
The rapid development in network and communication technology has presented a scalable platform for Telecare Medicine Information System (TMIS). The communication between the user and server is always a subject of security and privacy risk in TMIS as user accesses remote server via public channel and an adversary is considered to be enough powerful to perform various attacks. Thus the secure and efficient authenticated key agreement schemes should be adopted to ensure security and integrity of transmitting data [1]. The smart card based authentication scheme provides efficient solution for remote user authentication [2, 3]. In recent times, many password based authentication schemes have been proposed for TMIS [411]. These schemes try to provide two factor authentication.

The password cannot be considered as a unique identity identifier and it’s needed to be remembered. Moreover, possibility of password guessing attack is also a concern. However, biometrics cannot be lost or forgotten, have the merits of uniqueness and need not be remembered; but they can be compromised [12, 13]. Additionally, these biometric keys are not easy to guess [14, 15]. Due to these advantages, the biometrics based authentication schemes present efficient solution to mutually authenticate and session key agreement. In 2013, Tan [16] presented a biometric based remote user authentication scheme for the Telecare medical information system. In Tan’s scheme, a remote user and server can mutually authenticate each other and draw a session key. Moreover, the Tan’s scheme presents a user-friendly password and biometric update phase where a user can change his password and biometric keys without server assistance. Recently, Yan et al.’s [17] pointed out that Tan’s scheme is vulnerable to denial-of-service attack. Further, they proposed an improved scheme to eliminate the drawbacks of Tan’s scheme. Their scheme also preserves all the merits of Tan’s scheme.

In this article, we analyze the Yan et al.’s biometrics based remote user authentication scheme for TMIS. We show that Yan et al.’s scheme login phase is inefficient such that the smart card executes the login session in-spite of incorrect input. The inefficiency of the login phase in incorrect input detection causes extra communication and computation overhead. Yan et al.’s password and biometrics update phase is also inefficient to detect incorrect input, which causes denial of service attack in case of wrong password input. Yan et al.’s scheme does not withstand password guessing attacks. Furthermore, we present a modified scheme which overcomes the weaknesses of Yan et al.’s scheme and preserves its merits.

The remaining part of the article is organized as follows: Section “Review of Yan et al.’s scheme” presents a brief review of Yan et al.’s scheme. Section “Preliminaries” shows some notations and recall the definition of biohasing. Section “Weaknesses of Yan et al.’s scheme” demonstrates the weaknesses of Yan et al.’s scheme. The proposed scheme and its analysis are presented in section “Proposed scheme” and section “Analysis”, respectively. The comparison is shown in section “Comparison”. The conclusion is drawn in section “Conclusion”.



The biometrics provides unique identification methods for the recognition of a human being based on his/her unique biometric characteristic; it works only when the person to be authenticated is physically presented for the authentication. In general, imprint biometric characteristics (face, fingerprint, palmprint) may not be exactly same at each time. Therefore, high false rejection of valid users result in low false acceptation, it often occurs in the verification through biometric systems. The failing to identify authorized users significantly impacts on the usability of the system. On the contrary, the Biohashing can reduce the probability of denial of access without losing the false acceptation performance. In order to resolve the high false rejection problem, Jin et al. [18] presented a two-factor authenticator based on iterated inner products between tokenized pseudo-random number and the user specific fingerprint features. To achieve this, a set of user specific compact codes can be created that is called BioHash code. BioHashing technique is a mapping biometric feature randomly onto binary strings with user specific tokenized pseudo-random numbers. In recent years, many improved BioHashing algorithms for human authentication have been presented for more realistic scenario [1921], which are a convenient mechanism to incorporate into small devices, such as mobile devices, smart card etc.


In Table 1, we will define all the notations which are used throughout the paper.

Table 1 Meaning of symbols used throughout the paper

Review of Yan et al.’s scheme

In 2013, Yan et al. [17] proposed an improvement of Tan’s [16] biometrics-based authentication scheme for TMIS. This comprises of four phases similar to Tan’s scheme, which are as follows: registration, login, authentication and key agreement, and password change . We will briefly discuss all the phases of Yan et al.’s scheme. This discussion comprises most of the facts as it is as presented in Yan et al.’s article. The brief description of Yan et al.’s scheme is as follows:

Registration phase

A new user U i can register and achieve personalized smart card as follows:

  • Step 1.U i selects his identity ID i and password PW i . U i imprint his biometrics B i . U i also generates a random number N i and computes W = h(ID i ||PW i ||B i ||N i ). U i submits ID i and W to S via secure channel.

  • Step 2.S computes X i = h(ID i ||x) and Y i = X i h(W), where x is server’s secret key. Then S embeds {Y i , h(⋅)} into smart card and issues the smart card to S.

  • Step 3. Upon receiving the smart card, U i stores N i and B i into the smart card.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The pictorial representation of registration phase

Login phase

When a user U i wishes to login to the server, he inserts his smart card into the card reader and executes the login session as follows:

  • Step 1.U i inputs ID i and PW i and imprints his biometrics \(B_{i}^{*}\) at the sensor.

  • Step 2. Upon receiving the inputs, the smart card verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \) with the help of stored B i , where τ is a predetermined threshold for biometrics verification. If the condition holds, it terminates the session.

  • Step 3. The smart card generates a random number r i and computes W = h(ID i ||PW i || B i ||N i ) and X i = Y i h(W). The smart card achieves a i = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ) and sends the login message < ID i , a i , r i > to S.

    Fig. 2
    figure 2

    The pictorial representation of login phase

Authentication and key agreement phase

User and server mutually authenticate each other and established a session key as follows:

  • Step 1.S computes X i = h(ID i ||x) and verifies \(a_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i})\). If the verification does not hold, it terminates the session. Otherwise, S generates a random number r s , computes b i = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ) and sends the message < r s , b i > to U i .

  • Step 2. Upon receiving the message < r s , b i >, the smart card verifies \(b_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i}||r_{s})\). If the verification does not hold, the smart card stops the session. Otherwise, the smart card computes c i = h(ID i ||X i ||r s ||r i ) and the session key sk = h(r i ||r s ||ID i ||X i ) then sends the message < c i > to S.

  • Step 3. Upon receiving the message < c i >, S verifies \(c_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{s}||r_{i})\). If the verification fails, S stops the session. Otherwise, S computes the session key sk = h(r i ||r s ||ID i ||X i ).

Password change phase

The legal user U i can change his password and biometric as follows:

  • Step 1. First, U i inserts his smart card into the card reader, and inputs identity ID i and password PW i . U i imprints his biometrics B i .

  • Step 2. Upon receiving the input, the smart card verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \). If condition holds, it terminates the session.

  • Step 3.U i selects a new random number Ni′ and password PWi′, and imprints his new biometrics Bi′.

  • Step 4. Upon receiving the inputs, the smart card computes W = h(ID i || PW i ||B i ||N i ) and W new = h(ID i ||PWi′||Bi′||Ni′) and Yi′ = Y i h(W) ⊕ h(W new ). Finally, the values Y i , N i and B i are replaced with Yi′, Ni′ and Bi′, respectively.

Weaknesses of Yan et al.’s scheme

In this section, we show that Yan et al.’s scheme [17] does not satisfy the key security attribute such as efficient login phase, efficient password change phase and user anonymity. Moreover, their scheme is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attack, which is based on the following assumptions:

  • An adversary is able to extract the information from the smart card [2225].

  • An adversary is able to eavesdrop all the messages between user and server transmitted via public channel. Moreover, adversary is able to modify, delete and resend all the messages, and can also reroute any message to any other entity [26].

  • An adversary may be a legitimate user or an outsider [26, 27].

Due to above mentioned assumptions, an adversary can achieve the parameters from the smart card {Y i , N i , B i , h(⋅)}, and can intercept and record the messages < ID i , a i , r i > transmitted via public channel. With the help of these assumptions, an adversary can perform the following attacks successfully:

User anonymity

The leakage of the user’s specific information enables the adversary to track the user current location and login history [28]. Although user’s anonymity ensures user’s privacy by preventing an attacker from acquiring user’s sensitive personal information. Moreover, anonymity makes remote user authentication mechanism more robust as an attacker could not track which user is interacting with the server [29, 30].

The straightforward way to preserve anonymity is to conceal entity’s real identity during communication. However, in Yan et al.’s scheme, user real identity is associated with the login message, which reveals sender information to eavesdropper. This shows that Yan et al.’s scheme does not protect user anonymity.

Off-line password guessing attack

An adversary can guess a legitimate user password with the help of achieved values {Y i , N i , B i , h(⋅)} from the smart card and < ID i , a i , r i > from the intercepted message. An adversary can guess the password as follows:

  • Step 1. The attacker guesses the value \(PW_{i}^{*}\) and computes \(X_{i}^{*} = Y_{i}\oplus h(h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}^{*}||B_{i}||N_{i}))\) then verifies \(a_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||X_{i}^{*}||r_{i})\).

  • Step 2. If the verification succeeds, the adversary considers \(PW_{i}^{*}\) as the user’s password. Otherwise, he repeats Step 1.

Inefficient login phase

In Yan et al.’s scheme, a smart card does not verify the correctness of input in login phase. However, a user may enter wrong password or identity due to mistake.

Case 1

If a user inputs wrong password \(PW_{i}^{*}\) due to mistake.

  • Step 1.U i inputs ID i and \(PW_{i}^{*}\) and imprints his biometrics \(B_{i}^{*}\) at the sensor.

  • Step 2. Upon receiving the inputs, the smart card verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \) with the help of stored B i . When biometrics verification holds, the smart card generates a random number r i and computes W = h(ID i ||\(PW_{i}^{*}||B_{i}||N_{i})\) and \(X_{i}^{*} = Y_{i}\oplus h(W^{*})\) = X i h(W) ⊕ h(W ) ≠ X i as WW . The smart card also computes \(a_{i}^{*} = h(ID_{i}||X_{i}^{*}||r_{i})\). Then the smart card sends the login message \(<ID_{i}, a_{i}^{*}, r_{i}>\) to S.

  • Step 3.S computes X i = h(ID i ||x) and verifies \(a_{i}^{*} = h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i})\). The verification does not hold as \(X_{i}^{*} \neq X_{i}\). S terminates the session as authentication does not hold.

Case 2

If a user inputs the wrong identity \(ID_{i}^{*}\), the smart card does not verify the correctness of identity and executes the session.

  • Step 1.U i inputs \(ID_{i}^{*}\) and PW i and imprints his biometrics \(B_{i}^{*}\) at the sensor.

  • Step 2. Upon receiving the inputs, the smart card verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \) with the help of stored B i . When biometrics verification holds, the smart card generates a random number r i and computes \(W^{*} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||\) PW i ||B i ||N i ) and \(X_{i}^{*} = Y_{i}\oplus h(W^{*})\) = X i h(W) ⊕ h(W ) ≠ X i as WW . Then smart card achieves \(a_{i}^{*} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||X_{i}^{*}||r_{i})\). Then the smart card sends the login message \(<ID_{i}^{*}, a_{i}^{*}, r_{i}>\) to S.

  • Step 3.S computes \(X'_{i} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||x)\) and verifies \(a_{i}^{*} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||X'_{i}||r_{i})\). The verification does not hold as \(X_{i}^{*} \neq X'_{i}\). S terminates the session as authenticated does not hold.

Inefficient password and biometrics update phase

In Yan et al.’s scheme, a smart card does not verify the correctness of identity and password, and executes the password change after the successful verification of user’s biometrics. However, a user may enter wrong password as human may sometimes forget the password, commit some mistake or use one account password into another account. This will cause the denial of service. Let a user inputs the wrong password \(PW_{i}^{*}\) or wrong identity \(ID_{i}^{*}\) then the following cases are possible:

  1. i)

    When user U i inputs correct identity ID i and incorrect password \(PW_{i}^{*}\), and imprints his biometrics B i . The smart card only verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \). When biometrics verification holds, it executes the password change phase without verifying the correctness of password as follows:

    • U i inputs a new random number Ni′, new password PWi′, and imprints his new biometrics Bi′.

    • The smart card computes W = h(ID i ||\(PW_{i}^{*}||B_{i}||N_{i})\), W new = h(ID i ||PW i ′ ||B i ′||N i ′) and \(Y^{*}_{i} = Y_{i}\oplus h(W^{*})\oplus h(W_{new})\) = X i h(W) ⊕ h(W ) ⊕ h(W new ) ≠ X i h(W new ) as W W.

    • Finally, it replaces Y i with \(Y^{*}_{i}\), N i with Ni′ and B i with Bi′.

  2. ii)

    When user U i inputs incorrect identity \(ID_{i}^{*}\) and correct password PW i , and imprints his biometrics B i . The smart card only verifies the condition \(d(B_{i}, B_{i}^{*}) \geq \tau \). When biometrics verification holds, it executes the password change phase without verifying the correctness of identity as follows:

    • U i inputs a new random number Ni′ and new password PWi′, and imprints his new biometrics Bi′.

    • The smart card computes \(W^{*} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||\) PW i ||B i ||N i ), \(W_{new} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||PW_{i}\prime \) ||B i ′||N i ′) and \(Y^{*}_{i} = Y_{i}\oplus h(W^{*})\oplus h(W_{new})\) = X i h(W) ⊕ h(W ) ⊕ h(W new ) ≠ X i h(W new ) as W W.

    • Finally, the smart card replaces Y i with \(Y^{*}_{i}\), N i with Ni′ and B i with Bi′.

  3. iii)

    When user U i inputs incorrect identity \(ID_{i}^{*}\) and incorrect password \(PW_{i}^{*}\). If biometrics verification holds, it changes the password as follows:

    • U i inputs a new random number Ni′ and new password PWi′, and imprints his new biometrics Bi′.

    • The smart card computes \(W^{*} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||\) \(PW_{i}^{*}||B_{i}||N_{i})\), \(W_{new} = h(ID_{i}^{*}||PW_{i}\prime \) ||B i ′||N i ′) and \(Y^{*}_{i} = Y_{i}\oplus h(W^{*})\oplus h(W_{new})\) = X i h(W) ⊕ h(W ) ⊕ h(W new ) ≠ X i h(W new ) as W W.

    • Finally, the smart card replaces Y i with \(Y^{*}_{i}\), N i with Ni′ and B i with Bi′.

It is clear from the above discussion that in all the cases Y i is incorrectly updated, i.e., in all the above cases \(Y^{*}_{i} \neq X_{i}\oplus h(W_{new})\). This causes denial of service, which is clear from the following discussion:

  • User inputs updated password PWi′ and identity ID i , and also imprints his biometrics B i ′. The smart card only verifies the biometrics. When biometrics verification holds, the smart card generates a random number r i and computes W new = h(ID i ||PW i ′||B i ′||N i ′).

  • Smart card computes \(X_{i}^{*} = Y_{i}^{*}\oplus h(W_{new}) \neq X_{i}\) as \(Y^{*}_{i} \neq X_{i}\oplus h(W_{new})\). Smart card also computes \(a_{i}^{*} = h(ID_{i}||X_{i}^{*}||r_{i})\) then sends the message \(<ID_{i}, a_{i}^{*}, r_{i}>\) to S.

  • Upon receiving the message \(<ID_{i}, a_{i}^{*}, r_{i}>\), S computes X i = h(ID i ||x) and verifies \(a_{i}^{*} \overset {?}{=}~h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i})\). The verification does not hold as \(X_{i}^{*} \neq X_{i}\). Then S terminates the session.

It is clear from the above discussion that user cannot establish an authorize session with the help of the wrongly changed parameters.

Three factor authentication

The biometric based authentication schemes are designed to achieve three-factor authentication where biometric information is needed along with the password to generate a valid login message. However, in Yan et al.s scheme, only by knowing user’s password, an adversary can generate a valid login message. The adversary can establish authorized session with the help of leaked password with the server as follows:

  • The adversary intercepts and login message < ID i , a i , r i > and achieve user’s identity ID i .

  • The adversary retrieves the parameters Y i , N i and B i from the stolen smart card.

  • The adversary computes W = h(ID i ||PW i ||B i ||N i ) and retrieves the user’s long-term key X i = Y i h(W) using leaked password.

  • The adversary generates a random number r E and computes a E = h(ID i ||X i ||r E ) then sends the login message < ID i , a E , r E > to S.

  • S computes X i = h(ID i ||x) and verifies \(a_{E} \overset {?}{=}~h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{E})\). The verification holds as a E = h(ID i ||X i ||r E ). S generates a random number r s , computes b i = h(ID i ||X i ||r E ||r s ) and sends the message < r s , b i > to the smart card.

  • The adversary intercepts the message < r s , b i > and computes c E = h(ID i ||X i ||r s ||r E ). He sends the message < c i > to S.

  • Upon receiving the message < c E >, S verifies \(c_{E} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{s}||r_{E})\). The verification holds as c E = h(ID i ||X i ||r s ||r E ).

In general, biometric based authentication schemes support three-factor authentication where leakage of password does not enable an adversary to successfully login to the system. However by knowing user’s password, an adversary can successfully login to the server in Yan et al.’s scheme. This shows that the use of unique biometric information does not enhance the security of the scheme. In other words, Yan et al.’s scheme does not achieve three-factor authentication.

Proposed scheme

In this section, we present a modified scheme to overcome the weaknesses of Yan et al.’s scheme. The proposed scheme adopts three factor security. It has similar phases like Yan et al.’s scheme. In the proposed scheme, a user first registers himself and achieves the smart card. With the help of smart card he can login to the system and establish the session. The proposed scheme executes in following four phases:

  1. (i)


  2. (ii)


  3. (iii)

    Authenticated key agreement

  4. (iv)

    Password and biometrics update

Registration phase

A new user U i submits his registration request to the server S. S registers the user and issues a personalized smart card to U i as follows:

  • Step 1.U i selects an identity ID i and password PW i of his choice, and imprint his biometrics B i . He/She generates a random number N i , and computes W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ). U i submits the registration request with ID i and W to S via secure channel.

  • Step 2.S computes X i = h(ID i ||x), Y i = X i W, where x is the server’s 1024-bits or 2048-bits secret key. S generates a random number R and computes user’s dynamic identity by encrypting the user identity using symmetric key encryption algorithm such as AES-256, i.e., NID = Sym.Enc(x)(ID i ||R). The server selects the long key to resist server’s secret key guessing attack. Then S embeds {NID, Y i , h(⋅)} into the smart card and issues the smart card to U i .

  • Step 3. Upon receiving the smart card, U i stores N = N i H(B i ) and V i = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) into the smart card (Fig. 1).

Login phase

When a user U i wishes to login to the server, he inserts his smart card into the card reader then login session executes as follows:

  • Step 1.U i inputs ID i and PW i , and imprints his biometrics B i at the sensor.

  • Step 2. The smart card computes N i = NH(B i ), and verifies \(V_{i} \overset {?}{=}~ h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}||N_{i})\). If the verification does not hold, the smart card terminates the session.

  • Step 3. The smart card computes W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) to get X i = Y i W. The smart card generates a random number r i and computes a i = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ). Then the smart card sends the login message < NID, a i , r i > to S (Fig. 2).

Authenticated key agreement phase

User U i and server S performs the following steps to mutually authenticate each other:

  • Step 1.S retrieves ID i by decrypting NID and computes X i = h(ID i ||x). S verifies \(a_{i} \overset {?}{=}~h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i})\). If the verification does not hold, S terminates the session.

  • Step 2.S generates random numbers r s and R′, and computes sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ), NID′= Sym.Enc(x)(ID i ||R′) and b i = h(ID i ||NID|| sk||NID′). S sends the message < r s , b i , h(sk|| ID i ) ⊕ NID′ > to the user.

  • Step 3. Upon receiving the message < r s , b i , h(sk||IDi) ⊕ NID′ >, the smart card computes the session key sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ) and retrieves NID′ = h(sk||ID i ) ⊕ NID′ ⊕ h(sk||ID i ). Then it verifies \(b_{i} \overset {?}{=}~h(ID_{i}||NID||sk||NID')\). If the verification does not hold, the smart card stops the session. Otherwise, S is authenticated and session key sk is verified.

  • Step 4. The smart card computes c i = h(ID i ||NID′||sk) and sends the session key verification message < c i > to S.

  • Step 5. Upon receiving the message < c i >, S verifies \(c_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||NID'||sk)\). If the verification fails, S stops the session. Otherwise, the session key sk is verified and U i is authenticatedOtherwise, the session key (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The pictorial representation of authentication phase

Password and biometrics update phase

The legal user can change his password and biometrics without server assistance as follows:

  • Step 1.U i inserts his smart card into the card reader and inputs identity ID i and password PW i , and imprints his biometrics B i .

  • Step 2. The smart card retrieves N i = NH(B i ) and verifies \(V_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}||N_{i})\). If the verification does not hold, it terminates the session. Otherwise, it asks new parameters.

  • Step 3.U i selects a new random number Ni′ and password PWi′, and imprints his new biometrics Bi′.

  • Step 4. Upon receiving the input, the smart card computes W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ), W new = h(ID i ||PWi′||Ni′), Y new = Y i WW new , V new = h(ID i ||PWi′||Ni′) and N new = Ni′ ⊕ H(B i ′). Finally, the smart card replaces Y i with Y new , N with N new and V i with V new (Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4
    figure 4

    The pictorial representation of password change phase


In this section, we will analyze the strength of the proposed scheme against most common attacks:

Stolen smart card attack

Let the smart card of a user is stolen by an attacker. Then the attacker can extract the parameters {NID, Y i , N, B, V i , h(⋅)} from the smart card. Moreover, an attacker can intercept the login message < NID, a i , r i >. However, he can not use the stolen smart card to establish authorize session with the server using stolen smart card. This is clear from the following facts:

  • To generate a valid login message < NID, a i , r i >, an attacker has to compute a i = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ) for a random value r i .

  • To compute a i , the user secret key X i is needed.

  • To retrieve secret key X i from Y i = X i W, the user password along with biometric are needed as W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) and N i = NH(B i ).

Since the password is only known to the user, an attacker cannot generate a valid login message using stolen smart card. This shows that the proposed scheme withstands stolen smart card attack.

On-line password guessing attack

An active adversary may try to guess a user’s password using on-line password guessing attack with the achieved information {NID, Y i , N, B, V i , h(⋅) and {NID, a i , r i }. However, the on-line password guessing attack will not succeed in the proposed scheme. This is justified from the following discussion:

  • Let the adversary E guesses the user’s password PW .

  • To verify the user’s guessed password PW , E has to generate a valid login message < NID, a i , r i >, where a i = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ). This is equivalent to achieve X i and ID i using the values NID = E Sym(x)(ID i ||R), N and Y i .

  • NID is encrypted with server key where server secret key is unknown to the attacker. Therefore, an attacker cannot achieve ID i and so N i and B i .

  • To achieve X i from Y i = X i W, An attacker has to compute W using guessed password PW . Computation of W requires ID i and B i as \(W^{*} = h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}^{*}||N_{i})\) and N i = NH(B i ). Thus an attacker cannot achieve X i with the help of guessed password as ID i and B i are secret.

It is clear that an attacker cannot achieve required parameters for on-line password guessing attack. This shows that the proposed scheme resist on-line password guessing attack.

Off-line password guessing attack

A passive adversary may try to guess a user’s password in off-line mode. However, he cannot verify the guessed password correctly using achieved parameters {NID, Y i , N, B, V i , h(⋅) and {NID, a i , r i }. This is clear from the following facts:

  • Let the attacker E guesses the user’s password as PW .

  • To verify this guessed password PW with the condition V i = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) is equivalent to achieve ID i from NID and N i from N.

  • The server secret key x is requires to achieve ID i from NID as NID = Sym.Enc(x)(ID i ||R). Moreover, to achieve N i from N, B i is required as N = N i H(B i ).

It is clear from the discussion that an adversary cannot guess user’s password correctly as user’s identity and biometric are not with attacker.

Replay attack

An adversary can eavesdrop user’s communication can intercept and record old communications < NID, a i , r i >, < r s , b i > and < c i >. Then he can try to replay the message. However, this attempt will not succeed due to the following facts:

  • Let adversary replay the message < NID, a i , r i > and sends to S.

  • Upon receiving the message < NID, a i , r i >, S achieves ID i ||R = Sym.Dec(x)(NID), retrieve ID i and computes X i = h(ID i ||x). S verifies \(a_{i} \overset {?}{=}~h(ID_{i}||X_{i}||r_{i})\). The verification holds as an adversary replays the user’s login message without any change.

  • S generates a random number r s ′ and computes sk′ = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ′), NID′=Sym.Enc(x)(ID i ||R′) and b i ′ = h(ID i ||NID||sk′||NID′) and sends the message < r s ′, b i ′, h(sk||ID i ) ⊕ NID′ > to the user.

  • Adversary intercepts the message < r s ′, b i ′, h(sk||ID i ) ⊕ NID′ > and try to respond by sending the message < c i ′ >, where c i ′ = h(ID i ||NID′||sk′). However, an adversary cannot compute < c i ′ > from the known parameters {NID, Y i , N, B, V i , h(⋅), {NID, a i , r i } and < r s ′, b i ′, h(sk||ID i ) ⊕ NID′ >, which is clear from the following discussion:

    • To compute c i ′ = h(ID i ||NID′||sk′) is equivalent to compute sk′ = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ′).

    • To compute sk′ = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ′), user identity ID i and user’s secret key X i are needed. The user identity ID i is encrypted with server’s secret key and user’s secret key is protected with the password and biometrics, i.e., X i h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ), where N i = NH(B i ).

    • User biometrics B i and password PW i are secret, therefore an adversary cannot compute < c i ′ >.

  • Since the adversary cannot respond with the valid message < c i ′ >, the server terminates the session.

Mutual authentication

In mutual authentication mechanism, the user must prove its identity to the server and the server must prove its identity to the user. In the proposed scheme, user and server both authenticate each other using the following conditions:

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} b_{i} &\overset{?}{=}& h(ID_{i}||NID||sk||NID^{\prime}) \\ c_{i} &\overset{?}{=}& h(ID_{i}||NID^{\prime}||sk) \end{array} $$

To forge an user or server an adversary has to compute b i or c i , respectively. However, to compute b i or c i , an adversary has to compute sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ) which requires the information of user’s secret key X i . Since user’s secret key X i is protected, only authorized principals can compute b i and c i . This shows that user and server can correctly verify the authenticity of each other.

Efficient login phase

In the proposed scheme, smart cards can easily identify the incorrect input as follows:

Case 1

If the smart card receives wrong biometrics \(B_{i}^{*}\), the session is terminated as follows:

  • The smart card retrieves \(N_{i}^{*} = N\oplus H(B_{i}^{*})\) .

  • The smart card verifies \(V_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}||N_{i}^{*})\). The condition does not hold as V i = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) and \(N_{i} \neq N_{i}^{*}\) and the smart card terminates the session.

Case 2

If the smart card receives incorrect password \(PW_{i}^{*}\), the session is terminated as follows:

  • The smart card achieves N i = NH(B i ) and verifies \(V_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}||PW_{i}^{*}||N_{i})\).

  • The verification does not hold as V i = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) and \(PW_{i}^{*} \neq PW_{i}\).

Case 3

If the smart card receives incorrect identity \(ID_{i}^{*}\), the session is terminated as follows:

  • The smart card retrieves N i = NB i and verifies \(V_{i} \overset {?}{=} h(ID_{i}^{*}||PW_{i}||N_{i})\).

  • The verification does not hold as V i = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) and \(ID_{i}^{*} \neq ID_{i}\).

In all the above cases the smart card can detect the incorrect input. This shows that proposed scheme has efficient login phase.

User-friendly and efficient password and biometrics changes phase

In the proposed scheme, the user is allowed to change his password without server assistance. This makes proposed scheme user-friendly. Moreover, the smart card verifies the correctness of identity, password and biometrics before changing the password. Since the smart card can verify the correctness of input efficiently, a user can change his password and biometrics correctly without any mistake.

Session key agreement & verification

Both the user and server compute the session key sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ) and verifies it using the following conditions

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} b_{i} &=& h(ID_{i}||NID||sk||NID') \\ c_{i} &=& h(ID_{i}||NID'||sk) \end{array} $$

To compute b i or c i , an adversary has to compute sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ). To compute sk = h(ID i ||X i ||r i ||r s ), user’s secret key X i is needed. Since user’s secret key is protected, only authorized principals can compute b i and c i . This shows that user and server can correctly verify the established session key.

Three factor-authentication

As it is clear from the above discussion that in order to successfully login to the remote system, a user has to compute a i . To compute a i , user’s secret key X i is needed. To achieve X i from Y i , the correct password PW i along with fingerprint B i and identity ID i are needed. Thus the compromised password does not enable an adversary to compute a valid login message, which is clear from the following points:

  • Let an adversary achieves user’s password PW i and the smart card.

  • Let the adversary extracts the secrets {NID, Y i , N, B, V i } from the smart card.

  • The adversary generates a random number r E and may try to generate the login message < NID, a i , r E > with the help of compromised password PW i . However, to compute a i = h(ID i ||X i ||r E ), user secret key X i along with identity is needed. To retrieve X i from Y i = X i W, adversary has to compute W . Computation of W requires identity ID i and biometric B i as W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) and N i = NH(B i ).

  • The adversary cannot achieve N i form N = N i H(B i ) due to uniqueness property of biometric keys.

This shows that to generate a valid login message, both the security parameters, password and biometric are needed along with stolen smart card. This shows that the proposed scheme achieves three-factor authentication.

Insider attack

A malicious insider in server’s system may try to achieve user’s secrets such as the user’s password. However, in the proposed scheme, the user does not submit his password PW i and biometrics B i in its original form, i.e., user submits W = h(ID i ||PW i ||N i ) instead of PW i and B i to the registration authority. Thus an insider can neither guess the password PW i nor retrieve it from W as hash function is one way and N i is unknown. This shows that the proposed scheme resists insider attack.

User anonymity

The login message < NID, a i , r i > includes user’s dynamic identity NID = Sym.Enc(x)(ID i ||R) instead of original identity ID i . To achieve ID i from NID server’s secret key x is needed as ID i is encrypted using the key x. Since the server’s secret key x is secret, nobody other than the server can achieve user’s identity from the login message. This dynamic identity concept protect anonymity.


If the scheme prevents attack or satisfies the property, the symbol ‘’ is used and if it fails to prevent attack or does not satisfy the attribute, the symbol × is used.

We will compare the security attributes of our scheme with some biometric based authentication schemes such as Li and Hwang’s [31], Li et al.’s [32], Troung et al.’s [33], Chang’s et al.’s [34] and Yan et al.’s [17] schemes in Table 2.

Table 2 Security attributes comparisons of the proposed scheme with other relevant biometric based authentication schemes

We compare our scheme with some recently published password based schemes for TMIS [4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 35] in Table 3.

Table 3 Security attributes comparison with some password based authentication schemes for TMIS

We show the efficiency analysis of proposed schemes with some relevant schemes in Table 4, where T PK , T h and T X denote the time complexity of public key encryption/decryption, hash function and XOR operation, respectively. It is stated T PK >> T h >> T X in [36, 37]. Since the computation overhead of XOR is relatively very less, so we are ignoring the computation of XOR operation in our comparison.

Table 4 Computation cost comparison of the proposed scheme with some biometric based authentication schemes


In this paper, we have analyzed Yan et al.’s scheme and demonstrated that the weaknesses of their scheme. Further, we have presented an improvement of Yan et al.’s scheme for TMIS to eliminate the drawbacks of their scheme. The proposed scheme efficiently identifies the correctness of input and present efficient login and password change phase. Moreover, the proposed scheme protects anonymity and resists password guessing attack where Yan et al.’s scheme failed.