
The use of digital images has seen a tremendous increase in recent times in medical diagnosis by physicians. Picture archiving and communications system (PACS) are being used widely in healthcare services as they offer several advantages such as low cost, improved quality, accurate dimensions, and flexibility in sharing patient data among healthcare professionals. It also opens up the possibility of using computers to speed up the diagnosis and reduce subjectiveness. The computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system is already being used in many countries and is expected to be extended for the diagnosis of many kinds of diseases. It will be useful in countries such as India and China where there is a huge population and diagnosis is often delayed due to acute shortage of specialist doctors. CAD has become one of the main research subjects for medical imagery and radiology diagnostics. CAD system provides a “second opinion” for radiologists to use computer analysis to make the final decisions. As a matter of fact, it is quickly inflowing the radiology mainstream. Over the years various medical image processing and analysis tools have been used extensively in CAD and Machine Learning (ML) technique has become a new edition to the CAD system [1, 2]. The diagnosis of liver tumors using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) has now been a part of the routine clinical system. The initial stage in image analysis is segmentation which is an integral component of CAD systems. Tumor segmentation is a key enabling technology for the evaluation, scheduling, and guidance of medical applications. The segmentation of the liver tumor also enables structural analyses such as tumor volume estimation, which is a crucial aspect in image-driven surgery, follow-up diagnosis, and therapy [3]. CT images are one of the most widely employed imaging tools to identify and analyze tumors. This is an effective tool to investigate the variations in the structure and the shape of a liver, and noticeable lesions. These are to be used as biomarkers for preliminary clinical diagnosis and progression in primary and secondary hepatocellular tumor disorders. The better spatial resolution, higher imaging speeds, and comparably low cost over MRI have made it a popular tool for medical diagnosis.

Liver tumor segmentation (LTS) can be done in two forms: two dimensions and three dimensions (also called volumetric segmentation). The volumetric approach accomplishes the task of tumor segmentation in three dimensions (3D). It is established that the volumetric measurement provides a more accurate representation of the tumor response than the tumor size which is usually obtained through two-dimensional segmentation [4]. The volumetric segmentation facilitates medical specialists to determine the growth of tumor cells over time and the success of treating cancer. The data gathered can be used to analyze the patient’s reaction to treatment and, if appropriate, settle into the therapy. The segmentation of liver tumors is a challenging task due to the considerable diversity in their location, shape, intensity, and texture. This makes it challenging to create a generalized framework to be applicable to the images irrespective of the acquisition modalities [5]. Several deep learning (DL) approaches are being explored in the automatic segmentation of tumors to achieve high degree accuracies. DL allows for the learning and retrieval of latent and hidden patterns from data (image) in order to model and predict some outcomes in real-life problems. The DL-based systems in some cases perform even better than a human in terms of accuracy. Using DL, pattern, and statistical analysis, latent relationships between the symptoms and the disease can be easily discovered. These approaches can be really helpful in providing preventive healthcare as well as a second opinion to a patient suffering from some diseases. However, the present DL framework faces several constraints and every parameter necessitates large data of annotated samples for learning to escape the over-fitting to the training set. Developing such large datasets in the medical image domain is still a challenge since most of the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. (HIPAA) compliance, so they are still not released publicly, including for scientific purposes. The data-gathering process requires the cooperation of researchers as well as radiologists, which makes it expensive and time-consuming. Manual delineation also endures from the extensive intra-rater and inter-rater inconsistencies. In practice, training data created for one study cannot be simply transferred to the other. The absence of sufficient data in the medical imaging databases prompted researchers to look for a method for expanding existing datasets with synthetic data [6, 7]. Therefore, the capability of creating medical images artificially is desperately needed. A solution to this problem that allows for more variety and enhances the dataset for the system's training phase is synthetic data augmentation using a generative model.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a known efficient method to train an image-creating system [8]. In several different applications, including real-time object identification [9], picture segmentation, extraction of mammogram masses [10], histopathological image synthesis [11], etc., GANs have attained extraordinary recognition and success. Image-to-image transformation, which creates pictures from one modality into another modality, is an attractive use of GAN [12]. The GAN network is made up of two networks that act antagonistically, with the first network producing pictures (either genuine or false) and the second network distinguishing between real and fake images is also a popular framework in biomedical imaging [13,14,15]. Development of a robust and accurate technique for the segmentation of liver tumors using DL on CT Images becomes challenging yet promising in healthcare support and is the research issue of this work. The objective is to explore data augmentation techniques for enhancing training data followed by the development of automatic segmentation using a 3D volumetric approach on CT images.

The remainder of the manuscript is structured as follows: "Literature Review: Limitations, Scope and Contributions" section makes a brief literature review of related works while "Mathematical Preliminaries" section introduces the mathematical preliminaries for the proposed method. "Methodology" section describes the proposed method. "Results and Discussion" section presents the experimental results with evaluation and discussion. "Conclusion and Future Scope" section concludes the article.

Literature Review: Limitations, Scope and Contributions

To detect the tumor, lesions or other irregularities in the liver using CT images, several semi-automatic and automated segmentations have been reported [16]. This section makes a literature review on two main research issues, namely image (data) augmentation and liver tumor segmentation on CT images.

Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is one approach that enhances the number of required datasets to achieve better results that reduce the impact of overfitting due to the limited training datasets. This also improves the generalization of the trained network. This plays a crucial part in training the model about the features of preferred regularity and robustness when the accessibility of the samples for the training is limited. In medical image segmentation, various arrangements of transformations are generally exploited for augmentation on CT. Flipping, rotation and scaling are commonly used techniques for data augmentation-based tumor segmentation in brain and liver images [17]. Several variants of convolutional neural network (CNN) were used to achieve online data augmentation leading to an improvement in the results [18]. Shift, rotation and elastic deformations are applied by Ronneberger et al. [19] in microscopical images for training, whilst Milletari et al. [20] implemented random deformation using a dense deformation field in MRI on prostate images with B-spline interpolation. In most of the approaches of data augmentation for tumor segmentation, the diversity of the training data in terms of size, shape, location, and appearance is not changed to a great extent. GAN is another approach that has received traction, especially in the medical imaging domain for various tasks. It is a well-known approach for training a system that creates an image and achieves significantly improved recognition and success. Without any clearly defined goal function, GANs are capable of producing highly realistic pictures, and the generator may learn with very little variability. It is recommended over other deep generative models that don't necessitate an objective probability function for optimization, including Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), but produce blurry pictures mostly because of insufficient reconstruction and noise contamination. As a result, scientists working in the field of medical imaging have begun to investigate GANs for picture super-resolution in the study of retinal images, unsupervised outlier detection systems to aid in marker identification, as well as CAD-based image synthesizing [21,22,23]. As GAN networks enable the application of ‘conditions’ on both the class label and the image, conditional GANs are increasingly used to produce the necessary pictures. In recent years, a variety of GAN frameworks have been proposed to generate images of high-quality 1024X1024 resolution. This inspired us to utilize GANs to generate augmented CT Region of Interest (ROI) images for liver tumor segmentation.

Liver Tumor Segmentation on CT images

Several research contributions intended to establish CAD applications to reduce the physicians' workload are available on liver tumor segmentation in CT images. A robust multi-threshold liver segmentation framework based on the “Slope Difference Distribution” (SDD) of image histogram is also available [24]. A 3D dual path multiscale CNN (TDPCNN) model for liver and liver tumor segmentation shows a DSC value of 0.689 [25]. To improve the accuracy, the approach based on conditional random fields (CRF) is used to remove all erroneous points from the segmentation results. An implementation of two cascaded deep encoder-decoder CNN (EDCNN) obtained a high DSC of 95.22%. The model is trained to accomplish segmentation in cascade for both the liver and lesions in CT images with a limited number of images [26]. A hybrid implementation of fuzzy c-means with random walker algorithms integrated with cuckoo optimization is reported that shows results in a dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.75 in 3Dircadb and 0.81 in MIDAS datasets. [27] A novel arrangement of the support vector machine (SVM), watershed, and scattered data approximation algorithms are employed on noisy CT and low-contrast MRI. It was applied to heterogeneous or hyper-/hypo-intense abnormalities in the liver and achieved a DSC of 0.83 [28]. An efficient semiautomatic method was proposed for LTS in CT volumes based on the improved fuzzy C-means (FCM) and graph cuts. In this work, the volume of interest on tumors in the 3Dircadb dataset is partitioned using confidence confidence-connected region growing algorithm to decrease computational cost. The obtained DSC value is 0.83 [29].

ML models using CNN on the LiTS challenge dataset achieved a DSC of 0.72. The model is developed by combining two models that worked at the voxel- and object level, which resulted in an 85% decrease in false positives when compared to the output from a neural network [30]. Another ML approach using RA-UNet extracted the liver volume of interest and successfully segmented the tumors. The model utilized the basic architecture of 3D U-Net that extorts the relevant data by merging high-level and low-level feature maps [31]. An implementation of the DL model in PET/MRI to automatically detect liver and liver tumors shows a DSC value of 0.88 and 0.53 respectively [32]. Lu et al. [33] combined 3D CNNs with graph-cut methods for an effective liver region location classification on CT images. The precise segmentation was achieved by the graph-cut approach after the probability map was obtained by 3D CNNs. Li et al. [34] proposed liver and tumor segmentation using the hybrid-dense-connected-UNet model in CT images. End-to-end training was done in the model which led to an improved result.

Scope and Contributions of the Work

A literature review on liver tumor segmentation reveals that data augmentation by both the classical approach and GAN improves the training process to a great extent. Although, GAN-based systems have shown a significant gain in enhancing semi-supervised segmentation [35], however, the final segmentation results obtained from GAN suffer from resolution problems and are difficult to interpret as far as liver tumors are concerned [36]. Nonetheless, their use in the segmentation of 3D medical images in several different modalities highlights several promises and potential [37, 38]. The methods suggest the use of GAN-based synthetically generated images for automatic ROI extraction followed by their use in the pre-segmentation stage. From the literature, it is also seen that the Active Contour model (ACM) is found to be an effective tool for obtaining a volumetric segmentation in multi-modality medical images [39]. The present work integrates a GAN system with ACM to obtain the final volumetric segmentation to offer an improved interpretation in 3D. The integrated system offers an improvement in results than the individual ACM implementation and visualization. In brief, this work proposes an automatic technique of GAN-based data augmentation for the selection of ROI to facilitate the geodesic active contour-based LTS. We suggest and evaluate a technique for augmentation on LT on CT images where segmentation is done on the available datasets more competently. GAN-based data augmentation enhances the learning and speeds up the pre-segmentation classification step with a random forest algorithm. ACM using level set is applied then on 3D demarcations of the tumors in the liver. Simulation results exhibit that the proposed methodology offers improved segmentation over the traditional segmentation approach with or without synthetic data by (0.22–1.22) %. The method shows an improvement in dice coefficient and computational time on different datasets, especially on 3Dircadb and MIDAS. The following is a summary of the contributions made by this work:

  • A framework of automatic ROI extraction with the help of GAN-based augmentation that leads to an improvement in accuracy on segmentation by (0.22–1.22) % through data augmentation.

  • An improvement in visualization of the tumor in 3D that would lead to better image analysis and consequent diagnosis over existing 2D methods.

Mathematical Preliminaries

This section makes a brief introduction to the related mathematical tools and techniques.

Generative Adversarial Networks

A GAN network consists of two channels, a generator model ‘\(G\)’ and a discriminator model ‘\(D\)’, which are arranged in a position against one another and further configured to compete. The ‘\(G\)’ channel learns to generate the data distribution ‘\(P_r\)’ by making artificial pictures that seem similar to genuine photos and are challenging to distinguish in the ‘\(D\)’ channel. Alternatively, the ‘\(D\)’ network is learned to distinguish between genuine images and those created by ‘\(G\)’. As seen below, the system simulates a min–max game between two players for training purposes. It is represented as,

$${\,}_G^{min} .{\,}_D^{max} E_{x\ P_r } \left[ {logD\left( x \right)} \right] + E_{z\ P_z } \log [(1 - D\left( z \right))]$$

where ‘\(z\)’ stands for the noise vector from the data distribution ‘\(P_{\text{z}}\)’ and \(x\) corresponds to the sample of real photos from the target distribution of data ‘\(P_r\)’.

The objective of the generative model is to create new pictures that are strained from the learned distribution by performing absolute learning from the distribution of data ‘\(P_r\)’ using image samples such as x(1), x(2)x(n). The basic GAN architecture involves two networks: ‘\(G\)’, which stands for generator, and ‘\(D\)’, which stands for the discriminator. These networks are learned to counterpart each other in a manner similar to a min–max game involving two participants:

$$\emptyset_{\left( D \right)} \left( {\theta^D ,\theta^G } \right) = - \frac{1}{2}E_{x\ P_r } logD\left( x \right) - \frac{1}{2}E_z \log \left( {1 - D\left( {G\left( z \right)} \right)} \right)$$
$$\emptyset_{(G)} \left( {\theta^D ,\theta^G } \right) = - \emptyset^D$$

where \(\emptyset_{\left( D \right)}\) and \(\emptyset_{\left( G \right)}\) stand for the cost functions of the discriminator and the generator respectively, whereas \(\theta^D and \theta^G\) indicates the variables that should be tuned for the various networks. In the discriminator network, D: x → [0, 1] illustrates a mapping between a picture and the likelihood that the image is real, where ‘y’ represents noise in the generator network and ‘\(x\ P_r\)’ is a sample from the desired distribution. During training, the cost functions for \(\emptyset_{\left( G \right)}\) and \(\emptyset_{\left( D \right)}\) are minimized. The equilibrium is attained when \(D\left( {G\left( z \right)} \right)\) = ½, at which point the discriminator is incapable of determining the distinction between the genuine and fake produced images. Because the discriminator in the architecture receives input from instances of the generator in the actual world and subsequently learns about its conclusion—whether it is real or fake—training is conducted in a semi-supervised manner. Real-time translation of images begins when the generator converts arbitrary tumor samples into objective images and is capable of producing pictures that superficially look like photos with tumors. The proposed GAN framework to synthesize tumor ROI for facilitating the subsequent pre-segmentation classification is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

GAN framework for ROI image synthesis and pre-segmentation tumor classification

Learning Wasserstein GAN (WGAN)

The divergence criterion that GANs reduce is discontinuous in terms of the generator parameter complexity that is frequently present during training. In order to change the probability distributions 'q' into 'p' the author of [40] proposed the distance W(q, p) utilizing Earth-Mover (EM) (also known as Wasserstein-1) to determine the distance between the two distributions. This method minimizes mode collapse while achieving sustained learning. Even though the two distributions in this scenario are not overlapping and are located on lower-dimensional regions, W(q, p) is still thought of as continuous and provides a meaningful and even representation of the distance between them. Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality is used to generate the value function of WGAN [41] to achieve,

$${\,}_G^{min} .{\,}_{D \in L}^{max} E_{x\ P_r } \left[ {D\left( x \right)} \right] - E_{z\ P_g } \left[ {D\left( z \right)} \right]$$

where L represents the 1-Lipschitz function set and ‘\(P_g\)’ being the distribution of the model. Minimizing the value function of the generator reduces W(\(P_r\), \(P_g\)) under an optimum discriminator (referred to as critic which is not learned for classifications. By creating the critic function, whose gradients about the input are executed superiorly apart from its GAN matching component, the WGAN value function facilitates the efficiency of the generator. The findings confirmed that, unlike GANs, the WGAN value function embodied sample quality correlation. To enforce the Lipschitz constraint on the critic, weights are bound to persist in narrow windows like [ 0.01, 0.01]. This compacts the space of the parameter [c, c]. A subset of the k-Lipschitz functions for some k that depends on ‘c’ and the critic architecture are the functions that satisfy the lower and upper bounds necessary to uphold the Lipschitz continuity constraint. Utilizing EM distance, WGAN achieves steady learning (or Wasserstein-1 metrics),

$$W(P_g ,P_r ) = {\mkern 1mu}_{P \in \prod {(Pg, Pr)} }^{inf} E_{x,z\;P_g } \left\| {x - z} \right\|$$

where \(\prod {(Pg,Pr )}\) joint distributions ‘p’ and marginal are ‘\(Pg\)’ and ‘\(Pr\)’ correspondingly and ideally expressing the mass transfer from one distribution to another.

Active Contour Model

Active contour is a mathematical platform or model that utilizes the energy and forces present in the image to separate the target object. It establishes an isolated borderline or curvature enclosing the ROI for segmentation. The two types of ACM level set implementation are edge-based ACM and region-based ACM. The developing curve is watched in the second category until it reaches the edge of the desired item in the picture, which is carried out using knowledge of the slope or spatial relation. Although these models are sensitive to noise, but achieve enhanced results for the segmentation of the objects with the presence of strong edges. Conversely, the execution of region-based techniques depends on the region’s statistical information in order to mature the curve intending to delineate the items present in the image and possessing the competence to delineate the image edges which are slightly weak. In ACM-based LTS, an initiatory confined curve is enhanced and abated utilizing the intensity or texture information of the image, till the tumor boundary is conformed. But complications arise while disbanding the curve if the structure comprises of collective in detached regions. The ACM formulation of the image, g(x) after the pre-segmentation phase, is a parametric contour ‘Γ reflecting the tumor region's border that evolves over time 't' as given by

$$\frac{\partial \Gamma }{{\partial t}} = [g\left( \Gamma \right) + \alpha K_\Gamma ] N_\Gamma$$

where the mean curvature of C denoted by KΓ with NΓ being the unit outward normal of Γ while ‘α’ is a scalar parameter. The initial seed points are necessary for the contour's initiation for the image-obsessed energies to further drive the contours in the direction of the tumor's borders. Two forces that are fascinating with images are internal forces, finternal that are sparked by the curve for retaining the contour smooth during twisting or bending, and external forces, fexternal which are planned from the ROI's available data to evolve the contour toward the boundary of the tumor or other specific characteristics inside ROI. Active contour execution is made easier and faster by level-set formulation. The contour evolution derivation method is provided by,

$$\Gamma \left( {t,s} \right) = f_{internal} + \, f_{external}$$

where Γ(t, s) is the contour at any point in time t, characterized by x, and f is the normal force that acts on the curve. The functional curve is provided by,

$$\int_{\Gamma } {E_{{\text{i}}nternal} (\Gamma \left( s \right)) + E_{external} (\Gamma \left( s \right))ds}$$

The given problem's optimal approach is resolved using the Euler Lagrange technique as,

$$\Gamma_{optimal} = {\mathop {argmin}\limits_{\Gamma \in F}} E(\Gamma (s))$$

to determine the value of ‘Γ’ that justifies the usage of the energy function, E to determine the contour of the least value. The Euler–Lagrange hypothesis is intended to reduce,

$$\int_\Gamma {E(s,\Gamma ,\Gamma {\prime} ,\Gamma \prime \prime )ds.}$$

Therefore, it must be resolved,

$$\partial E/\partial \Gamma - \, \partial \, /\partial s \, \partial E/ \, \partial \Gamma {\prime} + \, \partial^2 / \, \partial s^2 \partial E \, /\partial \Gamma \prime \prime \, = \, 0$$

Equation (10), which must be solved, was transformed into a time differential system where the contour function Γ (s) is now a time-dependent function Γ (s, t),

$$\frac{{\partial {\Gamma }}}{\partial t}\left( {s,t} \right) = \frac{{\partial {\text{E}}}}{{\partial {\Gamma }}}\left( {s,t} \right) - \partial /\partial s \cdot \, \partial E/ \, \partial \Gamma {\prime} \left( {s,t} \right) + \, \partial^2 /\partial s^2 \cdot \partial E \, \partial \Gamma \prime \prime \left( {s,t} \right)$$

Consequently, if we insert the following equation into the energy function ‘E’, it must be evaluated,

$$\frac{{\partial {\Gamma }}}{\partial t}\left( {s,t} \right) = \alpha \left\{ {\partial^2 \Gamma /\partial s^2 \left( {s,t} \right)} \right\} - \, \beta \, \left\{ {\partial^4 \Gamma /\partial s^4 \left( {s,t} \right)} \right\} \, + \, \delta \nabla \left( {\left\| {\nabla \left( {G_n x \, I} \right)} \right\|^2 } \right)\left( {\Gamma \left( {s,t} \right)} \right)$$

Dual forces are taken into account viz., RC and CF. While RC forces the contour inwards and outwardly, CF maintains a smoother contour boundary and stops contour leakage. For consistency and effectiveness in computing, ‘C’ is inherently expressed as a function’s ‘ϕ’ zero level set specified on g(x), and the evolution Eq. (7) is represented as a ‘ϕ’ progression in the small area all over the 0-level set. The seed points in the tumor are initialised. The contour grows in areas for positive values g(x) i.e., when P(x ϵ T) > P(x ϵ Ω \ T), while contracts in areas for all negative values of g(x) throughout evolution. The scalar ‘α’ controls how smooth the contour 'C' is. The convergence criteria of contour evolution could be provided manually, which provides a 3D depiction on-screen and allows the progression to be stopped and restarted whenever necessary. The contour evolution is also terminated using a specified value (max_iteration) as a convergence criterion. The extracted tumor is then acquired.


In the proposed methodology, the dataset is initially pre-processed using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) [42] and normalizing local contrast with the goal of improving local contrast in the pictures and enhancing tumor local contrast. The comparison of original and processed images is shown in Fig. 2. The method eases the synthetic data augmentation and further training process for ROI extraction which in turn alleviates the pre-segmentation classification in the successive step.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Result of pre-processing a original image, b CLAHE, c normalised local contrast enhanced image

Figure 3 depicts the overall schematic interactive framework with Data augmentation and ACM-based Segmentation. The methodology in the proposed scheme for the extraction of tumors comprises three main stages:

Fig. 3
figure 3

The overall framework for liver tumor segmentation

Tumor ROI Extraction

To improve the computation time, the ROI region around the tumor should first be extracted from the image. This minimizes the total number of pixels to be taken into account, which in turn speeds up processing. The main problem in automatic segmentation is the selection of ROI for the tumor, which varies in size, location and appearance. Training the system for ROI selection requires high-volume labelled training datasets. We enhanced the data in two ways to increase the training set and enhance the segmentation outcome:

  1. 1.

    Creation of new synthetic ROI pictures that are learned from existing datasets using generative models;

  2. 2.

    Classical augmentation employing various image editing techniques on the original pictures.

Classical Augmentation

Augmentation is usually employed to expand the training data so as to reduce the overfitting issue. Each tumor ROI was first rotated at arbitrary degrees, and then each rotated ROI was repeatedly flipped across all orientations. Each ROI was downscaled to a uniform pixel size of (64 × 64 × 64) by means of bicubic interpolation. GANs are also utilized for ROI Synthesis. Figure 4 shows the result of data augmentation and ROI image synthesis.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Synthetic images using data augmentation and GAN from the original dataset

Pre-segmentation Stage

In this stage, pre-segmented image, g(x) is obtained from the ROI image within the range of intensities [− 1, 1], given by,


where ‘Ptumor’ is the tumor (foreground) and ‘Ω’ is the image domain. To detect the foreground/ background probabilities of the pre-segmentation result, the Random Forest (RF) classification is used. For obtaining the result the system is trained on Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge (LiTS) 2017 [43] datasets containing 200 3D abdominal CT scans data and augmented data generated and synthesized for ROI extraction. For each pixel in the tumor, a feature vector consisting of the intensity of the pixel in the image and intensities of the neighboring pixels is created allowing the inclusion of texture data in the classification algorithm. The positions of the pixel are also included in the feature vector, enabling the RF classifier to use spatial features. The classifier is then applied to each pixel in the picture domain after being trained on this feature information, yielding the probabilities Pn(x) for each pixel x and each n class. The foreground and background classes of pixels are used to train the classifier. Using the probability for the foreground and background pixels, f(x ϵ Ptumor) and f(x ϵ Ω | Ptumor), respectively, are derived. Further trained model is tested and validated on test data from LiTS challenge, 3Dircadb [44] and MIDAS [45] dataset provided with ground-truth of liver and liver tumor segmentation as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Addition of augmented data in the training process improves the final segmentation result.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The pre-segmentation of tumor from the original dataset of LiTS and 3Dircadb. a Processed image, be tumor ROI

Fig. 6
figure 6

The pre-segmentation of tumor from the original dataset of MIDAS dataset. a Original image, bd tumor ROI

Active Contour Evolution

The tumors cannot be created in three dimensions using ROI photos or images from the pre-segmentation stage. Active contour evolution is therefore crucial for improving tumor visibility. Algorithm 1 illustrates the active contour implementation in the proposed algorithm in a generic version.

figure a

Results and Discussion

The proposed framework has been implemented and validated on three datasets of liver CT sequences: LiTS, 3Dircadb and MIDAS. In this section, the various parameters, and architecture used in the framework along with time requirements and validations are discussed. Figure 7 shows the intermediary outcomes of the suggested methodology in three datasets, where (a) shows the pre-processed image, (b)–(d) are the liver tumor image cases in three planes, and (e) is the final extracted tumor in 3D. For each liver image in each plane, the goal was to accurately delineate the boundaries of the tumor. The parameters used to obtain the tumor using active contour are tabulated in Table 1.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Findings of the suggested method (a CLAHE preprocessed images, bd tumor demarcation employing active contour in three orthogonal viewpoints via the image, in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes, e 3D view of tumor segmentation in its final form)

Table 1 The variables utilized to extract the tumor from the ROI image in 3 dimensions are shown in Fig. 5

The GAN Training

The commonly used WGAN architecture is preferred using the neural network module of PyTorch. CuDNN is used to accelerate neural network operations: convolution, pooling, normalization, and activation functions. We used batch normalization to make the model suitable for the GAN architecture. Leaky ReLUs with alpha 0.2 were chosen in order to provide a tiny slope for the negative values, as suggested in [46, 47]. The size of feature maps in both networks is 64, the number of training epochs is 50, the learning rate for the generator is 0.0002 and discriminator is 0.0005, and the Beta1 hyperparameter for Adam optimizers is 0.5. Since maximum pooling results in a sparse gradient, average pooling is used to simplify the GAN learning. In the last layer, a ‘Tanh’ activation is used to generate the output image. Binary Cross Entropy loss is used to train both the generator and the discriminator. Losses for both networks are noted during training for monitoring and visualization. The modifications to the architecture made it easier to practice steadily and perform better. The discriminator's architecture was kept similar to the U-Net architecture [48, 49]. The U-Net architecture, which consists of an encoder-decoder structure with skip links, is frequently used for semantic segmentation tasks. The patches of 64 × 64 × 64 are extracted from 3D CT images to train the model. The suggested network utilized Adam's optimizer with a batch size of 16.

Computational Time

The projected methodology was accomplished in the Windows GPU platform with an Intel Core i7-4790 processor running at 3.6 GHz and 16 GB of RAM with the help of open-source platforms ImageJ ( and ITK-Snap ( Python TensorFlow was used to develop WGAN on a Windows GPU platform. For each 64 × 64 × 64 picture that was shrunk from the entire data, the overall training time was around 2 h. After the training procedure is done, segmentation takes a total of 10–20 s, plus an additional 60 s for selecting the ROI. Thus, for a specific tumor on a CT picture, an overall time of fewer than 90 s is required, which is much less time than the 30–40 min required for manual delineation.


To assess the grade of the segmentation, two performance evaluation criteria are used, DSC and JSC [50]. DSC displays the similarity between two supplied picture samples that yields numeric numbers between 0 and 1. A DSC score of 1 indicates that the segmentation result (image) is perfectly aligned with the ground truth. It is numerically represented as,

$$dice\left( {I_1 ,I_2 } \right) = \, 2 \, X\left| {intersection\left( {I_1 ,I_2 } \right)} \right|/\left( {\left| { I_1 } \right| + | \, I_2 |} \right)$$

JSC, often referred to be Intersection over Union, is a number that is used to assess how similar and dissimilar images are. When the segmentation result (image) has a JSC score of 1, it means that it exactly fits the ground truth. It is numerically represented as,

$$jaccard\left( {I_1 ,I_2 } \right) = \, {{\left| {intersection\left( {I_1 ,I_2 } \right)} \right|} / {\left| {union\left( {I_1 ,I_2 } \right)} \right|}}$$

where I1, I2 are two images.

Other metrics include False positive (FP), False negative (FN), Hausdorff Distance (HD), Standard Surface Distance (SSD), and Maximum Surface Distance (MSD). When a pixel is incorrectly identified as belonging to a target item or condition when it really does not, this is known as FP. A FP might occur, for instance, if a pixel was identified as belonging to a tumor when it was actually healthy tissue. On the other hand, a FN occurs when a pixel that is part of a target item or condition is mistakenly identified as not part of it. For example, it would constitute a FN if a damaged pixel was labeled as normal. The greatest distance between two groups of pixels is measured by the HD. It determines the separation between the farthest and closest pixels in two sets. The average distance between comparable pixels on two surfaces is determined using SSD. The average difference between pixels in a segmented tumor and pixels in a real tumor, for instance, is measured in medical imaging. And the maximum distance between any two matching pixels on two surfaces is determined using the MSD calculation. It determines the biggest discrepancy between segmented object pixels and reference or genuine object pixels. Table 2 compiles the quantitative analysis of segmentation outcomes attained utilizing the recommended plan.

Table 2 Evaluation of segmentation results

On the MIDAS, LiTS, and 3Dircadb datasets, the proposed approach achieved Dice scores of 0.908, 0.872, and 0.605, respectively. The JSC score of 0.831, 0.773 and 0.434 on three datasets are also competitive and the False positive (FP) and False negative (FN) values are within limits. It shows that the proposed technique produces acceptable liver tumor segmentation results. There were several submissions about tumor segmentation on 3Dircadb dataset. We reached a DSC of 0.872, JSC of 0.773, False positive of 0.063, False negative of 0.185, Hausdorff Distance (HD) of 14.734, Standard Surface Distance (SSD) of 1.473, Maximum Surface Distance (MSD) of 8.062. In comparison with other methods, the proposed method outperformed all methods as listed in Table 3.

Table 3 Comparison of the proposed method's quantitative segmentation results to those of other innovative algorithms on the 3Dircadb and MRI/PET

Conclusion and Future Scope

In this study, we have developed a hybrid architecture that effectively and efficiently extracts liver tumors from CT volumes. Our novel approach uses generative adversarial networks (GANs) to extract three-dimensional (3D) structures pixel-by-pixel, increasing accuracy and reducing time complexity. The proposed method enables the professional use of three-dimensional region growth, which can be useful for managing medical treatment. The requirement for human labor is reduced by choosing seed points once and applying them to all future slices. In contrast to the traditional slice-by-slice method, which is time-consuming and ineffective, the initial setup for active contour generation involves minimal effort. On the MIDAS, LiTS, and 3Dircadb datasets, the proposed method obtained Dice similarity coefficients (DSC) of 0.908, 0.872, and 0.605, respectively. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed paradigm. The recommended approach also shows potential for use with other medical image modalities. It can help surgeons examine the tumor for prospective medical choices and therapy planning, leading to better patient care.

The given architecture has the potential to be easily extended to additional cutting-edge imaging modalities in addition to its relevance to liver tumor segmentation in CT volumes. Images of the brain, lungs, breast, and other anatomical areas for malignancy delineation are included, as are PET, CT, and 4D ultrasound studies. Additionally, the proposed strategy may be used to identify bone fractures in cost-effective X-ray images.