1 Introduction and main theorem

Cayley graphs of semigroups have been studied by many authors and some important results have been obtained, Kelarev-Ryan-Yearwood [2] is a good survey in this aspect. Most recently, Zhu [3] generalized the usual Cayley graphs of semigroups to generalized Cayley graphs of them and in texts [3] and [4], Zhu investigated some algebraic and combinatorial properties for such graphs. In particular some results of the usual Cayley graphs of semigroups are generalized to generalized Cayley graphs of semigroups.

Let S be an ideal of a semigroup T and ρT 1×T 1. Following Zhu [3], the generalized Cayley graph Cay(S,ρ) of S relative to ρ is defined as the graph with vertex set S and edge set

$$E\bigl(\mathit{Cay}(S,\rho)\bigr)=\bigl\{(a,b)\in S\times S\mid xay=b \mbox{ for some } (x,y)\in \rho\bigr\}. $$

In particular, generalized Cayley graphs Cay(S,ω l ), Cay(S,ω r ) and Cay(S,ω) are called left universal, right universal and universal Cayley graphs of S, respectively, where ω l =S 1×{1},ω r ={1}×S 1 and ω=S 1×S 1.

Zhu [3, 4] mainly investigated universal Cayley graphs of a semigroup S and obtained some useful results. On the other hand, Remark 3.8 in Zhu [4] proposes the following.


It may be interesting to characterize semigroups S such that Cay(S,ω l )=Cay(S,ω r ).

Obviously, the above problem is trivial for commutative semigroups. As we have known, regular semigroups play a major role in the algebraic theory of semigroups. In this short note, we give an answer to this problem for regular semigroups. Recall that a semigroup is regular if there exists xS such that axa=a and xax=x for any aS. A Clifford semigroup is a regular semigroup S in which ae=ea for every idempotent e and every a in S. Here is our result.


For any regular semigroup S, Cay(S,ω l )=Cay(S,ω r ) if and only if S is a Clifford semigroup.

2 A proof

To give a proof of the theorem, we need to recall the following two well-known results. On one hand, from Chap. IV, Exercise 2 in Howie [1], we can obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 1

(See Howie [1, p. 125])

Let S be a regular semigroup. Then S is a Clifford semigroup if and only if \({\mathcal{L}}=\mathcal{R}\).

On the other hand, from Chap. IV, Theorem 2.1 in Howie [1], we have another characterization of Clifford semigroups as follows. On the notion of strong semilattice of semigroups, the reader is referred to Chap. IV in Howie [1].

Lemma 2

(See Howie [1, p. 94])

A semigroup S is a Clifford semigroup if and only if S=(G α ,Y,ϕ α,β ) is a strong semilattice of groups.

Now we can give a proof of the Theorem.

Necessity. Assume that S is a regular semigroup and Cay(S,ω l )=Cay(S,ω r ). If a,bS and \(a{\mathcal{L}}b\), then a=xb and b=ya for some x,yS 1. This implies that (a,b),(b,a)∈E(Cay(S,ω l )). By hypothesis, (a,b),(b,a)∈E(Cay(S,ω r )). Therefore, there exist x′,y′∈S 1 such that b=ax′ and a=by′. This yields that \(a{\mathcal{R}} b\). We have shown that \({\mathcal{L}}\subseteq {\mathcal{R}}\). By a dual argument, we can obtain \({\mathcal{R}}\subseteq {\mathcal{L}}\). Thus \({\mathcal{L}}=\mathcal{R}\). Since S is regular, it follows that S is a Clifford semigroup from Lemma 1.

Sufficiency. Assume that S=(G α ,Y,ϕ α,β ) is a Clifford semigroup by Lemma 2 and let a,bS. Suppose that (a,b)∈E(Cay(S,ω l )). Then xa=b for some xS 1. If x=1, then ax=b and so (a,b)∈E(Cay(S,ω r )). Now, let xG α and aG β . Then bG αβ and b=xa=( α,αβ )( β,αβ ). Denote y=( β,αβ )−1( α,αβ )( β,αβ ), where ( β,αβ )−1 is the inverse of β,αβ in the group G αβ . Then yG αβ , and

This implies that (a,b)∈E(Cay(S,ω r )). Therefore E(Cay(S,ω l ))⊆E(Cay(S,ω r )). By a dual argument, we can obtain E(Cay(S,ω r ))⊆E(Cay(S,ω l )). This completes our proof.

Remark 1

From the proof of “necessity” part above, we can see that \({\mathcal{L}} ={\mathcal{R}}\) for any semigroup S with Cay(S,ω l )=Cay(S,ω r ). The following example illustrates that there exists a semigroup S with \({\mathcal{L}} ={\mathcal{R}}\) which does not satisfy Cay(S,ω l )=Cay(S,ω r ). In fact, let S be the free monoid generated by the two symbols 0 and 1. Then Green’s relations \({\mathcal{L}}\) and \({\mathcal{R}}\) are equal on S (both of them are identity relation on S). Obviously, (0,10)∈E(Cay(S,ω l )). However, \((0,10)\not\in E(\mathit{Cay}(S,\omega_{r}))\).

Remark 2

Necessary and sufficient conditions for Cay(S,ω l ) and Cay(S,ω r ) to be isomorphic are not known. The following example shows that this graph isomorphism may exist for a regular semigroup which is not a Clifford semigroup.


Consider the 4-element rectangular band {e,f,g,h} with \(e{\mathcal{R}}f\), \(e{\mathcal{L}}g\), \(g{\mathcal{R}} h\) and \(f{\mathcal{L}}h\). For this semigroup, Cay(S,ω l ) is the disjoint union of the complete directed graphs with vertex sets {e,g} and {f,h}, with a loop at each vertex, while Cay(S,ω r ) is the disjoint union of the complete directed graphs with vertex sets {e,f} and {g,h} and with a loop at each vertex. So the two graphs are isomorphic.