1 Introduction

Heterogeneous multicores, as represented by the GPUs, are now pervasive in computing systems because of their energy-efficient high performance. Such a potential can only be unlocked if the running software has been suitably parallelized to match the underlying hardware. Unfortunately, developers struggle to program heterogeneous multicores due to the complexity in offloading computation and communication management between the host and the accelerator device.

Numerous programming models have been proposed to address the programming issue of heterogeneous systems, including Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), Open Computing Language (OpenCL), Open Accelerators (OpenACC), and more recently—Open Multi-Processing Offloading (OpenMP Offloading) [21,22,23]. These approaches enable newly developed codes to run on heterogeneous devices. However, they offer little help in addressing the problem of porting legacy programs to heterogeneous devices because programmers still need to painstakingly modify the existing code to use a heterogeneous programming model.

Compiler-based source-to-source translators offer a viable solution and roadmap for porting legacy parallel code to run on heterogeneous computing devices. Some existing work targets CUDA code generation [2, 11, 18, 30]. However, this kind of existing work has a serious performance portability issue as an application implemented in CUDA, by definition, is not portable to non-NVIDIA systems. Other existing work [19, 26, 33, 34] generates OpenCL code that can run on a wide range of parallel hardware including GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs. Given that OpenCL remains as a low-level programming language that exposes many hardware details, maintaining the generated code is often too difficult for non-expert programmers.

The emerging OpenMP Offloading standard [21,22,23] offers a promising approach to port legacy OpenMP programs to heterogeneous devices using simple language pragmas with little modification to existing code while preserving the advantage of low maintenance costs given by the simplicity of OpenMP [20]. Compared with CUDA or OpenCL, this standard allows programmers to work on a language that they are familiar with using a few intuitive pragmas to annotate their code. Compared with OpenACC, this standard is supported by more commonly used compilers. Thus, OpenMP Offloading provides existing OpenMP programs with a simple upgrade path to heterogeneous parallelism using pragmas. Although promising, OpenMP Offloading still requires manual optimization of the data transmission to achieve good performance.

The DawnCC compiler [15, 17] is among the first attempts to leverage OpenMP Offloading for heterogeneous computing. This compiler translates sequential C into OpenACC or OpenMP Offloading. However, DawnCC does not address the communication optimization problem between the host CPU and the heterogeneous accelerator well, because of the lack of inter-procedural data transmission optimization, which is often responsible for the performance bottleneck. Moreover, DawnCC often does not choose the right offloading directives, leading to suboptimal performance. As a result, the code generated by DawnCC often delivers worse performance than the original OpenMP running on a shared-memory parallel machine. This drawback discourages the adoption of the technique on a broader scale.

This work aims to provide a better approach for leveraging OpenMP Offloading for heterogeneous computing. We present OpenMP Automatic Offloading (OAO), a source-to-source framework that automatically translates OpenMP parallel loops to use OpenMP Offloading pragmas. Instead of performing simple code translation, we go further by developing a runtime system to optimize the data communication between the host CPU and the accelerator automatically. By precisely modeling the consistency state and its transition of a data buffer, our runtime eliminates redundant data transmissions, on-the-fly, for not just simple loops but also complex data structures and nested function calls. We show that OAO is highly effective in generating efficient OpenMP Offloading code to run on heterogeneous GPUs. We demonstrate the benefit of OAO by it to 23 OpenMP benchmarks from the PolyBench and Rodinia suites. We compare OAO with DawnCC and manually-translated codes on two distinct GPU platforms with a K40 or a 2080Ti GPU. Experimental results show that OAO achieves up to 32\(\times\) speedup over the original OpenMP version. Moreover, it can reduce the host–device communication time by up to 99% compared with the manually-translated version. We show that OAO can also handle benchmarks that DawnCC fails on, with significantly better performance improvement.

This paper makes the following technical contributions:

  • We propose the first source-to-source tool that directly translates legacy OpenMP programs into OpenMP Offloading programs without manual intervention.

  • We present a novel algorithm to optimize the host–device communication by levering the consistency states of the program. Unlike prior work, our approach can work on complex data structures and nested function calls.

The OAO source-to-source translator framework is publicly available at https://github.com/ruixueqingyang/OAO-Translator.

The remainder of this work is organized as follows: Sect. 2 introduces the motivation and overview of the OAO system. Section 3 describes the OAO runtime library (OAORT) and the minimum transmission algorithm. Section 4 proposes the OAO translator with algorithms to insert OAORT APIs. Section 5 describes the experimental setup. Section 6 presents and analyzes the experimental results. Section 7 provides the related work. Finally, Sect. 8 concludes the paper and discusses future work.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example for OpenMP CPU to OpenMP Offloading translation and optimization

2 Background and overview

2.1 OpenMP offloading

Since version 4.0, OpenMP standard introduced new offloading constructs for heterogeneous computing. These offloading constructs allow the program to specify which regions of code and data to be mapped to run on an accelerator.

Figure 1b gives a simple use case of OpenMP Offloading constructs. Here, the user program starts execution on a host (e.g., CPU) device, where offloading to an accelerator is performed when entering a target region specified by the target pragma. A target region maps variables allocated on the host memory to the device memory, e.g., the GPU global memory. The implementation of target regions may include transmitting data between host and device and launching a GPU kernel to execute the target code region. The teams directive can be used to spawn a league of teams, each consists of multiple OpenMP threads. It is to note that any two threads from different teams cannot communicate in any native way, e.g., no barrier can be placed between threads from different teams. This feature ensures the accelerator implementation can map individual teams to run on independent execution units.

The distribute pragma can be used to partition the loop iterations into chunks to be allocated to teams. Note that function calls and global variable references are allowed in target regions, but they increase the difficulties for performance host–device communication optimization. The target data map directive specifies the variable mapping and unmapping operations at the beginning and end of the brace region following the directive. The target enter data map and target exit data map directives define the variable mapping and unmapping operations at the beginning and end of the region between these two directives, respectively. The to pragma indicates data transmission from the host to the device when the variables are mapped to the device memory. The from pragma means copying data from the device to the host when the variables are unmapped form the device memory. The tofrom pragma integrates the functions of to and from pragmas. The delete pragma means unmapping variables form the device memory without data copy.

2.2 Motivation

As a motivation example, consider translating the example code given in Fig. 1a. Translating the two OpenMP data-parallel loops to use OpenMP Offloading for heterogeneous computing is straightforward. A naive solution and an optimal solution are given in Fig. 1b, c, respectively.

Compared to the naive solution, inserting the appropriate data transmission directives to achieve good performance is non-trivial. For example, the translation given in Fig. 1b contains redundant transmissions, such as all “from” transmissions at line 1, “to” transmission for v3 at line 8 and “from” transmission for v4 at line 8. These redundant host–device communications results in 1.6\(\times\) slowdown compared to the version given in Fig. 1c. Developers can eliminate these redundant data transmissions only if they understand the following knowledge: (1) read and write operations of variables within and between these two loops, (2) the consistency states of variables before and after these two loops, and (3) the consistency states of variables required by these two loops. This is complex and tedious for developers. OAO is designed to remove redundant host–device communications by executing the right data transmission directives at the right place automatically.

2.3 Overview of our approach

As depicted by Fig. 2, OAO consists of two components: a source-to-source code translator and a runtime library. The code translator translates OpenMP (or OMP in short) symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) constructs to OMP Offloading code when it is possible to do so. The translated code is compiled and linked with the runtime library. During execution, the runtime automatically determines and executes essential data transmissions without redundant data transmissions through the minimum transmission algorithm (Algorithm 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of OAO

Table 1 Comparison with existing source-to-source translators for accelerators

As shown in Table 1, compared with existing source-to-source translators, only our OAO can translate OpenMP code to OpenMP Offloading code, whose intra-procedural and inter-procedural data transmission are both optimized. Another difference is that only our work and Grewe et al. [19] use both the runtime and static code translator, while other existing work only uses the static code translator. Grewe et al. use the runtime to determine where to run the program (CPU or GPU). We use our runtime to optimize data transmissions.

A key innovation of our approach is using the consistency state, state transition function, and consistency state constraint to perform host–device communication optimization in our runtime. We model the data transmission directive and the variable reference, which may change the consistency state, as the state transition function. Our key insight is that the consistency of shared data in the host and device memory is guaranteed as long as the consistency state satisfies the consistency state constraint. We propose a novel algorithm to derive the essential state transition function, which transits the consistency state to solve the consistency state constraint. With the algorithm in place, our runtime can execute the right data transmission directive corresponding to the essential state transition function and avoid redundant data transmissions. When the variable is referenced, our runtime uses the corresponding state transition function to update the consistency state maintained in runtime. We implement the algorithm and update operation as data transmission and consistency state update semantics, which should be inserted to OMP Offloading programs properly. Our runtime library is detailed in Sect. 3.

To generate code to use OpenMP Offloading constructs, we first construct the extended control-flow graph for each function in OMP SMP programs. From the control-flow graph, we collect and analyze variable reference information through compile-time static analysis techniques. The analysis is used to insert the right runtime API functions in the right places. We describe our code translator in Sect. 4.

3 Runtime library

Algorithm 1 explains the workflow of the OAO Runtime Library (OAORT) that aims to minimize host-accelerator data transmission while guaranteeing data consistency. The OAORT initializes and maintains the consistency states of variables (line 1). Then, the OAORT determines and executes the minimum data transmission operations according to the consistency state constraints required by the following code snippet (line 2). After the code snippet, the OAORT updates the consistency states changed by the code snippet (line 4). As a final step, the OAORT deletes the maintained consistency states (line 5). The initialization and deletion are introduced in Sect. 3.1. The data transmission and consistency state update are introduced in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3 separately.

figure a

3.1 Tracking consistency states

Guaranteeing data consistency is the fundamental objective of the OAORT. We define the State to represent the consistency states of variables. The consistency State is the foundation of the OAORT and minimum transmission algorithm.

3.1.1 Consistency states

The CPU and the accelerator have two independent memory spaces. Variables may reside in either or both of these two memory spaces. So, for a variable, there are three situations: residing in CPU memory (HOST_ONLY), residing in accelerator memory (DEVICE_ONLY), and residing in both memory. DEVICE_ONLY is ignored because these accelerator local variables do not need to be transmitted between the CPU and accelerator. For the third situation, there are three cases: The CPU copy is valid (HOST_NEW), the accelerator copy is valid (DEVICE_NEW), and both copies are valid (SYNC). We define the consistency State to abstract these four cases, as shown in Table 2 (Definition 1).

Definition 1

\(\varvec{State}\) is a 3-bit binary number. Bit0 suggests whether the allocation unit has an accelerator copy (Bit0 = 1) or not (Bit0 = 0). Bit1 indicates whether the CPU copy is valid (Bit1 = 1) or invalid (Bit1 = 0). Bit2 indicates whether the accelerator copy is valid (Bit2 = 1) or invalid (Bit2 = 0).

Table 2 All possible consistency states of a variable

When the current State and the later program’s requirement of State are known, we can derive the minimum data transmission directive without redundant transmissions through Algorithm 2, which is designed in Sect. 3.2.3. This is our core insight.

3.1.2 Using allocation units as granularity

The OAORT tracks consistency at the granularity of allocation units [8] and maintains a consistency State for each allocation unit. In C and C++, an allocation unit is a contiguous region of memory allocated as a single unit. Memory blocks returned from malloc(), local variables, and global variables are all examples of allocation units [8]. Our work solely focuses on data parallel programs. For this kind of program, usually, all elements of an allocation unit are accessed if the allocation unit is referenced by a parallel region. Thus, using the allocation units as granularity transmits little redundant data and introduces little overhead. In turn, this helps to handle pointer aliasing and to prevent complex fine-grained symbolic range analysis adopted by DawnCC [15].

To maintain the information of allocation units, we define MemBlock and MemEnv in Definition 2 and 3, respectively.

Definition 2

\(\varvec{MemBlk}\) refers to a set of characteristics representing an allocation unit (Eq. 1). \(\varvec{Begin}\) is the starting memory address. \(\varvec{Length}\) is the length of the allocation unit. \(\varvec{ElemSize}\) is the element size. \(\varvec{State}\) has been defined above.

$$\begin{aligned} MemBlk=\left\{ Begin,Length,ElemSize,State\right\} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 3

\(\varvec{MemEnv}\) refers to the set of all MemBlks (Eq. 2).

$$\begin{aligned} MemEnv=\left\{ MemBlk_1,\ldots ,MemBlk_p\right\} \end{aligned}$$

When a pointer (ptr) accesses an allocation unit, OAORT searches in the MemEnv and find the accessed allocation unit MemBlk, which satisfies Eq. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} Begin\le ptr\le Begin+Length-1 \end{aligned}$$

The OAORT provides several API functions to track the State of allocation units (Table 3). We insert OAOSaveArrayInfo function in the source code to track global and stack memory. The OAOMalloc and OAONewInfo functions replace malloc() and new, respectively, to allocate and track heap memory. These three functions build new MemBlks in the MemEnv. We insert OAODeleteArrayInfo at the end of the variable scope. The OAOFree and OAODeleteInfo functions replace free() and delete, respectively. These three functions remove corresponding MemBlks from the MemEnv.

Table 3 OAO Runtime API functions

For NVIDIA GPU, we optimize the memory allocation specifically to fully exploit bandwidth between CPU and GPU. Pageable memory shows high bandwidth when memory size is relatively small, whereas pinned memory shows high bandwidth when memory size is large. According to experimental results, the threshold is set to 128 KB. When memory block is not larger than 128 KB, malloc() is used inside OAOMalloc to allocate pageable memory. Otherwise cudaMallocHost() is used to allocate pinned memory. In OAOFree, free() and cudaFreeHost() functions are used to release corresponding memory.

3.2 Data transmission semantics

We define the consistency state constraint (Constr) to represent the requirement of State. The data transmission semantic (OAODataTrans function) automatically derives and executes the essential and minimum data transmission directive to guarantee consistency, according to the current State maintained in runtime and the Constr.

3.2.1 Consistency state constraints

We represent the requirement of State with the Constr (Definition 4). Table 4 explains each bit of Constr. If any bit of State is required to be set to 1, we set the corresponding bit of ConVld to 1. If any bit of State is required to be set to 0, we set the corresponding bit of ConInVld to 0.

Definition 4

\(\varvec{Constr}\) refers to a pair of 3-bit binary numbers (Eq. 4). Table 4 explains the different requirements represented by various bit values of ConVld and ConInVld.

$$\begin{aligned} Constr=\left\{ ConInVld,ConVld\right\} \end{aligned}$$

To guarantee consistency, different Constrs should be satisfied before different READ, WRITE, and memory-free operations. We list specific Constrs for these operations in Table 5.

Table 4 Description of ConVld and ConInVld
Table 5 Operations and required Constrs

3.2.2 Consistency states transition functions

We define the consistency state transition function (TransFunc) to formalize the State transitions caused by different data transmission directives and READ/WRITE operations (Definition 5). The formalization helps derive the essential and minimum data transmission directive.

Definition 5

The form of \(\ \varvec{TransFunc}\) is defined by Eq. 5. TransFunc transits inState to outState. \(\varvec{InVld}\) and \(\varvec{Vld}\) are a pair of 3-bit binary numbers. The operators in Eq. 5 are Boolean multiplication and Boolean addition. The form of \(\ \varvec{TransFunc}\) is abbreviated as Eq. 6.

$$\begin{aligned} outState&=TransFunc\left( inState\right) \\&=inState\cdot InVld+Vld \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} TransFunc=\left\{ InVld,Vld\right\} \end{aligned}$$

If any bit of the outState requires to be set to 0, then the corresponding bit of InVld is set to 0. If any bit of the outState requires to be set to 1, then the corresponding bit of Vld is set to 1. For the bits without requirements, the corresponding bits of InVld and Vld are set to 1 and 0, respectively. Thus, the form of TransFunc can transit any 3-bit binary number to any 3-bit binary number and express any transition between States.

Each kind of data transmission directive or operation corresponds to a TransFunc (Table 6). The transition relationships between States are shown in Fig. 3. If we can derive the essential and minimum TransFunc, we can know the essential and minimum data transmission directive, which should be executed to guarantee consistency. We design the derivation algorithm in Sect. 3.2.3.

Table 6 State transition operations and corresponding TransFuncs
Fig. 3
figure 3

Consistency state transition relationships

3.2.3 Minimum transmission algorithm

Based on States, Constrs, and TransFuncs, we design the algorithm to derive the essential and minimum TransFunc. The minimum TransFunc only change the bits, which must be changed, to satisfy the Constr. This feature prevents redundant data transmissions. In more detail, we define the MinTrFunc to represent minimum TransFunc (Definition 6).

Definition 6

For the State and Constr, the MinTrFunc refers to the TransFunc that meets the following features. The Vld of the MinTrFunc only sets the bits, which are 0 in State but 1 in ConVld, to 1. The InVld of the MinTrFunc only sets the bits, which are 1 in State but 0 in ConInVld, to 0.

For example, we assume the \(State=HOST\_NEW=\{011\}\) and the \(Constr=ConOMPR=\{111,101\}\) and derive the MinTrFunc. The \(ConInVld =111\) indicates none bits of InVld in MinTrFunc should be set to 0. Thus, we get \(InVld=111\). The Bit0 and Bit2 of ConVld are 1 and we compare these two bits with Bit0 and Bit2 of State. The Bit2 of State is not equal to the Bit2 of ConVld. Thus, we only set Bit2 of Vld to 1 and get \(InVld=100\). In summary, we get \(MinTrFunc=\{111,100\}\). The \(MinTrFunc=\{111,100\}=TrUpTo\) corresponds to #pragma omp target update to directive, according to Table 6. We get the MinTrFunc and the minimum data transmission directive.

figure b

According to Definition 6, we propose Algorithm 2 to derive the MinTrFunc and minimum data transmission directive. In Algorithm 2, the ‘\(\oplus\)’ operation takes out bits, which vary in State and ConVld. The ‘\(\cdot\)’ operation takes out bits, which are 1 in ConVld. Thus, the Vld satisfies Definition 6. Similarly, InVld satisfies Definition 6. In summary, MinTrFunc satisfies Definition 6. The minimum data transmission directive can be determined by looking up Table 6 when MinTrFunc is derived.

When the data transmission semantic is called, the minimum data transmission directive is determined through Algorithm 2 and executed automatically. Namely, the essential data transmission, corresponding to the minimum data transmission directive, is determined and executed automatically. With the implementation of Algorithm 2, the OAO Runtime can only execute the essential data transmissions and eliminate redundant transmissions. This is summarized as Question 3 in the experimental part and will be verified by experiments.

3.3 Consistency state update semantics

The WRITE operations in code fragments may change consistency States. Thus, consistency state update semantics (OAOStTrans functions) are used to update States maintained in MemEnv. The READ operations are not considered because they do not change States. According to the type of WRITE operations, different TransFuncs are used to update States (Table 6 [lines 6 and 7]).

4 Code translator

The OAO Translator models each function as an extended control flow graph (CFG) called SPGraph. With the SPGraph, we analyze the Constrs and R/W operations and insert data transmission semantics and consistency state update semantics. We also translates parallel primitives. Using Algorithm 3 5 and Table 7 proposed below, the OAO Translator can translate OMP SMP code into OMP Offloading code. This is summarized as Question 1 in the experimental part and will be verified by experiments.

4.1 SPGraph for code translation

To offload data parallel code regions to the accelerator, these code regions should be marked. To handle data transmission and guarantee data consistency between the CPU and the accelerator, the information of variable references on the CPU and the accelerator should be saved separately. For these motivations, we extend the CFG to encode the information required for code translation. We split each data parallel code region as a new node in the CFG. Then, we mark all nodes in the CFG as two types: parallel nodes for nodes of data parallel code regions, and sequential nodes for other nodes. As a final step, we attach variable reference information to the corresponding nodes.

The SPGraph, which extends from the CFG, is formally defined by Definitions 79. It is important to note that developers should ensure that there is no dependency among the parallel region defined in Definition 8. Each function in the source code is modeled as a SPGraph. All the information needed to establish the SPGraph can be collected through compile-time static analysis techniques. We choose the sequential and parallel regions as basic units of analysis for two reasons. First, as long as appropriate data transmissions are inserted before a sequential and parallel region, the consistency within the region can be guaranteed. Second, the update of States in MemEnv can be delayed until just after the current sequential or parallel region, because the updated States is useful to successive regions rather than the current region.

Definition 7

A sequential region is a code fragment that is executed sequentially without branch and outside #pragma omp parallel scopes. A sequential region corresponds to a sequential node, denoted by \(\varvec{SEQ}\), in SPGraph.

Definition 8

A parallel region is a code fragment within a #pragma omp parallel scope. A parallel region corresponds to a parallel node, denoted by \(\varvec{OMP}\), in SPGraph.

Definition 9

A \(\varvec{SPGraph}\) is a special control flow graph of a function (Eq. 7 and Fig. 4). \(\varvec{NodeGrp}\), the set of all nodes, consists of SEQGrp and OMPGrp. \(\varvec{SEQGrp}\) is the set of all SEQs. \(\varvec{OMPGrp}\) is the set of all OMPs. \(\varvec{CtlEdge}\) is the set of all edges among different nodes.

$$\begin{aligned} SPGraph&=(NodeGrp,CtlEdge) \\ NodeGrp&=SEQGrp\cup OMPGrp \\ CtlEdge&=\left\{ \left\langle x,y\right\rangle \left| x,y\in NodeGrp\right. \right\} \\ SEQGrp&=\left\{ SEQ_1,\ldots ,SEQ_n\right\} \\ OMPGrp&=\left\{ OMP_1,\ldots ,OMP_m\right\} \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4
figure 4


The variable reference information (NodeVarRef), which is collected within a sequential or parallel region, is attached to the corresponding SEQ or OMP (Definitions 1012 and Fig. 4).

Definition 10

\(\varvec{NodeVarRef}\) refers to the set of variable reference sequences (RefList) in a node.

$$\begin{aligned} NodeVarRef=\left\{ RefList_1,\ldots ,RefList_n\right\} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 11

\(\varvec{RefList}\) refers to a sequence of variable references (Ref) of a variable in a node.

$$\begin{aligned} RefList=\left\{ Ref_1,\ldots ,Ref_m\right\} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 12

\(\varvec{Ref}\) is the type of a reference to a variable. R represents the READ operation. W represents the WRITE operation.

$$\begin{aligned} Ref=\left\{ \begin{array}{l }R;\;\;READ\;operation\\ W;\;\;WRITE\;operation \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$
figure c

Based on the SPGraph, we propose Algorithm 3 to insert data transmission and consistency state update semantics. First, we preprocess the function calls. Each function call in SEQs is split as a new independent special SEQ node (line 1). Each function call in OMPs is treated as references to the arguments of the function call (line 2). If an argument is not the pointer type or reference type, then R is inserted to the proper position of the corresponding RefList. For each argument of pointer type or reference type, if any WRITE operation to the corresponding parameter exists in the called function, RW is inserted to the proper position of the corresponding RefList, otherwise, R is inserted. When function calls are treated as SEQs or variable references, the intra-procedural and inter-procedural data transmission optimizations can be done by inserting data transmission and consistency state update semantics through Algorithms 4 and 5 in Sects. 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. On the contrary, DawnCC does not consider function calls, so it cannot optimize inter-procedural data transmissions.

We apply Algorithm 3 to nearly all functions except OMP-called functions, which are called by any OMP at least once. The OMP-called functions may run on accelerators, whereas OAORT API functions can only run on CPUs. Thus, OAORT API functions cannot be inserted into OMP-called functions. The variable consistency of OMP-called functions will be guaranteed by OAORT semantics inserted before and after OMP-called function calls.

figure d

4.2 Handling data transmissions

We proposed Algorithm 4 to determine Constrs and to insert data transmission semantics, before the Nodes. Theoretically, if every element in an allocation unit is written before any READ operation, we can set Constr to ConSEQW or ConOMPW and save data transmission. However, it is hard to determine these cases exactly through static analysis. Thus, we set Constrs to ConSEQRs or ConOMPRs to avoid complex static analysis and guarantee the correctness of the programs, regardless of READ and WRITE operations. For an OMP and SEQ, which is not a function call, we set Constr to ConOMPR (line 3) and ConSEQR (line 13), respectively. For the SEQ, which is an OMP-called function call (line 6), we set the Constr to ConSEQR. For the SEQ, which is another function call (line 9), we also set the Constr to ConSEQR, when the corresponding argument is not the pointer or reference type. The reason for this is that the copy of the argument should be guaranteed to be valid before such is passed to the callee function. Then, we insert the data transmission semantic (OAODataTrans function), with ptr and determined Constr as arguments, before the Node.

4.3 Updating consistency states

We design Algorithm 5 to determine TransFuncs and to insert consistency state update semantics after the Nodes. When any element of an allocation unit is written in a Node, we set the TransFunc to TrSEQW or TrOMPW. READ operations do not change the consistency State of Var. Thus, all of them are ignored. For an OMP and SEQ, which is not a function call, we set the TransFunc to TrOMPW (line 4) and TrSEQW (line 14) respectively, if the RefList corresponding to Var contains any WRITE operation. For the SEQ, which is an OMP-called function call, we set the TransFunc to TrSEQW (line 9) if the RefList contains any WRITE operation. For the SEQ, which is another function call, the essential consistency state update semantics are inserted inside the callee function. Thus, the insertion of state update semantics after the SEQ is not needed. Then, we insert the consistency state update semantic (OAOStTrans function), with ptr and determined TransFunc as arguments, after the Node.

figure e

4.4 Parallel primitive translation

Concerning task identification and task mapping, OMP SMP and OMP Offloading both support the work-sharing model well. OMP SMP also supports the task model completely, whereas OMP Offloading only has very limited support for the task model. Thus, this work focuses on the works-haring model.

Table 7 OMP parallel primitives and corresponding OMP Offloading parallel primitives

The corresponding relationships between parallel primitives of OMP SMP and OMP Offloading are listed in Table 7. To exploit GPU, work-sharing loops are distributed across all GPU teams with teams distribute primitive. We translate the OMP SMP parallel primitives into the corresponding OMP Offloading parallel primitives according to Table 7. Then, parallel code regions can run on the accelerator. The accelerator usually has much more physical cores and threads than CPU. So OAO-translated programs may gain performance improvements. This is summarized as Question 2 in the experimental part and will be verified by experiments.

5 Experimental setup

5.1 Evaluation goals

Our experiments are designed to answer the following questions:

Question 1

Can OAO translate OMP SMP programs into OMP Offloading programs without manual intervention?

Question 2

Can OAO-translated programs gain performance improvements?

Question 3

Can OAO optimize data transmission and eliminate redundant transmissions?

5.2 Benchmarks

The PolyBench [25] and Rodinia [4, 31] are commonly used benchmark suites in the field of high performance computing (HPC). The PolyBench [25] collects many common algorithms in fields such as linear algebra, algebra solvers, data mining, stencils, and image processing. The Rodinia [4, 31] includes some practical applications or kernels such as breadth-first search, computational fluid dynamics, n-body problem, LU decomposition, DNA sequencing, particle filter, and image processing. These fields or applications require the energy-efficient high performance of accelerators. Different types of workloads of the PolyBench and Rodinia can comprehensively evaluate OAO-translated programs. Some related work [18, 30] used the PolyBench or Rodinia in experiments. The OMP SMP version of the PolyBench and Rodinia is suitable as the input of our OAO. So we also use the PolyBench and Rodinia for evaluation.

We evaluate OAO by applying it to 23 benchmarks from the PolyBench [16] and Rodinia [31] benchmark suites, as listed in Table 8. Moreover, we add a new benchmark called FDTD-2D-FUNC to evaluate data transmission optimizations when programs contain inter-procedural function calls. This benchmark is derived from FDTD-2D with each kernel replaced by a call to the subfunction which encapsulates the kernel. The data required by the kernel are passed as function parameters. We configured all benchmarks in the PolyBench to use single precision for all experiments.

Table 8 Benchmarks used in experiments

We consider the following five versions of benchmark implementations:

OMP This version refers to the OMP SMP parallel programs from PolyBench and Rodinia. We insert OMP SMP primitives to PolyBench manually, to generate an OMP version PolyBench. Rodinia contains the OMP version natively. OMP version is input and baseline.

OAO This version refers to OMP Offloading programs translated by OAO.

Manual This version refers to OMP Offloading programs translated by hand. The Manual version uses simple copy-in and copy-out data transmission strategy for each offloading kernel. We use #pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for directive to offload kernels. We use cudaMallocHost() to replace malloc(), when the memory block is larger than 128 KB.

DawnCC-native This version refers to origin OMP Offloading programs translated by DawnCC. DawnCC [15] is the state-of-the-art translator that generates OMP Offloading programs. Thus, we use DawnCC for comparison. DawnCC uses #pragma omp target parallel for directive to offload kernels.

DawnCC-opt This version refers to DawnCC-native version with our additional optimizations. We introduce two optimizations, which are used in Manual and OAO versions, into DawnCC-opt. We replace #pragma omp target parallel for directive with #pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for directive. We replace malloc() with cudaMallocHost() when the memory block is larger than 128 KB. In the comparison of the OAO and DawnCC-opt version, data transmission optimizations of OAO and DawnCC can be evaluated.

Table 9 Hardware and Software Platforms

5.3 Hardware and software platforms

Table 9 lists the two CPU-GPU systems used in experiments. We use GCC version 8.3 to compile the OMP SMP programs. We use Clang version 9.0 to compile the OMP Offloading programs. CUDA is needed during the compilation and running of the OMP Offloading programs. All compilation processes use optimization level three (-O3).

6 Experimental results

6.1 Performance evaluation

We run each benchmark twenty times and use averages to build the following figures and tables. Figures 5 and 6 show the speedups of different versions over OMP on two CPU-GPU systems. OAO and DawnCC can translate all fifteen benchmarks in PolyBench, whereas only OAO can translate the eight benchmarks in Rodinia. Benchmarks, which DawnCC cannot handle, are marked with ‘X’ in figures.

6.1.1 Performance of OAO version

The OAO version gains performance improvements (1.86\(\times\) to 32\(\times\)) over OMP version in more benchmarks than the three other versions, eleven and fifteen benchmarks on K40 and 2080Ti platforms. Besides, the overheads of OAORT are less than 0.07% of the total execution time in all twenty-three benchmarks. The OAO version achieves high speedups in four benchmarks: GEMM, 2MM, 3MM, and bfs. Speedups of 2MM and 3MM are over 30x. These four benchmarks are compute-intensive applications and suitable for offloading.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Speedups over OMP on the K40 system

Fig. 6
figure 6

Speedups over OMP on the RTX system

The OAO version has poor speedups in eight benchmarks. For 3DCONV, GESUMMV, 2DCONV, nw, and lud, the time of essential data transmissions makes up a large proportion (over 50% to over 90%) of the total execution time of the OAO version. So there is no big chance for data transmissions optimization in these benchmarks. For 3DCONV, SYR2K, GESUMMV, SYRK, and srad_v2, the pure execution time (excluding transmission time and OAORT overhead) of the OAO version is longer than the OMP version. It seems that these applications are not suitable for heterogeneous platforms. To solve this problem, a promising approach is to make the translator can predict application performances on different platforms [6, 32, 35, 36], and automatically decide whether to offload or not.

The OAO version shows different performance on various platforms in FDTD-2D, FDTD-2D-FUNC, lavaMD, and particlefilter. Performance improvements are gained on the 2080Ti platform, whereas poor speedups appear on the K40 platform. The reason is that the more advanced RTX2080Ti GPU can support these benchmarks better.

The performances on two platforms are generally similar. Thus, later discussions and analyses only use data on the 2080Ti system for simplicity.

Fig. 7
figure 7

OAO performance improvements over other versions on the RTX system

6.1.2 Comparison with other versions

The OAO version gains performance improvements over three other versions in all benchmarks (Fig. 7). Compared with the Manual version, OAO version achieves large improvements (over 40%) in thirteen benchmarks, and huge improvements (over 500%) in seven benchmarks, especially nw (455,271%). These performance improvements thanks to the data transmission optimization in OAO, which will be analyzed later.

DawnCC cannot translate the eight benchmarks in Rodinia correctly because some syntax, such as structure and class, cannot be handled. The OAO version outperforms the DawnCC-native version (over 159%) in all fifteen benchmarks, which DawnCC can handle. Improvements are huge (over 500%) in thirteen of them. Compared with the DawnCC-opt version, the OAO version achieves slight improvements (less than 5%) in thirteen benchmarks. Significant (3339%) and large (92%) improvements are observed in FDTD-2D-FUNC and BICG.

Generally, the OAO version is far better than the DawnCC-native version. However, the OAO version is similar to the DawnCC-opt version in most PolyBench benchmarks. This phenomenon demonstrates that OAO improvements over DawnCC-native are mainly caused by two extra optimizations. The OAO improvements over DawnCC-opt are due to different transmission optimizations in OAO and DawnCC. The time of redundant data transmissions makes up a slight proportion (less than 5%) of the total execution time of the DawnCC-opt version in most PolyBench benchmarks. Thus, most improvements are insignificant. For FDTD-2D-FUNC and BICG, the time of redundant data transmissions makes up large proportions (82% and 45%) and improvements are significant.

In summary, OAO can gain performance improvements over OMP and outperforms DawnCC, which is the state-of-the-art translator.

Table 10 Number of transmissions in different versions of benchmarks

6.2 Analysis of data transmission optimization

We analyze the number, size, and time of data transmissions to evaluate the data transmission optimization in OAO.

6.2.1 Number of transmissions

Our OAO runtime is designed to eliminate redundant data transmissions to reduce the data communication overhead. Hence, we report the number of data transmissions and use it to quantify how well OAO is in reducing host-accelerator communication overhead. Table 10 shows the number of transmissions in different versions of benchmarks. The DawnCC-native and DawnCC-opt versions have the equal number of transmissions in each corresponding benchmark, so they are expressed as DawnCC in Table 10. Benchmarks, which DawnCC cannot handle, are marked with ‘–’ in Table 10. Comparing The Manual column and OAO column, the reduction of data transmission frequency occurred in all benchmarks. Particularly, the number is reduced by one to five orders of magnitude, in eight benchmarks (italic cells in Table 10): FDTD-2D, FDTD-2D-FUNC, srad_v2, nw, cfd_pre_euler, cfd_euler, particlefilter, and bfs.

Compared with DawnCC column, OAO reduces the number of transmissions in eight benchmarks (bold italic and italic cells). For seven benchmarks (bold italic) except FDTD-2D-FUNC, OAO can eliminate more redundant inter-procedural data transmissions than DawnCC. The FDTD-2D-FUNC benchmark introduces inter-procedural function calls based on the FDTD-2D benchmark. For the FDTD-2D-FUNC benchmark, OAO can eliminate 19,495 more redundant data transmissions than DawnCC. DawnCC can eliminate most redundant transmissions in FDTD-2D but cannot optimize FDTD-2D-FUNC well, which contains massive inter-procedural function calls, whereas OAO can optimize FDTD-2D and FDTD-2D-FUNC to the same minimum number of transmissions (5 times). These phenomena demonstrate that OAO can optimize inter-procedural and intra-procedural data transmissions and outperform DawnCC, which can only optimize intra-procedural data transmissions incompletely.

6.2.2 Data size and time of transmission

Figures 8 and 9 show the percentage of data transmission size and time saved of OAO compared with other versions. The DawnCC-native and DawnCC-opt versions have the equal transmission size in each corresponding benchmark, so they are expressed as DawnCC in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Percentage of data transmission size saved by OAO compared with other versions

Fig. 9
figure 9

Percentage of data transmission time saved by OAO compared with other versions on the 2080Ti system

Compared with the Manual version, OAO gains over 25% transmission size savings and over 23% transmission time savings in all benchmarks. For the eighteen benchmarks, these savings are around or more than 50%. For eight benchmarks, these savings are over 95%. Significant performance improvements over Manual version owe to these transmission time savings

The time savings of OAO over Manual are slightly smaller than the corresponding size savings of OAO over Manual. The reason is that OAO eliminates more transmissions from the accelerator to the CPU (D2H) than transmissions from the CPU to the accelerator (H2D). The D2H transmissions usually have higher bandwidth (around 12.25 GB/s) than the H2D transmissions (around 10.55 GB/s). For a block of memory, its D2H time is usually shorter than its H2D time. In a frequent case, its H2D is essential and remained, whereas its D2H is redundant and eliminated. As a consequence, the percentage of data size saved is 50%, whereas the percentage of time saved is less than 50%.

Compared with DawnCC, OAO reduces data transmission size in eight benchmarks. This occurrence matches the transmission number reductions shown in Table 10. The transmission size saving of the six benchmarks is apparent, especially FDTD-2D-FUNC (over 99%), whereas the reduction is negligible in two other benchmarks: GESUMMV and ATAX.

DawnCC-native and DawnCC-opt show different results in terms of transmission time. OAO gains significant reductions (over 41%) on transmission time over DawnCC-native in all benchmarks. For most benchmarks, except FDTD-2D-FUNC, reductions are mainly caused by the pinned memory, which is allocated by cudaMallocHost() function and is beneficial to make full use of the bandwidth between the CPU and the accelerator. For FDTD-2D-FUNC, the main reason is that optimization in OAO can eliminate nearly all intra-procedural and inter-procedural transmissions. These significant reductions contribute to huge performance improvements (over 159%), as shown in Fig. 7.

Compared with DawnCC-opt, OAO gains obvious reductions on transmission time in the six benchmarks: FDTD-2D-FUNC, FDTD-2D, BICG, COVAR, 2MM, and 3MM. Combining Figs. 8 and 9, the percentage of time saved and the percentage of the corresponding size saved can match each other in these six benchmarks. Combining Figs. 7 and 9, the six reductions have different contributions to performance improvement, because of diverse proportions of redundant transmission time, as we analyzed before. For FDTD-2D-FUNC and BICG, huge performance improvements (3339% and 92%) thanks to transmission time reductions. For the four other benchmarks, small performance improvements are gained by transmission time reductions.

The above experimental results prove that OAO can optimize data transmission and eliminate redundant transmissions, whether they are intra-procedural or inter-procedural transmissions. OAO can eliminate more redundant transmissions than DawnCC in eight benchmarks, especially inter-procedural transmissions, which cannot be eliminated by DawnCC.

6.3 Implementation and feasibility

We implement the OAO system based on the Clang compiler [13] of the LLVM compiler infrastructure [10, 14] within 14,000 lines of code. The OAO Translator is derived mainly from the RecursiveASTVisitor class of Clang. We override about 40 functions of RecursiveASTVisitor to carry out compile-time static analysis and translate source code. The OAO Runtime, about 700 lines of code, mainly maintains a vector of variable information and performs Algorithm 2 to execute essential data transmissions. Thus, the implementation complexity of OAO is acceptable.

OAO system can translate the OpenMP code into the OpenMP Offloading code fully automatically. It should be noted that OAO depends on a specific version of the Clang compiler. Developers can follow the detailed instructions on the GitHub to compile and use OAO (https://github.com/ruixueqingyang/OAO-Translator). Thus, OAO is highly feasible to use for developers.

7 Related work

Much work has been exerted to make heterogeneous computing accessible to developers and researchers. Among them, the source-to-source translator is an ideal tool. Moreover, automatic communication management is a main challenge in translation and has been studied widely and exclusively.

7.1 Source-to-source translation for heterogeneous computing

Many translators, such as C-to-CUDA [2], PPCG [30], BONES [18], and OpenMPC [11], generate CUDA programs for heterogeneous computing. Based on the polyhedral model, C-to-CUDA, and PPCG can only parallelize affine code regions in sequential C programs. BONES can parallelize sequential C programs, which are fitted by algorithmic species and skeletons prepared in advance. OpenMPC builds an abstraction of CUDA based on OpenMP and generates CUDA programs automatically. Other translators generate other kinds of heterogeneous parallel programs. Grewe et al. [19] translate OMP SMP into OpenCL. HTrOP [26] generates OpenCL applications from the LLVM bitcode. CU2CL [28] and Kim et al. [9] translate CUDA into OpenCL to achieve portability. Wu et al. [33] propose NoT, a high-level programming method for heterogeneous systems. Then, the NoT application is translated into OpenCL. OpenABLext [34] generates OpenCL from OpenABL, a domain-specific language. DawnCC [15, 17], which is based on the polyhedral model, translates C into OMP Offloading.

Among these translators, DawnCC and our OAO generate OMP Offloading programs, but DawnCC faces serious performance issues. The performance of the DawnCC version is much lower than the OpenMP SMP version in all PolyBench benchmarks because of inefficient data transmission optimization and parallel directives. In FDTD-2D-FUNC, DawnCC and OAO versions display a huge difference in the number of transmissions (19,500 vs. 5). Moreover, DawnCC cannot handle common syntax, such as structure and class.

7.2 Automatic communication management for heterogeneous computing

Many studies concentrate on automatic communication management between the CPU and the accelerator. Semi-automatic techniques [1] can manage data transmissions through Runtime system, but require developers to insert API functions manually.

Fully automatic methods [7, 8, 24] exploit compile-time static analysis techniques to insert Runtime API functions automatically. Our work follows this idea. CGCM [8] is the first fully automatic system for managing and optimizing CPU–GPU communication. DyManD [7], based on CGCM, supports complex data structures, through page protection mechanism and mmap function, which may fail. CGCM and DyManD suffer from redundant transmissions. AMM [24] eliminates redundant transmissions, but is bound with X10CUDA [27]. Sousa et al. [29] perform data coherence analysis on OpenCL code and then insert appropriate OpenCL function calls to minimize the number of data coherence operations. Our work also eliminates redundant transmissions, but cannot support multilevel pointers for the safety concern of mmap() function.

For seamless data sharing between CPU and GPU, CUDA 6.0 and later versions support unified virtual memory (UVM) [5], where a unified memory address space is shared across the CPUs and GPUs. Li et al. [12] improved OpenMP GPU data management under UVM. These studies are beneficial supplements to this work to support the complex data structure safely and to improve performance further, if the accelerator is specified as NVIDIA hardware. Besides UVM, Castro et al. [3] propose Heterogeneous Transactional Memory (HeTM). HeTM provides programmers with the logical single memory region, shared among the CPUs and GPUs, with support for atomic transactions.

8 Conclusion and future work

This work describes a novel automatic source-to-source translator system, called OAO, to translate OpenMP SMP programs into OpenMP Offloading programs. The OAO consists of the OAO Runtime Library and the OAO Translator. For the OAO Runtime Library, we define the consistency State, state transition function, and consistency state constraint to model data transmission operations and variable references. Based on these, we propose the minimum data transmission algorithm to manage and optimize data transmissions automatically and efficiently. For the OAO Translator, we define the SPGraph to encode variable reference information. Based on the SPGraph, we design some algorithms to insert runtime semantics and translate parallel primitives automatically. We implement the OAO Translator through the compile-time static analysis technology.

Experiments on PolyBench and Rodinia demonstrate that OAO system gains performance improvements over hand-translated (up to 455,271%) and DawnCC-translated (up to 31,403%) OpenMP Offloading programs. The speedup of the OAO version is up to 32.28\(\times\) over the OpenMP SMP version. The OAO version can save data transmission time (up to over 99%) compared with manual and DawnCC version. Moreover, OAO can handle eight benchmarks in the Rodinia suite, in which DawnCC cannot handle any benchmark. The OAO version gains performance improvement over the OpenMP SMP version in five out of these eight Rodinia benchmarks (up to 12.53x).

The OAO cannot translate some benchmarks of Rodinia correctly, such as the b+tree and heartwall. The main reason is that these benchmarks contain multilevel pointers, which OAO cannot track. Another reason is that some benchmarks contain special OpenMP directives, such as #pragma omp master. Besides, tracking consistency at finer granularity may further improve performance. Future work includes extending the OAO system to support more situations and finer-grained optimization.