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Menopause and Bone Metabolism

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Female Reproductive Dysfunction

Part of the book series: Endocrinology ((ENDOCR))

  • 223 Accesses


The hormonal changes that take place at menopause are the most important reason why women are at greater risk of osteoporosis than men.

Fragility fractures osteoporosis related are a relevant cause of disability and excess mortality in postmenopausal women.

General measures such as calcium and vitamin D supplementation or physical exercise could be very useful for prevention of fragility fractures.

The use of registered drugs is recommended when the health benefits overcome the risks. The FRAX® algorithm is a scientifically validated risk assessment tool that improves identification of patients at high risk of fracture.

Antiresorptive agents are the predominant therapeutic category for preventing fractures, and bisphosphonates are still the most commonly used. However, new and more effective therapies are nowadays available for prevention and treatment of bone loss.

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Brandi, M., Di Medio, L. (2020). Menopause and Bone Metabolism. In: Petraglia, F., Fauser, B. (eds) Female Reproductive Dysfunction . Endocrinology. Springer, Cham.

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