1 Introduction

As individuals and organizations increasingly rely on third party data stored remotely, there is often a need to access such data both privately and anonymously. For example, we can envision a service that has a large database of medical conditions, and allows clients to look up their symptoms; naturally clients do not want to reveal which symptoms they are searching for, or even the frequency with which they are performing such searches.

To address this, we consider a setting where a server holds a huge database that it wants to make accessible to a large group of clients. The clients should be able to read arbitrary locations in the database while hiding from the server which locations are being accessed (privacy), and which client is performing each access (anonymity). We call this Private Anonymous Data Access (PANDA).

In more detail, PANDA allows some initial setup phase, after which the server holds an encoded database, and each client holds a short key. The setup can be performed by a trusted third party, or via a multi-party computation protocol. After the setup phase, any client can execute a \(\textsf {read}\) protocol with the server, to retrieve an arbitrary location within the database. We want this protocol to be highly efficient, where both the server’s and client’s run-time during the protocol should be sub-linear (ideally, poly-logarithmic) in the database size and the total number of clients. For security, we consider an adversarial server that colludes with some subset of clients. We want to ensure that whenever an honest client performs a \(\textsf {read}\) access, the server learns nothing about the location being accessed, or the identity of the client performing the access beyond the fact that she belongs to the group of all honest clients. For example, the server should not learn whether two accesses correspond to two different clients reading the same location of the database, or one client reading two different database locations.Footnote 1

We call the above a read-only PANDA, and also consider extensions that allow clients to write to the database, which we discuss below in more detail.

Connections to PIR and ORAM. PANDA combines aspects of both Private Information Retrieval (PIR) [CGKS95, KO97] and Oblivious RAM (ORAM) [GO96]. Therefore, we now give a high-level overview of these primitives, their goals, and main properties.

In a (single-database) PIR scheme [KO97], the server holds a public database in the clear. The scheme has no initial setup, and anybody can run a protocol with the server to retrieve an arbitrary location within the database. Notice that since there are no secret keys that distinguish one client from another, a PIR scheme also provides perfect anonymity. However, although the communication complexity of the PIR protocol is sub-linear in the data size, the server’s run-time is inherently linear in the size of the data. (Indeed, if the server didn’t read the entire database during the protocol, it would learn something about the location being queried, since it must be among the ones read.) Therefore, PIR does not provide a satisfactory answer to the PANDA problem, where we want sub-linear efficiency for the server.

In an ORAM scheme, there is an initial setup after which the server holds an encoded database, and a client holds a secret key. The client can execute a protocol with the server to privately read or write to arbitrary locations within the database, and the run-time of both the client and the server during each such protocol is sub-linear in the data size. However, only a single client in possession of a secret key associated with the ORAM can access the database. Therefore, ORAM is also not directly applicable to the PANDA problem, where we want a large group of clients to access the database.

1.1 Prior Work Extending PIR and ORAM

Although neither PIR nor ORAM alone solve the PANDA problem, several prior approaches have considered extensions of PIR and ORAM, aimed to overcome their aforementioned limitations. We discuss these approached, and explain why they do not provide a satisfactory solution for PANDA.

ORAM with Multiple Clients. As mentioned above, in an ORAM scheme only a single client can access the database, whereas in PANDA we want multiple clients to access it. There are several natural ways that we can hope to extend ORAM to the setting of multiple clients.

The first idea is to store the data in a single ORAM scheme, and give all the clients the secret key for this ORAM. Although this solution provides anonymity (all clients are identical) it does not achieve privacy; if the server colludes with even a single client, the privacy of all other clients is lost.

A second idea is to store the data in a separate ORAM scheme for each client, and give the client the corresponding secret key. Each client then accesses the data using her own ORAM. This achieves privacy even if the server colludes with a subset of clients, but does not provide anonymity since the server sees which ORAM is being accessed.Footnote 2

The third idea is similar to the previous one, where the data is stored in a separate ORAM scheme for each client, and the client accesses the data using her own ORAM. However, unlike the second idea, the client also performs a “dummy” access on the ORAM schemes of all other clients to hide her identity. This requires a special ORAM scheme where any client without a secret key can perform a “dummy” access which looks indistinguishable from a real access to someone that does not have the secret key. It turns out that existing ORAM schemes can be upgraded relatively easily to have this property (using re-randomizable encryption). Although this solution achieves privacy and anonymity, the efficiency of both the server and the client during each access is linear in the total number of clients.

Lastly, we can also store the data in a single ORAM scheme on the server, and distribute the ORAM secret key across several additional proxy servers. When a client wants to access a location of the data, she runs a multiparty computation protocol with the proxy servers to generate the ORAM access. Although this solution provides privacy, anonymity and efficiency, it requires having multiple non-colluding servers, whereas our focus is on the single server setting.

Variants of the above ideas have appeared in several prior works (e.g., [BMN17, MMRS15, KPK16, BHKP16, ZZQ16]) that explored multi-client ORAM. In particular, the work of Backes et al. [BHKP16] introduced the notion of Anonymous RAM (which is similar to our notion of secret-writes PANDA, discussed below), and proposed two solutions which can be seen as variants of the third and fourth ideas discussed above. Specifically, they are able to achieve security for up to all but one colluding clients in both schemes, one achieving linear storage in the number of users, the other relying on two non-colluding servers. Our solution, for the same collusion threshold, is able to achieve linear storage overhead in the number of users with only a single server, and for lower collusion thresholds we are more efficient (linear in the collusion threshold). We note, despite much research activity, no prior solution simultaneously provides privacy, anonymity and efficiency in the single-server setting.

Doubly Efficient PIR. As noted above, the server run-time in a PIR protocol is inherently linear in the data size, whereas in PANDA we want the run time of both the client and the server to be sub-linear. However, it may be possible to get a doubly efficient PIR (DEPIR) variant in which the server run-time is sub-linear, by relaxing the PIR problem to allow a pre-processing stage after which the server stores an encoded version of the database. This concept was first proposed by Beimel, Ishai and Malkin [BIM00], who showed how to construct information-theoretic DEPIR schemes in the multi-server setting, with several non-colluding servers. Two recent works, of Canetti et al. [CHR17] and Boyle et al. [BIPW17], give the first evidence that this notion may even be achievable in the single-server setting. Concretely, they consider DEPIR schemes with a pre-processing stage which generates an encoded database for the server, and a key that allows clients to query the database at arbitrary locations. They distinguish between symmetric-key and public-key variants of DEPIR, based on whether the key used to query the database needs to be kept secret or can be made public. Both works show how to construct symmetric-key DEPIR under new, previously unstudied, computational hardness assumptions relating to Reed-Muller codes. The work of [BIPW17] also shows how to extend this to get public-key DEPIR by also relying on a heuristic use of obfuscation. Unfortunately, both of the above assumptions are non-standard, poorly understood, and not commonly accepted.

In relation to PANDA, symmetric-key DEPIR suffers from the same drawbacks as ORAM, specifically, only a single client with a secret key can access the database.Footnote 3 If we were to give this key to several clients, then all privacy would be lost even if only a single client colludes with the server. On the other hand, public-key DEPIR immediately yields a solution to the PANDA problem, at least for the read-only variant. Moreover, it even has additional perks not required by PANDA, specifically: the set of clients does not need to be chosen ahead of time, anybody can use the system given only a public key, and the server is stateless. Unfortunately, we currently appear to be very far from being able to instantiate public-key DEPIR under any standard hardness assumptions.

1.2 Our Results

Read-Only PANDA. In this work, we construct a bounded-collusion PANDA scheme, where we assume some upper bound t on the number of clients that collude with the server. The client and server efficiency scales linearly with t, but is otherwise poly-logarithmic in the data size and the total number of clients. In particular, our PANDA scheme allows for up to a poly-logarithmic collusion size t while maintaining poly-logarithmic efficiency for the server and the client. Our construction relies on the generic use of (leveled) Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) [RAD78, Gen09] which is in turn implied by the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption [Reg09]. Our basic construction provides security against a semi-honest adversary, and we also discuss how to extend this to get security in the fully malicious setting. In summary, we get the following theorem.

Theorem 1

(Informal statement of Theorem 6). Assuming the existence of FHE, there exists a (read-only) PANDA scheme with n clients, t collusion bound, database size L and security parameter \(\lambda \) such that, for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\), we get:

  • The client/server run-time per \(\textsf {read}\) operation is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server storage is \( t \cdot L^{1+\varepsilon }\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

PANDA with Writes. We also consider extensions of PANDA to a setting that supports writes to the database. If the database is public and shared by all clients, then the location and content of \(\textsf {write}\) operations is inherently public as well. However, we still want to maintain privacy and anonymity for \(\textsf {read}\) operations, as well as anonymity for \(\textsf {write}\) operations. We call this a public-writes PANDA and it may, for example, be used to implement a public message board where clients can anonymously post and read messages, while hiding from the server which messages are being read. We also consider an alternate scenario where each client has her own individual private database which only she can access. In this case we want to maintain privacy and anonymity for both the reads and writes of each client, so that the server does not learn the content of the data, which clients are accessing their data, or what parts of their data they are accessing. We call this a secret-writes PANDA.Footnote 4 We show the following result.

Theorem 2

(Informal statement of Theorem 7). Assuming the existence of FHE, there exists a public-writes PANDA with n clients, t collusion bound, database size L and security parameter \(\lambda \) such that, for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\), we get:

  • The client/server run-time per \(\textsf {read}\) operation is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The client run-time per \(\textsf {write}\) is \(O(\log L)\), and the server run-time is \( t \cdot L^{\varepsilon } \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server storage is \( t\cdot L^{1+\varepsilon } \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

The same results as above hold for secret-writes PANDA, except that the client run-time per \(\textsf {write}\) increases to \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\), and L now denotes the sum of the initial database size and the total number of writes performed throughout the lifetime of the system.

Extensions. We also consider the PANDA problem in stronger security models in which the adversary can adaptively choose the access pattern, and maliciously corrupt parties. Our constructions are also secure in the adaptive setting. The read-only PANDA scheme is secure against maliciously-corrupted clients, and a variant of it (which employs Merkle hash trees and succinct interactive arguments of knowledge) is secure if the server is also maliciously corrupted. Finally, we discuss modifications of our PANDA with writes schemes that remain secure in the presence of malicious corruptions. See the full version [HOWW18] for further details.

1.3 Our Techniques

We now give a high-level overview of our PANDA constructions. We start with the read-only setting, and then discuss how to enable writes.

Read-Only PANDA. Our construction relies on Locally Decodable Codes (LDCs) [KT00], which have previously been used to construct multi-server PIR [CGKS95, WY05]. We first give an overview of what these are, and then proceed to use them to build our scheme in several steps.

Locally Decodable Codes (LDCs). An LDC consists of a procedure that encodes a message into a codeword, and a procedure that locally decodes any individual location in the message by reading only few locations in the codeword. We denote the locality by k. An LDC has s-smoothness if any s out of k of the codeword locations accessed by the local decoder are uniformly random and independent of the message location being decoded. Such LDCs (with good parameters) immediately give information-theoretic multi-server doubly-efficient PIR without any keys [BIM00]: each of the k servers holds a copy of the encoded database, and the client runs the local decoding procedure by reading each of the k queried codeword locations from a different server. Even if s out of k servers collude, they don’t learn anything about the database location that the client is retrieving.Footnote 5 LDCs with sufficiently good parameters for our work can be constructed using Reed-Muller codes [Ree54, Mul54].

Initial Idea: LDCs + ORAM. Although LDCs naturally only give a multi-server PIR, our initial idea is to think of these as “virtual servers” which will all be emulated by a single real server by placing each virtual server under a separate ORAM instance. Each client is assigned a random committee consisting of a small subset of these virtual servers, for which she gets the corresponding ORAM keys. When the adversary corrupts a subset of the clients, it gets all of their ORAM keys, and can therefore be seen as corrupting all the virtual servers that are on the committees of these clients. Nevertheless, we can ensure that the committee of any honest client has sufficiently few corrupted virtual servers for LDC smoothness to hide the client’s queries.

In more detail, we think of having \(k'\) virtual servers, for some \(k'\) which is sufficiently larger than the locality k of the LDC. For each virtual server, we choose a fresh ORAM key, and store an LDC encoding of the database under this ORAM. Each client is assigned to a random committee consisting of k out of \(k'\) of the virtual servers, for which she gets the related ORAM keys. To read a database location, the client runs the LDC local decoding algorithm, which requests to see k codeword locations. The client then reads each of the k codeword locations from a different virtual server on her committee, by using the corresponding ORAM scheme. Notice that an adversary that corrupts some subset of t clients, thus obtaining all of their ORAM keys, can be seen as corrupting all the virtual servers on their committees. We can choose the parameters to ensure that the probability of the adversary corrupting more than s out of k of the virtual servers on the committee of any honest client is negligible (specifically, setting \(k' = tk^2\) and s to be the security parameter). As long as this holds, our scheme guarantees privacy, since the server only learns at most s out of the k codeword locations being queried (by the security of ORAM), and these locations reveal nothing about the database location being read (by the LDC smoothness).

Although the above solution already gives a non-trivial multi-client ORAM with privacy and low server storage (see the full version [HOWW18]), it does not provide any anonymity. The problem is that each client only accesses the k out of \(k'\) ORAM schemes belonging to her committee, and doesn’t have the keys needed to access the remaining ORAM schemes. Therefore, the server can distinguish between different clients based on which of the ORAMs they access.

One potential idea to fix this issue would be for the client to make some “dummy” accesses to the \(k'-k\) remaining ORAM schemes (which are not on her committee) without knowing the corresponding keys. Most ORAM schemes can be easily modified to enable such “dummy” accesses without a key, that look indistinguishable from real accesses to a distinguisher that doesn’t have the key. Unfortunately, in our case the adversarial colluding server does have the keys for many of these ORAM schemes. Therefore, to make this idea work in our setting, we would need an ORAM where clients can make a “smart dummy” access without a key that looks indistinguishable from a real access to a random location even to a “smart” distinguisher that has the key. The square-root ORAM scheme [Gol87, GO96] can be modified to have this property, but the overall client/server efficiency in the final solutions would be at least square-root of the data size. Unfortunately, more efficient ORAM schemes with poly-logarithmic overhead (such as hierarchical ORAM [Ost90, GO96] or tree-based ORAM [SvDS+13]) do not have this property, and it does not appear that they could be naturally modified to add it. Instead, we take a different approach and get rid of ORAM altogether.

Bounded-Access PANDA: LDCs + Permute. Our second idea is inspired by the recent works of Canetti et al. [CHR17] and Boyle et al. [BIPW17] on DEPIR, as well as earlier works of Hemenway et al. [HO08, HOSW11]. Instead of implementing the virtual servers by storing the LDC codeword under an ORAM scheme, we do something much simpler and use a Pseudo-Random Permutation (PRP) to permute the codeword locations. In particular, for each of the \(k'\) virtual servers we choose a different PRP key, and use it to derive a different permuted codeword. Each client still gets assigned a random committee consisting of k out of \(k'\) of the virtual servers, for which she gets the corresponding PRP keys. To retrieve a value from the database, the client runs the LDC local decoding algorithm, which requests to see k codeword locations, and reads these locations using the virtual servers on her committee by applying the corresponding PRPs. She also reads uniformly random locations from the \(k'-k\) virtual servers that are not on her committee.

In relation to the first idea, we can think of the PRP as providing much weaker security than ORAM. Namely, it reveals when the same location is read multiple times, but hides everything else about the locations being read (whereas an ORAM scheme even hides the former). On the other hand, it is now extremely easy to perform a “smart dummy” access (as informally defined above) by reading a truly random location in the permuted codeword, which is something we don’t know how to do with poly-logarithmic ORAM schemes.

It turns out that this scheme is already secure if we fix some a-priori bound B on the total number of \(\textsf {read}\) operations that honest clients will perform. We call this notion a bounded-access PANDA. Intuitively, even though permuting the codewords provides much weaker security than putting them in an ORAM, and leaks partial information about the access pattern to the codeword, the fact that this access pattern is sampled via a smooth LDC ensures that this leakage is harmless when the number of accesses is sufficiently small. More specifically, our proof follows the high-level approach of Canetti et al. [CHR17], who constructed a bounded-access (symmetric-key) DEPIR which is essentially equivalent to the above scheme in the setting with a single honest client and exactly k virtual servers, where the adversary doesn’t get any of the PRP keys. In our case, we need to extend this proof to deal with the fact that the adversary colludes with some of the clients, and therefore learns some subset of the PRP keys.

Upgrading to Unbounded-Access PANDA. Our bounded-access PANDA scheme is only secure when the number of accesses is a-priori bounded by some bound B, and can actually be shown to be insecure for sufficiently many accesses beyond that bound (following the analysis of [CHR17]). In the work of Canetti et al. [CHR17] and Boyle et al. [BIPW17], going from bounded-access DEPIR to unbounded-access DEPIR required new non-standard computational hardness assumptions. In our case, we will convert bounded-access PANDA to unbounded-access PANDA using standard assumptions, namely leveled FHE (instantiatable under the LWE assumption). The main reason that we can use our approach for PANDA, but not DEPIR, is that it makes the server stateful. This is something we allow in PANDA, whereas the main goal of DEPIR was to avoid it.

Our idea is essentially to “refresh” the bounded-access PANDA after every B accesses. More specifically, we think of the execution as proceeding in epochs, each consisting of B accesses. We associate a different Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) key with each virtual server and, for epoch i, we derive an epoch-specific PRP key for each server by applying the corresponding PRF on i. We then use this PRP key to freshly permute the codeword in each epoch. The clients get the PRF keys for the virtual servers in their committee. This lets clients derive the corresponding epoch-specific PRP keys for any epoch, and they can then proceed as they would using the bounded-access PANDA. The only difficulty is making sure that the server can correctly permute the codeword belonging to each virtual server in each epoch without knowing the associated PRF/PRP keys. We do this by storing FHE encryptions of each of the PRF keys on the server and, at the beginning of each epoch, the server performs a homomorphic computation to derive an encryption of the correctly permuted codeword for each virtual server. The clients also get the FHE decryption keys for the virtual servers in their committee, and thus can decrypt the codeword symbols that they read from the virtual servers. Note that the server has to do a large amount of work, linear in the codeword size, at the beginning of each epoch. However, we can use amortized accounting to spread this cost over the duration of the epoch and get low amortized complexity. Alternately, the server can spread out the actual computation across the epoch by performing a few steps of it at a time during each access to get low worst-case complexity. (This is possible because the database is read-only, and so its contents at the onset of the next epoch are known in advance at the beginning of the current epoch.) The security of this scheme follows from that of the bounded-access PANDA since in each epoch, the \(\textsf {read}\) operations are essentially performed using a fresh copy of the bounded-access PANDA (with fresh PRP keys).

PANDA with Public Encoding. Our construction of (unbounded-access) PANDA scheme described above has some nice features beyond what is required by the definition. Specifically, although the server is stateful and its internal state is updated in each epoch, the state can be computed using public information (the FHE encryptions of the PRF keys), the database, and the epoch number.Footnote 6 We find it useful to abstract this property further as a PANDA with public encoding. Specifically, we think of the PANDA scheme as having a key generation algorithm which doesn’t depend on the database, and generates a public-key for the server and secret-keys for each of the clients. The server can then use the public-key to create a fresh encoding of the database with respect to an arbitrary epoch identifier (which can be a number, or an arbitrary bit string). The clients are given the epoch identifier, and can perform \(\textsf {read}\) operations which consist of reading some subset of locations from the server. Security holds as long as the number of \(\textsf {read}\) operations performed by honest clients with respect to any epoch identifier is bounded by B. Such a scheme can immediately be used to get an unbounded-access PANDA by having the server re-encode the database at the beginning of each epoch with an incremented epoch counter.

Note that our basic security definition considers a semi-honest adversary who corrupts the server and some subset of the clients, but otherwise follows the protocol specification. However, with the above structure, it’s also clear that fully malicious clients (who might not follow the protocol) have no affect on the server state, and therefore cannot violate security. A fully malicious server, on the other hand, can lie about the epoch number and cause honest clients to perform too many \(\textsf {read}\) operations in one epoch, which would break security. However, if we assume that the epoch number is independently known to honest clients (for example, epochs occur at regular intervals, and clients know the rate at which accesses occur and have synchronized clocks) then this attack is prevented. The only other potential attack for a fully malicious server is to give incorrect values for the locations accessed in the encoded database. We can also prevent this attack by using succinct (interactive) arguments to prove that the values were computed correctly.

PANDA with Writes. We also consider PANDA schemes where clients can write to the database, and discuss two PANDA variants in this setting which we call public-writes and secret-writes.

Public-Writes PANDA. In a public-writes PANDA, we consider a setting where the server holds a shared public database which should be accessible to all clients. Clients can write to arbitrary locations in the database but, since the database is public, the locations and the values being written are necessarily public as well. However, we still want to maintain anonymity for the \(\textsf {write}\) operations (i.e., the server does not learn which client is performing each write), and both privacy and anonymity for the \(\textsf {read}\) operations (namely, the server does not learn which client is performing each read, or the locations being read). Our \(\textsf {write}\) operation is extremely simple: the client just sends the location and value being written to the server. However, even if we use PANDA with public encoding, the server cannot simply update the value in the encoded database since this would require (at least) linear time to re-encode the entire database.

Instead, we use an idea loosely inspired by hierarchical ORAM [Ost90, GO96]. We will store the database on the server in a sequence of \(\log L\) levels, where L is the database size. Each level i consists of a separate instance of a read-only PANDA with public encoding, and will contain at most \(L_i = 2^i\) database values. We think of the levels as growing from the top down, namely level-0 (the smallest) is the top-most level, and level-\(\log L\) (the largest) is the bottom-most. Initially, all the data is stored in the bottom level \(i = \log L\), and all the remaining levels are empty. When a client wants to read some location j of the database, she uses the read-only PANDA for each of the \(\log L\) levels to search for location j, and takes the value found in the top-most level that contains it. When a client writes to some location j, the server will place that database value in the top level \(i=0\). The server knows (in the clear) which database values are stored at each level. After every \(2^i\) \(\textsf {write}\) operations, the server takes all the values in levels \(0,\ldots ,i\) and moves them to level \(i+1\) by using the public encoding procedure of PANDA and incrementing the epoch counter; level \(i+1\) will contain all the values that were previously in levels \( \le i+1\), and levels \(0,\ldots ,i\) will be emptied.Footnote 7 Although the cost of moving all the data to level \(i+1\) scales with the data size \(L_{i+1}\), the amortized cost is low since this only happens once every \(2^i\) writes.Footnote 8

One subtlety that we need to deal with is that our read-only PANDA was designed as an array data structure which holds L items with addresses \(1,\ldots ,L\). However, the way we use it in this construction requires a map data structure where the intermediate levels store \(L_i \ll L\) items with addresses corresponding to some subset of the values \(1,\ldots ,L\). We can resolve this using the standard data-structures trick of storing a map in an array by hashing the n addresses into n buckets where each bucket contains some small number of values (to handle collisions). Our final public-writes PANDA scheme can also be thought of as implementing a map data structure, where database entries can be associated with arbitrary bit-strings as addresses, and clients can read/write to the value at any address. We can also allow the total database size to grow dynamically by adding additional levels as needed.

Secret-Writes PANDA. In this setting, instead of having a shared public database, we think of each client as having an individual private database which only she can access. We want the clients to be able to read and write to locations in their own database, while maintaining privacy and anonymity so that the server doesn’t learn the identity of the client performing each access, the location being accessed, or the content of the data.

Our starting point is the public-writes PANDA scheme, which already guarantees privacy and anonymity of \(\textsf {read}\) operations, and anonymity of \(\textsf {write}\) operations. The clients can also individually encrypt all their content to ensure that it remains private. Therefore, we only need to modify \(\textsf {write}\) operations to provide privacy for the underlying location being written. To achieve this, we rely on the fact that our public-writes PANDA scheme already supports a map data structure, where data can be associated with an arbitrary bit-string as an address. As a first idea, when a client wants to write to some location j in her database, she can use a client-unique PRF, associating the data with the address PRF(j), and then write it using the public-writes scheme. While this partially hides the location j, the server still learns when the same location is written repeatedly. To solve this problem, we also add a counter c, and set the address to be PRF(jc). Whenever a client wants to read some location j, she uses the \(\textsf {read}\) operation of the public-writes PANDA to perform a binary search, and find the largest count c such that there is a value at the address PRF(jc) in the database. Whenever a client wants to write to location j, she first finds the correct count c (as she would in a \(\textsf {read}\) access), and then writes the value to address \(PRF(j,c+1)\). This ensures that the address being written reveal no information about the underlying database location. The only downside to this approach is that the server storage grows with the total number of writes, rather than the total data size. Indeed, since the server cannot correlate different “versions” of the same database location, it cannot delete old copies. Although we view this as a negative, we note that many existing database systems only support “append only” operations, and keep (as a backup) all old versions of the data. Therefore, in such a setting the growth in server storage caused by our scheme does not in fact add any additional overhead.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout the paper \(\lambda \) denotes a security parameter. We use standard cryptographic definitions of Pseudo-Random Permutations (PRPs), Pseudo-Random Functions (PRFs), and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) (see, e.g., [Gol01, Gol04]). For a vector \(\mathbf {a}= (a_1,\ldots ,a_n)\), and a subset \(S=\left\{ i_1,\ldots ,i_s\right\} \subseteq \left[ n\right] \), we denote \(\mathbf {a}_S=\left( a_{i_1},\ldots ,a_{i_s}\right) \).

Parameter Names. For all variants of the PANDA problem, we will let n denote the number of clients, L denote the database size, and t denote a bound on the number of corrupted clients colluding with the server.

2.1 Locally Decodable Codes (LDCs)

Locally decodable codes were first formally introduced by [KT00]. We rely on the following definition of smooth LDCs.

Definition 1

(Smooth LDC). An s-smooth, k-query locally decodable code with message length L, and codeword size M over alphabet \(\varSigma \), denoted by \(\left( s,k,L, M \right) _\varSigma \)-smooth LDC, is a triplet \(\left( \mathsf{{Enc}} ,\textsf {Query},\mathsf{{Dec}} \right) \) of PPT algorithms with the following properties.

  • Syntax. \(\mathsf{{Enc}} \) is given a message \(\textsf {msg}\in \varSigma ^L\) and outputs a codeword \(c\in \varSigma ^M\), \(\textsf {Query}\) is given an index \(\ell \in \left[ L\right] \) and outputs a vector \(\mathbf {r}= (r_1,\ldots ,r_k) \in \left[ M\right] ^k\), and \(\mathsf{{Dec}} \) is given \(c_{\mathbf {\mathbf {r}}}= (c_{r_1},\ldots ,c_{r_k}) \in \varSigma ^k\) and outputs a symbol in \(\varSigma \).

  • Local decodability. For every message \(\textsf {msg}\in \varSigma ^L\), and every index \(\ell \in \left[ L\right] \),

    $$\Pr \left[ \mathbf {r}\leftarrow \textsf {Query}\left( \ell \right) \ :\ \mathsf{{Dec}} \left( \mathsf{{Enc}} \left( \textsf {msg}\right) _{\mathbf {r}}\right) =\textsf {msg}_\ell \right] =1.$$
  • Smoothness. For every index \(\ell \in \left[ L\right] \), the distribution of \((r_1,\ldots ,r_k) \leftarrow \textsf {Query}\left( \ell \right) \) is s-wise uniform. In particular, for any subset \(S \subseteq [k]\) of size \(|S|=s\), the random variables \(r_i~: i \in S\) are uniformly random over [M] and independent of each other.

We will use the Reed-Muller (RM) family of LDCs [Ree54, Mul54] over a finite field \({\mathbb {F}}\) which, roughly, are defined by m-variate polynomials over \({\mathbb {F}}\). More specifically, to encode messages in \({\mathbb {F}}^L\), one chooses a subset \(H\subseteq {\mathbb {F}}\) such that \(\left| H\right| ^m \ge L\). Encoding a message \(\textsf {msg}\in {\mathbb {F}}^L\) is performed by interpreting the message as a function \(\textsf {msg}:H^m\rightarrow {\mathbb {F}}\), and letting \(\widetilde{\textsf {msg}}:{\mathbb {F}}^m\rightarrow {\mathbb {F}}\) be the low degree extension of \(\textsf {msg}\); i.e., the m-variate polynomial of individual degree \(<\left| H\right| \) whose restriction to \(H^m\) equals \(\textsf {msg}\). The codeword c consists of the evaluations of \(\widetilde{\textsf {msg}}\) at all points if \({\mathbb {F}}^m\). We can locally decode any coordinate \(\ell \in [L]\) of the message by thinking of \(\ell \) as a value in \(H^m\). This is done by choosing a random degree-s curve \(\varphi :{\mathbb {F}}\rightarrow {\mathbb {F}}^m\) such that \(\varphi \left( 0\right) = \ell \), and querying the codeword on \(k \ge ms\left( \left| H\right| -1\right) \) non-0 points on the curve. The decoder then uses the answers \(a_1,\cdots ,a_k\) to interpolate the (unique) univariate degree-\(\left( k-1\right) \) polynomial \(\widetilde{\varphi }\) such that \(\widetilde{\varphi }\left( i\right) =a_i\) for every \(1\le i\le k\). It outputs \(\widetilde{\varphi }\left( 0\right) \) as the \(\ell \)’th message symbol. To guarantee that the field contains sufficiently many evaluation points, the field is chosen such that \(\left| {\mathbb {F}}\right| \ge k+1\). The codeword length is \(M=\left| {\mathbb {F}}\right| ^m\). We will need the following theorem, whose proof appears in the full version [HOWW18].

Theorem 3

For any constant \(\varepsilon >0\), there exist \(\left( s,k,L, M \right) _\varSigma \)-smooth LDCs with \(|\varSigma | = \mathsf{{poly} }(s,\log L)\), \(k = \mathsf{{poly} }(s, \log L)\) and \(M = L^{1+\varepsilon }\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(s, \log L)\). Furthermore, the encoding time is \(\widetilde{O}(M)\) and the decoding time is \(\widetilde{O}(k)\).

3 Read-Only PANDA

In this section we describe our read-only PANDA scheme. We first formally define this notion. At a high level, a PANDA scheme is run between a server S and n clients \(C_1,\cdots ,C_n\), and allows clients to securely access a database \(\textsf {DB}\), even in the presence of a (semi-honestly) corrupted coalition consisting of the server S and a subset of at most t of the clients. In this section, we focus on the setting of a read-only, public database, in which the security guarantee is that \(\textsf {read}\) operations of honest clients remain entirely private and anonymous, meaning the corrupted coalition learns nothing about the identity of the client performed the operation, or which location was accessed.

Definition 2

(RO-PANDA). A Read-Only Private Anonymous Data Access (RO-PANDA) scheme consists of procedures \(\left( \textsf {Setup},\textsf {Read}\right) \) with the following syntax:

  • \(\textsf {Setup}(1^\lambda , 1^n, 1^t, \textsf {DB})\) is a function that takes as input a security parameter \(\lambda \), the number of clients n, a collusion bound t, and a database \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\), and outputs the initial server state \(\textsf {st}_S\), and client keys \({\mathsf {ck}}_1,\cdots ,{\mathsf {ck}}_n\). We require that the size of the client keys \(|{\mathsf {ck}}_j|\) is bounded by some fixed polynomial in the security parameter \(\lambda \), independent of \(n,t,|\textsf {DB}|\).

  • \(\textsf {Read}\) is a protocol between the server S and a client \(C_j\). The client holds as input an address \(\textsf {addr}\in [L]\) and the client key \({\mathsf {ck}}_j\), and the server holds its current states \(\textsf {st}_S\). The output of the protocol is a value \(\mathsf {val}\) to the client, and an updated server state \(\textsf {st}_S'\).

We require the following correctness and security properties.

  • Correctness: In any execution of the \(\textsf {Setup}\) algorithm followed by a sequence of \(\textsf {Read}\) protocols between various clients and the server, each client always outputs the correct database value \(\mathsf {val}= \textsf {DB}_\textsf {addr}\) at the end of each protocol.

  • Security: Any PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has only \(\mathsf{{negl}} \left( \lambda \right) \) advantage in the following security game with a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\):

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) sends to \(\mathcal {C}\):

      • \(*\) The values nt and the database \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\).

      • \(*\) A subset \(T\subset \left[ n\right] \) of corrupted clients with \(|T| \le t\).

      • \(*\) A pair of read sequences \(R^0=\left( j_l^0,\textsf {addr}_l^0\right) _{1\le l\le q},R^1=\left( j_l^1,\textsf {addr}_l^1\right) _{1\le l\le q}\) (for some \(q \in \mathbb {N}\)), where \(\left( j_l^b,\textsf {addr}_l^b\right) \) denotes that client \(j_l^b \in [n]\) reads address \(\textsf {addr}_l^b \in [L]\).

      We require that \(\left( j_l^0,\textsf {addr}_l^0\right) = \left( j_l^1,\textsf {addr}_l^1\right) \) for every \(l\in \left[ q\right] \) such that \(j_l^0\in T \vee j_l^1\in T\).

    • \(\mathcal {C}\) performs the following:

      • \(*\) Picks a random bit \(b\leftarrow \{0,1\}\).

      • \(*\) Initializes the scheme by computing \(\textsf {Setup}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n, 1^t,\textsf {DB}\right) \).

      • \(*\) Sequentially executes the sequence \(R^b\) of \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol executions between the honest server and clients. It sends to \(\mathcal {A}\) the views of the server S and the corrupted clients \(\left\{ C_j\right\} _{j\in T}\) during these protocol executions, where the view of each party consists of its internal state, randomness, and all protocol messages received.

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\).

    The advantage \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) \) of \(\mathcal {A}\) in the security game is defined as: \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) =|\Pr \left[ b'=b\right] -\frac{1}{2}|\).

Efficiency Goals. Since a secure PANDA scheme can be trivially obtained by having the client store the entire database locally, or having the server send the entire database to the client in every \(\textsf {read}\) request, the efficiency of the scheme is our main concern. We focus on minimizing the client storage and the client/server run-time during each \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol. At the very least, we require these to be \(t\cdot o\left( \left| \textsf {DB}\right| \right) \).

Bounded-Access PANDA. We will also consider a weaker notion of a bounded-access RO-PANDA scheme, for which security is only guaranteed to hold as long as the total number of read operations q is a-priori bounded. Such schemes will be useful building blocks for designing RO-PANDA schemes with full-fledged security.

Definition 3

(B-access RO-PANDA). Let B be an access bound. We say that \(\left( \textsf {Setup},\textsf {Read}\right) \) is a B-access RO-PANDA scheme if the security property of Definition 2 is only guaranteed to hold for PPT adversaries that are restricted to choose read sequences \(R^0,R^1\) of length \(q\le B\).

Remark on Adaptive Security. Note that, for simplicity, our definition is selective, where the adversary chooses the entire read sequences \(R^0,R^1\) ahead of time. We could also consider a stronger adaptive security definition where the adversary chooses the sequence of reads adaptively as the protocol progresses. Although our constructions are also secure in the stronger setting (with minimal modifications to the proofs), we chose to present our results in the selective setting to keep them as simple as possible.

3.1 A Bounded-Access Read-Only PANDA Scheme

As a first step, we now show how to construct a bounded-access RO-PANDA scheme, yielding the following theorem.

Theorem 4

(B-access RO-PANDA). Assuming one-way functions exist, for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\) there is a B-bounded access RO-PANDA where, for n clients with t collusion bound and database size L:

  • The client and server complexity during each \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The client storage is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server storage is \(\alpha \le t \cdot L^{1+\varepsilon } \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L) \).

  • The access bound is \(B = \alpha / (t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L))\).

Note that in the above theorem we can increase the access-bound B arbitrarily by artificially inflating the database size L to increase \(\alpha \). However, we will mainly be interested in having a small ratio \(\alpha /B\) while keeping \(\alpha \) as small as possible.

Construction Outline. As outlined in the introduction, our idea is inspired by the recent works of Canetti et al. [CHR17] and Boyle et al. [BIPW17] on DEPIR. We rely on an s-smooth, k-query LDC where \(s=\lambda \) is set to be the security parameter. We think of the server S as consisting of \(k' = k^2t\) different “virtual servers”, where t is the collusion bound. Each virtual server contains a permuted copy of the LDC codeword under a fresh PRP. Each client is assigned a random committee consisting of k out of \(k'\) of the virtual servers and gets the corresponding PRP keys. To retrieve an entry from the database, the client runs the LDC local decoding algorithm, which requests to see k codeword locations, and reads these locations using the virtual servers on its committee by applying the corresponding PRPs. It also reads uniformly random locations from the \(k'-k\) virtual servers that are not on its committee.

Construction 1

(B-Access RO-PANDA). The scheme uses the following building blocks:

  • An \(\left( s,k,L, M \right) _\varSigma \)-smooth LDC \(\left( \mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {LDC}},\textsf {Query}_{\textsf {LDC}},\mathsf{{Dec}} _{\textsf {LDC}}\right) \) (see Definition 1, Theorem 3).

  • A CPA-secure symmetric encryption scheme \(\left( \textsf {KeyGen}_{\textsf {sym}},\mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {sym}},\mathsf{{Dec}} _{\textsf {sym}}\right) \).

  • A pseudorandom permutation (PRP) family \(P~:~ \{0,1\}^\lambda \times [M] \rightarrow [M]\) where for every \(K \in \{0,1\}^\lambda \) the function \(P(K,\cdot )\) is a permutation.

The scheme consists of the following procedures:

  • \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Setup}}}}(1^\lambda ,1^n,1^t,{\mathbf {\mathsf{{DB}}}})\): Recall that n denotes the number of clients, t is the collusion bound, and \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\). Instantiate the LDC with message size L and smoothness \(s = \lambda \), and let k be the corresponding number of queries, M be the corresponding codeword size and \(\varSigma \) be the alphabet. Set \(k' = k^2t\) to be the number of virtual servers. Proceed as follows.

    • Database encoding. Generate the codeword \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}=\mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {LDC}}\left( \textsf {DB}\right) \) with \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}\in \varSigma ^M\).

    • Virtual server generation. For every \(1\le i\le k'\):

      • \(*\) Generate a PRP key \(K^i_{\textsf {PRP}}\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\), and an encryption key \(K^i_{\textsf {sym}}\leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}_{\textsf {sym}}\left( 1^{\lambda }\right) \).

      • \(*\) Let \(\widehat{\textsf {DB}}^i \in \varSigma ^M\) be a permuted database which satisfies \(\widehat{\textsf {DB}}^i_{P(K^i_{\textsf {PRP}}, j)} = \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_j\) for all \(j \in [M]\).

      • \(*\) Let \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i\) be the encrypted-permuted database with \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i_j = \mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {sym}}\left( K^i_{\textsf {sym}}, \widehat{\textsf {DB}}^i_j \right) \).

    • Committee generation. For every \(j \in [n]\), pick a random size-k subset \(\textsf {S}_j\subseteq \left[ k'\right] \).

    • Output. For each client \(C_j\), set the client key \({\mathsf {ck}}_j = (\textsf {S}_j, \left\{ K^i_{\textsf {PRP}},K^i_{\textsf {sym}}\ :\ i\in \textsf {S}_j\right\} )\) to consist of the description of the committee and the PRP and encryption keys of the virtual servers on the committee. Set the server state \(\textsf {st}_S = \{\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i~:~ i \in [k']\}\) to consist of the encrypted-permuted databases of every virtual server.

  • The \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Read }}}}\) protocol. To read database entry at location \(\textsf {addr}\in [L]\) from the server S, a client \(C_j\) with key \({\mathsf {ck}}_j = (\textsf {S}_j, \left\{ K^i_{\textsf {PRP}},K^i_{\textsf {sym}}\ :\ i\in \textsf {S}_j\right\} )\) operates as follows.

    • (Query.) Denote \(\textsf {S}_j = \{v_1,\ldots ,v_k\} \subseteq [k']\). Sample \(\left( r_{v_1},\cdots ,r_{v_k}\right) \leftarrow \textsf {Query}_{\textsf {LDC}}\left( \textsf {addr}\right) \), and for each \(v \in \textsf {S}_j\) set \(\hat{r}_{v}=P\left( K^{v}_{\textsf {PRP}},r_{v}\right) \) to be the query to virtual server v. For every \(v \in \left[ k'\right] \setminus \textsf {S}_j\), pick \(\hat{r}_v \in _R\left[ M\right] \) uniformly.

    • (Recover). Send \(\left( \hat{r}_1,\cdots ,\hat{r}_{k'}\right) \) to the server S and obtain the answers \(\left( \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^1_{\hat{r}_1},\cdots ,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{k'}_{\hat{r}_{k'}}\right) \). For every \(v = v_h \in \textsf {S}_j\), decrypt \(a_{h}=\mathsf{{Dec}} _{\textsf {sym}}\left( K_{\textsf {sym}}^{v},\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{v}_{\hat{r}_{v}}\right) \), and output \(\mathsf{{Dec}} _{\textsf {LDC}}\left( a_{1},\cdots ,a_{k}\right) \).

Remark. Note that in the above construction the server is completely static and stateless. Indeed the \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol simply consists of the client retrieving some subset of the locations from the server.

Proof of Security. We prove the following claim about the above construction.

Claim 1

Assuming the security of all of the building blocks, Construction 1 is B-bounded-access RO-PANDA for \(B = M/(2k^2)\).

Claim implies Theorem. It’s easy to see that Claim 1 immediately implies Theorem 4 by plugging in the LDC parameters from Theorem 3. In particular, for n clients, t collusion bound and database size L:

  • The client/server run-time is \(k' \log |\varSigma | = tk^2 \log |\varSigma | = t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ,\log L)\).

  • The client storage is \(k' \cdot ( \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ) + \log L) = t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ,\log L)\).

  • The server storage is \(\alpha = k' \cdot M \cdot \log |\varSigma | = tk^2 M \cdot \log |\varSigma | = t\cdot L^{1+\varepsilon }\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ,\log L) \).

  • The bound B is \(B = M/(2k^2) = \alpha /(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ,\log L))\).

Background Lemmas. To show that the construction is secure, we rely on two lemmas. The first lemma comes from the work of Canetti et al. [CHR17].

Lemma 1

(Lemma 1 in [CHR17]). Let \(X=\left( X_1,\cdots ,X_{m}\right) ,Y=\left( Y_1,\cdots ,Y_m\right) \) be l-wise independent random variables such that for every \(1\le i\le m\), \(X_i,Y_i\) are identically distributed. Assume also that there is a value \(\star \) such that \(\Pr \left[ X_i=\star \right] \ge 1-\delta \). Then \(\mathsf{{SD}} \left( X,Y\right) \le \left( m\delta \right) ^{l/2}+m^{l-1}\delta ^{l/2-1}\le 2m^{l-1}\delta ^{l/2-1} \le 2m (m^2 \delta )^{l/2-1}.\)

The second lemma (whose proof appears in the full version [HOWW18]) deals with the intersection size of random sets.

Lemma 2

Let \(T \subseteq [n]\) be an arbitrary set of size \(|T| \le t\). Let \(S_1,\cdots ,S_n\) be chosen as random subsets \(S_j \subseteq \left[ k'\right] \) of size \(|S_j| = k\), where \(k' = k^2t\). Then, for all \(\rho > 2e\), the probability that there exists some \(j \in [n]\setminus T\) such that \(|\left( \cup _{i \in T}S_i\right) \cap S_j| \ge \rho \) is at most \( n\cdot 2^{-\rho }\).

Proof of Claim. We are now ready to prove Claim 1.

Proof of Claim 1. The correctness of the scheme follows directly from the correctness of the LDC and the symmetric encryption scheme. We now argue security.

Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be a PPT adversary corrupting the server and a subset T of at most t clients. Let \(R^0,R^1\) be the two sequences of \(\textsf {read}\) operations of length \(q\le B\) which \(\mathcal {A}\) chooses in the security game. Without loss of generality, we can assume that \(R^0,R^1\) do not contain \(\textsf {read}\) operations by corrupted clients since \(\mathcal {A}\) can generate the corresponding accesses itself (and it does not affect the server state in any way). Let \(S_1,\ldots ,S_n\) be the random committees chosen during \(\textsf {Setup}\) and let \(E = \bigcup _{i \in T}S_i\). We proceed via a sequence of hybrids.

\(\mathbf {H_1}\) :

Hybrid \(H_1\) is the security game as in Definition 2.

\(\mathbf {H_2}\) :

In hybrid \(H_2\), for all \(i \not \in E\), we replace the encrypted database \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i\) by a dummy encryption (e.g.,) of the all 0 string.

Hybrids \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) are computationally indistinguishable by CPA security of the encryption scheme.

\(\mathbf {H_3}\) :

In hybrid \(H_3\), for all \(i \not \in E\) we replace all calls to the PRP \(P(K^{i}_{\textsf {PRP}}, \cdot )\) during the various executions of the \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol with a truly random permutation \(\pi ^i~:~ [M] \rightarrow [M]\).

Hybrids \(H_2\) and \(H_3\) are computationally indistinguishable by PRP security. Here we rely on the fact that in both hybrids the encrypted database \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i\) for \(i \not \in E\) is independent of the permutation.

\(\mathbf {H_4}\) :

In hybrid \({H_4}\), if during the committee selection in the \(\textsf {Setup}\) algorithm it occurs that there exists some \(j \in [n] \setminus T\) such that \(|E \cap S_j| \ge s/2\), then the game immediately halts.

Hybrids \(H_3\) and \(H_4\) are statistically indistinguishable by Lemma 2, where we set \(\rho = s/2\). Recall that \(s = \lambda \) and therefore \( n\cdot 2^{-\rho } = \mathsf{{negl}} (\lambda )\).

\(\mathbf {H_5}\) :

In hybrid \({H_5}\), we replace the queries \(\left( \hat{r}_1,\cdots ,\hat{r}_{k'}\right) \) created during the execution of each \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol with truly random values \(\left( {u}_1,\cdots ,{u}_{k'}\right) \leftarrow [M]^{k'}\).


The main technical difficulty is showing that hybrids \(H_4\) and \(H_5\) are (statistically) indistinguishable, which we do below. Once we do that, note that hybrid \(H_5\) is independent of the challenge bit b and therefore in hybrid \(H_5\) we have \( \Pr [b = b'] = \frac{1}{2}\). Since hybrids \(H_1\) and \(H_5\) are indistinguishable, it means that in hybrid \(H_1\) we must have \(|\Pr [b = b'] - \frac{1}{2}| = \mathsf{{negl}} (\lambda )\) which proves the claim.

We are left to show that hybrids \(H_4\) and \(H_5\) are statistically indistinguishable. We do this by showing that for every \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol execution, even if we fix the entire view of the adversary prior to this protocol, the queries sent during the protocol in hybrid \(H_4\) are statistically close to uniform. The protocol is executed by some honest client j with committee \(S_j = \{v_1,\ldots ,v_k\}\) and we know that \(|S_j \cap E| \le s/2\). Let \((\hat{r}_1,\ldots ,\hat{r}_{k'})\) be the distribution on the client queries in the protocol.

  1. (i)

    For all \(v \not \in S_j\) the values \(\hat{r}_v\) are chosen uniformly at random and independently by the client.

  2. (ii)

    For \(v \in S_j \cap E\), the values \(\hat{r}_{v} = P(K^{v}_{\textsf {PRP}}, r_v)\) are uniformly random by the s-wise independence of \(\{r_v\}_{v \in S_j}\) and the fact that \(|S_j \cap E| \le s/2\).

  3. (iii)

    For \(v \in S_j \setminus E\), we want to show that the values \(\hat{r}_{v} = \pi ^{v}(r_v)\) are statistically close to uniform, even if we condition on (i),(ii). Note that the values \(\{r_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) are \(s\mathrm{{/}}2\)-wise independent even conditioned on the above, and therefore so are the values \(\{\hat{r}_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\). For each v, let \(\mathcal {Z}_v \subseteq [M]\) be the set of values \(\pi ^{v}(r)\) that were queried in some prior protocol execution by some client. Then \(|\mathcal {Z}_v| \le B\). Note that if \(\hat{r}_v = \pi ^v(r_v) \not \in \mathcal {Z}_v\) then \(\hat{r}_{v}\) is simply uniform over \([M]\setminus \mathcal {Z}_{v}\) by the randomness of the permutation \(\pi ^{v}\). We can define random variables \(X_v\) where \(X_v = \hat{r}_v\) when \(\hat{r}_v \in \mathcal {Z}_{v}\) and \(X_v = \star \) otherwise. We can then think of sampling \(\{\hat{r}_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) by sampling \(\{X_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) and defining \(\hat{r}_v = X_v\) when \(X_v \ne \star \) and sampling \(\hat{r}_v\) uniformly at random over \([M]\setminus \mathcal {Z}_{v}\) otherwise. Note that \(\{X_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) is a set of \(|S_j \setminus E| \le k\) variables which are \(s\mathrm{{/}}2\)-wise independent and \(\Pr [X_v = \star ] \ge 1-\delta \) where \(\delta \le |\mathcal {Z}_v|/M \le B/M\). Therefore, by applying Lemma 1, the variables \(\{X_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) are statistically close to truly independent variables \(\{Y_v\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) such that each \(Y_v\) has the same marginal distribution as \(X_v\), where the statistical distance is \(2k (k^2B/M)^{s/4-1} \le 2k(1/2)^{s/4-1} = \mathsf{{negl}} (\lambda )\). Replacing the variables \(\{X_v\}\) by \(\{Y_v\}\) is equivalent to replacing the values \(\{\hat{r}_{v}\}_{v \in S_j \setminus E}\) by truly uniform and independent values.    \(\square \)

3.2 Public-Encoding PANDA

In this section we describe a public-encoding variant of bounded-access RO-PANDA schemes, which will be used to construct an unbounded-access RO-PANDA as well as PANDA schemes that support writes. At a high level, a public-encoding bounded-access PANDA scheme contains a key-generation algorithm \(\textsf {KeyGen}\) that generates a public key \(\textsf {pk}\) and a set \(\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} \) of client secret keys. Any database owner can locally encode the database using only the public key. The scheme guarantees privacy and anonymity, even if the adversary obtains a subset of the secret keys, as long as the honest clients make at most B accesses to the database. Furthermore, we allow the server to create many encodings of the same, or different, databases with respect to some labels \(\mathsf {lab}\), and the clients can generate accesses using the corresponding label \(\mathsf {lab}\). As long as the clients make at most B accesses with respect to any one label, security is maintained.

Definition 4

(Public-Encoding PANDA). A public-encoding PANDA (PE-PANDA) consists of a tuple of algorithms \(\left( \textsf {KeyGen},\textsf {Encode},\textsf {Query},\textsf {Recover}\right) \) with the following syntax.

  • \(\textsf {KeyGen}(1^\lambda , 1^n, 1^t, 1^L)\) is a PPT algorithm that takes as input a security parameter \(\lambda \), the number of clients n, and the collusion bound t, and a database size L. It outputs a public key \(\textsf {pk}\), and a set of client secret keys \(\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\).

  • \(\textsf {Encode}(\textsf {pk}, \textsf {DB}, \mathsf {lab})\) is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a public-key \(\textsf {pk}\), a database \(\textsf {DB}\), and a label \(\mathsf {lab}\), and outputs an encoded database \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}\).

  • \(\textsf {Query}(\textsf {ck}_j, \textsf {addr}, \mathsf {lab})\) is a PPT algorithm that takes as input a secret-key \(\textsf {ck}_j\), an address \(\textsf {addr}\) in a database, and a label \(\mathsf {lab}\), and generates a list \(\left( q_1,\cdots ,q_{k'}\right) \) of coordinates in the encoded database.

  • \(\textsf {Recover}\left( \textsf {ck}_j,\mathsf {lab},\left( \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_1},\cdots ,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_{k'}}\right) \right) \) is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a secret-key \(\textsf {ck}\), a label \(\mathsf {lab}\), and a list \(\left( \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_1},\cdots ,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_{k'}}\right) \) of entries in an encoded database, and outputs a database value \(\mathsf {val}\).

We require that it satisfies the following correctness and security properties.

  • Correctness: For every \(\lambda ,n,t,L\in \mathbb {N}\), every \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\), every label \(\mathsf {lab}\in \{0,1\}^*\), every address \(\textsf {addr}\in \left[ L\right] \), and every client \(j\in \left[ n\right] \):

    $$ \Pr \left[ \begin{array}{c} \left( \textsf {pk},\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\right) \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n, 1^t,1^L\right) \\ \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}=\textsf {Encode}\left( \textsf {pk},\textsf {DB},\mathsf {lab}\right) \\ \left( q_1,\cdots ,q_{k'}\right) \leftarrow \textsf {Query}\left( \textsf {ck}_j,\textsf {addr},\mathsf {lab}\right) \\ \mathsf {val}= \textsf {Recover}\left( \textsf {ck}_j,\mathsf {lab},\left( \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_1},\cdots ,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_{k'}}\right) \right) \end{array}: \mathsf {val}=\textsf {DB}_{\textsf {addr}}\right] =1.$$
  • B-Bounded-Access Security: Every PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has only \(\mathsf{{negl}} \left( \lambda \right) \) advantage in the following security game with a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\):

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) sends to \(\mathcal {C}\) values ntL, and a subset \(T\subset \left[ n\right] \) of size \(|T| \le t\).

    • \(\mathcal {C}\) executes \(\left( \textsf {pk},\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\right) \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n, 1^t,1^L\right) \) and sends \(\textsf {pk}\) and \(\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} _{j\in T}\) to \(\mathcal {A}\). Additionally, \(\mathcal {C}\) picks a random bit b.

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) is given access to the oracle \(\textsf {Query}^b_{\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} }\) that on input \(\left( j_0,j_1,\,\textsf {addr}_0,\right. \left. \textsf {addr}_1,\mathsf {lab}\right) \) such that \(j_0,j_1\notin T\), outputs \(\textsf {Query}\left( \textsf {ck}_{j_b},\textsf {addr}_b,\mathsf {lab}\right) \). We restrict \(\mathcal {A}\) to make at most B queries to the oracle with any given label \(\mathsf {lab}\), but allow it to make an unlimited number of queries in total.

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\).

    The advantage \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) \) of \(\mathcal {A}\) in the security game is defined as: \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) =|\Pr \left[ b'=b\right] -\frac{1}{2}|\).

Next, we construct a public-encoding PANDA scheme, based on our bounded-access PANDA scheme (Construction 1 in Sect. 3.1). The high-level idea is to use fresh PRP keys for every label, by creating them via a PRF applied to the label. The public key of the server contains FHE encryptions of the PRF keys. This enables the server to create the encoded-permuted databases for each virtual server, as in Construction 1, by operating on the PRF keys under FHE.

Construction 2

(Public-Encoding PANDA). The scheme uses the same building blocks as Construction 1. In addition we rely on:

  • A pseudo-random function \(F ~:~ \{0,1\}^{\lambda } \times \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\lambda \).

  • The symmetric-key encryption scheme in Construction 1 will be replaced by a symmetric-key leveled FHE scheme \(\left( \textsf {KeyGen}_{\textsf {FHE}},\mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {FHE}},\mathsf{{Dec}} _{\textsf {FHE}},\mathsf{{Eval}} _{\textsf {FHE}}\right) \).

The scheme consists of the following algorithms:

  • \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{KeyGen}}}}\left( 1^\lambda ,1^n,1^t,1^{L}\right) \) operates as follows:

    • Let the parameters \(s, k, M, k'\) be chosen the same way as in Construction 1.

    • For every virtual server \(i\in \left[ k'\right] \):

      • \(*\) Generates a random FHE key \(K^i_{\textsf {FHE}}\leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}_{\textsf {FHE}}\left( 1^{\lambda }\right) \). We use a leveled FHE that can evaluate circuits up to some fixed polynomial depth \(d = \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log M)\) specified later.

      • \(*\) Generates a random PRF key \(K^i_{\textsf {PRF}}\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\).

      • \(*\) Encrypts the PRF key: \(\widetilde{K}^i_{\textsf {PRF}}\leftarrow \mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {FHE}}\left( K^i_{\textsf {FHE}},K^i_{\textsf {PRF}}\right) \).

    • Generates the random size-k committee \(\textsf {S}_j\subseteq \left[ k'\right] \) for every \(1\le j\le n\).

    • Outputs the public key \(\textsf {pk}=\left( L, \left\{ \widetilde{K}^i_{\textsf {PRF}}\right\} _{i\in \left[ k'\right] }\right) \), and the secret keys \(\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j= \left( \textsf {S}_j, L ,\left\{ K^i_{\textsf {PRF}},K^i_{\textsf {FHE}}\ :\ i\in \textsf {S}_j\right\} \right) \right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\).

  • \({{\mathbf {\mathsf{{Encode}}}}}\left( {\mathbf {\mathsf{{pk}}}}=\left( L, \left\{ \widetilde{K}^i_{{\mathbf {\mathsf{{PRF}}}}}\right\} _{i\in \left[ k'\right] }\right) , {\mathbf {\mathsf{{DB}}}},\mathsf {lab}\right) \) operates as follows:

    • Let \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}=\mathsf{{Enc}} _{\textsf {LDC}}\left( \textsf {DB}\right) \) using and LDC with parameters skLM as in the \(\textsf {Setup}\) algorithm of Construction 1.

    • For every \(i\in \left[ k'\right] \):

      • \(*\) Generates an encrypted key \(\widetilde{K}^i_{\textsf {PRP}}=\mathsf{{Eval}} _{\textsf {FHE}}\left( C_{F,\mathsf {lab}}\left( \cdot \right) ,\widetilde{K}^i_{\textsf {PRF}}\right) \), where \(C_{F,x}\left( \cdot \right) \) is the circuit that on input K computes \(F\left( K,x\right) \).

      • \(*\) Generate an encrypted-permuted database \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i=\mathsf{{Eval}} _{\textsf {FHE}}\left( C_{P,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}}\left( \cdot \right) ,\right. \left. \widetilde{K}^i_{\textsf {PRP}}\right) \), where \(C_{P,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}}\left( \cdot \right) \) is the circuit that on input K computes the permuted database \(\widehat{\textsf {DB}}\) which satisfies \(\widehat{\textsf {DB}}_{P(K, j)}^i = \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_j\) for all \(j \in [M]\).

    • Outputs \(\left( \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^1,\cdots ,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{k'}\right) \).

  • \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Query}}}}, {\mathbf {\mathsf{{Recover}}}}\). These algorithms work the same way as the two stages of the \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol in Construction 1 where the client sets \(K^i_{\textsf {PRP}} := F\left( K^i_{\textsf {PRF}},\mathsf {lab}\right) \) and \(K^i_{\textsf {sym}} :=K^i_{\textsf {FHE}}\) for \(i \in \textsf {S}_j\).

Leveled FHE Remark. In the above construction we set parameter d representing the maximum circuit depth for the leveled FHE to be the combined depth of the circuits \(C_{F,x}\left( \cdot \right) \) and \(C_{P,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}}\left( \cdot \right) \) defined above. Since we can use a permutation network which permutes data of size M in depth \(\log M\), so we have \(d = \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log M)\). We assume that the leveled FHE scheme allows us to compute circuits C of depth d in time \(|C|\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda ,d)\).

In the full version [HOWW18] we prove the following theorem:

Theorem 5

(Public-Encoding PANDA). Suppose leveled FHE exists. Then for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\) there is a PE-PANDA scheme with B-bounded access security, for n clients, t collusion bound and database size L where:

  • The complexity of \(\textsf {Query}\) and \(\textsf {Recover}\) procedures is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server public key and the client secret keys are each of size \(t\,{\cdot } \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The complexity of the encoding procedure and the size of the encoded database is \(\alpha \le t \cdot L^{1+\varepsilon }\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The access bound is \(B = \alpha / (t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L))\).

3.3 Read-Only PANDA with Unbounded Accesses

In this section we use the public-encoding PANDA scheme of Sect. 3.2, which has B-bounded-access security, to obtain a read-only PANDA scheme that is secure against any unbounded number of accesses.

The high-level idea of our construction is conceptually simple: after every B operations, the server re-encodes the database with a fresh label. We think of these sequences of B consecutive accesses as “epochs”, and the label is simply a counter indicating the current epoch. The clients get the current epoch number by reading it from the server before performing an access.

Construction 3

(Read-only PANDA). The scheme uses a PE-PANDA scheme \(\left( \textsf {KeyGen},\textsf {Encode},\textsf {Query},\textsf {Recover}\right) \) with B-bounded-access security as a building block. We define the following procedures.

  • \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Setup}}}} (1^\lambda ,1^n,1^t, {\mathbf {\mathsf{{DB}}}})\). Takes as input a security parameter \(\lambda \), the number of clients n, a collusion bound t, and a database \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\). It does the following.

    • Counter initialization. Initializes an epoch counter \(\textsf {count}_e\), and a step counter \(\textsf {count}_s\), to 0.

    • Generating keys. Runs \(\left( \textsf {pk},\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j\right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\right) \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n, 1^t,1^{L}\right) \).

    • Encoding the database. Runs \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}=\textsf {Encode}\left( \textsf {pk},\textsf {DB},\textsf {count}_e\right) \).

    • Output. For each client \(C_j,1\le j\le n\) set the client key to \({\mathsf {ck}}_j := \textsf {ck}_j\). For the server S set \(\textsf {st}_S := (\textsf {pk}, \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}, \textsf {count}_e,\textsf {count}_s)\).

  • The \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Read }}}}\,\)Protocol. To read the data block at address \(\textsf {addr}\) from the server, a client \(C_j\) and the server S run the following protocol.

    • The client reads the epoch counter \(\textsf {count}_e\) from S.

    • The client runs \(\left( q_1,\cdots ,q_{k'}\right) \leftarrow \textsf {Query}\left( \textsf {ck}_j,\textsf {addr},\textsf {count}_e\right) \), and sends \(\left( q_1,\cdots ,q_{k'}\right) \) to S.

    • The server computes \(a_i = \widetilde{\textsf {DB}}_{q_{i}}\) and sends back the values \(\left( a_1,\cdots ,a_{k'}\right) \) to the client.

    • The client recovers \(\textsf {DB}_{\textsf {addr}} = \textsf {Recover}\left( \textsf {ck}_j,\textsf {count}_e,\left( a_1,\cdots ,a_{k'}\right) \right) \).

    • The server S updates its state as follows: if \(\textsf {count}_s<B-1\), S updates \(\textsf {count}_s := \textsf {count}_s+1\). Otherwise, S updates \(\textsf {count}_s:=0,\textsf {count}_e:= \textsf {count}_e+1\), and replaces \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}:= \textsf {Encode}\left( \textsf {pk},\textsf {DB},\textsf {count}_e\right) \). If the complexity of the computation \(\textsf {Encode}\left( \textsf {pk},\textsf {DB},\textsf {count}_e\right) \) is \(c_{\textsf {Encode}}\), the server performs \(c_{\textsf {Encode}}/B\) steps of this computation during each protocol execution so that it is completed by the end of the epoch.

In the full version [HOWW18] we prove the following theorem:

Theorem 6

(Read-Only PANDA). Suppose leveled FHE exists. Then for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\) there is a read-only PANDA, for n clients, t collusion bound and database size L where:

  • The client/server complexity during each \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The client keys are of size \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server state is of size \(t \cdot L^{1+\varepsilon }\cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

4 PANDA with Public-Writes

In this section we extend the read-only scheme of Sect. 3 to support writes in the public database setting. In the full version [HOWW18] we design a PANDA scheme that supports writes in the private database setting.

Our PANDA scheme for public databases supports \(\textsf {write}\) operations, but only guarantee privacy of \(\textsf {read}\) operations. We call this primitive a Public-Writes PANDA (PW-PANDA). Notice that this is the “best possible” security guarantee when there is (even) a (single) corrupted client. (Indeed, as the database is public, a corrupted coalition can always learn what values were written to which locations by simply reading the entire database after every operation.) We note that it suffices to consider this weaker security guarantee when all clients are honest, since any public-writes PANDA scheme can be generically transformed into a PANDA scheme which guarantees the privacy of \(\textsf {write}\) operations when all clients are honest. Indeed, one can implement a (standard) single-client ORAM scheme on top of the public-writes PANDA scheme, for which all clients know the private client key. (We note that the transformation might require FHE-encrypting the PANDA, to allow the server to perform operations on the PANDA which are caused by client operations on the ORAM.)

We now formally define the notion of a public-writes PANDA scheme.

Definition 5

(Public-Writes PANDA (PW-PANDA)). A public-writes PANDA (PW-PANDA) scheme consists of procedures \(\left( \textsf {Setup},\textsf {Read},\textsf {Write}\right) \), where \(\textsf {Setup},\textsf {Read}\) have the syntax of Definition 2, and \(\textsf {Write}\) has the following syntax. It is a protocol between the server S and a client \(C_j\). The client holds as input an address \(\textsf {addr}\in [L]\), a value v, and the client key \({\mathsf {ck}}_j\), and the server holds its current states \(\textsf {st}_S\). The output of the protocol is an updated server state \(\textsf {st}_S'\).

We require the following correctness and security properties.

  • Correctness: In any execution of the \(\textsf {Setup}\) algorithm followed by a sequence of \(\textsf {Read}\) and \(\textsf {Write}\) protocols between various clients and the server, where the \(\textsf {Write}\) protocols were executed with a sequence Q of values, the output of each client in a \(\textsf {read}\) operation is the value it would have read from the database if (the prefix of) Q (performed before the corresponding \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol) was performed directly on the database.

  • Security: Any PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has only \(\mathsf{{negl}} \left( \lambda \right) \) advantage in the following security game with a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\):

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) sends to \(\mathcal {C}\):

      • \(*\) The values nt, and the database \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\).

      • \(*\) A subset \(T\subset \left[ n\right] \) of corrupted clients with \(|T| \le t\).

      • \(*\) A pair of access sequences \(Q^0=\left( \textsf {op}_l,\mathsf {val}_l^0,j_l^0,\textsf {addr}_l^0\right) _{1\le l\le q},Q^1=\left( \textsf {op}_l,\mathsf {val}_l^1,j_l^1,\textsf {addr}_l^1\right) _{1\le l\le q}\), where \(\left( \textsf {op}_l,\mathsf {val}_l^b,j_l^b,\textsf {addr}_l^b\right) \) denotes that client \(j_l^b\) performs operation \(\textsf {op}_l\) at address \(\textsf {addr}_l^b\) with value \(\mathsf {val}_l^b\) (which, if \(\textsf {op}_l=\textsf {read}\), is \(\perp \)).

      We require that \(\left( \textsf {op}_l,\mathsf {val}_l^0,j_l^0,\textsf {addr}_l^0\right) = \left( \textsf {op}_l,\mathsf {val}_l^1,j_l^1,\textsf {addr}_l^1\right) \) for every \(l\in \left[ q\right] \) such that \(j_l^0\in T \vee j_l^1\in T\); and \(\left( \mathsf {val}_l^0,\textsf {addr}_l^0\right) = \left( \mathsf {val}_l^1,\textsf {addr}_l^1\right) \) for every \(l\in \left[ q\right] \) such that \(\textsf {op}_l=\textsf {write}\) (in particular, \(\textsf {write}\) operations differ only in the identity of the client performing the operation).

    • \(\mathcal {C}\) performs the following:

      • \(*\) Picks a random bit \(b\leftarrow \{0,1\}\).

      • \(*\) Initializes the scheme by computing \(\textsf {Setup}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n, 1^t,\textsf {DB}\right) \).

      • \(*\) Sequentially executes the sequence \(Q^b\) of \(\textsf {Read}\) and \(\textsf {Write}\) protocol executions between the honest server and clients. It sends to \(\mathcal {A}\) the views of the server S and the corrupted clients \(\left\{ C_j\right\} _{j\in T}\) during these protocol executions, where the view of each party consists of its internal state, randomness, and all protocol messages received.

    • \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a bit \(b'\).

    The advantage \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) \) of \(\mathcal {A}\) in the security game is defined as: \({\textsf {Adv}}_{\mathcal {A}}\left( \lambda \right) =|\Pr \left[ b'=b\right] -\frac{1}{2}|\).

Construction Outline. As outlined in the introduction, the public-writes PANDA scheme consists of \(\log L\) levels of increasing size (growing from top to bottom), each containing size-\(\lambda \) “buckets” that hold several data blocks, and implemented with a B-bounded-access PE-PANDA scheme. To initialize our PANDA scheme, we generate PE-PANDA public- and secret-keys for every level. Initially, all levels are empty, except for the lowest level, which consists of a PE-PANDA for the database \(\textsf {DB}\). \(\textsf {read}\) operations will look for the data block in all levels (returning the top-most copy),Footnote 9 whereas \(\textsf {write}\) operations will write to the top-most level, causing a reshuffle at predefined intervals to prevent levels from overflowing. We note that adding a new copy of the data block (instead of updating the existing data block wherever it is located) allows us to change only the content of the top level. This is crucial to obtaining a non-trivial scheme, since levels are implemented using a read-only PANDA, and so can only be updated by generating a new scheme for the entire content of the level, which might be expensive (and so must not be performed too often for lower levels).

Notice that since the levels are implemented using a PE-PANDA scheme (which, in particular, is only secure against a bounded number of accesses), security is guaranteed only as long as each level is accessed at most an a-priori bounded number of times. To guarantee security against any (polynomial) number of accesses, we “regenerate” each level when the number of times it has been accessed reaches the bound. This regeneration is performed by running the \(\textsf {Encode}\) algorithm of the PE-PANDA scheme with a new label, consisting of the epoch number of the current level and the number of regeneration operations performed during the current epoch (this guarantees that every label is used at most once in each level). In summary, each level can be updated in one of two forms: (1) through a reshuffle operation that merges an upper level into it; or (2) through a regenerate operation, in which the PE-PANDA of the level is updated (but the actual data blocks stored in it do not change). We note that (unlike standard hierarchical ORAM) the reshuffling and regeneration need not be done obliviously, since the server knows the contents of all levels.

As in the introduction, we associate a public hash function with each level, which is used to map data blocks into buckets, thus overcoming the issue that the PE-PANDA scheme is designed for an array structure (in particular, reading a certain data block requires knowing its index in the array), whereas the hierarchical structure causes the structure implemented in each level to be a map, since levels contain a subset of (not necessarily consecutive) data blocks. (In particular, since this subset depends on previous \(\textsf {write}\) operations performed on the PANDA, a client does not know the map structure of the levels, and consequently will not know in which location to look for the desired data block.)

We now formally describe the construction. We assume for simplicity of the exposition that B is a multiple of \(\lambda \).

Construction 4

(Public-writes PANDA). The scheme uses the following building blocks:

  • A PE-PANDA scheme \(\left( \textsf {KeyGen},\textsf {Encode},\textsf {Query},\textsf {Recover}\right) \).

  • A hash function family h (used to map data blocks to buckets).

We define the following protocols.

  • \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Setup}}}}(1^\lambda ,1^n,1^t,{\mathbf {\mathsf{{DB}}}})\): Recall that n denotes the number of clients, t is the collusion bound, and \(\textsf {DB}\in \{0,1\}^L\). It does the following.

    • Counter initialization. Initialize a counter \(\textsf {count}_W\) to 0. (\(\textsf {count}_W\) counts the total number of writes performed so far.)

    • Generating level counters and keys. For every \(1\le i\le \ell \), where \(\ell =\log L\) is the number of levels:

      • Run \(\left( \textsf {pk}^i,\left\{ \textsf {ck}_j^i\right\} _{j\in \left[ n\right] }\right) \leftarrow \textsf {KeyGen}\left( 1^{\lambda },1^n,1^t,1^{2^i\cdot \lambda }\right) \).

      • Pick a random hash function \(h^i\) for level i.

      • Initialize a write-epoch counter \(\textsf {count}_W^i\), a read-epoch counter \(\textsf {count}_R^i\), and a step counter \(\textsf {count}_s^i\), to 0.Footnote 10

    • Generate an encoded database using the \(\textsf {InitLevel}\) procedure of Fig. 1:

      $$\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{\ell }\leftarrow \textsf {InitLevel}\left( \ell ,\textsf {pk}^{\ell },h^{\ell },\textsf {count}_W^{\ell },\textsf {count}_R^{\ell },\textsf {DB}'\right) $$

      where \(\textsf {DB}'=\left( \left( 1,b_1\right) ,\ldots ,\left( L,b_L\right) \right) \),Footnote 11 and set level \(\ell \) to be \(\textsf {L}^{\ell }=\left( \textsf {DB}',\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^\ell \right) \).

    • Output. For each client \(C_j\), set the client key \({\mathsf {ck}}_j =\left( \left\{ \textsf {ck}_j^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] },\left\{ h^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] }\right) \) to consist of its secret keys, and the hash functions, for all levels. Set the server state

      $$\textsf {st}_S =\left( \textsf {count}_W,\left\{ \textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i,\textsf {count}_s^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] }, \left\{ \textsf {pk}^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] },\left\{ h^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] },\textsf {L}^{\ell }\right) $$

      to consist of all counters, its public keys and the hash functions of all levels, and the contents of level \(\ell \).

  • The \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Read }}}}\) protocol. To read the database value at location \(\textsf {addr}\in [L]\) from the server S, a client \(C_j\) with key \(\left( \left\{ \textsf {ck}_j^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] },\left\{ h^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] }\right) \) and the server S run the following protocol.

    • The client \(C_j\) initializes an output value \(\mathsf {val}\) to \(\perp \).

    • \(C_j\) performs the following for every non-empty level i from \(\ell \) to 1:

      • \(*\) Obtaining database label. Read \(\textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i\) from S.

      • \(*\) Computing bucket index. Computes \(l=h^i\left( \textsf {addr}\right) \). (If \(\textsf {addr}\) appears in level i, it will be in bucket \(\textsf {Buc}_l\).)

      • \(*\) Reads \(\textsf {Buc}_l\) from level i, namely for every \(\left( l-1\right) \cdot \lambda +1\le m\le l\cdot \lambda \):

        • Runs \(\left( q_1,\ldots ,q_z\right) \leftarrow \textsf {Query}\left( \textsf {ck}_j^i,m,\left( \textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i\right) \right) \), sends \(\left( q_1,\ldots ,q_z\right) \) to S, and obtains answers \(\left( a_1,\ldots ,a_z\right) \).

        • Runs \(\left( \textsf {addr}',\mathsf {val}'\right) = \textsf {Recover}\left( \textsf {ck}_j^i,\left( \textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i\right) ,\left( a_1,\ldots ,a_z\right) \right) \).

        • If \(\textsf {addr}'=\textsf {addr}\) then set \(\mathsf {val}:= \mathsf {val}'\).

    • The server S updates its state as follows: if \(\textsf {count}_s^i<B_i-\lambda \), S updates \(\textsf {count}_s^i\leftarrow \textsf {count}_s^i+\lambda \).Footnote 12 Otherwise, S updates \(\textsf {count}_s^i=0,\textsf {count}_R^i\leftarrow \textsf {count}_R^i+1\), and sets \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i:=\textsf {Encode}\left( \textsf {pk}^i,\textsf {DB}^i,\left( \textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i\right) \right) \) (where \(\textsf {L}^i=\left( \textsf {DB}^i,\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^i\right) \)).

  • The \({\mathbf {\mathsf{{Write }}}}\) protocol. To write value \(\mathsf {val}\) at location \(\textsf {addr}\in [L]\) on the server S, a client \(C_j\) with key \(\left( \left\{ \textsf {ck}_j^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] },\left\{ h^i\right\} _{i\in \left[ \ell \right] }\right) \) and the server S run the following protocol.

    • The client \(C_j\) generates a “dummy” level 0 which contains a single data block \(\left( \textsf {addr},\mathsf {val}\right) \), and sends it to the server.

    • The server S updates its state as follows:

      • \(*\) \(\textsf {count}_W:= \textsf {count}_W+1\).

      • \(*\) For \(i=0,1,\ldots ,\ell \) such that \(2^i\) divides \(\textsf {count}_W\), S reshuffles level i into level \(i+1\) using the \(\textsf {ReShuffle}\) procedure of Fig. 1, namely executes

        $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \textsf {ReShuffle}(&i,\textsf {count}_W^i,\textsf {count}_R^i,\textsf {count}_s^i,\textsf {count}_W^{i+1},\textsf {count}_R^{i+1},\textsf {count}_s^{i+1},\\&\textsf {pk}^{i+1},h^{i+1},\textsf {L}^i,\textsf {L}^{i+1}) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

        where \(\textsf {L}^i,\textsf {L}^{i+1}\) are the contents of levels i and \(i+1\) (respectively). If before executing \(\textsf {ReShuffle}\) for level i, \(\textsf {L}^{i+1}\) is empty (following a previous reshuffle, or because it has not yet been initialized), then S first sets \(\textsf {L}^{i+1}:=\left( \textsf {DB}_{\emptyset },\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{i+1}\right) \) where \(\textsf {DB}_{\emptyset }\) is the empty database, and \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}\) is generated using the \(\textsf {InitLevel}\) procedure of Fig. 1: \(\widetilde{\textsf {DB}}^{i+1}:=\textsf {InitLevel}\left( i+1,\textsf {pk}^{i+1},h^{i+1},\textsf {count}_W^{i+1},\textsf {count}_R^{i+1},\textsf {DB}_{\emptyset }\right) \).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Procedures used in Construction 4

In the full version [HOWW18] we prove the following theorem:

Theorem 7

(Public-writes PANDA). Suppose leveled FHE exists. Then for any constant \(\varepsilon >0\) there is a PW-PANDA, for n clients, t collusion bound and database size L, where:

  • The client/server complexity during each \(\textsf {Read}\) protocol is \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The client complexity during each \(\textsf {Write}\) protocol is \(O(\log L)\), and the amortized server complexity is \( t \cdot L^{\varepsilon } \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The client keys are of size \(t \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

  • The server state is \( t\cdot L^{1+\varepsilon } \cdot \mathsf{{poly} }(\lambda , \log L)\).

Remark on De-amortization. We note that using a technique of Ostrovsky and Shoup [OS97], the server complexity in Theorem 7 can be de-amortized, by slightly modifying Construction 4 to allow the server to spread-out the reshuffling process. More specifically, we only need to modify the order in which reshuffles are performed in the \(\textsf {Write}\) algorithm, such that the operations needed for reshuffle can be executed over multiple accesses to the PANDA. (We note that the server complexity caused by \(\textsf {Encode}\) operations in the \(\textsf {Read}\) algorithm can be de-amortized as in Construction 3.) See the full version [HOWW18] for additional details.