
1 Introduction

GPUs are well known for their massively parallel architectures, as well as exceptional performance and energy efficiency for suitable codes. Supercomputing clusters like Summit  [31] derive the lion’s share of their compute power from GPUs. Each of the 4,608 nodes of Summit is configured with 2 IBM POWER9 processors and 6 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs. For the last two decades, GPUs are the preferred accelerator in the high performance computing (HPC) sector, where they serve as a co-processor to accelerate general-purpose scientific and engineering application codes. Today, they expedite computational workloads in cutting-edge scientific research in diverse areas such as Physics, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Climate Modeling, Machine Learning, and much more.

In the HPC context, GPUs are generally considered to be auxiliary processors that are attached to a CPU. A block of code which will run on the device is called a kernelFootnote 1. Since such a kernel often contains critical computations, most application developers expend considerable time and effort to optimize it. Yet both CPU and GPU have their own separate memories, and data must be transferred between them. Orchestrating data motion between the CPU and GPU memories is of vital importance since data transfer is expensive and can often become a major bottleneck in GPU computing. Efficiently managing data transfers is moreover quite burdensome for the application developer. This is the issue we address in our work.

1.1 GPU Offloading Using OpenMP

OpenMP [9] is a directive-based application programming interface that can be used in a Fortran, C or C++ application code to create a parallel program. It is designed for portability, enjoys wide vendor support, and has a much smaller learning curve than native programming models, like CUDA  [25] and HiP  [3]. From version 4.0 onward, OpenMP supports accelerator devices in a host-device model, for which it offers “target offloading” features. The specification provides several options to allow its users to control the duration of a data object’s allocation on the GPU, via the use of target data directives. Compared to other directive-based methods like OpenACC [32], OpenMP has a broader user community and is more widely available. Features for offloading to devices are under active improvement, as are the implementations  [27] in numerous compilers, including Clang/LLVM  [21], GCC  [12], Intel  [17], and Cray  [8].

An advantage that OpenMP provides over most native GPU programming models is that it enables implicit data transfer for GPU kernels. Users can choose whether or not to handle data transfer explicitly; in the latter case, the OpenMP compiler will manage the data motion. Unfortunately, compiler support for implicit data transfer is in need of improvement.

1.2 The Problem

All compilers that we had access to and which support OpenMP GPU offloading, like Clang and GCC, handle an implicit data transfer by moving all data needed for kernel computation without considering its availability on the device. Thus, all data used in the kernel are transferred both to and from the device at the start and end of the kernel’s execution, respectively. In consequence, applications may spend a significant portion of their execution time on data transfer itself. Automatically determining which data does not need to be transferred to the GPU (because it is already there) or from the GPU (when it has not been changed or is no longer required) could lead to better performance by reducing the amount of data transferred and hence the overall execution time. Such an optimization could largely avoid the performance penalty currently associated with the implicit transfer approach and ultimately help increase the fraction of codes that can utilize a GPU by reducing the developer effort. Although there are tools available which perform source-to-source transformations for GPU offloading  [22, 28], to the best of our knowledge no such tool exists that identifies and exploits opportunities for data reuse between kernels.

1.3 Our Solution

We have developed a Clang-based tool to perform static data reuse analysis between kernels. We selected Clang because it is the front end for the LLVM framework which is now a building block of all major compiler frameworks. The target applications of this tool are those which already use OpenMP for offloading computation to GPU. This tool performs the following actions:

  • It identifies all kernels in an application that uses OpenMP for GPU offloading.

  • It identifies the data that needs to be transferred between the CPU and GPU for each kernel.

  • It automatically recognizes data reuse opportunities between multiple kernels.

  • It inserts the pertinent OpenMP target data directives into the original source code to precisely manage data transfers between the host and the device.

Currently, our tool considers traditional data management and not data management through unified memory  [20, 24]. Optimizing GPU data management through unified memory is planned as future work. We also currently assume that all CPU-GPU data transfers for an input application code is handled by our tool, therefore, there are no explicit data transfers.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides motivating examples to describe common scenarios in user code which can benefit from data reuse. Section 3 gives a detailed explanation of our strategy for automatically generating code to exploit data reuse opportunities between kernels. Section 4 describes the experimental setup for our research. Section 5 provides a detailed analysis of the results from our experiments using the tool. Section 6 looks at related work and discussion about probable usage of the tool and we conclude in Sect. 7. Future work and planned extensions are discussed in Sect. 8.

2 Motivating Examples

For this work, we analyzed the Rodinia benchmark suite  [4] to find example codes where data can be reused on a GPU. The use cases are defined in Sect. 4. To motivate the utility of our tool, we discuss here two common scenarios in a user code which can profit from data reuse:

Loops: If a kernel is called from within a loop, there is a high probability that data is reused in multiple calls to that kernel. Any data used inside these kernels are potential candidates for reuse. Our tool analyzes data in all such kernels to decide how to efficiently transfer data between the CPU and GPU. As can be seen in Code 1.1, Kernel 1 is called within a while loop and Array_A is reused by every call of the kernel. Similarly Kernel 2 is called within a for loop, and Array_B is reused in every subsequent call to the kernel.

Close Proximity: We define two kernels to be in close proximity to each other if they are both called from the same function. In such a case there is also a high possibility of data reuse between the kernels. As can be seen in Code 1.2, 3 kernels are called inside function func1, and the array Array_A is used inside all 3 kernels in different ways. All kernels called within a loop are, by default, considered to be in close proximity to their subsequent calls. Our tool has the ability to detect data reuse in two kernels if they are in close proximity.

figure a

3 Data Reuse Optimization

In this section, we outline the key steps of our approach.

3.1 Problem with OpenMP Implicit Data Transfer

When an OpenMP program begins, an implicit target data region for each device surrounds the whole program  [2]. Each device has a device data environment that is defined by its implicit target data region. Any declare target directives, and directives that accept data-mapping attribute clauses, determine how an original variable in a data environment is mapped to a corresponding variable in a device data environment. If a user chooses not to map any data to the device explicitly, then the data is implicitly managed by the compiler. Compilers, such as Clang, identify all variables used in a target region and move any data associated with them to the device. The compilers we studied do not take into consideration whether the data is already available on the device. Once the kernel execution is over, all array data is moved back to the host, irrespective of whether or not the data was updated on the kernel or needed beyond the kernel.

3.2 Our Approach

Our tool automatically identifies the data which need to be moved between the host and the device for each OpenMP kernel, and then searches for any data reuse opportunity between these kernels. It then inserts pertinent target data directives, which complies with OpenMP Specification 5.0  [7], to precisely manage data transfers between CPU and GPU. The goal of our tool is to modify the original source code (C/C++) by inserting explicit data transfers between the CPU and GPU, optimized to avoid any unnecessary data motion between them. Two advantages of this approach are:

  • The user can accept, modify or reject the changes introduced by our tool.

  • The updated code can be compiled using any compiler with OpenMP GPU offloading support.

3.3 Implementation

We implemented our framework using Clang/LLVM version 8.0.0  [5]. During the design stage for the tool, we had to decide whether to apply our analysis and optimization in Clang or on the LLVM IR. Yet the LLVM IR is relatively low-level and generally unsuitable for any approach that involves modification to source code. Once LLVM IR has been generated and optimizations are applied to it, it would be quite difficult to pinpoint the location of the source code where we need to insert directives. Thus, we decided to apply our analysis using the Clang Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)  [19].

Table 1. Nodes identified as kernels

Clang supports source to source translation, via libTooling  [6], even though it is not primarily used for this purpose. In the Clang/LLVM framework  [19] most of the analysis is performed on the LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) and not on the AST. As a result, we had to re-implement some standard analyses such as live variable analysis, data flow graph and code transformation at the AST level for our tool. Consequently, we parse the AST to collect all required information related to the kernels and data variables used in them.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Workflow for identifying data transfer opportunities and data reuse in an application using OpenMP for GPU offloading

Table 2. Types of variables for live variable analysis.

Figure 1 illustrates how our implementation in Clang accurately identifies data reuse opportunity between kernels. First, we parse the AST and identify the kernels in the application. To achieve this, we search for all nodes in the AST as specified in Table 1. For this, we have defined our own Kernel Information Object, which contains information about each identified kernel, e.g., a unique id assigned to the kernel, start and end location of the kernel, function from which the kernel is called, data used inside the kernel, etc. We subsequently use this class to identify variables accessed inside the kernels. The variables are classified into five groups as shown in Table 2 and stored in the Kernel Information Object, to be used during “common data” analysis and for generating the source code.

For each kernel, we implement live variable analysis using the Clang AST, focusing only on variables used inside a kernel. While traversing the AST, we store information about the source code location related to all the variables declared and accessed. Next, we check whether the kernel is called from within a loop and also check for proximity to other kernels, as defined in Sect. 2. Once kernels are identified to be in close proximity to each other, we analyze them to find common data which can be reused across multiple kernels. We use pattern matching on all variables accessed inside the sets of kernels that are in close proximity to each other, to check for potential data reuse. After identifying common data between kernels, we update the Kernel Information Object. Finally, we use the results of our analysis to update the original source code, inserting the pertinent target data map directives to transfer data between the host and the device explicitly.

Table 3. Micro-benchmarks used in the experimentation.
Table 4. Updated benchmarks from the Rodinia benchmark suite

4 Experimental Setup

To evaluate our benchmarks, we used the SeaWulf computational cluster at Stony Brook University  [30]. We ran our tool on four microbenchmarks (Table 3) and six benchmark applications (Table 4) defined in the Rodinia benchmark suite  [4]. We selected only those benchmarks from the Rodinia suite, which has GPU offloading support with OpenMP and more than one kernel as part of the code. We modified these benchmarks by removing all data transfer directives so that our tool could introduce new code for them automatically. For each application, we compared two versions:

  • Base Code: − This is the basic code with implicit data transfer. It does not contain any explicit data transfers.

  • Optimized Code: − This is the corresponding code in which our data reuse optimization has been applied to generate explicit data transfers.

We ran the two versions of a benchmark 10 times each and collected information on the amount of data transferred and the total execution time. In its current version, OpenMP in Clang uses CUDA to implement GPU offloading. Our tool is based on Clang/LLVM version 8.0, using OpenMP offloading with CUDA 10.0 in the backend. Therefore, during our experiments, we also tracked how many times the following CUDA APIs related to data transfer are invoked:

  • cuMemAlloc - Allocates bytes of linear memory on the device and returns a pointer to the allocated memory.

  • cuMemFree - Frees the memory space which must have been returned by a previous call to cuMemAlloc.

  • cuMemcpyHtoD - Synchronous copies the specified amount of data from host memory to device memory.

  • cuMemcpyDtoH - Synchronously copies the specified amount of data from device memory to host memory.

We ran these experiments on an NVIDIA Tesla V100 [26] GPU using a PCI-e connector between the CPU and GPU.

figure b
Fig. 2.
figure 2

Comparison of data transferred between CPU and GPU for different benchmarks

5 Results and Analysis

Code 1.3 gives a sample output of our tool when applied to a benchmark code multiplying three matrices. Here the code marked in red is auto-generated by our tool. In this particular example, two kernels use, and reuse data from the array temp. Arrays AB and C only need to be transferred to the device. Since they are not updated on the GPU, we do not need to transfer their values back to the host. Array temp is needed only on the GPU, while array D needs to be returned to the host. The array temp is assigned on the GPU, so we do not need to transfer its data from the host to the device. We ran the base codes and optimized codes and collected the amount of data transferred between the host and device. We determined that more than 2 GB of data was transferred between the host and device in the base case.

In contrast, in our optimized code, only 763 MB of data was transferred. As can be observed in Fig. 2, there is a reduction of 66.67% in data transfer, accomplished by automatically adding three lines of OpenMP target data directives to manage data transfer (cf. Code 1.3). After running our tool on all the benchmark applications, we collected the amount of data transferred for the base and optimized code for each of them, and found that in all cases, less data was transferred in the optimized code than in the base code. This can clearly be observed in Fig. 2.

For Rodinia’s LU-Decomposition benchmark, in the base case 5.5 TB (TeraByte!) of data was transferred between the host and the device, as compared to 1.5 GB in the optimized code. This is a huge reduction of 99.97%. Also, the Laplace Equation micro-benchmark transferred 1.2 TB of data in the base case, in comparison to only 61 MB in the optimized code (99.99% reduction). As evident from Fig. 2(b), we observed a tremendous reduction in the amount of data transferred between the host and device, with BFS being the lowest at 47.7%.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Number of calls to data transfer CUDA APIs. The % at the tip of optimized code represent reduction in total number of calls when compared to base code.

We then took a closer look at the number of times the CUDA data transfer APIs are called for each application. As shown in Fig. 3(C), Laplace Equation called each of the four APIs – cuMemAlloc, cuMemFree, cuMemcpyHtoD and cuMemcpyDtoH around 25000 times in its base case. Upon further analysis of the base code, we discovered that it was calling a kernel from inside a loop which iterated for 5000 times. Of the four arrays and one variable which were used inside the kernel, only the variable was used both on the host and the device. In our optimized code, the data transfer for the arrays was moved outside the loop, dramatically reducing the number of times the data was moved between the host and device. In our optimized code, each of the four concerned APIs were only called around 5000 times. To achieve this, our tool added just one target data directive. Figure 3 shows the reduction in the number of times the APIs are called, with a maximum of 99.96% reduction in LU-Decomposition and a minimum of 45.71% reduction in Needleman Wunsch.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Time taken (in sec) for different data management APIs and kernel computation time on V100 GPU. The numbers at the tip of each graph represent the time taken for data transfer only (in sec).

We next calculated the time it took to perform the data transfer and the time taken to execute the kernel computations. The result is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the kernel execution time in both base and optimized code is almost identical. This is expected, as we did not make any changes to the kernel code itself. In Figs. 4(A), 4(B), 4(E), 4(I) and 4(J), we observe that the majority of the execution time is consumed in the kernel computation rather than in data management. However, the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm, Fig. 4(G), spends 4.382 s in cuMemAlloc, 2.958 s in cuMemFree, 0.209 s in cuMemcpyHtoD and 0.193 s in cuMemcpyDtoH, with overall 7.743 s for data management, which is almost 91x the kernel computation time of 0.085 s. After applying our optimization, data management was improved by 71% to just 2.26 s. In Fig. 4(G) we do not even see the compute bar as it is insignificant compared to the data management time.

For the LU-Decomposition, Fig. 4(H), the base case requires 282.514 s for data management, which is almost 1.63x the kernel compute time of 173.441 s. But after our optimization it consumes only 94.28 ms, which is a 99.96% improvement over the base case. We also observe considerable improvement in data transfer time for Laplace (99.01%), SAXPY (99.54%), HotSpot (85.95%) and Particle Filter (83.96%).

6 Related Work

Optimizing GPU memory management where data movement must be managed explicitly has been explored in a variety of research. Jablin et al.  [18] provide a fully automatic system for managing and optimizing CPU-GPU communication for CUDA programs. Gelado et al.  [13] present a programming model for heterogeneous computing to simplify and optimize GPU data management. Recently Barua et al.  [1] introduce static analysis of explicit data transfers already inserted into an OpenMP code. Current research in the field do not provide insight into utilizing data reusability on GPU for implicitly managed data between multiple kernels.

Although there are several studies on data placement in heterogeneous memory system, like Dullor et al.  [10] or Yu et al.  [33], unfortunately they ignore the impact of implicit data transfer in unified memory. Recently Li et al.  [20] have introduced optimizations to improve the performance of unified memory and their work can be used in extension to our tool. Other related research on fully automatic GPU offloading of code by Mishra et al.  [23], Mendonça et al.  [22] and Poesia et al.  [28], can take benefit from our research to add data reuse optimization in their tool, which would further reduce the barriers to use of GPUs for scientific computing.

7 Conclusion

Careful management of data and its mapping between host and device is critical for the use of accelerators in HPC, given the high cost of data motion. The complexities involved are a deterrent to the exploitation of GPUs. The optimization introduced in this paper may result in a significant reduction in the amount of data transferred between CPU and GPU and hence improve the overall execution time of codes that relied on implicit data transfer. It thus contributes to the ease of use of OpenMP by avoiding the penalty often associated with implicit transfers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first tool to apply static analysis in order to identify and exploit data reuse between offload kernels in an OpenMP program. The same strategy could clearly easily be used to optimize an OpenMP compiler’s handling of such transfers. By producing modified source code, as we have chosen to do, we give the user the option of accepting, improving or rejecting our generated code, and we enable them to use their compiler of choice for further building their code.

8 Future Work

The tool is under constant improvement, and a number of extensions are planned or already under way:

  • We are working on exploiting unified memory for data management between the host and the device.

  • We also need to further analyze data usage to determine which data can be pinned to the GPU, to reduce multiple data allocations. We are also considering how to handle data between multiple GPUs.

  • Discussion is also going on for managing complex structures, sub-structures and sub-arrays and handling data between multiple GPUs as well.

  • Most importantly, we are planning to improve our proximity analysis to analyze kernels beyond a single function. This could be facilitated by extending the target data directive of OpenMP, so that the user only prescribes the data region without the need to explicitly define the map clause. This would let the compiler automatically handle the data movement, potentially reusing data on the GPU. Any kernel called from such a data region would be considered a candidate for data reuse and be analyzed as such.