
Column: Foundation of Structural Science

Building upon and following the example of our successful column “Paradigms and Paradoxes,” coordinated by Consulting Editor Joel F. Liebman, Structural Chemistry opens a new column, “Foundation of Structural Science” to be coordinated by Istvan Hargittai. This column provides the possibility of contributions dealing with historical aspects, personalia, discussion of general principles of structural chemistry and related areas, and other relevant topics. The title of the new column is broader than structural chemistry on purpose. Our journal has also expanded beyond structural chemistry toward structural biology, areas of physics, and materials science. Crystallography itself has been considered the science of structures already for a long time.

Our past experience shows that quite a few papers that could be considered to belong to this new column have generated rather large, sometimes even record, numbers of downloads. Contributions may be research papers, brief communications, reviews, remembrances, obituaries, accounts of laboratories, and suchlike. Potential contributions should be submitted as any other contribution to our journal, and they will be processed as any other contribution. Please indicate upon submission if the contribution is intended for the column “Foundation of Structural Science.”


  • Istvan Hargittai

    Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1521 Budapest, P.O. Box 91, Hungary

Articles (32 in this collection)