
Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can assist radiologists in clinical diagnoses based on image analysis [1]. Studies of CAD systems development primarily follow two routes. Classification-based CAD systems have been extensively investigated for decision support employing machine learning methods, such as the support vector machine (SVM) [2, 3]. The other route is to construct a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system. Given an image dataset with diagnosis information, images in the repository with the most similar appearance and morphological characteristics to the query image are retrieved and rendered to support diagnostic decision making [4, 5].

Currently, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) is the most crucial imaging modality employed to detect and characterize focal liver lesions (FLLs) [6,7,8]. Contrast-enhanced CT scans are divided into four phases before and after contrast injection. An examination is performed before contrast injection to obtain a noncontrast-enhanced (NC) scan. After-injection phases include the arterial (ART) phase (30–40 s after contrast injection), portal venous (PV) phase (70–80 s after contrast injection), and delay (DL) phase (3–5 min after contrast injection). Several CAD systems based on CT images have been proposed to identify different types of liver lesions [1, 2, 4,5,6,7,8,9]. In most previous studies, only one single-phase CT scan was used for feature extraction [3, 4], which neglects the pivotal information conveyed by multiphase scans. Several studies were conducted verifying that the features derived from multiphase contrast-enhanced images are more effective than the original features derived from nonenhanced images or single-phase scans [1, 7, 8].

Some published studies reported the characterization of FLLs using multiphase images to capture the temporal information among phases. Roy et al. [7] proposed a CBIR framework for liver lesions based on spatiotemporal features derived from multiphase CT volumes. Density features (the normalized average intensity of a lesion), texture features (the gray-level co-occurrence matrix [GLCM]), temporal density features (the intensity enhancement over the three enhancement phases compared to the noncontrast phase), and temporal texture features (the normalized difference in texture at the three enhancement phases) were used for image retrieval. Chi et al. [1] extracted multiphase features (density features, density derivative features, texture features and texture derivative features) to represent the FLL. In our previous work [9], we proposed a temporal density feature and a novel 3D shape feature for CBIR of liver lesions in addition to conventional density and texture features (3D uniform local binary pattern [LBP] [10]). All the methods mentioned above used low-level features.

There are several ways to generate mid-level or high-level image representations in various fields including the medical field. The bag of visual words (BoVW) has been a popular strategy to represent medical images for classification or CBIR [2, 3, 6, 8] and achieves promising results in image analysis [8, 11,12,13]. The BoVW method clusters a low-level feature space into a number of regions that potentially correspond to visual concepts that are called visual words. Vocabulary-pruning strategies such as probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA) [14] can be used to remove nonmeaningful visual words [15]. The Riesz transform is a multiscale method that can analyze texture at multiple scales and yield an overcomplete representation of local orientation properties [16, 17]. The features extracted by the Riesz transform can also be merged with the BoVW [16]. In [16], a texture-based organ classification algorithm was developed by combining the Riesz transform and the BoVW. The Riesz transform has been applied in lung texture analysis [17, 18]. The Fisher vector [19] was proposed as an extension of the BoVW approach. It has been adopted in CAD-based celiac disease classification using endoscopic image data [20, 21] and used in recognition of the fetal facial standard plane using ultrasound imaging [22]. Deep learning is emerging as a state-of-the-art method in the computer vision domain, and its performance is improved when applied using large training sets [23]. However, in the medical domain, such large datasets are not always available. Although challenging, there are some recent applications of deep learning to medical tasks [23], such as lesion detection [24, 25] and object segmentation [26, 27]. There is some work applying the deep neural networks trained on nonmedical training sets for chest pathology retrieval [28] and identification [29, 30]. Though there has also been some work applying the deep neural networks on liver tissues such as classification of age or gender based on liver images [31] and detection or segmentation of liver lesions [32,33,34,35], there is little work on liver lesion classification or retrieval in CT images.

Several studies were conducted to show that the BoVW is a powerful feature representation method in liver CT image analysis and is an extensively used feature modeling approach that can integrate various handcrafted features like intensity, texture, and spatial information. Diamant et al. [2] employed the BoVW model for automatic classification of liver lesions in four-phase images based on raw intensity. They generated a different vocabulary for each phase and concatenated the histograms for multiple phases to represent the lesions. Yu et al. [6] divided the lesions into distinct regions using a distance transformation technique and extracted BoVW-based features from each subregion. Some handcrafted features like intensity, texture, and shape features were also computed and combined with the histograms for image representation. Yang et al. [8] employed the BoVW model to construct a visual category-specific vocabulary for each pathological type. The histograms of each single phase were merged together to represent multiphase images. Besides, there is still other work applying the BoVW approach modeling other handcrafted features like texture. Burner et al. [11] proposed texture bags based on local 3D extension of the LBP for anomaly retrieval in lung images. In the research field of computer vision, a method known as bag of LBP words (BoWL) [12] has been proposed to incorporate texture features into the BoVW model. However, our experiments indicated that the BoWL model was not very effective in representing FLLs (this is shown in Sec. 4). Several strategies were introduced to embed spatial information into the BoVW model [36]. The most typical approach is the spatial pyramid matching (SPM) method proposed by Lazebnik et al. [37], which repeatedly subdivides the image and computes histograms for each subregion. Some improvements to the SPM method were suggested [38]. The SPM was proven to be effective in characterization. The regular grid partition strategy is not appropriate for liver CT images because the general shape of a liver lesion in a slice is always elliptical or circular.

Table 1 Distribution of the different diagnosis types

In this paper, we propose two methods to improve the conventional BoVW model for effective FLL representation by integrating texture and spatial information and apply the novel methods to develop a retrieval system to assist radiologists in clinical diagnosis. Specifically, we make the following contributions: (1) A feature extraction method called texture-specific BoVW is proposed by incorporating texture information in the conventional BoVW model, which can effectively improve the representation ability. (2) Inspired by the SPM [37], a spatial cone matching (SCM) strategy which is specific for circular objects such as FLLs is proposed to describe the spatial information of the visual words in the ROI. (3) A dataset of 132 multiphase contrast-enhanced liver CT images that contains five types of lesions was built. (4) Combining the texture-specific BoVW features and the SCM-based BoVW with our previously proposed shape and temporal features [9], we developed a CBIR system to assist radiologists in clinical diagnosis. (5) A pilot trial is conducted to evaluate the influence of the system in clinical diagnoses. The details of the proposed methods, dataset, experiments and the pilot trial are described later.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Typical images of five liver lesions over the three phases

Materials and methods


Though ImageCLEF provides a benchmark for liver lesion annotation [39], the CT scans contain only one single phase and are not suitable for our study. We therefore constructed a multiphase CT image database for our study. The contrast-enhanced multiphase CTs were performed using a multidetector helical CT scanner between 2011 and 2015. The multiphase CT scans were collected from 132 patients and included five types of lesions with confirmed pathology/diagnosis, i.e., cysts, focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), hemangiomas (HEM), and metastasis (METS). Table 1 displays the distribution of different lesions. One lesion per patient was analyzed and outlined by experienced radiologists. The major lesion was selected for patients with more than one lesions. The CT scans were acquired with a slice collimation of 5/7 mm, a matrix of \(512\times 512\) pixels and an in-plane resolution of 0.57–0.89 mm. For each patient, all slices containing lesions were used to comprise the image dataset. We extracted image features from all slices containing lesions for the task. Figure 1 shows typical images of different kinds of lesions over multiple phases.


A multiphase CT retrieval system is developed in this study. The flowchart of the retrieval system is shown in Fig. 2. Data are preprocessed prior to feature extraction. The region of interest (ROI) of each case is first outlined by experienced radiologists. The liver parenchyma and hepatic lesions are segmented synchronously using a random walk-based interactive segmentation algorithm [40] according to the manually drawn outlines. Then, features including the proposed texture-specific BoVW, SCM-based BoVW, shape and temporal features are extracted from the lesion regions for multiple phases. A feature database containing all the features extracted from the images with their confirmed pathology type labels was constructed. Histogram intersection is used to compute similarity. In this section, we mainly focus on representations of FLLs and evaluation methodology.

BoVW model

The BoVW model is adapted from the bag of words (BoW) methodology, which was first proposed for text documents [41] and involves, in our application, using sets of visual words to represent images. For the patch-based BoVW model, patch extraction is the first step in the procedure. Feature vectors are extracted from these patches to construct the visual vocabulary. Clustering algorithms, such as k-means, are commonly used to generate clusters of visual words that comprise the visual vocabulary. The image is represented by a histogram of the generated visual words.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Framework of our proposed CBIR system

Texture-specific BoVW

The proposed texture-specific BoVW model is implemented on the basis of the rotation-invariant uniform LBP, which is an effective texture representation strategy introduced by Ojala et al. [42]. Figure 3 illustrates a computation of the classic LBP code. A LBP is uniform if it contains at most two bitwise transitions from 0 to 1 or vice versa when the binary code is considered circular. The measure of the uniform patterns is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {U}=\sum _{i=1}^P {|s(g_\mathrm{i} -g_\mathrm{c} )-s(g_{i-1} -g_\mathrm{c} )|}, \quad g_P =g_0 \end{aligned}$$

Here, P is the number of neighbors. \(g_\mathrm{c}\) represents the gray value of the central pixel, and \(g_\mathrm{i}\) represents the gray value of the encircled neighborhoods. It is a uniform pattern when \(U\le 2\). For classic LBP codes, the number of patterns satisfying \(U\le 2\) is \(P(P-1)+2\). If these patterns are rotated to obtain the minimum value, the number of patterns satisfying the rotation-invariant uniform pattern is \(P+1\). Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {LBP}_{P,R}^\mathrm{riu2} =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \sum _{i=0}^{p-1} {s(g_\mathrm{i} -g_\mathrm{c} )},&{}\quad U\le 2 \\ P+1, &{}\quad \hbox {otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where the superscript\(^\mathrm{riu2}\) reflects the use of a rotation-invariant uniform pattern that has a U value of at most 2. In our study, we used eight neighbors of the central pixel to extract the binary code and to calculate the rotation-invariant uniform LBP. Therefore, the number of texture categories in our study is \(8+1=9\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of the computation of the classical LBP code

Fig. 4
figure 4

Illustration of the proposed texture-specific BoVW method. Step 1, LBP image calculation. Step 2, texture classification based on rotation-invariant uniform LBP, assigning a texture category label to each pixel. Step 3, patch-based feature extraction for each texture category. Step 4, vocabulary generation. Step 5, quantization

For each pixel in the ROI, the LBP is calculated and the pixel is classified into one texture category using the rotation-invariant uniform LBP. All pixels in the ROI are classified into a total of nine categories. The BoVW-based features are calculated for each texture category. Patches of pixels belonging to the same texture category are extracted from the liver image. Raw-intensity-based descriptors are generated from these patches to extract the texture-specific vocabularies \(V=\{V_1 ,V_u ,\ldots ,V_9 \}\). Each vocabulary \(V_u =\{w_1 ,\ldots ,w_k \}\) is determined by

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathop {\arg \min }\limits _{V_\mathrm{u} =\left\{ {w_1 ,\ldots ,w_k } \right\} } \left\{ {\sum _i {\mathop {\min }\limits _j \left\| {\mathbf{x}_i -\mathbf{w}_j } \right\| ^{2}} } \right\} ,\quad \mathbf{x}_i \in \hbox {T}_u\nonumber \\&\quad \hbox {T}_u =\left\{ {\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{x}\hbox { belongs to the { u}th texture category}} \right\} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbf{x}_i\) is the ith feature vector (patch), \(\mathbf{w}_j\) is the jth center vector (visual word), k is the number of visual words of each texture category and the total dimension of histogram \(K=9\times k\). Figure 4 illustrates the proposed texture-specific BoVW method. Figure 5 shows two texture-specific vocabularies (Category 1 and Category 7) trained by the k-means clustering algorithm in the ART phase.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Two texture-specific vocabularies trained by k-means clustering algorithm of the ART phase

Spatial cone matching (SCM)-based method

As an improvement in the SPM, we propose a spatial cone matching (SCM) method for circular object representation such as FLLs. We partitioned the FLLs into increasingly fine concentric circular regions and computed histograms for each subregion. For the segmented lesion region of the CT slices, we first calculated the centroid of the pixels in the ROI. Let I be the set of coordinates (xy) of all pixels in the ROI and denote the centroid as \(C=(x_\mathrm{c} ,y_\mathrm{c} )\). The distance between the pixels in the ROI and the centroid can be calculated via Euclidean distance as shown here:

$$\begin{aligned} D_\mathrm{i} =\sqrt{(x_\mathrm{i} -x_\mathrm{c} )^{2}+(y_\mathrm{i} -y_\mathrm{c} )^{2}},\quad (x_\mathrm{i} ,y_\mathrm{i} )\in I, \end{aligned}$$

where \(D_{i }\) denotes the distance between the ith pixel in the ROI and the centroid. The ROI of the liver images can be outlined by a circle with the centroid at the center. Let r be the radius of the new ROI, which is defined as the maximum value ofD. We construct a sequence of annular subregions with resolutions of \(0,\ldots ,L\). The resolution level l corresponds to the number of concentric circles. The ROI at level l is divided into l annular subregions by uniformly dividing the radius into l equal portions. Then, we draw l circles with C at the center and \(nr/l(1\le n\le l)\). The k-means clustering technique is applied to the vectors in the ROI to generate the vocabulary, and all feature vectors are quantized into K types based on the visual words. The matching kernel for calculating the total matching degree is the sum of each separate kernel:

$$\begin{aligned} M^L (X,Y)=\sum _{m=0}^K \kappa ^{L}(X,Y). \end{aligned}$$

The match kernel for each separate level is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \kappa ^L (X,Y)=\sum _{l=0}^L {w_l } \times N_l , \end{aligned}$$

where \(w_l\) is the weight associated with level l, which is set to \(\frac{1}{2^{l}}\), and \(N_l\) represents the number of matches at level l.

$$\begin{aligned}&N_l =I(H_l (X),H_l (Y))-I(H_{l-1} (X),H_{l-1} (Y)) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&I(H_l (X),H_l (Y))=\sum _{i=1}^D {\min (H_l^{(i)} (X),H_l^{(i)} (Y))} ,\nonumber \\&\quad D=L-l+1 \end{aligned}$$

\(H_l^{(i)} (X)\) denotes the proportion of the total number of points in the ROI that fall into the ith subregion at level l. As the sizes of the lesions are always different, we represent the match degree at level l via the histogram intersection [43] using the normalized value instead of the true number of points. An illustration of the construction of a spatial histogram for visual words based on the SCM is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Illustration of the construction of the spatial histogram for visual words based on the SCM

Shape feature

Shape features are important for distinguishing different types of lesions. In this paper, the sphericity of a lesion extracted by principle component analysis (PCA) is used as the shape feature of the lesion. Considering that the shape of the lesion shows no obvious change in different phases, we extract the shape features from the ART phase images. The shape feature F is denoted by three eigenvalues \(\lambda _{1} ,\lambda _{2} ,\lambda _{3} (\lambda _{1}>\lambda _{2} >\lambda _{3} )\) calculated via PCA as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} F=\{\lambda _2 /\lambda _1 ,\lambda _3 /\lambda _1 \} \end{aligned}$$

Temporal feature

The temporal feature, TF, is designed to discriminate the evolution patterns after the injection by denoting the enhancement of density in the ART and PV phases compared with the density in the NC phase. Some typical images of the evolution pattern of different lesions are shown in Fig. 1. The calculation of TF is

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {TF}=\left\{ {\left( {d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{ART} -d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{NC} } \right) /d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{NC} ,\left( {d_\mathrm{lesion}^{\hbox \mathrm{PV}} -d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{NC} } \right) /d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{NC} } \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{NC}\) and \(d_\mathrm{liver}^\mathrm{NC}\) are, respectively, the average voxel intensity of the lesion and the normal liver tissue in the NC phase. \(d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{ART}, d_\mathrm{liver}^\mathrm{ART}, d_\mathrm{lesion}^\mathrm{PV}\), and \(d_\mathrm{liver}^\mathrm{PV}\) have similar definitions for different phases.

Evaluation methodology

The total of 132 cases is divided into two parts: 32 cases are chosen as test data, and the remaining 100 cases are used as training data. For each lesion type, about one-quarter of cases are randomly selected to constitute the test data. The optimal parameters are determined based on the training data using the fivefold cross-validation, and the test data are only used to evaluate the system performance. Each case in the test data is a query case (an unlabeled case), and the FLLs in the training data are used as labeled cases for retrieving similar lesions. Twenty cases were selected from the test data for the pilot trial, and the remaining cases including the other twelve cases of the test data were used to construct the database for retrieving similar lesions in the pilot trial. To estimate the effectiveness of the retrieval system, several performance evaluation measures are proposed. The results are evaluated based on a precision–recall curve, precision of the top M retrieved FFLs (Prec@M), and the mean average precision (mAP). Precision and recall are defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {precision}=\frac{\hbox {Number of relevant samples retrieved}}{\hbox {Total number of samples retrieved}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {recall}=\frac{\hbox {Number of relevant samples retrieved}}{\hbox {Total number of relevant samples}} \end{aligned}$$

Prec@M represents the proportion of relevant FLLs in the top M results. Average precision (AP) is the average of the precisions for the positions where there is a relevant sample. AP is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {AP}=\frac{1}{\hbox {N}^{\hbox {+}}}\sum _{j=1}^N {\hbox {re}l(j)\times \Pr e\hbox {c}@j} \end{aligned}$$

where N is the total number of samples and \(\hbox {rel}(j)\) is a binary function on the relevance of the sample at the position j (1 for relevant, and 0 for irrelevant). mAP is the mean of the AP over all queries.

Fig. 7
figure 7

System performance with various vocabulary sizes

Experiment and results

A series of experiments were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the texture-specific BoVW and the SCM-based method. The detailed experimental designs and results are described in the following subsections. All the experiments were conducted with a MATLAB\(^{{\textregistered }}\) implementation, on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K, 4-GHz CPU with 32 GB of RAM.

Table 2 System performance with various patch sizes

Experiments on parameter selection

We conducted a group of experiments to analyze the impact of the vocabulary size and the patch size of our algorithm on the retrieval performance. The performance of different parameters was evaluated on the 100 training data using the fivefold cross-validation. The average result of fivefold is used as a measure of performance for a given parameter setting. The optimal parameters are selected based on the best performance. The patch size was set to \(9\times 9\) when assessing the impact of the vocabulary size. We varied the vocabulary size (k) from 4 (32/9) to 114 (1024/9) for each texture category. Figure 7 shows that larger vocabularies lead to better results. However, a larger vocabulary results in higher computational cost. We can see from the results in Fig. 7 that the gain on performance is not significant when the vocabulary size is greater than 57 (512/9). We can see that a vocabulary size of \(k=57\) is an appropriate value for our texture-specific method in balancing the retrieval performance and the computational cost. The vocabulary size was set to 57 when evaluating the impact of the patch size. Table 2 lists the experimental results and shows that the system gets a relatively better performance when the patch size is set to \(9\times 9\). In the following experiments, the vocabulary size of the texture-specific BoVW for each texture category is set to 57, which produces a total vocabulary size of \(57\times 9=513\) and the patch size is set to \(9\times 9\).

System performance comparison for different texture representation methods

The performance of different texture description strategies is compared in this subsection. We first compared our texture-specific BoVW with three texture descriptors, i.e., the 3D GLCM applied in [7], the classic LBP [42, 44], and the previously proposed improved LBP (imLBP) [9] based on 3D lesion volumes. The offset was given as 1, and 13 directions were considered when computing the GLCM. Six texture coefficients, including energy, entropy, inverse difference moment, inertia, cluster shade and correlation, were derived from the matrixes. The results are shown in Fig. 8 using precision versus recall curve. We also compared our method with another LBP-based BoVW representation model known as BoWL [11], which has been reported to be effective in scene image classification. The BoWL was introduced by Banerji et al. based on multineighborhood LBP for small patches. The total size of the vocabulary for each phase was set to 128, which performed best on our dataset. The results are exhibited in Fig. 8 and Table 3. The results indicate that our method significantly outperforms the low-level features and is superior to the BoWL method. These results also show that LBP-based methods are more effective than GLCM as a texture descriptor.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Results of different texture representations

Table 3 Retrieval performance of different image descriptors
Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of BoVW-based methods and the Fisher vector

Fig. 10
figure 10

mAP of the category-specific BoVW and the texture-specific BoVW at single phase and multiple phases

Fig. 11
figure 11

System performance of applying the SCM to BoVW-based methods. a Applying the SCM to conventional BoVW. b Applying the SCM to category-specific BoVW

Comparison of the texture-specific BoVW method and the conventional BoVW methods and the Fisher vector

Several BoVW methods were implemented in the experiments, i.e., the category-specific BoVW and global BoVW methods proposed by Yang et al. [8], and the BoWL method proposed by Banerji et al. [11]. For fair comparison, we first conducted a series of experiments to determine the optimal parameters (the vocabulary size and the patch size for the BoVW-based methods and the number of Gaussian components for the Fisher vector) for each method on our training data using the fivefold cross-validation. For the global BoVW and the BoWL, the vocabulary size of each phase was set to 128. The category-specific BoVW was performed with a vocabulary size of 26 (128/5) for each pathological category. The patch size was determined to be \(11\times 11\) for the BoWL and the category-specific BoVW and \(9\times 9\) for the global BoVW. For our proposed texture-specific BoVW method, the vocabulary size of each texture category was set to 14 (128/9) and 57 (512/9) for comparison. As for the Fisher vector, we exploited patch-based features as local descriptors and the number of Gaussian components was fixed at 10. The results are shown in Fig. 9. Table 3 lists the retrieval performance of different low-level features and mid-level features in terms of mAP, Prec@6, and Prec@10 for multiple phases. As shown, all mid-level features in the experiments yield better results than the low-level descriptors, and our proposed texture-specific BoVW approach outperforms the other three BoVW methods and the Fisher vector.

Comparison of results based on single-phase and multiphase images

A group of experiments were conducted comparing the system performance on multiphase and single-phase features extracted by the proposed texture-specific BoVW method and the category-specific BoVW methods. The results are shown in Fig. 10. We can see that the features extracted from multiphase images have stronger discriminative capability in retrieval of similar lesions than those extracted from single-phase images.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Retrieval performances using combined features and each single feature

Fig. 13
figure 13

Interface of segmentation

Experiments on the validation of the SCM-based method

To validate the effectiveness of our proposed SCM method, we combined the SCM processing with the conventional BoVW and category-specific BoVW methods proposed by Yang [8] and compared the results with the original methods without the SCM processing. The results are shown in Fig. 11. We can see from the figure that the application of the SCM effectively improved the retrieval performance. We also compared the SCM methods using different resolutions with L to be 1 and 2. The results displayed in Fig. 11 show that higher resolution performed better than low resolution. In our research, we have tried to apply the SCM method with our proposed texture-specific BoVW, but the SCM-based texture-specific BoVW was not effective in representing FLLs compared to the texture-specific BoVW. We have analyzed the results and suppose that it is probably because processing of the texture classification can be regarded as a kind of partitioning approach to a certain extent.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Interface of retrieval

System construction

We developed a CBIR system based on our proposed texture-specific BoVW and SCM-based descriptor. In addition to the features in this study, we also employed the shape and temporal features, which were introduced in our previous study for image retrieval [9]. The retrieval performance using the combined features and each single feature is presented in Fig. 12. The combination of proposed methods can significantly improve the system performance. Figures 13 and 14 show the retrieval system interface. We can see from Fig. 14 that in a retrieval task, the query case information is shown on the left side of the interface. Radiologists click the Retrieve button to retrieve similar cases. The information of the six most similar results retrieved by the system is displayed in the right side of the interface. When one of the retrieval results is chosen by the radiologist, its multiphase CT images and corresponding diagnosis report are shown. More details of the case are shown when the More button is clicked. In the pilot trial, radiologists determined the diagnosis based on the reference information.

Pilot trial

To evaluate the influence of the retrieval system for liver lesions in clinical diagnosis, a pilot trial was performed. In the pilot study, eight radiologists were invited to perform diagnoses with and without the top six similar retrieved results identified by the retrieval system.

Table 4 The results of the diagnoses with and without the top six retrieved results

The participants were divided into two groups: group A and group B, reflecting the same seniority and similar diagnostic ability. A total of 20 cases (4 cases for each class) were selected by a radiologist with more than 10 years of experience as the query data. The selected query cases were separated from the dataset, and we used the remaining cases as the retrieval dataset for the retrieval system. Determining the number of images used for query is a trade-off problem. The user test reliability could be raised by increasing the number of query images, but we had to consider the workload of the radiologists. The user test is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, and we determined the number of query images based on the radiologists’ suggestions.

We randomly arranged the query data as No. 1, No. 2 ..., to No. 20, respectively, in the first round of diagnoses. Only the CT ID reallocated by the engineer and the CT images of the query cases were provided for the radiologists in group A. For the radiologists in group B, both the CT images of the query cases and their corresponding top six similar retrieved results rendered by our retrieval system were provided. The radiologists performed the first round of diagnoses from No. 1 to No. 20 and gave their diagnosis results (the type of lesion) and their confidence level (1–10: 1 indicates no confidence, and 10 indicates fully confident) of the corresponding decision. Two weeks later, we rearranged the query data randomly as No. 1 through No. 20. The radiologists were requested to do a second round of diagnoses on the same query cases. In this trial, the radiologists in group A were provided with the references from the retrieval system and the radiologists in group B performed diagnoses without use of the decision support. The radiologists again gave their diagnoses and confidence levels.

The results of the two rounds of trials were analyzed in terms of their diagnostic accuracy, which is defined as the ratio of the number of true positives to the total number of query cases. The diagnostic confidence level was assigned a value of 0 when the diagnosis was wrong. The average confidence values of each radiologist in a round of test (20 diagnoses) were calculated as the confidence level estimation. The average diagnostic accuracy and the mean average confidence value of the radiologists in each group were calculated. The comparison of the two rounds of diagnoses is shown in Table 4. From the results, we can see that with the help of the retrieval system, the average diagnosis accuracy and the confidence levels of the radiologists in group A achieve pronounced improvements. Without the references of the retrieval system information, the average diagnosis accuracy and the confidence levels of radiologists in group B decreased compared to the first round test. The preliminary results demonstrate that the retrieval system has the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy and the confidence of radiologists.

Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we developed a CBIR system for FLLs based on multiphase contrast-enhanced CT images to assist radiologists in clinical diagnosis. We have proposed a texture-specific BoVW and an SCM-based method for the effective representation of FLLs incorporating texture and spatial information. We also combined the proposed methods with our previously introduced shape and temporal features to achieve more effective image retrieval. The preliminary results indicate that the proposed texture-specific and SCM-based features extracted from multiphase images can effectively characterize various liver lesions. The retrieval system has the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy and the confidence of radiologists. The precision at the top six retrieved similar cases is 0.74, which can be improved by increasing the size of the database. Our texture-specific and SCM-based methods are proposed as frameworks for integrating texture or spatial information into the BoVW model. As an extension, our proposed frameworks can also be combined with, and thus improve, the Fisher vector and the super vector methods, which will be done in our future work. Furthermore, the texture-specific method with texture information and the SCM-based method with spatial information cannot complement each other in the current research. In future work, we will develop a more effective SCM-based texture-specific descriptor for the retrieval task. Currently, the BoVW-based features in our work are independently extracted from the images of each phase and linearly combined, which neglects the temporal information and relationship among phases. We will explore the temporal co-occurrence information of multiple phases in our future work and will increase the dataset and apply deep learning to feature extraction.