“The only thing advertisers care about is circulation, circulation, circulation.” Edward J. Atorino, analyst Fulcrum Global Partners, New York June 17, 2004 (The Boston Globe).

1 Introduction

In many markets, firms must satisfy two constituencies: consumers on one side and advertisers on the other in the case of media, policyholders and service providers for HMOs and PPOs, search engine users and advertisers, or application developers and users of software platforms. This paper analyzes platform competition when these firms engage in vertical differentiation and set prices. The model herein departs from much of the current literature in that platforms compete directly on both sides. Doing so qualitatively alters equilibria the understanding of which is important in practice. The insights of this paper are robust to changes in the extensive form and of some modeling details, and so may be applied to multiple markets like newsprint, operating systems or video game consoles, and even healthcare and education (see Bardey and Rochet 2010a and Bardey et al. 2010b). The results also extend where prices are zero on one side, such as broadcasting, search engine competition or social media.

The game considered has three stages: quality setting on one side (B) then price setting on the same side, and price setting on the other side (A). Because of a cross-market externality, the dominant platform on side B is the more attractive one for A-side agents, so vertical differentiation arises endogenously on side A. A unique pure-strategy equilibrium exists only when the A-side is not too lucrative. In this case the optimal quality level of the top firm is lower than the benchmark of maximal differentiation established by Shaked and Sutton (1982, now S&S) and Gabszewicz and Thisse (1979). Usually differentiation is a means of extracting consumer surplus at the cost of surrendering market share to the competition (Hotelling 1929; S&S). But here every B agent allows the platform to extract surplus from side A as well, and so is more valuable. This enhances competition for them. Thus B agents receive a discount commensurate with the profits that can be extracted from side A; then a lesser quality is necessary to attract the marginal B consumer.

The more lucrative is side A, the harder platforms compete for B agents, so the lower are B prices. Beyond a well-defined threshold, the quality-adjusted price of the high-quality firm is so low that it preempts market B, and consequently side A as well. But then the excluded firm possesses a non-local deviation and can monopolize the market too. One must play in mixed strategies. The market may be preempted ex post (in the continuation play), which is a distinct feature of two-sided markets in practice; there is a single eBay, a single Microsoft and a single newspaper in any U.S. city (except for New York City). This pre-emption result is also the only equilibrium when B-side prices are fixed, or bounded, at 0. This applies well to search engine competition or social media: quality is costly and in equilibrium there is a single dominant player (Google, Facebook). Pre-emption and ex post monopolization owe not to a contraction of market B but rather to an expansion of the A market, which induces more aggressive competition for B-side consumers.

In a discussion I argue that the results are quite widely applicable. I explain that the introduction of a second externality from A to B does not qualitatively alter any of the results. I also discuss bottlenecks (introduced by Armstrong (2006)) and show that the results are robust to a change in the extensive form.Footnote 1

Capturing the phenomena of quality distortion and pre-emption requires there to be direct (price) competition on both side. That is, no platform should be a bottleneck. If a platform is a bottleneck, it is insulated from (price) competition in market A and so it behaves like a monopolist in that market. Then (i) a pure-strategy equilibrium always exists; and (ii) there can be no pre-emption (see details in the Sect. 4). Typically a bottleneck is modeled as allowing a buyer to purchase up to two units, with at most one from each supplier; it can only generate monopoly pricing. The bottleneck assumption severely understates the full extent of the competition between firms, and rules out playing in mixed strategies.

In this paper direct competition is re-introduced in the form of a ‘single-homing’ assumption: both sides have unit demand. Single-homing exacerbates competition.Footnote 2 With this, price competition for A-side consumers generates a premium to being the dominant platform on side B. This premium effect is subsided when platforms are bottleneck: they are both local monopolists. When side B is lucrative enough, the premium effect induces payoffs that are not quasiconcave; it is precisely this lack of quasiconcavity that leads to a breakdown of the pure-strategy equilibrium. I also note that single-homing finds empirical support in Kaiser and Wright (2006) in the context of German magazines, in Argentesi and Filistrucchi (2007) in Italian newspapers and in Jin and Rysman (2010), who study sportscard conventions.

The works closest to this paper are Gabszewicz et al. (2001, hereafter GLS) and Dukes and Gal-Or (2003, now DGO), which both study a media duopoly. GLS allow advertisers to place at most one ad on each platform; this is what creates the bottleneck. For a small externality the location equilibrium displays maximal differentiation; if the externality is large enough firms co-locate. In DGO the payoff function is additive over advertisers; this linear separability induces the bottleneck. The equilibrium exhibits minimal differentiation. In the present model there cannot be a pure-strategy equilibrium with minimal differentiation; instead one must play in mixed strategies. Hence we see that the nature of equilibrium varies greatly depending on whether platforms are bottlenecks. Armstrong and Wright (2007) study a model of bottlenecks that shares the essential features of GLS and generates results similar in spirit.

In Ferrando et al. (2008) locations as fixed and prices are set simultaneously on both sides. The equilibria are coordination equilibria in which the market may be preempted by one platform. Gabszewicz et al. (2004) derive three mutually exclusive rational-expectation equilibria: a symmetric, Bertrand equilibrium; a preemption equilibrium and an interior (asymmetric) equilibrium. Here the extensive form calls for subgame perfection, which leads to a unique equilibrium. In the context of health care, Bardey and Rochet (2010a) allow insurance companies to compete for patients (through premia) and service providers (through rebates). Patients are heterogenous in their health risk and thus may value health services differently. This affects health plans’ payments to physicians and hospitals, but there is no direct competition. The authors assert that little changes with direct competition on both sides. This suggestion should be weighed with some caution in light of our results. Reisinger (2012) allows for direct competition for homogenous advertisers, while differentiated consumers do not pay for the platforms. Advertisers do not care for the relative quality of a platform, but only for the number of consumers, hence there is no premium effect. This tames competition. Armstrong and Weeds (2007) use a model of horizontal differentiation augmented with a quality investment to study the welfare effects of competition between broadcasters. Quality, although not the source of differentiation, may be under-provided in equilibrium. Gonzales-Maestre and Martinez-Sanchez (2015) use a similar model to evaluate the provision of quality and the quantity of advertising shown when a private broadcaster competes for viewers with a welfare-maximizing (public) broadcaster. The presence of the public broadcaster increases the quality of the private provider.

The next Section introduces the model. Section 3 covers the characterization and some implications. Section 4 presents an extensive discussion in which robustness checks are performed. All proofs are sent to the Appendix, as well as some additional technical material.

2 Model

There are two platforms, identified with the subscripts 1 and 2, that market a good (for example, news) to a continuum of B-side consumers of mass 1. Simultaneously it also sells another commodity (such as informative advertising) on the A side. All players have an outside option normalized to 0.

\(\mathbf {B}\) agents’ net utility function is expressed as \(u(b,\theta _{i},p^{B}_{i}):=\theta _{i} b -p^{B}_{i};~i=1,2\) when facing a price \(p^{B}_{i}\). All B agents value quality in the sense of vertical differentiation—there is no ambiguity as to what quality is. The benefit b is uniformly distributed on an interval \([\underline{\beta }, \overline{\beta }]\) and \(\theta \in \Theta =[ \underline{\theta },\overline{\theta }]\) denotes the quality parameter of each good. Let \(\mathbf {p}^{B} :=(p^{B}_{1}, p^{B}_{2}), \mathbf {\theta }:= (\theta _{1},\theta _{2} )\). These consumers buy at most one unit (say, one newspaper). When \(\theta _{1}>\theta _{2}\), define the measure \(D_{1}(\mathbf {p}^{B},\mathbf {\theta }):= Pr(\theta _{1}\beta - p^{B}_{1}\ge \max \{0,\theta _{2} \beta -p^{B}_{2}\})\). Hence they will purchase from provider 1 over provider 2 as long as \(\beta \ge \hat{\beta }:= \frac{p^{B}_{1}-p_{2}^{B}}{\theta _{1}-\theta _{2}}\).

\(\mathbf {A}\) agents have gross payoff \(eD_{i}a-p^{A}_{i} ;~i=1,2\) from consuming one unit of the good, where e is a scaling parameter and a represents the marginal benefit of attracting more B-side agent. The more B agents any A agent can reach, the more they value this service. In the media example this is the marginal benefit of reaching one more consumer. A-side agents are heterogenous in this parameter, which is uniformly distributed on \([\underline{\alpha },\overline{\alpha }]\) with mass 1. The difference in the platforms’ market shares on the B side defines their relative attractiveness on the other side. Given prices \(\mathbf {p}^{A}:=(p^{A}_{1}, p^{A} _{2})\) and coverage \(\mathbf {D}:=(D_{1},D_{2})\), an A-side agent purchases from 1 over 2, only if \(eD_{1}a- p^{A}_{1}\ge \max \{0,eD_{2}a-p^{A}_{2}\}\). This decision rule generates the measure \(Pr(eD_{1}a-p^{A}_{1}\ge \max \{0,e D_{2}a- p^{A}_{2}\} ):=q_{1}(\mathbf {p}^{A},\mathbf {D})\). Without significant loss there is no externality from the A to the B side (see the Sect. 4). There is no capacity constraint and zero marginal cost.Footnote 3

Assumption 1

\(\overline{\beta }-2\underline{\beta }>0,~\overline{\alpha }-2 \underline{\alpha }>0\) and \(\underline{\theta }\underline{\beta }\ge \frac{1}{3}(\overline{\theta }-\underline{\theta })(\overline{\beta } -2\underline{\beta })\).

This assumption rules out the trivial case in which the low-quality platform necessarily faces zero demand in the price subgames on both sides; it is also sufficient for market coverage on both sides.

Quality \(\theta _{i}\) is costly and is modeled as an investment with cost \(k \theta _{i}^{2}\), where we impose.

Assumption 2

\(k>(2\overline{\beta }-\underline{\beta })^{2}/18\overline{\theta }\).

to obtain an interior solution in the benchmark problem (Shaked and Sutton 1982, now S&S).

Game: Platforms first choose a quality level simultaneously. Given observed qualities, they each set prices to B consumers, who make purchasing decisions. With \(\mathbf {D}\) observed, they set prices to A agents in a third stage. This extensive form captures some real-life situations.Footnote 4 An alternative timing is discussed in Sect. 4; the results are robust to it. The equilibrium concept is Nash subgame-perfect. The three-stage game is denoted \(\Gamma \). For any platform \(i=1,2\), the objective function reads

$$\begin{aligned} \Pi _{i}:=D_{i}(\mathbf {p}^{B},\mathbf {\theta })p_{i}^{B}- k\theta _{i}^{2}+q_{i}(\mathbf {p}^{A},\mathbf {D})p^{A}_{i}, \end{aligned}$$

where we see there is an indirect effect from B-side prices (and thus quality) onto side A through demands \(D_1,D_2\). This model is stark and simple. Yet its analysis is somewhat involved, which reflects the fact that two-sided markets present us with intricate problems.

3 Equilibrium analysis

We proceed in three steps, starting with the A side where the platforms’ behavior is not directly affected by B-side quality choices.

3.1 Price subgames

A -market subgame. This stage replicates the result of the classical analysis of vertical differentiation. Let \(e\Delta D=e\cdot (D_{1}- D_{2})\) denote the scaled difference in the platforms’ quality. Then equilibrium payoffs take a simple form, for which the proof is standard and therefore omitted (see Tirole 1988).

Lemma 1

Suppose \(D_{1}\ge D_{2}\) w.l.o.g. There may be three pure strategy equilibria in the A market. When \(D_{1}> D_{2}>0\), the profit functions write \(\overline{\Pi }^{A}_{1}=e \Delta D\cdot (\frac{2\overline{\alpha }-\underline{\alpha }}{3})^{2};~\underline{\Pi }^{A}_{2}=e\Delta D\cdot (\frac{\overline{\alpha } -2\underline{\alpha }}{3})^{2}\). When \(D_{1}>D_{2}=0\), platform 1 is a monopolist and its profits are \(\Pi _{1}^{AM}=eD_{1}\cdot (\frac{\overline{\alpha }}{2})^{2}\). For \(D_{1}=D_{2}\), the Bertrand outcome prevails and platforms have zero profits.

It is also helpful to recall the equilibrium demand functions on side \(B:~D_{i}=\overline{\beta }-\frac{p_{i}^{B}-p^{B}_{j}}{\Delta \theta }, ~D_{j}=\frac{p_{i}^{B}-p^{B}_{j}}{\Delta \theta }-\underline{\beta }\) for \(\theta _{i}>\theta _{j}\). As usual, denote \(\Delta \theta =\theta _{i}- \theta _{j}\) and for convenience \(\overline{A}=(\frac{2 \overline{\alpha }-\underline{\alpha }}{3})^{2}\) and \(\underline{A}=(\frac{\overline{\alpha }-2\underline{\alpha }}{3})^{2}\).

B -side price subgame. From Lemma 1 three distinct configurations may arise on the equilibrium path. In the first case platform 1 dominates the B market, in the second one both share the B market equally and in the last one it is dominated by firm 2. Hence the profit function (2.1) rewrites

$$\begin{aligned} \Pi _{i}= p_{i}^{B}D_{i}(\mathbf {p}^{B},\mathbf {\theta })-k \theta ^{2}_{i}+\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \overline{\Pi }^{A}_{i}, &{} \hbox {if}\quad D_{i}>D_{j}; \\ 0, &{} \hbox {if}\quad D_{i}=D_{j}; \\ \underline{\Pi }^{A}_{i}, &{} \hbox {if}\quad D_{i}<D_{j}. \\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

This function is continuous with a kink at the profile of prices \({\tilde{\mathbf {p}}}^{B}\) such that \(D_{1}=D_{2}\).Footnote 5 More importantly it is not quasi-concave because of the externality generated by A-side revenue; therefore the best response is discontinuous. It is nonetheless possible to construct a unique equilibrium in pure strategies, which always exists. (Note that observing \(\theta _{1}>\theta _{2}\) acts like a coordination device; it rules out multiple equilibria.) The demonstration is left to the Appendix, Section C; here we discuss it briefly and focus on its outcome.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Best replies and unique equilibrium

First, from (3.1), it is immediate that any price profile \({\tilde{\mathbf {p}}}^{B}\) such that \(D_{1}=D_{2}\) is dominated. Next we can define ‘quasi best responses’ \(p_i(p_j)\) corresponding to platforms playing as if either \(D_{1}>D_{2}\) or \(D_{1}<D_{2}\) (for example, \(\overline{p}_{2},\underline{p}_{2}\) in Fig. 1), from which we can construct the true best replies—discontinuous at the points \(\hat{p}_{1},\hat{p}_{2}\).Footnote 6 Last, a necessary and sufficient condition for existence is verified by construction. In summary,

Proposition 1

Let \(\theta _{1}>\theta _{2}\) w.l.o.g. There may be two possible configurations arising in the B-side price subgame. For each, there exists a unique Nash equilibrium in pure strategies:-

  • For \(\Delta \theta >\frac{2e(\overline{A}+\underline{A})}{\overline{\beta }-2\underline{\beta }}\)

    $$\begin{aligned} p^{B*}_{1}= & {} \frac{1}{3}[\Delta \theta (2\overline{\beta } -\underline{\beta })+2e(\underline{A}-2 \overline{A})] \\ p^{B*}_{2}= & {} \frac{1}{3}[\Delta \theta (\overline{\beta } -2\underline{\beta })+2e(2\underline{A}- \overline{A})] \end{aligned}$$
  • If \(\Delta \theta \le \frac{2e(\overline{A}+\underline{A})}{\overline{\beta }-2\underline{\beta }}\)

    $$\begin{aligned} p^{B*}_{1}=\frac{\Delta \theta \overline{\beta }}{2}-e \overline{A};\quad p^{B*}_{2}=0 \end{aligned}$$

B-side prices resemble the S&S prices but include a discount (\(\underline{A}-2\overline{A}<2\underline{A}-\overline{A} <0\)) that is linear in the A-side profits. Platforms internalize the full value of the B agents, which intensifies competition for their patronage, and pass it on to them in the form of this price reduction. The quality spread \(\Delta \theta \), which is fixed in the first stage, may be too narrow to sustain two firms in the price subgame. That is, the high-quality platform may be able to pre-empt the market with its quality choice, thank to the cross-market externality.

In the first stage, platforms face the profit function (3.1) given equilibrium prices, which they each maximize by choice of their quality variable \(\theta _{i}\). In doing so they are subject to the constraint

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\beta }:=\frac{p^{B*}_{i}-p^{B*}_{j}}{\theta _{i}-\theta _{j}} \in [\underline{\beta },\overline{\beta }], \end{aligned}$$

which is a natural restriction guaranteeing that the endogenous threshold \(\hat{\beta }\) remain within the exogenous bounds \([\underline{\beta },\overline{\beta }]\).Footnote 7

These profit functions are not necessarily well-behaved. Section A of the Appendix studies \(\Pi _{1}(\theta _{1},\theta _{2})\) in the details necessary to support the results. Next we delineate when the equilibrium features pre-emption (and not).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Profit functions for different values of the A-side profits

3.2 Pure-strategy equilibrium

When the externality from side B to side A is not too large, the function \(\Pi _{1}(\cdot ,\cdot )\) is well-behaved. It remains increasing (and concave) on the portion beyond a well-defined threshold labeled \(\tilde{\theta }(e)\) for the high quality firm, where it admits a maximizer. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 (the higher curve corresponds to the complementary case, when it is not well-behaved).Footnote 8 To ensure this is the case we impose

Assumption 3

\(e<\bar{e}\equiv \min \left\{ 1,\left( \frac{(2\overline{\beta }- \underline{\beta })^{2}}{27k}-\underline{\theta }\right) \frac{\overline{\beta }-2\underline{\beta }}{2(\overline{A}+ \underline{A})}\right\} \)Footnote 9

which is tantamount to saying the A market is not too lucrative. Assumption 3 ensures that when \(\hat{\theta }_{1}\) solves the first-order condition, the quality difference \(\Delta \theta \) is large enough: \(\Delta \theta \ge \frac{2e(\overline{A}+\underline{A})}{\overline{\beta }- 2\underline{\beta }}\) so that both platforms operate (Proposition 1). Then,

Proposition 2

Suppose Assumption 3 holds. The game \(\Gamma \) admits a unique equilibrium in pure strategies in which both platforms operate and choose different qualities. It is characterized by the triplet \((\mathbf {p}^{B*},\mathbf {p}^{A*},\mathbf {\theta }^{*})\) defined by Proposition 1, Lemma 1, and the optimal actions \(\theta _{2}^{*}= \underline{\theta }\) and \(\theta _{1}^{*}\), where \(\theta _{1}^{*}\) uniquely solves

$$\begin{aligned} (2\overline{\beta }-\underline{\beta })^{2}=18k\theta _{1}+\left( \frac{2e (\overline{A}+\underline{A})}{\Delta \theta }\right) ^{2}\end{aligned}$$

The second term in (3.3) is labeled the ‘cross-market effect’; it acts as an incentive to reduce quality. Condition (3.3) trades off the marginal benefit of quality (the left-hand side) with its total marginal cost. That total cost includes the marginal loss of A-side profit induced by differentiation: the cross-market effect. The intuition is quite simple. More differentiation leads to higher B-side prices; but higher prices means surrendering B-side market share, thereby foregoing A-side profits. So the cross-market effect increases the cost of differentiation. Comparative statics show that \(\theta _{1}\) is decreasing in e: the more attractive the A-side profit, the more powerful the cross-market effect and the more muted is the Differentiation Principle. We can expand on the insights of Proposition 2, where we take S&S to be the benchmark.

Corollary 1

In any pure-strategy equilibrium of the game \(\Gamma \), quality is lower than it would be absent the A-market externality.

Differentiation is known to soften price competition, but here the cross-market externality puts emphasis back on market share and forces the platforms to engage in more intense price competition for B consumers. Lower consumer prices relax the need to provide costly quality: the marginal B consumer demands a lesser product. This result owes to the increased value of each B-side consumer, which renders differentiation costlier.

3.3 Mixed strategies

When the externality from B to A is sufficiently large a pure strategy equilibrium fails to exist. The mechanics are quite intuitive. The extent of the discount firm must offer increases in the externality, and the high-quality platform can increase its price dominance by lowering quality. That is, it has an incentive to select \(\theta _1\) low enough so that \(\Delta \theta \) is too narrow for firm 2 to have positive B-side market share, if firm 2 selects \(\theta _2=\underline{\theta }\). But firm 2 does not have to play \(\underline{\theta }\). In fact it can “leap” over firm 1 and become the monopolist at a negligible incremental cost. Then one must play in mixed strategies.Footnote 10

The Appendix (Section B) shows that a mixed-strategy equilibrium always exists. Let \(H_{i}(\theta _{i})\) be the probability distribution over i’s play and \(h_{i}(.)\) the corresponding density, \(\Theta _{i}^{N}\) the relevant support of \(H_{i}\) and \(\theta _{i}^{c}\) the upper bound of the support. Let also \(H_{i}^{*}\) be a best response and \(R_{i}(\theta _{i}, \theta _{j}):=D_i(\mathbf {p}^B,\theta )p^B_i+q_i(\mathbf {p}^A, \mathbf {D})p^A_i\) denote the revenue accruing to i.Footnote 11

Proposition 3

The symmetric mixed-strategy equilibrium of the game \(\Gamma \) is characterized by the pair of distributions \(H_{1},H_{2}\) on \(\Theta _{i}^{N} \equiv \{\underline{\theta }\}\cup [ \tilde{\theta }(e),\theta ^{c}],~i=1,2\) satisfying

$$\begin{aligned}&H_{i}(\underline{\theta })\int _{\Theta _{j}^{N}}R_{i} (\underline{\theta },\theta _{j})dH_{j}^{*}(\theta _{j})+ \int ^{\theta ^{c}}_{\theta _{i}=\theta _{j}}R_{i}(\theta _{i}, \theta _{j})d(H_{i}(\theta _{i})\times H_{j}^{*}(\theta _{j}))\nonumber \\&\quad =k \int ^{\theta ^{c}_{i}}_{\tilde{\theta }(e)}\theta _{i}^{2} d(H_{i}(\theta _{i})\times H_{j}^{*}(\theta _{j})) \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} H^{*}_{i}(\underline{\theta })\in (0,1),~H(\theta ^{c})=1\quad \text {and}\quad h_{i}(\theta _{i})=0,~\theta _{i}\in (\underline{\theta },\tilde{\theta }(e)) \end{aligned}$$

and \(\theta ^{c}\) defined by \(\theta ^{c}=\max \{\theta _{i}^{\prime }|\Pi _{i}(\underline{\theta }, \theta _{i}^{\prime })=0,\Pi _{i}(\tilde{\theta }(e),\theta _{i}^{\prime })=0\},i=1,2\).Footnote 12

Condition (3.4) balances the expected benefit from adopting the distribution \(H_{i}\) with its expected cost. An interesting feature of the mixed-strategy equilibrium is that the platforms do not mix over all the pure actions that are available to them. To see why, suppose firm 1 picks any action higher than firm 2’s (so \(\theta _{1}>\theta _{2}\)); playing \(\theta _{1}= \tilde{\theta }(e)\) dominates any other play below \(\tilde{\theta } (e)\) because profits are increasing on that range (see Fig. 2). In response, playing anything but \(\theta _{2}=\underline{\theta }\) is dominated because \(\underline{\theta }\) secures 0 while any other play generates a loss. That is, the range \((\underline{\theta },\tilde{\theta } (e))\) is dominated and no mass should be assigned on it. Even if platform 1 selects a quality beyond the preemption point \(\tilde{\theta }(e)\), firm 2’s profits are still maximized by playing \(\underline{\theta }\) because they decrease in \(\theta _{2}\). Hence \(\underline{\theta }\) remains a best response to any quality \(\theta _{1}\ge \tilde{\theta }(e)\). Therefore there must be an atom at that point. Last, platform 1 must assign some probability mass on the range \((\tilde{\theta }(e),\theta ^{c}]\) otherwise it is necessarily preempted by 2’s non-local deviation.

In a mixed-strategy equilibrium the realizations of qualities \((\theta _1,\theta _2)\) are random variables. Hence these equilibrium distributions do not rule out an outcome such that \(\Delta \theta \) is actually too small to sustain two firms; they guarantee that it does not happen with probability one. It is helpful to know under what conditions two platforms may operate in the continuation game after choosing their quality.

Proposition 4

Suppose \(e>\bar{e}\). For two platforms to have positive market share in the price subgame, one of them must select the lowest quality \(\underline{\theta }\). Otherwise the market is necessarily monopolized ex post.

Recall Proposition 1; depending on the choice of \(\theta _{1},\theta _{2}\), platform 2 may or may not have any market share on the equilibrium path. However the length of the interval \([\tilde{\theta }(e),\theta ^{c}]\) is not sufficient to accommodate two firms.Footnote 13 So for both platforms to survive, at least one of them must choose the lowest quality.

Proposition 4 compares favorably to some industries’ idiosyncrasies. First, either monopolization or duopoly may be an ex post outcome, which fits some industry patterns. Markets such as print media, internet trading platforms or search engines are known to tip. This suggests an alternative rationale for the observed concentration in these markets. According to this model, some players may be driven out not because of a market contraction on the B side, but because of an expansion on the other one. Second, ex post profits are not monotonically ranked: the action profile \((\underline{\theta }_{1},\theta _{2}^{c})\) implies \(\Pi _{1}>\Pi _{2}=0\) although \(\theta _{1}<\theta _{2}\). So too in media for example, where the higher-quality shows (e.g. HBO) or magazines (e.g. The New Yorker) do not necessarily yield higher profits. This implication departs from standard vertical differentiation models (such as S&S), and from the pure strategy equilibrium, where higher quality implies higher profits.

3.4 Zero prices on one side

Many two-sided markets feature zero prices on at least one side. This may be an equilibrium outcome or an exogenous imposition (or both in the sense of binding constraint). Examples include broadcasting, internet search engine or social media usage.

Proposition 5

Fix \(p^{B}_{1}=p_{2}^{B}=0\). A pure-strategy equilibrium does not exist. A mixed-strategy equilibrium exists and is characterised as in Proposition 3.

Proposition 5 tells us we should expect pre-emption in these markets. The examples of Google (users do not pay) or eBay (buyers do not pay fees) lend credence to this claim. These outcomes do not arise in a model without competition on both sides.

4 Discussion

This Discussion is offered largely without proof. These proofs do exist and are available from the author.

4.1 One-sided or two-sided externality

The model ignores any externality the side A exerts on B agents. Media consumers may dislike advertising; game developers seek more gamers to market to, and these likely enjoy games’ diversity.

Introducing a second externality from A to B does not modify the results qualitatively, which implies the results are quite widely applicable. A negative A-to-B externality effectively damages the B-side quality of the platforms. In response they must offer a further discount; the dominant platform can offer a steeper discount than the dominated platform. This feedback thus hardens competition on side B. This narrows the range of parameters on which the pure-strategy equilibrium can be sustained. This is in line with DGO’s results, for example, who show that the negative externality associated with adverts leads to minimal differentiation.

To see why, rewrite the B-side utility function as \(u_{i}= \theta _{i}b-p_{i}^{B}- \delta q_{i}\), where \(\delta q_{i}\) is a disutility from A-side consumption level. A-side demand is defined as before; suppose \(\theta _{1}> \theta _{2}\), B demands are \(D_{1}= \overline{\beta }-\frac{\Delta p^{B}+\delta \Delta \tilde{q}}{\Delta \theta }\) and \(D_{2}=\frac{\Delta p^{B}+\delta \Delta \tilde{q}}{\Delta \theta }-\underline{\beta }\). The new term is \(\delta \Delta \tilde{q}\): the utility impact of the difference in A-side expected consumption levels; these can be computed given \((\mathbf {\theta },\mathbf {p})\). It can be shown that \(\Delta \tilde{q}=(\overline{\alpha }+\underline{\alpha })/3\): a constant. Let \((\overline{\alpha }+\underline{\alpha })/3\equiv \hat{A}\), eventually the condition for platform 2 to be active turns into \(D_{2}\ge 0\Leftrightarrow \Delta \theta (\overline{\beta }-2 \underline{\beta })\ge 2e(\overline{A}+\underline{A})+\hat{A}\), which is more restrictive than the one of Proposition 1.

4.2 Bottlenecks and preemption

Suppose that A-side agents are able to place at most one ad on each platform, as in GLS. Then they are a monopoly on side A with profits \(\pi _{i}^{A}=\overline{\alpha }^{2}eD_{i}/4\). Equilibrium prices can be computed as

$$\begin{aligned} p_{1}^{B}=\frac{1}{3}\left[ \Delta \theta (2\overline{\beta }-\underline{\beta }) -\frac{3e\overline{\alpha }^{2}}{4}\right] ;\quad p_{2}^{B}=\frac{1}{3}\left[ \Delta \theta (\overline{\beta }-2\underline{\beta }) -\frac{3e\overline{\alpha }^{2}}{4}\right] \end{aligned}$$

The standard price functions \(p_{i}(\mathbf {\theta })\) are only shifted by \(e\overline{\alpha }^{2}/4\) each—independently of what the other platform does. After simple manipulations, the profits functions write

$$\begin{aligned} \Pi _{1}=\Delta \theta \left( \frac{2\overline{\beta }- \underline{\beta }}{3}\right) ^{2}-k\theta _{1}^{2};\quad \Pi _{2}=\Delta \theta \left( \frac{\overline{\beta }- 2\underline{\beta }}{3}\right) ^{2}-k\theta _{2}^{2} \end{aligned}$$

exactly as in S&S. So the externality is present and affects prices, but not the quality choices. When platforms are bottlenecks, the pass-through is perfect: consumers (B) receive a discount that exactly exhausts what platforms can extract from the other side (A). Then the incentives at the quality setting stage are standard. There is no incentive to decrease quality nor for endogenous pre-emption through quality. The exact same outcome obtains if introducing a A-to-B externality together with the bottleneck assumption.

4.3 Robustness check: simultaneous moves

The three-stage game suits some industries well (e.g. media), but not necessarily all. For example, Hagiu (2006) studies the problem of game console manufacturers, who must simultaneously commit to a price on each side of the platform. The analysis is robust to this change in timing, except for one small variation.Footnote 14 Consider the platforms’ problem at the price-setting stage given some \(\theta _{1}>\theta _{2}\) and expected \(\widetilde{D}_{1}>\widetilde{D}_{2}\):-

$$\begin{aligned} \max _{p_{1}^{A},p_{1}^{B}}\Pi _{1}= & {} p_{1}^{B}\left[ \overline{\beta }- \frac{p_{1}^{B}-p_{2}^{B}}{\Delta \theta }\right] +p^{A}_{1}e \left[ \overline{\alpha }-\frac{p_{1}^{A}-p_{2}^{A}}{\Delta \widetilde{D}}\right] \\ \max _{p_{2}^{A},p_{2}^{B}}\Pi _{2}= & {} p_{2}^{B}\left[ \frac{p_{1}^{B}-p_{2}^{B}}{\Delta \theta }-\underline{\beta }\right] +p^{A}_{2}e\left[ \frac{p_{1}^{A} -p_{2}^{A}}{\Delta \widetilde{D}}-\overline{\alpha }\right] \end{aligned}$$

The first-order condition with respect to \(p_{i}^{A},~i=1,2\) remain standard; from this \(p_{1}^{A}=e \frac{\Delta \widetilde{D}}{3}[2\overline{\alpha }- \underline{\alpha }];~p_{2}^{A}= \frac{\Delta \widetilde{D}}{3}[\overline{\alpha }-2 \underline{\alpha }]\) as before. The first-order conditions w.r.t. \(p_{i}^{B}\) simplify to

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta \theta \overline{\beta }-(2p_{1}^{B}-p_{2}^{B})-\frac{2}{9}e[ (2\overline{\alpha }-\underline{\alpha })(\overline{\alpha }+\underline{\alpha })]= & {} \Delta \theta \overline{\beta }-(2p_{1}^{B}-p_{2}^{B})-2A_{1}=0 \\ -\Delta \theta \underline{\beta }+(p_{1}^{B}-2p_{2}^{B})-\frac{2}{9}e[ (\overline{\alpha }-2\underline{\alpha })(\overline{\alpha }+\underline{\alpha }) ]= & {} -\Delta \theta \underline{\beta }+(p_{1}^{B}-2p_{2}^{B})-2A_{2}\!=\!0 \end{aligned}$$

These are linear equations in B prices, as in the sequential move model. This readily suggests that little will change from this new timing. This linearity arises because A profits are still linear in \(\Delta \widetilde{D}\). The solution concept is Nash equilibrium, the best replies are discontinuous and there is a unique equilibrium in prices, with a condition on \(\Delta \theta \). That condition is also less restrictive than in the sequential-move game.

Things do change a little in the first stage. When the pure-strategy equilibrium can be sustained, both first-order conditions may bind, thus yielding interior solutions for both platforms. This is in contrast to the sequential game. But this behavior is non-monotonic: for naught A-side profits platform 2 benefits from maximal differentiation, for low A profits it seeks less differentiation (smaller \(\Delta \theta \)), and for large enough A profits, maximal differentiation again. The reason is that under simultaneous moves, the discount offered by the dominant firm in the B market is smaller. So \(\Delta D\)—the difference in their market share—is also smaller. As a consequence it is also less dominant in the A market and the condition on \(\Delta \theta \) is less tight. This creates an incentive for the low-quality firm to capture some market share in B by increasing quality. In the sequential game, the discounts are such that platform 2 never has such an incentive.

This difference in discounts owes to the timing. By way of (imperfect) analogy, one can consider the difference between a Cournot and a Stackelberg game. In the latter, the dominant firm commits to a strategy and the follower takes it as given. By the time they move in the A market, platforms are committed to a strategy in the B market. This generates incentives for platforms to behave more aggressively in the B market in the fist place.

5 Conclusion

This paper has developed an analysis of differentiation in a duopoly of two-sided platforms, where competition prevails on both sides of the market. This yields markedly different results, as compared to those typically found in the literature. Direct competition on the A side puts a premium on being the better platform (here meaning covering a larger share) on side B. This exacerbates competition in market B, with consequences on the nature of equilibrium. Whether a pure-strategy equilibrium exists depends on the relative attractiveness of A-side profits; that is, we can identify why it may break down. This paper thus complements prior works, in particular GLS and DGO who analyzed cases of bottleneck competition.

When a pure-strategy equilibrium exists, differentiation is hampered because too costly in terms of market share. The more attractive the A side, the narrower is differentiation. It may be insufficient to sustain two active platforms, at which point the equilibrium breaks down. Then platforms play in mixed strategies and one of them may be preempted ex post. These results are robust to a change in timing; all carry over to quantity competition in the B market and the mixed strategy equilibrium remains valid under horizontal differentiation. Hence they are not exclusive to the chosen extensive form and may find applications in a broad array of industries.

Our ability to compute an equilibrium rests on the simple structure chosen, and in particular on two important assumptions: single-homing and independence between A and B-side consumption decisions. Single-homing is not essential but it is convenient. What is essential is that platforms compete directly for consumers on both sides, which single-homing captures. Independence in consumption decisions is important; it implies that the A side only cares for the B-side market share, not its composition. For example, it asserts that the choice of media consumption is not a signal for good consumption. But we do know that media companies strive to segment their markets to suit advertisers. These characteristics are so far left out for future research.