Topical Collection on Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine

ISSN: 1531-3433 (Print) 1534-3081 (Online)

In this topical collection (30 articles)

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  1. Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine (M Jones, Section Editor)

    Sleep as a Therapeutic Target for Pain Management

    Lizbeth Hu, Eric Jyun-Han Wang Pages 131-141
  2. Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine (C Robinson, Section Editor)

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Pain Medicine

    Alaa Abd-Elsayed, Christopher L. Robinson Pages 229-238
  3. Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine (M Jones, Section Editor)

    The Influence of Sleep Disturbance on Chronic Pain

    Michael T. Li, Christopher Louis Robinson Pages 795-804
  4. Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine (M Jones, Section Editor)

    Novel Therapies for Centralized Pain: a Brief Review

    Jade I. Basem, Paul Ryan Haffey Pages 805-811
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