1 Introduction

With the proliferation of the internet of things (IoT) devices, such as sensors, mobile phone, RFID tags, and actuators, among others, a huge amount of data is collected per second. Depending on different domains and applications, several factors such as frequency, utility, weight, and interestingness are, respectively, considered to mine the required information for decision making. Traditional algorithms such as frequent pattern mining [2,3,4, 14], sequential pattern mining [5, 31, 44], or high-utility itemset mining [21, 25,26,27, 34, 38, 39] are, respectively, presented to find the specific patterns in varied domains and applications. For example, frequent itemset mining or association rule mining shows the frequency relationship among the item/sets. However, the discovered knowledge only contributes to a small percentage of the total profit produced by the sale of all the items, while infrequent itemsets may actually make larger contributions toward the profit (e.g., breads can be sold much more than diamonds in a month but diamonds bring a much higher profit to the retailer than that of bread). Moreover, sequential pattern mining provides the complete set of frequent subsequences that reveals the relationships of the ordered events and elements. However, most existing works focus on finding the relationships of the sequential patterns in the binary database; thus, only the occurrence is considered in traditional sequential pattern mining. The high-utility itemset mining focuses on discovering the set of high-utility itemsets, which provides more information and insights for decision making. Considering both utility and sequential factors in transaction data, the issue of high-utility sequential pattern mining has been studied, and many existing works [6, 7, 17, 40] focus on developing efficient algorithms to improve the mining performance and reduce the candidate size. However, the above algorithms only concern the binary dataset, where data is either present or absent in the transaction dataset.

Uncertainty plays an important role in IoT data [10, 29] since the collected raw data from the IoT sensors or devices may be influenced by the environment, sensitivity, and their location. For example, suppose that several thermometers are set in a room to measure the temperature, and the degrees from those thermometers will not be the same due to some thermometers may be close to the window, and some of them may be close to the heater. Considering the basket market analysis, an itemset with high utility and high existence probability (uncertainty) is useful to make efficient and effective decisions. For example, a customer buys milk in 100 quantities, and the profit for a milk is 2 dollars with a probability value as 0.91; he/she also buys a PC, and the profit for a PC is 100 dollars with the probability value as 0.05. Based on this situation, a retailer may introduce a large amount of milk into shops and reduce the number of PC. The reason is that although the profit of milk is much smaller than that of a PC, but the probability to purchase milk is much higher than that of a PC. Several existing works consider uncertainty as an important factor into pattern mining works, such as uncertain frequent itemset mining [11, 19, 36], uncertain sequential pattern mining [13], or high-utility itemset mining over uncertain dataset [18, 24]. Moreover, the high-utility sequential pattern mining [42] concerns the IoT data and present the potential high-utility sequential pattern mining framework to derive both the high-utility and high-probability patterns from the sequential and uncertain dataset. Yet, it is observed that the utility of an item or set increases along with its size, i.e., the length of the itemset. Such results may result in improper decisions or ill-designed sales strategies. To mitigate this problem, Hong et al. [15] presented a level-wise average-utility algorithm to find the set of high average-utility itemsets. The set of high average-utility itemsets is discovered by dividing the total utility of an itemset in a transaction by its length (that is, the number of items in the transaction). This average concept provides a fair measure to evaluate the importance of the derived patterns. Several extensions [16, 20, 22, 23, 28] of high average-utility itemset mining were presented. The above works fail, however, to consider the intrinsic sequential item ordering in the transactions. Thus, the motivation of this paper aims at the following goals.

  • Consider the uncertainty, especially the IoT data, with the high-utility sequential pattern mining to retrieve the information for decision making.

  • Consider the length of patterns and provide a fair measure of the discovered patterns, thus the average-utility concept is adopted here to solve the limitations of increasing utility along with the pattern size.

  • Develop efficient algorithms and pruning strategies to speed up computation and reduce the number of candidates for discovering the desired patterns.

Based on the above motivations, the potentially high average-utility sequential pattern mining (PHAUSPM) framework is presented here to consider the uncertainty, utility, and sequence ordering of the data, and average-utility concept to mine more meaningful and useful patterns for decision making. As we know, the utility of itemset increases with its size or length. Considering the total utility of the itemsets irrespective of their size may lead to an unfair evaluation regarding whether an itemset is a profitable pattern or not. In addition, data uncertainty should also be considered as the data collected from real-life applications, such as sensor networks or experimental environments, are not (very) precise. For instance, the sensors deployed in a wireless sensor network collect the data with a certain probability from the real-world environment that measures, for example, temperature or humidity. Sequence ordering also plays a critical role for decision making especially when analyzing user’s purchase behaviors for recommender systems. Given the impact of the above factors, the scientific contributions of the proposed approaches in this paper are organized as follow.

  • An innovative high average-utility sequential pattern mining framework is first proposed to discover the potentially high average-utility sequential patterns (PHAUSPs) from uncertain datasets. The average-utility of a sequence is used as a measure to evaluate its usefulness or importance, which shows a fair measure than that of the traditional utility approach.

  • A baseline PHAUB algorithm is proposed to discover the set of PHAUSPs in a level-wise manner. Three pruning strategies are also designed to reduce the number of unpromising candidates in the mining process, which can also reduce the computational cost.

  • A projection PHAUP algorithm is further developed to accelerate the mining speed by reducing the size of the processed sequence dataset. Thus, the size of the projected database decreases with the increase of the determined patterns.

  • We have conducted comprehensive experiments on both real-life and artificial datasets to demonstrate the promising efficiency and effectiveness performance of the proposed algorithms under varying threshold settings (including different minimum high average-utility thresholds and minimum expected supports) in terms of their execution time, the number of candidates generated, the required space overhead, the number of discovered patterns, and scalability with regard to large datasets.

2 Related work

Frequent itemset mining (FIM) or association rule mining (ARM) considers the frequency of the itemsets, which can only detect interesting patterns in the binary database. High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) was studied [26, 38, 39] to consider both the quantity and unit profit of the items while mining the high-utility itemsets (HUIs). Because of the major challenges in searching, the transaction-weighted utility (TWU) model [26] was proposed to mine HUIs based on the generate-and-test mechanism. The TWU algorithm holds the transaction-weighted downward closure (TWDC) property, which is used to maintain the designed high transaction-weighted utilization itemsets (HTWUIs) to reduce the search space when detecting HUIs. Several methods [21, 27, 34] were, respectively, proposed to mine the interesting patterns based on the TWU model.

A major limitation of the existing HUIM lies in the fact that it only quantifies patterns using their utilities, which is often unfair for short itemsets. To mine better patterns after their lengths is considered, high average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) [15, 20, 21, 28] was presented. It offers a more fair measure called the average utility to evaluate the interestingness of the discovered patterns. An itemset is deemed to be a high average-utility itemset (HAUI) if the division of its utility by its size exceeds a user-specified minimum average-utility count. The two-phase TPAU algorithm [15] is the first algorithm of the HAUIM, which presents an upper bound for the average utility (auub) to conduct an estimation of pattern utilities within the search space. The auub model is able to effectively reduce the size of search space while ensuring that the discovered patterns in HAUIM are complete and correct. As the TPAU algorithm is a hierarchical method, it has similar limitations as the TWU algorithm does. To improve the performance of mining HAUIs, the projection-based PAI algorithm [16] was proposed which leverages an innovative pruning technique. The HAUP-tree structure and a mining algorithm called HAUP-growth [20] were proposed to avoid multiple database scans. Each node in a HAUP-tree keeps the purchase quantities of its prefix items; therefore, the HAUIs can be directly obtained from it. Despite its efficiency, this method incurs high memory overhead especially when the size of the transaction is very long. The HAUI-tree approach was proposed  [28] to mine HAUIs using an indexing table structure. Thanks to this method, the total number of candidates involved in mining HAUIs can be significantly reduced. In addition, a new structure was proposed to accelerate the calculation of the values of itemsets and minimize space overhead. An innovative, more efficient HAUI-Miner method  [22] was proposed with two pruning strategies to mine HAUIs based on a compressed average-utility (AU) list structure. The AU list structure was created to store useful and relevant information for the purpose of HAUI mining; thus, the mining performance can be greatly increased. Lin et al. [23] then developed three pruning strategies to speed up the mining process of the HAUIs. Thus, a tighter upper bound is then provided instead of the traditional auub model, and the search space of the candidates can be greatly reduced. However, the above approaches do not consider the realistic problems of the dataset such that the data may consist of the uncertainty factor, especially for the data collected by the mobile devices. Thus, the mined patterns somehow could not make a precise decision since all items/products are then treated as the same importance with binary representation. Also, the sequence ordering of the items/products is not considered, which shows better purchase behaviors of the customers.

High-utility sequential pattern mining (HUSPM) [6, 7, 17, 40] was introduced to consider sequential utilities and orderings of items in the database, which is used to discover the set of high-utility sequential patterns (HUSPs). It combines the ideas of high-utility itemset mining (HUIM) [21, 26, 27, 34, 38, 39], as well as the sequential pattern mining (SPM) [5, 31]. Ahmed et al. [6] first introduced two algorithms named UL and US to mine HUSPs; the former used the level-wise approach to mine HUSPs and the latter was based on a pattern-growth method to discover the HUSPs. Yin et al. [40] presented an efficient method to discover HUSPs. A structure named lexicographic quantitative sequence tree (LQS-tree) was proposed to discover the set of HUSPs. The necessary information of each node in LQS-tree was stored in a matrix, which is used to avoid multiple unnecessary database scans. To achieve a better space and speed performance, two heuristic pruning strategies based on the property known as sequential weighted downward closure (SWDC) were proposed. Lan et al. [17] presented the HUSPM algorithm using the projection mechanism and designed the maximum utility measure and the sequence-utility upper-bound (suub) model for efficiently mining the HUSPs. An innovative indexing technique and the sequence utility table, which has the actual utilities and upper bound of candidate utilities, were leveraged to improve the mining performance. Alkan et al. [7] proposed a HuspExt method using the idea of cumulate rest of match (CRoM) to implement a tighter upper-bound for candidate utilities. Mining top-k high-utility sequential patterns [35] was proposed, making it possible to extract the required information without the use of the minimum threshold. A projection-based TKHUS-Span [41] was designed to mine top-k HUSPs with two tight utility upper bounds to mine HUSPs.

Although the aforementioned methods consider the utility and sequence ordering of the discovered patterns, they can only process the precise data. However, many of the real-life datasets are uncertain. Frequent itemset mining on uncertain databases (UFIM) was presented by considering two different models, namely the expected support  [11] and the probabilistic frequentness [8]. Chui et al. [11] first proposed the support model and the UApriori algorithm to discover the frequent itemsets in uncertain databases (UFIs). An itemset is deemed as the UFI if its expected support is no less than the pre-defined minimum support threshold. The UApriori algorithm discovers the UFIs using a level-wise Apriori-like algorithm. Wang et al. [36] then developed a model-based approach, which can be used to reduce the size of the discovered candidates while comparing to the UApriori algorithm. Leung et al. [19] then proposed a pattern-growth UFP-growth algorithm that is based on the UF-tree structure extended from the well-known frequent pattern (FP)-tree [14]. Aggarwal et al. [1] later introduced the UH-mine algorithm [1], which applied the depth-first search and divide-and-conquer strategies to accelerate the mining process. Muzamml et al. [30] presented three algorithms named BFS, DFS, and PGA under the expected support measure to mine frequent sequential patterns from uncertain databases. The BFS and DFS algorithms use a generate-and-test approach, while the PGA algorithm used a pattern-growth procedure to mine UFSPs. Several extensions consider to mine the high-utility patterns from the uncertain databases [9, 37]. Zhang et al. [42] first considers the high-utility sequential pattern mining from the uncertain database based on the expected support model. However, their algorithm is still based on the TWU model, thus the utility of the sequence can be dramatically increased along with the sequence size.

Considering the world semantics, Berbecker el al. [8] proposed the probabilistic frequentness model. An itemset is treated as a frequent itemset in the probabilistic frequent model if its frequentness probability exceeds a specified minimum probability threshold. Sun et al. [32] presented two p-Apriori and TODIS [32] algorithms to discover UFIs based on top-down/bottom-up manners with a designed probabilistic frequent pattern (p-FP) structure. Tong et al. [33] then compared various algorithms based on the expected support/probabilistic frequentness models. Zhao et al. [35] introduced two models for handling the problem of uncertain sequential pattern mining using the U-PrefixSpan algorithm. It is the extensions of the PrefixSpan [31] for revealing the set of high frequent itemsets in the uncertain databases.

In summary, we can observe that some works consider the utility and sequence ordering to find the meaningful and useful high-utility sequential patterns; however, only one work [42] addresses the problem of high-utility sequential pattern mining in the uncertain database. Yet, the utility of the discovered patterns may increase along with the size of the pattern size, which is an unfair measure to evaluate the discovered patterns. High average-utility itemset mining can thus be used to solve such limitations but yet, none of the existing works aim at combining those important factors together to provide a fair measure for detection of realistic and meaningful patterns.

3 Preliminaries and problem statement

Suppose that the m identical items are contained in a set of I such as \(\textit{I} = \{ i_{1} , i_{2} , \ldots , i_{m} \}\), and an uncertain sequential database is denoted as D containing n sequences such as \(\textit{D} = \{ S_{1} , S_{2} , \ldots , S_{n} \}\). Each sequence has a relationship such that \( S_{q}\in D \) (\( 1\le q\le n \)), in which q is a unique number in the database and called as sequential identifier (SID). For each sequence \( S_{q} \) in the database, it contains a number of itemsets as \(\{ I_{1} , I_{2} , \ldots , I_{k} \}\) and each \( I_{r} \) is a set of distinct items with their purchase quantities as \( q(i_{j}, I_{r}, S_{q}) \) and unique probabilities \( p(i_{j}, I_{r}, S_{q}) \). Moreover, an unit profit table is called utable, and it has the relationship such that \({\textit{utable}} = \{ p(i_{1}) , p(i_{2}) , \ldots , p(i_{m}) \}\). Two user-defined thresholds, respectively, named minimum expected support threshold (\(= \mu \)) and the minimum high average-utility threshold (\(= \delta \)) are then pre-defined to discover the set of HAUSPs, which is the high average-utility sequential patterns.

Table 1 presents a simple uncertain sequential database. There are four sequences and six distinct items in the database, such as (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). The corresponding utable is shown as utable = {a:2, b:1, c:3, d:4, e:1, f:2}. In this example, two thresholds \( \mu \) (\(= 35\%\)) and \( \delta \) (\(= 9.23\%\)) are, respectively, set by users’ preference.

Table 1 An uncertain sequential database

Definition 1

A sequence contains k items is defined as k-sequence.

For example, the \( S_{1} \) is a 5-sequence in the running example because 5 items are contained in \( S_{1} \). The sequence \(\langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b})\rangle \) is a 2-sequence because it has 2 items.

Definition 2

A sequence \( S_{x} = \langle I_{x1}, I_{x2}, \ldots , I_{xn} > \) is a subsequence of \( S_{y} = < I_{y1}, I_{y2}, \ldots , I_{ym} \rangle \), denoted as \( S_{x}\subseteq S_{y} \).

For example, \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \) is a subsequence of \( S_{4} \) in Table 1 since \((\textit{a})\subseteq (\textit{a}, \textit{b})\).

Definition 3

The internal utility of an item \( i_{j} \) is denoted as \( iu(i_{j}, I_{k}, S_{q}) \), we also can have a relationship such that \( i_{j}\in I_{k}\in S_{q} \) and can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} iu(i_{j}, I_{k}, S_{q}) = q(i_{j}, I_{k}, S_{q})\times p(i_{j}), \end{aligned}$$

where \( p(i_{j}) \) is the unit profit of the item \( i_{j} \) in the database.

For example, \( S_{1} \) can be defined as three itemsets such that \(\langle I_{1}\), \(I_{2}\), \(I_{3}\rangle \), and \( I_{1} = [(\textit{a}, 3)]\), \( I_{2} = [(\textit{b}, 4)]\), and \( I_{3} = [(\textit{a}, 1), (\textit{c}, 1), (\textit{e}, 2)]\). The internal utilities of an item (a) in \( S_{1} \) can be calculated as \( iu(a, I_{1}, S_{1}) \)(\(= 6\)) and \( iu(a, I_{3}, S_{1}) \)(\(= 2\)), respectively.

Definition 4

The maximum utility of the items within the sequence is concerned as the utility of the item within the sequence, which is denoted as \( imu(i_{j}, S_{q}) \) and defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} imu(i_{j}, S_{q}) = \hbox {max}\{iu(i_{j}, I_{k}, S_{q})|i_{j}\in I_{k}\wedge I_{k}\in S_{q}\}. \end{aligned}$$

For the item (a) in \( S_{1} \), \( iu(a, I_{1}, S_{1}) = 6\) and \( iu(a, I_{3}, S_{1}) = 2\); thus, the \( imu(a, S_{1}) = \hbox {max}\{iu(a, I_{1}, S_{1}), iu(a, I_{3}, S_{1})\} = \hbox {max}\{6, 2\} = 6\).

Definition 5

The average-utility of an item \( i_{j} \) in a sequence \( S_{q} \) is denoted as \( iau(i_{j}, S_{q}) \), and defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} iau(i_{j}, S_{q}) =\frac{imu(i_{j}, S_{q})}{1}. \end{aligned}$$

For the item (a) in \( S_{1} \), the \( iau(a, S_{1}) = \frac{6}{1} = 6\).

Definition 6

The utility for a subsequence s in \( {S_q} \) is denoted as \( su(s, S_{q}) \), which is to obtain the maximum utility of all combinational results of the items in \( S_{q} \).

For example of sequence \( S_{4} \), a sequence \( s = \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a})\rangle \) is its one of the subsequences; two combinations of s appeared in \( S_{4} \). The utilities of the two combinations are calculated as \((1 \times 1) + (1 \times 2) = 3\) and \((1 \times 1) + (4 \times 2) = 9\). Thus, the utility of S in \( S_{4} \) can thus be obtained as \( \hbox {max}\{3, 9\} = 9\).

Definition 7

The average-utility of a subsequence s in a sequence \( S_{q} \) is defined as the utility of s in \( S_{q} \) divided by the length of s, which is denoted as \( sau(s, S_{q}) \).

For example, the average-utility of the subsequence \( s = \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \) in \( S_{4} \) is calculated as \( \frac{9}{2} = 4.5\).

Definition 8

The probability of a sequence s within a sequence \( S_{q} \) is denoted as \( sp(S_{q}, s) \) (\( s\subseteq S_{q} \)), such that \( sp(S_{q}, s) = sp(S_{q}) \).

For example, because \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \subseteq S_{1} \), \( \langle (\textit{b})\), \((\textit{a}) \rangle \subseteq S_{4} \) and \( sp(S_{1}) = 0.6\), \( sp(S_{4}) (= 0.9)\), \(\textit{sp}(\langle (\textit{a})\rangle , S_{1})(= 0.6)\), and \(\textit{sp}(\langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a})\rangle , S_{1})~ (= 0.9)\).

Definition 9

The probability and average-utility of a sequence s in the uncertain sequential database can be, respectively, defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} sau(s)= & {} \displaystyle \sum _{s\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}sau(s, S_{q}), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} sp(s)= & {} \displaystyle \sum _{s\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D} sp(s, S_{q}) = \displaystyle \sum _{s\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}sp(S_{q}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, two sequences \( S_{1} \), \( S_{2} \) and \( S_{4} \) contain a sequence \( s = \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \). We also can have that \( sp(S_{1}, s) = sp(S_{1}) \) (\(= 0.6\)), \( sp(S_{2}, s) = sp(S_{2}) \) (\(= 0.8\)), \( sp(S_{4}, s) = sp(S_{4}) \) (\(= 0.9\)) and \( sau(S_{1}, s) \) (\(= 10\)), \( sau(S_{2}, s) \) (\(= 4\)), \( sau(S_{4}, s) \) (\(= 3\)).

Definition 10

The utility of a sequence \( S_{q} \) in an uncertain sequential database D is denoted as \( SU(S_{q}) \), which can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} SU(S_{q}) = \displaystyle \sum _{i_{j}\in I_{k}\wedge I_{k}\in S}su(i_{j}, I_{k}, S_{q}) \end{aligned}$$

For example, the utility of \( S_{1} \) is calculated as: \( SU(S_{1}) \) (\(= 6 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2\))(\(= 17\)).

Definition 11

The total utility is denoted as TSU in an uncertain sequential database D, which is to sum up the utilities of all sequences is D and defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} TSU = \displaystyle \sum _{S_{k}\in D}SU(S_{k}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, the total utility of Table 1 is calculated as TSU (\(= 17 + 16 + 15 + 17\))(\(= 65\)), where \(SU(S_{1}) \)(\(= 17\)), \(SU(S_{2}) \)(\(= 16\)), \(SU(S_{3}) \)(\(= 15\)), and \(SU(S_{4}) \)(\(= 65\)).

Problem statement: The problem of potentially high average-utility sequential patterns mining formulated as the discovery of the complete set of potentially high average-utility sequential patterns (PHAUSPs) from uncertain sequential databases. In an uncertain sequential database, a sequence s is considered as a PHAUSP if it satisfies two conditions as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {PHAUSPs}\leftarrow \{s|sp(s)\ge |D|\times \mu \wedge sau(s)\ge TSU\times \delta \}. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the discovered PHAUSPs demonstrate the average-utility value of a sequential pattern with the probability. For example, suppose that a milk is purchased first then a caviar is purchased afterward. Originally, the profit of a milk could be 2 dollars and the profit of a caviar is about 1000 dollars. Thus, the average-utility of this sequential pattern such as “buying a milk is followed by a caviar purchase” is (2 + 1000)/2 = 501 dollars. This purchase behavior can have a purchase probability with 0.05. Another average-utility of a sequential pattern such as “buying a PC is followed by purchasing a notebook” can be calculated as (100 + 300)/2 = 200 dollars. This purchase behavior can have a purchase probability of 0.9. In this situation, the retailer may consider to have more amounts of the latter pattern than the first one. The reason is that the latter one brought lower average-utility value to the retailer, but it has a higher purchase probability than the first sequential pattern.

From the example given in Table 1, the resulting set of PHAUSPs is given in Table 2 under the minimum expected support threshold \(\mu \) being 35% and the minimum high average-utility threshold \( \delta \) being 9.23%.

Table 2 The discovered PHAUSPs from the running example

To reduce the search space, the downward closure property should be maintained since the correctness and completeness of the discovered PHAUSPs should be held. Thus, it is necessary to over-estimate an upper-bound value of the PHAUSP. Definitions for maintaining the downward closure property are given as follows.

Definition 12

The sequence-maximum utility of a sequence \( S_{q} \) is denoted as \( smu(S_{q)} \), which is the maximum utility of items in a sequence \( S_{q} \), and defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} smu(S_{q}) = \hbox {max}\{u(i_{j}, S_{q})| i_{j}\in S_{q}\}. \end{aligned}$$

For instance, the sequence-maximum utility of \( S_{1} \) is quantified as \({\textit{max}}\{6, 4, 2 ,3, 2\} = 6\).

Definition 13

The sequence average-utility upper-bound of a sequence s in D is denoted as suub(s) , which is the sum of the sequence-maximum utility of all sequences containing s, and defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} suub(s) = \displaystyle \sum _{s\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q}). \end{aligned}$$

For example, the suub of the sequence \( s = \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \) is calculated as \((6 + 4 + 8) = 18\) as s appears in \( S_{1} \), \( S_{2} \) and \( S_{4} \) and we have \( smu(S_{1}) = 6\), \( smu(S_{2}) = 4\), \( smu(S_{4}) = 8\).

4 Proposed potentially high average-utility sequential pattern mining framework

In the potentially high average-utility sequential pattern mining (PHAUSPM) framework, we, respectively, design (1) a high probability average-utility upper-bound sequential pattern (PHAUUBSP) to hold the downward closure property for level-wise mining process; (2) a novel pattern called potential high average-utility sequential pattern (PHAUSP) is designed to consider utility, uncertainty, sequence ordering and average concept to provide a fair measurement; (3) a baseline algorithm called PHAUB to discover the potentially high average-utility sequential patterns in a level-wise manner; (4) three pruning strategies are developed to reduce the size of the candidate and speed up computation in mining progress; (5) an improved PHAUP algorithm is developed to speed up the PHAUB algorithm using the projection method to reduce the processed database size. To handle the sequence data in the PHAUSPM framework, the concepts of the sequence are first introduced and discussed below.

Definition 14

(Matching sequence). Given two sequences \( S_{x} = \langle I_{1} , I_{2} , \ldots , I_{n} \rangle \) and \( S_{y} = \langle I'_{1} , I'_{2} , \ldots , I'_{m} \rangle \) and items in the sequences are sorted in lexicographic order, \( S_{x} \) matches \( S_{y} \) if the \(( S_{x} - {{ first.item.}}I_{1} ) = ( S_{y} - {{ last.item.}}I'_{m} )\).

For example, \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}) \rangle \) matches two sequences \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}), (\textit{e}) \rangle \) and \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}, \textit{e}) \rangle \) but does not match \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{e}) \rangle \).

Thus, based on the matching sequence, we can discover the frequency of the specific patterns in the sequence dataset. Two ways can be performed for generating the sequence patterns, which are the S-Concatenation and I-Concatenation. Details are given below.

Definition 15

(S-Concatenation). Given two k-sequences \( S_{x} \) and \( S_{y} \) and \( S_{x} \) matches \( S_{y} \). If the final \( I'_{m}\in S_{y} \) has one item within it only, a sequence \( S_{xy} \) is then formed by appending \( I'_{m} \) into \( S_{x} \), which is defined as \( S_{x} \) joins with \( S_{y} \) using S-Concatenation.

For example, \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}) \rangle \) matches the sequences \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}), (\textit{e}) \rangle \) and a sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}), (\textit{e}) \rangle \) obtains the S-Concatenation relationship with the above sequences.

Definition 16

(I-Concatenation). Given two k-sequences \( S_{x} \) and \( S_{y} \) and \( S_{x} \) matches \( S_{y} \). If the final \( I'_{m}\in S_{y} \) has more than one item within it, a sequence \( S_{xy} \) is obtained by appending the last item in \( I'_{m} \) into the last position in \( S_{x} \), which is defined as \( S_{x} \) joins with \( S_{y} \) using I-Concatenation.

For example, \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}) \rangle \) matches the sequences \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}, \textit{e}) \rangle \) and a sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}, \textit{c}, \textit{e}) \rangle \) has I-Concatenation relationship of those two sequences.

Thus, given a set of (k-1)-sequences, the k-sequences can be formed using I-Concatenation and S-Concatenation. For example, if k is equal to 2, which is used to generate the 2-sequence. Thus, each 1-sequence will be concatenated with itself by S-Concatenation, and each 1-sequence joins all 1-sequences located after it by both I-Concatenation and S-Concatenation (this process may be based on the sorting order of the sequence). In addition, each sequence joins all 1-sequences located (in a sorted order) ahead of it using S-Concatenation.

For instance, the 1-sequences are, respectively, defined as \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}) \rangle \) and \( \langle (\textit{c}) \rangle \). Take \( \langle (\textit{b}) \rangle \) as an example to illustrate the steps. For the \(\langle (\textit{b})\rangle \), it generates four sequences such as \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \), and \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \). For each k-sequence (\(\textit{k} \ge 2\)) \( S_{x} \) in the set, assume that \( S_{y} \) is a sequence located after or before \( S_{x} \) in the set, if \( S_{x} \) matches \( S_{y} \) and the last element in \( S_{y} \) has only one item, \( S_{x} \) joins \( S_{y} \) by S-Concatenation. If \( S_{x} \) matches \( S_{y} \) and the last element in \( S_{y} \) has more than one item, \( S_{x} \) joins \( S_{y} \) using I-Concatenation. For instance, given a set of 2-sequences such that \( \langle (\textit{a}, \textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \). For the 2-sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}) \rangle \), it can generate the sequences such that \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \).

Based on the above definitions, we can obtain the lemma as follows to define and prove the upper-bound value of a sequence pattern in a uncertain dataset.

Lemma 1

The suub of a sequence s in an uncertain sequential database is defined as suub(s) , and any of its supersets has less suub values than itself.


Let \( S^{k-1} \) be one of the subsets of \( S^{k} \), in which \( S^{k} \) is defined as a k-sequence. We can obtain that \( S^{k-1}\subseteq S^{k} \); the sequence IDs of \( S^{k-1} \) is the subset of \( S^{k} \), thus:

$$\begin{aligned}&suub(S^{k}) =\displaystyle \sum _{S^{k}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q})\le \displaystyle \sum _{S^{k-1}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q}) = suub(S^{k-1}) .\\&\quad \Rightarrow suub(S^{k})\le suub(S^{k-1}) . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

To obtain the uncertainty factor of the sequence pattern, the following lemma is given to ensure that the desired pattern holds downward closure property in the mining progress.

Lemma 2

The probability sp of a sequence s in an uncertain sequential database is defined as sp(s) , and any of its subsets have larger or equal sp values than itself.


Let \( S^{k-1} \) be one of the subsets of \( S^{k} \), in which \( S^{k} \) is defined as a k-sequence. We can obtain that \(S^{k-1}\subseteq S^{k}\), the sequence IDs of \( S^{k-1} \) is the subset of \( S^{k} \), thus:

$$\begin{aligned}&sp(S^{k}) =\displaystyle \sum _{S^{k}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}sp(S_{q})\le \displaystyle \sum _{S^{k-1}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}sp(S_{q}) = sp(S^{k-1}) .\\&\quad \Rightarrow sp(S^{k})\le sp(S^{k-1}) . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Based on the above lemmas, a theorem can be derived to ensure that the discovered patterns possess the completeness and correctness properties.

Theorem 1

(High-probability DC property, HPDC property) If a sequential pattern is a high probability sequential pattern in an uncertain sequential database, the HPDC property holds for any of the high probability sequential pattern (HPSP).


Let \( S^{k-1} \) be one of the subsets of \( S^{k} \), in which \( S^{k} \) is defined as a k-sequence. Since \( sp(S_{q}, S^{k}) \) = \( sp(S_{q}) \). For any sequence \( S_{q} \) in an uncertain sequential database D, \( sp(S_{q}, S^{k}) \) = \( sp(S_{q}, S^{k-1}) \). Since \( S^{k-1} \) is a subset of \( S^{k} \), the set of SIDs of \( S^{k-1} \) is as the subset of \( S^{k} \), according to Lemma 1, we can have that \( sp(S^{k})\le sp(S^{k-1}) \). Thus, if \( S^{k} \) is a HPSP, its probability is no less than the minimum expected support count, that is \( sp(S^{k})\ge |D|\times \mu \); \( sp(S^{k-1})\ge |D|\times \mu \). \(\square \)

Corollary 1

Let \( S^{k} \) sequence be a HPSP; thus, any of its subsets \( S^{k-1} \) belong to HPSP.

Corollary 2

Let \( S^{k} \) sequence not be a HPSP; thus, non-superset \( S^{k+1}\) will be a HPSP.

To ensure that the designed algorithms hold the completeness and correctness properties of the discovered patterns, an upper-bound value of the pattern is defined below. Since this upper-bound value holds the downward closure property, the required patterns can be correctly and completely mined. Definition of the upper-bound pattern is presented below.

Definition 17

A sequence s in an uncertain sequential database is defined as a high probability average-utility upper-bound sequential pattern (PHAUUBSP) if 1) \( sp(s)\ge |D|\times \mu \), and 2) \( suub(s)\ge TSU\times \delta \).

For example, user defined the minimum expected support as \(\mu \) (\(= 35\%\)); we can have the minimum expected count as \(\delta = (4\times 35\%\))(\(= 1.4\)). The minimum average-utility threshold is set as 9.23%, and we can have the minimum average-utility count as \(\delta = (65\times 9.23\%)\)(\(= 6\)). A sequence \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \) is called as a PHAUUBSP because its \( suub ( < (\textit{b}), (\textit{a})> ) = smu(S_{1}) + smu(S_{2}) + smu(S_{4}) = 6 + 4 + 8 = 18 > 6)\), and its \( sp ( < (\textit{b}), (\textit{a})> ) (= 0.6 + 0.8 + 0.9)(= 2.3 > 1.4)\).

Based on the above definitions, we can prove that the designed algorithm holds the potentially high average-utility upper-bound downward closure (PHAUUBDC) property as follows.

Theorem 2

(Potentially high average-utility upper-bound downward closure property, PHAUUBDC property). Let \( S^{k-1} \) be one of the subsets of \( S^{k} \), in which \( S^{k} \) is defined as a k-sequence. If \( S^{k-1} \) is a PHAUUBSP, based on the PHAUUBDC property, we can have that 1) \( suub(S^{k-1})\ge suub(S^{k})\) and 2)\( sp(S^{k-1})\ge sp(S^{k}) \).


Since \(S^{k-1}\subseteq S^{k}\), the sequence IDs of \( S^{k-1} \) is as subset of \( S^{k} \). Thus:

$$\begin{aligned}&suub(S^{k}) =\displaystyle \sum _{S^{k}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q})\le \displaystyle \sum _{S^{k-1}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q}) = suub(S^{k-1}) .\\&\quad \Rightarrow suub(S^{k})\le suub(S^{k-1}) . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Thus, we can conclude that the actual PHAUSP is the subset of the PHAUUBSP since the PHAUUBSP holds the upper-bound value of the PHAUSP. We then can derive the following theorem.

Theorem 3

(\( PHAUSP\subseteq PHAUUBSP \)). The PHAUUBDC property of PHAUUBSP ensures that PHAUSP\(\subseteq \) PHAUUBSPs. It suggests that if a sequential pattern is not a PHAUUBSP, none of its supersets is either PHAUUBSP or PHAUSP.


\( \forall S^{k-1}\in D \), and \( S^{k-1} \) is defined as a (k-1)-sequence, we can obtain:

1) According to Theorem 2, if \( S^{k-1} \) is not a PHAUUBSP, none of its supersets \( S^{k} \) is PHAUUBSP. Thus, \( suub(S^{k})\le suub(S^{k-1}) < TSU\times \delta \) and \( sp(S^{k})\le sp(S^{k-1}) < |D|\times \mu \). 2)

$$\begin{aligned}&sau(S^{k-1}) = \displaystyle \sum _{S^{k-1}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}su(S_{q}, S^{k-1})\le \displaystyle \sum _{S^{k-1}\subseteq S_{q}\wedge S_{q}\in D}smu(S_{q}) = suub(S^{k-1}) .\\&\quad \Rightarrow sau(S^{k-1})\le suub(S^{k-1}). \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Thus, if \( S^{k-1} \) is not a PHAUUBSP, it suggests that \( S^{k-1} \) does not satisfy the following two conditions: \( sp(S^{k-1})\ge |D|\times \mu \) and \( suub(S^{k-1})\ge TSU\times \delta \); \( S^{k-1} \) would not be a PHAUSP. Thus, any of its supersets \( S^{k} \) will not be either PHAUUBSP or PHAUSP.

4.1 Three pruning strategies

To accelerate the mining performance, an average-utility correlated structure (AUCS) is designed to obtain the suub value of 2-itemsets. Since the suub value is the upper-bound value of the sequential pattern, the AUCS is therefore used to remove those unpromising candidates of 2-itemsets in advance.

Lemma 3

(Average-utility correlated structure, AUCS) If the suub of 2-sequence is not larger than the minimum average-utility sequential count, any superset of this 2-sequence will not be either a PHAUUBSP or a PHAUSP.


Let \( S^{2} \) be a 2-sequence, and \( S^{k} \) be a k-sequence (\( k\ge \) 3), which is a superset of \( S^{2} \). Since \( suub(S^{k})\le suub (S^{k-1}) \) and PHAUSP\(\subseteq \) PHAUUBSP holds; if a 2-sequence \( S^{2} \) has \( suub (S^{2}) < TSU\times \mu \), \( S^{2} \) is not a PHAUUBSP and any supersets of \( S^{2} \) w.r.t. a k-sequence (\( k\ge 3\)) is neither a PHAUUBSP nor PHAUSP. \(\square \)

From the given example, the constructed AUCS are given in Table 3.

Table 3 The built AUCS of the running example

According to the above lemmas and theorems, three pruning strategies can be designed to speed up the mining performance of the PHAUSPs by reducing of the search space for the candidates.

Strategy 1

If the probability and the suub of a sequence \( S^{k} \) do not follow the two conditions of: 1) \( sp(S_{k})\ge |D|\times \mu \) and 2) \( suub (S^{k})\ge TSU\times \delta \), this sequence is ignored as none of its supersets is a PHAUSP.

Rationale 1

According to Theorems 2 and 3, this strategy can be correctly held.

Strategy 2

Let \( S^{k} \) be a k-sequence, and if any (k-1)-subsequence of the \( S^{k} \) is not a HPSP, \( S^{k} \) and all its supersets cannot be PHAUSP either.

Rationale 2

This pruning strategy holds according to Theorem 1.

Strategy 3

Let \( S^{k} \) be a k-sequence (\( k\ge \) 3). If the suub of a 2-sequence \( s\subseteq S^{k} \) such that suub(s) is minimum high average-utility sequential count based on the built AUCS, \( S^{k} \) is not a PHAUUBSP and will not be a PHAUSP either. Moreover, none of its superset is a PHAUSP.

Rationale 3

Based on Lemmas 1 and 3, this pruning strategy can be correctly obtained.

4.2 Revised database

In the proposed algorithm framework, it is required that the database be revised to keep the set of 1-PHAUUBSPs for future mining. Specifically, the original database is revised by pruning the unpromising candidates if they do not meet the pre-defined thresholds (\(\mu \) and \(\delta \)). The pseudo-code to obtain the satisfied 1-PHAUUBSPs is presented in Algorithm 1.

figure f

The input of Algorithm 1 includes: (1) an uncertain database is defined as D; (2) a unit profit table utable; (3) the minimum high average-utility threshold \(\delta \); (4) the minimum expected support threshold \(\mu \). The revised procedure takes the steps as follows. The input database is firstly scanned to find the sequence-maximum utility for each sequence in D (Lines 1 to 2). Then, the 1-items of high potential average-utility upper-bound sequential patterns are kept in the set of PHAUUBSPs (Lines 3 to 6) and the unqualified items are deleted from the database. When all the unpromising items have been removed from D (Lines 7 to 8), the database itself becomes sanitized, which is called \( D' \); the discovered set of PHAUUBSPs\(^{1} \) and D’ are finally returned (Line 9).

4.3 Proposed level-wise PHAUB algorithm

The baseline algorithm named PHAUB mines the PHAUSPs on a level-by-level basis. First, a breadth-first search is performed in the algorithm to mine PHAUUBSPs. Using the PHAUUBDC property and pruning Strategy 1, the unsatisfied sequences are pruned in advance; thereby the search space is significantly reduced. The revised database is then scanned again to obtain the actual PHAUSPs for each sequence in the set of PHAUUBSPs. The pseudo-code is given in Algorithm 2.

figure g

The inputs of the baseline PHAUB algorithm include: (1) a revised D, called \( D'\); (2) an unit profit table utable; (3) the minimum average-utility threshold, \( \mu \); (4) the minimum expected support threshold, \( \delta \). The initial value of k is initially set as 2 (Line 1), and the set of PHAUUBSPs is discovered in a level-wise manner through a loop (Lines 2 to 12). In the (k-1)-th iteration of the loop, the set of PHAUUBSPs\(^{k} \) is retrieved as follows. The generate-and-test procedure is firstly performed to generate the k-sequence by combining two (k-1)-sequence (Line 3). For each candidate sequence \( S^{k} \), the pruning Strategy 3 is applied to prune the unpromising sequence in advance which cannot further be the PHAUUBSP (Lines 5 to 6). The suub and sp values for \( S^{k} \) are then calculated to find the satisfied sequences and put them into the set of PHAUUBSPs\(^{k} \) (Lines 8 to 10). This procedure is performed in a recursive fashion until the set of PHAUUBSPs\(^{k-1} \) becomes null (Line 2). Finally, the database is re-scanned to obtain the PHAUSPs from the sequences in the set of PHAUUBSPs (Lines 13 to 16), which are returned as the final results (Line 17).

This algorithm is trivial but effectively discovers the PHAUSPs and the correctness and completeness are maintained. To speed up the mining performance, an improved algorithm named PHAUP is introduced as follows.

4.4 The proposed PHAUP algorithm

Because the PHAUB algorithm uses a level-wise approach to mine the PHAUSPs, high computational and space overhead are required during the mining process. To solve this problem, we present an improved PHAUP algorithm. The PHAUP algorithm uses the projection technique to project the smaller database of the processed sequence, whereby the computational and space overhead can be considerably reduced. The related definitions are presented as follows.

Definition 18

Let \( S_{a} \) and \( S_{b} \) be two sequences defined as \( S_{a} = \langle I_{1} , I_{2} , \ldots , I_{n}\rangle \) and \( S_{b} = \langle I'_{1} , I'_{2} , \ldots , I'_{m} \rangle \) (\( 1\le m\le n \)). Suppose that all items of each sequence are sorted alphabetically. The sequence \( S_{b} \) is termed a prefix of \( S_{a} \) if 1) \( I'_{i} = I_{i} \) (\( 1\le i\le m - 1 \)); 2) \( I'_{m}\subseteq I_{m} \) and all items in (\( I_{m} - I'_{m} \)) are sorted in their alphabetic order.

For example, \( \langle (\textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}, \textit{d}), (\textit{b}) \rangle \) are all the prefix of the sequence \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}, \textit{d}), (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \), but not the prefix of the sequence \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{d}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}, \textit{d}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \).

Definition 19

Let s and \( S_{q} \) be two sequences satisfying that \( s\subseteq S_{q} \). A subsequence of \( S_{q} \) is considered to be the projection of s if the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) the sequence has prefix s and (2) no proper super-sequence of s satisfying that it is not only a subsequence \( S_{q} \) but also has prefix S, represented by \( S_{q}|s \). The projected database of a sequence s in the revised uncertain sequential database \( D' \) represents the collection of all projected sequences of each sequence in the database with regard to the sequence s, represented by \( D'|s \).

As an example, the projected sequence of \( \langle (\textit{b}) \rangle \) for the sequence \( \langle (\textit{b}), (\textit{c}, \textit{d}), (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \) is \( \langle -, (\textit{c}, \textit{d}), (\textit{b}, \textit{c}) \rangle \). Also, the projected database of the sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \) in Table 1 is presented in Table 4.

Table 4 The projected database of the sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \)

The pseudo-code description of the PHAUP algorithm is given in Algorithm 3.

figure h

The inputs of the PHAUP algorithm include: (1) D’, a revised uncertain sequential database; (2) utable, a table containing the unit profit of each item; (3) \( \delta \), the average-minimum utility threshold; (4) \( \mu \), the minimum expected support threshold; (5) the set of \( PHAUUBSPs^{1} \), that is, the PHAUUBSPs of length 1. For each 1-sequence s in PHAUUBSPs\(^{1} \), a scan of the input database is executed to generate the projected database \( D'|s \) (Line 2). The initial k value is then set as 1 (Line 3), and the Project process is then performed to obtain the projected database of S (Line 4). In the Project function (c.f. Algorithm 4), each itemset \( X' \) with a prefix X is recursively assessed in order to generate the set of PHAUUBSPs completely (Lines 1 to 10). First, it produces the (k+1)-itemset \( X' \) which consists of the prefix itemset X and each \( S\in PHAUUBSPs^{1}\) (Line 1). Then, they are added to the set of \( C^{k+1} \) (Line 2). For the itemsets in \( C^{k+1} \), they are processed and the \( db|_{X'} \) is performed to obtain the projected sub-database for the \( db|_{X'} \) of \( X' \) (Line 4), \( sp(X') \) and \( suub(X') \) (Line 5). Two conditions are then assessed to check whether its supersets have to be explored and checked for the subsequent projection search (Lines 6 to 9). If an itemset is obtained in the set of PHAUUBSPs, the Project procedure will be continuously executed (Line 8). After that, the Project procedure return PHAUUBSPs with a prefix X (Line 10). The detailed description of the Project procedure is given as follows.

figure i

5 An illustrative example

In this section, we will present an example to better explain the ideas behind the proposed algorithms. The uncertain sequential database in this example has been presented in Table 1. For the two algorithms we proposed, the database will be revised to remove unpromising candidates. A scan of the database is conducted for the calculation of the expected support and suub of each 1-sequence. In this example, all the resulting 1-sequences are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 An example of the 1-sequences

After the above step, the \(\langle (\textit{a})\rangle \), \(\langle (\textit{b})\rangle \) and \( \langle (\textit{c}) \rangle \) are regarded as the PHAUUBSPs and added into PHAUUBSPs\( ^{1} \) (a set to keep 1-sequences). Then, an individual item in the database will be removed from the database using Algorithm 1 if it is not in the set PHAUUBSPs\( ^{1} \).

For the PHAUB algorithm, the k value is set to 2 and the set of 2-sequences are produced by the combinational procedure of the 1-sequences in the set of PHAUUBSPs\( ^{1} \). The pruning Strategy 3 is used to remove unpromising candidates from the set of PHAUUBSPs\( ^{k+1} \). The built AUCS was given in Table 3, which are used to produce the suub values of the 2-sequences. Therefore, many candidates extended from the 2-sequences are removed in advance. For example, the sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{c}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \) does not have to be evaluated as its suub value of 2-sequence \( \langle (\textit{c}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \) fails to satisfy the condition. Recursively, this procedure is performed until there are no more candidates generated. After that, the database is required to be re-scanned to obtain the actual PHAUSPs, and the final results were given in Table 2.

For the improved PHAUP algorithm, a scan on the database is performed to obtain all PHAUUBSPs\( ^{1} \) which will be put into the set of PHAUUBSPs\( ^{1} \), i.e., \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{b}) \rangle \), and \( \langle (\textit{c}) \rangle \). For each sequence \( S^{k} \) in the set of PHAUUBSPs\( ^{k} \) (k = 1), its projected database \( D'|S^{k} \) is generated. Suppose that the sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \) is a PHAUUBSPs and its projected database is what have been shown in Table 4. After that, the suub and sp values of the extended sequences are then calculated. For example of the sequence \( \langle (\textit{a}) \rangle \), its extended sequences are \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{a}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{a}, \textit{b}) \rangle \), \( \langle (\textit{a}), (\textit{c}) \rangle \), and \( \langle (\textit{a}, \textit{c}) \rangle \). If their suub and sp values meet the conditions, they are then put into the set of PHAUUBSPs\( ^{k+1} \). The actual average-utility value of the processed sequence is compared with the minimum average-utility count in order to obtain the qualified PHAUSPs. This algorithm is recursively executed until no more candidates are produced. The final results were given in Table 2.

Table 6 Characteristics for the conducted datasets
Fig. 1
figure 1

Runtime w.r.t fixed \( \mu \) with various \( \delta \)

6 Experimental evaluation

We have conducted substantial experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. More specifically, we evaluated the execution time, the total number of candidates generated, space overhead, the number of discovered patterns and scalability toward large datasets on our algorithms. Note that there is currently a lack of existing works that are focused on high average-utility sequential pattern mining from uncertain database. As a result, only the two proposed approaches are reasonable compared in terms of speed performance, number of candidates, and memory usage. The HUSPM algorithm [42] is compared with the designed approaches in terms of number of discovered patterns and scalability to show the effectiveness of the designed patterns. All algorithms were implemented using Java on a Windows 7 desktop featuring an Intel i7-4790 CPU, clocked at 3.60GHz with 8GB of RAM. Four real-life and one databases obtained from SPMF [12] were considered for the experimental evaluation. The details of the parameters used for the datasets are: \(\#|\mathbf {D}|\) indicates the number of sequences in the database; \(\#|\mathbf {I}|\) indicates the number of distinct items in the database; AvgLen indicates the average length of transactions in the database; MaxLen indicates the maximal length of transactions in the database; and Type indicates the dataset type. The characteristics of the used datasets are given in Table 6.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Runtime w.r.t fixed \( \delta \) with various \( \mu \)

The BIBLE is moderately dense and contains many medium length sequences. This dataset is a conversion of the Bible into a sequence database (each word is an item). The SIGN dataset is a dense dataset containing very long sequences. It is the sign language containing approximately 730 sequences. The FIFA is moderately dense and contains many long sequences. It shows the click stream data from the website of FIFA World Cup 98. For the BMS dataset, it is a click-stream data from a webstore used in KDD-Cup 2000. For all datasets, external utilities of items are generated between 0 and 1000 by using a log-normal distribution and quantities of items are generated randomly between 1 and 5, which is similar to the existing works [44]. Also, the uncertainty factor is randomly assigned to each sequence in a range of (0, 1).

6.1 Speed performance

In this section, the speed performance for the proposed algorithms is then evaluated, which involves measuring the CPU and disk I/O times. Figures 1 and 2 represent the execution time of the proposed algorithms under different values of \( \mu \) and \( \delta \), respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Number of candidates w.r.t fixed \( \mu \) with various \( \delta \)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Number of candidates w.r.t fixed \( \delta \) with various \( \mu \)

Fig. 5
figure 5

Memory usage w.r.t fixed \( \mu \) with various \( \delta \)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Memory usage w.r.t fixed \( \delta \) with various \( \mu \)

From Figs. 1 and 2, we can see that the execution time of all the algorithms decreases when the minimum expected support threshold or minimum high average-utility threshold increases. Particularly, the PHAUP algorithm is much faster than the PHAUB algorithm in all cases since the projection mechanism can easily reduce the size of the processed sequence, thus the computational cost of PHAUP can be greatly reduced.

Specifically, for the SIGN dataset shown in Fig. 1a when the \( \delta \) is set as 1% and \(\mu \) was varied from 7 to 19%, the execution time of PHAUB decreases from 132 to 5 s, while that of PHAUP decreases from 8 to 2 s. The result is understandable since the PHAUB algorithm uses the generate-and-test mechanism, which has to generate large amounts of candidates to mine PHAUSPs. Also, performing multiple database scans while calculating the suub values of the candidates at each level requires a longer execution time. The projection-based PHAUP algorithm can gradually shrink the size of the database of the processed sequence, which leads to a decrease in the total number of candidates. The mining process can be accelerated by the increasing the size of sequences.

6.2 Number of candidates

Sequence candidates are generated by the proposed algorithms, and their sizes are analyzed in this section. A sequence becomes a candidate if it requires one more database scan in order to obtain its average-utility. The candidate number under different \( \mu \) and \( \delta \) values are presented in Figs. 3 and 4.

Figures 3 and 4 clearly illustrate that the PHAUP algorithm always has a lower number of candidates against the baseline method. For example in Fig. 3a, when \( \mu \) is 7% and \( \delta \) is 1%, the total number of candidates of PHAUB and PHAUP are, respectively, 136,479 and 35,577. This can be explained by the fact that the PHAUP algorithm is developed based on the projection strategy to reduce the size of the processed database, so the number of determined candidates is far smaller than that of the candidates in the whole database. Furthermore, the suub value of the candidate in the projected dataset is significantly smaller when compared with the candidates in the original database, contributing to fewer candidates being generated. Therefore, the projection mechanism plays a very important role in performance improvement by reducing the number of candidates for mining the PHAUSPs.

6.3 Memory overhead

The memory overhead of the two proposed algorithms is analyzed. The results of the memory usage under different \( \mu \) and \( \delta \) values are presented in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.

We can see from Figs. 5 and 6 that the proposed PHAUP sometimes incurs a high memory consumption than that of the PHAUB algorithm. In Fig. 5d, when \( \mu \) is 0.05% and \( \delta \) is 0.04%, the memory usage of PHAUB and PHAUP are 1137 MB and 1795 MB, respectively. This is because the PHAUP algorithm needs to generate projection database iteratively, which typically requires more memory space. Yet, when the threshold is set lower, for example in Figs. 5a–c and 6b, c, the PHAUP requires lower memory consumption than that of the PHAUB because the PHAUB may generate a larger amount of candidates of PHAUSPs. Generally speaking, the PHAUP has a better space performance under lower thresholds compared to the PHAUB approach.

6.4 Number of discovered patterns

Although it is not reasonable to compare the designed algorithm with the HUSPM [42] in terms of speed, number of candidates, and memory overhead, it is possible to compare the numbers of discovered patterns of HUSPM and the designed algorithms to show the effectiveness of the designed pattern. The number of the discovered potential high-utility sequential patterns (PHUSPs) in HUSPM [42] and the number of mined potential high average-utility sequential patterns (PHAUSPs) of the designed PHAUB and PHAUP algorithms are then evaluated and shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Note that the designed PHAUB and PHAUP generate the same number of the desired PHAUSPs.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Number of discovered patterns w.r.t fixed \( \mu \) with various \( \delta \)

Fig. 8
figure 8

Number of discovered patterns w.r.t fixed \( \delta \) with various \( \mu \)

From Figs. 7 and 8, we can observe that the designed algorithms generate much fewer patterns (PHAUSPs) than the HUSPM [42] (PHUSPs). This is reasonable since the average-utility concept is adopted in the designed framework, thus providing a fair measurement than that of the HUSPM because the utility of a discovered pattern will not increase along with its size. Thus, less information and fewer patterns are then discovered and the effectiveness for decision making can be achieved.

6.5 Scalability

In this section, we evaluated how well the two proposed algorithms scale under varying number of sequences in the input database. Also, the number of the discovered patterns with the HUSPM is then evaluated. Experiments were conducted on a series of artificial datasets called S10I4N4KD|X|K. Experiments of runtime, number of candidates, and memory usage are shown in Fig. 9. The minimum expected support threshold and the minimum high average-utility threshold are both set as 0.1%.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Scalability of the compared approaches

Figure 9 shows that the PHAUP algorithm enjoys a better scalability than that of the PHAUB algorithms in terms of the execution time and the size of the candidates. When the size of dataset increases, the projection method may require a higher memory consumption to project the sub-dataset of the processed sequence. Furthermore, when the size of dataset increases, it needs more memory space to maintain the suub and probability values of the candidates.

We can also see that, when the database size increases, the execution time and memory consumption of the two algorithms increase at the same time, but the number of candidates remain stable nevertheless. This is because the databases with different sizes are generated by the same dataset generator, which processes the minimum expected support value and the minimum high average-utility count with an increase in a right proportion to the database size. As a result, a sequence not considered as a PHAUUBSP in the small dataset may not be the PHAUUBSP in the large dataset. We also can observe that the number of PHUSPs is much more than that of the number of PHAUSPs, thus PHAUSPs hold the effectiveness for providing less but useful information for decision making.

7 Conclusion

We first present a novel algorithm framework called potentially high average-utility sequential pattern mining (PHAUSPM). This framework mines potentially high average-utility sequential patterns (PHAUSPs) from uncertain sequential databases. A new concept called potentially high average-utility upper-bound sequential pattern (PHAUUBSP) was introduced to ensure the correctness and completeness of the discovered PHAUSPs. The PHAUB algorithm with three different pruning techniques is also proposed to accelerate the mining process, which mines the PHAUSPs at different levels. The second PHAUP algorithm is proposed based on the projection method to discover the PHAUSPs from the projected dataset. Extensive experiments were conducted for performance evaluation of the proposed algorithms from the perspectives of execution time, number of candidates, memory consumption, number of discovered patterns, and scalability. The results demonstrated that the proposed algorithms can efficiently and effectively mine the required patterns.