG is the disjoint union of p copies of G.

Let N(v) be the set of vertices adjacent to a vertex v in G. We say that v is isolated if \(|N(v)| = 0\). We write \(\Delta (G)\) for the maximum degree of G. A vertex v of a graph G is simplicial if the induced subgraph G[N(v)] of G is a clique. Given two vertices u and v in a graph G, we use the following notations:

  • \(G_{\mid uv}\) is the graph obtained by identifying (merging) the vertices u and v and, if \(uv \in E(G)\), by removing the edge uv;

  • if \(uv \in E(G)\), \(G - uv\) is the graph obtained by removing the edge uv from G;

  • if \(uv \notin E(G)\), \(G + uv\) is the graph obtained by adding the edge uv in G;

  • \(G - v\) is the graph obtained from G by removing v and all its incident edges.

A coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors to the vertices of G such that adjacent vertices have different colors. The chromatic number \(\chi \)(G) is the minimum number of colors in a coloring of G. Two colorings are equivalent if they induce the same partition of the vertex set into color classes. Let \(S(G,k)\) be the number of non-equivalent colorings of a graph G that use exactly k colors. Then, the total number \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G)\) of non-equivalent colorings of a graph G is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G) = \sum _{k = \chi (G)}^n S(G, k), \end{aligned}$$

and the total number \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G)\) of color classes in the non-equivalent colorings of a graph G is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {T}}}(G) = \sum _{k = \chi (G)}^n k S(G, k). \end{aligned}$$

In this paper, we study the average number \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) of colors in the non-equivalent colorings of a graph G, that is,

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(G) =\frac{{{\mathcal {T}}}(G)}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G)}. \end{aligned}$$

For illustration, as shown in Fig. 1, there are one non-equivalent coloring of \(\textsf{P}_{4}\) with 2 colors, three with 3 colors, and one with 4 colors, which gives \({{\mathcal {B}}}({\textsf {P}}_{4})=5\), \({{\mathcal {T}}}({\textsf {P}}_{4})=15\) and \({\mathcal {A}}({\textsf {P}}_{4})=\frac{15}{5}=3.\)

Fig. 1
figure 1

The non-equivalent colorings of \({\textsf {P}}_{4}\)

The aim of this paper is to determine a general upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) that is valid for all graphs G and a sharper one for graphs G of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\in \{1,2,n-2\}\). More precisely, given a graph G of order n, we show that

  • \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le n\), with equality if and only if \(G \simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n}\);

  • if \(\Delta (G)=n-2\) then \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le \frac{n^2 - n + 1}{n}\), with equality if and only if \(G\simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n-1} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}\);

  • if \(\Delta (G)=1\) then \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le {\mathcal {A}}({\lfloor }{\frac{n}{2}}{\rfloor } {\textsf {K}}_{2}\cup (n\bmod 2){\textsf {K}}_{1}) \), with equality if and only if \(G\simeq {\lfloor }{\frac{n}{2}}{\rfloor } {\textsf {K}_{2}}\cup (n\bmod 2){\textsf {K}}_{1}\);

  • if \(\Delta (G)=2\) then \({\mathcal {A}} (G) \le {\mathcal {A}}({{\textsf {U}}_{n}})\), with equality if and only if \(G \simeq {{\textsf {U}}_{n}}\), where

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\textsf {U}}_{n}} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{n}{3} {\textsf {K}}_{3} &{}{} \text{ if } n\ {\text{ mod } \ }3 = 0, \text{ and } n \ge 3,\\ \frac{n-1}{3}{\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1} &{}{} \text{ if } n = 4 \text{ or } n = 7,\\ \frac{n-4}{3} {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{4} &{}{} \text{ if } n\ {\text{ mod } \ }3 = 1, \text{ and } n \ge 10,\\ \frac{n-5}{3} {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {C}_{5}} &{}{} \text{ if } n\ {\text{ mod } \ }3 = 2, \text{ and } n \ge 5. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

3 Properties of \(S(G,k)\) and \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\)

As for several other invariants in graph coloring, the deletion-contraction rule (also often called the Fundamental Reduction Theorem [4]) can be used to compute \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G)\) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G)\). More precisely, let u and v be any pair of distinct vertices of G. As shown in [6, 11], we have

$$\begin{aligned} S(G, k) = S(G - uv, k) - S(G_{\mid uv}, k)&\quad \forall uv \in E(G), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} S(G, k) = S(G + uv, k) + S(G_{\mid uv}, k)&\quad \forall uv \notin E(G). \end{aligned}$$

It follows that

$$\begin{aligned} \left. \begin{array}{ll} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G) = {{\mathcal {B}}}(G - uv) - {{\mathcal {B}}}(G_{\mid uv})\\ {{\mathcal {T}}}(G) = {{\mathcal {T}}}(G - uv) - {{\mathcal {T}}}(G_{\mid uv}) \end{array} \right\}&\quad \forall uv \in E(G), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \left. \begin{array}{ll} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G) = {{\mathcal {B}}}(G + uv) + {{\mathcal {B}}}(G_{\mid uv})\\ {{\mathcal {T}}}(G) = {{\mathcal {T}}}(G + uv) + {{\mathcal {T}}}(G_{\mid uv}) \end{array} \right\}&\quad \forall uv \notin E(G). \end{aligned}$$

Many properties on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) are proved in [8] and [10]. We mention here some of them that will be useful for proving the validity of the upper bounds on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) given in Sect. 4.

Proposition 1

([10]) Let v be a simplicial vertex in a graph G. Then \({\mathcal {A}}(G) > {\mathcal {A}}(G-v)\).

Proposition 2

( [10]) Let v be a simplicial vertex of degree at least one in a graph G, and let w be one of its neighbors in G. Then \({\mathcal {A}}(G)>{\mathcal {A}}(G-vw)\).

Proposition 3

( [10]) \({\mathcal {A}}(G\cup {\textsf {C}}_{n})>{\mathcal {A}}(G\cup {\textsf {P}}_{n})\) for all \(n\ge 3\) and all graphs G.

Proposition 4

( [8]) Let GH and \(F_1,\ldots ,F_r\) be \(r+2\) graphs, and let \(\alpha _1,\ldots ,\alpha _r\) be r positive numbers such that

  • \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G)={{\mathcal {B}}}(H)+\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^r\alpha _i{{\mathcal {B}}}(F_i)\)

  • \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G)={{\mathcal {T}}}(H)+\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^r\alpha _i{{\mathcal {T}}}(F_i)\)

  • \({\mathcal {A}}(F_i)<{\mathcal {A}}(H)\) for all \(i=1,\ldots ,r\).

Then \({\mathcal {A}}(G)<{\mathcal {A}}(H)\).

Given two graphs \(H_1\) and \(H_2\), we now give a sufficient condition for \({\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_1)\) to be strictly larger than \({\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_2)\) for all graphs G.

Proposition 5

Let \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) be any two graphs such that \(S(H_1,k) S(H_2,k') \ge S(H_2,k)S(H_1,k')\) for all \(k {>} k'\), the inequality being strict for at least one pair \((k,k')\). Then \({{\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_1) > {\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_2)}\) for all graphs G.


We first prove that \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup H) = \sum _{k=1}^{n} S(H,k) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})\) for all graphs H of order n. This is clearly true for \(n=1\). For larger values of n we proceed by double induction on the order n and the size m of H.

  • If \(m=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\), then \(H\simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n}\). Since \(S({\textsf {K}}_{n},i)=0\) for \(i=1,\ldots ,n-1\) and \(S({\textsf {K}}_{n},n)=1\), we have \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{n}) = \sum _{k=1}^{n} S({\textsf {K}}_{n},k) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{n})\).

  • If \(m<\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\), then H contains two non-adjacent vertices u and v and we know from Eq. (4) that \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup H)={{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup (H + uv)) + {{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup H_{\mid uv})\). Since \(H + uv\) has order n and size \(m+1\) and \(H_{\mid uv}\) has order \(n-1\), we know by induction that

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup H)&=\sum _{k=1}^{n} S(H + uv,k) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k}) + \sum _{k=1}^{n-1} S(H_{\mid uv},k) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})\\ {}&=\sum _{k=1}^{n} \bigl (S(H + uv,k) +S(H_{\mid uv},k)\bigr ) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})\\ {}&=\sum _{k=1}^{n} S(H,k) {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k}). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

A similar proof shows that \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup H) = \sum _{k=1}^{n} S(H,k) {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})\) for all graphs H of order n. Now let \(f(k,k')=S(H_1,k) S(H_2,k') - S(H_2,k)S(H_1,k')\) and assume that \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) are of order \(n_1\) and \(n_2\), respectively. Note that \(n_1\ge n_2\) else we would have \(n_2>n_1\) and \(f(n_2,n_1)=S(H_1,n_2) S(H_2,n_1) - S(H_2,n_2)S(H_1,n_1)=-1<0\). Now,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_1) {-} {\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_2)&= \frac{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n_1}S(H_1,k){{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})}{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n_1}S(H_1,k){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})} - \frac{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n_2}S(H_2,k){{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})}{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n_2}S(H_2,k){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})}\\ {}&=\frac{\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n_1}\sum _{k'=1}^{n_1}f(k,k'){{\mathcal {T}}}(G {\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G{\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k'})}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup H_1){{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup H_2)}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since \(f(k,k)=0\) for all k and \(f(k,k')=-f(k',k)\) for all \(k\ne k'\), we deduce

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&{\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_1) {-} {\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_2)\\ {}&\quad =\frac{\displaystyle \sum _{k'=1}^{n_1-1}\sum _{k=k'{+}1}^{n_1}f(k,k')\Bigl ({{\mathcal {T}}}(G {\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G{\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k'}){-}{{\mathcal {T}}}(G{\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k'}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G{\cup }{\textsf {K}}_{k})\Bigr )}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup H_1){{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup H_2)}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Note that if \(k>k'\), then \(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k}\) is obtained from \(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'}\) by repeatedly adding a simplicial vertex. Hence, we know from Proposition 1 that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&{\mathcal {A}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})>{\mathcal {A}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'}) \\ {}&\quad \iff \frac{{{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})}> \frac{{{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'})}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'})}\\ {}&\quad \iff {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'})-{{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k'}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{k})>0. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since \(f(k,k')=S(H_1,k)S(H_2,k')-S(H_1,k')S(H_2,k)\) is positive for all \(k>k'\), and strictly positive for at least one such pair, we have \({\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_1) - {\mathcal {A}}(G\cup H_2)> 0\). \(\square \)

Some graphs G of order \(n\le 9\) will play a special role in the next section. The values \(S(G,k)\) of these graphs, with \(2\le k\le n\), are given in Table 1. These values lead to the following lemma.

Table 1 Values of S(Gk) for some graphs G of order n and \(2\le k\le n\)

Lemma 6

The following strict inequalities are valid for all graphs G:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ c l ccl} {(a)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{6})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2{\textsf{C}}_{3})&{}{}\quad &{}{} {(b)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{7})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4}) \\ {(c)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{8})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5}) &{}{}&{}{} {(d)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{2})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5})\\ {(e)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{2})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2{\textsf{C}}_{3})&{}{}&{}{} {(f)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{2})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4})\\ {(g)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{1})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5})&{}{}&{}{} {(h)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{1})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2 {\textsf{C}}_{3})\\ {(i)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2{\textsf{C}}_{4})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5})&{}{}&{}{} {(j)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{5})< {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 3{\textsf{C}}_{3})\\ {(k)} &{}{} {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2{\textsf{C}}_{5}) < {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup 2{\textsf{C}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{4}).&{}{}&{}{}&{}{} \end{array} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


All these inequalities can be obtained from Proposition 5 by using the values given in Table 1. For example, to check that (a) holds, the \(4^{th}\) and \(7^{th}\) lines of Table 1 allow to check that \( S(2\textsf{C}_{3},k)S(\textsf{C}_{6},k')-S(\textsf{C}_{6},k) S(2\textsf{C}_{3},k') \ge 0\) for all \(k > k'\) and at least one of these values is strictly positive. \(\square \)

We now show the validity of four lemmas which will be helpful for proving that \({\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{n}) < {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3})\) for all \(n\ge 6\). A direct consequence of this result will be that a graph G that maximizes \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) among the graphs with maximum degree 2 cannot contain an induced \({\textsf{C}}_{n} \) with \(n\ge 6\).

Lemma 7

\(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k) = (k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k)+S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1) \) for all \(n \ge 4\) and all \(k \ge 3\).


The values in the following table show that the result is true for \(n=4\).





\(S({\textsf {C}}_{4},k)\)




\(S({\textsf {C}}_{3},k)\)




For larger values of n, we proceed by induction. So assume \(n\ge 5\), let u be a vertex in \({\textsf{C}}_{n} \), and let v and w be its two neighbors in \({\textsf{C}}_{n} \). Let us analyze the set of non-equivalent colorings of \({\textsf{C}}_{n} \) that use exactly k colors:

  • There are \((k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-2},k)\) such colorings where v and w have the same color and at least one vertex of \({\textsf{C}}_{n}-u\) has the same color as u;

  • There are \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n-2},k-1)\) such colorings where v and w have the same color and no vertex on \({\textsf{C}}_{n}-u\) has the same color as u;

  • There are \((k-2)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k) \) such colorings where v and w have different colors and at least one vertex of \({\textsf{C}}_{n}-u \) has the same color as u;

  • There are \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1) \) such colorings where v and w have different colors and no vertex on \({\textsf{C}}_{n}-u \) has the same color as u.


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k)&= \Big ((k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-2},k)+S({\textsf{C}}_{n-2},k-1)\Big )\\ {}&\quad + (k-2)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k)+S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1) \\ {}&= S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k)+(k-2)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k){+}S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1)\\ {}&= (k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k){+}S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 8

If \(n\ge 7\) and \(k\le n\) then

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}, k) = (k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-4}\cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k)+S({\textsf{C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k-1)-(-1)^n\delta _k \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \delta _k = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 6&{} \text { if } k=3,4,\\ 1&{} \text { if } k=5,\\ 0&{} \text { otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


The values in Table 1 show that the result is true for \(n=7\). For larger values of n, we proceed by induction. Let u be a vertex in \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \), and let v and w be its two neighbors. We analyze the set of non-equivalent colorings of \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3} \) that use exactly k colors:

  • There are \((k-1)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k) \) such colorings where v and w have the same color and at least one vertex of \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}-u \) has the same color as u;

  • There are \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k-1) \) such colorings where v and w have the same color and no vertex on \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}-u \) has the same color as u;

  • There are \((k-2)S({\textsf{C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k) \) such colorings where v and w have different colors and at least one vertex of \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}-u \) has the same color as u;

  • There are \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3},k-1) \) such colorings where v and w have different colors and no vertex on \({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3}-u \) has the same color as u.


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3}, k) =&~ \Big ((k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) + S({\textsf {C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1)\Big )\\ {}&+ (k-2)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) + S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1)\\ =&~ \Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) {+} (-1)^{n-1}\delta _k\Big ) \\ {}&{+} (k-2)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) {+} S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1) \\ =&~ (k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1)-(-1)^n\delta _k. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

For \(n\ge 3\), let \({\textsf {Q}}_{n} \) be the graph obtained from \({\textsf {P}}_{n} \) by adding an edge between an extremity v of \({\textsf {P}}_{n} \) and the vertex at distance 2 from v on \({\textsf {P}}_{n} \).

Lemma 9

If \(n\ge 6\) and \(k\le n\) then \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}, k) = S({\textsf{Q}}_{n},k) - (-1)^n \rho _k \) where

$$\begin{aligned} \rho _k = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2&{} \text { if } k=3,\\ 1&{} \text { if } k=4,\\ 0&{} \text { otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


The values in the following table show that the result is true for \(n=6\).







\(S(2{\textsf {C}}_{3},k)\)






\(S({\textsf {Q}}_{6},k)\)






For larger values of n, we proceed by induction. Equations (1) and (2) give

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3}, k)\\ {}&\quad = S({\textsf {P}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3}, k) - S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) \\ {}&\quad =S({\textsf {P}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {P}}_{3}, k)-S({\textsf {P}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {P}}_{2}, k)- S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)\\ {}&\quad =S({\textsf {P}}_{n},k)+S({\textsf {P}}_{n-1},k)- S({\textsf {P}}_{n-1},k)-S({\textsf {P}}_{n-2},k)- S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)\\ {}&\quad =S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k)+S({\textsf {Q}}_{n-1},k)- S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)\\ {}&\quad =S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k)-(-1)^{n} \rho _k. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 10

The following inequalities are valid for all \(n\ge 9\):

  1. (a)

    \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k)> S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k-1) \) for all \(k\in \{3,4,5\}\);

  2. (b)

    \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k) > 3 S({\textsf{C}}_{n-1},k-1) \) for all \(k \in \{3,4,5,6\}\);

  3. (c)

    \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},4) > 8 S({\textsf{C}}_{n},3) \).


The values in Table 1 show that the inequalities are satisfied for \(n=9\). For larger values of n, we proceed by induction. Note that (a) and (b) are clearly valid for \(k=3\) since \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3)> 3 \ge \max \{S({\textsf {C}}_{n},2)),3S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},2)\} \). We may therefore assume \(k\in \{4,5\}\) for (a) and \(k\in \{4,5,6\}\) for (b). Lemma 7 and the induction hypothesis imply

$$\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)=&~(k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1) \\ \quad >&(k-2)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-2)\\ =&~S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k-1). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Hence (a) is proved. It follows that the following inequality is valid:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \frac{1}{k-1}S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)=&~\frac{1}{k-1}\Big ((k-2)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k-1)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k-2)\Big )\\ \quad <&\frac{1}{k-1}\Big ((k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k-1)\Big )\\ =&~S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k-1) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

which implies

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)=&~(k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)\\ \quad>&(k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)\\ \quad>&3(k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k-1)\\ \quad >&3S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Hence (b) is proved. We thus have

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)=&~3S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},4)+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},3)\\ \quad>&25S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},3)\\ \quad>&\frac{25}{3}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3)\\ \quad >&8S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

which proves (c). \(\square \)

4 Upper Bounds on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\)

We are now ready to give upper bounds on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\). The following theorem gives a general upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) that is valid for all graphs G of order n.

Theorem 11

Let G be a graph of order n, then,

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(G) \le n, \end{aligned}$$

with equality if and only if \(G \simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n}\).



$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {T}}}(G)=\sum _{k=1}^nkS(G,k)\le n\sum _{k=1}^nS(G,k)=n{{\mathcal {B}}}(G). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\le n\), with equality if and only if \(S(G,k)=0\) for all \(k<n\), that is if \(G\simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n}\). \(\square \)

Since \(\Delta ({\textsf {K}}_{n})=n-1\) we immediately get the following corollary to Theorem 11.

Corollary 12

Let G be a graph of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)=n-1\). Then, \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le n,\) with equality if and only if \(G \simeq {\textsf{K}}_{n} \).

We now give a more precise upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) for graphs G of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)=n-2\).

Theorem 13

Let G be a graph of order \(n \ge 2\) and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)=n-2\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(G) \le \frac{n^2 - n + 1}{n}, \end{aligned}$$

with equality if and only if \(G\simeq {\textsf{K}}_{n-1} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{1}\).


We have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {T}}}(G)&= \displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{n-2}kS(G,k) + (n-1)S(G,n-1) + n \\&\le \displaystyle (n-1)\sum _{k=1}^{n}S(G,k) + 1 \\ {}&= (n-1){{\mathcal {B}}}(G)+1. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\le n-1+\frac{1}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(G)}\), with possible equality only if \(S(G,k)=0\) for all \(k<n-1\). It is proved in [9] that \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G) \ge n\), with equality if and only if G is isomorphic to \({\textsf {K}}_{n-1} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}\) when \(n\ne 4\), and G is isomorphic to \({\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1} \) or \({\textsf {C}}_{4} \) when \(n=4\). Since \(S({\textsf {C}}_{4},2)=1>0 \) while \(S({\textsf {K}}_{n-1} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1},k)=0 \) for all \(k<n-1\), we conclude that \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le n-1 + \frac{1}{n} = \frac{n^2 - n + 1}{n}\), with equality if and only if \(G\simeq {\textsf {K}}_{n-1} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}\). \(\square \)

The next simple case is when \(\Delta (G)=1\).

Theorem 14

Let G be a graph of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G) = 1\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(G) \le {\mathcal {A}}({\lfloor }{\frac{n}{2}}{\rfloor } {\textsf{K}}_{2}\cup (n\bmod 2){\textsf{K}}_{1}) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

with equality if and only if \(G\simeq {\lfloor }{\frac{n}{2}}{\rfloor } {\textsf{K}}_{2}\cup (n\bmod 2){\textsf{K}}_{1} \).


If G contains two isolated vertices u and v, we know from Proposition 2 that \({\mathcal {A}}(G+uv)>{\mathcal {A}}(G)\). Hence the maximum value of \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) is reached when G contains at most one isolated vertex, that is \(G\simeq {\lfloor }{\frac{n}{2}}{\rfloor } {\textsf {K}}_{2}\cup (n\bmod 2){\textsf {K}}_{1} \). \(\square \)

We now give a precise upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) for graphs G with maximum degree 2. We first analyze the impact of the replacement of an induced \({\textsf {C}}_{n} \) (\(n\ge 6\)) by \({\textsf {C}}_{n-3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{3} \).

Lemma 15

\({\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{n}) < {\mathcal {A}}(G \cup {\textsf{C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf{C}}_{3}) \) for all \(n\ge 6\) and all graphs G.


We know from Lemma 6 (a), (b) and (c) that the result is true for \(n=6,7,8\). We can therefore assume \(n\ge 9\).

Let \(f_n(k,k') = S(\textsf{C}_{n-3} \cup \textsf{C}_{3},k)S(\textsf{C}_{n},k')-S(\textsf{C}_{n},k)S(\textsf{C}_{n-3} \cup \textsf{C}_{3},k')\). Proposition 5 shows that it is sufficient to prove that \(f_n(k,k')\ge 0\) for all \(k > k'\), the inequality being strict for at least one pair \((k,k')\). Note that \(f_n(n,2)=1>0\) for n even. Also, \(f_n(n,3)>0\) for n odd. Indeed, this is true for \(n=9\) since the values in Table 1 give \(f_n(9,3)=85-66=19\). For larger odd values of n, we proceed by induction, using Lemmas 7 and 8:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(n,3)&=S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},3)\\ {}&= \Big (2S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},3)+1\Big )-\Big (2S({\textsf {C}}_{n-4} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},3)+6\Big )\\ {}&=\Big (4S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},3)+1\Big )-\Big (2\big (2S({\textsf {C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},3)-6\big )+6\Big )\\ {}&=4S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},3)-4S({\textsf {C}}_{n-5} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},3)+7\\ {}&=4f_{n-2}(n-2,3)+7>0. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Hence, it remains to prove that \(f_n(k,k')\ge 0\) for all \(1\le k' < k \le n\). Let us start with the cases where \(k'\le 2\) and where \(k\ge n-1\).

  • If \(k'\le 2\) then \(f_n(k,k')=S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')\ge 0 \).

  • If \(k \ge n-1\) then \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) = S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k) \) since

    • \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n},n) = S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},n)=1 \), and

    • \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n},n-1) = S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},n-1)=\frac{n^2-3n}{2} \).

    Also, it follows from Lemma 9 that \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k')=S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k')-(-1)^{n}\rho _{k'} \) and Eqs. (1) and (2) give

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')&=S({\textsf {P}}_{n},k')-S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k')\\ {}&=\left( S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k')+S({\textsf {P}}_{n-1},k')\right) -\left( S({\textsf {P}}_{n-1},k')-S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k')\right) \\ {}&=S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k')+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k'). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    Altogether, this gives

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(k,k')&= S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')-\ S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k')\Big )\\ {}&=S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\Big (\big (S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k')+S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k')\big )- \big (S({\textsf {Q}}_{n},k')-(-1)^{n}\rho _{k'}\big )\Big )\\ {}&=S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},k')+(-1)^{n}\rho _{k'}\Big ). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


    • if n is even then \(f_n(k,k')\ge 0\);

    • if n is odd and \(k'\notin \{3,4\}\) then \(f_n(k,k')\ge 0\);

    • if n is odd and \(k'=3\) then \(f_n(k,k')=S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)(S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},3)-2)\ge 0 \);

    • if n is odd and \(k'=4\) then \(f_n(k,k')=S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)(S({\textsf {C}}_{n-2},4)-1)\ge 0 \).

We can therefore assume \(3 \le k' < k \le n-2\) and we finally prove that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(k,k')\ge {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0&{}{}\text { if } k'\ge 6,\\ 7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)&{}{}\text { if } k'\in \{3,4,5\}. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The values in the following table, computed with the help of those for \({\textsf {C}}_{9} \) and \({\textsf {C}}_{6}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{3}\) in Table 1, show that this is true for \(n=9\):























\(7S({\textsf {C}}_{9},k) \)











For larger values of n, we proceed by induction. Lemmas 7 and 8 give

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(k,k')=&~S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-3} \cup {\textsf {C}}_{3},k') \\ =&~S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k'){\Big (}(k{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k{-}1){-}({-}1)^n\delta _k{\Big )} \\ {}&{-}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k){\Big (}(k'{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'{-}1){-}({-}1)^n\delta _{k'}{\Big )} \\ =&~{\Big (}(k'{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k'){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k'{-}1){\Big )}{\Big (}(k{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k{-}1){\Big )} \\ {}&{-}{\Big (}(k{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k{-}1){\Big )}{\Big (}(k'{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'){+}S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'{-}1){\Big )} \\ {}&+(-1)^n\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-(-1)^n\delta _kS({\textsf {C}}_{n},k') \\ =&~(k-1)(k'-1)\Bigl (S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k')S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k')\Bigr ) \\ {}&+(k'-1)\Bigl (S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k')S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k')\Bigr ) \\ {}&+(k-1)\Bigl (S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'-1)\Bigr ) \\ {}&+S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k-1)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}4} {\cup } {\textsf {C}}_{3},k'-1) \\ {}&+(-1)^n\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-(-1)^n\delta _kS({\textsf {C}}_{n},k') \\ =&~(k-1)(k'-1)f_{n-1}(k,k')+(k'-1)f_{n-1}(k-1,k') \\ {}&+(k-1)f_{n-1}(k,k'-1) +f_{n-1}(k-1,k'-1) \\ {}&+(-1)^n\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-(-1)^n\delta _kS({\textsf {C}}_{n},k'). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\delta _{k}=0\) for \(k\ge 6\) and \(f_{n-1}(k,k')\ge 0\), \(f_{n-1}(k-1,k')\ge 0\), \(f_{n-1}(k,k'-1)\ge 0\), and \(f_{n-1}(k-1,k'-1)\ge 0\) for \(k>k'\), we have \(f_n(k,k')\ge 0\) for \(k>k'\ge 6\).

Therefore, it remains to show that \(f_n(k,k')\ge 7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\) for \(k' \in \{3,4,5\}\). Let \(g_n(k,k')=(-1)^n\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-(-1)^n\delta _kS({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')\). There are 4 possible cases.

  • Case 1: \(k'\in \{4,5\}\) and \(k\ge k'+2.\)

    We have \(g_n(k,k')=(-1)^n\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\ge -6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\). Using the induction hypothesis and Lemma 7, Eq. (5) gives

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(k,k') \ge&\Big (7(k-1)(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)+7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)\Big )\\ {}&+\Big (7(k-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)+7S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)\Big )-6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ =&~7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)+7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) \\>&7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
  • Case 2: \(k'\in \{4,5\}\) and \(k=k'+1.\)

    Let us first give a lower bound on \(g_n(k,k')\):

    • if n is even and \(k=6\), then \(g_n(k,k')\ge 0\);

    • if n is even and \(k=5\), then \(g_n(k,k')\ge -S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4) \), and we deduce from Lemma 10 (a) that \(g_n(k,k')\ge -S({\textsf {C}}_{n},5) \);

    • if n is odd, then \(g_n(k,k')\ge -\delta _{k'}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\ge -6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) \).

    Hence, whatever n and \((k,k')\), \(g_n(k,k')\ge -6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) \). Since \(f_{n-1}(k-1,k')=0\), using again the induction hypothesis and Lemma 7, we deduce from Eq. (5) that

    $$\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned} f_n(k,k') \ge&\Big (7(k{-}1)(k'{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k)\Big ) {+}\Big (7(k{-}1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k){+}7S({\textsf {C}}_{n{-}1},k{-}1)\Big ){-}6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ =&~\Big (7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)\Big )+\Big (7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\Big )-6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ =&~(7k'-6)S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    Since \(k\le 6\), Lemma 10 (b) shows that \(S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)\le \frac{1}{3}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) \) and we therefore have

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}f_n(k,k')&\ge \left( \frac{14k'-11}{3}\right) S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ {}&>7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k).\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
  • Case 3: \(k'=3\) and \(k\ge 5.\)

    As in the previous case, we have \(g_n(k,k')\ge -6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k) \). The induction hypothesis gives \(f_{n-1}(k,k')\ge 7S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k) \), \(f_{n-1}(k-1,k')\ge 7S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1) \), \(f_{n-1}(k,k'-1){\ge } 0\), and \(f_{n-1}(k-1,k'-1)\ge 0\). Hence, Eq. (5) becomes

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_n(k,k') \ge&7(k-1)(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)+7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k-1)-6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ =&~7(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-6S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)\\ >&7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
  • Case 4: \(k'=3\) and \(k=4.\)

    We have \(g_n(k,k')=(-1)^n6S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k)-(-1)^n6S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k') \) and we know from Lemma 10 (a) that \(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},4)>S({\textsf{C}}_{n},3)\). Hence, \(g_n(4,3)\ge -6(S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k)-S({\textsf{C}}_{n},k'))\). Using the induction hypothesis, Eq. (5) gives

    $$\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned} f_n(k,k')&\ge -7(k-1)(k'-1)S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)-6\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')\Big )\\ {}&=42S({\textsf {C}}_{n-1},k)-6\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},k')\Big ).\end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    We therefore conclude from Lemmas 7 and 10 (c) that

    $$\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}f_n(4,3)&\ge \frac{42}{3}\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3\Big )-6\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3)\Big )\\ {}&=8\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)-S({\textsf {C}}_{n},3)\Big )\\ {}&>8\Big (S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)-\frac{1}{8}S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4)\Big )\\ {}&=7S({\textsf {C}}_{n},4). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

We now study the impact of the replacement of an induced \({\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1} \) by \({\textsf {C}}_{4} \). It is easy to check that

  • \({\mathcal {A}}({\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{K}}_{1})=\frac{13}{4}>3={\mathcal {A}}({\textsf{C}}_{4}) \), and

  • \({\mathcal {A}}(2{\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{K}}_{1})=\frac{778}{175}>\frac{684}{154}={\mathcal {A}}({\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{C}}_{4}) \).

Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}((p+1)\textsf{K}_{3}\cup \textsf{K}_{1})>{\mathcal {A}}(p\textsf{K}_{3}\cup \textsf{C}_{4})\) for \(p=0,1\). We next prove that this inequality is reversed for larger values of p, that is \({\mathcal {A}}((p+1)\textsf{K}_{3}\cup \textsf{K}_{1})<{\mathcal {A}}(p\textsf{K}_{3}\cup \textsf{C}_{4})\) for \(p\ge 2\). Proposition 5 is of no help for this proof since, whatever p, there are pairs \((k,k')\) for which \(S((p+1){\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1},k) S(p{\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4},k') > S(p{\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4},k)S((p+1){\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1},k') \), and other pairs for which the inequality is reversed. Also, it is not true that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}((p+1){\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})-{\mathcal {A}}(p{\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})>{\mathcal {A}}(p{\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4})-{\mathcal {A}}((p-1){\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

which would have given a simple proof by induction on p. The only way we have found to prove the desired result is to explicitly calculate \({\mathcal {A}}((p+1){\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) \) and \({\mathcal {A}}(p{\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}) \). This is what we do next, with the help of two lemmas.

Lemma 16

If G is a graph of order n, then


As observed in [9],

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{r},k) = \sum _{i=0}^{r} {k-i \atopwithdelims ()r-i} {r \atopwithdelims ()i} (r-i)! \ S(G,k-i). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2})=&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+2}S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2},k)\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+2}\Big (k(k-1) S(G,k) + 2(k-1) S(G,k-1) + S(G,k-2)\Big )\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k^2 + k + 1) S(G, k) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2})=&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+2} kS(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2}, k)\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+2}\Big (k^2(k-1) S(G,k) + 2k(k-1) S(G,k-1) + kS(G,k-2)\Big )\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k^3 + k^2 + 3k + 2) S(G, k). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The values for \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}) \) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}) \) are computed in a similar way. \(\square \)

Lemma 17

If G is a graph of order n, then,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf{K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{1}) &{}{} = &{}{}\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^n (k^4 + k^3 + 5k^2 + 6k + 4) S(G, k),\\[2ex] {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf{K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf{K}}_{1}) &{}{} = &{}{} \displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^n (k^5 + k^4 + 9k^3 + 15k^2 + 21k + 13) S(G, k). \end{array} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


Let \(G' = G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \). Equation (6) gives \(S(G' \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}, k) = k S(G',k) + S(G',k-1) \). Hence, it follows from Lemma 16 that

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})=&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+4}\Big (k S(G',k) + S(G',k-1)\Big )\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}kS(G',k)+\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}S(G',k)\\ =&~{{\mathcal {T}}}(G')+{{\mathcal {B}}}(G')\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k^4 + k^3 + 5k^2 + 6k + 4)S(G,k). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Equation (6) gives

$$\begin{aligned}&\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}k^2S(G',k)\\&\quad =~\sum _{k=1}^{n}k^2\Big ( k(k-1)(k-2)S(G,k)\Big )+\sum _{k=1}^{n+1}k^2\Big (3(k-1)(k-2)S(G,k-1)\Big )\\ {}&+\sum _{k=1}^{n+2}k^2\Big (3(k-2)S(G,k-2)\Big )+\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}k^2S(G,k-3) \Big )\\&\quad =~\sum _{k=1}^{n}k^3(k-1)(k-2)S(G,k)+ \sum _{k=1}^{n}3(k+1)^2k(k-1)S(G,k)\\&\qquad +\sum _{k=1}^{n}3(k+2)^2kS(G,k) +\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k+3)^2S(G,k)\\&\quad =~\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k^5+8k^3+10k^2+15k+9)S(G,k). \end{aligned}$$

Hence, using again Lemma 16, we get

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})=&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+4}\Big (k^2 S(G',k) +k S(G',k-1)\Big )\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}k^2S(G',k)+ \sum _{k=1}^{n+3}(k+1)S(G',k)\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n+3}k^2S(G',k)+{{\mathcal {T}}}(G')+{{\mathcal {B}}}(G')\\ =&~\sum _{k=1}^{n}(k^5 + k^4 + 9k^3 + 15k^2 + 21k + 13)S(G,k). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

We are now ready to compare \({\mathcal {A}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}) \) with \({\mathcal {A}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) \).

Lemma 18

  • \({\mathcal {A}}(p {\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{C}}_{4})<{\mathcal {A}}((p+1) {\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{K}}_{1}) \) if \(p=0,1\) and                   

  • \({\mathcal {A}}(p {\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{C}}_{4})>{\mathcal {A}}((p+1) {\textsf{K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf{K}}_{1}) \).


We have already mentioned that the lemma is valid for \(p=0,1\). Hence, it remains to prove that \({\mathcal {A}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4})>{\mathcal {A}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) \) for \(p\ge 2\). So assume \(p\ge 2\) and let

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f(p)= {{\mathcal {T}}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}){{\mathcal {B}}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})-{{\mathcal {B}}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}){{\mathcal {T}}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {\mathcal {A}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}) - {\mathcal {A}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) = \frac{f(p)}{{{\mathcal {B}}}(p {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4})){{\mathcal {B}}}((p+1) {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

we have to prove that \(f(p)>0\). Note that Eqs. (1) and (2) give

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} S(G\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4},k)=&~S(G\cup {\textsf {P}}_{4},k)-S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)\\=&~ S(G\cup {\textsf {Q}}_{4},k)+S(G\cup {\textsf {P}}_{3},k)-S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)\\ =&~\Big (S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1},k)-S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)\Big )\\ {}&+ \Big (S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)+S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2},k)\Big )-S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)\\ =&~S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1},k)-S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3},k)+S(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2},k), \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

which implies

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} {{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4})=&~{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})-{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3})+{{\mathcal {B}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2})\text {, } \text { and }\\ {{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {C}}_{4})=&~{{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}\cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})-{{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{3})+{{\mathcal {T}}}(G\cup {\textsf {K}}_{2}). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Hence, with \(G=p\textsf{K}_{3}\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f(p) =&~ {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) - {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {C}}_{4}) \\ =&~ \Big ({{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) - {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}) + {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2})\Big ){{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) \\ {}&- {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})\Big ({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1}) - {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}) + {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2})\Big ) \\ =&~ {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})\Big ({{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2}) - {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3})\Big ) \\ {}&- {{\mathcal {T}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{1})\Big ({{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{2}) - {{\mathcal {B}}}(G \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3})\Big ). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since \(S(G,k)=0\) for \(k<3\), we deduce from Lemmas 16 and 17 that

$$\begin{aligned} f(p) =&~ \sum _{k=1}^n a_k S(G, k) \sum _{k=1}^n b_k S(G,k) {-} \sum _{k=1}^n c_k S(G,k) \sum _{k=1}^n d_k S(G, k)\nonumber \\ =&~ \sum _{k=3}^n \sum _{k'=3}^n (a_k b_{k'} {-} c_k d_{k'}) S(G, k) S(G, k') \nonumber \\ =&~\sum _{k=3}^n (a_k b_{k} {-} c_k d_{k}) S^2(G, k) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&+\sum _{k'=3}^{n-1}\sum _{k=k'+1}^n(a_k b_{k'} - c_k d_{k'}+a_{k'} b_{k} - c_{k'} d_{k})S(G, k) S(G, k') \end{aligned}$$


  • \(\begin{array}{ll}a_k&= k^4 + k^3 + 5k^2 + 6k + 4\end{array}\),

  • \(\begin{array}{ll}b_k&= -k^4 + k^3 -4k^2 - k - 1,\end{array}\)

  • \(\begin{array}{ll}c_k&= k^5 + k^4 + 9k^3 + 15k^2 + 21k + 13\end{array}\), and

  • \(\begin{array}{ll}d_k&= -k^3+k^2-k.\end{array}\)

It is therefore sufficient to prove that the sums defined at (7) and (8) are strictly positive.

  • Let \(g(k) = a_k b_k - c_k d_k= k^6 + k^5 - 5k^4 - 19 k^3 - 19k^2 + 3k - 4\). It can be checked that \(g(k)>0\) for all \(k>3\). Note that Eq. (6) gives

    $$\begin{aligned} S(G,3)=&~S(p\textsf{K}_{3},3)=6S((p-1)\textsf{K}_{3},3)\\ <&18S(p-1)\textsf{K}_{3},3)+24S((p-1)\textsf{K}_{3},4) \\ =&~S((p\textsf{K}_{3},4)=S(G,4).\end{aligned}$$

    Since \(g(3)=-112\) and \(g(4) = 2328\), we have \(g(3)S^2(G, 3)+g(4)S^2(G, 4)>0\), which implies

    $$\begin{aligned} \sum _{k=3}^n (a_k b_{k} {-} c_k d_{k}) S^2(G, k)= g(3)S^2(G, 3)+g(4)S^2(G, 4)+\sum _{k=5}^n g(k) S^2(G, k)>0. \end{aligned}$$

    Hence, the sum in (7) is strictly positive.

  • Let \(h(k',k)=a_k b_{k'} - c_k d_{k'}+a_{k'} b_{k} - c_{k'} d_{k}.\) By definition of \(a_k, b_k, c_k\) and \(d_k\) we obtain

    $$\begin{aligned} h(k',k) =&~ \ {\left( {k}^{3} - {k}^{2} + {k}\right) } {k'}^{5} \\ {}&- {\left( 2 {k}^{4} - {k}^{3} + 10 {k}^{2} + 6 {k} + 5\right) } {k'}^{4}\\&+ {\left( {k}^{5} + {k}^{4} + 20 {k}^{3} + 7 {k}^{2} + 35 {k} + 16\right) } {k'}^{3} \\ {}&- {\left( {k}^{5} + 10 {k}^{4} - 7 {k}^{3} + 70 {k}^{2} + 35 {k} + 34\right) } {k}'^{2} \\&+ {\left( {k}^{5} - 6 {k}^{4} + 35 {k}^{3} - 35 {k}^{2} + 30 {k} + 3\right) } {k'} \\ {}&- 5 {k}^{4} + 16 {k}^{3} - 34 {k}^{2} + 3 {k} - 8. \end{aligned}$$

    Let us make a change of variable. More precisely, we substitute \(k'\) by \(i+3\) and k by \(j+i+4\). Since \(k'\ge 3\) and \(k\ge k'+1\), we get \(i\ge 0\) and \(j\ge 0\). It is a tedious but easy exercise to check that with these new variables, \(h(k',k)=h(i{+}3,j{+}i{+}4)=h'(i,j)\) with

    $$\begin{aligned} h'(i, j) =&~{\left( j^{2} + 2j + 3\right) } i^{6} + {\left( 3j^{3} + 25j^{2} + 47j + 63\right) } i^{5}\\ {}&+ {\left( 3j^{4} + 52j^{3} + 243j^{2} + 437j + 533\right) } i^{4}\\&+ {\left( j^{5} + 37j^{4} + 338j^{3} + 1154j^{2} + 2017j + 2267\right) } i^{3} \\&+ {\left( 8j^{5} + 161j^{4} + 997j^{3} + 2713j^{2} + 4692j + 4873\right) } i^{2} \\&+ {\left( 22j^{5} + 290j^{4} + 1258j^{3} + 2729j^{2} + 4784j + 4443\right) } i \\&+ 21j^{5} + 172j^{4} + 440j^{3} + 575j^{2} + 1112j + 602. \end{aligned}$$

    Since \(i\ge 0\), \(j\ge 0\), and all coefficients in \(h'(i, j)\) are positive, we conclude that \(h'(i,j)=h(k',k) > 0\) for \(3\le k'<k\le n\).

    Hence, the sum \(\displaystyle \sum _{k'=3}^{n-1}\sum _{k=k'+1}^nh(k',k)S(G, k) S(G, k')\) in (8) is strictly positive.

\(\square \)

We are now ready to prove the main result of this section, where \({\textsf{U}_{n}}\) (\(n \ge 3\)) is the graph defined in Sect. 2.

Theorem 19

If G is a graph of order \(n \ge 3\) and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)=2\), then \({\mathcal {A}}(G) \le \mathcal {A}(\textsf{U}_n) \), with equality if and only if \(G\simeq \textsf{U}_n\).


Since \(\Delta (G) = 2\), G is a disjoint union of cycles and paths. Now, suppose that G maximizes \({\mathcal {A}}\) among all graphs of maximum degree 2. Then at most one connected component of G is a path. Indeed, if \(G\simeq G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k}\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k'}\), then Eqs. (3) and (4) give \({{\mathcal {B}}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k}\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k'})={{\mathcal {B}}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'})+{{\mathcal {B}}} (G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'-1})\) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k}\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k'})={{\mathcal {T}}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'})+{{\mathcal {T}}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'-1})\). Moreover, we know from Proposition 2 that \({\mathcal {A}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'-1})<{\mathcal {A}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'})\). Hence, Proposition 4 implies that \({\mathcal {A}}(G)={\mathcal {A}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k}\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k'})<{\mathcal {A}}(G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'})\). Since \((G'\cup {\textsf {P}}_{k+k'})\) is of order n and maximum degree 2, this contradicts the hypothesis that G maximizes \({\mathcal {A}}\).

We know from Lemma 3 that replacing a path \({\textsf {P}}_{k}\) of order \(k \ge 3\) by a cycle \({\textsf {C}}_{k}\) strictly increases \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\). Moreover, Lemma 15 shows that replacing a cycle \({\textsf {C}}_{k}\) of order \(k \ge 6\) by \({\textsf {C}}_{k-3} \cup {\textsf {K}}_{3}\) increases \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\). Hence G is a disjoint union of copies of \(\textsf{K}_{3}\), \(\textsf{C}_{4}\) and \(\textsf{C}_{5}\) and eventually one path that is either \(\textsf{K}_{1}\) or \(\textsf{K}_{2}\).

Considering Lemma 6, we know from (d), (e) and (f) that G does not contain \(\textsf{K}_{2}\), and from (g)-(k) that at most one connected component of G is not a \(\textsf{K}_{3}\). Hence, if \(n \bmod 3=0\) then \(G\simeq \frac{n}{3} \textsf{K}_{3}\) and if \(n \bmod 3=2\) then \(G\simeq \frac{n-5}{3} \textsf{K}_{3} \cup \textsf{C}_{5}\). Finally, Lemma 18 shows that \(G\simeq \frac{n-1}{3}\textsf{K}_{3} \cup \textsf{K}_{1}\) if \(n = 4\) or 7, and \(G\simeq \frac{n-4}{3} \textsf{K}_{3} \cup \textsf{C}_{4}\) if \(n \bmod 3 = 1\) and \(n \ge 10\). \(\square \)

5 Concluding Remarks

We have given a general upper bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) that is valid for all graphs G, and a more precise one for graphs of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\in \{1,2,n-2\}\). Note that there is no known lower bound on \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) which is a function of n and such that there exists at least one graph of order n which reaches it.

The problem of finding a tight upper bound for graphs with maximum degree in \(\{3,\ldots ,n-3\}\) remains open. Since all graphs of order n and maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\in \{1,n-2,n-1\}\) that maximize \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) are isomorphic to \({\lfloor }{\tfrac{n}{\Delta (G)+1}}{\rfloor } \textsf{K}_{\Delta (G)+1}\cup \textsf{K}_{n\bmod (\Delta (G)+1)}\) (but this is not always true for \(\Delta (G)=2\)), one could be tempted to think that this is also true when \(3\le \Delta (G)\le n-3\). We have checked this statement by enumerating all graphs having up to 12 vertices, using PHOEG[2]. We have thus determined that there is only one graph of order \(n\le 12\) and \(\Delta (G)\ne 2\) (among more than 165 billion), namely \(\mathsf{{\overline{C}}}_{6} \cup \textsf{K}_{4}\), for which such a statement is wrong. Indeed, \({\mathcal {A}}(\mathsf{{\overline{C}}}_{6} \cup \textsf{K}_{4}) = 5.979 > 5.967={\mathcal {A}}(2 \textsf{K}_{4} \cup \textsf{K}_{2}) \), which shows that \(2 \textsf{K}_{4} \cup \textsf{K}_{2}\) does not maximize \({\mathcal {A}}(G)\) among all graphs of order 10 and maximum degree 3.