
Nowadays, with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, telecare medicine information systems (TMISs) are widely used to provide healthcare services remotely. By using TMISs, patients (especially in hard-to-reach places and rural areas) can stay at their home and obtain healthcare services at the right time and lower cost. Patients can send their body parameters which indicate their health condition to medical servers and receive a proper treatment from doctors [1, 2]. These systems not only reduces patients expenses and problems, but also can save precious resources in hospitals, such as veteran doctors, beds, medical devices and so on. Furthermore, since hospitals and healthcare providers can share their stored patients medical records via the internet, repeated medical examinations are not needed and doctors can rapidly diagnose diseases and prescribe appropriate treatments [3].

In TMISs, medical servers maintain patients electronic medical records such as personal information, health records, and physiological parameters (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, etc.) [46]. Since these data are sensitive, access to medical servers should be controlled to prevent unauthorized accesses and preserve patients’ privacy [79]. Furthermore, the security (e.g., confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity) of data that are exchanged between users (e.g., patients and doctors) and medical servers should be provided because these data are the basis of medical decisions, and any modification of them may cause a substantial injury to the patients [7, 10]. Access to medical servers’ resources can be controlled by an authentication process and security of data that are exchanged can be provided by encrypting/authenticating them with the keys that are negotiated during a key agreement process [2, 7, 11, 12]. Therefore, a secure authentication and key agreement scheme is a proper solution to provide security and privacy in TMISs. Until now, many authentication and key agreement schemes have been proposed to provide security in TMISs.

In 2012, Wu et al. [13] proposed an authentication scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) for TMISs. However, He et al. in [14] demonstrated that Wu et al.’s scheme [13] is insecure against the privileged insider and impersonation attacks. In order to enhance the security of Wu et al.’s scheme [13], He et al. proposed an improved DLP-based authentication scheme for TMISs [14]. Since the scheme proposed by He et al. [14] required fewer exponentiation operations than Wu et al.’s scheme [13], it was more efficient than Wu et al.’s scheme [13]. Nevertheless, Wei et al. [15] showed that both Wu et al.’s scheme [13] and He et al.’s scheme [14] are vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks. Furthermore, in order to improve the security, Wei et al. suggested their improved DLP-based authentication scheme for TMISs [15]. Unfortunately, Zhu in [16] demonstrated that Wei et al.’s scheme [15] similar to the previous schemes is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks. In addition, in order to enhance the security of Wei et al.’s scheme [15], Zhu [16] proposed a new authentication scheme for TMISs.

In 2013, Khan et al. [17] demonstrated that Zhu’s scheme [16] is vulnerable to online password guessing attacks and does not provide key agreement. In order to overcome the weaknesses of Zhu’s scheme [16], Khan et al. proposed an improved authentication scheme for TMISs [17]. Furthermore, Lee et al. in [18] demonstrated that Zhu’s scheme [16] is insecure against parallel attacks. Lee et al. [18] also proposed an improved authentication scheme and claimed that their scheme could withstand various attacks. Nevertheless, Das et al. [19] showed that since in the password change phase of Lee et al.’s scheme [18] the smart card does not verify the inputted old password, if a user mistakenly enters a wrong old password, then he/she will no longer be able to login to the medical server. Therefore, the password change process of Lee et al.’s scheme [18] does not work properly and this can lead to denial-of-services attacks [19].

In 2014, Bin Muhaya [20] demonstrated that Zhu’s scheme [16] is insecure against user impersonation attacks, off-line password guessing attacks and denial-of-service attacks. Bin Muhaya [20] also claimed that Khan et al.’s scheme [17], which is an improvement of Zhu’s scheme [16], is vulnerable to user impersonation attacks and denial-of-services attacks and also does not provide user anonymity. In order to improve the security of the previous schemes, Bin Muhaya [20] proposed an improved authentication and key agreement scheme for TMISs. However, in this paper, it is demonstrated that Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20] is also vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks and does not provide perfect forward secrecy that is an important security requirement for security protocols [21]. Furthermore, in order to overcome the weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20], a new two-factor authentication and key agreement scheme based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) is proposed. The proposed scheme not only could overcome the weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme, but also has better performance compared to previous schemes.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section “Review of Bin Muhaya’s scheme” provides a brief review of Bin Muhaya’s scheme. Section “Weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme” presents the security weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme. Our improved authentication and key agreement scheme is described in Section “The peoposed scheme”. Sections “Security analysis” and “Performance analysis” analyze the security and performance of the proposed scheme. Finally, Section “Conclusion” concludes the paper.

Review of Bin Muhaya’s scheme

In this section, we will briefly review Bin Muhaya’s authentication scheme [20] which consists of four phases namely initialization phase, registration phase, login-authentication cum session key agreement phase, and password change phase. Definition of notations used in Bin Muhaya’s scheme is summarized in Table 1. The registration and login-authentication cum session key agreement phases of Bin Muhaya’s scheme are illustrated in Fig. 1.

Table 1 Notationsused in Bin Muhaya’s scheme
Fig. 1
figure 1

Bin Muhaya’s scheme

Initialization phase

In this phase, the medical server chooses two prime numbers p and q and computes n=p q. Then, the medical server chooses a secure one-way hash function \(h(\cdot ): \{0,1\}^{\ast } \rightarrow {Z_{q}}^{\ast }\), and two integers e and d such that (d e mod (p−1) (q−1))=1. Finally, the medical server keeps d as its secret key and publishes (e,n) as its public key.

Registration phase

The user registration process in Bin Muhaya’s scheme[20] involves the following steps.

  1. Step 1:

    The user chooses his/her identity I D i and password P W i , and generates a random number N C . Then, the user computes N P W i =h(P W i N C ) and sends a registration request message {I D i , N P W i } to the medical server through a secure channel.

  2. Step 2:

    After receiving the message {I D i , N P W i } from the user, the medical server computes B i =h(I D i d)⊕N P W i and C i =h(I D i d)⊕h(I D i N P W i ). Then, the medical server stores {h(⋅), e, n, B i , C i } in a smart card and issues the smart card to the user via the secure channel.

  3. Step 3:

    After receiving the smart card, the user stores N C in the memory of the smart card.

Login-authentication cum session key agreement phase

In this phase, the user and the medical server authenticate each other and negotiate a session key as follows.

  1. Step 1:

    The user inserts his/her smart card into a card reader and enters his/her I D i and P W i . Then, the smart card computes N P W i =h(P W i N C ), \(B_{i}^{\ast } = B_{i}\oplus NPW_{i}\), and \(C_{i}^{\ast } = C_{i}\oplus B_{i}^{\ast }\) and checks whether \(C_{i}^{\ast }\) is equal to h(I D i N P W i ) or not. If they are not equal, it stops the process. Otherwise, it selects a random number W C , computes \(h_{C} = h(B_{i}^{\ast }\parallel W_{C})\) and X C =(h C W C I D i )e mod n, and sends a login request message {X C } to the medical server through a public channel.

  2. Step 2:

    On receiving the message {X C }, the medical server decrypts X C as \((X_{C})^{d} \bmod n = (h_{C}^{\ast }\parallel W_{C}^{\ast }\parallel ID_{i}^{\ast })\), and checks whether \(ID_{i}^{\ast }\) is a valid identity or not. If it is not a valid identity, the medical server terminates the session. Otherwise, it checks whether \(h_{C}^{\ast }\) is equal to \(h(h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\oplus d)\parallel W_{C}^{\ast })\) or not. If they are not equal, the medical server terminates the session. Otherwise, it selects a random number W S , computes \(h_{S} = h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\), \(W_{C}^{\ast }\), W S ), and sends a message {h S , W S } to the user through the public channel.

  3. Step 3:

    Upon receiving the message {h S , W S }, the user checks whether h S is equal to h(I D i , W C , W S ) or not. If they are not equal, the user halts the process. Otherwise, the user authenticates the medical server, computes h C2=h(I D i , W S , W C ), and sends a response message {h C2} to the medical server through the public channel. Furthermore, the user computes the shared session key S k e y as S k e y =h(I D i W C B i h(P W i N C )∥h C W S ).

  4. Step 4:

    After receiving the message {h C2} from the user, the medical server checks whether the received h C2 is equal to \(h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\), W S , \(W_{C}^{\ast })\) or not. If they are equal, the medical server authenticates the user, accepts the login request, and computes the shared session key S k e y as \(S_{key} = h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\parallel W_{C}^{\ast }\parallel h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\oplus d)\parallel h_{C}\parallel W_{S})\).

Password change phase

When a user decides to change his/her current password P W i , he/she inserts his/her smart card into the card reader and enters his/her I D i and P W i , and also a new password \({PW_{i}}^{New}\). Then, the smart card computes N P W i =h(P W i N C ), \(B_{i}^{\ast } = B_{i}\oplus NPW_{i}\), and \(C_{i}^{\ast } = C_{i} \oplus B_{i}^{\ast }\) and checks whether \(C_{i}^{\ast }\) is equal to h(I D i N P W i ) or not. If they are equal, the smart card computes \({NPW_{i}}^{New} = h({PW_{i}}^{New}\parallel N_{C})\), \({B_{i}}^{New} = B_{i}\oplus NPW_{i} \oplus {NPW_{i}}^{New}\), and \({C_{i}}^{New} = C_{i}\oplus h(ID_{i}\parallel NPW_{i})\oplus h(ID_{i}\parallel {NPW_{i}}^{New})\) and replaces B i and C i with \({B_{i}}^{New}\) and \({C_{i}}^{New}\), respectively.

Weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme

This section demonstrates that Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20] is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks and does not provide perfect forward secrecy.

Off-line password guessing attack

If an adversary steals or finds a user’s smart card, he/she is able to guess its password as follows:

  1. Step 1:

    The adversary retrieves { h(⋅), e, n, B i , C i , N C } from the memory of the smart card by using the methods proposed in [22, 23], where B i =h(I D i d)⊕N P W i , C i =h(I D i d)⊕h(I D i N P W i ), and N P W i =h(P W i N C ).

  2. Step 2:

    The adversary selects a pair (\(ID_{i}^{\ast }\), \(PW_{i}^{\ast }\)) from the Cartesian product D I D ×D P W , where D I D and D P W denote the identity space and the password space, respectively.

  3. Step 3:

    The adversary computes \(NPW_{i}^{\ast } = h(PW_{i}^{\ast }\parallel N_{C})\), \(B_{i}^{\ast } = B_{i}\oplus NPW_{i}^{\ast }\), and \(C_{i}^{\ast } = C_{i}\oplus B_{i}^{\ast }\) and checks whether \(C_{i}^{\ast }\) is equal to \(h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\parallel NPW_{i}^{\ast })\) or not. If they are equal, it implies that he/she has selected the right pair (\(ID_{i}^{\ast }\), \(PW_{i}^{\ast }\)); otherwise, he/she repeats Steps 2 and 3 until he/she succeeds.

Since the user’s identity and password have low entropy, an adversary can enumerate all pairs (I D i , P W i ) in the Cartesian product D I D ×D P W within polynomial time [2428]. Therefore, the presented attack is feasible and Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20] is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks.

Lack of perfect forward secrecy

Suppose an adversary has eavesdropped and recorded the previously transmitted messages {X C } and { h S , W S }. If the adversary somehow obtains the medical server’s secret key, d, he/she is able to compute the session key of each previous communication session as follows:

  1. Step 1:

    The adversary decrypts X C with the obtained secret key d as (X C )d mod n=(h C W C I D i ).

  2. Step 2:

    Then, the adversary computes the session key S k e y as S k e y =h(I D i W C h(I D i d)∥h C W S ).

Therefore, since disclosure of the medical server’s secret key leads to compromising the previously established session keys, it can be said that the perfect forward secrecy is not supported in Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20].

The peoposed scheme

In order to overcome the weaknesses of Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20], a new two-factor user anonymity preserving authentication and key agreement scheme for TMISs is proposed in this section. The proposed scheme includes four phases: system setup phase, registration phase, authentication phase, and password change phase. The definition of notations used in the proposed scheme is summarized in Table 2 and the phases are described in the following subsections.

Table 2 Notations used in the proposed scheme

System setup phase

In this phase, which runs once at the system initialization time, the medical server chooses an elliptic curve E [29] and selects a point P with the large order n over the elliptic curve as the base point. Then, the medical server selects a random integer \(x \in _{R} {Z_{p}}^{\ast }\) as its secret key and computes its public key Y=x P. Moreover, the medical server chooses a secure one-way hash function \(h(\cdot ): \{0,1\}^{\ast }\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{l}\), where l is the length of the output. Finally, the medical server publishes (E, n, P, Y, h(⋅)) as system parameters and keeps x securely.

Registration phase

Figure 2 shows the registration process of the proposed scheme. In this phase, which runs once for each user, the following steps are performed over a secure channel to register the user with the medical server.

  1. Step 1:

    The user chooses an identity I D i and sends a registration request message {I D i } to the medical server.

  2. Step 2:

    Upon receiving the registration request message {I D i }, the medical server checks whether I D i exists in its database or not. If it does not exist, the medical server selects a random number N S and computes the user’s masked identity M I D i =h(I D i N S ) and the user’s authenticator A i =h(I D i xM I D i ). Finally, the medical server stores {M I D i , I D i } in its database and { A i , E, M I D i , n, P, Y, h(⋅)} in a smart card and then sends the smart card to the user.

  3. Step 3:

    Upon receiving the smart card, the user chooses a password P W i , computes B i =A i h(I D i P W i ), and replaces A i with B i in the smart card. Finally, the smart card contains { B i , E, M I D i , n, P, Y, h(⋅)}.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Rgistration phase of the proposed scheme

Authentication phase

Figure 3 shows the mutual authentication and key agreement process of the proposed scheme. In this phase, which runs frequently, the following steps are performed over a public channel.

  1. Step 1:

    The user inserts his/her smart card into a card reader and enters his/her I D i and P W i . Then, the smart card selects a random integer \(d_{C} \in _{R} {Z_{p}}^{\ast }\) and computes A i =B i h(I D i P W i ), Q C =d C P, V 1=h(I D i A i Q C T 1), K 1=d C Y=d C (x P), \({V_{1}}^{\prime } = V_{1}\oplus h(K_{1}\parallel T_{1})\), and \({MID_{i}}^{\prime } = MID_{i}\oplus h(K_{1})\), where T 1 is the current timestamp and A i =h(I D i xM I D i ). At last, it sends a login request message {\({MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1} to the medical server.

  2. Step 2:

    Upon receiving the message {\({MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1}, the medical server checks the validity of the timestamp T 1 by checking the condition T 2T 1?≤ΔT, where T 2 is the current timestamp and ΔT denotes the predetermined maximum transmission delay. If the condition does not hold, the medical server terminates the session. Otherwise, the medical server computes \(K_{1}^{\ast }= xQ_{C} = x(d_{C}P)\), \(V_{1} = {V_{1}}^{\prime } \oplus h(K_{1}^{\ast }\parallel T_{1})\), and \(MID_{i} = {MID_{i}}^{\prime } \oplus h(K_{1}^{\ast })\), retrieves I D i from its database based on the masked identity M I D i , and checks whether h(I D i h(I D i xM I D i )∥Q C T 1) is equal to V 1 or not. If they are not equal, the medical server terminates the session. Otherwise, the medical server selects a random integer \(d_{S} \in _{R} {Z_{p}}^{*}\), computes Q S =d S P, K 2=d S Q C =d S d C P, and V 2=h(Q S V 1K 2), and sends a challenge message {Q S , V 2} to the user.

  3. Step 3:

    After receiving the message {Q S , V 2} from the medical server, the user computes \(K_{2}^{\ast } = d_{C}Q_{S} = d_{C}d_{S}P\) and checks whether \(h(Q_{S}\parallel V_{1}\parallel K_{2}^{\ast })\) is equal to the received V 2 or not. If they are not equal, the user stops the process. Otherwise, he/she authenticates the medical server, computes \(V_{3} = h(V_{1}\parallel V_{2}\parallel K_{2}^{\ast })\) and sends a response message {V 3} to the medical server. Finally, the user computes the shared session key SK as S K=h(I D i Q C Q S \( K_{2}^{\ast })\).

  4. Step 4:

    Upon receiving the message {V 3}, the medical server checks whether h(V 1V 2K 2) is equal to the received V 3 or not. If they are not equal, the medical server terminates the session. Otherwise, the medical server authenticates the user and computes the shared session key SK as S K=h(I D i Q C Q S K 2).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Authentication phase of the proposed scheme

Password change phase

When a user wants to change his/her password, he/she inserts his/her smart card into the card reader and enters his/her identity I D i and password P W i , and a new password \({PW_{i}}^{New}\).

  1. Step 1:

    This step is the same as Step 1 in Section “Authentication phase”.

  2. Step 2:

    This step is the same as Step 2 in Section “Authentication phase”.

  3. Step 3:

    On receiving the message {Q S , V 2}, the smart card computes \(K_{2}^{\ast } = d_{C}Q_{S} = d_{C}d_{S}P\) and checks whether \(h(Q_{S}\parallel V_{1}\parallel K_{2}^{\ast })\) is equal to the received V 2 or not. If they are not equal, the smart card stops the process. Otherwise, it computes \({B_{i}}^{New} = h(ID_{i}\parallel {PW_{i}}^{New})\oplus h(ID_{i}\parallel PW_{i})\oplus B_{i} =h(ID_{i}\parallel {PW_{i}}^{New})\oplus h(ID_{i}\parallel PW_{i})\oplus h(ID_{i}\parallel PW_{i})\oplus A_{i} =h(ID_{i}\parallel {PW_{i}}^{New})\oplus A_{i}\) and then replaces B i with \({B_{i}}^{New}\).

Security analysis

In this section, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme not only could withstand replay attacks, password guessing attacks, server impersonation attacks, user impersonation attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, privileged insider attacks, and modification attacks, but also could provide perfect forward secrecy, known-key security, and user anonymity.

Replay attacks

In the proposed scheme, if an adversary sends an old login request message \(\{{MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1} to the medical server, the medical server can detect a replay attack by checking the condition T 2T 1?≤ΔT, where T 2 is the time when the medical server receives the login request message and ΔT denotes the maximum transmission delay. The adversary may replay the eavesdropped login request message \(\{{MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1} within the expected valid time interval. However, since the adversary does not know d C , he/she cannot produce a valid response message {V 3} after receiving the medical server’s challenge message {Q S , V 2}, where \(V_{3} = h({V_{1}}^{\prime } \oplus h(d_{C}Y\parallel T_{1})\parallel V_{2}\parallel d_{C}Q_{S})\). Therefore, the proposed scheme is secure against replay attacks.

Password guessing attacks

Suppose an adversary steals or finds a user’s smart card. The adversary may retrieve {B i , M I D i } from the memory of the smart card, guess a pair \((ID_{i}^{\ast }\), \(PW_{i}^{\ast })\), and compute \(h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\parallel PW_{i}^{\ast })\). However, since the adversary does not know the medical server’s secret key, x, he/she is not able to check the correctness of his/her guessed pair (\(ID_{i}^{\ast }\), \(PW_{i}^{\ast }\)) as \(h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\parallel PW_{i}^{\ast })~=?~B_{i}\oplus h(ID_{i}^{\ast }\parallel x\parallel MID_{i})\). Even if the adversary has all the previously transmitted login and authentication messages, he/she is still not able to check the correctness of his/her guessed \(ID_{i}^{\ast }\) and \(PW_{i}^{\ast }\). Because, he/she cannot relate the stolen smart card with its corresponding login and authentication messages. Therefore, the proposed scheme can resist the off-line password guessing attacks.

It is well known that online password guessing attacks can be defeated by limiting the number of continuous failed login requests. For example, the medical server blocks the user account for a certain amount of time (e.g. 15 minutes) after a certain amount of continuous failed login requests (e.g. three times) within a certain amount of time (e.g. one hour). In order to hold the account accessible for the legal user, the system can be designed in a way that the legal user can reactivate his/her blocked account using a Private Unblocking Key (PUK). In addition, it can be implemented in a way that instead of blocking the user account (after a certain amount of continuous failed login requests), the medical server asks some security questions in addition to the password. Furthermore, CAPTCHA [30] can also be used to prevent automated attacks. The system can also be designed in a way that upon entering the right password by the user, the medical server sends a code to the user through another communication channel; the user is then requested to enter the code to complete the authentication process.

Server impersonation attacks

In the proposed scheme, if an adversary wants to impersonate a legal medical server, he/she has to compute a proper verification message V 2 that corresponds to the user’s login request message \(\{{MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1}. Since the adversary does not know the medical server’s secret key, x, he/she is not able to derive V 1 from \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\) as \(V_{1} = {V_{1}}^{\prime } \oplus h(xQ_{C}\parallel T_{1})\). Hence, the adversary cannot compute a proper value V 2 as V 2=h(Q S V 1K 2). Therefore, since the adversary cannot produce a proper challenge message {Q S , V 2}, he/she fails to impersonate the medical server.

User impersonation attacks

In the proposed scheme, if an adversary wants to impersonate a legal user, he/she has to forge the messages {\({MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1} and {V 3}. Even if the adversary steals the user’s smart card and retrieves { B i , E, M I D i , n, P, Y, h(⋅)} from the smart card’s memory, since he/she does not know P W i and I D i , he/she is not able to compute the user’s authenticator A i as A i =B i h(I D i P W i ). Hence, the adversary cannot compute V 1=h(I D i A i Q C T 1) and thus cannot produce a valid login request message {\({MID_{i}}^{\prime }\), \({V_{1}}^{\prime }\), Q C , T 1}, where \({V_{1}}^{\prime } = V_{1}\oplus h(d_{C}Y\parallel T_{1})\). Therefore, the proposed scheme could withstand user impersonation attacks.

Man-in-the-middle attacks

Since the proposed scheme is secure against the user and server impersonation attacks, the mutual authentication is provided in our proposed scheme and man-in-the-middle attacks cannot succeed in our scheme.

Privileged insider attacks

Since in the registration phase of the proposed scheme, the user only submits his/her identity I D i to the medical server and does not send his/her password, the privileged user of the medical server has no way to obtain the user’s password. Therefore, the proposed scheme is immune from privileged insider attacks.

Modification attacks

In the proposed scheme, an adversary is not able to modify the login and authentication messages, because the user and the medical server can detect any unauthorized modification by verifying the verification messages V 1, V 2, and V 3. If an adversary wants to modify the login and authentication messages, he/she has to compute a proper verification message V 1, V 2, or V 3. However, since the values of A i =h(I D i xM I D i ) and K 2=d C d S P are required to compute the verification messages V 1, V 2, and V 3 and the adversary does not know them, the adversary is not able to compute a proper verification message V 1, V 2, or V 3 for his/her modified messages. Therefore, the user and the medical server can detect any unauthorized modification by verifying V 1, V 2, and V 3.

Perfect forward secrecy

In the proposed scheme, S K=h(I D i Q C Q S d C d S P) is a shared session key between the user and the medical server. Even if an adversary obtains the medical server’s secret key, x, or the user’s password, P W i , he/she is still not able to compute old session keys, because without knowing d C or d S it is impossible to compute d C d S P. It should be noted that due to the hardness of ECDLP [29] the adversary is not able to derive d C and d S from Q C and Q S , respectively. Therefore, the perfect forward secrecy is supported in the proposed scheme.

Known-key security

Due to the randomness of d C and d S in the proposed scheme, the produced session key in each session is different and independent of other session keys. Therefore, knowing a session key does not help an adversary to compute other session keys. Hence, it can be said that the known-key security is supported in the proposed scheme.

User anonymity

In the authentication phase of the proposed scheme, the user sends \({MID_{i}}^{\prime }=MID_{i}\oplus h(d_{C}Y)=h(ID_{i}\parallel N_{S})\oplus h(xQ_{C})\) instead of his/her real identity I D i to the medical server. Hence, since the adversary does not know the medical server’s secret key, x, and the random number N S , he/she is not able to obtain the user’s real identity I D i . Therefore, the proposed scheme provides user anonymity.

Performance analysis

In this section, the efficiency of the proposed scheme is evaluated and the proposed scheme is compared with Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20] and the related schemes [16, 17] in terms of the computational costs, running times, and security properties. For the computation cost evaluation, the following notations are employed.

  • m e t : the time complexity of performing a modular exponentiation.

  • p m t : the time complexity of performing an elliptic curve point multiplication.

  • h t : the time complexity of a hash function operation.

  • x t : the time complexity of a bit-wise exclusive-or (XOR) operation.

The proposed scheme in the registration phase requires three hash function operations and one exclusive-or operation; therefore, the computational cost of the registration phase is 3h t +1x t . During the authentication phase of the proposed scheme, six elliptic curve point multiplication operations, twelve hash function operations, and five exclusive-or operations are required. Therefore, the computational cost of the authentication phase of the proposed scheme is 6p m t +12h t +5x t .

In order to provide a precise performance comparison, the experiment data reported in[31, 32] are used. As reported in [31, 32] the average execution time of a modular exponentiation, an elliptic curve point multiplication and a hash function operation is 522 ms, 63.075 ms, and 0.5 ms, respectively. Moreover, it is assumed that the time of performing an exclusive-or operation is negligible. Therefore, the running time of the registration and authentication phases of the proposed scheme is 1.5 ms and 384.45 ms, respectively. Table 3 summarizes the comparisons among the proposed scheme and the related schemes [16, 17, 20] in terms of the computational costs and security properties. Furthermore, the proposed scheme and the related schemes [16, 17, 20] are compared in Fig. 4 in terms of their running times in the registration and authentication phases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Running times of different schemes

Table 3 Performance comparison

According to Table 3, the proposed scheme in the authentication phase is about 2.72 times faster than the schemes of Bin Muhaya [20] and Zhu [16]. Furthermore, not only the proposed scheme in the authentication phase is about 6.8 times faster than Khan et al.’s scheme [17], but also Khan et al.’s scheme in the registration phase is about 349.3 times slower than the proposed scheme. Moreover, Zhu’s scheme [16] is vulnerable to password guessing attacks, and user impersonation attacks and also does not provide key agreement [17, 18, 20]. Khan et al.’s scheme [17] is vulnerable to user impersonation attacks and denial-of-services attacks and also does not provide user anonymity [20]. Furthermore, Bin Muhaya’s scheme [20] is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks and does not provide perfect forward secrecy. The proposed scheme has a better performance than the related schemes because the security of the proposed scheme is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Since ECDLP is significantly more difficult than the integer factorization problem and the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) [33], the elliptic curve cryptosystems need shorter keys than the other asymmetric cryptosystems to achieve the same security level. For instance, a 160-bit ECC key is as secure as a 1024-bit RSA key. Obviously, this means ECC has the advantages of higher speed and lower power consumption [34]. Hence, the proposed scheme is more efficient than the previous schemes. Therefore, since the proposed scheme provides more security and efficiency than the previous schemes, the proposed scheme is more suitable for TMISs.


In this paper, we have shown that Bin Muhaya’s authentication and key agreement scheme for telecare medicine information systems (TMISs) is insecure against off-line password guessing attacks and does not support perfect forward secrecy. In order to improve Bin Muhaya’s scheme, we have proposed an ECC-based anonymous authentication and key agreement scheme for TMISs. Detailed analyses confirm that the proposed scheme is more secure and efficient than the previous schemes. Therefore, the proposed scheme is an eligible authentication and key agreement scheme for TMISs.