
1 Introduction

Generally regulatory rules are written in natural language— for their automated verification, they need to be transformed into a format that machines can understand. As a result, several languages such as RuleMLFootnote 1, LKIF [7], SBVR [24], PENELOPE [8], ConDec language [26], ContractLog [25], OWL-SFootnote 2, have been proposed to facilitate this process. Each of these languages offer useful functionalities but is not free from shortcomings (see [9] for some of the shortcomings of these languages). For example, RuleML is an XML based prominent industry standard language for translating rules documents into a machine readable format. It provides the features that enable users to use different types of rules (such as derivation rules, fact, query, integrity constraint, etc.) to represent different kinds of elements according to their needs. However, it lacks support for the use of deontic concepts, such as obligations (such as achievement and maintenance), permission, prohibition, and is unable to handle cases with contrary-to-duty (CTD) obligations [6] that may arise from the violations of other obligations, which frequently appear in legal contracts [10].

Grosof [18] proposed to adopt courteous logic programming as execution model for RuleML rule-base for translating the clauses of a contract, which filled the gap among the various types of rules in RuleML; however, their approach does not consider normative effects. Later, Governatori [10] addressed the shortcomings of [18], and extended Defeasible Logic(DL) with standard deontic operators for representing normative effects as well as an operator to deal with CTD obligations. This extended language also provides RuleML compliant data schemas for representing deontic elements and provides constructs to resolve some of the shortcomings that have been discussed in [9].

This paper focuses on transforming the legal norms represented using LegalRuleML into a variant of Modal Defeasible Logic [16]. As a consequence, our work reported here makes it possible to use an implementation of DL as the engine to compute the extensions on the legal norms represented using LegalRuleML and reason on it. Due to the space limit, details of other features supported by LegalRuleML, such as Contexts and Alternatives, will not be covered in this paper.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: in Sect. 2 we tersely discuss a short contract from [10] following which we provide some background information on DL in Sect. 3. Section 4 discusses the mapping and procedures to transform a legal theory represented using LegalRuleML to DL. Section 5 discusses related work, followed by some concluding remarks and pointers for future work.

2 A Sample Contract

In this section we discuss a sample “Contract of Services” based on the analysis and adapted from [10].

Contract of Services

The Deed of Agreement is entered into effects between ABC company (to be known as \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\)) and ISP plus (to be known as \(\mathsf {Supplier}\)) WHEREAS \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\) desires to enter into an agreement to purchase from \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) the application server (to be known as \(\mathsf {Goods}\)) in this agreement. Both the parties shall enter into an agreement subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. 1.

    Definitions and Interpretations

    1. 1.1.

      All prices are in Australian current unless otherwise stated.

    2. 1.2.

      This agreement is governed by the Australian law and both the parties hereby agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Queensland with respect to this agreement.

  2. 2.

    Commencement and Completion

    1. 2.1.

      The contract enters into effects as Jan 30, 2002.

    2. 2.2.

      The completion date is scheduled as Jan 30, 2003.

  3. 3.

    Policy on Price

    1. 3.1.

      A “Premium Customer” is a customer who has spent more than $10000 in goods. Premium Customers are entitled a 5 % discount on new orders.

    2. 3.2.

      Goods marked as “Special Order” are subject to a 5 % surcharge. Premium customers are exempt from special order surcharge.

    3. 3.3.


  4. 4.

    Purchase Order

    1. 4.1.

      The \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\) shall follow the \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) price lists on the supplier’s website.

    2. 4.2.

      The \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\) shall present \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) with a purchase order for the provision of \(\mathsf {Goods}\) within 7 days of the commencement date.

  5. 5.

    Service Delivery

    1. 5.1.


    2. 5.2.

      The \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) shall on receipt of a purchase order for \(\mathsf {Goods}\) make them available within 1 days.

    3. 5.3.

      If for any reason the conditions stated in 4.1 or 4.2 are not met, the \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\) is entitled to charge the \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) the rate of $100 for each hour the \(\mathsf {Goods}\) are not delivered.

  6. 6.


    1. 6.1.

      The payment terms shall be in full upon receipt of invoice. Interest shall be charged at 5 % on accounts not paid within 7 days of the invoice date. Another 1.5 % interest shall be applicable if not paid within next 15 days. The prices shall be as stated in the sales order unless otherwise agreed in writing by the \(\mathsf {Supplier}\).

    2. 6.2.

      Payments are to be sent electronically, and are to be performed under standards and guidelines outlined in PayPal.

  7. 7.

    Disputes: Omitted due to limited space.

  8. 8.

    Termination: Omitted due to limited space.

The agreement covers a range of rule objectives such as roles of the involved parties (e.g., \(\mathsf {Supplier}\), \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\)), authority and jurisdiction (Australia, Queensland Courts), deontic conditions associated with roles (permissions, prohibition), and temporal properties to perform required actions. A contract can be viewed as a legal document containing a finite set of articles (where each article contains a set of clauses and subclauses). The above-discussed agreement includes two main types of clauses namely: (i) definitional clauses, which define the basic concepts contained in this agreement; and (ii) normative clauses, which regulate the actions of \(\mathsf {Purchaser}\) and \(\mathsf {Supplier}\) for the performance of contract, and include deontic notions e.g., obligations, permission etc.

3 Modal Defeasible Logic: An Informal Introduction

The following is a modal extension of DL, based on the work of [15, 16]. The basic language is defined as follows. Given a set \(\mathsf {PROP}\) of propositional atoms, the set \(\mathsf {Lit} =\mathsf {PROP} \cup \{\lnot p~|~p\in \mathsf {PROP} \}\) denotes the set of literals. If q is a literal, then \( \sim q\) denotes its complement; if q is a positive literal p then \( \sim q\) is \(\lnot p\), and if q is \(\lnot p\) then \( \sim q\) is p. Let \(\mathsf {MOD} \) denotes the set of modal operators. Then the set of modal literals is \(\mathsf {ModLit} =\{{\mathrm {X}} l,\lnot {\mathrm {X}} l~|~l\in \mathsf {Lit},{\mathrm {X}} \in \mathsf {MOD} \}\).

We define a defeasible theory D as a structure \((F,R,>)\), where (i) F is a set of facts or indisputable statements, (ii) R is the set of rules, and (iii) is an acyclic superiority relation on R.

To enhance the expressiveness of a rule to encode chains of obligations and violations, following the ideas of [14], a sub-structural operator \(\otimes \) is introduced to capture an obligation and the obligations arising in response to the violation of the obligation. Thus, given an expression like \(a\otimes b\), the intuitive reading is that if a is possible, then a is the first choice and b is the second one; if \(\lnot a\) holds, i.e., a is violated, then b is the actual choice. That is, the \(\otimes \)-operator is used to build chains of preferences, called \(\otimes \) -expression, such that: (i) each literal is a \(\otimes \)-expression; (ii) if A is an \(\otimes \)-expression and b is a (modal) literal, then \(A\otimes b\) is an \(\otimes \)-expression.

Hence, given \(\mathsf {Lbl}\) a set of arbitrary labels, every rule in R is of the form \(r:~A(r)\hookrightarrow C(r)\), where:

  • \(r\in \mathsf {Lbl} \) is the unique identifier of the rule;

  • \(A(r)={\phi }_{1}, \ldots ,{\phi }_{n}\), the antecedent of the rule, is a finite set of (modal) literals denoting the premises of the rule;

  • \(\hookrightarrow \in \{\rightarrow ,\Rightarrow ,\leadsto \}\) denotes the type of the rule;

  • C(r) is the consequent (or head) of the rule, which can be either a single (modal) literal, or an \(\otimes \)-expression otherwise.

The intuition behind different arrows is the following. DL supports three types of rules namely: strict rules (\(r:A(r)\rightarrow C(r)\)), defeasible rules (\(r:A(r)\Rightarrow C(r)\)) and defeaters (\(r:A(r)\leadsto C(r)\)). Strict rules are rules in the classical sense, the conclusion follows every time the antecedents holds; a defeasible rules is allowed to assert its conclusion in case there is no contrary evidence to it. Finally, defeaters suggests there is a connection between its premises and its conclusion(s) but not strong enough to warrant the conclusion on its own; they are used to defeat rules for the opposite conclusion(s).

DL is a skeptical nonmonotonic logic meaning that it does not support contradictory conclusions. Instead, it seeks to resolve conflicts. In case there is some support for concluding A but there is also support for concluding \(\lnot A\), DL does not conclude either of them. However, if the support for A has priority over the support of \(\lnot A\) then A is concluded. Here, the superiority relation is used to describe the relative strength of rules on R. When \(r_1>r_2\), then \(r_1\) is called superior to \(r_2\), and \(r_2\) inferior to \(r_1\). Intuitively, \(r_1>r_2\) expresses that \(r_1\) overrides \(r_2\) if both rules are applicableFootnote 3.

Provability is based on the concept of derivation (or proof) in D satisfying the proof conditions. A conclusion of D is a tagged literal and can have one of the following forms: (i) \(+\varDelta q\) meaning that q is definitely provable in D (i.e., using only facts or strict rules); (ii) \(-\varDelta q\) meaning that q is definitely rejected in D; (iii) \(+\partial q\) meaning that q is defeasibly provable in D; and (iv) \(-\partial q\) meaning that q is defeasibly rejected in D.

Strict derivations are obtained by forward chaining of strict rules while a defeasible conclusion p can be derived if there is a rule whose conclusion is p, and its (prerequisite) antecedent has either already been proved or given in the case at hand (i.e., facts), and any stronger rules whose conclusion is \(\lnot p\) has prerequisite that it failed to be derived. In other words, a conclusion p is defeasibly derivable when: (i) p is a fact; or (ii) there is an applicable strict or defeasible rule for p, and either all rules for \(\lnot p\) are discarded (i.e., inapplicable) or every rule for \(\lnot p\) is weaker than an applicable rule for p.

A full description of the proof theory can be found in [2]. A useful metaphor is to imagine, the rules with conclusion p form a team that competes with opposite team consisting of the rules with conclusion \(\lnot p\). If the former team wins p is defeasible provable, whereas if the opposing team wins, p is non-provable or rejected from the theory.

Throughout the paper, we use the following abbreviations on set of rules: \(R_s\) (\(R_d\)) denotes the set of strict (defeasible) rules, R[q] denotes the set of rules with consequent q, and for a \(r\in R\), C(ri) denotes the \(i^{th}\) (modal) literal that appears in C(r).

4 LegalRuleML: The Legal Rule Markup Language

LegalRuleML [23] is a rule interchange language proposed by OASIS, which extends RuleML with features specific to legal domain [4]. It aims to bridge the gap between natural language descriptions and semantic norms [3], and can be used to model various laws, rules and regulations by translating the compliance requirements into a machine readable format [19]. Accordingly, LegalRuleML implements defeasibility as within the law where the precedent of a rule is satisfied by the facts of a case, then assumably the conclusion of the rule holds, but not necessarily [4]. The defeasibility of these legal rules can further identify exceptions and conflicts as well as mechanisms to resolve these conflicts within the norms. Additionally, LegalRuleML provides features to model various effects that follow from applying rules, such as obligations, permissions and prohibitions.

A contract written in LegalRuleML is not intended to be executed directly, but the business logic can be transformed into a target language of a rule-based system to execute. In this section we are going to explore the building blocks of LegalRuleML and propose a method to transform legal norms represented in LegalRuleML into DL theory. Since LegalRuleML is essentially an extension of RuleML, here we only highlight the differences and identify the additions to faithfully represent legal norms.

4.1 Premises and Conclusions

The first thing we have to consider is the representation of predicates (atoms) to be used in premises or conclusions in LegalRuleML. LegalRuleML extends the construct from RuleML and represents a predicate as an n-ary relation, and is defined using an element \({\mathtt{\small <ruleml:Atom>}}\) Footnote 4.

Normative effects of an atom, on the other hand, are captured by embedding the atom inside a deontic element. The legal concepts such as obligation (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Obligation>}}\)), permission (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Permission>}}\)), prohibition (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Prohibition}}\)), and right (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Right>}}\) Footnote 5) are the basic deontic elements in LegalRuleML. Further refinements are possible by: (i) providing an iri Footnote 6 attribute of a deontic specification, or (ii) using an \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Association>}}\) to link a deontic specification to its meaning with the \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:applyModality>}}\) element.

figure a

Accordingly, the above listing represents a modal literal \(\mathrm {OBL}\) \({pay}(purchaser,receivedReceipt,supplier)\) for the clause 6.1 in the contract that is true when purchaser has the (achievement) obligationFootnote 7 to pay the supplier upon receiving the paymentFootnote 8.

4.2 Rules and Rulebases

Norms in LegalRuleML are represented as collections of statements, and can be classified into four different types according to their nature, namely: norm statements, factual statements, override statements and violation-reparation statements. These can be further classified into subtypes, as depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Types of statements in LegalRuleML

In this section, we are going to explore different types of statements and describe how they can be transformed into rules in DL.

Norm Statements. Legal norms, in general, can be classified into constitutive norms (which is used to represent institutional facts [28] and provides definitions of terms and concepts in a jurisdiction [23]), and prescriptive norms (which specify the deontic behavior and effect of a legal system). These can be represented as constitutive statements (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:ConstitutiveStatement>}}\)) and prescriptive statements in LegalRuleML (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:PrescriptiveStatement>}}\)), respectively, to allow new information to be derived using existing rules.

The following is an example of a prescriptive statement representing the first statement of the clause 3.2 of the service contract where goods marked with special order are subject to a surcharge.

figure b

Similar to the derivation rules in RuleML, every constitutive/prescriptive statement has two parts: conditions (\({\mathtt{\small <ruleml:if>}}\)), which specify the conditions (using a conjunction of formulas and may possibly empty), and conclusion (\({\mathtt{\small <ruleml:then>}}\)), the effects of the rule. Additionally, a separate element (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:hasStrength>}}\)) can be used to specify the strength of the rule.

Both rules can have deontic formulas as their preconditions (body). However, the difference between the two statements is in the contents of the head, where the head of a prescriptive statement is a list of deontic formulas. In contrast, the head of a constitutive statement cannot be a deontic formula [23].

In this perspective, a constitutive/prescriptive statement can be transformed into a rule of the form:

$$ label:~body\hookrightarrow head. $$

where label is the key of the statement, \(\hookrightarrow \in \{\rightarrow ,\Rightarrow ,\leadsto \}\) is the rule type, body and head are the set of (modal) literals inside the \({\mathtt{\small <ruleml:if>}}\) and \({\mathtt{\small <rule:then>}}\) elements of the statement, respectively. Unless otherwise specified, due to its nature, the rule modelled using a constitutive statement will be transformed into a strict rule; while the rule modelled using prescriptive statement will be transformed into a defeasible rule. Thus, the statement above will be transformed to the defeasible rule belowFootnote 9:

$$ r_1:~{specialOrder}\Rightarrow {{\mathrm {OBL}}}\, {surcharge} $$

Factual Statements. Factual statements in essence are the expression of facts and can be considered as a special case of norm statements without the specification of premises. They denote a simple piece of information that is deemed to be true. Below is an example of a factual statement in LegalRuleML representing the fact premiumCustomer(JohnDoe), meaning that “JohnDoe” is a premium customer.

figure c

Override Statements. To handle defeasibility, LegalRuleML uses override statements (\({\mathtt{\small<lrml:OverrideStatement>}}\)) to capture the relative strength of rules that appear in the legal norms. The element \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Override>}}\) defines the relationship of superiority such that the conclusion of r2 overrides the conclusion of r1 (where r1 and r2 are the keys of statements in the legal theory, as shown below) if both statements are applicable.

Consider again clause 3.2 of the contract where a premium customer is exempted from the surcharge for goods marked as ‘Special Orders’, which can be modelled as the rules below.

$$\begin{aligned} {r}_{1}:&{specialOrder} \Rightarrow {\mathrm {OBL}} \, {surcharge} \\ {r}_{2}:&{specialOrder}, {premiumCustomer} \Rightarrow {\mathrm {OBL}} \, {\lnot surcharge} \end{aligned}$$

In the above example, the conclusion of \(r_{2}\) takes the precedence over the conclusion of \(r_{1}\) (as showed above) if the order was made from a premium customer. The following listing illustrates this using an \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:OverrideStatement>}}\) element.

figure d

In DL terms, this construct defines a superiority relation between \(r_2 > r_1\) where \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are the rules generated using the statements r1 and r2 in the legal norms, respectively.

Violation-Reparation Statements. A Violation-Reparation Statement is the type of statement concerning what actions are required when an obligation is violated. LegalRuleML provides two constructs to model this, namely: penalty statements (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:PenaltyStatement>}}\)) and reparation statements (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:ReparationStatement>}}\)), as shown below.

figure e

Penalty statements model sanctions and/or correction for a violation of a specified rule as outlined in the reparation statement; reparation statements bind a penalty statement to the appropriate prescriptive statement and apply the penalty when a violation occurs.

To transform these statements into DL rules, we can utilize the \(\otimes \)-expression that we described in Sect. 3 by appending the list of modal literals that appear in the penalty statements at the end of original rule. As an example, consider the penalty statement (in clause 6.1 of the contract) for not paying invoice within the deadline, and assume that the two model literals \(\mathrm {OBL}\) \({payWith5\,\% Interest}\) and \(\mathrm {OBL}\) \({payWith6.5\,\% Interest}\) are transformed from the suborder list inside the penalty statement. Then the prescriptive statement ps1 will be updated from

$$ {ps1:}~{goods}, {invoice} \Rightarrow {\mathrm {OBL}} \, {payIn7days} $$


4.3 Other Constructs

Up to this point, the transformations described have been simple. However, there are other elements in LegalRuleML that are not particularly intuitive. We will highlight two of them in this section.

LegalRuleML provides two elements that can be used to determine whether an obligation or a prohibition of an object has been fulfilled (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Compliance>}}\)) or violated (\({\mathtt{\small <lrml:Violation>}}\)).

Definition 1

(Compliance and Violation [23]).

  • A compliance is an indication that an obligation has been fulfilled or a prohibition has not been violated.

  • A violation is an indication that an obligation or prohibition has been violated.

Consider the listing below which represents the rule:

$$ ps2:~ {\mathrm {PER}} \, {rel1},\, {\mathrm {OBL}} \,{rel2} \Rightarrow \,{\mathrm {FOR}} \, {\lnot rel3}. $$
figure f

Here, we have a violation element appearing in the body as a prerequisite to activate the rule, meaning that the referenced element (ps3 in this case) has to be violated or the rule ps2 cannot not be utilised. Accordingly, we have two cases: either (i) the referenced element is a modal literal, or (ii) the referenced element is a rule.

Case 1: Referenced Element Is a Literal.

The former is a simple case. If the referenced element is a literal, essentially it acts as a precondition to activate the rule. It is practically the same as appending the violation (respectively, compliance) condition to the body of the rule, as shown below.

$$ ps2:~ {\mathrm {PER}} \, {rel1}, \, {\mathrm {OBL}} \, {rel2},\,violate(p)\Rightarrow \,{\mathrm {FOR}} \, {\lnot rel3}. $$

where p is the referenced literal, violate(p) (respectively comply(p)) is a transformation, as defined in Table 1, that transforms the (modal) literal p into a set of literals that needs to be derived in order to satisfy the condition of violation (compliance). For instance, if ps3 is the modal literal \(\mathrm {OBL}\) \(\mathrm{q}\), then the rule ps2 above will be updated as follows

$$ ps2: ~{\mathrm {PER}} \,{rel1},\,{\mathrm {OBL}} \,{rel2},\, {{\mathrm {OBL}}}\,{\mathrm{q}, \lnot {\mathrm{q}}}\Rightarrow \,{\mathrm {FOR}} \,{\lnot rel3}. $$
Table 1. Requirements to determine whether a literal is compliant or violated.

However, the case is somewhat complex when the element appears in the head of the statement, as shown in the listing below.

figure g

Here, \(\mathrm {OBL}\) rel4 (Lines 13–18) is derivable only when the modal literal \(\mathrm {OBL}\)  rel3 (Lines 5–10) is defeated and the reference literal ps5 (Line 12) is violated. However, such nested rule structure is not supported semantically in DL. To resolve this issue, we have to modify the statement based on its expanded form.

Definition 2

( \(\otimes \) -expansion). Let \(D=(F,R,>)\) be a defeasible theory, and let \(\varSigma \) be the language of D. We define reduct(D)=\((F,R',>')\) where for every rule \(r\in R_d\) with a \(\otimes \)-expression appears in its head:

$$ \begin{array}{l} R'=R \setminus R_d \cup \{ \begin{array}[t]{rl} r: &{} {A}(r),\,verify(c_1)\Rightarrow {c_1} \\ r': &{} {A}(r),\,violate(c_1),\,verify(c_1),\,verify(c_2) \Rightarrow c_2 \otimes \cdots \otimes c_{n}\} \\ \end{array} \\ \forall r',s'\in R', r'>s' \Leftrightarrow r,s\in R~\text {s.t.}~r'\in reduct(r), s'\in reduct(s), r>s. \end{array} $$

where verify(p) is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} violate(e) &{} {if\, a \,violation \,element \,is \,attached \,to \,the \,element~}p, \\ comply(e) &{} {if\, a\, compliance \,element \,is \,attached \,to \,the \,element~}p, \\ \emptyset &{} {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

where e is the literal referenced by the element attributed to p.

Here, we can first exclude the elements in the rule head and generate the rule based on \(\otimes \)-expression. Then, we can apply Definition 2 recursively to transform the generated rule into a set of rules with single literal in its head. Consequently, similar to the case discussed before, we can append the element to the body of the rule(s), where appropriate. Accordingly, the statement ps4 above can be transformed into the DL rules as shown below.

$$ \begin{array}{ll} ps4_1: &{} {A}(ps4) \Rightarrow {\mathrm {OBL}} \,{rel3} \\ ps4_2: &{} {A}(ps4),\,{{\mathrm {OBL}}}\,{rel3},\,\lnot {rel3},\,violate(ps5) \Rightarrow \,{\mathrm {OBL}} \,{rel4} \\ \end{array} $$

Case 2: Referenced Element Is a Rule. Instead, if the referenced element is a rule, then for the case of violation, we have to verify that the rule referenced is either (i) inapplicable, i.e., there is a literal in its antecedent that is not provable; or (ii) the immediate consequent of the rule is defeated or overruled by a conflicting conclusion. While for the case of compliance, we have to verify that the referenced rule is applicable and the immediate consequent of the rule is provableFootnote 10.

Definition 3

Let \(D=(F,R,>)\) be a defeasible theory. \(R^b\subseteq R\) (respectively, \(R^h\subseteq R\)) denotes the set of rules that contains at least one element in their body (head).

Definition 4

(Rule Status). Let \(D=(F,R,>)\) be a defeasible theory, and let \(\varSigma \) be the language of D. For every \(r\in R^b\), \(r_c\) denotes the rule referenced by the element. We define \(verifyBody(D)=(F,R',>')\) where:

$$ \begin{array}{l} R'=R \setminus R_d \cup \{ \begin{array}[t]{rl} r^+_c: &{} A(r_c)\Rightarrow {inf}(r_c), \\ r^-_c: &{} \Rightarrow {\lnot inf}(r_c), \\ r^-_{cv}: &{} {\lnot inf}(r_c) \Rightarrow {violation}(r_c), \\ r^+_{cc}: &{} {inf}(r_c), \,comply(C(r_c,1)) \Rightarrow {compliance}(r_c), \\ r^+_{cv}: &{} {inf}(r_c), \,violate(C(r_c,1)) \Rightarrow {violation}(r_c), \\ \end{array} \\>' =>\cup \{r^+_c>r^-_c\} \end{array} $$

For each \(r_c\), \({inf}(r_c)\), \({\lnot inf}(r_c)\), \({compliance}(r_c)\) and \({violation}(r_c)\) are new atoms not in the language of the defeasible theory. \({inf}(r_c)\) and \({\lnot inf}(r_c)\) are used to determine whether a rule is in force (applicable). If \(r_c\) is in force, we can then verify whether the first literal that appears at the head of \(r_c\) is compliant or violated (represented using the atoms \({compliance}(r_c)\) and \({violation}(r_c)\), respectively).

Similar to the case when the referenced object is a literal, depending on where the element is in the rule, we can append the compliance and violation atoms to the body and head of the rule directly. However, unlike the case where the reference element is a literal, this time we can append the atoms required directly without any transformation.

4.4 Implementation

The above transformation can be used to transform legal norms represented using LegalRuleML into DL that we can reason on. We have implemented the above transformation as an extension to the DL reasoner SPINdle [22] — an open-source, Java-based DL reasoner that supports reasoning on both standard and modal defeasible logic. Theory reasoning starts from a set of legal norms represented using LegalRuleML, i.e., a rule base, and conclusions are generated based on the semantics of DL. At the moment, various tests have been performed on some small scale LegalRuleML theories (\(\sim \)10 statements per theory), and it takes, on average, 150 ms to transform a LegalRuleML theory into a SPINdle defeasible theory. Future versions will include optimization of the implementation of the transformation process so that it can handle large LegalRuleML theories in a more efficient manner.

We have also implemented the transformation in reverse direction, i.e., translate a DL theory back to LegalRuleML representation. However, as can be noticed from Sect. 3, LegalRuleML supports more features than DL, so only information about the legal norms, i.e., the rules, can appear in the translated theory.

As a remark, the transformation above is compliant with the current version of the LegalRuleML specification [3]. However, it should be noted that strange results may appear if a \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:violation>}}\) (or \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:compliance>}}\)) element appears at the head of a statement (i.e., the \({\mathtt{\small <ruleml:then>}}\) part of a statement). For instance, consider the case where a \({\mathtt{\small <lrml:violation>}}\) element appears as the only element at the head of a statement. Then, it will be transformed into a rule with no head literal, which is not correct. In the light of this, we believe that additional restriction(s) should be added to the specification in order to avoid this situation.

5 Related Works

The research in the areas of e-contracting, business process compliance and automated negotiation systems has evolved over the last few years. Several rules modelling languages have been developed (or improved existing ones) for representing the semantics of business vocabularies, facts and business rules [9], and rules transformation techniques have emerged.

The ContractLog [25] framework for describing the formal rules based on the contract specifications for automated execution and monitoring of the service level agreements (SLAs). It combines rule-based representation of SLAs using Horn rules and Meta programming techniques alternative to contracts defined in natural language or pure programming implementations in programming languages. A rule-based technique called SweetDeal for representing business contracts that enables the software agent to automatically create, negotiate, evaluate and execute the contract provisions with high degree of modularity is discussed in [17]. Their technique builds upon situated courteous logic programs (SCLP) knowledge representation in RuleML, and incorporates the process knowledge descriptions whose ontologies are represented in DAML+OILFootnote 11. DAML+OIL representations allow handling more complex contracts with behavioural provisions that might arise during the execution of contracts. The former has to rely upon multiple formalisms to represent various types of SLA rules e.g. Horn Logic, Event-Calculus, Description Logic—whereas the latter does not consider normative effects (i.e., the approach is unable to differentiate various types of obligations such as achievement, maintenance and permissions).

Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) [24] is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard to represent and fomalise business ontologies, including business rules, facts and business vocabularies. It provides the basis for detailed formal and declarative specifications of business policies and includes deontic operators to represent deontic concepts e.g., obligations, permissions etc. Also, it uses the controlled natural languages to represent legal norms [9]; however, the standard has some shortcomings as the semantics for the deontic notions is underspecified. This is because SBVR is based on classical first-order-logic, which is not suitable to represent deontic notions and conflicts. Also, it cannot handle contrary-to-duty obligations as these cannot be represented by standard deontic logic (see [6] for details). The legal knowledge interchange format (LKIF), on the other hand, is an XML based interchange format language [7] that aims to provide an interchangeable format to represent legal norms in a broad range of application scenarios, especially in the context of semantic web. LKIF uses XML schemas to represent theories and arguments derived from theories, where a theory in LKIF is a set of axioms and defeasible inference rules. In addition to these, there are other XML based rule interchange format languages e.g., SWRL [20], RIF [31], WSMO [27] and OWL-S [29] (see [9] for more details on the strengths and weaknesses of these languages).

Baget et al. [5] discuss techniques for transforming existential rules into Datalog\(^{+}\) Footnote 12, RuleML and OWL 2 formats. For the transformation from Datalog\(^{+}\) into RuleML, the authors used a fragment of Deliberation RuleML 1.01, which includes positive facts, universally quantified implications, equality, falsity (and conjunctions) in the heads of implications. Whereas [30] transforms the association rules into Drool Rule Language (DRL) format using Lisp-MinerFootnote 13, and [21] proposes a model driven architecture based model to transform SBVR compliant business rules extracted from business contracts of services to compliant executable rules in formal contract language (FCL [11]). However, the former’s transformation is limited only to existential rules; while the latter captures only the business rule (SBVR bears only business rules), which may or may not have legal standings. Whilst, LegalRuleML represents legal standings, the LegalRuleML’s temporal notions of enforceability, efficacy and applicability cannot be represented with SBVR. In contrast, the approach proposed in this paper enables the translation of defeasible expressions, and various deontic concepts including the notion of penalty and chain of reparations.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we have proposed a transformation such that (legal) norms represented using LegalRuleML can be transformed into DL which provides us a method for modeling business contracts and reasoning about them in a declarative way. Whilst LegalRuleML aims at providing specifications to legal norms that can be represented in a machine readable format, the major impedance now is the lack of dedicated and reliable infrastructure that can provide support to such capability.

As a future work, we are planning to incorporate our technique into some smart-contract enabled systems, such as Ethereum [32]. This will extend its language such that, instead of using programming logics, users can define their (smart-)contracts in a declarative manner.