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Optical Properties of Defects

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Semiconductor Physics
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The optical absorption spectrum of lattice defects provides the most direct information about their electronic properties; general characteristics are obtained from such spectra even without detailed knowledge about the defect structure. Two substantially different types of absorption spectra occur: line spectra near the fundamental band-to-band absorption originating from shallow-level defects and usually broad spectra from deep-level, tight-bonding defects. Shallow defects are described by a hydrogen-like model using a Rydberg energy modified by the effective mass and dielectric constant. Lattice coupling and relaxation of these centers is only weak. Deep centers show strong electron-lattice coupling described by the Huang-Rhys factor, which expresses the mean number of emitted phonons during lattice relaxation after electron capture. Electronic and vibronic properties of deep centers are described in a configuration-coordinate diagram, with optical excitation and emission processes represented by vertical transitions according to the Franck-Condon principle. Photoionization refers to an excitation from a defect center into a band and leads to edge-shaped absorption.

At high defect density, the localized wavefunctions overlap and form an impurity band, which at densities exceeding the Anderson-Mott limit merges with band states. such an extended density of states leads to an Urbach tail in the optical absoption near the band edge. In addition, the absorption edge of band-to-band transitions in heavily doped semiconductors is blueshifted due to the Burstein-Moss effect resulting from band filling.

Karl W. Böer: deceased.

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  1. 1.

    The quasi-hydrogen energy can be expressed as a function of the quasi-Bohr radius (for n = 1): \( {E}_{\mathrm{qH}}={\hslash}^2{k}_{\mathrm{r}}^2/\left(2{m}_n\right) \) for kr = 1/aqH. This is a familiar expression identifying the circling electron in a parabolic and isotropic conduction band.

  2. 2.

    The basis for this analysis is the adiabatic approximation describd below. Here, the Hamiltonian is split into a part that deals with electrons and atoms at fixed lattice positions, multiplied by a function of displaced lattice atoms. The Hamiltonian can then be written as a sum of the electronic part and the interacting ionic part. This ionic part results in shifted, harmonic oscillations.

  3. 3.

    This coupling is related to the depth of the electron levels. Centers with strong bonding (strong coupling) are more effective in “pushing the surrounding lattice atoms apart” when the electron is excited to a higher energy state. Eigenfunctions of shallow levels have the tendency to “slide over” the surrounding atoms when excited, by permitting the electron to circle within the surrounding lattice, thereby exerting comparatively little force on the surrounding atoms.

  4. 4.

    In this chapter cross sections are identified with the commonly used σ. In later chapters treating of transport the symbol s is used instead to distinguish cross sections from conductivity.

  5. 5.

    The line-shape function enters into the absorption cross-section (Eq. 20); that is, (l/h)g(ννfi) replaces δ(EfEifi) after introducing the damping term – see also Eq. 21.

  6. 6.

    Only in ultrapure semiconductors with vanishing internal stress and vanishing electric fields, the lines of isolated impurities have their natural width – see Jagannath et al. (1981) and Haller et al. (1987); also the natural isotope mixture contributes substantially to inhomogeneous broadening as demonstrated for isotopically pure 28Si – see Karaiskaj et al. (2003).

  7. 7.

    This is obtained from the lattice relaxation of 0.14 eV (=1.27–1.13 or = 0.62–0.48 eV) with breathing mode phonons of \( \hslash {\omega}_{\mathrm{char}}\cong 21\ \mathrm{meV} \) after capture of a hole or an electron, as indicated in Fig. 18a, b.

  8. 8.

    For a self-consistent determination of the screening, which depends on the carrier density, which in turn depends on the level density, which again is influenced by the screening length, see Hwang and Brews (1971).

  9. 9.

    For instance, in InSb with mn = 0.0116, the effective density of states is Nc ≅ 3 · 1016 cm−3 ; hence doping with a shallow donor density in excess of 1017 cm−3 will cause a significant filling of conduction-band states.


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Böer, K.W., Pohl, U.W. (2022). Optical Properties of Defects. In: Semiconductor Physics. Springer, Cham.

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    Optical Properties of Defects
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  2. Optical Properties of Defects
    04 April 2020


  3. Optical Properties of Defects
    27 September 2017


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    Optical Properties of Defects
    21 May 2016
