1 Introduction

During the recent times, wireless and mobile technologies have endured growth. Now a huge number of people are using mobile/wireless devices (e.g. smart phones, notebooks and PDAs) to access varying online services from anywhere and at anytime. These services include: remote medical treatment, video conferencing, VoIP, net-browsing and government services. However, the real constraint to such online services is the underlying public Internet infrastructure, which allows the attacker to intercept, eavesdrop and temper the messages transmitted between two honest entities. Therefore, it is most important to ensure the security of transmitted messages as well as the privacy of the participants. Password-based authentication scheme if employed properly can resolve such security issues. The first authentication scheme was proposed by Lamport [1]. However, their scheme was vulnerable to different attacks but it provided a basis for future research. The failure of Lamport’s scheme was the usage of only a single factor (i.e. password) for authentication. Afterwards a number of two factor authentication using password as well as smart card were proposed [221]. Similarly to enhance the security, a number of three factor authentication schemes using password, smart card, and biometrics were also proposed [2229]. All the mentioned biometric-based authentication schemes are usable in single server environments. In such cases, the user has to register to various servers, which in turn limits the scalability, because he has to remember a number of identities and password also he needs a separate smart card for each server. In 2010, Yoon and Yoo [30] proposed a biometric-based authentication scheme for multiserver environments. However in 2014, He and Wang [31] found a number of weaknesses including vulnerability to impersonation and smart card theft attack in Yoon et al.’s scheme. Then He et al. proposed an improved scheme. In 2014, Chaung and Chen [32] presented an authentication scheme based on biometrics for multiserver environments and claimed that their scheme is resistant to all known attacks, but soon Mishra et al. [33] realized that scheme proposed by Chaung and Chen is vulnerable to: (1) smart card theft attack; (2) server spoofing attack; and (3) denial of services attack. Mishra et al. then presented an authentication scheme to enhance the security. Very recently Lu et al. [34] identified that Mishra et al.’s scheme cannot resist user impersonation and server spoofing attacks. They also demonstrated that Mishra et al.’s scheme does not provide perfect forward secrecy. Lu et al. then proposed a new biometric-based three factor authentication scheme for multiserver environments. Lu et al. further claimed that their scheme is robust against numerous attacks. However, the analysis in this paper proves that Lu et al.’s scheme is defenseless against user impersonation attack. We show that a dishonest user of the system can impersonate as another user of the system by just knowing the public identity of the latter.

Rest of the paper is prescribed as follows: Sect. 2 accommodates notations used throughout the paper and basic concepts relating to one way hash functions, bio-hashing and the common adversarial model. Section 3 elaborates review of Lu et al.’s biometric-based authentication scheme for multiserver environments, followed by its cryptanalysis performed in Sect. 4. The proposed enhanced scheme is presented in Sect. 5. The formal and informal security analysis is performed in Sect. 6. The automated security validation of proposed scheme using ProVerif is performed in Sect. 7. The performance evaluation is done in Sect. 8. Finally, the conclusion is made in Sect. 9.

2 Preliminaries

This section elaborates some basics related to hash functions, bio-hashing, and adversarial model along with the notations used throughout the paper outlined in Table 1.

2.1 One way hash functions

A one way hash function \(H : \{0, 1\}^{*}\rightarrow Z_{q}^{*}\) takes arbitrary length string S as input and outputs a fixed length code \(C\ =H(S)\), the fixed length out put C is termed as hash value/hash code. A slight change in S results a significant change in C. Following are the properties to qualify a secure hash function:

  • It is computationally easy to find \(C=H(S)\), if S is given.

  • It is computationally infeasible to compute S, if \(C=H(S)\) is given.

  • It is difficult to find two inputs S and T such that \(H(S)=H(T)\). This property is known as collision-resistance property.

Table 1 Notation guide

Definition 1

(Collision-resistant hash functions) Let H(.) be a collision resistant hash function. The probability for an attacker \({\mathcal {A}}\) to find a twain \((S\ne T)\) such that \(H(S)=H(T)\) is defined as \(\textit{Adv}^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}}}(t_{e1})=\textit{Prb}[(S,T) \Leftarrow _r {\mathcal {A}} : (S\ne T)\ and\ H(S)=H(T) ]\). Where \({\mathcal {A}}\) can randomly select a twain (ST). The carried advantage of \({\mathcal {A}}\) over the randomly made selections within polynomial time \(t_{e1}\) is illustrated as \(\textit{Adv}^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}}}(t_{e1})\). The collision-resistant property for secure has functions implies that \(\textit{Adv}^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}}}(t_{e1})\le \epsilon \) for any sufficiently small \(\epsilon > 0\).

2.2 Bio-hashing

The biometric refers to the measurable and distinct features used to mark and describe human. Biometric is often used for enabling the authentication to work provided the physical appearance of person. The biometric features (e.g. finger prints, facial expressions and retina etc.) may slightly vary at each imprint, which may cause a number of false rejection of legal users. Consequently impacting the usability of the system. To cope with false rejection, Jin et al. [35] presented a two factor authenticator using iterated inner product of human biometric features and tokenized random number. To accommodate this, user specific codes are generated. The user specific codes are termed as Bio-hash codes. During recent times, many bio-hashing schemes are proposed [36, 37]. Bio-hashing is proved to be a convenient technique usable in small devices, such as smart card, smart phone.

2.3 Adversarial model

In this paper, we consider the common adversarial model as mentioned in [3840]. Where according to capabilities of the adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\), following assumptions are made:

  1. 1.

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) completely controls the public communication link. \({\mathcal {A}}\) is able to intercept, replay, modify, remove or can send a new fabricated message.

  2. 2.

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) can extract information contained in smart card by examining power analysis or leaked information [41, 42].

  3. 3.

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) can be an outsider or can be a dishonest user of the system.

  4. 4.

    Identities of the registered users and servers are public and known to insiders.

  5. 5.

    The servers are assumed to be secure and \({\mathcal {A}}\) can not compromise any server of the system. (i.e. \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) cannot be accessible to any adversary).

3 Review of Lu et al.’s scheme

In this section, we briefly review Lu et al.’s biometric-based authentication scheme. Lu et al. employed public key technique to achieve user anonymity and forward secrecy. Their scheme involves three participants: a user \({\mathcal {U}}_i\), a server \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) and the registration center \(\textit{RC}\). The scheme is illustrated in Fig. 1. We also elaborate Lu et al.’s scheme by the following three phases.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Lu et al.’s scheme

3.1 Registration phase

Registration involves following three steps:

  1. Step Reg 1:

    \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) selects his identity \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), password \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\), a random number \(N_{ui}\) along with his master private key \(x_{ui}\). Then \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) scans his biometrics \(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\). Further, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) sends \(\{\textit{ID}_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui},N_{ui})\}\) to \(\textit{RC}\) on a private channel.

  2. Step Reg 2:

    \(\textit{RC}\) computes \(R_{ui}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and personalizes the smart card \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) by \(\{R_{ui},h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\}\), where \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) is the shared secret key between \(\textit{RC}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\). \(\textit{RC}\) using private channel sends \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\).

  3. Step Reg 3:

    Upon receiving smart card, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes \(X_{ui}=h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\oplus x_{ui}\), \(B_{ui}=N_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\). Then \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) deletes \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\) from smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) and stores \(X_{ui}\) and \(B_{ui}\) in the smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)). Finally, the smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) contains \(\{R_{ui},X_{ui},B_{ui},h()\}\).

3.2 Login and authentication phase

During login and authentication phase, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inserts his \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) into card reader, imprints his biometrics (\(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\)) and submits \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\) and \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\). The steps performed by \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) are as follows:

  1. Step LA1:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(N_{ui}=B_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\) and \(R_{ui}'=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  2. Step LA2:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) verifies \(R_{ui}\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if not true, \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) aborts the session.

  3. Step LA3:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) generates a random number \(n_{ui}\) and computes \(M_1=E_{\textit{Pub}_{sj}}(\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and \(M_2=h((X_{ui}\Vert x_{ui})\Vert n_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  4. Step LA4:

    Further, \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) sends login message \(\{ M_1,M_2\}\) to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  5. Step LA5:

    For the received login message, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) using his private key decrypts \(M_1\) to get \((\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  6. Step LA6:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) checks whether \(M_2\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\Vert n_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if not true \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) aborts the session. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) selects a random number \(n_{sj}\) and computes \(M_3=n_{sj} \oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), the session key \(\textit{SK}_{ji}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and \(M_4=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). Further, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) sends \(\{M_3,M_4\}\) to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\).

  7. Step LA7:

    For the received login message, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes \(n_{sj}=M_3\oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})) \) and session key \(\textit{SK}_{ij}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) then checks \(M_4 \mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). If it holds, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) ponders \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) as authenticated.

  8. Step LA8:

    Finally, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes and sends \(M_5=h(\textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  9. Step LA9:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) checks \(M_5 \mathop {=}\limits ^{?} h(h(\textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) if it holds, \(\mathcal {S}_j\) ponders \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) as authenticated.

The computed shared key between \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) is:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{SK}_{ij}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})) \end{aligned}$$

3.3 Password change phase

\({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inserts his smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) in specialized reader. \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) then inputs \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\) and \(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\). \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(N_{ui}=B_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\) and checks \(R_{ui}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if it holds \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) asks for new password. \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inputs new password \(\textit{PW}_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\). \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(R_{ui}^{\textit{new}}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\Vert N_{ui}))\). Finally \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) replaces \(R_{ui}\) by \(R_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Impersonation attack on Lu et al.’s scheme

4 Cryptanalysis of Lu et al.’s scheme

This section elaborates the weakness of Lu et al.’s scheme against user impersonation attack. We show that a dishonest legal user \({\mathcal {A}}\) can easily masquerade himself as an other honest user \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) considering the common adversarial model as mentioned in Sect. 2.3. Let \({\mathcal {A}}\) be a legal user having smart card \(\textit{SC}_{a}\) and wants to impersonate himself as another user \({\mathcal {U}}_i\). The attack is illustrated in Fig. 2. The description of the same is also detailed in following steps performed during interaction of \({\mathcal {A}}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\):

  1. Step IA 1:

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) extracts the information stored in \(\textit{SC}_{a}\) and computes:

    $$\begin{aligned} h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})= X_{a}\oplus x_{a} \end{aligned}$$
  2. Step IA 2:

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) generates two random number \(n_{a}\) and \(P_{a}\) and computes:

    $$\begin{aligned} M_{\bar{1}}&=E_{\textit{Pub}_{sj}}(\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{a},P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} M_{\bar{2}}&=h((X_{a}\oplus x_{a})\Vert n_{a}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
  3. Step IA 3:

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) sends \(M_{\bar{1}}\) and \(M_{\bar{2}}\) as login message to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  4. Step IA 4:

    For the received login message, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) decrypts \(M_{\bar{1}}\) to obtain:

    $$\begin{aligned} (\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{a},P_{a})=D_{Pri_{sj}}(M_{\bar{1}}) \end{aligned}$$
  5. Step IA 5:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) further verifies \(M_{\bar{2}}\mathop {=}\limits ^{?} h(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\Vert n_{a}\Vert P_{a})\) and finds it to be true.

  6. Step IA 6:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) further selects \(n_{sj}\) and computes:

    $$\begin{aligned} M_3&=n_{sj} \oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} \textit{SK}_{ji}&=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} M_4&=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
  7. Step IA 7:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) sends \(M_3\) and \(M_4\) to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) as response message.

  8. Step IA 8:

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) intercepts the message and computes:

    $$\begin{aligned} n_{sj}&=M_3\oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} \textit{SK}_{ij}&=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} M_{\bar{5}}&=h(\textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$
  9. Step IA 9:

    \({\mathcal {A}}\) sends \(M_{\bar{5}}\) to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  10. Step IA 10:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) checks \(M_{\bar{5}} \mathop {=}\limits ^{?} h(h(\textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert P_a)\) and finds it to be true.

Hence, \({\mathcal {A}}\) successfully deceived \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) by impersonating himself as \({\mathcal {U}}_i\). The shared key between \({\mathcal {A}}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) is:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{SK}_{ji}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert P_{a}) \end{aligned}$$

5 Proposed scheme

This section elaborates the proposed improvement of Lu et al.’s scheme. The main problem of Lu et al.’s scheme is usage of secret parameter \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\). This parameter is stored on smart card of each user. Therefore, an adversary after registering to the system can extract \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\) from his own smart card. After obtaining \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\), the adversary can easily impersonate himself any user of the system. In proposed scheme, we have alternated the generic secret \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\) by a unique secret \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\). The proposed scheme as illustrated in Fig. 3 is described in following subsections.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Proposed scheme

5.1 Registration phase

Registration involves following three steps:

  1. Step PR 1:

    \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) selects his identity \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), password \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\) and a random number \(N_{ui}\). Then \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) scans his biometrics \(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\). Further \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) sends \(\{\textit{ID}_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui},N_{ui})\}\) to \(\textit{RC}\) on a private channel.

  2. Step PR 2:

    \(\textit{RC}\) computes \(R_{ui}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and personalizes the smart card \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) by \(\{R_{ui},h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\}\), where \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) is the shared secret key between \(\textit{RC}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\). \(\textit{RC}\) using private channel sends \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\).

  3. Step PR 3:

    Upon receiving smart card, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes \(X_{ui}=h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\oplus h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})\), \(B_{ui}=N_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\). Then \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) deletes \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert {} \textit{ID}_{ui})\) from smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) and stores \(X_{ui}\) and \(B_{ui}\) in the smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)). Finally, the smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) contains \(\{R_{ui},X_{ui},B_{ui},h()\}\).

5.2 Login and authentication phase

During login and authentication phase, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inserts his \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) into card reader, imprints his biometrics (\(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\)) and submits \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\) and \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\). The steps performed by \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) are as follows:

  1. Step LA1:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(N_{ui}=B_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\) and \(R_{ui}'=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  2. Step LA2:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) verifies \(R_{ui}\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if not true, \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) aborts the session.

  3. Step LA3:

    \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) generates a random number \(n_{ui}\) and computes \(M_1=E_{\textit{Pub}_{sj}}(\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and \(M_2=h((X_{ui}\oplus h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})\Vert n_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  4. Step LA4:

    Further, \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) sends login message \(\{ M_2,M_3\}\) to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  5. Step LA5:

    For the received login message, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) using his private key decrypts \(M_1\) to get \((\textit{ID}_{ui},n_{ui},h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\).

  6. Step LA6:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) checks whether \(M_2\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\Vert n_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if not true \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) aborts the session. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) selects a random number \(n_{sj}\) and computes \(M_3=n_{sj} \oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), the session key \(\textit{SK}_{ji}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and \(M_4=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). Further \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) sends \(\{M_3,M_4\}\) to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\).

  7. Step LA7:

    For the received login message, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes \(n_{sj}=M_3\oplus h(n_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})) \) and session key \(\textit{SK}_{ij}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) then checks \(M_4 \mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). If it holds, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) ponders \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) as authenticated.

  8. Step LA8:

    Finally, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) computes and sends \(M_5=h(\textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) to \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

  9. Step LA9:

    \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) checks \(M_5 \mathop {=}\limits ^{?} h(h(\textit{SK}_{ji}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\) if it holds, \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) ponders \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) as authenticated.

The computed shared key between \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) is:

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{SK}_{ij}=h(n_{ui}\Vert n_{sj}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})) \end{aligned}$$

5.3 Password change phase

\({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inserts his smart card (\(\textit{SC}_{ui}\)) in specialized reader. \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) then inputs \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\) and \(\textit{BIO}_{ui}\). \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(N_{ui}=B_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\) and checks \(R_{ui}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), if it hold \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) asks for new password. \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) inputs new password \(\textit{PW}_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\). \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) computes \(R_{ui}^{\textit{new}} = h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\Vert N_{ui}))\) and \(X_{ui}^{\textit{new}} = X_{ui}\oplus h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})\oplus h(\textit{PW}_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}^{\textit{new}})\). Finally, \(\textit{SC}_{ui}\) replaces \(R_{ui}\) and \(X_{ui}\) by \(R_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\) and \(X_{ui}^{\textit{new}}\).

6 Security analysis

This section elaborates the security analysis of proposed scheme. Here, we prove that proposed scheme is robust and can with stand several attacks under the common adversarial model as mentioned in Sect. 2.3. The evidence is solicited in following subsections.

6.1 Formal security

To demonstrate that proposed scheme is provably secure, we adopted the same analysis as mentioned in [33, 34]. For analysis, we define Reveal oracle as follows:

  • Reveal: This oracle results an input string S from the hash code \(T=h(S)\).

Theorem 1

The proposed scheme is provably secure against an adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) for stemming \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s identity \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), password \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\), the session key \(\textit{SK}_{ij}\) and the shared key \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) between Registration center \(\textit{RC}\) and the server \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) considering one way hash function as a random oracle.

Proof 1

For the proof purpose, we construct an attacker \({\mathcal {A}}\) with capabilities to derive a legal user \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\), the session key \(\textit{SK}_{ij}\) between \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) and the shared key \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) between \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) and \(\textit{RC}\). \({\mathcal {A}}\) simulates Reveal oracle to executes algorithmic experiment \(\textit{EXPE}1^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}},\textit{MSBTFAS}}\) against our proposed multiserver biometric-based three factor authentication scheme (\(\textit{MSBTFAS}\)). The success probability for \(\textit{EXPE}1^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}},\textit{MSBTFAS}}\) is defined as \(\textit{Succe}_1=|\textit{Pr}[\textit{EXPE}1^{\textit{HASH}}_{{\mathcal {A}},\textit{MSBTFAS}}=1]-1|\). The adversary advantage is defined as \(\textit{Advt}_{{\mathcal {A}}, \textit{MSBTFAS}}^{\textit{HASH}}(t_{e1},q_{rv}) = max_{{\mathcal {A}}}(\textit{Succe}_1)\), where \(t_{e1}\) is the maximum execution time for polynomial bound adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) and \(q_{rv}\) are the maximum number of Reveal queries. Referring to the experiment, \({\mathcal {A}}\) can derive \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\), \(\textit{SK}_{ij}\) and \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\) if he can invert hash value (i.e. find S out of h(S)), which is infeasible as per Definition 1. Therefore, \(\textit{Advt}_A^{\textit{HASH}}(t_{e1})\le \epsilon \) for sufficiently small value \(\epsilon > 0\). The advantage \(\textit{Advt}_{{\mathcal {A}},,\textit{MSBTFAS}}^{\textit{HASH}}(t_{e1},q_{rv})\) relies on \(\textit{Advt}_A^{\textit{HASH}}(t_{e1})\). Hence, \(\textit{Advt}_{{\mathcal {A}}, \textit{MSBTFAS}}^{\textit{HASH}} (t_{e1},q_{rv})\le \epsilon \). Therefore, the proposed scheme is secure against \({\mathcal {A}}\) for deriving \(\textit{ID}_{ui}\), \(\textit{PW}_{ui}\), \(\textit{SK}_{ij}\) and \(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\). \(\square \)

figure a

6.2 Further security discussion

In this subsection, we informally describes the security functionalities provided by proposed scheme.

6.2.1 Anonymity and privacy

In proposed scheme, \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s identity \((\textit{ID}_{ui})\) is not transmitted in plain text, rather it is encrypted by intended server \({\mathcal {S}}_j\)’s public key. Hence, only \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) can know the real identity of the sender. Furthermore, the message \(M_1\) contains session specific \(n_{ui}\). Hence, no adversary can predict whether two sessions are initiated by same user.

6.2.2 Mutual authentication

\({\mathcal {S}}_j\) authenticates \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) by verifying \(M_2\mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\Vert n_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). To compute valid \(M_2\) the adversary needs \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\) which can only be computed by involving both \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s password and smart card. Similarly \({\mathcal {S}}_j\) is authenticated by verifying \(M_4 \mathop {=}\limits ^{?}h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert n_{ui}\Vert \textit{SK}_{ij}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\). \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) sends \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) to server as authentication request. The session specific information \(n_{ui}\) and \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s password, identity and secret number \(N_{ui}\) can be extracted by decrypting \(M_1\). As \(M_1\) is decrypted by using public key of \({\mathcal {S}}_j\). Hence to decrypt one needs private key of \({\mathcal {S}}_j\). Hence, only legal user can generate valid \((M_1,M_2)\) pair. Similarly, only legal server can respond by \(M_4\). Therefore, proposed scheme posses mutual authentication between \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) and \({\mathcal {S}}_j\).

6.2.3 User and server impersonation attacks

As described earlier in Sect. 6.2.2, only legal user can generate valid request \((M_1,M_2)\) pair and only valid intended server can generate valid response \(M_4\) and no adversary can generate either of the mentioned messages. Hence, proposed scheme resists user as well as server impersonation attacks.

6.2.4 Smart card theft/stolen attack

In proposed scheme, even if an adversary becomes able to acquire \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s smart card. The adversary can further extracts \(R_{ui}=h(\textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui}))\), \(X_{ui}=h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\oplus h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})\) and \(B_{ui}=N_{ui}\oplus H(\textit{BIO}_{ui})\). Then to obtain \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\) and \(N_{ui}\) he needs \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s password as well as biometrics. Hence, no forgery attack is possible with theft smart card.

6.2.5 Replay attack

An adversary after intercepting a previous message request \((M_1,M_2)\) can replay it later on. But he will not be able to compute session specific \((n_{ui},n_{sj})\) and password-related \(h(\textit{PW}_{ui}\Vert N_{ui})\). Furthermore, adversary will not be able to generate valid response message \(M_5\). Hence no replay attack is feasible on proposed scheme.

6.2.6 Perfect forward secrecy

In proposed scheme, the session key contains session specific \(n_{ui}\) contributed by \({\mathcal {U}}_i\) and \(n_{sj}\) putted by \({\mathcal {S}}_j\). If some session key or long term private key of the server or user’s password is exposed to the adversary it will have no effect on established session keys.

6.2.7 Insider and stolen verifier attacks

In proposed scheme, the user’s password is not sent in plain text to the server. Furthermore, the server does not store any verifier table for user authentication. Hence, no insider or stolen verifier attack is possible on proposed scheme.

6.2.8 Password guessing attack

In proposed scheme, the information relating to \({\mathcal {U}}_i\)’s password is protected by \(N_{ui}\) and one way hash function. Furthermore, there is no parameter to verify correctness of user’s password. Hence password guessing attack is not feasible on proposed scheme.

6.2.9 No clock synchronization

The proposed scheme made use of session specific random number \(n_{ui}\) and \(n_{sj}\) for authentication. There is no time stamp involved in any message. Hence in proposed scheme, there is no need to perform clock synchronization.

7 Verification through ProVerif

Cryptographic verification aims to examine the robustness of protocols against strong active attackers such as insiders who know some of the cryptographic parameters. ProVerif as designed is an automated verification tool to analyze security protocols against strong adversaries. Based on applied \(\pi \) calculus, ProVerif can verify numerous security aspects like: secrecy, reachability, and authentication [4348]. To analyze the security of proposed scheme, we model the mentioned steps of Sect. 5, which are also illustrated in Fig. 3. The formal model of ProVerif can be described by following three parts: (1) declaration; (2) process; and (3) main. Declaration part is reserved for defining variables, constants and cryptographic primitives. As shown in Fig. 4a, we define two channels, the variables and constants. We also model the primitives used in proposed scheme as constructors, destructors and equations in declaration part. We define three processes for each registration center, server and user in processes part as shown in Fig. 4b. In main part, we simulate parallel execution of the three processes. To verify reachability property, we define start and end events of server and user. Finally, we applied three queries as shown in Fig. 4c. Following are the results:

  1. 1.

    RESULT inj-event(end_ServerSj(id)) ==> inj-event(begin_ServerSj(id)) is true.

  2. 2.

    RESULT inj-event(end_UserUi(id_3409))  ==> inj-event(begin_UserUi(id_3409)) is true.

  3. 3.

    RESULT not attacker(SKij[]) is true.

Results (1) and (2) confirms both the user and server processes initiated and terminated successfully which verifies that proposed scheme is correct and posses the reachability property. Result (3) confirms that the attacker is not able to compute the session key \((\textit{SK}ij[])\). Hence, proposed scheme is correct and fulfills reachability as well as secrecy and authentication properties.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ProVerif validation. a Declarations, b processes, c main

Table 2 Comparison of security parameters

8 Performance and security comparisons

This section elaborates the performance and security comparisons of proposed and related recent schemes [3234]. We illustrate the security comparison of proposed scheme with related schemes in Table under the mentioned adversarial model in Sect. 2.3. The vulnerability to impersonation attack of Lu et al.’s scheme was due to the fact, they used a generic value \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\) to authenticate any user. Hence a registered user can extract this value from his smart card and then can impersonate himself as any user of the system provided he obtains the public identity of the user. We alternated the use of generic value \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs})\) by user specific value \(h(\textit{PSK}_{rs}\Vert \textit{ID}_{ui})\), which prevents impersonation and other attacks. Refer to Table 2, Proposed scheme is robust against all attacks, while all other schemes are vulnerable to impersonation attacks. In addition, Mishra et al. scheme does not provide forward secrecy, while Chaung et al.’s scheme can not resist smart card lost/theft attack. Following are the notations used for performance comparison:

  • \(t_{h}\): time to compute hash code

  • \(t_{pml}\): time to perform point multiplication

  • \(t_{aen}\): time to perform asymmetric operations

Table 3 illustrates the computational cost comparisons. It can be seen that only Mishra et al. and Chaung et al.’s schemes are having least cost because both schemes are based on hash function. Proposed scheme is having same computation cost as of Lu et al.’s scheme. Hence proposed scheme not only improved the security but is also having same computation cost as of Lu et al.’s scheme.

Table 3 Computational cost comparison

9 Conclusion

In this paper, we analyzed Lu et al.’s biometric-based authentication scheme for multiserver environments. We proved that Lu et al.’s scheme cannot withstand user impersonation attack. Then we proposed an improved and robust biometric-based authentication scheme to enhance security. We also proved the security of proposed scheme using popular automated tool ProVerif. The improved scheme did not change the computation and communication costs of original scheme while ensuring security and privacy of the remote user.