1. Introduction

All graphs considered in this paper are simple, finite, and undirected. Let \(G=(V(G), E(G))\) be a graph with vertex set \(V(G)\) and edge set \(E(G)\). Let \(d_{G}(x)\) (denote by \(d(x)\) for short) be the degree of a vertex \(x\) in \(G\), and \(\Delta(G)=\max\{d(x)|x\in V(G)\}\) the maximum degree of \(G\). Let \(P_{n}\) and \(C_{n}\)\((n\ge 3)\) be the path and the cycle of order \(n\), respectively, and \(K_{m, n}\) be a complete bipartite graph with bipartition \((X, Y)\), where \(|X|=m\) and \(|Y|=n\). We call a path \(P_{n+1}=u_{0}u_{1}\cdots u_{n}\) an internal path of \(G\) if \(d(u_{0})\geq3\), \(d(u_{n})\geq3\), and \(d(u_{i})=2\), \(i=1, 2, \cdots, n-1\). Let \(G-\{v\}\) be the subgraph of \(G\) obtained by deleting the vertex \(v\) and its incident edges. Let \(G-\{uv\}\) and \(G+\{uv\}\) be the graphs obtained from \(G\) by deleting the edge \(uv\) and by adding a new edge \(uv\), respectively. A cut edge of \(G\) is an edge \(uv\) such that \(\omega(G-\{uv\})>\omega(G)\), where \(\omega(G)\) refers to the number of components in \(G\). The disjoint union \(G_{1} \dot{\cup} G_{2}\) of \(G_{1}\) and \(G_{2}\) is the graph with vertex set \(V(G_{1})\cup V(G_{2})\) and edge set \(E(G_{1})\cup E(G_{2})\). A vertex of degree one is called a pendent vertex. The distance between two vertices \(u\) and \(v\) in \(G\), denoted by \(d_{G}(u, v)\), is the length of a shortest \((u, v)\)-path in \(G\). A graph \(G\) is \(r\)-regular if \(d(u)=r\) for all \(u\in V(G)\). Especially, if a graph \(G\) has a \(1\)-regular spanning subgraph, then the spanning subgraph is called a perfect matching of \(G\). The square \(G^{2}\) of a graph \(G\) can be obtained from \(G\) by adding all edges between two vertices of distance two in \(G\). For two sets \(A\) and \(B\), \(A\backslash B\) represents the difference set of \(A\) and \(B\). The terminologies and notations used but undefined in this paper can be found in [1].

A proper \(k\)-total coloring of \(G\) is a mapping \(f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow\{1,\;2,\; \cdots,\;k\}\) such that any two adjacent or incident elements in \(V(G)\cup E(G)\) receive different colors. We use

$$S_{f}(x)=\{f(x)\}\cup\{f(xy)|xy\in E(G)\}$$

to denote the set of colors assigned to a vertex \(x\) and those edges incident with \(x\). A proper \(k\)-total coloring \(f\) of \(G\) is said to be a \(k\)-\(D(\beta)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring [2] (write as \(k\)-\(D(\beta)\)-VDTC for short) if \(S_{f}(u)\not=S_{f}(v)\) for any two vertices \(u, v\in V(G)\) with \(d(u, v)\leq\beta\), and denote by \(\chi_{\beta vt}(G)=\min\Big\{k|G \text{ has a } k-D(\beta)-\mathrm{VDTC}\Big\}\) the \(D(\beta)\)-vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of \(G\). Especially, if \(\beta=1\), then a \(D(1)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring is just the adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of \(G\) (see [3]); if \(\beta=2\), then \(D(\beta)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring is also called \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring of \(G\), and the corresponding chromatic number is written as \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\). Besides, let \(f\) be a total coloring of \(G\). If any two vertices \(u, v\in V(G)\) with \(d(u, v)\leq2\) satisfy \(S_{f}(u)\not=S_{f}(v)\), then we call that \(u\) and \(v\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable.

Graph coloring has always been classic topic in graph theory, and it’s widely applied in practice (see [1]). In recent decades, many scholars have conducted a series of researches around it [4]–[7]. The adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of graphs was first introduced by Zhang et al. in [3]. They conjectured that the adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number \(\chi_{at}(G)\) of any graph \(G\), with order at least \(2\), satisfies \(\chi_{at}(G)\leq\Delta(G)+3\), and further showed that the conjecture holds for complete graph, complete bipartite graph, tree, and so on. After then, scholars have carried out a lot of research to the conjecture. Wang [8] and Chen [9] independently proved that if \(G\) is a graph with maximum degree \(\Delta(G)=3\), then \(\chi_{at}(G)\leq6\). Cheng et al. [10] showed that for a planar graph \(G\) with \(\Delta(G)\geq10\), \(\chi_{at}(G)\leq\Delta(G)+3\). Huang et al. [11] verified that \(\chi_{at}(G)\leq2\Delta(G)\) for any graph \(G\) with \(\Delta(G)\geq3\). Later, B. Vučković [12] improved this bound, and got that \(\chi_{at}(G)\leq2\Delta(G)-1\) if \(\Delta(G)\geq4\).

In 2006, Zhang et al. [2] proposed the concept entitled \(D(\beta)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring of graphs, and got the \(D(\beta)\)-vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of some simple graphs such as path, cycle, and complete graph for \(\beta\geq2\). Based on the above, they presented the conjecture given below:

Conjecture 1 (see [2]).

Let \(G\) be a connected graph on \(n\geq2\) vertices. Then

$$\chi_{\beta vt}(G)\leq \mu_{\beta}(G)+1.$$

where \(\mu_{\beta}(G)=\min\Big\{\theta:\;{\theta\choose i+1}\geq n_{i},\;\delta\leq i\leq\Delta\Big\}\) , \(n_{i}=\max\Big\{|S|:\;S\subseteq V(G)\Big\}\) , and \(S\) is composed of the vertices with degree \(i\) and their distance is no more than \(\beta\) .

From conjecture 1, if \(\beta=2\), then we see that the following conjecture.

Conjecture 2 (see [2]).

Let \(G\) be a connected graph on \(n\geq2\) vertices. Then

$$\chi_{2vt}(G)\leq \mu_{2}(G)+1.$$

Meanwhile, Zhang et al.[2] also showed that the conjecture holds for some simple graphs. In this paper, we aim at Conjecture 2 to consider the \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishing total coloring of a graph \(G\), and prove that \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\le11\) for any graph \(G\) with maximum degree \(\Delta(G)=3\).

2. Preliminaries

Lemma 1 (see [2, Theorem 2.2]).

Let \(G\) be a graph with \(n\) components, i.e., \(G=G_{1}\cup G_{2}\cup\cdots\cup G_{n}\) . Then \(\chi_{2vt}(G)=\max\big\{\chi_{2vt}(G_{i})|i=1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;n\big\}.\)

Lemma 2 (see [2, Theorem 2.4]).

For a path \(P_{n}\) with order \(n\geq2\) , \(\chi_{2vt}(P_{n})\leq4\) .

Lemma 3 (see [2, Theorems 2.7, 2.8, 2.9]).

Let \(C_{n}\) be a cycle on \(n\geq3\) vertices. Then \(\chi_{2vt}(C_{n})\leq5\) .

Lemma 4 (see [13, pp.243], [14, Lemma 2.4.6]).

For a \(3\) -regular graph \(G\) , if \(G\) contains no perfect matching, then \(G\) has at least \(3\) cut edges.

A list assignment of \(G\) is a function \(L\) which assigns to each vertex \(x\in V(G)\) a list \(L(x)\) of colors. A list coloring of \(G\) with list assignment \(L\) is a mapping \(f: V(G)\rightarrow \bigcup_{x\in V(G)}L(x)\) such that \(f(x)\in L(x)\) for all \(x\in V(G)\) and \(f(u)\not=f(v)\) for any adjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\), and we say that \(G\) is \(L\)-colorable. A graph is called \(k\)-choosable if \(G\) is \(L\)-colorable whenever all lists have size \(k\). The list chromatic number \(\chi_{l}(G)\) is the minimum \(k\) such that \(G\) is \(k\)-choosable. In [15], the list chromatic number of the square \(G^{2}\) of a graph \(G\) with \(\Delta(G)\leq3\) is given in the following.

Lemma 5 (see [15, Theorem 1]).

For a graph \(G\) with \(\Delta(G)\leq3\) , if \(G\) is not isomorphic to the Petersen graph, then \(\chi_{l}(G^{2})\leq8\) .

A proper vertex coloring of \(G\) is a mapping \(f: V(G)\rightarrow \{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;k\}\) such that for any two adjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\), \(f(u)\not=f(v)\), and denote by \(\chi(G)\) the proper vertex chromatic number of \(G\). By the definition of list-coloring of \(G\), we can see that a list-coloring of \(G\) is also a proper vertex coloring of the graph, and \(\chi(G)\leq\chi_{l}(G)\). A \(2\)-distance coloring of a graph \(G\) is a proper vertex coloring such that no two vertices, within distance \(2\) in \(G\), are assigned the same color, and we denote by \(\chi_{2}(G)\) the \(2\)-distance chromatic number of \(G\). It is obvious that for any a simple graph \(G\) and its square graph \(G^{2}\), \(\chi_{2}(G)=\chi(G^{2})\). Hence, we can deduce that \(\chi_{2}(G)=\chi(G^{2})\leq\chi_{l}(G^{2})\). Furthermore, the following corollary can be deduced by Lemma 5.

Corollary 1.

If \(G\) is a graph with \(\Delta(G)\leq3\) , but not isomorphic to the Petersen graph, then


Lemma 6.

If \(G\) is the Petersen graph, then \(\chi_{2vt}(G)=6\) .


Suppose that \(G\) has vertex-set \(V(G)=\{u_{1},\;u_{2},\;u_{3},\;u_{4},\;u_{5},\;v_{1},\; v_{2},\;v_{3},\;v_{4},\;v_{5}\}\) and edge-set \(E(G)=\{u_{i}u_{i+1},\;u_{i}v_{i},\; v_{i}v_{i+2}\}\), where \(i=1, 2, \cdots, 5\). According to the definition of \(D(2)\)-VDTC, \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\geq6\) due to \({6\choose4}=15>10\) and \({5\choose4}=5<10\). Let \(f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;6\}\) be a total coloring of \(G\). Suppose \(f(u_{i}v_{i})=6\) for \(i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5\). Then we color the vertices \(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\), \(u_{4}\), and \(u_{5}\) with \(1, 2, 3, 4\), and \(5\) respectively, and color the vertices \(v_{1}\), \(v_{2}\), \(v_{3}\), \(v_{4}\), and \(v_{5}\) with \(5, 1, 2, 3\), and \(4\) respectively. Meanwhile, the edges \(u_{1}u_{2}\), \(u_{2}u_{3}\), \(u_{3}u_{4}\), \(u_{4}u_{5}\), and \(u_{5}u_{1}\) are colored by \(3, 4, 5, 1,\) and \(2\) respectively. After that, the edges \(v_{1}v_{3}\), \(v_{2}v_{4}\), \(v_{3}v_{5}\), \(v_{4}v_{1}\), and \(v_{5}v_{2}\) are colored by \(3, 4, 5, 1\), and \(2\) respectively. Clearly, \(f\) is a proper total coloring of \(G\), and it is easy to see that

$$\begin{aligned} \, S(u_{1})&=\{1,\;2,\;3,\;6\}, & S(u_{2})&=\{2,\;3,\;4,\;6\}, & S(u_{3})&=\{3,\;4,\;5,\; 6\},\\ S(u_{4})&=\{1,\;4,\;5,\;6\}, & S(u_{5})&=\{1,\;2,\;5,\;6\}, & S(v_{1})&=\{1,\;3,\;5,\; 6\}, \\ S(v_{2})&=\{1,\;2,\;4,\;6\}, & S(v_{3})&=\{2,\;3,\;5,\;6\}, & S(v_{4})&=\{1,\;3,\;4,\; 6\}, \ \mbox{and} \\ S(v_{5})&=\{2,\;4,\;5,\;6\}. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, \(f\) is a \(6\)-D(2)-VDTC of \(G\), and thus \(\chi_{2vt}(G)=6\).

Lemma 7.

For a \(3\) -regular graph \(G\) with a perfect matching, \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\leq11\) .


If \(G\) is the Petersen graph, then \(\chi_{2vt}(G)=6<11\) by Lemma 6. Otherwise, we consider that \(G\) is a \(3\)-regular graph but not isomorphic to the Petersen graph. We decompose \(G\) as a perfect matching \(M\) and a union of some cycles, denoted by \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}=x_{1}^{i}x_{2}^{i}\cdots x_{n_{i}}^{i}x_{1}^{i}\) for \(i=1, 2, \cdots, t\), where \(n_{i}\) is the length of \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}\). According to Corollary 1, one can see that \(G\) has a \(2\)-distance vertex coloring with \(8\) colors, suppose that \(f_{1}: V(G)\rightarrow\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;8\}\) is a \(2\)-distance vertex coloring of \(G\). Let \(f_{2}: E(G)\rightarrow\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\) be a proper edge coloring of \(G\). Without loss of generality, we may suppose that all the edges in \(M\) are colored by \(9\). Then we will color the edges of cycles \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}\) where \(i=1, 2, \cdots, t\). For clarity, we may suppose that \(C_{n_{1}}^{(1)}\), \(C_{n_{2}}^{(2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{r}}^{(r)}\) are even cycles, and \(C_{n_{r+1}}^{(r+1)}\), \(C_{n_{r+2}}^{(r+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{s}}^{(s)}\), \(C_{n_{s+1}}^{(s+1)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{t}}^{(t)}\) are odd cycles, in which \(C_{n_{r+1}}^{(r+1)}\), \(C_{n_{r+2}}^{(r+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{s}}^{(s)}\) satisfy that each vertex of one odd cycle is not adjacent to any vertex of the others, meanwhile, \(C_{n_{s+1}}^{(s+1)}\), \(C_{n_{s+2}}^{(s+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{t}}^{(t)}\) satisfy that some vertices of one cycle are adjacent to some vertices of the others, where \(r\leq s\leq t\).

Suppose that the edges of \(C_{n_{1}}^{(1)}\), \(C_{n_{2}}^{(2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{r}}^{(r)}\) are colored by \(10\) and \(11\) alternately. Now we color the edges of the cycles \(C_{n_{r+1}}^{(r+1)}\), \(C_{n_{r+2}}^{(r+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{s}}^{(s)}\). For each cycle \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}\) with \(i=r+1, r+2, \cdots, s\), the edges \(x_{1}^{i}x_{2}^{i}\), \(x_{2}^{i}x_{3}^{i}\), \(\cdots\), \(x_{n_{i}-1}^{i}x_{n_{i}}^{i}\) of \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}\) are colored alternately by \(10\) and \(11\), and the edge \(x_{n_{i}}^{i}x_{1}^{i}\) is colored by a color \(\alpha\), where \(\alpha\in\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;8\}\backslash\{f_{1}(x_{1}^{i}),\;f_{1}(x_{n_{i}}^{i})\}\).

After that, we will color the edges of cycles \(C_{n_{s+1}}^{(s+1)}\), \(C_{n_{s+2}}^{(s+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{t}}^{(t)}\). We construct a new graph \(H\) with vertex set \(V(H)=\{C_{n_{s+1}}^{(s+1)},\;C_{n_{s+2}}^{(s+2)},\;\cdots,\;C_{n_{t}}^{(t)}\}\) and edge set \(E(H)\), where \(E(H)\) equals to the set of all edges which connect the vertices of \(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)}\) with the vertices of \(C_{n_{j}}^{(j)}\) in \(G\), where \(i\not=j\) and \(i, j=s+1, s+2, \cdots, t\). It is easy to see that \(H\) may be disconnected. Let \(H=H_{1}\cup H_{2}\cup\cdots\cup H_{m}\), where \(H_{i}\)\((i=1, 2, \cdots, m)\) are components of \(H\).

We first color the edges of odd cycles corresponding to the vertices of \(H_{1}\). For any \(y\in V(H_{1})\), let \(C_{n_{y}}^{(y)}=x_{1}^{y}x_{2}^{y}\cdots x_{n_{y}}^{y}x_{1}^{y}\) be the odd cycle corresponding to \(y\) in \(G\). Given a vertex \(v\in V(H_{1})\), then the corresponding odd cycle is \(C_{n_{v}}^{(v)}=x_{1}^{v}x_{2}^{v}\cdots x_{n_{v}}^{v}x_{1}^{v}\). We alternately color the edges \(x_{1}^{v}x_{2}^{v}\), \(x_{2}^{v}x_{3}^{v}\), \(\cdots\), \(x_{n_{v}-1}^{v}x_{n_{v}}^{v}\) by \(10\) and \(11\), and color the edge \(x_{n_{v}}^{v}x_{1}^{v}\) by the color \(\alpha\). For any \(uv\in E(H_{1})\), we also color the edges \(x_{1}^{u}x_{2}^{u}\), \(x_{2}^{u}x_{3}^{u}\), \(\cdots\), \(x_{n_{u}-1}^{u}x_{n_{u}}^{u}\) of \(C_{n_{u}}^{(u)}\) by \(10\) and \(11\) alternately, and color \(x_{n_{u}}^{u}x_{1}^{u}\) by a color \(\beta\), where \(\beta\in \{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;8 \}\backslash\{f_{1}(x_{n_{u}}^{u}),\;f_{1}(x_{1}^{u}),\;f_{1}(x_{n_{v}}^{v}),\; f_{1}(x_{1}^{v}),\;\alpha\}\). For any \(w\in V(H_{1})\) with \(d_{H_{1}}(v, w)\ge 2\), if \(d_{H_{1}}(v, w)=2\), then we color the edges of \(C_{n_{w}}^{(w)}\) by the coloring function that has dyed the edges of \(C_{n_{v}}^{(v)}\); if \(d_{H_{1}}(v, w)=3\), then we color the edges of \(C_{n_{w}}^{(w)}\) by the coloring function that has dyed the edges of \(C_{n_{u}}^{(u)}\). As an analogy, all edges of \(C_{n_{w}}^{(w)}\), with \(d_{H_{1}}(v, w)\ge 4\), can be colored in the same way, meanwhile, one can color the edges of odd cycles corresponding to the vertices of \(H_{2}\), \(H_{3}\), \(\cdots\), \(H_{m}\) by the coloring function which has dyed the edges of \(H_{1}\). So far, all the edges of cycles \(C_{n_{s+1}}^{(s+1)}\), \(C_{n_{s+2}}^{(s+2)}\), \(\cdots\), \(C_{n_{t}}^{(t)}\) have been colored.

Thus, for any vertex of \(G\), there are \(5\) color sets under \(f_{2}\), that is, \(\{9,\;10,\;11\}\), \(\{\alpha,\;9,\;10\}\), \( \{\alpha,\;9,\;11\}\), \(\{\beta,\;9,\;10\}\), and \(\{\beta,\;9,\;11\}\), respectively.

Finally, we construct a total coloring \(f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\) of \(G\) as follows:

$$ f(z)=\begin{cases} f_{1}(z), &z\in V(G),\\ f_{2}(z), &z\in E(G). \end{cases}$$

Obviously, \(f\) is a proper total coloring of \(G\). Under the coloring \(f\), we show that any two vertices of \(G\) with distance no more than \(2\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable.

Let \(x_{k}^{i}\in V(C_{n_{i}}^{(i)})\) and \(x_{l}^{j}\in V(C_{n_{j}}^{(j)})\) be two vertices with \(d(x_{k}^{i}, x_{l}^{j})\leq2\), where \(i\) and \(j\) are not necessary distinct, and \(i, j=1, 2, \cdots, t\). Let \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\) and \(S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\) be the color sets that correspond to \(x_{k}^{i}\) and \(x_{l}^{j}\), respectively. It is evident that \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})=\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i})\}\cup S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})\) and \(S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})=\{f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\}\cup S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\). Moreover, we notice that \(d(x_{k}^{i}, x_{l}^{j})\leq2\), from the coloring function \(f_{2}\), one can see that

$$S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i}), S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\in\Big\{\{9,\;10,\;11\},\; \{\alpha,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\alpha,\;9,\;11\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\; 11\}\Big\},$$

but \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})=S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\not\in\Big\{\{\alpha,\;9,\; 10\},\;\{\alpha,\;9,\;11\},\) \(\{\beta,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\;11\}\Big\}\). Now we consider four cases in the following:

  1. 1.

    for \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})=\{9,\;10,\;11\}\), if \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})=\{9,\;10,\;11\}\), then one can see that \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\) since \(f_{1}(x_{k}^{i})\not=f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\); if \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\in \Big\{\{\alpha,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\alpha,\;9,\;11\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\beta,\; 9,\;11\}\Big\}\), then we obtain \(\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i})\}\cup S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})\not=\{f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\}\cup S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\) since \(\{\alpha,\;\beta,\;f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\}\subset\{1,\;2,\; \cdots,\;8\}\) and, consequently, \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\);

  2. 2.

    for \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})=\{\alpha,\;9,\;10\}\), if \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})=\{\alpha,\;9,\;11\}\), then \(\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;\alpha,\;9,\;10\}\not=\{f_{1}(x_{l}^{j}),\;\alpha,\) \(9,\;11\}\) due to \(\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\}\subset\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;8\}\), i.e., \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\); if

    $$S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\in \Big\{\{\beta,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\;11\}\Big\},$$

    since \(\beta\in\{1,\;2,\; \cdots,\;8\}\backslash\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;\alpha\}\) we see that \(\beta\not\in S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\), and thus \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\);

  3. 3.

    for \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})=\{\alpha,\;9,\;11\}\), if \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})\in\Big\{\{\beta,\;9,\;10\},\;\{\beta,\;9,\;11\}\Big\}\) then \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\) as \(\beta\not\in S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\);

  4. 4.

    for \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{k}^{i})=\{\beta,\;9,\;10\}\), if \(S_{f_{2}}(x_{l}^{j})=\{\beta,\;9,\;11\}\), then we see that

    $$\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;\beta,\;9,\;10\}\not=\{f_{1}(x_{l}^{j}),\;\beta,\;9,\; 11\}$$

    because \(\{f_{1}(x_{k}^{i}),\;f_{1}(x_{l}^{j})\}\subset\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;8\}\), and hence, \(S_{f}(x_{k}^{i})\not=S_{f}(x_{l}^{j})\).

Therefore, \(f\) is an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC of \(G\). The proof completes.

3. Main Results

Theorem 1.

Let \(G\) be a graph with maximum degree \(\Delta(G)\le 3\) . Then \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\leq11\) .


Let \(G\) be a graph with \(\Delta(G)\le 3\). If \(\Delta(G)\le 2\), then \(G\) is a path, or a cycle, or a union of paths and cycles. From Lemmas 2 and 3, both the path and the cycle have a \(5\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC, and it follows from Lemma 1 that the union of paths and cycles also has a \(5\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC; if \(\Delta(G)=3\), without loss of generality, by Lemma 1, we may suppose that \(G\) is connected. Then we will prove that \(G\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC by induction on \(|E(G)|\).

When \(|E(G)|=3\), then \(G\cong K_{1, 3}\), it is easy to see that \(G\) has a \(7\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC, however \(7<11\), the conclusion holds; when \(|E(G)|\geq4\), suppose that for any connected graph \(G^{'}\) with \(\Delta(G^{'})\leq 3\) and \(|E(G^{'})|<|E(G)|\), \(G^{'}\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC. Now we consider two cases as follows.

Case 1. \(G\) has a cut edge \(uv\). Since \(G\) is a connected graph with \(\Delta(G)=3\), there is at most one pendant vertex in \(\{u,\;v\}\). Thus, the following two subcases are considered.

Subcase 1.1. There is just one pendant vertex in \(u\) and \(v\). We may suppose that \(d_{G}(v)=1\). Then \(2\leq d_{G}(u)\leq3\). Let \(u_{1}\) and \(u_{2}\) (if exists) be the neighbors of \(u\) different from \(v\), and \(u_{i1}\) and \(u_{i2}\) (if exists) be the neighbors of \(u_{i}\) different from \(u\). Let \(G^{'}=G-\{v\}\). Then \(G^{'}\) has an \(11\)-D(2)-VDTC \(f^{'}\) by induction. We will construct an \(11\)-D(2)-VDTC \(f\) of \(G\) by coloring \(uv\) and \(v\).

Setting \(f(x)=f^{'}(x)\) for \(\forall x\in V(G^{'})\cup E(G^{'})\), we first color the edge \(uv\). We notice that the color set of \(u\) should be distinguished from the color sets of vertices within distance \(2\), there are \(6\) vertices at most, that is, \(\{u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{11}\), \(u_{12}\), \(u_{21}\), \(u_{22}\}\) (if exists). In addition, by the definition of proper total coloring of graphs, there are at least \(8\) colors in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\) which can be used to color \(uv\). Since \(8>6\) we can select one color from \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash\{f(u),\;f(uu_{1}),\;f(uu_{2})\}\) to dye \(uv\) so that \(S_{f}(u)\not=S_{f}(u_{i})\) and \(S_{f}(u)\not=S_{f}(u_{ij})\), where \(i, j=1, 2\). Next, we color the vertex \(v\). Since there are \(9\) colors which can be used to dye \(v\) properly, and the color set of \(v\) should be distinguished from the color sets of \(3\) vertices at most, that is, \(\{u,\;u_{1},\;u_{2}\}\) (if exists), there exists one color in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash\{f(u),\;f(uv)\}\) for \(v\), such that \(S_{f}(v)\not=S_{f}(u)\) and \(S_{f}(v)\not=S_{f}(u_{i})\) for \(i=1, 2\). Besides those, the other vertices of \(G\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Thus, \(f\) is an \(11\)-D(2)-VDTC of \(G\).

Subcase 1.2. There is no pendent vertex in \(u\) and \(v\). Clearly, \(2\leq d_{G}(u)\leq3\) and \(2\leq d_{G}(v)\leq3\). Let \(u_{1}\) and \(u_{2}\) (if exists) be the neighbors of \(u\) different from \(v\), and \(v_{1}\) and \(v_{2}\) (if exists) be the neighbors of \(v\) different from \(u\). We suppose that \(G-\{uv\}=G_{1} \dot{\cup} G_{2}\), where \(u\in V(G_{1})\) and \(v\in V(G_{2})\). Let \(G^{'}=G_{1}+\{uv\}\) and \(G^{''}=G_{2}+\{uv\}\). Then by the induction hypothesis, \(G^{'}\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(f_{1}\), and \(G^{''}\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(f_{2}\).

Without loss of generality, we let \(f_{1}(u)=f_{2}(u)=1\), \(f_{1}(uv)=f_{2}(uv)=2\), and \(f_{1}(v)=f_{2}(v)=3\). Note that if \(f_{1}(v)\in S_{f_{1}}(u)\), then one can recolor \(v\in V(G^{'})\) to yield \(f_{1}(v)\not\in S_{f_{1}}(u)\) since there are at least \(7\) colors in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash S_{f_{1}}(u)\) which can be used to dye \(v\) so that the color set of \(v\) is distinguished from the color sets of \(3\) vertices at most, that is, \(\{u,\;u_{1},\;u_{2}\}\) (if exists); if \(f_{2}(u)\in S_{f_{2}}(v)\), similarly, the vertex \(u\in V(G^{''})\) can also be recolored with \(f_{2}(u)\not\in S_{f_{2}}(v)\), and thus, we may suppose that \(f_{1}(v)\not\in S_{f_{1}}(u)\) and \(f_{2}(u)\not\in S_{f_{2}}(v)\). Hence, we can assume that the colors assigned on \(uu_{1}, uu_{2}\in E(G^{'})\) are \(4\) and \(5\), respectively, and the colors assigned on \(vv_{1}, vv_{2}\in E(G^{''})\) are \(6\) and \(7\), respectively.

Now, we construct a proper total coloring \(f^{*}\) of \(G\) as follows: for any \(z\in V(G)\cup E(G)\), define

$$ f^{*}(z)=\begin{cases} f_{1}(z), &z\in V(G^{'})\cup E(G^{'}),\\ f_{2}(z), &z\in V(G^{''})\cup E(G^{''}). \end{cases}$$

Since \(6\not\in S_{f^{*}}(u)\), \(7\not\in S_{f^{*}}(u)\), \(6\in S_{f^{*}}(v)\cap S_{f^{*}}(v_{1})\), and \(7\in S_{f^{*}}(v)\cap S_{f^{*}}(v_{2})\), we see that

$$S_{f^{*}}(u)\not=S_{f^{*}}(v) \qquad\text{and}\qquad S_{f^{*}}(u)\not=S_{f^{*}}(v_{i}) \quad\text{for}\;\; i=1, 2.$$

Since \(4\not\in S_{f^{*}}(v)\), \(5\not\in S_{f^{*}}(v)\), \(4\in S_{f^{*}}(u)\cap S_{f^{*}}(u_{1})\), and \(5\in S_{f^{*}}(u)\cap S_{f^{*}}(u_{2})\), we obtain

$$S_{f^{*}}(v)\not=S_{f^{*}}(u_{i}), \qquad\text{where}\quad i=1, 2.$$

Besides these relations, it is clear that the other vertices of \(G\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Therefore, \(f^{*}\) is an \(11\)-D(2)-VDTC of \(G\).

Case 2. \(G\) has no cut edge. It follows that \(G\) has no pendent vertex, that is, \(2\leq d(x)\leq3\) for any \(x\in V(G)\). If \(G\) doesn’t contain vertex of degree-\(2\), then \(G\) should be a \(3\)-regular graph. Since \(G\) has no cut edge, by Lemma 4, \(G\) must have a perfect matching. Therefore, it follows from Lemma 7 that \(\chi_{2vt}(G)\leq11\); if \(G\) contains vertex of degree-\(2\), let’s consider the following two subcases in terms of the distance between any two such vertices in \(G\).

Subcase 2.1. There exist two vertices of degree-\(2\) within distance \(2\) in \(G\).

Subcase 2.1.1. The two vertices of degree-\(2\) are adjacent in \(G\). Let \(P_{n+1}=u_{0}u_{1}\cdots u_{n}\)\((n\geq3)\) be an internal path in \(G\) including at least two vertices of degree-\(2\). Let \(u_{0}^{'}\) and \(u_{0}^{''}\) be the neighbors of \(u_{0}\) different from \(u_{1}\), and let \(u_{n}^{'}\) and \(u_{n}^{''}\) be the neighbors of \(u_{n}\) different from \(u_{n-1}\). Now, we suppose that \(G^{'}\) is the graph obtained by contracting \(P_{n+1}(=u_{0}u_{1}\cdots u_{n})\) to \(u_{0}vu_{n}\), see \(F_{1}\) in Fig. 1. By the induction hypothesis, \(G^{'}\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\varphi^{'}\). Without loss of generality, we suppose that \(\varphi^{'}(u_{0}v)=1\), \(\varphi^{'}(v)=11\), and \(\varphi^{'}(u_{n}v)=2\). Next, we construct an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\varphi\) of \(G\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The configuration in the proof of subcase \(2.1\), where “\(\bullet\)” refers to the vertex whose degree is certain, and “\(\circ\)” refers to the vertex whose degree is uncertain and is at least 1.

For \(3\leq n\leq4\), let \(\varphi(u_{0}u_{1})=1\), \(\varphi(u_{1})=11\), and \(\varphi(u_{n-1}u_{n})=2\). If \(n=3\), we first color the edge \(u_{1}u_{2}\). Note that there are just \(8\) colors for \(u_{1}u_{2}\) to obtain a proper total coloring, meanwhile, the color set of \(u_{1}\) should be distinguished from the color sets of at most \(4\) vertices, that is, \(\{u_{0},\;u_{0}^{'},\;u_{0}^{''},\;u_{3}\}\). Since \(8>4\) we can select one color from \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash\{\varphi(u_{0}u_{1}),\; \) \(\varphi(u_{1}),\;\varphi(u_{2}u_{3})\}\) to dye \(u_{1}u_{2}\) such that \(u_{1}\) and \(\{u_{0},\;u_{0}^{'},\;u_{0}^{''},\;u_{3}\)\} are \(D(2)\)-vertex-distinguishable. Next, we color the vertex \(u_{2}\). Since there are at least \(7\) colors in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\; 11\}\) which can be used to dye \(u_{2}\) properly, and the color set of \(u_{2}\) should be distinguished from the color sets of at most \(5\) vertices, that is, \(\{u_{0},\;u_{1},\; u_{3},\;u_{3}^{'}\), \(u_{3}^{''}\}\), we can select one color from \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\; 11\}\backslash\{\varphi(u_{1}u_{2}),\) \(\varphi(u_{2}u_{3}),\;\varphi(u_{1}),\; \varphi(u_{3})\}\) for \(u_{2}\), where \(\varphi(u_{3})=\varphi^{'}(u_{3})\), such that \(u_{2}\) and \(\{u_{0},\;u_{1},\;u_{3},\;u_{3}^{'},\;u_{3}^{''}\}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex-distinguishable; if \(n=4\), by the same way, we can color \(u_{1}u_{2}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{2}u_{3}\), and \(u_{3}\) such that the vertices \(u_{0}\), \(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\), \(u_{4}\), \(u_{0}^{'}\), \(u_{0}^{''}\), \(u_{4}^{'}\), and \(u_{4}^{''}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable.

For \(n\geq5\), let \(\varphi(u_{0}u_{1})=\varphi(u_{n-2}u_{n-1})=1\), \(\varphi(u_{1})=\varphi(u_{n-1})=11\), and let


We then circularly color \(u_{2}\), \(u_{2}u_{3}\), \(u_{3}\), \(\cdots\), \(u_{n-3}u_{n-2}\) and \(u_{n-2}\) by \(3, 4, 5, 6\), and \(7\). It is evident that the vertices of degree-\(2\) and the vertices of degree-\(3\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Since \(S_{\varphi}(u_{1})=S_{\varphi}(u_{n-1})=S_{\varphi^{'}}(v)=\{1,\;2,\;11\}\) we see that \(S_{\varphi}(u_{1})\not=S_{\varphi}(u_{0}^{'})\), \(S_{\varphi}(u_{1})\not=S_{\varphi}(u_{0}^{''})\), \(S_{\varphi}(u_{n-1})\not=S_{\varphi}(u_{n}^{'})\), and \(S_{\varphi}(u_{n-1})\not=S_{\varphi}(u_{n}^{''})\). Moreover, it follows from Lemma 2 that the vertices of \(P_{n+1}\) are also \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Therefore, \(\varphi\) is an \(11\)-D(2)-VDTC of \(G\).

Subcase 2.1.2. The distance between any two vertices of degree-\(2\) in \(G\) is equal to \(2\). Let \(u, v\in V(G)\), \(d(u)=d(v)=2\), and \(d(u, v)=2\). Suppose that \(u_{1}\) and \(w\) are the neighbors of \(u\), and \(v_{1}\) and \(w\) are the neighbors of \(v\). Then \(d(u_{1})=d(v_{1})=d(w)=3\). Let \(u_{1}^{'}\) and \(u_{1}^{''}\) be the neighbors of \(u_{1}\) different from \(u\), and let \(v_{1}^{'}\) and \( v_{1}^{''}\) be the neighbors of \(v_{1}\) different from \(v\), and \(w_{1}\) the neighbor of \(w\) different from \(u\) and \(v\). Note that \(2\leq d(w_{1})\leq3\) (if exists), we may suppose that \(w_{1}^{'}\) and \(w_{1}^{''}\) are the neighbors of \(w_{1}\) different from \(w\). Let \(G^{'}\) be the graph obtained by contracting \(u_{1}uwvv_{1}\) to \(u_{1}wv_{1}\), see \(F_{2}\) in Figure 1. Then by induction hypothesis, \(G^{'}\) has an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\psi^{'}\). Let \(\psi^{'}(ww_{1})=1\), \(\psi^{'}(wu_{1})=2\), \(\psi^{'}(wv_{1})=3\), and \(\psi^{'}(w)=4\). Next, we will construct an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\psi\) of \(G\) by coloring \(uu_{1}\), \(u\), \(uw\), \(wv\), \(v\), and \(vv_{1}\).

Let \(\psi(uu_{1})=2\) and \(\psi(vv_{1})=3\). We then color \(uw\) and \(wv\) in turn. By the definition of proper total coloring of graphs, there are at least \(8\) colors which can be used to dye \(uw\), and \(7\) colors that can be used to dye \(wv\). We notice that the color set of \(w\) should be distinguished from the color sets of \(7\) vertices at most, that is, \(\{u,\;u_{1},\;v,\;v_{1},\;w_{1},\;w_{1}^{'},\;w_{1}^{''}\}\) (if exists). Since \(d(u)=d(v)=2\) and \(d(w)=3\), any proper total coloring of \(uw\) and \(wv\) would enable that \(w\) and \(\{u,\;v\}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Thus, we only consider the color set of \(w\) should be distinguished from the color sets of at most \(5\) vertices, that is, \(\{u_{1},\;v_{1},\;w_{1},\;w_{1}^{'},\;w_{1}^{''}\}\) (if exists). Since there are \(8\times7\) assignments that can be colored the edges \(uw\) and \(wv\), and at most \(5\times 2!\) combinations of them such that the color set of \(w\) equals to the color sets of the vertices in \(\{u_{1},\;v_{1},\;w_{1},\;w_{1}^{'},\;w_{1}^{''}\}\), however \(8\times7>5\times 2!\), we can select two colors in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\) to dye \(uw\) and \(wv\) in turn, such that \(w\) and \(\{u_{1},\;v_{1},\;w_{1},\;w_{1}^{'},\;w_{1}^{''}\}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Then we color the vertex \(u\). Note that there are at least \(7\) colors which can be used to dye \(u\) properly, and the color set of \(u\) should be distinguished from the color sets of \(5\) vertices, that is, \(\{u_{1},\;u_{1}^{'},\; u_{1}^{''},\;w,\;w_{1}\}\) (if exists). Since \(7>5\) we can select one color from \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash \{\psi(uw),\;\psi(uu_{1}),\;\psi(w),\;\psi(u_{1})\}\) for \(u\) so that the vertex \(u\) and \(\{u_{1},\;u_{1}^{'},\;u_{1}^{''},\;w,\;w_{1}\}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. We finally color the vertex \(v\). Since there are at least \(7\) colors which can be used to color \(v\) properly, and the color set of \(v\) should be distinguished from the color sets of \(6\) vertices, that is, \(\{u,\;w,\;w_{1},\;v_{1},\;v_{1}^{'},\;v_{1}^{''}\}\) (if exists), there exists one color in \(\{1,\;2,\;\cdots,\;11\}\backslash\{\psi(w),\; \psi(wv),\;\psi(vv_{1}),\;\psi(v_{1})\}\) (note that \(\psi(v_{1})=\psi^{'}(v_{1})\)) for \(v\) such that \(v\) and \(\{u,\;w,\;w_{1},\;v_{1},\;v_{1}^{'},\;v_{1}^{''}\}\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable. Hence, we obtain an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\psi\) of \(G\).

Subcase 2.2. The distance between any two vertices of degree-\(2\) in \(G\) is no less than \(3\). Let \(G^{'}\) be the graph obtained by taking two copies of \(G\) and joining their corresponding vertices of degree-\(2\) by an edge. Then \(G^{'}\) is a \(3\)-regular graph, and contains at most one cut edge. By Lemma 4, \(G^{'}\) has a perfect matching. Hence \(G^{'}\) admits an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC \(\phi^{'}\) by Lemma 7. We construct a proper total coloring \(\phi\) of \(G\). For any \(x\in V(G)\cup E(G)\), set


Obviously, the vertices of degree-\(2\) and the vertices of degree-\(3\) are \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable if their distance is no more than \(2\). Since the distance between any two vertices of degree-\(2\) in \(G\) is at least \(3\), one doesn’t take the \(D(2)\)-vertex distinguishable of such vertices into account. In addition, for any two vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of degree-\(3\), since \(S_{\phi^{'}}(u)\not=S_{\phi^{'}}(v)\) while \(d(u, v)\leq2\), we get \(S_{\phi}(u)\not=S_{\phi}(v)\). Thus, \(\phi\) is an \(11\)-\(D(2)\)-VDTC of \(G\), as required.

Summing up the discussions above, the proof is completed.